This is an excerpt from a radio address given by Senator Huey Long on February 10, 1935.

Mr. Roosevelt rode in on a program that he was going to bring poverty to an absolute end…. He promised to bring down these fortunes. He promised to see there was no such thing as a man without a home and the comforts of a home. He promised there would be no such thing as an unemployed man, and if you consider the fact that 54% of the farm labor is unemployed today, and if you will add these to the industrial statistics, you have got 21,000,000 unemployed…. Count 2½ to 3 people to every unemployed person, since one man usually earns the bread for three, and you have half of the American people today unemployed…. If Mr. Roosevelt [had kept] his promises to the American people, we won’t have all of this trouble.
What criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt is evident in this excerpt?


A) President Roosevelt proposed using the resources of the federal government but did not have the power to mobilize those resources.

B)President Roosevelt focused on helping unemployed agricultural workers but did nothing to help unemployed industrial workers.

C)President Roosevelt did not do enough to address the issues of unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

D)President Roosevelt put too much emphasis on the redistribution of wealth and not enough on ending homelessness.


Answer 1

The criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt evident in the excerpt from a radio address given by Senator Huey Long is C) President Roosevelt did not do enough to address the issues of unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

What were the main points of Senator Huey Long's radio address?

The radio address by Senator Huey Long termed "Share Our Wealth Speech" advocated for the government to limit poverty and:

Provide a reasonably comfortable home for every deserving American family. Pay old-age pensions of $30 per month to persons over 60 years of age.Minimize work hours to an extent as to avoid overproduction and to give the workers some share in the recreation.Make equal agricultural production to what can be sold and consumed.Take care of the veterans of our wars

Thus, Senator Huey Long's view was that President Roosevelt did not do enough to address the issues of unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

Learn more about Senator Huey Long's view at


Related Questions

Explain how the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars eventually led to the conquest of Greece by the Macedonians.


The Peloponnesian War did indeed pave the way for Philip II. The war resulted in events directly and indirectly leading to Philip II’s conquest of Greece.

Indirectly: The power vacuum

The two rivals - Athens and Sparta - had beaten each other to exhaustion during the conflict. Moreover, their alliances - the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League - had been resolved. There were no superpowers for an aspiring contender to stay clear of any more. The former superpowers were now just that: Former.

Then there was Thebes, which briefly took over hegemony of Greece after decisively defeating the weakened Spartans at Leuctra and Mantinea. Thebes did not have the makings of Empire. Thebans were neither mariner Athenians nor badass Spartans. They just didn’t inspire anyone, not even their neighbors in the Boeotean League, to stay the course. Their brief hegemony had been the result of two charismatic leaders (Epaminondas and Pelopidas) perfectly timed with Sparta’s weakened state.

In other words, the coast was now clear for a new power like Macedon to rise up and take the lead.

Directly: The Macedonian Hostage

Before rising to the throne of Macedon, Philip had been held hostage in Thebes. As a young prince he was privileged and spent time with the likes of Epaminondas, Pelopidas and Pammenes. Their influence had probably been immense as he received military and diplomatic training from them. These were the very men who had innovated warfare with the Oblique Phalanx and the Sacred Band’s dense shock formation to beat Spartans at their own game.

Consequently, Philip knew every trick up their sleeve. More importantly, he had learned to innovate and change the paradigm. He was about to deliver Thebes the same blow Thebes had dealt the Spartans with a few innovations of his own. At the battle of Chaeronea 20 years later, the ex hostage-pupil-guest Philip would extinguish his former hosts’ hopes at hegemony once and for all.

the romans contributed aspects of their history to the foundations of american government. what are these aspects? (choose all that apply)


The Romans contributed several aspects of their history to the foundations of American government. These aspects include separation of powers, rule of law, public office, written law codes, representative government, and the concept of citizenship.

Separation of Powers refers to the concept of having three branches of government – the executive, legislative, and judicial branches – that all have separate and independent powers and responsibilities. This is designed to prevent any one branch from having too much power.

The Rule of Law states that all citizens and government officials must obey the law and are held accountable for their actions, regardless of their status or power. This is to prevent the arbitrary exercise of authority by government officials.

Public office refers to public service positions held by officials, who are appointed or elected to represent the people. These officials are held accountable to the people, and are expected to fulfill their duties with integrity.

Written Law Codes refer to the written laws that dictate the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors for citizens and government officials. This ensures that the law is followed consistently and fairly.

Representative government is the system of government in which citizens have the right to elect representatives to act on their behalf. This gives citizens a voice in government decision-making, as well as the ability to hold their representatives accountable for their actions.

Citizenship is the concept of being a member of a nation or state. Citizens have certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities, which is designed to promote a sense of community and connection among members.

To know more about Romans  refer here :


Please help me write a reply post in at least 50 words! Indicating I read the post.


The summary of the above text is given as follows: the article reports on the recent use of the death penalty in a new city and the current status of the death penalty.

What is the summary of the above text?

The document mentions a federal jury recommending the death penalty for a man who killed eight people and injured 12 others in an attack on a truck in New York City, but ultimately the man was spared from the death penalty.

The article and textbook both provide factual information on the death penalty without taking a clear stance. The author of the response believes the situation described in the article is not complex and supports the use of the death penalty for such acts, but recognizes the costs and acknowledges both sides.

Learn more about summary  at:


Please help I’m really struggling bro



The answer is D. Congress passed the Selective Service Act and established the draft


Women took over after the men left in the draft

I have took. It before

- Part A: Briefly describe ONE perspective about politics in the 1830s expressed in the image.

- Part B: Briefly explain ONE specific event or development that led to the perspective expressed in the image.

- Part C: Briefly explain ONE specific effect of the political developments referenced by the image.


Based on this picture, one interpretation of politics in the 1830s is that Andrew Jackson behaved more like a king than a president.

How did Andrew Jackson view the relationship between the Union and the states?

Jackson disliked national banks, so he withdrew all the money from it and transferred it to private institutions in the United States.

Jackson signed the specie circular, which required people to pay in gold in order to purchase public property. Despite the fact that the bank ran out of money and fell into a depression that sparked the Panic of 1837, the high demand for property was to blame.

Jackson believed that the Bank of the United States was an institution that was appointed, according to his interpretation of government authority as stated in his letter to Congress. As a result, people would not hold it accountable. According to Webster's definition of government, Jackson was criticizing a government agency.

To know more about Andrew Jackson, visit:


Which type of government did Nigeria, Mali, and Mauritania each establish
immediately after winning independence from colonial powers?
A. Military dictatorships
B. Representative democracies
C. Islamic theocracies
D. Constitutional monarchies


After winning indepence, the government did Nigeria, Mali, and Mauritania each establish Military dictatorships. Option A

What is the type of government did Nigeria, Mali, and Mauritania each establish immediately after winning independence from colonial powers

After gaining independence from colonial powers, Nigeria, Mali, and Mauritania each established representative democracies as their form of government.

However, all three countries experienced varying degrees of instability, including military coups and civil wars, in the years following their independence.

Learn more about Military dictatorships at


what is the main idea of this passage from aeropagitica? identify at least two supporting arguments milton uses in the text


The main idea of this passage from Aeropagitica is that censorship is not an effective means of controlling ideas and opinions. Two supporting arguments Milton uses in the text are that censorship only suppresses truth and hinders intellectual growth, and that the individual should have the freedom to seek out knowledge and truth on their own without restriction.

What is Aeropagitica?

Aeropagitica is a speech by John Milton that is regarded as one of the most influential defenses of free speech and freedom of the press ever written. In this speech, Milton argues against the Licensing Order of 1643, which required authors to obtain a license from the government before their works could be printed or published.

What is the main idea of this passage from Aeropagitica?

The main idea of this passage from Aeropagitica is that censorship is not an effective means of controlling ideas and opinions. Milton argues that censorship only suppresses truth and hinders intellectual growth. He believes that the individual should have the freedom to seek out knowledge and truth on their own without restriction.

This passage is a call to action for the government to lift its restrictions on the freedom of speech and the press. Milton believes that by doing so, the government will enable the spread of knowledge and the advancement of society.

Two supporting arguments Milton uses in the text are:

The first supporting argument that Milton uses is that censorship only suppresses truth and hinders intellectual growth. He argues that censorship is counterproductive because it prevents the public from being able to access a diversity of viewpoints and opinions. When the government decides what is allowed to be published, it effectively shuts down the marketplace of ideas and prevents the public from being able to make informed decisions.The second supporting argument that Milton uses is that the individual should have the freedom to seek out knowledge and truth on their own without restriction. He believes that people have the right to read what they want, write what they want, and discuss what they want without fear of retribution.

Milton argues that by restricting speech and the press, the government is essentially acting as a parent or a teacher and infantilizing the public. Instead, he believes that the public should be treated as adults and allowed to make their own decisions about what they read and what they believe.

To know more about Aeropagitica refer:


protestants who believed one had to be baptized again to join them were the a. puritans. b. anabaptists. c. methodists. d. presbyterians.


Protestants who believed one had to be baptized again to join them were the Anabaptists. Answer.b

What is Anabaptism?

Anabaptism is a Christian reform movement that began in the 16th century as a radical offshoot of the Protestant Reformation. It arose in part due to disagreements among Christians over the significance of baptism in the life of a believer.

Anabaptists emphasized adult baptism, unlike other Protestant groups at the time, and often practiced believer baptism, in which only individuals who confessed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior were baptized again.

However, a further schism occurred within the Anabaptist movement, with one group known as Mennonites and another group known as Hutterites. They continue to exist today, and both are recognized as historic peace churches. The correct option is option b. Anabaptists.

To know more about Anabaptists refer here:


n your opinion, did the spanish effectively use the wealth they gained from the silver and gold brought back from the americas? why or why not?


In my opinion, the Spanish did not effectively use the wealth they gained from the silver and gold brought back from the Americas. Instead of investing it in productive activities or long-term infrastructure, they squandered it on luxurious lifestyles, wars, and religious art.

However, in some respects, the silver and gold brought back by the Spanish from the Americas had far-reaching effects. It enabled Spain to become the dominant power in Europe in the sixteenth century, allowing it to wage wars, build armies and navies, and commission artwork.

Spanish royalty was known for their extravagant lifestyles, and the money gained from the gold and silver brought back from the Americas was squandered on wars, luxury, and art. As a result, Spain's economy began to decline, and they became unable to compete with other

European powers who invested in more productive industries and infrastructure. In addition, the wealth extracted from the Americas resulted in an extreme concentration of power and wealth among the ruling elite, contributing to the exploitation and oppression of native peoples in the Americas.

The extraction of precious metals also caused hyperinflation, making life difficult for ordinary people, and ultimately leading to economic instability in Spain.

To know more about Spanish wealth here:


besides east, what was the other basic direction taken by vikings in their eastern european invasions? why do you think they chose to invade in that direction?


The Vikings were made up of landowning chieftains and clan heads, their retainers, freemen, and any energetic young clan members who sought adventure and money overseas. At home these Scandinavians were independent farmers, but at sea they were raiders and pillagers.

question which major accomplishments were achieved within the persian empire? choose all answers that are correct. responses built a vast network of roads built a vast network of roads encouraged religious tolerance encouraged religious tolerance created the first written laws created the first written laws introduced architectural styles and farming techniques from other parts of the world


The  major accomplishments were achieved within the Persian empire

built a vast network of roads encouraged religious toleranceintroduced architectural styles and farming techniques from other parts of the world

The Persian Empire built a large network of highways that connected its immense lands. Trade, communication, and army and official transportation across the empire were all made possible by these routes.

Religious tolerance was a hallmark of the Persian Empire. Contrary to certain other historical empires, Persia gave its people the freedom to follow their own customs and faiths.

The Persian Empire engaged in extensive cultural contact with its neighbors, absorbing their different farming and building practices into their own.

Learn more about the Persian Empire, here:


immediately after the fall of the soviet union, russia experienced political upheaval and economic collapse. why was russia able to recover quickly from the economic stagnation that followed the fall of communism?


Russia was able to recover quickly from the economic stagnation that followed the fall of communism due to a combination of factors which includes  market reforms and privatization, macroeconomic stabilization, natural resources and political instability.

Firstly, Russia underwent market reforms and privatization that opened the economy to foreign investment and diversified the economic structure. Secondly, the government pursued macroeconomic stabilization measures such as inflation reduction and budget balance. Thirdly, natural resources such as oil, gas and metals provided Russia with a reliable source of revenue. Finally, despite political instability, Russia has benefited from political stability as well as economic stability.

All of these factors allowed Russia to recover quickly from the economic stagnation following the fall of communism.

To know more about economic stagnation refer to-


According to document E, what can be inferred about the Lytton Commission's attitude to the
Manchurian Incident?



According to Document E, it can be inferred that the Lytton Commission viewed the military operations of the Japanese troops during the Manchurian Incident as not legitimate self-defense, and that the Chinese did not make any authorized or concerted attack on the Japanese forces at the time and place of the incident.


According to Document E, the Lytton Commission's attitude to the Manchurian Incident can be inferred as critical and skeptical of Japan's actions. The commission notes that Japan had a carefully prepared plan to meet the case of possible hostilities between themselves and the Chinese, implying that Japan may have been looking for an excuse to take military action. The commission also notes that the Chinese had no plan of attacking the Japanese troops or endangering the lives or property of Japanese nationals at the time of the incident, suggesting that Japan's military operations were not justified.

Furthermore, the commission states that the explosion on or near the railroad, which was the supposed reason for Japan's military action, did not in fact prevent the punctual arrival of the southbound train from Changchun and was not sufficient to justify military action. The commission goes on to say that the military operations of the Japanese troops during the night cannot be regarded as measures of legitimate self-defense, implying that Japan's actions were not justified.

Overall, the language used in Document E suggests that the Lytton Commission was critical of Japan's actions and skeptical of their justifications for military intervention in Manchuria.

Which data set has the greatest spread for the middle 50% of its data?



The first data set has the wider spread for the middle 50% of the data. The IQR for the first data set is greater than the IQR for the second set. This means that there is more variability in the middle 50% of the first data set.

by the time of the 1828 presidential election, a new had begun to emerge out of the divisions within the republican party. multiple choice question. multi-party system system of regional alliances variable-party system


By the time of the 1828 presidential election, a new political system had begun to emerge out of the divisions within the Republican Party is Multi-party system, the correct option is (a).

The election saw the emergence of two major political parties: the Democratic Party, which supported Andrew Jackson, and the National Republican Party, which backed John Quincy Adams. This was a significant departure from the previous political landscape, which had been dominated by a single political party, the Democratic-Republican Party.

The emergence of multiple political parties marked the beginning of a multi-party system in the United States, which has since become a defining feature of American politics. The two-party system that emerged in 1828 has persisted to this day, with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party dominating American politics, the correct option is (a).

To learn more about Republican Party follow the link:


The complete question is:

By the time of the 1828 presidential election, a new had begun to emerge out of the divisions within the republican party. Multiple choice questions.

a. Multi-party system

b. System of regional alliances

c. Variable-party system

Use the background information and excerpt to answer the questions.


Like most politicians of the early 19th century, President Andrew Jackson believed that the rights of independent white farmers should take priority over the rights of American Indians. Furthermore, the country’s population was growing, and Jackson knew that white settlers would probably move onto American Indian lands no matter what treaties were signed. As this would likely lead to conflict, Jackson thought it was in American Indians’ best interests to move west.

In this speech, Jackson addresses Congress on the subject of American Indian removal.

In this passage, Jackson calls for the removal of tribes from

Group of answer choices

North & South Carolina

Florida & Georgia

Mississippi & Alabama

Texas & Lousiana



Mississippi & Alabama (but honestly, several others as well)


The Act authorized the President to negotiate removal treaties with Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi River, primarily in the states of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and others.

How might the ideas of heredity in eugenics play into racism and segregation In the US?


Eugenics reinforced racist and segregationist attitudes by promoting the idea that certain races were genetically inferior.

The thoughts of heredity in genetic counseling assumed a critical part in building up bigoted and segregationist mentalities in the US. Eugenicists accepted that specific races were hereditarily substandard, and that the best way to further develop the human populace was to forestall those considered "unsuitable" from imitating. This prompted strategies, for example, constrained cleansing of people considered "intellectually inadequate" or "mentally frail," which excessively designated Dark, Native, and other minimized networks. These convictions likewise added to the possibility of racial isolation, as eugenicists contended that various races shouldn't mix and that isolation was important to forestall the "degeneration" of the white race.

To learn more about heredity in eugenics, refer:

Is Joseph Howe’s name still relevant in today’s Canada?






His name is still relevant in Canada.He was a prominent figure in the movement opposed to Confederation, yet later, as a federal Cabinet minister, played an important role in securing Manitoba's entry to Confederation. The Nova Scotian patriot par excellence, Howe could use his oratorical powers to influence his compatriots as no other man has ever done.

Explanation: Hope this helps mark me brainliest!! :))

What revolutions are taking place in the world today? What are the major issues ? Who is involved ? What are the actions and outcomes ?


The significant advances in the human condition have resulted from the creation and development of modern science since the seventeenth century.

In the late eighteenth century, the Industrial Revolution got underway. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Demographic Revolution got underway. The third began in the late 20th century and is known as the Happy Revolution. Economic growth, regime type, and state inefficiency are the three main factors that influence when a revolution begins.

People's desire for political change is fueled by economic growth, while some groups experience economic unhappiness as a result. Democratic governments appear to have a greater impact on political stability than autocratic ones due to their pragmatic and inclusive political philosophies. Besides from regime, other factors include state efficacy or lack thereof modern science's development from its inception has an impact on whether political violence occurs or not. States that are repressive or unresponsive will probably encourage violence. Finally, whereas external causes like price increases and war victories seem to encourage revolution, their primary function is typically that of triggering effects.

To know more about Demographic Revolution, click here:


analyze and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages to historical understanding of the periodization of the civil rights movement offered here. what alternatives to this periodization could you suggest and why?


Periodizations can give a helpful division of time, wherein occasions inside the period could comprise moderately comparative qualities. there is potential for expanded brain exhaustion brought about by expanded preparing powers for broadened timeframes.

Periodization concerning history is the most common way of classifying or separating history into different periods. The periodization is finished based on major financial and political changes. These radical financial and political changes vary starting with one period and then onto the next ever.

Periodization is the most common way of sorting the past into discrete, measured named blocks of time to work with the review and examination of history.

Learn more about periodization:


SK #4: Is the United States a modern day empire?
Take a position and state your opinion!
Write an answer to the question 3-4 sentences
Create a bullet list of your evidence (supporting points) that back your answer
Use specific examples


Although the USA does not consider itself an empire, it has still come to represent one.

Do you believe the United States is an empire?

Ferguson made the case that the US is an empire and ought to be categorized as such, citing its dominance in the military, economics, and culture as proof.

Some analysts, like Max Boot, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., and Niall Ferguson, have referred to the United States as an empire even though it has never openly referred to itself and its territories in that way.

The fact that America is the only superpower in the world, with greater military might, economic power, influence throughout the world, technological and scientific capabilities, and foreign alliances, implies another assumption, which is that America is already an empire.

Learn more about foreign alliances:


what according to jane and peter schneider were the conditions for the successful outcome of the palermo antimafia pool, 1982-1992?


The Palermo Antimafia Pool, established in 1982 and running until 1992, was a group of magistrates from Italy's Palermo region working together to fight the Mafia.

According to Jane and Peter Schneider, the conditions for the successful outcome of this pool were:

1. The leadership of Judge Giovanni Falcone, who headed the pool and was a key figure in the fight against the Mafia.
2. The strength of the team, which was composed of experienced magistrates who worked in a unified and determined fashion.
3. The right balance between legal and extra-legal action. The pool was able to use both legal and extra-legal means to gain convictions, as well as other forms of pressure on the Mafia.
4. The pool’s ability to collaborate with other law enforcement agencies in order to build a strong case against the Mafia.
5. The pool’s dedication to prosecuting not only the top leaders of the Mafia, but also its middle and lower-level members.
6. The effective use of witness protection, which allowed informants to come forward and testify against the Mafia without fear of retaliation.
7. The pool's commitment to keeping detailed records, which allowed them to monitor the Mafia's activities and trace its activities over time.

These seven conditions were essential in the Palermo Antimafia Pool's success in fighting the Mafia in the Palermo region during the years of 1982-1992.

To know more about  Palermo refer here :


an ancient tunnel leading from the gihon spring underneath the canaanite walls and into the city of jerusalem was discovered in 1867 by


The ancient tunnel leading from the Gihon Spring underneath the Canaanite walls and into the city of Jerusalem was discovered in 1867 by Charles Warren, an English officer and scholar.
1. Charles Warren, an English officer and scholar, discovered the ancient tunnel leading from the Gihon Spring underneath the Canaanite walls and into the city of Jerusalem in 1867.
2. The tunnel, which is also known as Warren's Shaft, is significant as it is the only entrance to the city of Jerusalem that survived from antiquity.
3. Its discovery was a significant event, as it provided archaeologists and historians with an important source of information about ancient Jerusalem.
4. The tunnel is still open to visitors today, and can be accessed from a flight of stairs in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

Charles Warren was the first person to discover the ancient tunnel leading from the Gihon Spring underneath the Canaanite walls and into the city of Jerusalem.

The tunnel is significant for its survival from antiquity, and has provided important sources of information about ancient Jerusalem. It is open to visitors today, and can be accessed from the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

To know more about Canaanite walls refer to-


in what era of music making was diatonic harmony developed and defined?
a. 19th
b. 20th
c. 21st


Diatonic harmony was developed and defined in the era of music making of the 19th century. The correct option is a. 19th.

Diatonic harmony is a term used in music theory to describe the chords that are created using only the notes of a particular scale. These chords are also known as diatonic chords, and they are the foundation of many Western music compositions.

The most commonly used diatonic chords are triads, which are three-note chords consisting of a root note, a third, and a fifth. In a major scale, the diatonic chords are typically made up of the notes of the scale, and they are usually in a particular sequence. Arrangement of the Diatonic Harmony. The diatonic chords of a major scale can be organized in the following order: major, minor, minor, major, major, minor, and diminished.

This order can be remembered using the acronym "Mm7Mm7d," which stands for major, minor, seventh, major, minor, seventh, diminished. However, it should be noted that this is just one way of organizing the diatonic chords of a major scale, and other sequences are also possible.

For more about Diatonic harmony:


Which Cold War proxy conflict is most associated with the decline and military exhaustion of the Soviet Union?










In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support the Afghan communist government, which was facing a rebellion by Islamic fundamentalist groups. The Soviet military intervention turned into a protracted and costly conflict, as the Afghan resistance, known as the Mujahideen, received significant support from the United States and other Western countries.

The Soviet Union's military campaign in Afghanistan was marked by brutal tactics, including the widespread use of air power and the deployment of Soviet conscripts who were often ill-equipped and poorly trained. The Soviet Union's military involvement in Afghanistan lasted for over nine years and resulted in tens of thousands of Soviet casualties. The conflict also had significant economic costs, as the Soviet Union had to divert resources away from other domestic priorities to fund its military campaign in Afghanistan.

The Soviet Union's failure to achieve a decisive victory in Afghanistan undermined the morale of the Soviet military and eroded public support for the war at home. The Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 was widely seen as a defeat, and the war contributed to the overall decline of the Soviet Union's military power and international prestige

at the turn of the century, the french academy was divided rather sharply between two doctrines. which doctrine taught that color was the most important element?


The Rubenistes doctrine taught that color was the most important element in art at the turn of the century in the French Academy.

The Rubenistes doctrine were followers of Charles-Antoine Coypel and emphasized the importance of color over line in painting. They believed that color should be used to evoke emotion and create a harmonious and pleasing visual experience. The opposing doctrine, the Poussinistes, believed that line and composition were more important than color.

This disagreement led to heated debates and even physical altercations within the French Academy, ultimately influencing the direction of French art in the 18th century.

Learn more about Rubenistes


Which of these is an example of why 1969 is an important year?

A) It was the year the Voting Rights Act was passed.
B) It was the year that the Cuban Missile Crisis took place.
C) It was the year that the Vietnam War ended.
D) It was the year that man first landed on the moon.


Answer: D) It was the year that man first landed on the moon

Explanation: I read it in a space book.

how did nineteenth century european imperialism differ from sixteenth century european colonialism? group of answer choices europeans began to cooperate to establish extensive global free trade zones. europeans learned to respect the native cultures of the territories in which they colonized. europeans focus shifted from control of north america to economic domination of asia and africa. europeans defeated the ottoman empire and were able to open overland trade routes to asia.


The key differences between the two was (c) Europeans focus shifted from control of North America to economic domination of Asia and Africa.

European colonialism in the sixteenth century was focused on controlling North America, whereas the nineteenth-century European imperialism saw the focus shift from North America to economic domination of Asia and Africa.

In the nineteenth century, European countries began to cooperate to establish extensive global free trade zones. This allowed them to dominate trade with the territories that they colonized and expand their economic and political power.

Europeans learned to respect the native cultures of the territories in which they colonized. In the sixteenth century, Europeans did not respect the native cultures of the territories they colonized.

But in the nineteenth century, Europeans learned to respect the native cultures of the territories they colonized. This respect was seen in the cultural policies introduced by the British, French, and Dutch colonizers.

To know more about Europeans, refer here:


what was the central question confronted by the second continental congress when it began meeting in may 1775?


The central question confronted by the Second Continental Congress when it began meeting in May 1775 was whether to declare independence from Great Britain.

The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that started meeting in May 1775.

By the time they met, several battles had already been fought between British and colonial forces and the colonists had already declared themselves to be in a state of open rebellion against Great Britain.

The Second Continental Congress had to decide what steps should be taken next to achieve independence from the British.

Some delegates argued for a negotiated settlement with Britain, while others argued for a declaration of independence. After long and vigorous debate, the Congress ultimately decided to issue a declaration of independence.

To know more about  Continental Congress click on below link:


which of the following sought to address the great depression by reducing production? responses the reconstruction finance corporation the reconstruction finance corporation the national labor relations act the national labor relations act the civilian conservation corps the civilian conservation corps the glass-steagall act the glass-steagall act the agricultural adjustment act


The Agricultural Adjustment Act sought to address the Great Depression by reducing production.

This bill was passed in 1933 as part of the New Deal policy. By reducing the production of agricultural products, farmers would benefit from higher prices and an increase in demand for goods.

How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act sought to address the Great Depression?

The Agricultural Adjustment Act aimed to help US farmers recover from the devastating effects of the Great Depression by reducing production. The act provided payments to farmers who agreed to reduce crop production, thereby increasing the prices of agricultural products that had been in surplus before the act was passed.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act has been the most influential of the New Deal programs aimed at agriculture. The act provided subsidies to farmers who agreed to plant fewer crops or to reduce the number of animals they raised. By doing so, the supply of agricultural products was lowered, and prices rose.

The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act was to stabilize agricultural prices by limiting production. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was one of the most important pieces of legislation passed during the New Deal, as it provided subsidies to farmers who agreed to reduce crop production.

By doing so, the Agricultural Adjustment Act helped stabilize prices for agricultural products and benefited farmers who had been struggling to make a living during the Great Depression.

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Considered the balanced reaction, what mass of aluminum must react to produce 0.93 L of H2(g) at STP? 2H3PO4(aq) + 2Al(s) > 2AlPO4(aq) + 3H2(g) Triangle A: All sides have length 12 cm.Triangle B: Two sides have length 10 cm, and the included angle measures 60.Triangle C: Base has length 15 cm, and base angles measure 40.Triangle D: All angles measure 60.Which triangle is not a unique triangle? (5 points) aTriangle A bTriangle B cTriangle C dTriangle D In ______ data collection usually involves the use of a checklist form, which tells the researcher exactly which actions should be recorded. What kind of strategy is being used when a company gives away free cookbooks at home shows and the recipes call for specific items that the company sells?With the development of large supercenter stores where consumers can fulfill all their needs in one location, a smaller hardware store is finding it harder to compete for business. It wants to bring in new customers and maintain loyalty among regular customers.a. The small hardware store should relocate in closer proximity to the large supercenter in order to draw attention to its brand and the services it provides.b. The small hardware store should implement a customer loyalty program where regular shoppers and those who buy large quantities are entered in prize drawings.c. The small hardware store should create an online do-it-yourself guidebook with strategies for home repair and offer online customer support for projects and using its products.d. The small hardware store should write jingles that play regularly over the radio and through online music stores or websites in order to build recognition for itself and its brand. Savers are hurt by unanticipated inflation because:-as prices decrease, the real value of savings increases-as prices rise, the real value of savings decreases-as prices rise, the real value of savings increases-as prices decrease, savers have more money to spend HELPA student in today's experiment produces 2.538 g of pure aspirin product. If commercial aspirin pills contain 325 mg of aspirin per pill, how many pills could be manufactured from the student's 2.538 g of product? in red bone marrow newly formed blood cells enter the circulation. you would expect to see many type of capillaries in red bone marrow. group of answer choices fenestrated continuous metarterioles sinusoid question which major accomplishments were achieved within the persian empire? choose all answers that are correct. responses built a vast network of roads built a vast network of roads encouraged religious tolerance encouraged religious tolerance created the first written laws created the first written laws introduced architectural styles and farming techniques from other parts of the world if a check correctly written and paid by the bank for $128 is incorrectly recorded in the company's books for $182, how should this error be treated on the bank reconciliation? To neutralize the acid in 10.0 mL of 18.0 M H2SO4 that was accidentally spilled on a laboratory bench top, solid sodium bicarbonate was used. The container of sodiumbicarbonate was known to weigh 155.0 g before this use and out of curiosity its mass was measured as 144.5 g afterwards. The reaction that neutralizes sulfuric acid this way is as follows: H2SO4 + 2 NaHCO3 --> Na2SO4 + 2 CO2 + 2 H2OWas sufficient sodium bicarbonate used? Calculate the limiting reactant and the maximum yield in grams of sodium sulphate. what was the central question confronted by the second continental congress when it began meeting in may 1775? I need the questions 25,28 and 29 Kay is researching the health benefits of avocados.She finds an article on the website of the following can assure Kay that the content is credible?A) The site sells products made from avocados.B) The article's author has been a nutritionist for the last three years.C) The firm that runs the site is located four blocks from her home.D) The author has over 8,000 connections on LinkedIn. the scientific discipline of classifying organisms into increasingly more inclusive groups according to an international classification standard is known as what Find the missing length indicated. * A) 12 C) 8 A OB D 16 24 36 B) 18 D) 15 The function S=m^(2)+6m+8 models the growth of book sales in m months, where S is an amount in thousands of dollars. In how many months do book sales reach $80,000 ? which xxx completes the insertion sort singly linked() python function? def insertion sort singly linked(self): before current what is the average rate of change of f(x) from x = -3 to x = 6? f(x) = x^2 + 4x 15 enter your answer in the blank. Determine if the given functions are even, odd or neither f(x)=x^2-7 15. why is it important to take both the polarity of the bonds and the shape of the molecule into consideration when determining the polarity of the molecule?