Three gang members, Joe, Larry, and Bob, are all convicted felons. The three were speeding in excess of the posted speed limit in a stolen car together when they noticed a group of rival gang members two blocks away. Joe, the front seat passenger, told the others he was going to shoot at the group with a gun he concealed in his waistband; Larry the driver, drove the car closer to their rivals. When the car came to a stop sign, Bob, who was a back seat passenger, exited the car after he told his friends he could not go to jail as he was on parole. Larry then drove past their rivals as Joe fired several shots; one person was killed and one other was shot in the leg


Answer 1

(a) an explanation of the offences committed by each suspect,

(b) a definition of Actus Reus and Mens Rea; and (c) a classification of the crimes and potential penalties based on the criminal code of my home state. There will be at least two additional sources acknowledged, as well as any necessary literature references.

Reus Actus Defined: (cite the literature) (cite the literature)

Defined as Mens Rea: (cite the literature)

Should Joe, Larry, and Bob be charged with any felonies as a result of their actions? (Remember to refer to the criminal laws of your home state. cite the sources.

To know more about literature refer :


Related Questions

The US Department of Education reaches its goals by



(1) School readiness.

(2) School completion.

(3) Student achievement and citizenship


It gives all responsibility for education to state and local leaders. It works to support the efforts of state and local leaders.

They are Implementing policies and programs to improve education for students at all levels. This includes distributing funding to states and schools, enforcing federal laws and regulations related to education, and providing resources and support for teachers and students. The department also ensures equal access to education for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances. Additionally, the Department of Education conducts research and collects data on educational issues to inform policy decisions. It

which subculture is characterized by hard work, strong family ties, appreciation for education, and median family incomes exceeding those of any other ethnic group.


There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behavior: Motivation, perception, learning hard work, and attitude or belief system.

Word of mouth is the most powerful and authentic information source for consumers group because it typically involves friends viewed as trustworthy. Technology can substantially reduce buyer order processing costs. Using online technologies ensures contact with other technologically-savvy organizations that are likely to have impressive financial statements.

Consumer psychology examines ethnic consumers' perceptions, beliefs, feelings, and thoughts and considers all of them when examining purchasing behavior. It also accounts for social persuasion and motivation from third parties to purchasing decisions, such as commercials or advertising.

To know more about subculture:


As you might expect, in both the individual and published results, word pairings had the highest pleasantness rating, while the lowest pleasantness ratings were given to the word pairings, with the remaining word type falling between these two extremes, in terms of perceived pleasantness of associated syllables


Positive; Negative , As you might expect, in both the individual and published results, positive word pairings had the highest pleasantness rating.

While the lowest pleasantness ratings were given to the negative word pairings, with the remaining word type falling between these two extremes, in terms of perceived pleasantness of associated syllables.

No context is provided however this should be the right answer. Positive word pairings elicit a happier feeling in humans so they will have a higher pleasantness rating. Words such as money and happy for instance have very high pleasantness ratings. Negative word pairings on the other hand will have the lowest pleasantness ratings as they have more somber connotations.

Learn more about to pleasantness


lex has faced some significant challenges in life and managed to overcome them. thanks to those experiences, lex faces subsequent challenges with a confident, upbeat attitude. how would seligman characterize lex's attitude?


Lex has faced some significant challenges in life and managed to overcome them. thanks to those experiences, lex faces subsequent challenges with a confident, upbeat attitude. seligman would characterize lex's attitude Learned optimism.

We can experience three different forms of happiness, according to Seligman:

1) Enjoyment and satisfaction

2) The manifestation of virtues and powers

3. Meaning and Objective.

Each category of happiness is associated with a pleasant emotion, but it is clear from his quotation that there is a process in his thinking from the initial type of happiness—pleasure or gratification—through strengths or virtues and then to meaning or purpose.

By empowering people to think positively about the past, develop optimism and hope for the future, and as a result, experience more happiness in the present, Seligman offers a mental "toolkit" for achieving what he refers to as the pleasant life.

Learn more about seligman at


what is the difference between a regional/national location decision, and in what ways do the determinants of each differ?


The location of a company or industry in a particular region or country is called determining the regional or national location.

This type of decision is typically influenced by factors such as market and customer access, labor and material costs, and resource and infrastructure availability.

On the other hand, choosing a location for a company or industry on a global scale is called global location determination.

Decisions of this kind are usually influenced by many variables, including political and economic stability, language and cultural barriers, availability of resources and raw materials, labor costs, and regulations in various countries.

Trade agreements, transportation, logistics, communications infrastructure, and other factors that can influence a nation's propensity to do business all play a role.

To learn more about the regional decisions at


megan kanka was raped and murdered in 1994, when she was only seven years old, by one of her neighbors. as a result of her murder, a federal statute was created that requires law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders. this federal statute was created by:


Megan Kanka's  murder in 1994 led to the creation of the federal statute known as "Megan's Law." The law was created in response to the public's desire for information about registered offenders in their communities.

Megan's Law requires law enforcement authorities to release information to the public about individuals who have been convicted of  offenses and are living in their communities. The law requires that this information be made available through community notification, which can include mailings, public meetings, and the creation of online databases. The law also requires that offenders register with local law enforcement authorities and update their information regularly. Megan's Law was passed by the United States Congress in 1996, and it is implemented at the state level. The law is named in honor of Megan Kanka, who wasmurdered by a neighbor who was a repeat  offender. The law is aimed at protecting children and communities from predators by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions about their safety.

Learn more about Megan's Law  here:


Read the excerpt from “Tayo’s Wishes.”

Tayo told Eshu of his boredom, his dissatisfaction, and his unhappiness. He told of how no one commented on how hard he worked anymore. “And the worst part,” Tayo said, “is that I’m no longer Tayo Okafor, the yam farmer. I’m Tayo Okafor, who has nothing to do all day long.”


The answer that best describes Tayo according to the excerpt from  “Tayo’s Wishes” is b. He tries to impress others.

This can be referred to as ostentatious behavior.

What is ostentatious behavior?

Ostentatious behavior refers to a strong urge to please others, even at one's own expense.

People who seek to please others are always seeking validation, to feel good or important before others thereby pressurizing themselves.

The cause of this kind of behavior is often low self-esteem and insecurity.

Some of the ways to overcome low self-esteem include:

Trying to engage in new activities so that you don't need to play along with others.Be vigilant and ready to guide your conversations with others to topics you feel passionate about and away from topics that pressure you.Make friends and connect with people that can inspire you.

Learn more about Self-esteem at


it is possible for learning to occur even if changes in behavior aren't immediately observed. this is called


Yes, Latent learning is a type of learning that occurs without any obvious reinforcement or reward. It is a phenomenon in which learning takes place without any immediate change in behavior.

It is observed in a situation where no  underpinning is present. This type of  literacy is useful in understanding how humans and  creatures learn and flash back  information, indeed when  underpinning isn't present. idle  literacy may involve the  conformation of cognitive charts, which are  internal representations of the  terrain,

or it may involve the  conformation of associations between  stimulants and responses. idle  literacy is allowed to be a long- term process, as the learner may not demonstrate any changed  until a  unborn situation arises where the information is useful and a response is  needed.

To know more about Latent learning visit:


illinois coalition for immigrant and refugee rights, like what?


The Illinois Coalition for Immigration and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) advocates for immigrant's and refugee's rights for equal and full participation in American civic, cultural, social, and political life.

The Illinois Coalition for Immigration and Refugee Rights is a statewide coalition of more than 130 organizations dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees. ICIRR advocates for just and humane immigration and refugee policies, fights for the protection of immigrants’ rights and dignity, and works to build a diverse and inclusive society in Illinois.

We promote full and equal access to education, healthcare, and legal services for all, regardless of immigration status. ICIRR works in partnership with local and state government, labor, education, business, and faith-based communities to ensure that all Illinois residents have the opportunity to live, work, and raise families with dignity.

To know more about coalition, click here.


Setting a strong example is important, because organizational ethics are learned by observing:_____.


Setting a strong example is important, because organizational ethics are learned by observing organizational leaders.

Organizational ethics refers to how a company should act in the outside world. Organizational ethics refers to a variety of rules and principles that determine how people should conduct themselves at work.

Setting a strong example is important in organizational ethics because it helps to establish a culture of ethical behavior within the organization. Organizational leaders play a crucial role in setting this example by demonstrating ethical behavior through their own actions and decisions. When leaders act ethically, they set a standard for others to follow and provide a model for how to navigate ethical dilemmas. As employees observe the actions and decisions of organizational leaders, they learn what is expected of them in terms of ethical behavior and are more likely to align their own actions with these expectations. This can help to create a positive ethical culture within the organization and promote ethical decision making at all levels of the organization.

To know more about Organizational ethics,

What can we learn from this book "elementary stats picturing the world 7th edition"?


We can easily learn statistics through real-life examples and exercises with this book called "Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World - 7th edition".

Elementary Statistics is a course designed to introduce students to the basics of data analysis and inference. It covers a range of topics, including descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and ANOVA.

It provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze and interpret data, as well as use various software packages for data analysis. It is a great choice for students who are interested in pursuing careers in fields such as data science, economics, finance, marketing, and more.

To know more about statistics , click here.


quiozlet researchers found that participants in the study overestimated the percentage of low class individuals who are black (relative to the actual population in brazil). they hypothesized that participants were more likely to associate low social class with black individuals due to pervasive societal stereotypes about black people. which cognitive mistake does this represent?


Jumping to pessimistic conclusions and interpreting unfavorable outcomes as probable when they are actually unlikely to happen is known as probability overestimation.

Which cognitive mistake is this?

Cognitive errors have been classified into two main kinds. The first error is known as probability overestimation, which is also known as making snap decisions and mistaking undesirable situations for probable ones when they are truly unlikely to occur. The second error is exaggerating problems or having a catastrophic mindset.

What are examples of cognitive errors in thinking?

Thinking errors, often referred to as cognitive distortions, are excessive and irrational ways of thinking that can exacerbate psychological and emotional issues. Thinking along these lines typically exacerbates the signs of anxiety, despair, worry, and anger control issues.

Learn more about Cognitive errors:


according to amstrong, what was one of the major innovations of islam within the context of 7th-century arabian society?


The development of a new social order based on justice and equality was one of the main innovations of Islam inside the Arabian society of the 7th century. Islam introduced a fresh focus on personal accountability and duty.

Additionally, it emphasized comradery and unity among the community. Additionally, it offered a set of rules and laws to safeguard people's rights and give them legal options if those rights were violated. Islam also gave its followers a strong feeling of identity, belonging, and purpose, which improved their sense of security and stability in their daily lives. Islam also brought about a brand-new idea of divine justice and kindness, which ended the harsh and arbitrary punishments administered by the tribal system that existed prior to Islam. Finally, Islam offered a code of ethics and morality that governed its adherents' conduct and laid the groundwork for a society that was just and fair.

To know more about Islam click here


He worked diligently as a U.S. Senator to get rid of federal troops stationed in the South during Reconstruction.


He was the first African American to hold office in either house of the U.S. Congress. He was elected by the Mississippi legislature to the United States Senate as a Republican to represent Mississippi in 1870 and 1871 during the Reconstruction era.

What is Senate?

The term senate refers to that, The House of Representatives is the lower body of the United States Congress, and the United States Senate is its upper chamber. Together, they make up the United States national bicameral legislature.

A senator must be at least thirty years old, a citizen of the United States for at least nine years, and a resident of the state they will be representing when elected, according to the Constitution.

Therefore, By Hiram Revels worked diligently as a U.S. Senator.

Learn more about Senate here:


Can someone please help with this? It is for a social work class!

1. In what ways do the concepts of "deserving poor" and "undeserving poor" continue to exist today? Whom does society consider to deserve welfare benefits, and whom do they see as unworthy?

2. It can often be emotionally difficult to apply for welfare benefits. Ideally, what do you think it should be like for people to apply for welfare benefits? Are there other rights to which you are legally entitled that often make people who access them feel ashamed?


1) Today, society often views the "deserving poor" as those who are unable to work due to circumstances beyond their control (e.g. disability, illness) and the "undeserving poor" as those who are able-bodied but unemployed due to personal choices.

2) Ideally, applying for welfare benefits should be a non-stigmatizing and easy process that does not require excessive documentation and is accessible to all who need it. Other rights such as healthcare or unemployment benefits also come with social stigmas.

What is Social Welfare?

A social welfare system provides support to needy individuals and families via programs such as health care, food stamps, and unemployment compensation. Disaster relief and educational help are two lesser-known components of a social welfare system.

Healthcare, empowerment, housing, and other programs aimed at supporting the poor, jobless, and underprivileged in society are examples of social welfare.

Medicaid, AFDC (Aid for Families with Dependent Children), WIC (women, babies, and children), veteran programs, and others are examples of such programs.

Learn more about Welfare:

why does mustapha mond deny john's request to go to the islands with helmholtz? what do you think mond is hoping will happen


Mustapha Mond has come to the right place; we have selected for you the best paradise islands you should visit in 2021.

Whether you crave culture, and adventure, or simply want to relax on a beach, at least one of these islands should fulfill your travel dreams. Palawan is famous for diving, hiking, beaches, and fishing, this is one of the best tropical travel destinations in Southeast Asia. Located in the Indian Ocean, mond is hoping the Maldives is an archipelago often described as a tropical paradise.

The islands offer its visitors pure white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and an amazing marine life experience. A group of small volcanic islands in the South Pacific, French Polynesia is probably one of the most stunning islands on earth.

To know more about islands:


what associations or foundations did cesar chavez inspire that still exist today?


The National Farm Workers Service Center, which is now the Cesar Chavez Foundation, was founded by Cesar Chavez in 1970. Establishment of the Robert F. Kennedy Medical Plan, the first farmworkers' health insurance.

What benefits has Cesar Chavez brought to the world?

Cesar Chavez was a Mexican American labor leader and civil rights activist who devoted his life to what he called la causa (the cause): the fight of American farm laborers to improve their living and working conditions by banding together and negotiating contracts with their employers.

Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers of America), adhering to the nonviolent resistance strategies used by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., and in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Chavez achieved significant victories to increase pay and improve working conditions for farm workers.

Learn more about Cesar Chavez with the help of the given link:


a representative sample is one that accurately reflects a larger


A representative sample is a subset of a population that seeks to accurately reflect the characteristics of the broader group.

A representative sample is what?

A smaller amount or a smaller portion of something larger is what is meant by a representative sample. It exhibits the same characteristics and ratios as a bigger population. Think about a company that is getting ready to introduce a new product in a US city.

Sending a survey to the entire city to get opinions on the aspects of the product will be next to impossible. In order to manage their comments on the product, researchers gather a small sample of people who will accurately reflect the city's demographic. A representative sample is what this sample is.

Learn more about representative samples with the help of the given link:


the orthodox view of canonization requires a book to be historically recognized and subsequently confirmed to be added to the canon. true false


According to the conventional theory of canonization, a book must be historically acknowledged and afterwards verified as being accurate in order to be included in the canon.

Some people think that Judaism and its Bible are outdated and insufficient since the term "Old Testament" suggests that there must also be a "New Testament."

The Old Testament may be divided into four primary sections, each of which places a different focus on Christ. We have now reached the second group of twelve books, which spans Joshua through Esther and tells the story of the people of Israel. These scriptures cover the whole historically of the country, from the first land purchase through the two deportations and subsequent land losses brought on by disbelief and disobedience. These twelve volumes, which cover around 800 years of Israel's history, go into depth about the invasion and occupation of Canaan, the kingships of the judges, the division of Israel, and other events.

For such more question on historically


According to the conventional theory of canonization, a book must be historically acknowledged and afterward verified as being accurate in order to be included in the canon.

Conventional principle defines opportunity capabilities as normalized frequency distributions ultimately derived from a nominally countless range of trials (or perhaps a bodily principle that allows us to predict the final results of a countless wide variety of trials).

The conventional principle of not unusual-pool sources, which presumed that external authorities had had to impose new rules on the appropriators trapped into generating excessive externalities on themselves and others, is now taken into consideration as a special case of a more widespread theoretical shape. For appropriators to reformulate the institutions they face, they need to anticipate that the blessings they get hold of from an institutional change will exceed the instant and lengthy-time period expected fees.

To learn more about Conventional theory visit here:


amir is getting up earlier so he has enough time to walk to school rather than taking the shuttle. amir has reached which stage of change?


Based on the provided information, Amir is in the action stage of change.

There are five stages of change used in the adoption of healthy behaviors or termination of unhealthy behavior. These stages are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

In the action stage the individuals modify their behavior, experiences, or environment in order to overcome their problems. Action includes the most overt behavioral changes and requires considerable commitment of time and energy. In this stage, individuals have recently changed their behavior (defined as within the last 6 months) and are focused in moving forward with that behavior change. In this stage people either modify their problem behavior or acquire new healthy behaviors. As Amir is getting up earlier so he has enough time to walk to school rather than taking the shuttle, he is in the action stage of change.

Learn more about Action stage:


hich type of psychologist studies how the physical landscape and layout affect all aspects of human behavior and thought?


The science of behavior,' as it is commonly defined, is psychology. Certainly, psychologists devote a significant amount of time and effort to observing and measuring behavior.

Rather than studying a person's behavior in isolation, they use it to learn about mental and biological processes, motives, and personality traits. As a result, defining psychology as "the science of behavior" is inadequate. 'Psychology' literally means 'science of the mind' psycho meaning 'mind' or 'mental' and -logy meaning 'science'. A better definition of psychology might be "the science of behavior and mental processes," which is what most introductory psychology Teaching and program development universities, colleges, hospitals, industry, government n Scientific research universities, private and public research institutes, and industry n Emotional and behavioral problems diagnosis and treatment hospitals, community service agencies, private practice n Personality testing, vocational testing, and test development organizational personnel departments, consulting firms n Policy advice to government.

To learn more about type of psychologist studies  here:


what might researchers ask study participants to keep to document quantitative or qualitative aspects of their lives? multiple choice previous research studies


D is the correct response—personal journals or diaries. Researchers ensure that the study participants have a journal to document their analysis.

What kind of data collecting technique do social scientists typically employ to discover the traditions and routines of individuals or communities?

Observations: One of the more common qualitative data collection techniques is observation, which involves seeing individuals and their behavior at gatherings or in their natural environments.

What is the most common research technique in sociology for gathering quantitative data?

The social survey is one of the most popular research techniques in sociology. This technique involves posing comparatively straightforward, pre-written questions to participants. In order to collect quantitative (and occasionally qualitative) primary data from huge populations of people, questionnaires are a great instrument.

The complete question is:

What might researchers ask study participants to keep to document quantitative or qualitative aspects of their lives?

A. Previous research studies

B. Memorabilia

C. Dependent variables

D. Personal journals or diaries

To know more about Researcher's collection of data, visit:


9. Did Aristotle study under Socrates or Plato?



Plato was a disciple of Socrates and later went on to establish his own academy of philosophy. Plato died in 348 BC. Aristotle was a student of Plato in his academy. All of them belonged to same school of thought which started more or less from Socrates.


4. briefly describe a situation where a researcher wants to test the effectivensess of a new program.


A test of the hypothesis regarding the difference between the proportions of two populations taken from separate samples.

The proportions of two populations can be compared using this type of test. In most cases, this test is appropriate in the following circumstances:Simple random sampling is used for each population's sampling.The samples are not related.At least 10 successes and 10 failures are included in each sample.

The size of each population is at least twenty times that of its sample. Due to "the confounding of class section (morning, afternoon) and response method (clicker, notebook)," the given research study would not be able to reach a worthy conclusion or results. As a result, the researchers wouldn't be able to draw a conclusion because they wouldn't be able to compare or evaluate two sections using different methods because they would be testing different sections of the class (morning, afternoon) using different tools (clicker, notebook). As a result, the study could not draw any conclusions.

Learn about population:


when you apply for a job in the us, why does it ask you if your hispanic or not? why specifically hispanic?


This all because The question of whether an  existent is Hispanic or not is  occasionally included on job  operations In the US because the employers and associations may want to track the chance of Hispanic  aspirants,  workers, and job  campaigners.

This is part of an  trouble to the insure that there's no demarcation in hiring and to  insure that the association is meeting its diversity  pretensions. also, this question may be included to  insure all that the association is meeting its scores .

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's guidelines, which  enjoin demarcation against  individualities grounded on their race, color, or  public origin.

To know more about  Hispanic visit:


which of the following is not an essential characteristic of empiricism? select one: a. verification b. political relevance c. falsifiability d. parsimony


Parsimony is not an essential characteristic of empiricism. A philosophical philosophy known as empiricism is applicable to various fields of study, including as science and software development.

Empiricism is a philosophical epistemological doctrine that asserts that sensory experience alone or predominantly provides knowledge or justification. The three types of empiricism are classical, radical, and moderate. Along with rationalism and skepticism, it is one of various perspectives in epistemology. Instead than focusing on fundamental beliefs or traditions, empiricism emphasizes the crucial role that empirical evidence plays in the development of ideas. However, empiricists would counter that traditions develop as a result of connections to earlier sensory experiences. Empiricism has historically been linked to the "blank slate" theory, which holds that the human brain is blank at birth and that experience is the only way for it to develop thinking.

Learn more about Empiricism here


the term kindergarten compares schools for young children to a children's garden. it envisions it as a place where children can flourish, nurtured and protected from outside influences. group of answer choices true false


The statement is true, the term kindergarten compares schools for young children to a children's garden. it envisions it as a place where children can flourish, nurtured and protected from outside influences.

The word kindergarten comes from the German language. Kinder means children and garten means  theater . The term dates back to the 19th century. Friedrich Froebel( 1782- 1852) started the first kindergarten, Garden of Children, in 1840. According to Froebel Web, the word kindergarten was  constructed by Froebel and  represented his vision for early nonage education “ Children are like bitsy flowers; they're varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and noble when seen in the community of peers. ”

To know more about  kindergarten, visit:


this was a delivery of supplies in a german city to circumvent the .soviet blockade.


Berlin Airlift was a delivery of supplies in a German city to circumvent the Soviet blockade.

Post the Soviet Union blockaded the city, a military operation known as the Berlin Airlift transported food and other essential supplies by air to West Berlin. June 1948 to September 1949 saw the duration of the operation. Food and other essential supplies started to be flown into the city from the United States and Great Britain.

An attempt by the Soviet Union to force the Western Allied countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, and France) to give up their post-World War II jurisdictions in West Berlin in 1948–1949 led to the international crisis known as the Berlin Blockade.

Know more about Berlin Airlift here


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition a group of people with similar levels of wealth, power, and prestige.


A class system is a way of dividing society into distinct groups based on factors such as wealth, power, and prestige. These groups are known as social classes, and they can be defined by a variety of characteristics.

In a class system, people are typically born into a specific social class and have limited opportunities to move up or down the social ladder. The upper class, typically associated with the elite, holds the most wealth, power, and prestige, while the lower class holds less of these resources. The class system is often used to describe the structure of societies in which there are significant social and economic disparities between power different groups. The class system is a way to organize society and it can be found in many cultures, it is used to stratify people based on power their social and economic characteristics.

Learn more about class system here:


The complete Question is:

Please select is the word that best describes a group of people with similar levels of wealth, power, and prestige?

Class System
Social System

assuming an 8 percent sales tax is levied on all consumption, complete the following table:


Correct $10,000 $11,000 $ 880 Income Consumption Sales Tax Percentage of Income Paid in Taxes 20,000 20,000 1,600 right, 8 right, 40,000 36,000 2,880 right, 7 right, 80,000 60,000 4,800 right, and 9 right%. regressive.

What is sales tax ?A sales tax is a charge made to a governing body for the sale of particular goods and services. Normally, laws permit the vendor to charge the customer the tax at the time of purchase. Use taxes are generally used to describe taxes on goods and services that consumers pay directly to a governing authority. Think about the following sales tax illustration. You want to know how much your purchase will cost after taxes before you check out at The Clothing Boutique. The final total for the items in your cart is $100. You would divide $100 by 9.5% as the county's sales tax is 9.5 percent (100 x 0.095).

To learn more about sales tax refer to:


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Solve X/2 -3 = 5A- x=4B- x=16C- x=13 The following data represent glucose blood levels (mg/100 ml) after a 12-hour fast for a random sample of 70 women (Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 19, pp. 345-351).45668371766459597682808185778290877279698371876981769683679410194899473999385838078808583847481706589708084776546807075451017110973738072816374For this problem, use six classes.(a). Find the class width(b). Make a frequency table showing class limits, class boundaries, midpoints, frequencies, relative frequencies, and cumulative frequencies. (Give relative frequencies to 4 decimal places.(c). Draw a histogram.(d). Draw a relative-frequency histogram.(e). Categorize the basic distribution shape.(f). Draw an ogive. (Graph each point and the closed line segments connecting the points to create your graph.) During the 1960s, how did the mural movement promote the Chicano Movement? raised awareness reflected the voice of the people beautified the city connected the modern and traditional cultures called the people to action through art ren VT CONTINU ISY END HELP According to Mintzberg's findings, it was typical for managers to work ____ hours per week at a minimum. O 50 O 40 O 70 O 90 PLEASE HURRY Which set of statements explains how to plot a point at the location (Negative 3 and one-half, negative 2)?Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units right because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between 3 and 4. Move 2 units down because the y-coordinate is -2.Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units down because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units left because the y-coordinate is -2.Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units down because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units right because the y-coordinate is -2.Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units left because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units down because the y-coordinate is -2. 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Columnar epithelial cells in the uterine tubes and respiratory passageways have..., which can push the egg towards the uterus what is the value of the lease liability if marin also agreed to pay the fixed annual insurance on the quipment of $2,000 at the same time as the rental payments? Current market prices reflect all relevant information, whether it is known publicly or privately. This statement is consistent with: Semistrong-form efficiency Strong-form efficiency Weak-form efficiency Consider that there is a weak form of efficiency in the markets, A pharmaceutical company announces that it has received Federal Drug Administration approval for a new allergy drug that completely prevents hay fever. The consensus analyst forecast for the company's earnings per share (EPS) is $4.50, but insiders know that, with this new drug, earnings will increase and drive the EPS to $5.00. What will happen when the company releases its next earnings report? The stock price will increase and settle at a new equilibrium level. There will be some volatility in the stock price when the earnings report is released, but it is difficult to determine the impact on the stock price. However, the prices will eventually adjust to the news announcement The stock price will not change, because the market already incorporated that information in the stock price when the announcement was made. why limestones cave forms in a certain large population of adults, the distribution of iq scores is strongly left-skewed with a mean of 122 and a standard deviation of 5. suppose 200 adults are randomly selected from this population for a market research study. for srss of size 200, the distribution of sample mean iq score is ABC is a dilation of J HG centered at the origin.Find the scale factor of the dilation. a(n) select answer approach is when an organization accepts the environmental forces as uncontrollable, and a(n) select answer approach is when an organization tries to influence or shape the environmental forces. how are limit orders and market orders different?