to be a good basketball player one must have skills in ____ and ____.

Help. Asap​


Answer 1
Defense and scoring

Related Questions

Which of the following refers to improper or illegal inducement to crime by
enforcement agents?
OA) police fraud
prosecutorial misconduct
C) collateral estoppel
D) entrapment


d) entrapmentttttttt

are holidays non material culture​





i hope this helps.

A certain kind of plant that is thriving in healthy soil is studied for its watering needs. Some people think this plant needs 10 liters of water per week to stay healthy. Looking at the information from a study shown in the table below, do you agree or disagree?

Explain what evidence you used to make your decision.






what advice would u give to your friend who is suffering from domestic violence?list out any four ponits.



Just tell a grown up or some one who can help


they can do something about it

Read the prompt.

Your state representative has asked you to serve on a committee on teen driver safety. You need to create a policy recommendation for teen driving requirements. At what age should teens be able to drive? What restrictions should they have?

Use research to support your opinions.

Which would be effective research questions for this prompt? Check all that apply.

Which laws are already in place that have restrictions for teenage drivers?

Which states have the youngest and oldest teen drivers?

When should teenagers be able to drive?

How many teens are driving?

Why are some people for or against raising the minimum driving age?

What do the data on accidents related to teen drivers reveal


Answer and Explanation:

Teenagers should be allowed to drive from 18 years of age. This is because driving is an act of extreme responsibility, where the driver must be agile and must know how to make correct decisions in a serious and rational way. It is very difficult for young people under the age of 18 to have this degree of maturity, and it is favorable for them to avoid driving during this period. However, driving permits for 18-year-olds must have restrictions, such as having a high cognitive and psychological quality, not presenting criminal passages and strictly following traffic laws.

Regarding the most effective research questions for this prompt, those that are most appropriate are:

Which laws are already in place that have restrictions for teenage drivers? Why are some people for or against raising the minimum driving age? What do the data on accidents related to teen drivers reveal?


The correct answers are A, E, and F.


I got it right on Edg :)

What occured during the battles of trenton and princeton?



In the Battle of Trenton (December 26), Washington defeated a formidable garrison of Hessian mercenaries before withdrawing. A week later he returned to Trenton to lure British forces south, then executed a daring night march to capture Princeton on January 3.

Hope this helps!

In the Battle of Trenton (December 26), Washington defeated a formidable garrison of Hessian mercenaries before withdrawing. A week later he returned to Trenton to lure British forces south, then executed a daring night march to capture Princeton on January 3.

what are some similarities between Sparta and Athens



One of the main ways they were similar was in their form of government. Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office.



they were both city-statesthey were both a part of Greecethey both considered women were not citizensthey are both in the European-Asian area

Hope this helps you!

Think of any place where I would find an extrovert and a introvert (for psychology)



Extroverts: Clubs, Bars, and Public speaking convention.

Introverts: Library, their Home.


Extroverts gained energy from interacting with people and being the center of attention. You can find many of them in any places that enable social interactions with strangers such as Clubs, bars, or conventions.

Introverts are the opposite, They prefer being alone and enjoy the company of their own thought. They prefer to spend their time in quite place with little to no social interaction such as libraries, cottages in the middle of the mountain, or their own room.

Which heading best completes this partial outline? *



i think A. natural boundaries of desert mountains and the sea

which military leader helped the patriot cause? write a short paragraph explaining why.


Answer: hey how are you
The leader that most helped the Patriot’s cause is George Washington.
First, let’s define the Patriots. The Patriots were people that supported the idea of gaining independence from England. They did not want to be a British country. They wanted to live in their own country under new laws.
The most imortant figure for the Patriots, although we have to say there were some, was George Washinton. Washinton led the Continental Army and after teh American Revolution, he became the first President of the United States. Other important and famous Patriots were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and Paul Revere. (Ps I just look it up so don’t copy it word for word)

Which type of appeal does President Lincoln use in these line to try to persuade Southerners?



President Lincoln use logical appeal


Based on the excerpt from Columbus diary what was Columbus motivation for exploration?explain what evidence from the text show this motivation list words or phrases from the text?





Christopher Columbus, in 1492, discovered the New World. The purpose of this voyage was to find a new route through westward to reach Asia. The evidence of trade mentioned in the lines - "They came swimming to boat bringing......."  List of words like a bartered, exchange, hawk's bell, glass beads, Parrots, javelin, balls of cotton threads.

The introduction of Columbian Exchange the 1400s led to the beginning of trade in America. The exchanging of plants, animals, and goods (manufactured) from New World to Old and vice versa is called Columbian Exchange.

Which of the following was the home to early American Indians living in Georgia at the time of European contact?
mounds near Bartow
Flint River Basin
Florida mainland
Okefenokee Swamp


It’s b !!! Ok the river basin one

True Or false?
The American Indian population increased during de soto’s expedition.



That statement is false.


Many of the members of De Soto's expedition were carriers of diseases such as measles, smallpox, and chicken pox. Very few of American Indian have resistance to the disease because they never exist near their environment before.

As a result, the Infections ran rampant in the American Indian's community.

Since they did not have a medical knowledge to deal with it, the contagion resulted in a lot of deaths. Massively decreased American Indian's population.

How does geography, government, disease, discovery, and reform influence/impact a society?
Helpp asap!!!



Geography, government, disease, discovery, and reform influence/impact a society is explained below in details.


Geography, government, and health are intrinsically connected. Where we are born, reside, read and operate directly impacts our health activities: the oxygen we inhale, the meals we eat, the diseases we are disclosed to, and the health assistance we can reach. The common, built and natural surroundings influence our health and happiness in ways that are straight relevant to the health system.

Plz help this is important



no clue this is smarter than me


What are the strengths and weaknesses of thhe british and american armies?



Here are each of their strength and weaknesses during their battle in the American revolutionary war:

British Armies - Strength

- More modern weapons compared to the American armies

- A more modern method of transportation that enables them to reach different regions in United States faster than American armies.

- More experience in the battlefield

British Armies- Weakness

- Far proximities with their base in England. So it took a while before their main army can arrive everytime they asked for help

- Almost all locals were hostile toward them. Making them subjected to surprise attack

American Armies- Strength

- Received help from the French and Dutch Armies. (they have their own interest in American soil if they managed to drive the british out

- The soldiers know local terrain better than the British doliers did. Giving opportunities for creative strategies

- More manpower

American Armies - Weakness

- Worse weapons compared to the British Armies.

- The British Armies have a group of American Loyalists. These loyalists fought for the sides of British Armies even though they're American


5 interesting facts about john d. rockefeller


His father was a con artist and a bigamist. ...
Every year, Rockefeller celebrated the anniversary of landing his first job. ...
He hired substitute soldiers to avoid Civil War combat. ...
Cleveland was the first epicenter of his oil empire. ...
Rockefeller donated more than $500 million to various philanthropic causes.

if you help me you will get 40 points Write a journal entry as if you were a settler headed for the Oregon Territory in the 1840s. Do some research and describe why you are headed west, what problems you have faced, and a few specific instances along your journey.



March 13th, 1840

we've begun heading west, getting all of our food and essential resources together in the wagon. its a good thing my brother is a doctor, snake bites and broken limbs have been reported from travelers before us.

our religion isn't practiced here, as Mormons we need to be in a new area in the west as others have said.

April 2nd, 1840

today was the first wound besides thrist and hunger we've encountered. my young niece fell out of the wagon on one of our stops, breaking her arm we'd assume. her father is helping her but we need to get going before it gets too hot.

April 14th, 1840

we've come across a little townie settlement, Fort Laramie. we've restocked our resources and we'll be on our way again soon. my wife is going tk have another baby soon and we don't know what we'll do if the baby is ready to come whe we are in an area we can't stop at.

may 6th, 1840

my pregnant wife and young niece have been bitten by a snake with unknown origins. we don't know how this will effect their health or the baby.

may 8th, 1840

two members of our wagon group have passed away, my wife and my young niece. my brother who is a doctor couldn't help them anymore, leaving only me, him, his wife, and my son.

June 17th, 1840

today we are planning to cross a river by cocking and boarding the wagon, but I am scared to go because we don't have a lot of food to spare, and if any is lost we'll starve.

June 18th, 1840

we lost our entire wagon in the river, and my doctor brother drowned to death. we've been walking for about an hour but since his wife is newly pregnant, its hard for her to walk.

June 23rd, 1840

after a few days of walking we've paid money to ride in a wagon with a few other people, a mother and father with a baby and a daughter.

The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, which was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west. The trail was arduous and snaked through Missouri and present-day Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and finally into Oregon. Without the Oregon Trail and the passing of the Oregon Donation Land Act in 1850, which encouraged settlement in the Oregon Territory, I would have been slower to settle the American West in the 19th century.

Imagine that you’re a geologist. This means that you study rocks, minerals, and the natural processes that happen beneath the Earth’s surface. You are sent to study this volcano in Hawaii. You’ll have to learn about the volcano, why it erupts, and when it erupts. You will also have to learn about how the volcano affects the people, plants, and animals that live nearby. Which of the six essential elements of geography would you be using? Explain your answer in at least three sentences.



If I were studying this volcano, I would be using the element of geography called “physical systems.” This is because I would be studying the Earth’s natural systems.  I would be figuring out how this volcano works and why it erupts. I might also be using the element of geography called “environment and society.” I would be learning about how this volcano affects the societies and people that live nearby.  This volcano is part of the environment, and it is going to affect people's lives.

Which idea is found in both "Early Summer Morning" and "How to Release Ladybugs

Into the Garden"?

O Pesticides are dangerous to ladybugs.

O It is difficult to get ladybugs to eat aphids.

O Ladybugs encounter a variety of dangers.

O It is challenging to capture ladybugs in gardens.



Ladybugs encounter a variety of dangers.


The two articles highlight the importance of ladybugs to our ecosystem and show how important and useful they are to maintain not only the ecological balance, but for agriculture as well. However, ladybugs face many dangers during their lives, not only for natural reasons, but also for the manipulation of human beings in the ecosystem. This reinforces the concept of preserving the environment and respecting all forms of life.

Read the sentences. Early Chinese farmers built small villages along the Yellow River. The rich, yellow-colored soil was good for growing a grain called millet. What type of context clue helps describe the meaning of the underlined term? inference restatement antonym or synonym definition or explanation


Hello. You forgot to say that the underlined word is the word "millet".


Definition, explanation.


Context clues are words or phrases that help, through the context they emit, to conceptualize and show the meaning of other words present in the same text, but which are unusual, or unknown. Context clues allow reading to continue without interruption to look for the meaning of words.

In the case of the question above, the word "millet" has as a context clue the word grain, which defines and explains it, showing that the "millet" is a grain that grows in yellow and fertile soil.


Definition, explanation.


rich, yellow-colored soil was good for growing a grain

what are some ways in which the sahel is different from the tropical wet zone




The Sahel is the area between Sahra (on the north) and savanna in Sudan (on the south). The climate of this area is usually dry and windy, with very short rainy periods. Weather is warm, and during the hottest periods, it can go even up to 97 and 108 °F. Yet, winters are usually quite warm as well – even during the cold period, the temperature doesn't go lower than 59 or 70 °F. The weather is mostly sunny, meaning there is sunshine up to 80% of daylight hours.

Tropical Wet climate is typical of the area around Equador, though not the whole belt, but only some parts of Brazil. Congo, Indonesia, and the Philippines. While the weather is also warm, there is prevailing rain during the whole year. Sometimes, rain falls every day. While the temperature is warm, it never is as hot as it can get in the Sahel. Temperature is always around 80 °F, while year-round, without much change. What is also different is that in the Tropical wet climate area it may seem as if the weather is warmer because of high humidity.

Therefore, the main differences are

Shael is very dry, while the tropical wet zone is rather humidWhile both areas are warm, the Sahel zone has more changes in temperature degree than the places where there is a tropical wet climateTropical wet climate is characterized by almost daily rainfalls, while in Sahel area, rain seasons are short and rare

In two to three sentences, describe the culture and people of Mexico.



The culture of mexico has undergone a tremendous transformation over the past few decades. Mexico is the 12th most popular country in the world with over 123 million people. The majority of Mexicans today speak Spanish about 92.7 percent. Much of mexico culture revolves around religious values and church.


The culture of mexico has undergone a tremendous transformation over the past few decades. Mexico is the 12th most popular country in the world with over 123 million people. The majority of Mexicans today speak Spanish about 92.7 percent. Much of mexico culture revolves around religious values and church.

I got my answer from quora.

And now I am mentioning these matters, Permit me my Lord to say how these things appear to me, and I conceive that the Licentious Spirit in America has received such countenance & Encouragement from many Persons, Speeches and declarations...It may be found advisable to settle the Line with respect to Taxation by some new mode or constitution... -Report by James A. Wright, Third Governor of Georgia, August 24, 1774 Which TWO explain why the Georgian colonists felt dissatisfied with their situation?


The correct answers are B) Georgian colonists were frustrated that they were not offered any voice in the creation of these taxes. D) Georgian colonists were angry that the taxes directly targeted cornerstones of their economy, such as cotton.

The two statements that explain why the Georgian colonists felt dissatisfied with their situation are the following: Georgian colonists were frustrated that they were not offered any voice in the creation of these taxes and Georgian colonists were angry that the taxes directly targeted cornerstones of their economy, such as cotton.

James Wright (1716-1785) was the third governor of the colony of Georgia. He was born in London, England, and always was loyal to the British crown. He diligently served the English king and supported the permanent taxations imposed by the English government. Although the people from Georgia was upset by the taxes, he made everything on his hands to delay any rebellion in the colony, when in other colonies of the North American territory, rebellions had already started.


The answers are B, And D


goodl luckkk

Working hard and learning some type of trade or going to college could lead to a person having a higher __________ ___ _______ which is one’s level of comfort.




advantages of modernization


It is more convenient to live in a world where we have access to many material goods to make our lives more comfortable and more fun. Modernization also helps people who are oppressed in traditional society.

what polocies refelect the quaker belifs





Another Quaker value, equality, found its way into Penn's Holy Experiment. He treated women on the same level as men, revolutionary in the 17th century. He encouraged them to get an education and to speak out as men did.

hope this helps!! <3

Which of the following could be said of Bishops and Abbots:
They were the most involved in politics
They helped to decide teachings on religion and the way people should live
They often advised local rulers
all of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




all of the above


theyare all right

Answer: d. all of the above.

Explanation: bishops and abbots were described as all of the above. :)

Increased immigration from eastern Europe led to laws that defined groups
based on
A. religion
B. amount of wealth
C. size of families
D. national origin
on apex learning


Answer: D. National Origin

Answer: national origin

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Question 75 pts(03.02 MC)Gina made a down payment on a motorcycle. What incentive did she have for making a down payment?O A tax breakO A higher loan rateO A less secure loanO A reduced time in debt Which of the following statements about the technique of hypnotic regression is not true?O Recovered memories are not reliable.Courts often depend upon recovered memories.O Memories may be planted by the hypnotist.The process may create stress for the subject. Explain why a+b=d because I dont understand 10. According to Bohr's model of the atom, electrons behave like....A. Waves on a vibrating stringB.Planets orbiting theC.sun light energy in a vacuum I need help filling in the words for this french assignment Silly Goose falls 1.0 m to the floor. How long does the fall take Martinez Corp. has the following beginning-of-the-year present values for its projected benefit obligation and market-related values for its pension plan assets. Projected Benefit Obligation Plan Assets Value 2019 $2,340,000 $2,223,000 2020 2,808,000 2,925,000 2021 3,451,500 3,042,000 2022 4,212,000 3,510,000 The average remaining service life per employee in 2019 and 2020 is 10 years and in 2021 and 2022 is 12 years. The net gain or loss that occurred during each year is as follows: 2019, $327,600 loss; 2020, $105,300 loss; 2021, $12,870 loss; and 2022, $29,250 gain. (In working the solution, the gains and losses must be aggregated to arrive at year-end balances.) Required:Using the corridor approach, compute the amount of net gain or loss amortized and charged to pension expense in each of the four years, setting up an appropriate schedule. Year Minimum Amortization of Loss2013 $2014 $2015 $2016 $ Water is a polar molecule. c. Water is an ionic compound. identify the first term of the algebraic expression. Indicate whether the term is a variable or a constant term.5y + 8b what are the adjectives in the sentence 'in the nest were three tiny newborn robins' The average cost of a compact car at a certain dealership over the last 10 years has ranged from $15,000 to $24,500. Suppose you were going to plot these points on a coordinate grid. (a) What is a good scale [range] would be good to use for the y-axis to make a nicely sized graph? Explain your reasoning. (b) What is a good interval [step size] would be good to use for the y-axis to make a nicely sized graph? Explain your reasoning. (c) What is a good scale [range] would be good to use for the x-axis to make a nicely sized graph? Explain your reasoning. (d) What is a good interval [step size] would be good to use for the x-axis to make a nicely sized graph? Explain your reasoning. Note: The step size the distance between the marks on the graph, and the range is the maximum and minimum values (ex: -10 to 10). X^2+ 17x+91=0Help please!! Which of the following are examples of formal education? Check all of the boxes that apply. attending a college course at an accredited college attending a continuing education course reading a nonfiction book following a blog of an expert in the field What is the solution to 8x - 3(2x - 4) = 3x - 18? Throughout your entire story writing process, you will likely ask your self many questions along the way. While crafting the setting of your story, come up with three questions that you feel would be the most important questions to consider in order to craft an effective and purposeful plot. Briefly explain why each question is important A 20 gallon tank is full. How many gallons are in the tank? In American history, the Connecticut Compromise is also known as __________.A.the Magna CartaB.the Great CompromiseC.the Declaration of IndependenceD.the Constitution of the United States You are a car salesperson and make $17.50 per hour. You are paid on a biweekly basis. Your boss encourages a competition between employees by letting you know that you will receive $100 for each new car you sell. In the first week, you work 20 hours and sell 2 cars. In the second week, you work 30 hours and sell 3 cars. How much will your pay be at the end of the these two weeks? Im timed helpHow did the Crusades change trade in Europe?They increased demand for European products in the Holy Land.They brought traders who took business from European merchants.They created demand for luxury items brought back by the soldiers,They were expensive, so there was less money to use for trade. Which statement best completes the diagram based on the Zhou dynasty'sunderstanding of the Mandate of Heaven?CauseEffectChina is struck bydisasters and invasions.?O A. The Chinese people use oracle bones to communicate withheaven.B. The Chinese people vote for a new person to get the Mandate ofHeaven.C. The Chinese people give up on the idea of the Mandate of Heaven.D. The Chinese people believe heaven does not approve of theirleader.