To His Royal Highness Prince Albert
This simple narrative is an honest attempt to enlist the sympathies
both of England & America in the sufferings of an oppressed race,
to whom in less enlightened days both England & America were
The wrong on England's part has been atoned in a manner worthy
of herself, nor in all her strength & glory, is there any thing that
adds such luster to her name as the position she holds in relation
to human freedom (may America yet emulate her example!)?
The appeal is in greater part as it should be to the writer's own
country, but when fugitives by thousands are crowding British
shores she would enlist for them the sympathy of British hearts.
The author is encouraged by the thought that beneath the royal
insignia of England throbs that woman's & mother's heart. May
she ask that He who is nearest to her would present to her notice
this simple story. Should it win from her compassionate nature,
pitying thoughts for those multitudes of poor outcasts who have
fled for shelter to the shadow of her throne...
1.) What kind of source is this? How do you know?


Answer 1


This appears to be a letter or a written appeal addressed to Prince Albert, possibly by an author or a writer who is seeking sympathy and support for an oppressed race. It is likely a primary source as it is written in first-person and reflects the personal views and opinions of the author.

Related Questions

which antiwar movement featured a wide variety of tactics, from mass demonstration to voter registration to nonviolent civil disobedience, and even to violent tactics such as the days of rage vandalism?


Anti-Vietnam War movement featured a wide variety of tactics, from mass demonstration to voter registration to nonviolent civil disobedience .

Throughout the years that followed, protests against the United States' expanding role in the Vietnam War gave rise to opposition to American involvement in the conflict, or the anti-Vietnam War movement, which is still active today.

In the 1960s and 1970s, there were demonstrations against the Vietnam War. The demonstrations were a part of a movement against American engagement in the Vietnam War. While most of the demonstrations occurred in the United States, some also occurred abroad.

To know more about civil disobedience visit :


who commanded the continental army? a thomas jefferson b general cornwallis c george washington d robert walpole


George Washington
commanded the Continental Army. The correct answer is option C.

1. Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, but not the commander of the Continental Army.

2. General Cornwallis was a British general and commander of British forces during the Revolutionary War, but not the commander of the Continental Army.

3. George Washington was a Founding Father and the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

4. Robert Walpole was an 18th-century British statesman, but not the commander of the Continental Army.

To know more about George Washington refer to-

study the photograph (source 4). who is depicted, and how were they posed? what does this suggest about the victory garden program as well as war efforts on the homefront more broadly?


The photograph (Source 4) depicts a family of four tending to a "victory garden".

The family is posed in a very traditional way, with the mother and father in the center, a daughter on the left, and a son on the right. This suggests that the victory garden program was seen as a family activity, with all members of the family taking part in the effort.

This implies that the victory garden program was seen as a communal activity, where all members of society worked together to contribute to the war effort. It also suggests that the war efforts on the homefront were seen as a communal responsibility, where all members of society had a role to play.

She is posed with her hands on her hips, wearing a hat and apron, and smiling confidently. Her pose suggests that she is proud of the garden that she has planted and is confident in the success of the Victory Garden program.

The Victory Garden program was a response to food shortages during World War II and allowed citizens to grow their own fruits and vegetables in their backyards. This photo suggests the success of the program and the effort that citizens put into supporting the war effort on the home front. It also serves as a reminder of the commitment and patriotism of the citizens of the United States during the war effort.

To know more about World War II, click here;


What is the definition of a parable? Describe some of the main themes taught in the parables of Christianity.


A parable is a short, simple story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson. It is often used as a teaching tool to convey a deeper meaning or truth in a way that is easy to understand. Parables are commonly found in religious texts such as the Bible, where they are used to teach important lessons about God and the nature of humanity.

In the Christian tradition, parables are a significant part of Jesus' teachings, and they serve to illustrate key concepts and themes such as faith, forgiveness, love, and the kingdom of God. Some of the most famous parables in Christianity include the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the Lost Sheep, and the Mustard Seed.

One of the main themes of Jesus' parables is the kingdom of God, which refers to the spiritual realm of God's rule and reign. Through his parables, Jesus teaches that the kingdom of God is not a physical place, but rather a state of being that is accessible to all who have faith and trust in God. He also emphasizes the importance of humility, compassion, and service to others, as these qualities are essential for living a righteous and meaningful life.

Another common theme in Jesus' parables is the idea of forgiveness and reconciliation. He teaches that we should forgive those who wrong us and that God's love and mercy are freely available to all who seek them. This theme is illustrated in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, where the father forgives his wayward son and welcomes him back with open arms.

Overall, Jesus' parables serve as powerful tools for spiritual growth and transformation, as they challenge us to examine our beliefs and values and to live in a way that reflects God's love and grace.

Learn more about parables:

describe the methods used to deny civil rights and liberties to black americans. use specific examples from reconstruction and the early 1900s.



The baffling and bewildering nature of the denial of civil rights and liberties to Black Americans during Reconstruction and the early 1900s is a conundrum of great complexity, filled with an array of mechanisms and methods employed in achieving this end. The brutality and harassment tactics deployed by white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan were ceaseless and merciless in nature, covering a spectrum of horrors from lynching and arson to mob violence. These tactics are aimed at terrorizing Black communities and preventing them from exercising their political and social rights, such as their right to vote. A particularly chilling example of such violent acts was the Colfax massacre of 1873, where marauding armed white men descended on the town of Colfax, Louisiana, killing numerous Black people who had valiantly stood up for their right to vote.

Legal discrimination played a major role in disenfranchising Black Americans, and segregation laws institutionalized racial segregation throughout Southern states, requiring separate facilities and services for Black and white people, including schools, housing, transportation, and public spaces. This institutionalized discrimination was further entrenched by the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling of 1896, which validated the constitutionality of "separate but equal" facilities, thereby providing legal cover for segregation and emboldening its proponents.

Furthermore, African Americans were systematically excluded from political participation through various discriminatory tactics such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and other obstacles to voting. These practices made it nearly impossible for Black people to exercise their right to vote, despite constitutional amendments granting them that right. In Mississippi, for example, where more than half of the population was Black, fewer than 1.5% of eligible Black voters were registered to vote in 1942 due to such discriminatory practices.

In summary, the denial of civil rights and liberties to Black Americans during Reconstruction and the early 1900s was a perplexing and multi-dimensional issue, involving a twisted mix of violence, legal discrimination, and voter disenfranchisement. It wasn't until the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20th century that tangible progress was made in addressing these injustices.

The methods included segregation, disfranchisement, denial of educational and economic opportunities, and the enforcement of racial terror.

During the Reconstruction era (1863-1877) and the early 1900s, there were several methods used to deny civil rights and liberties to African Americans.

Segregation: Segregation was the separation of African Americans from whites in all aspects of life, such as education, public transportation, and public restrooms. The Supreme Court upheld the “separate but equal” doctrine in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, which resulted in Jim Crow laws, which further segregated African Americans from whites.

Disfranchisement: Disfranchisement was the restriction of African Americans from voting in elections. Various methods of disfranchisement, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, were used to limit African Americans’ access to voting.

Denial of Educational and Economic Opportunities: African Americans were denied educational and economic opportunities, such as access to higher education, employment opportunities, and access to housing. African Americans were also often subjected to economic exploitation in the form of exploitative wages and labor contracts.

Enforcement of Racial Terror: During this time period, African Americans were also subjected to racial terror in the form of lynchings, riots, and other acts of violence. This terror served to instill fear and limit African Americans’ access to civil rights and liberties.

To know more about Reconstruction era refer to-

The Atlantic Charter was an agreement made by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in August 1941 (before the US entered into WW2), which outlined the objectives of the war and what they agreed the world should be like when the war concluded.
You can read the full text at the bottom of this assignment.

Directions: Find and quote evidence from the primary source text in The Atlantic Charter that supports the claims made below:

CLAIM: The US and UK don’t seek to grow or gain new territory.

CLAIM: Colonies should be able to create their own governments.

CLAIM: Countries won’t be excluded from global trade.

CLAIM: World peace means that people have what they need to live.

CLAIM: Let’s finally make a move to get rid of pirates.

CLAIM: Disarming countries’ weapons will benefit global security.

The President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom, being met together, deem it right to make known certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future for the world.
First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other;
Second, they desire to see no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the people concerned;
Third, they respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them;
Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity;
Fifth, they desire to bring about the fullest collaboration between all nations in the economic field with the object of securing, for all, improved labor standards, economic advancement and social security;
Sixth, after the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, they hope to see established a peace which will afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford assurance that all the men in all lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want;
Seventh, such a peace should enable all men to traverse the high seas and oceans without hindrance;
Eighth, they believe that all of the nations of the world, for realistic as well as spiritual reasons must come to the abandonment of the use of force. Since no future peace can be maintained if land, sea, or air armaments continue to be employed by nations that threaten, or may threaten, aggression outside of their frontiers, they believe, pending the establishment of a wider and permanent system of general security, that the disarmament of such nations is essential. They will likewise aid and encourage all other practicable measures that will lighten for peace-loving peoples the crushing burden of armaments.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Winston S. Churchill



Please look in the explanation!


CLAIM: The US and UK don’t seek to grow or gain new territory.

EVIDENCE: "First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other;"

The Atlantic Charter explicitly states that the US and UK have no intention of seeking any territorial gains or aggrandizement. They only hope to establish a better future for the world through common principles.

CLAIM: Colonies should be able to create their own governments.

2. EVIDENCE: "Third, they respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them;"

The Atlantic Charter acknowledges the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live. The document explicitly states that they wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been deprived of them. This is especially true for colonies that were under the rule of imperial powers.

CLAIM: Countries won’t be excluded from global trade.

3. EVIDENCE: "Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity;"

The Atlantic Charter recognizes the need for all countries to have access to global trade on equal terms. The document states that the US and UK will strive to promote equal access to trade and raw materials for all countries, regardless of their size or status.

CLAIM: World peace means that people have what they need to live.

4. EVIDENCE: "Sixth, after the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, they hope to see established a peace which will afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford assurance that all the men in all lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want;"

The Atlantic Charter envisions a world where all nations can live in safety and freedom from fear and want. The document highlights that world peace requires the assurance that people have the means to live without fear or want.

CLAIM: Let’s finally make a move to get rid of pirates.

5. EVIDENCE: None found in The Atlantic Charter.

There is no explicit mention of pirates in The Atlantic Charter. The document focuses on establishing common principles for national policies of the US and UK in their hopes for a better future for the world.

CLAIM: Disarming countries’ weapons will benefit global security.

6. EVIDENCE: "Eighth, they believe that all of the nations of the world, for realistic as well as spiritual reasons, must come to the abandonment of the use of force. [...] they believe, pending the establishment of a wider and permanent system of general security, that the disarmament of such nations is essential."

The Atlantic Charter asserts that the abandonment of the use of force by nations is essential for global peace and security. The document emphasizes that nations must disarm their weapons, which is an important step towards achieving this goal.

According to Will Rogers, how did people buy
in the "old days?" What changed?


Answer: It features this “trickle up” economics quote from Will Rogers: ... In the old days, they could get away with it, but of late years, ..


what are examples of the influence of traditional culture islam and soviet rule in central asia today


Examples of the influence of traditional culture, Islam, and Soviet rule in Central Asia today include the prevalence of traditional clothing, food and customs; the continued practice of Islam as the dominant religion; and presence of Soviet-era, infrastructure and political systems.

-hope this helps!

The influence of traditional culture, Islam, and Soviet rule in Central Asia today is quite significant. In terms of traditional culture, many customs such as language, clothing, cuisine, and music still persist in Central Asia.

In terms of Islam, many people in the region adhere to the religion, with mosque attendance and religious holidays being very common. Lastly, in terms of Soviet rule, many of the region’s governing structures were built on the model of the former Soviet Union, with strong authoritarian regimes in power.

1. Traditional culture in Central Asia still has a strong influence today, including language, clothing, cuisine, and music.

2. Islam is a major religion in Central Asia and is widely practiced, with many people attending mosques and observing religious holidays.

3. Soviet rule has left a lasting impact on Central Asia, with authoritarian regimes and governing structures being modeled after the former Soviet Union.

To know more about Soviet rule refer to-


what was not a reason that the industrial revolution began in england? responses many available laborers many available laborers strong banking system strong banking system large population of landowners large population of landowners numerous rivers


None of the options provided is a valid response as they all were contributing factors to the Industrial Revolution in England.

The Industrial Revolution in England was a complex and multifaceted event that was caused by a combination of economic, social, and technological factors. The availability of many laborers, a strong banking system, a large population of landowners, and numerous rivers were all key factors that contributed to the growth of the industry in England. Other factors that also played a role in the Industrial Revolution include technological innovations, the availability of natural resources, and the growth of trade and commerce.

For more information on The Industrial Revolution in England:

the third intermediate period in egypt was part of what larger mediterranean and near eastern phenomen? question 1 options:


The third intermediate period in Egypt was part of the larger Near Eastern Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550–1175 BCE).

This period saw the emergence of powerful regional states and empires throughout the Near East, including the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire.

1. The third intermediate period in Egypt was part of the larger Near Eastern Late Bronze Age.

2. This period was in the timeframe of 1550–1175 BCE.

3. During this period, powerful regional states and empires emerged in the Near East, such as the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire.

To know more about Egypt refer to-

Complete question

The third intermediate period in egypt was part of what larger mediterranean and near eastern phenomen?

The Legend of Sleepy Hallow - A fictional story of a teacher and the spirit of a Hessian soldier from the American Revolution.

The Last of The Mohicans - A narrative primarily set in the New York wilderness during the French and Indian war?

The Scarlet Letter - A fictional story set in the puritan town of Boston during the 1640s.

how does this literature reflect the development of a unique American culture?

A) The themes are centered on patriotic acts in American History.
B) The books are all biographies on American Leaders.
C) The authors use American history as settings of the story.
D) The tales are based on American Indian myths.


Answer: C ) The authors use American history as settings of the story.

((I could be wrong, if someone else were to give the correct answer, please comment under this with large bold and letters))  


The Legend of Sleepy Hallow-  

As you read the information until the line is Hessian Soldier from the American Revolution, it took a setting or a place during American Revolution, it is a real setting but in a different version instead of the original.

The Last of The Mohicans-

 It's the same with the last information, but with a different time and place instead, the word that is use Primarily is the main background and time they're focusing on for the plot

The Scarlet Letter-

Just as before again, different areas and time with their story. With the sentence "Set in puritan town of Boston during the 1640s"

What do these three have in common?

How do you know that they all have one commmon?

The background and different time setting

Madagascar plan was ultimately abandoned by the Nazi party when it became apparent that Britain would not easily be conquered. how was the plan triumphed over Britain related to resettling Jews on an island off the coast of Africa?

A) the Britain where allies of the malagasy people and promised fight against resettlement.

B) Brian had colonized madagascar, so Germany hoped to take control of it.

C) the Nazis plan to use British warships to transport Jewish prisoners.

D) if Britain were conquered, the United States would be too powerless to object the Madagascar plan​


Option (c), The Nazis intend to transport Jewish detainees using British warships.

The Madagascar Plan was what?

The Nazi German government suggested the "Madagascar Plan," which advocated for expelling Jews from Europe and forced them to relocate on the island of Madagascar. In June 1940, just before France was toppled, Franz Rademacher, the head of the German Foreign Office's Jewish Division, put up the notion. The plan proposed giving Germany dominion over Madagascar, which at the time was a French colony, in exchange for final peace conditions.

The possibility of resettling Polish Jews in Madagascar was investigated by the Polish government in 1937, but the task team that was sent to evaluate the potential of the island discovered that only 5,000 to 7,000 households, or possibly as few as 500 families, according to some estimates, could be accommodated.

Due to the Nazis' unsuccessful attempts to encourage the emigration of Germany's Jewish population before to World War Two, the idea of sending Jews to Madagascar was revived by the Nazi leadership in 1940.

The Madagascar Plan, a Nazi German plot that called for moving European Jews to the island of Madagascar, was conceived during World War II. This was meant to occur following the invasion of Madagascar, which was then a part of France.

The plan was never put into action for two main reasons. The strategy needed Germany to be able to control Great Britain's naval forces, but this never happened. The scheme was also replaced with the "Final Solution," which called for the extermination of all Jews in Europe.

Learn more about "Madagascar Plan,":


State level governments are based on the organization of:
The Federalist Papers
The Declaration of Independence
the national government outlined in the Constitution
O monarchies in Europe
ext incorrect question


State level governments are based on the organization of C . the national government outlined in the Constitution .

How are state level governments organized in the United States ?

The Constitution outlines the powers and responsibilities of both the federal government and the state governments, and establishes a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful.

State level governments have their own constitutions, which outline the structure and powers of their respective state governments within the framework of the federal system .

Find out more on state level governments at


how could spaniards obtain encomiendas?group of answer choicesby inheriting themby buying them from native chiefsby serving the spanish crownby buying them from other spaniards


Encomiendas were a type of labor and tribute system in the Spanish colonies. The Spaniards could obtain encomiendas by serving the Spanish Crown. The correct option is C.

Spaniards could obtain encomienda by serving the Spanish Crown.

Encomienda was a system of rewarding conquistadors with land grants and the labor of the conquered peoples. In exchange, the encomenderos, or recipients of the encomienda, were responsible for the well-being and religious instruction of the natives under their control.

The Spanish monarchy was responsible for granting encomiendas to conquistadors who assisted in the colonization and subjugation of new territories, as well as for managing the encomienda system in the colonies. To gain encomiendas, individuals had to serve the Spanish crown, either through military service or other means.

The Spanish crown would then reward these individuals with encomiendas, giving them the authority to collect tributes and labor from the natives of the area. The idea of buying or inheriting encomiendas was unlikely since they were granted by the Spanish crown and were based on loyalty and service to the crown rather than personal wealth or inheritance.

Thus, the correct answer is C. Spaniards could obtain encomiendas by serving the Spanish Crown.

To know more about Encomiendas here:


how do the oral histories in source 5 add to your understanding of home front involvement in the war effort? does their testimony force you to question the other documents in any way, and if so, how?



The oral histories in source 5 add to our understanding of home front involvement in the war effort by providing a more personal and detailed account of the experiences of those who lived through the war. Through the oral histories, we can gain a better understanding of the impact of the war on individuals, their families, and their communities. The testimonies also provide insight into the ways in which people adapted to the changing circumstances of the war and how they contributed to the war effort.

The oral histories do force us to question the other documents in a few ways. For example, the oral histories provide a more detailed and nuanced account of the experiences of individuals, which may differ from the more general accounts provided in other documents. Additionally, the oral histories provide

who is credited with the idea of stacking increasingly smaller mastabas to create a monumental symbol of the king's everlasting power? group of answer choices khufu djoser khafre imhotep


The person credited with the idea of stacking increasingly smaller mastabas to create a monumental symbol of the king's everlasting power is Imhotep.

What are mastabas?

A mastaba is an ancient Egyptian funerary structure that resembles a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outwardly sloping sides. These were built in Egypt during the Old Kingdom period (about 2686–2181 BCE).

What is the step pyramid?

Imhotep built the world's first step pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt, for King Djoser. It was built over the course of 20 years and is one of the most famous pyramids in Egypt today. This pyramid started as a mastaba but was subsequently expanded by stacking increasingly smaller mastabas on top of one other.

The pyramid's height of 62 meters was a world record at the time of its construction. Imhotep was given credit for developing the idea of stacking increasingly smaller mastabas to create a monumental symbol of the king's everlasting power.

Thus, Imhotep is credited with the idea of stacking increasingly smaller mastabas to create a monumental symbol of the king's everlasting power.

To know more about Imhotep, click on the link below:


From which direction do you think Pakistan's moisture-bearing winds come?



I think southwesterly winds if I’m not mistaken

how were farmers impacted by the rapid economic changes of the late 1800s? what actions were taken by farmers in response to these impacts?


During the late 1800s, farmers were significantly affected by rapid economic changes. This led to farmers responding to the consequences. The following are ways in which farmers were affected by rapid economic changes:

1. High production costs: Farmers had to incur high production costs when purchasing farm machinery, fertilizers, and seeds to keep up with the pace of technological advancements.

2. Overproduction: As more farmers adopted the new technology, overproduction of goods became a significant problem. This led to farmers' income decreasing as a result of price drops.

3. Dependence on Railroads: Farmers relied on railroads to transport their goods, and railroad companies charged extortionate rates, causing farmers' profits to decline.

4. Foreclosures: Farmers who had loans from banks had trouble repaying them, causing many of them to lose their homes and land.

What actions were taken by farmers in response to these impacts?The following are actions that farmers took in response to the economic impacts of the late 1800s:

1. The formation of Farmer's Alliances, which advocated for farmer's rights, such as government regulation of railroads, tariff reforms, and silver-backed currency.

2. The formation of the People's Party in 1892.

3. Protests and strikes were organized by farmers.

4. The establishment of cooperatives, which assisted farmers in selling their goods at a reasonable price.

For such more questions on Farmers


What were two government structures in France from 1919 to 1939


From 1919 to 1939, France had two different forms of government structures:

Parliamentary SystemPresidential System

What is the government structures in France?

Parliamentary System: France had a parliamentary system of government in which the executive power was held by the Prime Minister and his cabinet. The Prime Minister was appointed by the President and had to have the support of the National Assembly to remain in power. The National Assembly was elected by the people of France and was responsible for creating and passing laws.

Lastly, Presidential System: In 1934, France moved to a presidential system of government, which gave more power to the President. The President was directly elected by the people and had the power to appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister and his cabinet. However, the President still had to work with the National Assembly to pass laws and make decisions.

Read more about government structure here:


briefly explain one important similarity between teh british colonies in the ceaspeake region and the british colonies in new england in the period from 1607 to 1754


One important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754 was that both had economies that were based on agriculture.

The British colonies in the Chesapeake region and New England had significant differences in their geography, economy, and demography. These differences resulted in two distinct colonial systems emerging in America that eventually led to different views and ideals of what America should become.

The British colonies in the Chesapeake region, located along the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and Maryland, were established for economic reasons. The region's fertile land and warm climate were ideal for agriculture, and colonists quickly started growing tobacco, which became their cash crop.

They relied heavily on slave labor to work on plantations, and this became the backbone of the region's economy.

The British colonies in New England, located in present-day Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, were established for religious reasons. Puritans, who were seeking religious freedom, founded the region's first settlement in 1620.

The region's harsh climate and rocky soil were not ideal for farming, and the colonists had to rely on fishing, shipbuilding, and trade for their livelihood.

Despite these differences, both the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and New England had economies that were based on agriculture. They both relied on exporting their crops and goods to England to make a profit. This led to the growth of a mercantile economy in America and eventually helped pave the way for the American Revolution.

To know more about British colonies, click on the link below:


how and to what extent merchants were able to acquire influence with rulers in the ottoman empire, the various parts of what is now india, and china in the 15th and 16th centuries.


In the 15th and 16th centuries, merchants in the Ottoman Empire, various parts of India, and China were able to acquire influence with rulers through the payment of bribes, and by forming relationships and alliances with the powerful.

Merchants would often provide goods, services, and other forms of wealth to the rulers in exchange for protection and other privileges. They would also form relationships with powerful people in the court, which would give them a better chance to influence the ruler.

Merchants would also form alliances with other merchants and traders, and together they could have more power in the court.

1. Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, various parts of India, and China were able to acquire influence with rulers through bribes, forming relationships and alliances, and providing goods and services.

2. Forming relationships with powerful people in the court and forming alliances with other merchants and traders could help them have more influence.

3. These strategies helped merchants to acquire influence in the 15th and 16th centuries.

To know more about ottoman empire refer to-


I’ll put the pictures in can y’all do the paragraph ?


Answer: Here's a CER paragraph with 4 claims about Andrew Jackson as a villain, with supporting evidence and explanations:

Andrew Jackson is often seen as a villain in American history due to his controversial policies and actions. Firstly, his treatment of Native Americans is a clear indication of his villainous nature. Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in the infamous Trail of Tears. This caused immense suffering and loss of life for Native American communities, as documented by the National Park Service.

Secondly, Jackson's disregard for the Constitution is another indication of his villainous nature. He vetoed the re-chartering of the Second Bank of the United States in 1832, despite the fact that it was a lawful institution established by Congress. This act of executive overreach undermined the separation of powers, according to the National Constitution Center, and set a dangerous precedent for future presidents.

Thirdly, Jackson's expansion of executive power is another clear indication of his villainous nature. He famously declared, "I am the government," according to the Miller Center, and made it clear that he would use his presidential powers to push through his agenda. This disregard for checks and balances contributed to a concentration of power in the executive branch that many see as undemocratic.

Finally, Jackson's violent temperament and tendency to engage in duels are also evidence of his villainous nature. According to, he engaged in several duels throughout his life, including one in which he killed a man. This shows a willingness to use violence to settle disputes, which is certainly not a trait of a hero.

In conclusion, Jackson's treatment of Native Americans, disregard for the Constitution, expansion of executive power, and violent tendencies are all clear indications of his villainous nature. While he is celebrated by some for his military leadership and populist rhetoric, a closer examination of his actions reveals a darker side to his legacy.


Fill in the blank: _____ was the first president since fdr to be reelected with the unemployment rate higher than when he was first elected.


Ronald Reagan was the first president since FDR to be reelected with an unemployment rate higher than when he was first elected.

Ronald Reagan was the first president since FDR to be reelected with an unemployment rate higher than when he was first elected. His reelection in 1984 made history in America as it was the first time since FDR that a president had been re-elected with an unemployment rate higher than when he was first elected. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when he was elected in 1980 and 7.4% when he was reelected in 1984.

You can learn more about unemployment rate at:


in the time period of 1860 - 1900, lumber entrepreneurs could purchase land in michigan from the government land office for:


In the time period of 1860 - 1900, lumber entrepreneurs could purchase land in Michigan from the government land office for $1.25 per acre.

Why was land purchased so cheaply in Michigan in the late 1800s?

This was the standard price set by the Homestead Act of 1862, which allowed individuals to claim up to 160 acres of public land for a small fee. The act was designed to encourage settlement and development of the western United States, but it also applied to Michigan and other states with public lands available for sale.

The low price of land made it easier for lumber entrepreneurs to acquire large tracts of forested land for logging and other commercial activities, which contributed to the growth of the timber industry in Michigan and other parts of the country.

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what nationality was the first scientist who used the pi symbol?


Leonhard Euler was the first mathematician, physicist, and astronomer in 1737 who adopted the pi symbol ( [tex]\pi[/tex] ). He was born in Basel, Switzerland on 15 April 1707. He studied with diligence and showed an affinity for cognitive thinking and higher senses of logical reasoning.

He was  bright in the field of mathematics and engineering hence he enrolled in the University of Basel, in 1720. Furthermore, his drive and curiosity to learn led to many epitomes of success such as his model for topology while viewing a map changed the common views of people across the globe.

Hence, Leonhard Euler opened the gates to the future of cognitive thinking and formed the stepping stone for future generation.

To learn more about Leonhard Euler,

8. what were essential elements of the arab spring and what happened in the arab fall? what country evolved as the most successful after its arab spring uprising?


The Arab Spring began in late 2010 and early 2011 as a wave of uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa. Essential elements of the Arab Spring included demonstrations, protests, civil wars, and regime changes.

In many of the countries affected by the Arab Spring, a shift away from autocratic government to a more democratic system occurred.

The Arab Fall was a continuation of the Arab Spring but characterized by political instability, civil war, and the rise of extremist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The country that evolved as the most successful after its Arab Spring uprising is Tunisia. Tunisia experienced a peaceful revolution that overthrew its authoritarian government and elected a new government, implementing democratic reforms and a new constitution.

The country also experienced an economic recovery and is now considered the most successful Arab Spring state.

To know more about Arab Spring, refer here:


scholarship indicates that there have been how many waves of democratization in the world since 1825?


There have been four main waves of democratization in the world since 1825. The first wave of democratization began in the early 19th century, with countries like the United States, France, and the United Kingdom democratizing.

The second wave of democratization began in the late 19th century and was concentrated in Latin America. The third wave of democratization occurred in the mid-20th century and saw a spread of democratic rule to countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The fourth and most recent wave of democratization began in the late 20th century and has been largely concentrated in post-Communist countries in Europe and Eurasia.

Since 1825, there have been four distinct waves of democratization across the world. The first wave of democratization began in the early 19th century and focused primarily on Europe and the Americas. The second wave of democratization occurred in the late 19th century and was mainly concentrated in Latin America.

The third wave of democratization occurred in the mid-20th century and saw a spread of democratic rule to countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The fourth and most recent wave of democratization began in the late 20th century and has been largely concentrated in post-Communist countries in Europe and Eurasia.

To know more about democratization refer to-


which of these elements was the most effective factor in the spread and consolidation of christianity?


The most effective factor in the spread and consolidation of Christianity was the Roman Empire.

What is Christianity?

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic faith based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The term also refers to the religion, its beliefs, and the religious traditions that have developed over time as a result of Jesus' life and teachings.

In the 1st century CE, Christianity began as a Jewish sect in the eastern Mediterranean, but it quickly spread throughout the Roman Empire, eventually becoming the dominant religion in Europe.

There is a lot of debate over why Christianity spread so quickly and effectively, but most historians believe that it was due to a combination of factors, including the Roman Empire's political stability and infrastructure, Christianity's appeal to a broad range of people, and the work of devoted missionaries and evangelists like Paul and Peter.

The Roman Empire and Christianity: The Roman Empire played a significant role in the spread and consolidation of Christianity. For one, the empire's vast infrastructure made it easier for missionaries to travel and spread the gospel. Additionally, the empire's political stability allowed for the relatively free exchange of ideas and religion, which helped Christianity to spread rapidly.

The Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity in the early 4th century was a turning point in the religion's history, as it legitimized and institutionalized the faith throughout the empire.

The emperor also helped to spread the faith by ordering the construction of Christian churches and by convening the Council of Nicaea, which helped to establish many of the central tenets of Christian theology.

In conclusion, the Roman Empire was the most effective factor in the spread and consolidation of Christianity.

To know more about Christianity refer here :


passage of the nineteenth amendment allowed women to continue their quest for equality in what way?


The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment allowed women to continue their quest for equality in the following ways: Women's Voting Rights, Gender Equality, Empowerment, Education, Career Advancement

1. Women's Voting Rights: The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote. This was a major turning point in women's history and allowed them to become more politically active.

2. Gender Equality: The Nineteenth Amendment helped women to achieve greater gender equality. It gave them the right to vote and helped to reduce the gender gap in society. Women could now pursue their aspirations, careers, and other endeavors with much more freedom.

3. Empowerment: The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment empowered women to fight for their rights and freedoms. It gave them a voice and allowed them to participate in the political process. Women could now speak up and demand equality and justice.

4. Education: The Nineteenth Amendment encouraged women to pursue education and achieve greater levels of success. It allowed them to pursue their dreams and make their voices heard. With the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, women were finally given the tools they needed to succeed in society.

5. Career Advancement: The Nineteenth Amendment opened up new career opportunities for women. It allowed them to break into previously male-dominated fields and industries. Women could now work and earn a living without being discriminated against.

To know more about Nineteenth Amendment here:


what do etruscan tombs tell us about the etruscan's' lives? be sure to cite specific examples to illustrate your discussion. how does it demonstrate contact with other cultures?


Etruscan tombs tell us about Etruscan art and crafts, their wealth, religion, society, and their everyday life. The tombs offer much insight into the Etruscan people’s rituals, society, and everyday life, including their religious beliefs and their perspective on death.

The decorations on the walls and ceilings of the tombs show several scenes and figures from the Etruscan lifestyle that represented how the Etruscan people lived. The Etruscan tombs’ walls and ceilings are decorated with images of humans, animals, and mythical creatures.

The Etruscan people believed in the afterlife, and, to this end, they preserved the dead in decorated tombs along with their most valuable belongings. These tombs were sealed after the burial, so that the items inside the tomb could never be taken out. It was believed that the deceased could utilize their possessions and continue their life in the afterlife.

The Etruscans had long-established trade routes with Greece and other nations in the Mediterranean area, as revealed by the objects found in the tombs. These objects were likely acquired through trade or given as gifts to Etruscan aristocrats.

Know more about Etruscan here:


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Look closely at those leaf samples and devise a dichotomous key that helps you identify them. Be sure that your dichotomous key contains only pairs of statements about a single characteristic. For example, a pair of statements might be:A. leaf margin smoothB. leaf margin toothedHowever, you should avoid pairs of statements that do not address the same characteristic. The following pair, for example, would not be very informative in your key:A. leaf margin smoothB. leaf type needle-likeAs you develop your key, test it out with the 10 leaves provided on the Common Leaves sheet. When you've developed a key that identifies all 10 leaves, type your statements, go tos, and identifications, following the format in the example below. The example is based on this lessons dichotomous key for birds.Once you have completed your dichotomous key, answer the two remaining questions. When you are finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit.1. 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