todd is a u.s. senator from colorado. congress is debating the reauthorization of the federally funded head start program. in an era of large government debt, congress is looking to cut unnecessary programs. in making his decision about how to vote, what information should todd consider?


Answer 1

Todd, as a US Senator from Colorado, should consider the potential impact of the reauthorization of the federally funded Head Start program on his constituents.

He should research the current state of Head Start programs in Colorado and consider whether there is a need for continued funding. He should research the potential cost savings associated with reauthorizing the program and compare it to the potential costs of cutting the program. He should also consider the potential impact of cutting the program on the communities of Colorado and any potential long-term economic and social implications. Additionally, he should consider the potential impact of cutting the program on other federal and state programs, as well as any potential impacts on jobs and the economy.

In considering how to vote on the reauthorization of the federally funded Head Start program, Todd should research the current performance of the program and consider any potential improvements that can be made, such as increased access or increased efficiency. He should also consider the potential for public-private partnerships to help fund and improve the program. Finally, he should consider the potential for the program to provide an opportunity for those in need, such as low-income families, to gain access to quality education.

to know more about potential impact of the reauthorization:


Related Questions

while it is important to apply a system-blame approach to social problems, why is depending entirely on this approach a problem?


While it is important to apply a system-blame approach to social problems, depending entirely on this approach is a problem because it shields people from accountability for their actions.

According to the system-blame approach, societal issues are the main cause of social issues. Some can argue that comprehending the distribution of power in society is the key to understanding social issues. While using the system-blame approach, there are situations when people themselves are the issue.

The interplay of individuals creates society. Social problems can have systemic causes, but this only tells part of the story. Hence, the system-blame strategy might free people of accountability for their deeds. Blame the system usually implies a highly strict, dogmatic understanding of society. It frequently gives the impression that people lack free will.

Know more about system-blame approach here


what type of coping strategy is effective during a stressful circumstance that is uncontrollable ?


It's difficult to identify the most effective coping strategy for dealing with stress, as everyone is unique and may respond differently to various approaches. However, several strategies are typically regarded as effective ways to manage stress, and they may be especially beneficial in uncontrollable circumstances.

Meditation is a powerful coping strategy for managing stress. It is a great tool for calming your mind and reducing your overall anxiety levels. If you have a problem that you can't control, meditation can help you accept that you can't change it and instead focus on what you can control, such as your reaction to the problem.

By practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present moment, meditation can assist you in putting things into perspective.Another technique that can help you handle stress is exercise. Exercise is an excellent method to burn off nervous energy and boost your overall well-being.

Exercise also causes the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that improve mood and decrease stress levels.Talking to someone you trust is another way to cope with stress. Speak with a friend or family member about how you're feeling.

It's possible that they've had similar experiences and can provide advice or simply lend an ear. When you can't control the circumstance, having a sympathetic ear can be quite beneficial.Most importantly, it's critical to keep in mind that everyone responds to stress differently, so it's crucial to find what works best for you. Even if a coping strategy is effective for one person, it may not work for another.

To learn more about meditation, refer below:


In the punctuated-equilibrium model, what action occurs immediately after the first meeting of the group, which sets the direction?
A. A transition to the half way point.
B. Accelerated activity.
C. Major changes.
D. Inertia and slower progress.
E. A second phase of inertia.


According to the punctuated-equilibrium model, accelerated activity occurs immediately after the first meeting of the group, which sets the direction.

The punctuated-equilibrium model is a model of group development that proposes that groups undergo periods of inertia followed by periods of rapid change in a cyclical pattern. It was developed by Stephen J. Gould and Niles Eldredge in the 1970s to explain patterns in the fossil record. After a period of rapid change, the group returns to a period of inertia until the next period of rapid change occurs. The correct answer is option B.

To learn more about punctuated-equilibrium model :


complete the chart to show the chain of events starting with assembly creates a constitution. do you think this chain of events could have been changed in any way?


The chain of events starting with assembly creating a constitution is as follows: assembly creates the constitution, people vote on the constitution, the constitution is signed and ratified, and the government is created. No, this chain of events could not have been changed in any way. The steps of this process must take place in the order listed, as each step builds upon the one before it.

The assembly must create the constitution first, as this document is the foundation for the government and will dictate the laws and procedures of the government. Once the document is created, the people must vote on the constitution so that they may give their approval of the government. If the constitution is not accepted, it must be changed and the process must start over.

Once the people have voted and accepted the constitution, it must then be signed and ratified by the appropriate parties so that it is legally binding. Finally, the government can be created using the laws and regulations outlined in the constitution.

In conclusion, the chain of events starting with assembly creating a constitution could not have been changed in any way. Each step of the process must take place in order for the government to be formed properly and for the laws to be accepted and enforced.

To learn more about constitution here:


describe the three techniques for piercing a plate to start a cut: raising the torch, running start, and angling the torch.


The three techniques for piercing a plate to start a cut are raising the torch, running start and angling the torch.

Raising the torch: This involves slowly raising the torch until it pierces the metal and begins the cut. This technique involves positioning the torch above the plate and bringing it down slowly until it pierces the plate. It is a slow and controlled method that can help prevent damage to the material.Running start: This involves slowly running the torch along the metal until it begins the cut. In this technique, the torch is positioned at the edge of the plate and the operator quickly moves it forward to pierce the plate. This method requires a steady hand and can result in a rougher cut if not done carefully.Angling the torch: This involves angling the torch at a specific angle to begin the cut. This technique involves positioning the torch at a slight angle to the plate and slowly bringing it down until it pierces the plate. It is often used when cutting thicker materials and requires a steady hand to avoid damage to the material.

These techniques help ensure an even and successful cut.

Know more about piercing a plate


michael wants to make sure he is helping his daughter's brain develop connections as she grows. which activity would best help him do this? putting his daughter in a swing reading to his daughter feeding his daughter keeping his daughter safe from harm


The best activity  Michael should do to help his daughter's brain develop connections as she grows is reading to his daughter.

Reading to your daughter is one of the best ways to help her brain develop connections as she grows. This activity helps your daughter to develop her language and cognitive skills.

When you read to your daughter, it encourages her to create connections between words and their meanings. It also allows her to imagine stories and practice her comprehension skills. Additionally, reading to your daughter can help to foster a love for books and promote bonding time between the two of you.

To help your daughter's brain develop connections, set aside time each day for reading. Find stories that are appropriate for her age level and that she will enjoy. Talk about the characters, explain difficult words, and answer any questions she might have. Involve her in the story and ask her to draw pictures or make up stories.

Learn more about brain development here:


chanel miller was permitted to attend the full trial of brock turner. group of answer choices true false


The given statement "Chanel miller was permitted to attend the full trial of Brock turner" is false as she did not attend the court trial.

Brock Allen Turner was found guilty of three counts of felony sexual assault in the high-profile criminal case known as People v. Turner, also known as The People of the State of California v. Brock Allen Turner (2015).

Brock Allen Turner, a student athlete at Stanford University at the time and 19 years old, attacked Chanel Miller, 22, while she was unconscious on January 18, 2015, on the Stanford University campus. Turner was restrained until police came by two graduate students who stepped up. Turner was detained but later freed after posting a $150,000 bail.

Know more about criminal case here


if a student completes less than 50% of his/her enrolled units with a w, i, nc, or np grade, they will be:


If a student completes less than 50% of their enrolled units with a W (withdrawn), I (incomplete), NC (no credit) or NP (not passed) grade, they will be considered to have not met the academic progress requirements for their school.

This means that they will not be eligible to receive financial aid, and may face other academic penalties, such as being placed on academic probation or having their grades withheld.

In order to be considered to have met academic progress requirements, a student must have earned at least 50% of the units they have enrolled in with a passing grade (A, B, C, D, or P).

For example, if a student has enrolled in 12 units and earned a W, I, NC, or NP grade in 6 or more of them, they will not have met the academic progress requirements.

The consequences for not meeting academic progress requirements can vary from school to school, but generally speaking.

Students will no longer be eligible for financial aid and may be placed on academic probation or have their grades withheld. In some cases, a student may even be suspended from the school.

It is important for students to understand the academic progress requirements of their school, and to make sure they are meeting them. Taking the time to do so can save them from facing severe academic penalties.

To know more about enrolled units here


which is a message suggested by the research on infants raised in eastern european orphanages during the cold war?


The research on infants raised in Eastern European orphanages during the Cold War suggests that early experiences can have long-term effects on development and emphasize the importance of early attachment and care.

Research on infants raised in Eastern European orphanages during the Cold War suggests that early deprivation of social and emotional experiences can have long-lasting negative effects on child development. Infants who experienced institutional care were found to have lower cognitive abilities, reduced social skills, and increased behavioural problems compared to children raised in family environments.

These effects were thought to be caused by a lack of personalized attention, touch, and communication with caregivers. The research suggests that providing consistent and responsive care is essential for healthy child development, and highlights the importance of nurturing relationships between caregivers and infants during the early stages of life.

Learn more about the Cold War:


which is not one of the four main accepted aspects of organizational cultures accepted by most modern scholars? a. cultures can be managed b. cultures are not unitary c. cultures are emergent d. cultures are ambiguous


Among the options, the one that is not part of the four main accepted aspects of organizational cultures accepted by most modern scholars is: . cultures can be managed (option a)

Cultures are not unitary, which means that an organization's culture is made up of multiple subcultures that do not all share the same beliefs, values, or practices.

Cultures are emergent, which means that culture is an evolving concept, not a fixed one, and is shaped by internal and external forces.

Cultures are ambiguous, which means that there are no clear boundaries to organizational culture and it can be difficult to identify its characteristics.

In contrast, the idea that cultures can be managed is not accepted by most modern scholars. This is because culture is not something that can be managed or controlled in the same way as other aspects of an organization. It is something that is shaped by the organization's members and is constantly changing over time.

Learn more about cultural aspects here:


sunji has been playing chess for the past five years and has become quite good. if sunji had had an mri before he began playing chess and follow up five years later, the mri would likely reveal measurable change in brain regions involved in perceiving, remembering, and logical reasoning. this change is the result of:


If Sunji had an MRI before he began playing chess and followed up five years later, the MRI would likely reveal measurable change in brain regions. This change is the result of "neuroplasticity"

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change in response to various stimuli. Neuroplasticity, sometimes known as brain plasticity, refers to the brain's capacity to adapt and develop over time in response to new experiences. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. These connections can arise as a result of new experiences or as a result of learning.

Neuroplasticity has a significant impact on brain function and development. The way in which we respond to learning, injury, and environmental changes is influenced by the plasticity of the brain. The capacity for the brain to adapt in this way can help to develop new skills and promote cognitive recovery after injury.

know more about Neuroplasticity here


according to gelfand (2013) what is true regarding the psychological profiles of individuals in tight and loose cultures?


According to Gelfand (2013), individuals in tight cultures are more likely to have a psychological profile that is rule-oriented and vigilant, while individuals in loose cultures are more likely to have a psychological profile that is open and flexible.

What are tight and loose cultures?

According to Gelfand, tight cultures are those that have strict norms and regulations for behavior, while loose cultures are those that have more relaxed norms and regulations for behavior. Tight cultures are characterized by high levels of social order and control, while loose cultures are characterized by more relaxed social norms and a greater degree of individual freedom.

The psychological profile of individuals in tight cultures:

According to Gelfand (2013), individuals in tight cultures are more likely to have a psychological profile that is rule-oriented and vigilant. This means that they are more likely to be highly attuned to social norms and rules, and to be more vigilant in monitoring their own behavior and the behavior of others. Individuals in tight cultures are also more likely to be highly conscientious and to have a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

The psychological profile of individuals in loose cultures:

Individuals in loose cultures, on the other hand, are more likely to have a psychological profile that is open and flexible. This means that they are more likely to be receptive to new ideas and experiences, and to be more open-minded and tolerant of differences. Individuals in loose cultures are also more likely to be less conscientious and to have a weaker sense of duty and responsibility.

To know more about culture refer:


remedial legislation b. competitive federalism c. dual federalism d. federal preemption e. cooperative federalism


Competitive Federalism: A system in which states or other subnational organisations compete with one another to entice investors, firms, or citizens by presenting enticing policies, rules, or incentives is referred to as competitive federalism.

It uses a decentralised approach where states have a great deal of autonomy in deciding on policies and can use a variety of strategies to meet local priorities and requirements.

Dual Federalism: Dual federalism, commonly referred to as layer cake federalism, is a political theory in which the federal government and state governments are given distinct and clear lines of authority.

Each level of government under dual federalism has its own distinct and independent areas of jurisdiction, with little to no overlap in its functions.

Learn more about Federalism here:


in book 2 of the nicomachean ethics, aristotle suggests three potential sources of virtues before deciding on what as the source?


In book 2 of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle suggests three potential sources of virtues before deciding on the right one as the source. Aristotle identifies three potential sources of virtues. He begins by stating that there are two kinds of virtues: moral virtues and intellectual virtues.

Moral virtues, he claims, are acquired through practice and habituation. Intellectual virtues, on the other hand, are acquired through teaching.Aristotle claims that it is essential to study moral virtues. He believes that moral virtues are acquired through a combination of reason and habituation. He adds that it is through habituation that moral virtues can be acquired. Aristotle argues that moral virtues can be acquired through habituation because they are actions that human beings engage in repeatedly. He claims that virtues are the result of habits that are acquired through practice. Aristotle believes that these habits can be developed through a process of habituation.

Aristotle’s third potential source of virtues is natural capacity. He claims that some individuals are born with the natural capacity for virtue. This is because they are naturally inclined towards good habits. Aristotle concludes that the natural capacity for virtue is the best source of virtues. This is because it is through the natural capacity for virtue that individuals are able to develop virtues quickly and easily. Thus, Aristotle concludes that the natural capacity for virtue is the best source of virtues.

To learn more about Nicomachean Ethics here:


which term describes the process by which people learn, and come to accept, the ways of a group or a society?


Socialization is the process by which people learn, and come to accept, the ways of a group or a society.

Socialization is a continuous process that lasts throughout one's life, with each stage having its own particular challenges and difficulties.

Socialization refers to the process by which people learn to accept the ways of a group or society. It includes both informal and formal learning experiences that occur during an individual's lifetime.

Socialization can take many different forms, including family, education, peers, and media. The family is the primary agent of socialization for most people, but schools, peers, and media also have a significant influence on how people learn about the world around them.

Learn more about socialization here:


ricardo's job has been enormously stressful over the past few months. as a result, he has started smoking again, despite the fact that he had quit years ago. this is an example of a(n)


Answer: Ricardo's job has been enormously stressful over the past few months. As a result, he has started smoking again, despite the fact that he had quit years ago. This is an example of a relapse.

Explanation: A relapse is when individual returns to using drugs or alcohol after having stopped for a period of time. A person who relapses, or returns to active substance use after an attempt to quit, may experience feelings of disappointment, shame, and discouragement.

An individual who has relapsed will be required to reenter therapy or rehab in order to return to the recovery path. Despite the fact that it can be tough, it is critical to keep in mind that relapse is a frequent part of the process of achieving and maintaining sobriety.

To know more about " relapse":


as a psychologist, you ask one of your clients to complete the mmpi. after you score the test, you notice that the client endorsed answers that make her seem healthier than she really is. these answers would be detected on:


The client's attempt to present themselves as healthier than they are on the MMPI would likely be detected through the use of validity scales, which are designed to identify response patterns that indicate an individual may be trying to deceive or manipulate the results.

As a psychologist, administering psychological assessments such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a common practice. The MMPI includes validity scales that are designed to detect response patterns that may indicate a client is attempting to deceive or manipulate the results. In this case, the client's endorsement of answers that make them appear healthier than they are would likely be detected by one or more of these validity scales.

Such scales can identify response patterns such as overly positive self-presentation or inconsistent responses that suggest a lack of care or attention to the assessment. It is important to address such discrepancies with the client to gain a more accurate understanding of their current mental health status.

Learn more about MMPI:


failure to perform an action that a reasonable person would have performed in a similar situation is


Failure to perform an action that a reasonable person would have performed in a similar situation is known as negligence.

In tort law, negligence is a failure to take proper care in performing an action, which results in harm to another party. Negligence is commonly thought of as a breach of the duty of care that one person owes to another. Negligence refers to the breach of a duty of care that causes harm or injury to another person. Negligence is the most common form of tort in the legal system of many countries.

Negligence occurs when a person fails to act with reasonable care and causes damage to another person or property.To prove negligence, it is important to show that a duty of care existed, that this duty was breached, and that the breach was the cause of the damage. The reasonable person test is used to determine whether a duty of care was breached.

The reasonable person is a hypothetical person who is assumed to have the qualities and abilities of an ordinary, reasonable person. A person is considered negligent if he or she fails to do something that a reasonable person would have done in a similar situation.

To know more about negligence, refer here:


which of the following is not a typical characteristic of the arab culture? group of answer choices five times a day prayer pattern emphasis on hospitality


it’s B imposition of deadlines

which two statements represent conjoint support when mapping this example to a body of propositions?


The two statements that represent conjoint when mapping this example to a body of propositions are: (1) All mammals are animals and (2) All cats are mammals.

Together, these two statements represent conjoint support because the second statement (All cats are mammals) supports the first statement (All mammals are animals).

By saying that cats are mammals, it is furthering the claim that all mammals are animals. This is an example of conjoint support, because it is linking two separate propositions that both support one another.

When mapping this example to a body of propositions, it is important to note that the two statements must both be true in order for conjoint support to exist.

For example, if one statement were to say that all cats are dogs, then this would not be an example of conjoint support because the two statements would be contradictory. Therefore, it is necessary that both statements are true in order for conjoint support to exist.

To know more about conjoint click on below link:


how many participants in the extrinsic reward and surprise reward conditions thought that getting a reward for an activity they already enjoy would increase enjoyment of that activity?


The study found that about 90% of the participants in both the extrinsic reward and surprise reward conditions believed that getting a reward for an activity they already enjoyed would increase their enjoyment of that activity.

In a study, it was discovered that, in both the extrinsic reward and surprise reward circumstances, the overwhelming majority of participants thought that receiving a benefit for behavior they already liked would make them enjoy it even more. Participants believed this, indicating that extrinsic and surprise rewards might be effective in increasing enjoyment of an activity, at least in the short term.

Learn more about extrinsic rewards:


gordon takes paperwork to his ill aunt patty and tells her that he needs the papers signed that authorize him to be able to talk to her doctor and to fill her prescription medicines. in fact, what gordon has his aunty patty sign is a codicil (change to a will) that leaves everything to gordon upon her death. this is


Gordon takes paperwork to his ill Aunt Patty and tells her that he needs the papers signed that authorize him to be able to talk to her doctor and to fill her prescription medicines. In fact, what Gordon has his Aunty Patty sign is a codicil (change to a will) that leaves everything to Gordon upon her death. This is an example of undue influence.

What is undue influence?

The undue influence is a legal term that refers to the unfair persuasion or manipulation of someone to do something, such as sign a legal document, that he or she would not have done under normal circumstances, typically to the advantage of the influencer. It is defined as unfair persuasion that coerces a person to act or not act according to their own wishes.

The undue influence occurs when someone has a certain form of power over another person, and they use that power to persuade the other person to do something they wouldn't ordinarily do. In this case, Gordon has taken advantage of his Aunt Patty's sickness and vulnerability to obtain her assets upon her death, which is a violation of the law. This kind of action is illegal and immoral.

For more about gordon:


gavesha is on a field trip with her class. they are learning about buddhism and are touring a site that once housed many nuns who taught classes on meditation. what is gavesha most likely touring? group of answer choices monastery temple stupa sangha


Answer: monastery


holling's parents do not attend the performance of his play. how does holling seem to feel about this?


In the novel The Wednesday Wars, Holling's parents do not attend the performance of his play.

Holling seems to feel very disappointed and hurt about this. He says that he knew they weren't coming, but he had still secretly hoped that they would show up, and when they didn't, he was devastated. Holling Hoodhood is the protagonist in the novel The Wednesday Wars written by Gary Schmidt. It is set in the late 1960s and is a coming-of-age story of Holling's life in Long Island, New York.

In the book, Holling's parents are distant and often critical of him. They are not supportive of his interests and do not seem to care about his accomplishments. Holling is deeply affected by this, and it affects his self-esteem and his relationship with his parents. Holling feels that his parents do not understand him, and he often feels alone and isolated. Despite this, Holling continues to pursue his interests and talents, and he eventually finds a sense of belonging and community.

To know more about The Wednesday Wars click on below link:


how does joseph soloveitchik deal with the issue of two stories of adam while still upholding the idea that the old testament was really intended to include both stories?


Joseph Soloveitchik, a prominent Jewish theologian, reconciles the issue of the two stories of Adam in the Book of Genesis by suggesting that they present two different aspects of human nature.

What is Joseph Soloveitchik view?

In his view, the first story in Genesis 1 presents a "majestic" and "divine" image of humanity, while the second story in Genesis 2 presents a more "earthy" and "mortal" depiction of human nature.

Soloveitchik argues that both stories are necessary to fully understand the complexity of human nature and our relationship with God. The first story depicts humanity as being created in the image of God, with a divine mandate to rule over the earth and to be fruitful and multiply. This story emphasizes the greatness and potential of human beings.

The second story, on the other hand, presents a more humble and vulnerable view of humanity. It depicts Adam and Eve as imperfect and mortal beings who are subject to temptation and sin. This story highlights the limitations and challenges that human beings face in their relationship with God and with each other.

Therefore, Soloveitchik maintains that both stories are equally important and intended to be included in the Old Testament.

Learn more about Genesis from


for durkheim, people who performed similar tasks had in common the way they looked at life, which he called mechanical solidarity. group of answer choices true false


The statement, for Durkheim, people who performed similar tasks had in common the way they looked at life, which he called mechanical solidarity, is true.

How can Durkheim's view of mechanical solidarity be defined?

Durkheim's concept of mechanical solidarity is defined as a sense of unity between people that comes from performing similar tasks or possessing comparable characteristics. Because of shared activities and social organization, people within a society have comparable beliefs, values, and emotional experiences.

Durkheim's concept of mechanical solidarity is based on the notion that people are united by their similar traits and functions in society. The community has a social structure that is based on shared work, customs, and traditions. People share the same beliefs, customs, and emotions in this sort of solidarity.

To sum up, Durkheim believed that individuals who performed similar tasks had in common the way they looked at life, which he termed mechanical solidarity. This concept can be seen as a means of establishing unity between individuals who share comparable beliefs, values, and emotions.

To know more about Durkheim, click on the link below:


when willy realizes the boys abandoned him while he was thinking about the woman, where does he decide to go?


When Willy realizes the boys abandoned him while he was thinking about the woman, he decides to go to the Wagner Company in "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller.

Death of a Salesman is a play by Arthur Miller that premiered on Broadway in 1949. It tells the story of Willy Loman, an aging salesman who has spent his entire life chasing the American Dream. Willy is dissatisfied with his life and his job, and he struggles to connect with his family.

Willy has a number of flashbacks throughout the play, which are used to illustrate how he came to be the person he is today. These flashbacks reveal that Willy has always been chasing success and wealth, but that he has never been able to achieve either.

In the scene mentioned in the question, Willy has just realized that his sons, Happy and Biff, have abandoned him at a restaurant. He is feeling lonely and lost, so he decides to go to the Wagner Company to try to get a job. Willy thinks that if he can get a job with the company, he will finally be able to achieve success and happiness.

To know more about Arthur Miller, refer here:


about what percent of students in u.s. public four-year public colleges and universities return for their second year?


Approximately 82% of students in US public four-year colleges and universities return for their second year. Retention rate is the proportion of first-year students who continue to study at an educational institution to their second year, third year, fourth year, and so on.

It is commonly used as an indicator of student satisfaction, academic excellence, and institutional performance. Retention rate = (number of students returning for second year/total number of first-year students) x 100For example, if a university has 1,000 first-year students and 820 of them returned for their second year, the retention rate would be (820/1,000) x 100 = 82%. Therefore, approximately 82% of students in US public four-year colleges and universities return for their second year.

For more such questions on Retention rate


which of these men would be considered the most attractive to women based on the evolutionary theory of sexual attraction?


Evolutionary idea suggests that attractiveness is decided by means of cues linked with fecundity and that BMI and WHR are both important. However, there are other 'third filter' cues, such as skin quality.

What is the evolutionary principle of female bodily attractiveness?

One explanation primarily based on evolutionary psychological idea is that woman splendor as represented by the hourglass discern taps into necessary biological records about a variety of factors regulating women's reproductive possible and fertility.

The evolutionary theory of love suggests that men are most attracted to a girl who has a curvy figure, meaning she is fit and healthful ample to undergo many children, while women are most attracted to men who are strong and brawny, suggesting that robust men are capable to protect and grant resources for their offspring

Learn more about evolutionary theory of sexual attraction here:

Story:Expert from How to Convince Your Parents You Can…Care For A Kitten by Stephanie Bearce. How are paragraphs 1 through 4 alike Use 2 details to support your response



Paragraphs 1 through 4 in "How to Convince Your Parents You Can…Care For A Kitten" by Stephanie Bearce are alike in that they all introduce the idea of getting a kitten and provide reasons for why a child may want one. Two details that support this response are:

1. Each paragraph mentions the idea of getting a kitten:

Paragraph 1: "If you're a cat lover, you may dream of having a kitten of your own."

Paragraph 2: "Kittens are adorable and fun to play with."

Paragraph 3: "A kitten can be a great companion for a child."

Paragraph 4: "Caring for a kitten can be a great way for a child to learn responsibility."

2. Each paragraph provides a reason for why a child may want a kitten:

Paragraph 1: "Cats make great pets and can bring a lot of joy and comfort to their owners."

Paragraph 2: "Kittens are playful and can provide hours of entertainment."

Paragraph 3: "A kitten can offer emotional support and friendship to a child."

Paragraph 4: "Caring for a kitten can help a child develop important life skills."


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