Transcribe the following words correctly

(i) terrific

(ii) Mountaineer

(ii) amateur​


Answer 1








Related Questions

What is a theme of “Roll, Roll, Roll That Rock”?​



The theme of "Roll, Roll, Roll That Rock" is perseverance and determination. The song encourages the listener to keep pushing forward and not give up, even when faced with obstacles or challenges. The repeated refrain of "roll, roll, roll that rock" emphasizes the importance of persistence and hard work in achieving one's goals. The lyrics also suggest that success is not always immediate or easy, but requires sustained effort and dedication. Overall, the theme of the song is about the power of perseverance and the rewards that come from never giving up.

"Roll, Roll, Roll That Rock" is a gospel song that is often associated with the African American spiritual tradition. The primary theme of the song is perseverance in the face of adversity.

The lyrics describe the struggle of pushing a heavy rock up a hill, with the repeated refrain "roll, roll, roll that rock" serving as a metaphor for the difficulties of life.

The song encourages the listener to keep pushing, despite the challenges that may arise, and to trust in the power of faith to see them through difficult times. The theme of perseverance is further emphasized by the use of repetitive lyrics and a driving, rhythmic melody, which creates a sense of momentum and momentum that reflects the determination and resilience that the song celebrates.

should boys and girls be educated equally​


Everyone deserve education no matter the race and gender

2.1 Define the term "bursary" and state ONE factor that is commonly taken into considered when awarding a bursary to an applicant (1+1)(2)​


Bursary is the grant given to students in higher institution of learning. It is given to them to lessen the financial burden of the students.

The one factor that is commonly taken into consideration when awarding bursary to an applicant is the financial status of the applicant. Because, bursary are meant for those who are less privileged and to encourage more people to go to school.

Higher institution of learning.

It is an academic institution above primary, secondary and middle school. It can be colleges or Universities. It is where people study for major courses and professional courses.

In these higher institutions, students are given bursary by the government to make things easy for them. There is difference between bursary and scholarship. Bursaries are not given based on academic performance but scholarships are given based on academic performance.

Learn more about scholarship here



Question 1 and 4


The option that  best identifies the central idea of this article is option B: Davis overcame the influence of a tremendously negative environment to achieve great success and intends to use his training to better the community in which he grew up.

The author’s main purpose in writing the article is option  C. To inform and inspire people by sharing the narrative of a hard-working, compassionate person who prevailed over alarming circumstances to realize great success.

What is the story about?

The article discusses how Dr. Sampson Davis, despite growing up in a tough neighborhood, was able to become a successful physician and is now working to improve the healthcare system in his community. The article emphasizes the importance of having healthcare professionals who are committed to making a difference in underserved areas.

Therefore,  The article is a profile of Dr. Sampson Davis, his background, and his journey to becoming a physician. The author shares Dr. Davis's story to inspire readers and to highlight the importance of healthcare professionals who are committed to making a difference in underserved areas. The article is meant to inform readers about the challenges faced by people in underserved communities and to show how individuals like Dr. Davis can make a positive impact.

Learn more about central idea  on:


What is Swift’s attitude toward England? Cite one or more specific passages in the text where he offers his thoughts, either directly or indirectly, about English rule.


A Jonathan Swift. Swift detested how the English exploited his homeland and started writing writings in favor of Ireland in 1720, which culminated in "A Modest Proposal" in 1729.

What position does Swift, in your opinion, take on the dispute between Catholics and Protestants?

Swift thought it was his responsibility to support the continuity of political and religious forces in Ireland (as well as England). He supported Anglicanism, which had to battle Roman Catholicism and Protestant Dissenters.

How does Swift relate to Ireland?

Swift experienced a strong sensation of exile from Ireland when traveling back and forth between that country and London. Swift developed an interest for politics as a result of his time in England and started to notice the social and economic inequities.

To know more about Swift England visit:


Please listen class class while Jim’s makes and announcement



Please listen, class, while Jim makes an announcement. (Corrected the punctuation and removed the repeated "class").

(b) How I care for the environment



I do care for the environment. I plant much trees and flowers in my garden and water them everyday.

Answer: By Cleaning it


You can care for your environment by cleaning it, by cutting its grass so that the land will be clean

How is Squeaky different from Cynthia Procter


Cynthia, put on a theatrical performance of the things she has chosen to succeed at and attempt to minimize the effort required to achieve greatness.

And she'll clasp the lace on her shirt as if it were a last-ditch effort. Oh, no, sibling. But, of course, when I pass by her home on my early morning jogs around the block, she's playing the scales on the piano over and over and over. Then, in music class, she always allows herself to be bumped around, so she collapses on purpose onto the piano stool and is so startled to find herself sitting there that she chooses to test out the old keys just for amusement. And, lo and behold, Chopin's waltzes spontaneously appear.of her fingertips, and she's the most taken aback object in the universe. A normal child genius.

Her depiction of Cynthia is reminiscent of a "drama queen," someone who pretends, fakes, and behaves ridiculously over accomplishments she should be pleased of.

I review the words for the spelling competition all night. And you can see me jogging at any time of day. If I can run, I never stroll.

Squeaky is not at all like that. She doesn't pretend to be inexperienced or to lack innate talent; instead, she works hard to succeed and doesn't care if everyone knows it.

Read the excerpt below. Then, using a feminist lens, analyze the complex relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff as it is portrayed in the excerpt. Write a developed paragraph that contains a claim, evidence, and commentary to establish and support your line of reasoning.

'...Nelly, I see now you think me a selfish wretch; but did it never strike you that if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars? whereas, if I marry Linton I can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of my brother's power.'

'With your husband's money, Miss Catherine?' I asked. 'You'll find him not so pliable as you calculate upon: and, though I'm hardly a judge, I think that's the worst motive you've given yet for being the wife of young Linton.'

'It is not,' retorted she; 'it is the best! The others were the satisfaction of my whims: and for Edgar's sake, too, to satisfy him. This is for the sake of one who comprehends in his person my feelings to Edgar and myself. I cannot express it; but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is or should be an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation, if I were entirely contained here? My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it.—My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being. So don't talk of our separation again: it is impracticable; and—'



In this excerpt from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Catherine and Heathcliff's relationship is portrayed as complex and multifaceted. Using a feminist lens, we can see that Catherine is torn between two conflicting desires: her love for Heathcliff and her desire for social and economic security. Catherine acknowledges that if she were to marry Heathcliff, they would both be destitute. However, if she marries Linton, she can use her newfound social status to help Heathcliff rise out of poverty. This dilemma highlights the limited options available to women in the patriarchal society of the novel. Catherine is forced to choose between her own happiness and the expectations placed on her as a woman of her time. Furthermore, Catherine's declaration that she is Heathcliff reinforces the idea that women's identities are often subsumed within those of their male partners. Despite her recognition of the importance of social and economic status, Catherine cannot imagine a life without Heathcliff. Her love for him is depicted as an integral part of her being, unlike her love for Linton, which is described as transient and changeable. Overall, the passage presents a nuanced portrayal of the difficulties faced by women in a patriarchal society and the ways in which love and identity are intertwined.


In your own words, summarize some of the positive and negatives associated with demand-side policies:



Demand-side policies refer to government actions aimed at stimulating consumer spending and increasing demand in the economy to combat a recession or inflation. Some of the positive effects of demand-side policies include increased employment opportunities, increased economic activity, and increased consumer confidence. When implemented effectively, demand-side policies can lead to a boost in economic growth and help to stabilize an economy. However, there are also some potential negative consequences of demand-side policies. These may include inflation, budget deficits, and trade imbalances, which can harm the economy in the long term. Additionally, demand-side policies may not be effective in stimulating the economy if consumer confidence is low, or if other factors such as a lack of investment or structural issues in the economy are present.


Look at the below examples and identify which types of irony they illustrate. Each example has a line and a brief description of the context in which the line is spoken; the irony could be in the description or in the line, or in both.

1. Tybalt (Romeo's rival and Juliets cousin) tries to challenge Romeo to a fight. Romeo replies: ' do protest I never injured thee/But love thee better than thou canst devise..." (I1.1.39-40).

a. This is an example of______

2. Romeo and Juliet are dead, and the Friar has just told both of their parents everything. The Prince tells their fathers: "...Capulet!
Montague!/See what a scourge is laid upon your hate/That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love"

a.This is an example of ________. because_______

3. Juliet's mother has informed her of her engagement to Paris following Tybalt's death at Romeo's hand; Juliet is not pleased and answers: "I pray you, tell my lord and father, madam/I will not marry yet. And when I do, I swear/It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate/Rather than Paris" (Ill.v.120-124)

This is an example of _______


1. The first example is an instance of dramatic irony, where Romeo's statement of love for Tybalt is the opposite of what the audience knows to be true.
2. The second example is an instance of situational irony, where the very thing the families were fighting over, their honor, led to the death of their children.
3. The third example is an instance of verbal irony, where Juliet says the opposite of what she means, and the audience knows that she loves Romeo, not Paris.

. When someone gives you something, a natural desire is to .............. Nothing is done out of good intentions, and one should expect to return the favo


Thus, the right sentence is - When any person gives you something, a natural want is to supply it back Nothing is finished out of correct intentions, and one have to expect to return the favour.

What is a natural desire?

Natural needs allow a man or woman to experience pleasures free from nervousness and worry. Empty needs such as those for reputation or luxurious are limitless and lead to a lifestyles of frustration, resentment and anxiety.

Examples of herbal and integral wishes include the wishes for food, shelter, and the like. Epicurus thinks that these desires are handy to satisfy, difficult to do away with (they are 'hard-wired' into human beings naturally), and bring wonderful pleasure when satisfied.

Human beings naturally wish the good, which they have, to be permanent. Now the items of the current life omit away, for the reason that life itself passes away, which we naturally desire, and would want to suffer unceasingly, for we naturally shrink from death.

Learn more about natural desire here:

Which detail from “Too Green for Basketball” best supports the implied theme?

"A flash of neon green shot across the court."
“Maybe not, but it’s not right to leave someone out.”
"In fact, they could tell that any team with Frankie on it would win."
“Good game,” Ashley finally said. “Same time tomorrow, everybody?”


"Maybe not, but it’s not right to leave someone out."

The story highlights the importance of inclusivity and teamwork.

"Too Green for Basketball" is a story about a group of friends who enjoy playing basketball together. When a new kid named Frankie joins them, they quickly realize that he is not very good at basketball. However, instead of excluding him, they encourage him to keep playing and practice with them. Through their support and guidance, Frankie improves and becomes an important part of their team. The story shows how inclusivity and teamwork are essential values, and how everyone should be given a chance to participate and contribute, regardless of their abilities or differences. This is an important lesson that can be applied to various aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness, respect, and inclusivity.

Learn more about emphasizing here:


Why might the government be concerned if immigrants are unable to integrate into the culture and society of the United States


The government may be concerned if immigrants are unable to integrate into the culture and society of the United States for several reasons:

Social Cohesion: One of the primary concerns is maintaining social cohesion in society. When immigrants are unable to integrate into the larger society, they may form isolated communities with their own cultural and social norms. This can lead to tension and conflict with the larger society and hinder social cohesion.

Economic Integration: Another reason is economic integration. If immigrants are unable to speak the language, understand the culture, and navigate the social and economic systems of the United States, they may struggle to find employment or access services. This can lead to economic hardship and social exclusion.

Security: The government may also be concerned about security if immigrants are unable to integrate into society. When individuals feel excluded or marginalized, they may become vulnerable to extremist ideologies or criminal activities.


Overall, the government has an interest in promoting integration and ensuring that immigrants are able to participate fully in society. This can help to promote social cohesion, economic growth, and democratic participation, which are all essential for a healthy and prosperous society.

The government may be concerned if immigrants are unable to integrate into the culture and society of the United States for several reasons:

Social Cohesion: The government may be concerned about the social cohesion of the country if immigrants are not able to integrate into the broader society. Integration helps to foster a sense of belonging and shared values, which are essential for building a cohesive society. Without integration, there may be tensions between different groups and a lack of trust, which can lead to social unrest.

Economic Participation: The government may be concerned about the economic participation of immigrants if they are not able to integrate into the broader society. Integration can help immigrants to access employment, education.

To know more about   immigrants    here


make a 6 sentece paragraph on the book "future we choose" chapter 8 action 10 "engage in politics "​



Chapter 8, Action 10 of "The Future We Choose" emphasizes the importance of engaging in politics. The chapter stresses that politics is not just limited to voting but also involves staying informed about policies and taking action to make a difference. The authors argue that political engagement is necessary to create change and address the global challenges we face today. They also emphasize that political systems and institutions need to be reformed and transformed to align with the principles of sustainability and justice. Engaging in politics also involves holding political leaders accountable and pushing them to take action on critical issues such as climate change. In summary, "The Future We Choose" highlights the importance of political engagement in building a sustainable and just future for all.


Here are five sentences about shopping. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

CDs are no longer sold in this shop.
They ……………… CDs in this shop any longer.
1, CDs are no longer sold in this shop.
They ……………… CDs in this shop any longer.
2, I went to the shopping centre to buy some new clothes.
I went to the shopping centre ……………………I wanted some new clothes
3,. Roberto couldn’t find anything he liked in the bookshop. Roberto wasn’t ………………………. find anything he liked in the bookshop.
4, My friend works in the sports shop on Saturdays. A friend of …………………….. works in the sports shop on Saturdays.
5, Unfortunately, designer clothes are too expensive for me to buy. Cheap/ affordable enough Unfortunately, designer clothes aren’t ……………………. for me to buy.



1. They don't sell

2. because/wanted

3. able to

4. mine/My

5. cheap/affordable enough


Which best describes Wright’s perspective in this passage about his father?

a child describing white landowners’ behavior

a child describing his father’s opinion about whites

an adult reflecting on his father’s behavior

an adult explaining feelings about his father



an adult reflecting on his father’s behavior."


C: an adult reflecting on his father’s behavior.


Read Hannah's essay. Place the words or phrases into the blanks that will best help connect the ideas in Hannah's essay. This summer my family went on "The Great American Road Trip." My dad said it would be a good way for all of us to bond as a family. Road trips are easy. All you have to do is choose a route, pack a suitcase, and load up the car. We traveled through some amazing places. heads. , we stopped and hiked along the rim of the Grand Canyon and wandered among glant cacti that towered over our , we had the chance to spend a lot of time talking, and I learned many new things about everyone. Who knew my mom had won a dance contest in high school? , learning about my family was the best part of the whole trip! Especially Truthfully For example Even though In addition



This summer my family went on "The Great American Road Trip." My dad said it would be a good way for all of us to bond as a family. Road trips are easy. All you have to do is choose a route, pack a suitcase, and load up the car. We traveled through some amazing places. In addition, we stopped and hiked along the rim of the Grand Canyon and wandered among giant cacti that towered over our heads. Even though it was hot and dusty, we had a great time exploring the desert landscape. Especially, we had the chance to spend a lot of time talking, and I learned many new things about everyone. Who knew my mom had won a dance contest in high school? Truthfully, learning about my family was the best part of the whole trip! For example, I found out that my little brother loves to collect rocks, and my dad used to be a professional photographer.

Unscramble the words to make a sentence. Draw a picture about each sentence. brown is dog My nword ball plays He 2 4 Skill: Jumbled Senten dog My barks dog My plays me wi​



My dog is brown.

My dog barks.

He plays ball.

My dog plays with me.

define the difference between goal and goal setting.​



Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed in order to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal.

Match the words. Use five of the phrases to complete the sentences below. 1cartoon 2animal 3do 4get 5vacuum 6 fair 7 best a)the housework b)angry with c)skins d)character e)hair f) friend g) cleaner​


Within a sentence, there are word groups called clauses and phrases. Each of these groups conveys a concept, whether it be a fully formed or unfinished one.

What sentences contain phrases?

Grammatical phrases provide sentences more meaning by providing information about one or more of the components of speech being used. Any section of speech can be clarified by a grammatical phrase, but the important thing to remember is that a phrase only adds information; it lacks the necessary structure to stand on its own as a clause.

An example of a phrase?

When a group of words function as one unit in a sentence without a subject or a verb, the phrase is used. Phrases are frequently employed to describe individuals, objects, or events. Examples: stuffed with The girl leaped about in joy.

To know more about phrases visit:


What is the answer?
02.07 MC)

02.07 MC)

Which of the following sentences has an error in parallel structure?

If you garden, you should practice pruning, watering, and potting.
To learn anything, a student must first listen, question, and practice.
Understanding literature requires patience, creativity, and interest.
When I wake up, I eat food, taking a shower, and go to class.


The sentences that has an error in parallel structure is option D, When I wake up, I eat food, taking a shower, and go to class.

What is meant by an error in parallel structure?

Parallel structure is the use of the same pattern of words or phrases to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. An error in parallel structure occurs when the structure of a sentence does not follow a consistent pattern, which can make the sentence unclear or awkward to read.

For example, a sentence with a parallel structure error is "She likes to hike, swimming, and to bike," where the list items "swimming" and "to bike" do not follow the same grammatical pattern as "to hike."

Correcting this error would involve making the list items follow the same grammatical pattern, such as "She likes to hike, swim, and bike." This creates a consistent structure, making the sentence easier to read and understand.

Find more useful exercises on Parallel structure ;


The grrr at gastby
Where does the green light appear?


Answer: across the water

chapter 7 questions about the great Gatsby:

did toms questioning of Gatsby's life confuse Daisy's decision of choosing Gatsby?



In Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," Tom questions Gatsby's background and suggests that he is involved in illegal activities. This puts Daisy in a difficult position as she is torn between her feelings for Gatsby and her loyalty to Tom, her husband.

While Tom's questioning may have caused some confusion for Daisy, ultimately it is not the sole factor in her decision about choosing Gatsby. Daisy is a complex character with her own desires and motivations, and her feelings towards Gatsby and Tom are complicated.

Furthermore, Gatsby's past and identity are not the only issues in their relationship. Daisy also struggles with the idea of leaving behind her privileged lifestyle and societal expectations to be with Gatsby. Ultimately, it is a combination of these factors that influence Daisy's decision, rather than solely Tom's questioning of Gatsby's past.


Which of the following managers depend most on conceptual skills?
a. First-line managers
b. Top managers
c. Middle managers
d. Marketing managers
e. Financial managers


Top managers depend most on conceptual skills.

Evidence Eating fast food isn't bad if you only eat it once a week


As evidence, you can mention the study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition about occasional fast food consumption and obesity in Korean adults.

How to provide evidence

From our understanding, you need evidence that eating fast food once a week is not harmful to one's heath. This is the evidence we could find to support that statement:

One study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that occasional fast food consumption was not significantly associated with increased risk of obesity or metabolic syndrome in Korean adults. Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming fast food less than once a week was not associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged women.

Still, it is important to note that fast food is generally high in calories, sodium, saturated fat, and sugar, which can lead to negative health consequences if consumed in excess.

Learn more about evidence here:


What sentences best describes a theme of the play that is being developed through Macduff and Malcolm's conversation about ruling Scotland?
A. This conversation develops the theme of how the power dynamic of a husband and wife can influence their relationship.
B. This conversation develops the theme of how terrible things that a person does will always come back to haunt him or her.
OC. This conversation develops the theme of the supernatural events that influence the ordinary lives of people.
D. This conversation develops the theme of political and moral legitimacy of some kings versus the tyranny of others.


Macduff, a loyal son of Scotland, agrees that Malcolm is unfit to lead the country and may not even be fit to survive.

What does Macduff say in response to Malcolm's assertions about the kind of man he is and how he would run Scotland?

The way Macduff reacts is a little bit cowardly. He claims that unbridled lust is bad, but he is confident that Scotland will have enough ready women to please Malcolm.

How does Malcolm put Macduff's fidelity to Scotland to the test?

Malcolm pretends to be a worse person than Macbeth in order to test Macduff's allegiance. Macduff is steadfast in his commitment to the Scottish royal family. Malcolm admits to lying and contrasts Macduff's "fidelity" and "good truth and honor" with "Devilish Macbeth "'s.

To know more about Macduff Malcolm visit:


please help me bro please like fr help me pleasseeee!!!



In the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling, after Rikki-Tikki kills Karait, he is filled with a sense of triumph and pride. However, he also feels the urge to kill Nag and Nagaina, the cobras who pose a threat to his human family. But, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi refrains from doing so, despite his desire to eliminate the danger to his family.

As the text states, "He knew that all bad things had gone out of him" (Kipling, 11). Rikki-Tikki-Tavi had fulfilled his duty in killing Karait, and his violent nature was satisfied. He no longer felt the need to kill Nag and Nagaina, as they were not an immediate threat at that moment. Instead, he chose to wait and bide his time until he could confront them on his own terms.

This moment in the story highlights Rikki-Tikki-Tavi's evolution from a mere pet to a protector of his family. He shows restraint and intelligence in his decision not to immediately seek revenge on the cobras, recognizing that he must wait for the right opportunity to strike. This decision ultimately leads to his eventual victory over Nag and Nagaina, and the safety of his human family.

Question 3 (2 points)
When the speaker in "Dream Variations" describes his dream to "rest at cool
evening," he is expressing the human need for.
a place in the jungle
warmth and brightness
a sense of safety
O personal expression


Langston Hughes' poem Dream Variation, sometimes known as Dream Variations, was first published in The Weary Blues, his first collection of poetry, in 1926.

The speaker of the poem yearns for both independence and acceptability in American society, articulating the desire of African Americans. "Dream Variations" was first published in 1926 in The Weary Blues, a collection by American poet Langston Hughes. The speaker of the poem imagines himself dancing throughout the "white day" before retiring for the night, which is equally "black" as he is. The speaker's "dreams" might be interpreted as a metaphor for Black joy and Black survival; via his dance, the speaker discovers happiness and freedom in spite of white society's repressive gaze, as well as a sense of community, safety, and shared identity among Black people.

Learn more about Dream here:


How do harvesting, threshing, and winnowing prepare wheat for milling



Harvesting, threshing, and winnowing are the three processes involved in preparing wheat for milling.

Harvesting is the process of cutting the mature wheat plants and gathering the wheat heads. Once the wheat heads are collected, they are taken to the threshing floor, which is a large, flat surface where threshing takes place.

Threshing is the process of separating the grain from the wheat heads. In traditional threshing, the wheat heads are beaten with flails or crushed by the hooves of cattle or horses. Modern threshing machines separate the grain from the chaff using mechanical processes.

After threshing, the mixture of wheat grain and chaff is taken to the winnowing floor. Winnowing is the process of separating the grain from the chaff. The mixture is thrown into the air, and the wind blows away the lighter chaff, leaving only the heavier grain behind.

Once the wheat has been harvested, threshed, and winnowed, it is ready for milling. The wheat is ground into flour by passing it through a series of rollers that crush and grind the grain. The flour can then be used to make a variety of products, including bread, pasta, and pastries.

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