true or false? diffusion is a result of the random movement of particals


Answer 1
The kinetic energy of the molecules results in random motion, causing diffusion. In simple diffusion, this process proceeds without the aid of a transport protein. it is the random motion of the molecules that causes them to move from an area of high concentration to an area with a lower concentration. The rate of this movement is a function of temperature, viscosity of the fluid and the size (mass) of the particles. Diffusion explains the net flux of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. However, diffusion can still occur in the absence of a concentration gradient. Diffusion requires energy input from the cell. ... Only water can diffuse across a cell membrane. Molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. - Passive transport is the diffusion of substances across a membrane. - Facilitated diffusion is the process of spontaneous passive transport of molecules or ions across a cell's membrane via specific proteins. Concentration gradient, size of the particles that are diffusing, and temperature Examples of diffusion in living organisms

Oxygen and carbon dioxide, dissolved in water, are exchanged by diffusion in the lungs: oxygen moves down a concentration gradient from the air in the alveoli to the blood. carbon dioxide moves down a concentration gradient from the blood to the air in the alveoli. What determines the direction of any diffusion process? The relative concentration of the substance in different areas determines the direction of diffusion. Diffusion occurs from regions of high concentrations to regions of low concentration. What determines the direction of any diffusion process? The relative concentration of the substance in different areas determines the direction of diffusion. Diffusion occurs from regions of high concentrations to regions of low concentration. moves into a cell by osmosis, it is moving into an area of higher solute concentration. ... It helps maintain the balance of materials needed for survival, such as oxygen and water. Hope this helped you and can you please mark me as brainiest please!!!!

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a. Energy and nutrients flow
b. Energy and nutrients cycle
c. Energy flows and nutrients cycle
d. Energy cycles and nutrients flow


A Nutrients move through the ecosystem in biogeochemical cycles. A

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A Human cell has 46 chromosomes. (I’ll use humans to keep things simple). In sexual reproduction both humans have 23 chromosomes, in their sex cells. (Men have 23 in a sperm and women have 23 in an egg cell). These half cells merge to create 1 unique cell, that has characteristics of both male and female. The cells multiply and then a baby is born with a unique set of genes. These cause variations, and remember these variations can carry from generation to generation. As for how variations can increase a chance for survival, variations allow unique gene sets to be made, so that in case of a disease (in this case I’ll use a disease, but it could also include harsh environmental conditions), these unique gene sets may give an individual natural immunity to the disease. How can a variation decrease an organisms chance for survival? Well, s there are many ways that a unique gene set can make it difficult to survive. For example a genetic disease your family has had a history with. These diseases include, but are not limited to, cancer, diabetes, and schizophrenia.

A scientist crossed two fruit flies in a lab. She was studying the transmission of the alleles that affect wing shape. The dominant allele, C, is the allele for curly wings, and the recessive allele, c, is the allele for straight wings. She knew that one of the parent flies was heterozygous and had curly wings (Cc). Half of the offspring from the cross had curly wings, and the other half had straight wings. Identify the genotype and phenotype of the second parent fly. State the evidence that supports your response.



The other fly would have to be a cc


To do this, you can use the square method, one Cc's on the top and one side a cc, when you cross these it gives you Cc, Cc, and cc, cc. Half and half.

Hope this helped!

The other parent was cc.

Genes often occur in pairs. Genes are units of inheritance located in the chromosomes. The pairs in which genes occur are called alleles. In a given pair of alleles, one gene is dominant and the other is recessive.

In this case, the dominant gene is for curly wings and the recessive gene is for straight wings. If one parent is Cc , the other parent must be cc causing half of the offspring from the cross to have curly wings, and the other half to have straight wings.

Learn more:

Using the law of conservation of mass, what is the mass, in grams, of the product in the given reaction?

Reactant 1 (35 grams)+ Reactant 2 (115 grams) →Product (? grams)

A. 80

B. 140

C. 150

D. 75



The correct option is;

C. 150


By the law of conservation of mass we have that in a closed system, the mass of the items in the system can not be destroyed or created by a physical process or chemical reaction

In the given chemical reaction process we have;

Reactant 1 (35 grams) + Reactant 2 (115 grams) → Product = ((35 + 115) grams)

∴ Reactant 1 (35 grams) + Reactant 2 (115 grams) → Product (150 grams)

The mass of the product = 150 grams.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things?
Ability to reproduce
Ability to move
O Growth and development





The answer should be homeostatis. Organisms can not do this.


Ability to move


All organism species have the ability to reproduce, grow and develop, and maintain homeostasis (for example, sweating). Not all organisms can move, however. Cacti, for instance, are stiff and do not move on their own, yet are still alive.

Only eukaryotic cells have
membrane bound organelles


membrane bound organelles

Can someone answer this!!!!!!





Diffusion is the net movement of anything from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

When the [tex]O_{2}[/tex] moves in, the [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] moves out.

Is toxic chemical pollution a nonpoint source pollution or a point source pollution? I need an actual answer.



Excess fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides from agricultural lands and residential areas. Oil, grease and toxic chemicals from urban runoff and energy production.


Explain the purpose of cellular respiration .where does it take place ?



Cellular respiration, it is an aerobic process in which glucose is combined with oxygen and Adenosine di-phosphate (ADP) to produce carbon dioxide, water, and Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP).

Cellular respiration takes place in double membraned organelle called mitochondrion.

During the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis which is not produced
D. Glucose




D. Glucose


The warming of the atmosphere by the trapping of heat being radiated to space is called
c)the greenhouse effect



The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. Solar energy absorbed at Earth's surface is radiated back into the atmosphere as heat. As the heat makes its way through the atmosphere and back out to space, greenhouse gases absorb much of it.

The answer is c

Good luck

Which type of energy change causes this leaf to grow? A. Thermal energy is transformed into potential energy. B. Thermal energy is transferred to the leaf. C. Electromagnetic energy is transformed into chemical energy. D. Electromagnetic energy is transferred to the leaf.



C. Electromagnetic energy is transformed into chemical energy


Growth is one of the characteristics of living things. It refers to the increase of an organism. A leaf is part of a plant, which is a photosynthetic organism i.e. an organism capable of producing its own food using energy from sunlight. Light energy is a part of the ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY.

This light energy is used to synthesize glucose (food) via photosynthesis. The glucose, which stores chemical energy in its bond is then broken down to yield ATP used for growth. Hence, the transformation of electromagnetic energy to light energy is how a leaf grow.

it is C.  Electromagnetic energy is transformed into chemical energy.

which two structures are not found in both animal and plant cells


Cell wall and chloroplast are two examples of structures which are found in plant cells but not in animal cells.

b) How does the thermal energy of solid water change as it melts?


When ice melts, it’s temperature remains constant until all the ice turns to water.


Hi! So solid water would be ice, the particles in ice are very close together which makes it firm and makes it ice. When you put the ice in the microwave, (Microwave has heat so it would be thermal energy!) the particles in the ice mover a tiny bit away from each other which then makes it water. Then, if you boil the water, the particles that are in the water move far away from each other and it turns into steam!

Hope this helps!! Stay safe! <3

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I like yo cut gggggggggggg

What does lemon juice, snake venom and cyanide have in common?



enzymes are protein molecules that act as catalysts, speeding up chemical reactions without themselves getting used up. Each enzyme will only speed up a specific reaction, for example, catalase will speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen but it will not speed up the breakdown of starch into glucose. Enzymes (e.g. catalase) have active sites with specific shapes that bind to the substrate molecule (e.g. hydrogen peroxide) forming an enzyme-substrate complex. The enzyme-substrate complex then breaks down into the enzyme and product, allowing the enzyme to go on and react with another substrate molecule. Temperature and pH affect enzyme function because they can change the shape of the enzyme’s active site, preventing it from binding to the substrate, just as a broken lock will no longer fit the key. When the shape of an enzyme changes we call this denaturation. Any factor that increases the frequency of collisions between enzymes and substrates (increasing concentration, surface area or temperature) will increase the rate of reaction.


What lemon juice, snake venom and cyanide have in common is hat they are all acidic substances.

An acidic solution is a solution that contains hydrogen ions as its only positive ion in solution. Acidic substances have a sour and turn blue litmus paper red.

What lemon juice, snake venom and cyanide have in common is hat they are all acidic substances.

Learn more about acids:

7. What is the water vapor concentration at the tropopause?



99 %

The troposphere contains 99 % of the water vapor in the atmosphere. Water vapor concentrations vary with latitude. They are greatest above the tropics, where they may be as high as 3 %, and decrease toward the polar regions.


hope this helps <3

What is the smallest unit ?



I had the same question on my test!!

Answer: B) cell

the smallest unit of life is a cell

Which of the following is a result of too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
A: Glaciers melting
B: Sea levels rising
C: Cloud forests drying



glaciers melting


thats what i would say

Hurry plzzzz >_<
How are plant and animal cells similar?


Structurally, plant and animal cells are very similar because they are both eukaryotic cells. They both contain membrane-bound organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. Both also contain similar membranes, cytosol, and cytoskeletal elements


Plant and animal cells are similar because both are eukaryotic. Every plant and animal cell has a cell membrane and cytoplasm. In addition, nearly all plant and animal cells have a nucleus.


I got it right

Which one of the codons below would stop the translation of mRNA by ribosomal subunits?


CUG hope this helped!!!!!




16. Name one organism that reproduces through binary fission​





I learned this is a biology class a while ago!




The fraction whose denominator is 8 more than the numarator​








b) Write about pest control?



Pest control is helpful I guess...

Explanation: Pest control uses lots of chemicals and poison stuff to kill those vexing pests but most importantly it kills them its a dangerous job if you don't know what your doing.


give the answer in short Press control means when in our home of dirty Cockroaches and small insects then we Press control our house to get out all the dirty insects


Mansa is up to this if this is correct then mark me as a brainliest

which best explains the mechanism that allows for cell differentiation ?



Cellular differentiation


Wetlands are natural parts of watershed systems. Wetlands provide benefits many benefits. Which of these is a way that wetlands directly benefit humans?

- provide nesting grounds for birds

- decrease erosion along shorelines

- reduce flooding in adjacent towns

- increase biodiversity near the ocean


wetlands help us by reducing flooding in adjacent towns


the answer is c because it soaks up the water so it cant flood the towns


How does mutation increase chances for survival? Please help me.



These mutations can increase an organism's chance for survival and usually occur over a course of many generations producing offspring (or babies) with the helpful mutation. ... This would allow you to mate and produce offspring because you would have survived for longer lifespans.


Name and describe the five types of active transport systems.



Please Mark as Brainliest. Please!!!!!!!!!!



Active transport is the process of transferring substances into, out of, and between cells, using energy. In some cases, the movement of substances can be accomplished by passive transport, which uses no energy. However, the cell often needs to transport materials against their concentration gradient. In these cases, active transport is required.

Active transport requires energy to move substances from a low concentration of that substance to a high concentration of that substance, in contrast with the process of osmosis. Active transport is most commonly accomplished by a transport protein that undergoes a change in shape when it binds with the cell’s “fuel,” a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

For example, one type of active transport channel in the cell membrane will bind to the molecule it is supposed to transport – such as a sodium ion – and hold onto it until a molecule of ATP comes along and binds to the protein. The energy stored in ATP then allows the channel to change shape, spitting the sodium ion out on the opposite side of the cell membrane. This type of active transport directly uses ATP and is called “primary” active transport.

Another type of active transport is “secondary” active transport. In this type of active transport, the protein pump does not use ATP itself, but the cell must utilize ATP in order to keep it functioning. This will be explained in more depth in the section on Symport Pumps below.

Lastly, active transport can be accomplished through processes called endocytosis and exocytosis. In exocytosis, a cell moves something outside of itself in large quantities by wrapping it in a membrane called a vesicle and “spitting out” the vesicle. In endocytosis, a cell “eats” something by wrapping and re-forming its membrane around the substance or item.

Each type of active transport is explained in more detail below.

Types of Active Transport

Antiport Pumps

Antiport pumps as an example of active transport

Active transport by antiport pumps

Antiport pumps are a type of transmembrane co-transporter protein. They pump one substance in one direction, while transporting another substance in the opposite direction. These pumps are extremely efficient because many of them can use one ATP molecule to fuel these two different tasks.

One important type of antiport pump is the sodium-potassium pump, which is discussed in more detail under “Examples of Active Transport.”

Symport Pumps

Symport pumps take advantage of diffusion gradients to move substances. Diffusion gradients are differences in concentration that cause substances to naturally move from areas of high to low concentration.

In the case of a symport pump, a substance that “wants” to move from an area of high concentration to low concentration down its concentration gradient is used to “carry” another substance against its concentration gradient.

One example of a symport pump – that of the sodium-glucose transport protein – is discussed below under “Examples of Active Transport.”

Sympoter pump as an example of active transport

Active transport by symporter pumps


In the third type of active transport, large items, or large amounts of extracellular fluid, may be taken into a cell through the process of endocytosis.

Why should we be concerned about the disappearance of phytoplankton in the oceans



The loss of phytoplankton is a huge problem for marine food chains, says Worm, because every creature in the ocean either eats phytoplankton or eats other organisms that depend on it.

Hope this helps!

research and tell the story about a case in which bones helped identify a missing person or helped solve a crome





the bones leave footsteps in the ground and that is what detectives use to solve a missing or help solve a crimescene

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