Quinientos dólares is more than mil dólares.
O True
O False


Answer 1




your welcome

Answer 2




Quintettos dollars is less than mil dollars

hope i helped you

Related Questions

Translate I want to see my book into Spanish



Copy it, search up google translate, then paste it and translate it to Spanish


The phrase "I want to see my book" can be translated as "Quiero ver mi libro" in Spanish.

How to translate this phrase?

To correctly translate a phrase we need to consider each of the words and possible changes due to language conventions. In this case, the general structure is:

I (subject pronoun) + want (main conjugated verb in the present) + to see (infinitive verb) + my book (object)

Based on this, the phrase can be translated as follows:

Yo (subject pronoun, which can be omitted) + quiero (conjugated main verb) + ver (infinitive verb) + mi libro (object)

Learn more about Spanish in


To be moved in Spanish



- Para ser movido.


To be moved = Para ser movido.


Multiple Choice - el verbo SER: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb SER.
de Puerto Rico.


Marco es de puerto rico
marco is from puerto rico

Need help on a Spanish assignment, won’t let me upload. Due tomorrow, will give brainiest and $$


Where are the details?


what do you nedd help on , ? tryna upload or what?


or do you nedd help with the assignment , because im fluent in spanish

write these numbers in spanish.
next write questions for these answers


what she said ^ i was gonna answer bc i’m fluent but she’s right :)

I am in year 8 and I need to do this in spanish,
My info that will help in the spanish thing: my name is NIklas and I was bornd in sweden mom from ukraine and dad from russia. I am 14 and I have a borther that is 15, I live in stokholm.
Quesion: Using the knowledge and vocabularies learnt, prepare a write-up to talk about youself in Spanish.

Remember to include the following

Name, age, nationality, country you live in, family, birth date, likes and dislikes and interests



mi nombre es NIklas y nací en Suecia, mamá de Ucrania y papá de Rusia. Tengo 14 años y una borther de 15 años, vivo en Stokholm.


there you go


Name,  NIklas  (date of the text)

age,  14 años   (date of the text)

nationality, Sueco   (date of the text)

country you live in, Estocolmo   (date of the text)

family, Su mamá es de Ucrania, y su papá es de Rusia y un hermano que tiene 15 años.  (date of the text)

birth date,  15 de junio de 2007  (date for myself, not include on text)

likes and dislikes and interests, Me gusta jugar futbol soccer, no me gusta comer pizza y pretendo estudiar en la Universidad Nacional (date for myself, not include on text)

What is Little Havana


Answer:Is a part of miami called Pequeña Habana



Little Havana (Spanish: Pequeña Habana) is a neighborhood of Miami, Florida, United States. Home to many Cuban exiles, as well as many immigrants from Central and South America, Little Havana is named after Havana, the capital and largest city in Cuba.


Fill in the blanks with complete sentences using the words provided. Use the correct present tense or infinitive form of each verb.
La profesora / esperar / enseñar / su clase hoy

La profesora espera enseñar su clase hoy.

Pedro / estudiar / para su examen de español
Pedro estudia para su examen de español.

Question 1 with 1 blankuna estudiante / desear / hablar / con su profesora de biología
1 of 1
Question 2 with 1 blankMateo / desayunar / en la cafetería de la escuela
1 of 1
Question 3 with 1 blank(mí) / gustar / cantar y bailar
1 of 1
Question 4 with 1 blanklos profesores / contestar / las preguntas (questions) de los estudiantes
1 of 1
Question 5 with 1 blank¿(ti) / gustar / la clase de música?
1 of 1
Question 6 with 1 blank(nosotros) / esperar / viajar / a Madrid
1 of 1
Question 7 with 1 blank(yo) / necesitar / practicar / los verbos en español
1 of 1
Question 8 with 1 blank(mí) / no / gustar / los exámenes
1 of 1



Mateo desayuna en el cafeteria de la escuela

mo gusto cantar y bailar

los profesores contestan las preguntas de los estudiantes

¿te gustas la clase de musica?

nosotros esperamos viajar a Madrid

yo necesito practicar los verbos en espanol

no me gusto los examenes

Answers for quiz on edge are:

1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?
A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?
D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?
D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?
C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?
C) estudiar



Where is the audio?



Good man. We need more people like you.


1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?

A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?

D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?

D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?

C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?

C) estudiar

Ana: ¿Qué quieres hacer? Valeria: ___ ir de fiesta. A. Quiere B. Quiero C. Quieren D. Queremos


The answer is B. Quiero.




El dueno de la casa _____ de las llaves y entramos al departamento


Are there any options
Is there options to pick from

Una de las celebraciones más especiales de México es el Día de Muertos, una fiesta que viene de la unión de dos creencias, la católica exportada a México por los (1) españoles y las culturas existentes (2) antes de la llegada de los españoles, las culturas prehispánicas. El Día de Muertos no es una celebración solo (3) …………... Es una fiesta llena de (4) .................. ................, sabores y (5) .................................. . Y también es (6) .................................. De diversión. Las personas que recuerdan a (7) .................................. Preparan unos bonitos altares con diferentes objetos y (8) .................................. . Piensan que el espíritu de su muerto viene y (9) .......................... ........ Las ofrendas, por eso los familiares se quedan (10) .................................. Toda la noche esperando su (11) .................................. .



3= Solo un dia de las perconas que se fueron

4= llena de Comida

5= Diversion

6= Una celebracion especial

7= Los muertitos

8= COmida

9= A comer


Dia de los muertos

If you don’t know Spanish please use google translate
Please conjugate the verbs. And put it into the blanks
Tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, teneis, tienen



Part A











Describe your personal computer (in Spanish) using the vocabulary that you’ve learned.



Mi computadora tiene un monitor grande, un teclado que es inahalambrico y el colos plata y blanco, también tiene un ratón que es color plata y se usa para navegar en la pantalla de la computadora. Mi computadora es de la marca Apple y tiene muy buenos colores en la pantalla y trabaja rápido.


what is the date before el Día de la Familia in Uruguay?



The day before el Día de la Familia in Uruguay is December 24th.


It would be amazing if I could have brainliest! :)

que es el prerromanticismo



espero que me ayude


El prerromanticismo fue un movimiento literario que se desarrolla en Europa principalmente en el último tercio del siglo XVIII y cuyo ocaso transcurre en las últimas décadas de la centuria, cuando se ve sustituido por el Romanticismo, en total oposición al Neoclasicismo, principal estética de la Ilustración.

Preromanticism refers to the period in European literature that occurred between the Augustan age and the era of Romanticism, covering the years from approximately the middle of the eighteenth century to the early 1790s.

7, 8, and 9 if you know ?


I believe 9 is libro

Hola, Lola, él es mi hermano Hernando y yo soy Rosita. Pablo y Elena son los padres de nosotros. Pablo y Elena son ________ padres. Ellos son deportistas. Lola: Mucho gusto. ________ padres son activos también << too >>. Question 6 options: 1) nuestros, Mis 2) sus; Mi 3) nuestro; Mi 4) su; Mis


The first is “nuestros” and the second one is “mis”


1) nuestros, Mis


Hola, Lola, él es mi hermano Hernando y yo soy Rosita. Pablo y Elena son los padres de nosotros. Pablo y Elena son ___nuestros_____ padres. Ellos son deportistas. Lola: Mucho gusto. ___Mis_____ padres son activos también

these songs go hard !!!!!!!!!!!

bajo el effecto del alchool by esteban garbrielle
triando la h by esteban garbrielle
hay niveles by esteban garbrielle


Yes they definitely doooo!!!!!

Match each sentence with the correct Direct Object Pronoun (DOP).

El maestro enseña la lección.

La madre da los zapatos a su hijo.

Nosotros usamos el carro los viernes.

Los chicos hacen las diligencias cada día.




1. Lo

2. La

3. Nos

4. Los

Hope this helps !

The correct match between the sentences and the Direct Object pronoun is:

El maestro enseña la lección.                      →            la La madre da los zapatos a su hijo.              →            los Nosotros usamos el carro los viernes.        →            lo Los chicos hacen las diligencias cada día.  →            las


The teacher teaches the lesson.               →             la The mother gives the shoes to her son.   →             los We use the car on Fridays.                        →              lo The boys run errands every day.              →              las

Direct Object Pronouns (DOP) in Spanish.

The DOP are those on which an action falls, they are usually identified by asking the question "what," plus the verb used. In Spanish, depending on the personal pronouns, they are:

Yo: me Tú: teUsted: la / loÉl: loElla: laEllo: la / loNosotros / Nosotras: nosUstedes: las / losEllos / Ellas: las / los

Taking into account the sentences and the direct objects in these which are: "la lección," "los zapatos," "el carro," and "las diligencias," These as a noun should be replaced by the appropriate personal pronoun and then use the corresponding DOP based on the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

what is Los profesora (blank) muy alegre hoy



es is the answer


compara y contrasta los beneficios que ofrece una red social que utilizas regularmente con los de algunas de las redes sociales del mundo hispanohablante.
50 puntos


Answer: Tele mundo face  book.


escribir adjetivos y sustantivos ?


sustantivos: madre, hermana

adjetivos: preocupada

(No hablo español, así que esto es lo mejor que puedo hacer)

Lindo- grande- suave- alto- simpático- alegre

puntos gratis
que tengan un buen día
y de que quieres hablar​


Buenos tardes a ti :3




What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?
Le pido a este mesero una servilleta.
O I cook
O prefer
O I ask for
O I want


I ask this waiter for a napkin
I ask the waiter for a napkin

*click on picture*

pls help?



7. Mis abuelos están

8. Una sobrina va

9. Tú tienes

10. La maestra de sus hijos es

What does the "se" rule mean?

You can't use two "L" pronouns in a row, so you change the first pronoun to "se".

You "say" the pronouns aloud 3 times.

You use "se" to describe actions you do to yourself or others.

You use "se" instead of all other pronouns.


Answer: The most common use of se is a reflexive pronoun. Such pronouns indicate that the subject of a verb is also its object. In English, this is usually accomplished by using verbs such as "himself" or "themselves." ​Se is used as the reflexive pronoun for third-person uses (including when usted or ustedes is the subject).

Explanation: The word "se" has many uses in Spanish. Two of the most frequent uses are the impersonal "se" and the passive "se". The impersonal "se" is used with a third person singular verb to express the impersonal English subjects, one, you, people, or they.

Write three separate complete sentences each using an “er” verb.



Necesitas comer para estar fuerte.

Voy a beber de esta botella.

Tienes que detener a ese carro.


need help with my Spanish. Photo down below



sabes and conce


because yes

¿Qué es Los Precios Fijos y dónde se encuentra?
¿Qué representaba para el autor el paisaje de yates blancos al cruzar el puente sobre el Almendares?
¿Cuáles dos elementos le indicaban al autor que ya se encontraba en La Habana?



The answers are


What is Fixed Prices and where is it located?


What did the landscape of white yachts represent for the author when crossing the bridge over the Almendares?


What two elements indicated to the author that he was already in Havana?


Hope this Helps.

Other Questions
When Jane Goodall was one year old, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee, wich she name Jubilee. Even as a child in Bournemouth, England, Goodall wanted to go to Africa to study animals someday. Her mother told her to word hark and to believe in her dreams! After high school, Goodall worked as a secretary. Then one day, she received a letter from a friend inviting her to visit the friend's family farm in Kenya, Africa. Goodall worked hard to save money for the boat trip to Africa. She set sail in 1957 and arrived in Kenya the day before her 23rd birthday. There, Goodall met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous scientist who loved Goodall's excitement for animals. He hired Goodall as his assistant and asked her to do a study on champanzees in Tanzania. She accepted right away. Goodall spent years closely observing chimpanzees, and she made many discoveries. She saw chimps eating bushpigs-small hairy hogs that live in African forests-and other small animals. Until then, scientists had believed that chimpanzees were herbivores. Goodall also watched a chimp strip the leaves from a stem to create a tool he used to get termites out of a hole. Scientists had long thought that only humans used and made tools. Goodall received many awards in recognition of her work. Today, she travels the world, speaking about her research and the importance of protecting chimpanzees and their habitat. Why do you think Goodall received awards for her research?you MUST use TEXT EVIDENCE to support your answer. ---your response MUST be as least 3 sentences. Indica el sujeto, predicado verbo en la oracin. Todos esos molinos parecen gigante Todos esos molinos parecen gigante How was slavery in Ancient Greece different from slavery in the United States? How many ATP are produced by the ETC?A) 2B) 4C) 12D) 32 A spinner is divided into eight equal-sized sections, numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive. What is true about spinning the spinner one time? Select three options. S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} If A is a subset of S, A could be {1, 2, 3}. If A is a subset of S, A could be {7, 8, 9}. If a subset A represents spinning a number less than 4,then A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. If a subset A represents the complement of spinning an odd number, then A = {2, 4, 6, 8}. I WILL MAKE YOU BRAINIELIST.what is 378291929762772283838328282 What is the circumference of Circle O? HELP ME PLEASE brainliest if quick Multiply two and four-fifths negative five and two-thirds What is the equation represented by this line?ANSWER ASAP GIVING BRAINLEST which statement best summarizes Japan's response to industrialization following the Meiji Restoration Lee cada frase y contesta cierto o falso Chose all of the values that are less than the mean of the data set shown.4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 4, 6, 5, 4A. 8.1B. 4.9C. 6D. 6.2E. 7PLEASE ANSWER FAST! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO WHOEVER ANSWERS FIRST! THX The temperate grasslands biome includes regions of several continents. What do all of the regions have in common? A. the same species of grazing animals B. the same species of grasses C. the same seasonal patterns of temperature and precipitation D. the same amount of land that is covered in grasses]Please answer quick will give you brainliest Which answer choice accurately describes the active voice?A In the active voice, the subject does the action of the verb.B In the active voice, the subject, and the object both do the action of the verb.C In the active voice, it is not clear who is doing the action of the verb.D In the active voice, the subject is acted upon by the object. how do you turn a percentage into a decimal whats the mode,range and shape? The use of departmental overhead rates will generally result in:______.A. The use of a single cost allocation base.B. The use of a single overhead cost pool for the factory. C. The use of a separate cost allocation base for each department in the factory. D. The use of a separate cost allocation base for each month. What were Galileos views about the solar system Which among the organization theories is most applicable in today business enviroment why?