Two men are convicted of trafficking 10 kg of the following substance. They sold some of the
drug to another man who was killed in a car crash while under the influence. determine the penalties for these men under the Controlled Substances Act if they are repeat offenders.


Answer 1

The penalties for the two men convicted of trafficking 10 kg of the substance under the Controlled Substances Act as repeat offenders would depend on the specific substance involved, as different substances are classified differently under the Act.

How do we justify the Controlled Substances Act?

The Controlled Substances Act is a federal law in the United States that classifies various drugs into different schedules based on their potential for abuse and accepted medical use. The penalties for drug trafficking under this Act vary depending on the quantity and type of drug involved, as well as the offender's criminal history. Repeat offenders typically face more severe penalties, including longer prison sentences and higher fines.

Read more about Controlled Substances Act


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the governor appoints someone to the FREC then the Senate rejects the appointment, what happens next?


Through its advice and consent clause, the Appointments Clause grants the President the authority to propose candidates and grants the Senate full authority to accept or reject a nomination.

What happens once the governor names someone to the FREC and the Senate rejects that appointment?

The president appoints the governor of a state, who holds office for a five-year period at his discretion. The only people who may be appointed to this post are Indian citizens who are at least 35 years old. The Governor is vested with the power to serve as the state's executive.

appointment of governors A warrant designating the governor of a state must be signed and sealed by the President. Paragraph 156. Term of office for the governor: While the President is in office, the Governor will continue to function.

A power of appointment is an idea that has its roots in British common law. It is the ability under law to give another person ownership of a deceased person's property.

Learn more about appointment process:


Privacy rights were essential components to the rulings for a major case involving which subject matter?

abortion access


interracial marriage

adoption restrictions


Privacy rights were essential components to the rulings for a major case involving abortion access. The Option A.

Which subject matter involved privacy rights rulings?

Privacy rights were essential components to the rulings for a major case involving abortion access. In the landmark case of Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that a woman's right to choose to have an abortion was protected by the constitutional right to privacy.

The decision established a woman's right to abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy and placed limits on the ability of states to regulate access to abortion. The case remains controversial to this day, with ongoing debates about the balance between individual rights and state interests in regulating access to abortion. Nevertheless, the case is often cited as a critical moment in the development of privacy rights in the United States.

Read more about Privacy rights


1. Alcohol plus affects short-term memory and tracking ability.
A. O marijuana
B. O antihistamines
C. O tranquilizers


Alcohol plus C. tranquilizers affects short-term memory and tracking ability.

What do tranquilizers do ?

Tranquilizers are a type of medication that affects the central nervous system and can cause drowsiness, confusion, and impaired cognitive function. This can include a decrease in short-term memory and tracking ability, similar to the effects of alcohol.

Marijuana use can also impair short-term memory and tracking ability, so option A is incorrect.

Antihistamines are a type of medication used to treat allergies and cold symptoms, and while they can cause drowsiness, they typically do not have a significant impact on cognitive function. Therefore, option B is also incorrect.

Find out more on tranquilizers at


The purpose behind writing magma carta was to



Limiting the authority of the king so the king does not use his power in a bad way or take it for granted.


Lorne is charged with assaulting his brother with a deadly weapon. There is no dispute about his identity. The main issue for trial is whether or not he intended to cause serious harm to his brother. The prosecutor wants to introduce a video taken of Lorne at his brother's wedding, three years earlier. Lorne, in a brunken rage, lunged at his brother with a steak knife, screaming that he would *ill him. Since the weapon in this case is also a knife, the prosecutor feels the video shows that Lorne has murderous intent toward his brother and uses knives as weapons.

Would the video evidence be helpful to proving the case?



this isnt enough evedince as someone who is d runk cant control all of there body functionss, when d runk someone can do/say things they wouldnt normally say or do.



since there is evidence that people can control all of their body when dr unk this case should not escalate into a full blow trial the is not a proven fact that when dr Unk you have no control this is a rather a simple matter of a family feud

the video would not be help full


Which Amendment offers protections against being tried more than once on any one charge?






The Amendment that offers protections against being tried more than once on any one charge is the B. Fifth Amendment.

What does the 5th Amendment say ?

The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution offers several protections to individuals accused of a crime. One of these protections is known as the Double Jeopardy Clause, which states that no person shall "be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb."

The Double Jeopardy Clause applies to criminal cases, not civil cases. In other words, if an individual is acquitted or convicted of a crime, they cannot be tried again for the same crime, even if new evidence emerges.

Find out more on the 5th Amendment at


One complaint of political prisoners being held in places like Guantanamo Bay is that they’ve been held indefinitely without trials. What is the primary constitutional grounds this complaint is based on?

Fifth Amendment

Sixth Amendment

First Amendment

Ninth Amendment


The primary constitutional grounds that the complaint about political prisoners being held indefinitely without trials is based on is the B. Sixth Amendment.

What does the 6th Amendment state ?

The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees certain rights to individuals accused of a crime, including the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to an impartial jury, the right to be informed of the charges, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to have legal representation.

The right to a speedy trial means that the government cannot hold an individual in custody indefinitely without bringing them to trial.

Find out more on the 6th Amendment at


Can Sumone help me :)))


The answer can be found in Article 1, Section 3, Clause 2 of the US Constitution.

Senators are elected for a term of six years.

There is no limit on the number of times a senator can be reelected, as long as they continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

what are the responses to other questions?

2. The answer can be found in Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1 of the US Constitution.

All bills for raising revenue (i.e. taxes) must originate in the House of Representatives.

Once the House of Representatives passes the bill, it goes to the Senate for consideration and possible revision.

3. The answer can be found in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the US Constitution.

The power to declare war is vested in the Congress, which is the legislative branch of government.

The President, as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, has the power to direct the military once war has been declared.

4. The answer can be found in Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution.

The President has the power to make treaties, provided that two-thirds of the Senators present concur.

This means that the Senate must approve any treaty before it can take effect.

5. The answer can be found in Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution.

The President has the power to nominate a replacement for a Supreme Court justice.

The nomination must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.

6. The answer can be found in the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution.

The 26th Amendment sets the minimum voting age at 18 years old.

Assuming that you are already 18 or older, you can vote again in the next federal election, which is held every two years for members of the House of Representatives and every four years for the President.

learn more about US Constitution:


What is the main difference between the Bill of Rights and the main text of the Constitution?

The main text is about government power; the Bill of Rights is about residents’ protections.

The main text is about federal protection; the Bill of Rights is about state protections.

The main text is a flexible contract between states; the Bill of Rights is a set of strict laws.

The main text is similar to many documents worldwide; the Bill of Rights is unique to the United States.


The main difference between the Bill of Rights and the main text of the Constitution is that A. the main text is about government power, while the Bill of Rights is about residents' protections.

What is the Bill of Rights about ?

The main text of the Constitution outlines the structure and function of the federal government, as well as the distribution of powers between the federal government and the states. It establishes the branches of government, their powers and limitations, and the procedures for electing officials and passing laws.

On the other hand, the Bill of Rights is a set of amendments to the Constitution that were added to protect individual rights and freedoms.

Find out more on the Constitution at


How does the
legislative branch
check the power of
the judicial branch?


The legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch by being able to impeach justices.
The legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch by Impeaching justices

Which criminal justice professional is responsible for supervising inmates while they were saving time in prison


A correctional officer is a member of the criminal justice system who is in charge of monitoring prisoners while they are incarcerated.

Which criminal justice professional is responsible for supervising inmates while they were saving time in prison?

A correctional officer is the criminal justice specialist in charge of keeping an eye on prisoners while they are incarcerated. In addition to overseeing inmate behaviour and ensuring that all laws and rules are being observed, their responsibilities also include maintaining prison security. They may also search cells and inmates, transport inmates to and from other parts of the prison, and step in during tense situations. By helping to guarantee the security and safety of both inmates and staff members inside the jail, correctional officers play a critical role in the criminal justice system. It is very significant for proper working.

The complete question is-

Which criminal justice professional is responsible for supervising inmates while they were saving time in prison?

To Know more about Criminal Justice Visit:


Philosophers interested in criminal justice may write about whether certain punishments are ethical.

Is this true or false





One complaint of political prisoners being held in places like Guantanamo Bay is that they’ve been held indefinitely without trials. What is the primary constitutional grounds this complaint is based on?

Fifth Amendment

Sixth Amendment

First Amendment

Ninth Amendment





The primary constitutional grounds for this complaint is based on the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees the right to a fair and speedy trial.

A state legislature passes a law that states anyone with more than three traffic violations must pay the courts a fine equal to the cost of the most expensive vehicle involved in the citations. What is at least one Amendment this law violates?






Out of all constitutional amendment, the law described in the question violates the Eighth Amendment. The Option B.

Does the law described violate any amendment?

The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the imposition of excessive fines. This law imposes a fine that is equal to the cost of the most expensive vehicle involved in the citations, which could potentially be an exorbitant amount of money.

Therefore, it violates the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against excessive fines. This would likely be challenged in court, and could potentially be struck down as unconstitutional.

Read more about Amendment


Why should Mr. Romeri be responsible for Ms. Conley’s emotional happiness? Why did the judge rule his actions unethical? What principles was Ms. Conley basing her belief that Mr. Romeri held liability for his treatment of her? (HINT: Look at the five Decision Making approaches for help.)


Mr. Romeri felt compelled to inform Ms. Conley that he was capable of having children, which would satisfy Ms. Conley's desire to expand her family.

Why should Mr. Romeri be held accountable for Ms. Conley's emotional well-being?

Mr. Romeri is not in charge of Ms. Conley's happiness. Ms. Conley must be responsible for her own happiness. Mr. Romeri felt compelled to inform her that he was capable of having children, thereby satisfying Ms. Conley's desire to expand her family. The judge ruled this unethical because Mr. Romeri led her to believe she would have more children, even though he knew he couldn't due to his previous vasectomy procedure. He only gave her the false hope of expanding her family.

To know about well being visit:


What is an example of an outcome of a Supreme Court decision that was quickly overturned by a Constitutional Amendment?

“separate but equal” facilities

anti-monopoly statutes

restrictions on political campaign contributions

voting age inconsistencies



separate but equal


Brown famously overturned the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, in which a very different Supreme Court blessed the segregationist doctrine of “separate but equal” as constitutional.

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