Use △ABC to find the value of x and the angle measures.

Use ABC To Find The Value Of X And The Angle Measures.


Answer 1

The measure of angle A, B, C are 60°,60°,60°

What is sum of angle in a triangle?

A triangle is a closed, 2-dimensional shape with 3 sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertices. A triangle is also a polygon.

The sum of angle in a polygon is 180°. i.e

A+B + C = 180°

therefore we can say that;

2x+2x + 3x-30 = 180

7x -30 = 180

7x = 180+30

7x = 210

divide both sides by 7

x = 210/7 = 30

therefore ;

angle A = 2× 30 = 60°

angle B = 2×30 = 60°

angle C = 3×30-30 = 90-30 = 60°

learn more about sum of angle in a triangle from


Related Questions

the anova procedure is a statistical approach for determining whether the means of . a. more than two samples are equal b. two or more populations are equal c. two samples are equal d. two or more samples are equal


The means of two or more populations being equal is determined by a statistical approach for the ANOVA procedure. Option B is correct.

The ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) procedure is a statistical method used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of two or more groups. To statistically test the equality of means ANOVA uses F-tests.

The repeated-measures ANOVA is a two-stage process that is described as an analysis of dependencies. This test is used to prove an assumed cause-effect relationship between variables. The conditions that must be met for the results of an ANOVA are Independence, Random Sampling, Large Sample Size, and Normality.

To learn more about the ANOVA :


Jody's team scored 26, 25, 34, 28, and 32 points at the last five basketball games.

What does the mean number of points Jody's team scored represent?


A mean of 29 means that the data values are relatively close together and Jody's team scored around 29 points each game.

A mean of 29 points means that the data is very spread out.

A mean of 29 points means that Jody's team scored exactly 29 points in each of the last 5 games.


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone please help me asap? It’s due tomorrow.


The correct option is the last one, they only surveyed their subscribers-.

Why is the title misleading?

The title is "most popular equipment among all campers", notice the word "all". The title claims that it is representing the whole population of campers.

But the sample does not represent all campers, because the sample is only the subscribers of that magazine, so we have a biased sample.

Then the correct option is the last one, they only surveyed their subscribers.

Learn more about samples at:


why is it more common to report the standard deviation for grouped data rather than variance for grouped data?


It is more common to report the standard deviation for grouped data rather than variance for grouped data because the standard deviation is easier to interpret and compare between different groups.

The variance is a measure of the spread of the data, but it is not in the same unit as the original data, making it difficult to interpret. The standard deviation, on the other hand, is in the same unit as the original data, and it provides a more intuitive measure of the spread of the data.

Additionally, the standard deviation can be used to calculate confidence intervals and perform hypothesis tests, which are important statistical tools for analyzing grouped data. Overall, the standard deviation is a more useful and informative measure of variability for grouped data than the variance.

Learn more about deviation:


Find the distance, d, of AB.


The distance between A and B is approximately 8.06 units.

In order to find the distance, d, of AB, we need to use the distance formula. The distance formula gives us the distance between two points in a coordinate plane. It is given as:$$d = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}$$ where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the two points in question.

In this case, A and B are the two points for which we need to find the distance. Let's assume that the coordinates of A are (x1, y1) and the coordinates of B are (x2, y2).

Then the distance formula becomes:

$$d = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}$$

$$d = \sqrt{((8 + 4) - 2)^2 + ((5 - 1) - 3)^2}$$

$$d = \sqrt{(10 - 2)^2 + (4 - 3)^2}$$

$$d = \sqrt{(8)^2 + (1)^2}$$

$$d = \sqrt{64 + 1}$$

$$d \approx \sqrt{65}$$

$$d \approx 8.06$$

Therefore, the distance between A and B is approximately 8.06 units.

For more such questions on distance, click on:


Raphael wants to create a histogram to display the results of a survey in which his coworkers were asked how many hours they spend on the Internet each week. The results of the survey are shown below.

{14, 22, 10, 6, 9, 3, 13, 7, 12, 2, 26, 11, 13, 25}

Match each interval with its corresponding frequency.


To create a histogram, we need to divide the range of the data into a set of intervals or "bins" and count the number of data points that fall in each bin. We can then represent this information using a bar chart, where the height of each bar corresponds to the frequency (i.e., number of data points) in that bin.

To determine appropriate bin intervals, we can use the range of the data and the number of bins to create equal-width intervals. For example, we could create 5 bins of width 5:

Bin 1: 2 - 6 Bin 2: 7 - 11 Bin 3: 12 - 16 Bin 4: 17 - 21 Bin 5: 22 - 26

We can then count the number of data points that fall in each bin:

Bin 1: 2 Bin 2: 4 Bin 3: 3 Bin 4: 0 Bin 5: 3

Therefore, the intervals and their corresponding frequencies are:

Interval: 2 - 6 Frequency: 2

Interval: 7 - 11 Frequency: 4

Interval: 12 - 16 Frequency: 3

Interval: 17 - 21 Frequency: 0

Interval: 22 - 26 Frequency: 3

We can then use this information to create a histogram, where the x-axis represents the intervals and the y-axis represents the frequencies, with each bar corresponding to an interval and having a height equal to the frequency in that interval.

At a candy store, gummy bears are $5.25 per pound and jelly beans are $3.90 per pound. David has 1 3/4 pounds of jelly beans in his basket. Write and solve an inequality to determine the maximum number of pounds of gummy bears David can buy if he has $15 to spend. (Weights are measured to the nearest hundredth of a pound.)


If David already has 7/4 pounds of jelly beans, then 1.55 pounds of gummy bears can he buy.

What is the unitary method?

The unitary method is a method for solving a problem by the first value of a single unit and then finding the value by multiplying the single value.

To determine the remaining amount of money available left to buy gummy bears, we have to find the amount of money already spent on jelly beans.

Amount of money spent on jelly beans;

= 7/4 × 3.90

= 6.825

Amount of money left for gummy bears ;

= 15-6.825

= 8.175

Thus, Pounds of gummy bears bought = 8.175 ÷ 5.25

                                                    = 1.55 pounds

Hence, If David already has 7/4 pounds of jelly beans, then 1.55 pounds of gummy bears can he buy.

Learn more about the unitary method, please visit the link given below;


Can someone help me asap? It’s due tomorrow.


The sampling method used by the principal is Stratified sampling.

What is Stratified sampling?

Stratified sampling is a sampling method where the population is divided into non-overlapping subgroups, called strata, based on certain characteristics or attributes, and then a random sample is drawn from each stratum.

In this case, the principal organized the school's population by grade level, which created four strata: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. The principal then randomly sampled fifty students from each of these four strata to collect data on their preferred elective course. This approach ensures that each grade level is represented in the sample, which can provide a more accurate and representative picture of the preferences of students in each grade level, compared to other sampling methods.

Learn more about Stratified sampling here:


Your classmates Sarah, Gene and Paul are proposing plans for a class fundraiser. Each presents his or her proposal for the amount of money raised, y, for x number of hours worked, in different ways. Part A: Are each of the proposals represented by linear functions? Explain. Refer to lesson 7. 4 Comparing Linear and Non-Linear Functions. Part B: Does the class have any money in the account now? How can you tell? Calculate the y-intercept in order to find your answer. Part C: Which fundraising proposal raises money at the fastest rate? Explain. Refer to lesson 7. 2 Representations of Functions Part D: If Sarah and her classmates are hoping to raise $200, which proposal do you recommend that Sarah and her classmates choose? Analyze your answers to explain why you recommend that proposal. Note that there are different ways to analyze and display your thinking


All the plans proposed by classmates Sarah, Gene and Paul  represents linear function.

Total money in the account at (0 ,0 ) is $24.

Fundraising proposal showing fastest rate is of Sarah proposal plan.

To raise $200 recommended plan is of Sarah.

Standard linear function is y = mx + c

'm' is the slope and 'c' is the y-intercept.

For attached question

Let y represents the amount of money

And x represents the number of hours worked.

Proposing plan of Sarah represents the straight line

From graph consider two points

( x₁ , y₁ ) = ( 1, 20 )

(x₂ , y₂ ) = ( 2 , 30 )

Slope 'm' = ( y₂ - y₁ ) / ( x₂ - x₁ )

               = (30 -20 ) / ( 2 - 1 )

               = 10 /1

y = mx + c

⇒ 20 = 10(1) + c

⇒ c = 10

Linear function for Sarah is y = 10x + 10

Gene proposal ,

( x₁ , y₁ ) = ( 5, 42 )

(x₂ , y₂ ) = ( 10 , 77 )

Slope 'm' = ( y₂ - y₁ ) / ( x₂ - x₁ )

               = (77 -42 ) / ( 10 - 5 )

               = 35 /5

                = 7

y = mx + c

⇒ 112 = 7(15) + c

⇒ c = 7

Linear equation for Sarah is y = 7x + 7

Paul proposal is,

y = 10x + 7

Linear function.

This implies all proposal plans represents linear function .

As they are in form y = mx + c.

Yes class has money in the account.

Sarah has 10 , Gene has 7 and Paul has 7 in his account.

Total money in account = 24

If we put x = 5 in all the plans

Sarah raised

y = 10(5) + 10

  = 60

Gene raised

y = 7x + 7

 = 7(5) + 7

 = 42

Paul raised

y = 10x + 7

  = 10(5) + 7

  = 57

This implies Sarah plan raised the money at fastest rate.

Sarah and her classmates are hoping to raise $200

Sarah plan,

200 = 10x + 10

⇒ x = 19 hours

Gene plan

200 = 7x + 7

⇒ x = 27.6 hours

Paul plan

y = 10x + 7

⇒ 200 = 10x + 7

⇒x = 19.3hours

Recommended plan is of Sarah.

Therefore, all the proposal plans represents linear function.

Class has $24 in the account.

Sarah plan raises at the fastest rate.

Recommended plan is Sarah proposal plan.

learn more about linear function here


The above question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Attached question.

Chelsea is buying mini candy bars for her classmates. She has four different options for buying the candy bars. The list below gives different options for quantity and price.

If Chelsea wants to spend the lowest amount per mini candy bar, then which option should she buy?




Step-by-step explanation:

You can divide the number of mini candy bars over the price, and the lowest would be the smallest one, with 8.33.

Susan's cell phone plan includes unlimited texting. The amount she pays for texting each
month can be described by the function y = 20, where y is the number of dollars spent on
texting as a function of x, the number of texts.
What is true about the function?
It is linear because the rate of change is zero.
It is linear because the rate of change is increasing.
It is nonlinear because the rate of change is zero.
It is nonlinear because the rate of change is


The function y = 20, where y is the number of dollars spent on texting as a function of x, the number of texts, is a linear function. This is because the function has a constant rate of change, which is zero. [ For any increase in the number of texts, the amount spent on texting remains the same at $20 per month. A linear function has a constant rate of change, which means that the slope of the line is constant. Therefore, the function y = 20 is linear, and not nonlinear. Additionally, the rate of change is not increasing since it remains constant, so the answer is "It is linear because the rate of change is zero." ]

f(x)= 2000 (2[tex]2^x[/tex]


Required value of f(x) is [tex]125 \times {2}^{5 + x} [/tex]

What is function?

In mathematics, a function is a rule or a mapping that assigns each element from a set (called the domain) to a unique element in another set (called the range). The domain and range can be any set, but they are often subsets of the real numbers.

Functions are often denoted using algebraic expressions or formulas, which describe the relationship between the input values (the domain) and the corresponding output values (the range). For example, the function f(x) = 2x + 3 maps each value of x to the value 2x + 3.

Functions are important tools in many branches of mathematics, science, engineering, and other fields. They allow us to model and analyze a wide variety of phenomena, from the behavior of physical systems to the patterns of human behavior.

Here given function,

[tex]f(x) = 2000 \times 2( {2})^{x} [/tex]

We know,

[tex] {a}^{x} \times {a}^{y} = {a}^{x + y} [/tex]


[tex]fx) = 2000 \times {2}^{x + 1} \\ = 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times2 \times 125\times {2}^{x + 1} \\ = 125 \times {2}^{4} \times {2}^{x + 1} \\ = 125 \times {2}^{4 + x + 1} \\ = 125 \times {2}^{5 + x} [/tex]

Learn more about function here,


Correct question is " Simplify

[tex]f(x) = 2000 \times 2( {2})^{x} [/tex]"

Find the exact value of cos a, given sin a =3/8 and a is in quadrant 1


The exact value of cos a as required to be determined in the task content is; √57 / 8.

What is the exact value of cos a?

It follows from the task content that sin a = 3 / 8 and the exact value of cos a is to be determined in the task content.

Recall from trigonometric identities that;

cos ² a + sin² a = 1

Therefore, cos² a + (3 / 8)² = 1 since sin a = (3 / 8).

cos²a = 1 - (9 / 64)

cos²a = (64 - 9) / 64

cos²a = 57 / 64

cos a = √57 / 8.

Ultimately, the value of cos a as required to be determined in the task content is; √57 / 8.

Read more on trigonometric identities;


8.G.B.7, 8.G.B.8
Which is the better definition of leg"


The better definition of leg include the following: D. either of the two sides that form the right angle.

What is a right angle?

In Mathematics, a right angle can be defined as a type of angle that is formed in a triangle by the intersection of two (2) straight lines at 90 degrees. This ultimately implies that, a right angled triangle has a measure of 90 degrees.

Generally speaking, the longest side (hypotenuse) of a triangle is equal to the sum of the square of two shorter sides (legs):

a² + b² = c²


a, b, and c represents the legs, side lengths or length of sides of a right angled triangle.

In conclusion, the legs in Mathematics simply refers to the opposite side and adjacent side of a right angled triangle.

Read more on right triangle here:


given: weight a: 140 pounds at 17 inches aft of datum weight b: 120 pounds at 110 inches aft of datum weight c: 85 pounds at 210 inches aft of datum based on this information, the cg would be located how far aft of datum?


The center of gravity is located 96.7 inches aft of the datum.

To determine the location of the center of gravity (CG) of the system, we need to calculate the moment of each weight about the datum, and then divide the sum of the moments by the total weight of the system.

The moment of each weight is equal to its weight multiplied by its distance from the datum. In this case:

Moment of weight a = 140 pounds x 17 inches = 2,380 inch-pounds

Moment of weight b = 120 pounds x 110 inches = 13,200 inch-pounds

Moment of weight c = 85 pounds x 210 inches = 17,850 inch-pounds

The total weight of the system is:

Total weight = weight a + weight b + weight c = 140 + 120 + 85 = 345 pounds

Therefore, the location of the CG can be calculated as follows:

CG location = (Moment of weight a + Moment of weight b + Moment of weight c) / Total weight

CG location = (2,380 + 13,200 + 17,850) / 345

CG location = 33,430 / 345

CG location = 96.7 inches aft of datum

As a result, the center of gravity is 96.7 inches aft of the datum.

To know more about the Datum, here


Which equation represents the inverse function m(p),which uses problem we did as the input, and gives minutes worked as the output?


Answer: Without knowing the specific problem you are referring to, it is impossible to determine the equation for the inverse function m(p).

However, in general, to find the inverse function of a given function f(x), we can follow these steps:

Replace f(x) with y: y = f(x)

Swap x and y: x = f(y)

Solve for y: y = f^-1(x)

The resulting equation y = f^-1(x) represents the inverse function of f(x).

For example, if the function f(x) = 2x + 5, the inverse function can be found as follows:

Replace f(x) with y: y = 2x + 5

Swap x and y: x = 2y + 5

Solve for y: y = (x - 5) / 2

Therefore, the inverse function of f(x) = 2x + 5 is f^-1(x) = (x - 5) / 2.

If you provide more information about the specific problem you are referring to, I can help you find the inverse function.

Step-by-step explanation:

There are four security stations placed around a
stadium, labeled A through D in the figure. Each
station will be occupied by a guard chosen
randomly from a group of 6 volunteers: Aaron,
Blake, Chelsea, Daria, Eddie, and Francis. What is
the probability that Daria and Blake will be chosen
to be the security guards?

A) 1/15
B) 2/15
C) 4/15
D) 2/5


The probability of Daria and Blake being chosen together is 1/15. So correct option is A.

Describe Probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is a number between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating that the event is impossible and 1 indicating that the event is certain. Probabilities can be expressed as fractions, decimals, or percentages.

The concept of probability is used in a wide range of fields, including mathematics, statistics, science, engineering, finance, and economics. It is used to make predictions and decisions based on uncertain outcomes.

The probability of an event can be calculated by dividing the number of ways the event can occur by the total number of possible outcomes. This is known as the classical definition of probability. Other methods of calculating probability include empirical probability, which is based on observations or experiments, and subjective probability, which is based on personal judgment or opinion.

The total number of ways to choose 2 guards from 6 volunteers is given by the combination formula:

C(6,2) = 6! / (2! * 4!) = 15

Out of these 15 possible combinations, there is only one way to choose Daria and Blake together. Therefore, the probability of Daria and Blake being chosen together is:


So, the answer is (A) 1/15.

To know more about combinations visit:


justin developed the below hypothesis. h1: younger adults (18-28 years old) spend more time on social media than the middle-aged (29-65 years old) group and older adults (older than 65 years old). what statistical test should he use to test his hypothesis?


To verify if older adults and middles ages people spend less time on social media, Justin can use the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test.

ANOVA is used to compare means across two or more groups. Justin can use this test on the different category of younger adults, middle-aged and older adult. This test is done when there is statistically significant difference between the group of samples.

Justin can utilize post-hoc tests (such as Tukey's HSD and Bonferroni) to identify whether particular groups are statistically different from one another if an ANOVA shows a significant difference.

To know more about ANOVA test, visit,


What is the equation of the line shown in this graph?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hi can someone help me with finding out the equation for this word problem


The equation of the word problem is x-4n.

What is word problem?

A word problem is a math problem written out as a short story or scenario. This mathematical statement are interpreted into mathematical equation or expression.

Representing the total number of sheep in the flock by x and representing the number of weeks by n. Therefore the remaining sheep in the flock for the number of weeks will be expressed as

x - 4n.

Therefore the equation for the word problem is x - 4n.

learn more about word problem from


A survey found that the ratio of students who play intruments to those who do not was 7/20 of the students do not play an instrument 440 surveyd how many students surveyd play an instument


The number of students surveyed who plays an instrument is 114 students.

The ratio of students who play instruments to those who do not is 7/20, which means that out of every 7+20=27 students, 7 of them play an instrument and 20 of them do not.

If we know that 440 students were surveyed, we can set up a proportion to find the number of students who play an instrument:

7/27 = x/440

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

7 * 440 = 27 * x

3080 = 27x

x = 114.07

Since we can't have a fraction of a student, we should round up to the nearest whole number, which means that approximately 114 students surveyed play an instrument.

Therefore, the required answer is 114.

To know more about cross-multiply


Charlie made the following table to record the height of each person in his family.

If Cheyenne and Hannah lay end to end, how far will they reach?

A. 9

B. 9, 1/2

C. 10

D. 8



Please help me so i can finish my homework



[tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]w + 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Helping in the name of Jesus.

Find the probability of drawing the given cards from a standard deck of 52 cards with replacement. Leave answers as decimals rounded to 3 decimal places if the decimal does not end.
A club, then a four


In light of this, the likelihood of drawing a club followed by a four from a typical 52-card deck with replacement is roughly 0.014, rounded to three decimal places.

what is probability ?

Probability is an evaluation of an event's potential or chance of occurring. It is a number between zero and 1, where 0 denotes an impossibility and 1, a certainty, respectively, for an event. The number of favourable outcomes is divided by the total number of potential scenarios to determine the likelihood of a particular circumstance. Several disciplines, including math, statistics, science, construction, economics, and finance are heavily reliant on probability.


Due to the fact that there are 13 clubs in a deck of 52 cards, the likelihood of drawing a club on the initial draw is 13/52.

Given that the first card was a club, the likelihood of drawing a four on the second draw is 3/52.

We can compound the odds of the two events to determine the likelihood of drawing a club followed by a four with replacement:

P(club, then four) is equal to P(club) * P(four | club) (13/52) * (3/52), which equals 0.014.

In light of this, the likelihood of drawing a club followed by a four from a typical 52-card deck with replacement is roughly 0.014, rounded to three decimal places.

To know more about probability visit:


in a certain health center there are 3 doctors, 8 nurses and 2 physicians. in how many ways one can form a group of 5 members consisting of 1 doctor, 3 nurse and 1 physician.


The number of ways to form a group of 5 members consisting of 1 doctor, 3 nurses, and 1 physician can be calculated as follows:

Number of ways to select 1 doctor from 3 = 3C1 = 3

Number of ways to select 3 nurses from 8 = 8C3 = (8*7*6)/(3*2*1) = 56

Number of ways to select 1 physician from 2 = 2C1 = 2

Total number of ways to form the group = number of ways to select 1 doctor * number of ways to select 3 nurses * number of ways to select 1 physician
= 3 * 56 * 2
= 336

Therefore, there are 336 ways to form a group of 5 members consisting of 1 doctor, 3 nurses, and 1 physician from a health center that has 3 doctors, 8 nurses, and 2 physicians.

uhm yeah thats all I've got to say


The correct statement regarding the middle 50% of the data-set is given as follows:

C. The box, from 41 to 56.

What does a box-and-whisker plot shows?

A box and whisker plots shows these five features from a data-set, listed as follows:

The minimum non-outlier value.The 25th percentile, which is the median of the bottom 50%.The median, which splits the entire data-set into two halfs, the bottom 50% and the upper 50%.The 75th percentile, which is the median of the upper 50%.The maximum non-outlier value.

The box, from the 25th percentile of 41 to the 75th percentile of 56, shows the middle 50% of the data-set.

More can be learned about box plots at


Leo subscribes to a monthly app service that charges him $6 for one month, and each app he purchases costs $0. 90. Lara subscribes to a service that charges $1. 50 per app with no additional monthly fee. After how many apps will they have the same monthly bill?


Iam do not understand what do you mean 1335690964225753897426908224 1335690964225753897426908224 88 9 109 250 10 10 XL 220 10 10 30 250 30 30 30 400

Samuel rotated PLUTO 90° clockwise about the origin to generate P'L'U'T'O'.
with vertices at P (2,-3), L'(-2,-5), U'(-6,-1), T'(-2,3), and O'(1,1). What
are the coprdinates for PLUTO?​


The coordinates for PLUTO are P(3,2), L(5, -2), U(1, -6), T-3, -2) and O(-1, 1)

When a figure is rotated 90 degrees clockwise about the origin, its new coordinates are found by switching the x and y values of each point and then negating the new x value. This means that if a point had coordinates (x, y) in the original figure, its new coordinates in the rotated figure would be (-y, x).

Using this information, we can find the coordinates of each vertex of PLUTO by working backwards from the coordinates of the vertices of P'L'U'T'O'. For example, the coordinates of P can be found by negating the y-coordinate of P' and switching the x and y values. Applying this formula to P'(2,-3) gives us P(3,2).

Similarly, the coordinates of L can be found by negating the y-coordinate of L' and switching the x and y values. Applying this formula to L'(-2,-5) gives us L(5,-2).

Then for the other coordinates are calculated based on then we get the following,

U'(-6,-1) is U(1, -6)

T'(-2,3) is (-3, -2)

and O'(1,1) is (-1, 1).

To know more about coordinates here


The relationship between the mass m in kilograms of an organism and its metabolism P in Calories per
day can be represented by P = 73.3m³. Find the metabolism of an organism that has a mass of 16 kilograms.



The relationship between the mass m in kilograms of an organism and its metabolism p in calories per day can be represented by p = 73.3m³ . To find the metabolism of an organism that has a mass of 16 kilograms, we can substitute m = 16 into the equation:

p = 73.3m³ p = 73.3(16)³ p = 73.3(4096) p = 299,648 calories per day

Therefore, an organism with a mass of 16 kilograms has a metabolism of 299,648 calories per day.

I hope that helps!

Step-by-step explanation:

An organism with a mass of 16 kilograms has a metabolism of 299,708.8 Calories per day according to the given relationship.

We can use the given formula to find the metabolism P of an organism with a mass of 16 kilograms:

P = 73.3m³

where m = 16 kg

Substituting the value of m:

P = 73.3(16)³

P = 73.3(4096)

P = 299,708.8 Calories per day.

Learn more about kilograms here:

When adding or subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators, the numerators ___ , but the denominators ______ .

A. Stay the same

B. change



Yo, when you adding or subtracting mixed numbers with the same denominators, the numerators stay chill, they don't change, bro.

But the denominators, they also stay the same, man. It's like keeping things consistent, ya feel me? So the answer is A, dude. Numerators stay put, denominators stay put. It's all good vibes, bro! ✌️

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TRUE OR FALSE The law presumes the deed has been delivered and accepted if it is in the hands of the grantee, not the grantor. Compare the average rate at which geothermal and solar energy reach earths surface? As a policy maker in pursuit of solving world energy problems, which one would you pursue? motor unit size can indicate the precision of fine motor skills. in muscles that control the gastrocnemius (calf muscle), fine motor control is not as important. one motor neuron may control which of these cells organelles is MOST like a post office in that it receives, packages/modifies, than sends proteins and other cellular material?A. The mitochondriaB. The golgi body Hayley is looking for a job cutting hair. One option is self-employment at The Princeton Salon, where she would pay $774 per month to rent a station and keep all of her earnings. Another option is to work at a franchise, where she would just have to pay the salon $9 for every haircut. If she performed a certain number of haircuts every month, the amount paid to either salon would be the same. How much would Hayley pay? How many haircuts would that be?Hayley would pay $ ______ to either salon if she performed _______ haircuts. a 218.8 ml sample of carbon dioxide was heated to 391 k. if the volume of the carbon dioxide sample at 391 k is 468.1 ml, what was its temperature at 218.8 ml? How does the author's use of third person point of view reinforce the reader's understanding of thesiblings' external conflict?O It clarifies the specific personal perspectives of the characters regarding the farm land.O It highlights the different goals each of the children have for their father's land.O It provides a picture of the contrast between Alexandra's passion and her brothers' concerns.O It stresses the disappointment the boys feel about Alexandra being chosen as the leader. Please I need help answer all the questions please Mary worked from Monday to Saturday last week and bought lunch in the companys restaurant every day. Her lunches cost a different amount every day. Each lunch cost a multiple of 20. The most expensive lunch of the week cost $7. 60 and the cheapest one cost $4. 40. Fridays lunch cost exactly 1 times as much as Wednesdays lunch. Tuesdays lunch cost $1. 20 more than Thursdays lunch a properly positioned pa axial (caldwell) projection of the skull directs the central ray: How does the August Wilson use stage directions to reveal the rising tension between the two characters?A. By describing their reactionsB. By describing their physical interactionsC. By describing their relationship backgroundD. By describing their accomplishments Write a reportMy high employee turnover is costing me a lot of money in losttraining hours. What are some other Canadian companies doing toretain employees? pharoah company uses a periodic inventory system. its records show the following for the month of may, in which 146 units were sold.Compute the ending inventory at May 31 and cost of goods sold using the FIFO and LIFO methods. What is the equation of the line in slope-intercept form? Directions: In three paragraphs, write a comparative analysis of which poem does a better job of includingthe elements of Romanticism, "The Thorn" or "Casabianca"? Remember, I am not assessing if you get the"right" poem. I am assessing how you identify and analyze the elements of Romanticism to argue anddefend your choice. Make sure you quote from both poems and include the elements of Romanticism thatyou are focusing on. Your thesis is your position or which poem does it better.Structure: First para: Introduce Romanticism and the poems. In the last statement include your thesisstatement (which poem does it better)Second para: Analyze the language in the poems and argue the Romantic elements that thepoems displayThird para: Defend the poem of your choice and why. Ex: "The Thorn by William Wordsworthdemonstrates the elements of Romanticismmore effectively by..."Use this as a guide:Elements of Romanticism:Idealism over Realism (or Dreams over Reality) Why is thePolitical philosophies helped shape the foundations of American government. Many strongly believed that government should be in the hands of the governed. What is your philosophy? Do you agree with the many who believe that government should be in the hand of the people or do you think having a king or queen is a better choice? If so, why or why not? Constitution known as a "living" document? which ideas formed the driving force behind the legislation that allowed joint operating agreements (joas) for newspapers? From the Big fish in troubled waters. Compare and contrast the ways the author's shaped their presentations in the two articles. Describe how their use of the key of information helped them to achieve their purposes. Use at least three details from the texts in your response. Orly uses cups of raisins for every cups of trail mix she makes. How many cups of trail mix will she make if she uses cups of raisins? the seasonal winds in the indian ocean caused by the differences in temperature between the rapidly heating and cooling landmasses of africa and asia and the slowly changing ocean waters are called: