Using the RACE method, answer the following question: Do you think Andrew Carnegie was a good person or a villain?


Answer 1


"Gospel of Wealth" describes Andrew Carnegie's philosophy.

The 'Gospel of Wealth' was an article composed by Andrew Carnegie in 1889. Carnegie, a steel tycoon, contended that extremely well off men like him had a duty to utilize their riches for greater benefit of society. It's a break with the individualist account that we are frequently given. It addressed issues of commitment, heritage, and community as imperative qualities. It’s a manifesto for philanthropy.


Related Questions

Who played the biggest role in creating the first universities in Europe? a. Muslim scholars c. noble landowners b. kings and queens d. church leaders ANSWER AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE I HAVE 25 MINUTES LEFT AND


Answer: The answer is church leaders.

Explanation: Because in that time the church or religious groups had he most say in thing like In creating Universities.


The answer is church leaders.


Which country did the U.S. back in order to prevent the spread of communism and end up providing
military and financial assistance to?



Communist Yugoslavia


To create more divide inside the Soviet Union.

communist Yugoslavia

United States gives military and economic aid to communist Yugoslavia. In a surprising turn of events, President Harry Truman asks Congress for U.S. military and economic aid for the communist nation of Yugoslavia. The action was part of the U.S. policy to drive a deeper wedge between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.

Should we contnue to experiment and test treatments on animals?



Should experiment on animals be banned?

they should be stopped.


The harm that is committed against animals should not be minimized because they are not considered to be "human." In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering to the experimental animals, and other means of testing product toxicity are available.


The harm that is committed against animals should not be minimized because they are not considered to be "human." In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering to the experimental animals, and other means of testing product toxicity are available.


Explain what rights states have to make laws against abortion based on the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade


In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion.

How large was the city of Kaifong?​



Municipal seat Longting District,  Prefecture-level city 6,247 km2 (2,412 sq mi)



Prefecture-level city 6,247 km2 (2,412 sq mi)


How did Louisiana citizens view the Americans who came to New Orleans to help save the



The fighting in Louisiana was really a series of battles for New Orleans, lasting from December 1814 through January 1815. On the Chalmette battleground , just below the city, a diverse force of soldiers, sailors, and militia, including Indians and African Americans, defeated Britain's finest white and black troops drawn from Europe and the West Indies.

The American victory in the Gulf region forced the British to recognize United States claims to Louisiana and West Florida and to ratify the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war. The Battle of New Orleans also marked the state's political incorporation into the Union.


The American citizen's victory in the Gulf region forced the British to recognize the United States claims to Louisiana and West Florida and ratify the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war. The Battle of New Orleans also marked the state's political incorporation into the Union.

What are citizens?

A citizen is to refer to that whose birth nationality to in a nation be there in this term the citizens refer to those whose both parents' naturalization is granted full rights and responsibilities as a member of a nation, in this term the citizens are being referred to it.

By Louisiana, citizens view the Americans who came to New Orleans to help save the  Gulf region forced the British to recognize the United States' claims to Louisiana and West Florida and ratify the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war.

Therefore, the American citizens come to New Orleans to help and save them.

Learn more about citizens here:


Payment from conquered peoples helped the Aztecs to:
A. Collect great wealth
B. Become a democracy
C. Give up money systems
D. Create better maize



A / Collect Great Wealth

-Best Regards




Only answering so you can give other person brainliest

How did the conflict create tension between colonial militiamen and British troops?


Britain's debt from the French and Indian War led it to try to consolidate control over its colonies and raise revenue through direct taxation (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts), generating tensions between Great Britain and its North American colonies.

The conflict between Great Britain and its North American colonies resulted from Britain's attempts to increase control over its colonies and raise money through direct taxes (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts) as a result of its debt from the French and Indian War.

What are direct taxes?

Direct taxes are a kind of tax that is generally charged on the income of individuals. They are not the only types of taxes that individuals pay in their countries; they also generally pay indirect taxes and sales taxes.

Taxes are one of the major sources of revenue for the government. The revenue that is generated with the help of all the taxes is used in the government's plans for many projects which are developmental and growth-oriented for the nation.

Learn more about direct taxes here:



Changes that were and still are made to the Constitution are called:





The Indian Removal Act was a policy that removed the Native Americans
from the states.



True -


This can be True and false and here's why. President Andrew Jackson signed this law moving Native Americans more west, so it did remove there tribes from the states and pushed them more to the west.

The bubonic plague could be identified by
, or swellings, that appeared on the body. (clots/buboes)





I just took the test and the name of the disease is called bubonic plague and buboes is close to the disease name.

The bubonic plague could be identified by buboes.

What is the meaning of plague?

Both humans as well as mammals can contract the plague. Yersinia pestis is the bacterium that causes it. The most common ways for humans to contract the plague are through handling a plague-infected animal or by getting bitten by a rodent flea that would be carrying the disease.

Even in modern times, the term "plague" still refers to an illness brought on by Yersinia pestis. Typically, we also refer to it by the particular plague kind it is, such as bubonic, septicemic, or pneumonic.

Los Angeles saw the last urban plague outbreak in the United States between 1924 and 1925. The plague then migrated from urban rats to rural rodent species and established itself in numerous regions of the western United States. Since then, there have been isolated cases of plague in rural areas.

Learn more about the Plague here:


I last travelled abroad two years ago???Been ____________________Two years​



away for Two years


thats how I understood your question sorry

according to the hebrew bible, jacobs 12 sons became
a. members of the diaspora
b. priests
c. scribes
d. the leader of israelite tribes






D. the leader of Israelite tribes

why does Jane Goodall leave Gombe?


Somewhat adequate answer: In 1986, Jane attended a conference in Chicago (organized around the release of her work, Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior) and one of the consecutive speakers showed the extent of habitat destruction across Africa, and the effect it had on wild chimps. *Jane left field work in Gombe so that she could focus conserving the Chimpanzees.* I’m sorry if this doesn’t help, it’s my first answer.

Even as learning expanded, science made only small progress in Europe the Middle Ages because



Even as learning expanded, science made only small progress in Europe the Middle Ages because  monks controlled the printing of books, thereby limiting the progress of science as it was contrary to their religion.


Until Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in 1459, books were created manually and by artisans by Catholic monks, who only created books and writings related to religion, or had content that included God or spirituality as a central or important theme.

For this reason, given that science in many cases posed an absolute contradiction to religious ideas, the monks arbitrarily decided not to publish these books, with which despite the progress of science and knowledge, they did not reach the majority of the population.

Help ASAP!’

What evidence can be offered to support this statement: Although it is not legal obligation, voting is the most important duty a citizen can carry out?


Answer: Voting is the most important duty because as seen time and time again in history, your president/leader matters. If you don't vote, you might not be able to help the best candidate win. You could end up having a tyrant in a position of power. A piece of evidence that supports this is how King George III acted. They were a tyrant that taxed the colonists in American heavily and denied any attempts to amend the situation. We're lucky to be able to vote now so why would you waste that opportunity? Voting is one of the most vital duties you have.

Voting is the most significant obligation because, as history has repeatedly demonstrated, your president or leader matters.

Why is Voting Important ?

You might not be able to support the best candidate's victory if you don't cast a ballot. A tyrant could find up in a position of authority. King George III's behavior is one piece of evidence in favor of this. They were a dictator who levied high taxes on the colonies in America and rejected any attempts to make things better.

One of your most important responsibilities is to vote.

Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are chosen directly by the people in accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution.

However, the Electoral College would choose the president instead of the general public. The number of representative votes allotted by the Electoral College is normally determined by the population of each state. The use of state representatives in Congress to elect a president was considered as a compromise between the public vote and this indirect election process.

Learn more about Voting here

# SPJ 5

What did the Persians consider to be demonic?



no not so much no


1. What are the three different types of citizen?


Citizenship by birth
Born within a country
Citizenship by marriage

The three different types of citizens identified by the law related thereto are:

Citizen by birthCitizen by the country of birthCitizen out of marriage

What is the significance of a citizen?

A person who lives in a country and satisfies the conditions mentioned under the laws defining the test of citizenship, he or she is given the status of a citizen. The test of American citizenship is based upon fulfillment of certain conditions.

As per the laws of the American constitution, a person is eligible to get American citizenship if he or she is born in the United States, or ordinary resident of the United States born in any other country, or has been in a married relationship with an American citizen.

Therefore, the significance regarding a citizen has been aforementioned.

Learn more about a citizen here:


How did Liu Bang defeat the Qin dynasty?


Answer:In October of 206 BC, he and his army attacked Xianyang, the capital city of the Qin and overthrew the Qin Dynasty.



it's c


i just took the test on edge 2020 it's correct

What was the result of Shia and Sunni Muslims being divided?



Unsettled disputes and civil war.


Tension and civil war

What was the Monroe Doctrine?



The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the Americas.


What role did French Jesuits play in North America?



The Society of Jesus, The Jesuits. In 1615, France insisted that Champlain send missionaries to New France in order to convert the natives. The Recollet friars were the first to arrive. Fifteen years later, the missionaries of the Society of Jesus arrived, also known as the Jesuits and the "soldiers of Christ"



New France


New France

Eight Jesuits—killed between 1642 and 1649—became known as the North American Martyrs. ... Within thirteen years, the Jesuits had missions among all five Iroquois nations, in part imposed by French attacks against their villages in present-day New York state.

In this passage, what reason does President Jefferson give for having Lewis and Clark collect information about the American Indians?

He expects conflict with the American Indians.

He wants to know how wealthy they are.

He hopes to do commerce with American Indians.



The answer is c okay


the answer is c on edganuity

Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as
President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the
Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of
War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to
time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander
deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military
areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate
Military Commander may determine, from which any or all
persons may be excluded....
-President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 9066, February
19, 1942
Which constitutional right was most directly violated by this executive order?
Freedom of speech
Freedom of religion
Right to bear arms
Right to equal protection


solidly rooted in society. Remarkably, at present all

major political parties are deeply rooted in society. The

UDF’s formidable organization, when combined with

the staying power and enduring unity of the BSP and

the loyalty of the MRF’s followers and activists, is

giving rise to a polity in which parties—rather than

spellbinding leaders, the state apparatus, independent

local strongmen, the military, or private oligarchs—are

the central actors in political life. As the Italian experi-

ence demonstrates, pluralistic partyocracy can engender

clientelism, dysfunctional politicization of parts of the

private sector, and political sclerosis. The Italian expe-

rience also shows that pluralistic partyocracy can spur

consolidation of democracy and progress toward

prosperity in a poor, peripheral, and demoralized land.

M. Steven Fish is an associate professor of political science at the

University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of

Democracy from Scratch: Opposition and Regime in the

New Russian Revolution (Princeton University Press, 1995).

Robin S. Brooks is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of polit-

ical science at the University of California, Berkeley. She is writing

her dissertation on ethnic self-identification and nation building in

postcommunist Europe.




_________ Indians were skilled hunters of small animals. A. Athabascan B. Prehistoric C. Archaic D. Paleolithic Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



C. Archaic


The Archaic Indians were hunters and gathers. They used new technology like hooks, nets, and traps to hunt small animals.

I will give brainlest to whoever gets it right
Select all the correct answers.

Identify two human characteristics of a place that are influenced by its location.

the system of government
the choice of crops grown
the dominant religion
the population density


The choice of crops grown (climate) and the population density (terrain)

Making Inferences Nicholas Cruger left the
fourteen-year-old Hamilton in charge of his
business when he traveled. What does this
say about Hamilton’s character?



This shows that Hamilton was responsible and trustworthy, so much to leave the business in his hands.


Nicholas Cruger was the mentor of Alexander Hamilton, who took the young man under his wings in his firm as an accountant. He, later on, became so trustworthy that he was made in charge of the business while his boss Nicolas Cruger went away on business.

Working as an accounting clerk in a mercantile in St. Croix, his boss Mr. Cruger was so impressed by his ability that he would keep the young man under his wing. At times, he would even put him in charge of the whole business and go on business trips. This act shows Hamilton was trustworthy and even responsible, that his boss was convinced and satisfied to put him in such a position.

How did King Henry Vll start the Protestant Reformation in England?
A. He became a Muslim made a pilgrimage to Mecca with a caravan of camels and gold.
B. He had his English citizens read the 95 theses of Martin Luther.
C. He went against the pope and had the Bible translated from Latin into English.
D. He broke away from Catholic Church so he could marry his wife’s handmaid.





Answer: D. He broke away from Catholic Church so he could marry his wife’s handmaid


In the Caribbean, you have several syncretic religions that combine African faiths with which religion?
A) Buddhism

B) Hindu

C) Islam

D ) Christianity


Answer: B. Hindu

I believe.


Hope this helps!

Brainliest please

Which feature would most likely appear on a political map?
Group of answer choices

topographic features

mountain ranges

weather patterns

governmental boundaries of countries



The Governmental Boundaries of Countries


Other Questions
Next day his luggage arrived through the slushand very remarkable luggage it was. There were a couple of trunks indeed, such as a rational man might need, but in addition there were a box of booksbig, fat books, of which some were just in an incomprehensible handwritingand a dozen or more crates, boxes, and cases, containing objects packed in straw, as it seemed to Hall, tugging with a casual curiosity at the strawglass bottles.Which is the best meaning for incomprehensible as it is used in the selected sentence?A) unorganized; scattered B) having no limits; boundless C) impossible to fathom or imagine D) difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible A rocket lifts vertically off the launching pad and reaches a final velocity of 450 m/s in 15 seconds. What is its acceleration The premium on a three-year insurance policy expiring on December 31, 20x11, was paid in total on January 1, 20x9. The original payment was initially debited to a prepaid asset account. The appropriate journal entry has been recorded on December 31, 20x9. The balance in the prepaid asset account on December 31, 20x9 should be Select one: a. The same as the original payment b. The same as it would have been if the original payment had been debited initially to an expense account c. Higher than if the original payment had been debited initially to an expense account d. Zero Check BRAINLIEST BRAINLIEST PLEASE ANDWER WUICKLY PLEADEDSZSSSSSEDJAIAJHSHAUZBSKSKSJX What is the solution to 3x-10x+5=5x+17 Guillermo was finding it difficult to walk up the steps to his familys apartment. His doctor thinks that his cells might not be getting enough oxygen or glucose.Why does having low levels of glucose or oxygen in his cells make it difficult for Guillermo to walk up steps? Which body systems should the doctor test in order to find out whether Guillermos cells are getting enough oxygen and glucose and why? #2: Tell whether the function below is linear or exponential.y = 4 2^x AnswersO LinearO Exponential HELP PLEASEEEE!!Choose the equation with the correct grouping symbols.A. 45 + 45 (3 3) = 20B. 45 + [45 (3 3)] = 20C. [45 + (45 3)] 3 = 20D. 45 + (45 + 3 3) = 20 - 2/3 3/5 + 5/2 - 3/5 1/6 PLSS HELPP IM FAILING THIS CLASS PLSSSSWhy did China construct the Great Wall? Check all that provide a symbol of strengthto protect the people from invadersto keep people inside the countryto symbolize the unity of the countryto keep people from other areas out of the countryto demonstrate wealth and a strong workforce Fish Cheeks what was the problem in the sotry Please look at the pic and help it got marked wrong Read each question carefully. Write your response in the space provided for each part of each question. Answers must be written out in paragraph form. Outlines, bulleted lists, or diagrams alone are not acceptable and will not be scored. White blood cells called B cells produce proteins that can be used for the treatment of certain illnesses. However, these B cells do not live for very long on their own. To keep the B cells growing for a long time in laboratories, scientists fuse the B cells with cancer cells (fused B-cancer cells) that do grow for a very long time. The particular cancer cells used for the fusion are treated with chemicals that make them unable to produce the nitrogenous bases adenine and guanine, but the B cells with which they are fused do produce these nitrogenous bases. The scientists grow the large fused B-cancer cells in a growth medium that contains necessary nutrients for the cells and includes a source of carbon. (a) Describe the role of carbon in biological systems. (b) The membranes of both B cells and the cancer cells are largely composed of phospholipids. Explain how, when the membranes are fused, the polar parts of the phospholipids from one cell will interact with the phospholipids from the other cell and how the nonpolar parts of the phospholipids from one cell will interact with the phospholipids from the other cell. (c) Make a claim about the most immediate effect on the fused B-cancer cells if the fused cells are transferred to a growth medium that lacks a source of nitrogen. (d) Provide reasoning with evidence based on the composition of biological macromolecules to support your claim. Mindy notices that many new staff members do not know how to properly clean up hazardous waste. She organizes ameeting and invites all the new staff members so she can teach them the safe and appropriate procedure. Which bestdescribes the leadership quality that Mindy is exhibiting?being resilientpracticing adaptabilitytaking initiativeO setting rules I WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!!!1 Carl is planning out his route for an upcoming race. 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