Virginia has 13 voters. How many senators does Virginia have?


Answer 1


The Senate of Virginia is the upper house of the Virginia General Assembly. The Senate is composed of 40 senators representing an equal number of single-member constituent districts.

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What key role did Nebuchadnezzar play?


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A Mix of People
In the 1600s, the Middle Colonies accepted people of different religions and cultures. The colonists were German, Dutch, Scots-Irish, Scandinavian, English, and enslaved Africans. Some were Catholic or Jewish. Proprietors allowed them to practice different religions.


A Mix of People

In the 1600s, the Middle Colonies accepted people of different religions and cultures. The colonists were German, Dutch, Scots-Irish, Scandinavian, English, and enslaved Africans. Some were Catholic or Jewish. Proprietors allowed them to practice different religions.


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Tokugawa Ieyasu was one of Hideyoshi's strongest daimyo allies, and he completed the unification of Japan.This victory earned him the loyalty of daimyo throughout Japan. Years later, Ieyasu became the only ruler or the shogun. So, he moved Japan's capital to his power base at Edo, which later became the city of Tokyo.


Plz mark as Brainliest...

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The Mayan culture is very incomparable from other religions, their culture is often referred to as a work of art. Maya religious beliefs are formed on the notion that virtually everything in the world contains k’uh or sacredness. Sacredness is essential and the god and goddesses are based on it too. Some of the famous gods and goddesses are Itzam Ná & Ix Chebel Yax, Huracán, K’inich Ajaw, Hun H’unahpu, Chak, and Ix Chel. Continuing, to honor these gods and goddesses there are some rituals that the Mayans follow, bloodletting  and human sacrifices are the most prevalent. The ancient Maya maintained a complex religion, and their ideologies of creation, sacrifice, sacredness, and multiplicity are key to understanding the Maya religion.

Help would be really appreciated!



the second one is Fort Sumert

The United States and France first became ____________ in the 18th century. a. allies c. anti-war advocates b. enemies d. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



A.) Allies and the Americans bought land from the French called the Louisiana Purchase in 1803





Which region of Texas were most of the battles of the revolution fought
Coastal Plains
Great Plains

Mountains and Basins

North Central Plains


I think the Costal Plains if I am correct

Write a paragraph that summarizes the excerpt you read from King Leopold’s Ghost. Be sure to tell why the Belgian king colonized the Congo.



Leopold II established a colony in the Congo to gain natural resources for Belgium and wealth for himself. Under his reign, the Congolese people were terrorized with forced labor and harsh treatment. He wrongly justified his actions by saying that the people of the Congo were inferior, and deserved the treatment they received.


King Leopold II of Belgium owned this portion of the Congo’s territory, close to the Congo River. He killed thousands of people and took away the territory natural resources to his benefit. King Leopold II enslaved people from Africa and made work in the mines to extract the rubber.

Enlightenment philosophers believed that human civilizations are similar to nature in that they are __________.



governed by natural laws

The answer is governed by natural laws!

Name one advantage and one disadvantage to the E.U.



Advantage: Better jobs and workers’ protection.

Disadvantage: High cost of membership.


hope this helps


The European Union creates an allied front against outside aggression.There are still many problems with division in Europe despite the EU.


The past 50 years in Europe have been some of the most peaceful out of the last 1,000 years of history. There have been fewer wars fought on the continent then at any time since the reign of the Roman Empire over the region. The European Union creates stability because all of the nations belonging to the agreement (or NATO) work together for their mutual good. Although this does increase their operating costs because there are domestic and international governments which require funding, it makes everyone safer as well.

There are fewer countries going to war with each other in Europe thanks to the presence of the EU, but that has not stopped a rise of nationalism, fascism, and other problematic government structures over the years. There are many different cultures and ethnicities on the continent which see things differently, and it is not always possible to reconcile their differences. Not only is there a clear divide between the east and the west, but there are divisions of size to consider as well.

In a command economy, the government provides everything EXCEPT:
A jobs
B. food
C. subsidies
D. health care
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



It’s B good because they provide everything else except that


A) Jobs


What were the Four MAIN Causes of World War I?



The M-A-I-N acronym is often used to analyse the war – militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism.


Why are large empires hard to maintain



Typically, any political system (empire or not) eventually collapses, which several people explained below but without answer the question. There are several reasons for this, though this is probably not an exhaustive list.

1). Most empires, regardless of the tribute system supporting them, were agriculturally reliant. Through most of human history, there have been numerous bad harvests which promote plagues and movements of large numbers of people from agricultural production. Very few political systems of a complex nature can survive these problems. This is well-detailed in the monograph Plagues and Peoples by William H. McNeil.

2). Empires invariably seem to reach a state of stagnation where their political leaders become complacent and reliant upon their previous successes and prior strategies for dealing with problems. In Arnold Toynbee’s classic work A Study of History, he strongly makes the argument that its this inflexibility and complacency that causes empires to fall to their neighbors eventually, or to a new dynasty that is more willing to be innovative in finding solutions to the problems that beset the polity. Often this stagnation results in a failure to adapt the economy or distribution of resources in a way that will maintain the empire. We see this is in the debasement of the Roman currency, its over-reliance on foreign military forces, and its over-expansion. The Romans failed to adapt successfully as their world changed and empire expanded.

3). Since you ask specifically about empires, the greatest challenge for many empires is multi-culturalism. Several empires have failed due to an inability to maintain proper respect for the various cultures within that empire. We see this with the fall of the Assyrian Empire, destroyed due to its disrespect for and brutality against subject peoples, and with the fall of the Ming dynasty to the Qing who brought the grievances of an ethnic minority into an alliance with Han Chinese elements who had lost their loyalty to the Ming.

4). Sometimes empires over-expand as well. The collapse of the British Empire and the conquests of Alexander the Great could be attributed to this as well. Both these empires took on more territory than they could control effectively, with Alexander managing to himself following his soldiers desire to cease and return home and the British Empire failing to address issues of multiculturalism with its efforts to maintain hegemonic control requiring a vast expenditure of wealth and resources which the British population was no longer willing to provide following WWII


the state struggled to end the rebellion. events such as this one contributed to the decision to



In 1787, the US was at a crossroads, Farmers in western Massachusetts had rebelled the year before over property taxes. The state struggled to end the rebellion. Events such as this one contributed to the decision to... ... Justify the American colonists' revolution to the rest of the world.



In 1787, the US was at a crossroads, Farmers in western Massachusetts had rebelled the year before over property taxes. The state struggled to end the rebellion. Events such as this one contributed to the decision to... ... Justify the American colonists' revolution to the rest of the world.


What did some whites believe "black power" meant



because white now sees that sacks men are capable of doing great things

Black Power is a political slogan and a name which is given to various associated ideologies which aim to achieve self-determination for people of African descent.[1] It is primarily, but not exclusively, used by African American activists and proponents of what the slogan entails in the United States.[2][3] The Black Power movement was prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasizing racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture, promote and advance what was seen by proponents of the movement as being the collective interests and values of Black Americans.[4]

Which events led to the American victory in the war? Choose the THREE correct answers.

A- battles of Trenton and Princeton

B- Battle of Saratoga

C- Capture of Philadelphia

D- blockade of colonial ports

E- French alliance





I'm sorry because I am not answer8ng your qustions I'm answering my own. please go to my page and answer my most resant qustion. please

Events which led to the American victory in the war:

Battles of Trenton and PrincetonBattle of SaratogaFrench alliance

Thus, options A, B and E are the correct options.

What were the factors contributing to the American victory?

Partnership with France:

Securing a French alliance during the revolution was arguably Benjamin Franklin's most significant achievement for his country out of all of his other accomplishments. Without France's financial and military support, the colonists' chances of defeating the powerful British empire would have been far worse.

Distance :

There was no internet, no phone, and not even a telegraph at the time of the revolution. It takes at least several weeks to send a basic message from England to North America. Transporting soldiers, weapons, and supplies faced even greater challenges.

Understanding of the Region:

Before fighting in North America, many of the British men had never been there. The conflict was taking place in the colonies' own backyards.

Learn more about the American victory, here:





umm i cant see your question





determine if a law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

What is the best explanation for Democracy?


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Determine the density of a cube that has a mass of 600g and the sides measure 3cm x 4cm x 5cm



use the formula l*w*h also use the density formula of a cube p=m/V





I'm not sure if this is the right answer buhh this is the best I could come up with I apologise if I doesn't help I jus decided to give it a go hope it helps

Which Native American group was the first to build permanent settlements?



Archaic indians.


It is predicted that Archaic Indians had settled for around 7,000 years before the settlers from Europe came into American continent.  Most of their historic sties were founded around the state of Illinois.

From the type of tools that found in their remining site, archeologists predicted that Archaic Indians were hunter/gatherer society. They did not rely on agriculture to sustain their life, only resources such as fruits and animals.  But often times, it is difficult to gather enough foods from hunting/gathering. This is why they started to gradually learnt how to grow crops and create permanent settlements.


The Pueblo


Which native civilization lived in permanent settlements made up of apartment-like complexes of stone and mud?

summarizes the Albany Plan of Union, including the problems it was meant to address and the response it received among the colonies.



After the Albany Congress passed the Albany Plan, the plan was sent back to the British and to the individual American colonies. The British government thought the proposed colonial government was unnecessary and, as such, rejected it. The individual American colonies also rejected it.

This plan was an attempt to stop the French from taking control of the Ohio River valley, because if they had, it would link the French territories of Louisiana and Canada together and block the growth of the English Colonies.

The Albany plan of Union failed because the colonies were afraid of losing their own autonomy or self government. The British also dropped the plan because they wanted to make the management of the colonies simple.

The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. Although never carried out, the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government.


Will Mark Brainliest
2. What effect, if any, did America’s entry into World War I have on the outcome of the war? Why?



The effect of America joining the war was massive. America joining the war allowed for the Allies to win the war. With the Russian front closed, and the remaining might of the German Empire pressing against the western front, The Allies, as well as the axis, were exhausted. The economies of countries everywhere were suffering... except America. The ocean allowed for America to be isolated from the war. The American entry won the war


hope this helps :)

Lincoln cites which reason continuing to fighting in the war



The need to show the other side why they are wrong, The importance of abolishing slavery in America.


Sorry .


A) the importance of abolishing slavery in America


what was the cause of the duar war​



Britain sent a peace mission to Bhutan in early 1864, in the wake of the recent conclusion of a civil war there. After the British occupied Assam and made the area part of British India (1826), a longtime frontier dispute began with the state of Bhutan to the north.


However, on December 16, Shabdrung issued a proclamation, which accused the British of unprovoked aggression against Bhutan. He announced that the Bhutanese people should be ready to resist the attacks of the British and claimed that the British seemed determined to take away the freedom that the Bhutanese had enjoyed for centuries.

As British had captured these areas with some ease, they felt that they could disband their main force and left only one or two armed posts in the new territory and went for resting. Taking this advantage, Bhutan suddenly attacked and captured Dewangiri on January 29, 1865. They had already captured Bishensing, Buxa and Balla on January 25, 26 and 27, with the force led by Trongsa Penlop.

(from wikipedia, sum up your own words)

What type of warfare was used in World War 1?


Answer: trench warfare

Explanation: The type of warfare that was used in World War 1 was trench warfare. Basically, you can go under a high area and start shooting at the opponent. This was trench warfare, basically levels of fighters. Hope this helps!

How did the French and Indian War contribute to the American Revolution?

France wanted revenge after losing the war and negotiated with the colonies to fight England.

American Indians that fought in the war supported the colonies and encouraged them to fight the British.

England went into debt because of the war and decided to tax the colonies to get their money back.

England was unhappy with the colonies performance in the war and punished them with taxes.


The war started off by the British and French having a border dispute that led to a seven year long global conflict. This war was won by the British, but by entering in this war, they went broke. In order to restore economic balance, they taxed the colonies. In the long run, this made the colonies fed up with the British demanding more money. This sparked the American revolution, and it also brought France and Spain into this as they were both bitter about the war and took any chance to weaken Britain.

led to Spanish success
a. one important leader
b.Many factors
c. Military campaigns
d.People could not control the thing that


I think B is the answer
Hope this helps
The answer is "b. many factors"

Answer Fast!!
Why did the United states arm the mujaheddin rebels in Afghanistan?



The United States viewed the conflict in Afghanistan as an integral Cold War struggle, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet mujahideen rebels through the Pakistani intelligence services in a program called Operation Cyclone.

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