W. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it.

X. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States.

Y. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.

Z. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

Which excerpt from the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of checks and balances?


Answer 1




Related Questions

Who Sank the Lusitania and how that changed the course of the war.​


Answer:A German U-boat torpedoed the British-owned steamship Lusitania, killing 1,195 people including 128 Americans, on May 7, 1915. The disaster set off a chain of events that led to the U.S. entering World War I.


Schwieger was to blame for sinking the Lusitania. It changed the course of the war because it hindered or severed relationships between Germany and the U.S

Which two organizations have disappeared why did they collapse



the Soviet Union collapsed


The Soviet Union fell on account of Gorbachev's choice to the decisions with a multi-party framework and make a president for the Soviet Union. They began with a moderate democratization measure, which at last sabotaged the control of the Communist Party and prompted the breakdown of the Soviet Union.

Sorry I only found one.


The Marshall Plan & The Warsaw Pact


The Warsaw Pact fell apart as these events transpired. This collapse was a direct result of the "velvet" uprisings in Eastern Europe that occurred in 1988-89 when the peoples of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria rejected their communist regimes. And the Marshall Plan came to an end on December 31, 1951. The Marshall Plan terminated six months sooner than expected. The Korean Conflict had moved the United States foreign policy focus, while Western Europe was experiencing an industrial boom during the war.

Lamar’s economic policy during his presidency resulted in a great deal of debt for the young republic of Texas. Explain how Lamar produced so much debt. Do you think any of his debts were justified? Explain.



Lamar spent a great deal of money on his military efforts, which included an unapproved and unsuccessful expedition into New Mexico and a campaign to remove all Native Americans out of Texas. While Lamar needed to defend Texas against Mexican threats of invasion, his other military expenditures were ill advised. Lamar kept the Texas navy on active duty an equipped it with more ships. His relentless attack on Native American populations in Texas created a debt of about $2.5 million. Lamar also introduced a new paper currency during his presidency called the red back, but this currency only lost value adding to the nation’s debt. In addition, Lamar failed to borrow any money from the United States of Europe leaving Texas with a national debt of about $8 million by the end of his presidency. Student responses regarding spending legitimacy will vary. Responses should be supported with reasoning relevant to the time period.


I got it on edge possible answer

In Paragraph 1, President Obama says: "You're not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport. You don't hit every note the first time you sing a song." Why does he include these examples? How do they contribute to the meaning of that paragraph? Use evidence from the text.​



The reason as to why President Obama decides to give us these examples is to epitomize his notion of which is that you the reader cannot be utterly perfect nor flawless on your first experiences of anything. They act as good examples of which we the reader can easily interpret and one sentence gives great strength to Obama's validity on his notion which is "You don't hit every note the first time you sing a song."...

Hope I helped, have a great day either way!


you dont hit a note first song one!


k12 thx brainliest?

Railroads led to the adoption of



ivjaeuoyoaek kifybc 7 tr


g 5 hw

What are some social aspects of medieval Japan, plz help in paragraph form




Medieval Japan (1185-1600) with its feudal structures offers a striking contrast to the earlier classical period of Japanese history: warfare and destruction characterize the medieval era in which samurai warriors became the rulers of the land.

The similarities as well as the differences in historical patterns of medieval Japan and medieval Europe are of interest to historians. Feudal political organization, bonds between warriors, and the prominence of religion are characteristic of the medieval periods in both societies.

In Japan, Buddhism reached all levels of society during the medieval period; the influence of Buddhism is evident in works of Japanese literature written at this time, Essays in Idleness, An Account of My Hut, and the plays of the Noh drama.

Medieval Japan is often well covered in textbooks because of its similarities to "medieval Europe," with warriors, castles, and feudal structures. Students gain a more balanced view of the breadth of Japanese history and its culture if teachers first introduce Japan's classical period (topic 5), c. 600 - 1185, which has quite different characteristics than those of the medieval period.

In medieval Japan, the rise of the samurai occurs as political power devolves from court nobles to warrior families; military leaders rule the land while the emperor and his court remain in place but hold no power. The supreme military leader is called the "Shogun," and his government is called the "bakufu," or "tent government."

There is constant warfare in medieval Japan; the society is torn apart by warfare and people seek solace in religion. Buddhism, which had up until now been primarily the religion of scholars and monks, becomes the religion of ordinary people and popular, salvationist sects of Buddhism spread throughout the country.

By the 1500s, a class of territorial military lords, or daimyo, emerges; the daimyo establish and maintain their domains (called "han"), build castles, and establish towns around their castles where their samurai retainers reside and serve in their armies.

Samurai values of service to a lord and personal loyalty become central to Japanese cultural tradition over the centuries.

Zen Buddhism spreads among the samurai, emphasizing personal enlightenment through discipline and meditation. Gardens of raked sand (representing water) and rocks (representing mountains) are used as places of meditation within temples. The ceremony of serving tea becomes a formalized Zen ritual. The tea room or tea house, built for this purpose, has tatami or rush mats for flooring, shoji, or sliding paper and wood screens for room dividers, and a tokonoma, or ceremonial alcove, to place scrolls of calligraphy and flower arrangements. All of these features become central to Japanese architecture and room furnishing.

The warfare in this period is so intense and the society so torn apart that the major goal of the daimyo who reunify Japan in 1600 is the establishment of order. The Tokugawa period, 1600 -1868, is thus distinguished from the medieval period by the cessation of warfare and the evolution of a pre-modern society marked by commercial development and urbanization, as discussed in Topic 8: China, Japan and Korea: the Ming, the Qing, Tokugawa, and Chosun.

Literature in medieval Japan reflects the Buddhist notion of the impermanence of life and the need to renounce worldly attachments to gain release from the sufferings of human existence is reflected in the literature of the period: An Account of My Hut, Essays in Idleness, Noh drama.

Which Mexican learder wrote letters to the authorities requesting Austins release?
a. General Cós
b. Captain Tenorio
C. Ramón Músquiz
d. Lorenzo de Zavala


The answer is c.ramon musquiz


C(Ramón Músquiz)


i got an 80

please help me if you want :):)​


C most slaves went to South America

What advantage did General Andrew Jackson's troops have over the British troops at the Battle of New Orleans?



The British troops were low on ammunition and supplies, while Jackson's troops had plenty of reinforcements. C. The British troops had to fight an uphill battle against Jackson's troops, who were stationed at a high vantage point.

The Dominion of New England was created

A. to give the king of England more control over the colonies.

B. to give the American colonies more independence.

C. to unite the New England colonies against the king of England.

D. to make the New England colonies more important than the other colonies.​


Answer:To give the king of England more control over colonies

Explanation: Got it right on edge 2020


the answer is A) to give the king of England more power over the colonies


i just did the assignment on edge. and got it right

what events led to American Revolution​



The stanp act

Townsend act

boston massacre

Boston tea paty

intolerable acts

lexington and concord battle


1. The Stamp Act (March 1765)

2. The Townshend Acts (June-July 1767)

3. The Boston Massacre (March 1770)

4. The Boston Tea Party (December 1773)

5. The Coercive Acts (March-June 1774)

6. Lexington and Concord (April 1775)

7. British attacks on coastal towns (October 1775-January 1776)

The American colonists’ breakup with the British Empire in 1776 wasn’t a sudden, impetuous act. Instead, the banding together of the 13 colonies to fight and win a war of independence against the Crown was the culmination of a series of events, which had begun more than a decade earlier. Escalations began shortly after the end of the French and Indian War—known elsewhere as the Seven Years War in 1763. Here are a few of the pivotal moments that led to

Explanation:hope it helped

= What are comparable gatekeeper elite groups in the
contemporary United States?



order that was remarkably similar to that developing in western Europe ... gatekeeper elite groups in the contemporary United States ? 1298.


Which statement best completes the diagram?
Major Hindu
People must follow
society's rules
Many.gods are part of
one universal power,
O A. There should be no class of priests.
B. All forms of violence are forbidden. .
O C. The gods cannot communicate with people.
D. People are reborn after they die.





How did Peter reform the lives of women?
Quick help me




he didn't, not really. By "participated more actively", your source likely just means socialisation, rather than women's rights or activity in general society. To be sure, some of his policies had a positive impact on the welfare of women, but that is more incidental than intentional.

How are snakes sharp fangs an adaptation that help it survive in their saguaro community


They are helpful in his environment because he is able to hunt for prey and also protect itself from other predators

Who is the blame for the Pequot war


The English blame the Pequots, and for two years, they demand that the Pequots deliver the heads of those who had killed Stone and his crew. The Pequots counter that if the killer of Stone was a Pequot, the Pequot must have killed him in retribution for the Dutch murder of Tatobem.

What do people mean when they call the U.S. the "world's police officer?" In your opinion, should the U.S. assume that role?



this is how some see it but not all


the U.S. is seen as basically world police cause they are the world's super power, their airforce is number one then their navy's airforce is number 2 thats just the airforce and navy nevermind the rest of their military, plus they have hundreds of military, CIA bases around the world, and some black site locations and alot more they have the ability to police the world and see it as fit, they just can't police China, Russia. if this helped or didn't help please let me know so I can do some research into the topic.

20 points

Practice and Apply
Read each sentence and write the words with Latin roots in the middle column. In the last
column write the meaning for each Latin word.


Answer: I don't see a picture if there is supposed to be one. Is there a purpose for this?

Explanation: Subscribe to Technoblade

by the end of the civil war the south was devastated and beaten the president had been assassinated was it worth it? WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST ANSWER (it must be 2-5 sentences)





It the long run it was nothing would be the same in our country. Witch in some cases that would be great. The thing is if none of this happened we would probably not be as advanced in the United States.

BRAINLIEST! History question.
Which of these authors of the Federalist Papers wrote about foreign policy?
a.) James Madison
b.) John Jay
c.) all of these
d.) Alexander Hamilton
e.) none of these

And btw I know it's not C because it said my answer was incorrect. Thanks!



it should be d: alexander hamilton





correct answer hope it helps

Advocates of the United States' ratification of the Kyoto Protocol argue that:

A. as an advanced economy, the United States has the right to protect its domestic industries through immigration restrictions.

B. as an industrialized nation, the United States is obligated to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

C. as a major consumer of goods, the United States should ensure that the labor practices that produce these goods are fair.

D. as a Western nation, it is important for the United States to set an example in human rights for other nations.


I think B sorry if not correct......

Step by step explanation:

What is the most straightforward way to determine into which category a pattern falls?

Measuring the angles of a central star
Trying to imagine the type of grid that might lie underneath the pattern
Counting the 'petals' or rays around a central star
Counting how many stars feature in a composition


I think the answer is b I’m not sure tho

How was Spain able to establish an empire in the Americas during the 1500s?​



Explanation:At first, Spain let the conquistadors govern the lands they had conquered. However, this was not successful. In order to control its new empire, Spain created a formal system of government to rule its colonies. todemand labor or taxes from Native Americans

who did the most to promote the cause of Independence: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Thomas Paine?




'' Who did the most to promote the cause of independence: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Thomas Paine? Give reasons for your choice. Thomas paine because Thomas Paine published an influential pamphlet, Common Sense, which called for complete independence.'' Put the comas because i  got this from google.    HI I HOPE THIS HELPS :)

How did terraces improve Chinese agriculture?

A. Sped up plowing and sowing of fields
B. Created more farmland for raising crops
C. Made it easier to harvest grain and other crops
D. Simplified the process of cleaning seeds from plant fibers


Answer:B) Created more farmland for raising cropsExplanation:Sorry if i'm wrong I tried my best <3Brainliest?
Yeah I think it’s b cus terrace allows to have crops to be placed on those steep hills

Which of the following best describes Sacagawea? A.nervous B.helpful C.talkative D.disappointed









The Rebellion in the Caribbean sparked fears of a widespread rebellion in the American South.

Select the best answer from the choices provided.

A. Dominican

B. Cuban

C. Nat Turner

D. Haitian





What was the new sea route that Bartolomeu Dias first discovered and Vasco da Gama later followed to get to India? FAST PLS U WILL GET BRAINLY



Outward and return voyages of the Portuguese India Run (Carreira da Índia). The outward route of the South Atlantic westerlies that Bartolomeu Dias discovered in 1487, followed and explored by da Gama in the open ocean, would be developed in subsequent years.

Sibling: Teresa da Gama, Paulo da Gama

Parents: Estêvão da Gama, Isabel Sodré

Born: 1460, Sines


The Constitution describes two ways to propose an amendment. Which of the following gives an example of one way?

A majority of citizens vote in favor of proposing the amendment.

The president officially requests that Congress propose the amendment.

Three-fourths of state governors sign a petition in favor of proposing the amendment.


3/4 of state. Brainliest if right?

Three-fourths of state governors sign a petition in favor of proposing the amendment giving an example of the way. Thus, option A is correct.

What is Constitution?

"Constitution can be defined as an entity that helps in governing the state or Nation it provides various reforms through which the representative chooses.

In other words, the constitution is a guiding system that helps in running the nation. "

There were two ways that were provided regarding the constitution and the changes that were happening. One of the ways was when three-fourths of the governors would sign a petition regarding the Amendment that need to be made to stop one of the ways to with any kind of changes was to keep on switched of this happened in state legislation. All the houses of Congress also participated in it.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Constitution, here:



For which of these does the First Amendment offer no protection


1st amendment offers no protection to rioting, fraud, speech that incites imminent lawless action, true threats, obscenity, child p***ography and speech that violates intellectual property law
The first amendment is, an amendment the the US constitution that prohibits any law limiting freedom with respect of religion, expression, peaceful assembly, or the right of citizens to petition the government. I hope this helps!
Other Questions
A student is writing out an argument to give during their debate in class tomorrow. The student makes the claim that the bodys organ systems interact to carry out the process of obtaining nutrients from the food it takes in and then working to rid the body of the remaining waste. Which of the arguments below best supports his claim?A. Respiratory system allows the body to bring in oxygen that it needs and Digestive system extracts the nutrients needed from the food the body consumes. B. Digestive system extracts the nutrients needed from the food the body consumes and the excretory system rids the body of the excess waste from the food that was consumed. C. Cardiovascular system carries the nutrients to the parts of the body that need to break them down for energy and Muscular system extracts the nutrients needed from the food the body consumes. D. Muscular system creates the energy needed and Respiratory system carries the excess waste from the food out of the body. The Democratic Party consisted of _________ individuals A poet will use what ? To generate mood and tone.A . Rhythm B. PulseC. TimbreD. Pitch Put the steps in order for adding decimals.Reorder answers1.Fill in any empty spaces with a zero.Reorder answers2.Drop the decimal down into the answer.Reorder answers3.AddReorder answers4.Line up the decimals. x + 15y = 45 / x + 10y = 30 solve for x and y Explain the importance of valence electrons in chemical bonding. figure out the slope of the line that passed through each pair of points (4,-11) and (7,-8) What is the largest number of electoral votes a state has? Determine the domain and the range for this relationship.Drag the tiles to the correct locations on the image. Not all tiles will be used.(Several can be placed in one section, but not all of them will be placed.)A. 0 x 6B. 0 x 72C. {0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72}D. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}E. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}F. 0 y 72G.{0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30}H. 0 y 6 Which of the following statements best describes the role of oxeans in the formation of hurricanes?A: Warm air masses over equatorial regions rise more quickly than air masses over polar regions. B: Warm , moist air above warm , tropical ocean waters provides the energy that drives storm systems.C: Cool air masses over polar regions are more dense than air masses over equatorial regions.D: Cool, dry air above cool , tropical ocean waters provides the energy that drives storm system's. What must a new object have in Turtle Graphics? Export Name Title Rank The Rebellion in the Caribbean sparked fears of a widespread rebellion in the American South.Select the best answer from the choices provided.A. DominicanB. CubanC. Nat TurnerD. Haitian Ronnie made 5 pies for New Year's Day. Some of his family members are allergic to gluten, so he bought gluten-free flour for all of the pies. For each piecrust, he used 2 cups of flour. Health Mart sold bags with 4 cups of gluten-free flour for $12. How much did Ronnie spend on the gluten-free flour so that he had enough for the crusts? In your own words describe how genetic diversity is increased through the processes of crossing over, independent assortment, and random sexual reproduction. Trishas parents bought a new house that has 2,255 square feet.The price per square foot was $98. How much did they pay for the house? Enter your answer in the box. What are some social aspects of medieval Japan, plz help in paragraph form Advice to the newly married lady the essential question Find the unit rate. Round to the nearest hundredth, if necessary.$340 for 18 ft2 Children of parents with heart disease are more likely to develop it themselves truth or false Kitten emergencyHere's a "Real" question whats 6+7-2=?What should I name my new cat?? Shes a mix of always hungry, playful, and shady.