We think they [people of African ancestry], are... not included, and were not intended to be included, under
the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that
instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.
-Chief Justice Roger B. Taney
Which Supreme Court decision is excerpted above?
McCulloch v. Maryland
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Gibbons v. Ogden
Marbury v. Madison


Answer 1

Dred Scott v. Sandford is the supreme court decison that is highlighted in the question that we have here.

What was the Dred Scott v. Sandford case about?

The Dred Scott decision was the U.S. Supreme Court's judgment on March 6, 1857, that Dred Scott, an enslaved man, was not entitled to freedom since he had resided in a free state and territory. In effect, the ruling stated that Scott was not a citizen and could not file a lawsuit in a federal court since he was someone else's property.

Dred Scott, a Black slave, and his wife Harriet filed a claim for freedom in St. Louis Circuit Court in 1846.

Read more on Dred Scot here: https://brainly.com/question/315266


Related Questions

How does congressional
oversight reflect the principle of checks and balances
in American government? Explain.

Highschool government


By virtue of how laws are passed, Congressional oversight exemplifies the checks and balances concept in American government.

What connection does the concept of checks and balances have with the American political system?

Each arm of government is ensured to have sufficient authority to check the others through the checks and balances system, which also prohibits any one branch from acquiring excessive power.

What is a good illustration of a system of checks and balances involving the passage of legislation?

The following is a list of some current checks and balances: Any laws passed by the Congress are subject to the President's veto power. The President has the power to veto laws, but Congress has the power to override his choice. Even if Congress has the power to pass laws, the courts may declare those laws to be unconstitutional.

Learn more about President's veto power: https://brainly.com/question/28507527


Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on the data illustrated in the bar chart?



Despite the increased power of the president, the budget authority is still a major feature of congressional power.


What were the Confucianisms traditions?


Confucianism believes in ancestor worship and human-centered virtues for living a peaceful life. The golden rule of Confucianism is “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.” There is debate over if Confucianism is a religion.19 May 2022



The two details that support the central idea that the men on the expedition had to cope with isolation and hardship are:

"We turned in at 7 pm that night""...we sat down to our "lunch" of stale, thin bannock./.."

What is a Supporting Detail?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of evidence in order to validate a claim and this is done with the use of factual information and statistics.

Hence, it can be seen that the claim is that the men on the expedition had to cope with isolation and hardship and the supporting details is given above,

Read more about supporting details here:



Which of the following is an example of how public commemoration aids memory and conveys the significance and value of life?
a. Nancy Holt's Sun Tunnels
b. the Supreme Court Building
c. the Taj Mahal
d. Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House


Nancy Holt's Sun Tunnels is an example of how public commemoration aids memory and conveys the significance and value of life.

Nancy Holt is an American artist known for her public sculpture, installation art, concrete poetry, and land art. Throughout her career, Holt has also produced work in other media, including film and photography, and written books and articles on art.

Nancy Holt's Tunnel of the Sun (1973-1976) is set in the Great Basin Desert in northwestern Utah. Consisting of four concrete cylinders 18 feet long and 9 feet in diameter, the Sun Tunnel is arranged in an open and aligned cross to frame the sun on the horizon during the summer and winter solstices. In 2018, the Dia Art Foundation acquired Sun Tunnels with support from the Holt-Smithson Foundation.

To know more about Nancy Holt click here:



Having a written code of law is called


A more or less organized and thorough written statement of laws is referred to as a law code, sometimes known as a legal code.

What is Legal Code?

A collection of laws that is organized is known as a code of law, often known as a law code or legal code.

It is a sort of legislation that, via the process of codification, aims to completely encompass an entire body of law or a specific section of the law as it existed at the time the code was created.

Different common law and civil law systems use codification in different ways, despite the fact that the methods and reasons for codification are comparable.

In a country with a civil law system, a code of law often fully covers the entire legal framework, including criminal and civil law.

The broad and permanent laws of the United States are codified by subject matter in the United States Code.

Therefore, a more or less organized and thorough written statement of laws is referred to as a law code, sometimes known as a legal code.

Know more about the Legal Code here:



Read pages 39-41 of Mice and Men and write an essay that analyzes literary techniques the author uses to explore the theme of friendship. Please no copying from the internet


A theme is a salient argument the author is putting forth on the subject at hand. Therefore, identify the discussion topic that is raised the most frequently. This will serve as the essay's main theme.

What are the common themes in friendship?

There are many themes that come to mind, such as love, overcoming obstacles, respect for human dignity, and so on. However, all of these themes are crucial to friendship, which is why I think the theme of friendship is so strong throughout the course. All friendships require dignity and respect for others.

Emerson emphasizes in "Friendship" that genuine friendship cannot be forced or superficial. True friendship, on the other hand, happens by chance when two like-minded people connect in a way that allows them to be completely open and sincere with one another and that allows them to share meaningful experiences.

Learn more about friendship here:



Based on what you learned in Unit 1, compare the major cultural, economic, or political developments in two of the following: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ancient India, and Ancient China.
Respond to the prompt in 500–700 word essay. Cite all outside sources using proper MLA formatting.


Mesopotamia and Ancient China were two of the earliest civilizations to develop in human history. They both had significant cultural, economic, and political developments that greatly influenced the course of human history.

Culturally, Mesopotamia and Ancient China had many similarities, such as the development of early writing systems and the use of bronze and iron tools and weapons. However, they also had some key differences. Mesopotamia, located in the Fertile Crescent, was made up of several city-states, each with their own distinct culture. The most advanced of these was Sumer, which developed the first known system of writing, known as cuneiform. Meanwhile, Ancient China, located in the Yellow and Yangtze River valleys, was a unified civilization with a single culture. Its writing system, known as Chinese characters, is still in use today.

Economically, Mesopotamia and Ancient China were both agrarian societies that relied heavily on irrigation systems to cultivate crops. However, Mesopotamia had a more complex economy, with the development of a system of trade and money. They also had a more advanced system of weights and measures, which was necessary for trade and taxation. Meanwhile, Ancient China had a simpler economy, with less trade and a barter system. They also had a different system of weights and measures, which was based on the shi, a unit of weight.

Politically, Mesopotamia and Ancient China also had some similarities, such as the development of centralized governments and the use of force to maintain control. However, they also had some key differences. Mesopotamia was made up of several city-states, each with their own ruler. The most powerful of these was the city-state of Akkad, which conquered and controlled the other city-states. Meanwhile, Ancient China was a unified civilization with a single ruler, known as the emperor. The emperor had absolute power and controlled all aspects of government, including the military, the economy, and the legal system.

In conclusion, Mesopotamia and Ancient China were two of the earliest civilizations to develop in human history. Both had significant cultural, economic, and political developments that greatly influenced the course of human history. They had many similarities, such as the development of early writing systems and the use of bronze and iron tools and weapons. However, they also had some key differences, such as the complexity of their economies and the nature of their political systems.

based on their claims in the excerpts, washington and pillow would most likely have taken different positions on which of the following social questions in the 1800s?


Washington and Pillow would most likely have taken different positions on the question of slavery in the 1800s.

George Washington, in his Farewell Address, emphasizes the importance of unity and the need to avoid divisive issues such as slavery. He believes that the preservation of the Union should be the primary focus and that slavery should not be allowed to create division and conflict.

On the other hand, James Henry Pillow in his speech, advocates for the expansion of slavery into new territories, arguing that it is a positive force for economic growth and the preservation of the Southern way of life.

Therefore it can be inferred that Washington would have taken a position against slavery, while Pillow would have taken a position in favor of slavery.

This implies that they would have taken different positions on the social question of slavery in the 1800s, with Washington advocating for unity and avoiding divisive issues, and Pillow advocating for the expansion of slavery as a positive force.

For more questions like Pillow click the link below:



How were people in Russia being treated under the Czar Alexander III?



Under Czar Alexander III, the Russian people were subject to a policy of "Russification" which aimed to promote Russian culture and language over other cultures and languages. This policy was enforced by the several departments of government, which pursued separate and even contradictory policies.

Alexander III also blamed the Jews for riots in Russia and issued a series of harsh restrictions on them, leading to large numbers of pogroms until 1884. In addition, Alexander III used methods such as censorship and secret police to maintain his authority over the Russian people.

occurring amid a strike in favor of the eight-hour workday, it was what journalists called america's first terrorist bombing and was blamed on anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence.


It was America's first terrorist bombing, occurring during a strike in favour of the eight-hour workday, and was blamed on anarchist leaders despite a lack of proof.

On a mid-September day in 1920, the lunch rush was just getting started as a nondescript guy driving a cart pushed an ageing horse ahead. He came to a halt in front of the United States Assay Office, across from the J. P. Morgan building on Wall Street. The driver stepped down and immediately vanished among the mob.

It wasn't immediately clear that the explosion was a deliberate act of terrorism. Overnight, crews cleaned up the damage, including physical evidence that would be essential in identifying the offender today. Wall Street was back in business the next morning, albeit with damaged windows shrouded in canvas and workers wearing bandages.

Conspiracy theories abounded, but the New York Police and Fire Departments, the Bureau of Investigation (our forerunner), and the United States Secret Service were all on the case. Each sought leads with zeal. The Bureau interrogated hundreds of persons who had been in the vicinity before to, during, and after the assault, but found little useful information. The little memories of the driver and waggon were hazy and nearly meaningless. The NYPD was able to recreate the device and its ignite mechanism, but there was substantial controversy regarding the explosive's composition, and all of the probable components were widely available.

For more questions on America's terrorist bombing



identify one way in which enlightenment ideas influenced a series of revolts throughout india in 1857


The series of uprisings that occurred across India in 1857 were motivated by enlightenment ideas, which pitted people's rights to individual freedom against British colonial principles.

In fighting for India's independence and opposing British westernisation, which brought to the extinction of Indian customs, it was done in defiance of the British. Indians therefore fought for their people's right to freedom of religion and culture utilising the ideas of the Enlightenment.

Many Indians thought the company was taxing the populace heavily. This led to an increase in land taxes as well. This appears to have been a crucial element in its spread given how soon the rebellion broke out in numerous areas in northern India as farmers hurried to regain their forcibly confiscated title deeds.

Learn more about enlightenment revolts at



Tetrarchy is a term introduced by the Roman Emperor Diocletian that means?


It means the empire was divided into 4 parts

how did urbanization lead to the growth of corporations and investment.



creates economic growth, the demand for improved education and public works agencies that are characteristic of urban areas increases.


Which statements are true about Franklin Roosevelt's experience with polio?
Choose all answers that are correct.
He acted like an invalid.
He exercised to strengthen his body.
He learned to walk again without help.
He made those who came to see him feel good.


True statements about Franklin Roosevelt. He made those who came to see him feel good. He refused to allow bodily disability to defeat his will. He exercised to strengthen his body. He received years of rehabilitation.

When he was 39 years old in 1921, Franklin Roosevelt, who would go on to serve as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 to 1945, started showing signs of a paralytic disease. His primary symptoms included fever, facial paralysis, symmetric ascending paralysis, bowel and bladder dysfunction, numbness and hyperesthesia, and a downward pattern of recovery. He received years of rehabilitation, including hydrotherapy in Warm Springs, Georgia, after being given the poliomyelitis diagnosis. In order to move about, Roosevelt needed a wheelchair and leg braces, which he made an attempt to hide in public. He was still paralysed from the waist down. He established the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in 1938, which sparked the creation of polio vaccinations. Despite the fact that historical texts still describe Roosevelt's condition as polio.

Learn more about Franklin Roosevelt here:



ca Before
the Atlantic
ating New
pire, 1660-
Declaration of Independence Analysis
The Declaration of Independence is available in assignment Declaration of Independence Read/ReactAssignment
1. In this document, Jefferson writes about rights from the "laws of nature." What do you think he means by that?
2. Jefferson included the line "All men are created equal." In what ways could this line be considered controversial? What do you think
this line meant when slavery was still legal in parts of the country?
3. Jefferson included the following line before explaining that the British crown had made the American colonies put up with too
much. "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes." Why
do you think he chose to include this line? - Prudence may be a new term, "Prudence" means to take time to consider one's actions
prior to making a decision.
4. What was the purpose of including the grievances section?
5. What were some of the major reasons why the colonists were upset?
6. In what ways does the document claim that the colonists have attempted to make amends with the British before declaring
7. What is the tone of the final section of the document? What is the main point of it? Be specific.
8. In what ways has the country achieved the equality the document speaks of and in what ways do we need to improve? Be specific.
Submission status


There are three fundamental themes in the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence: What Does it Say?

The King, the colonists, and the globe were among the audiences that the Declaration of Independence was intended for. It also has multitasking capabilities.

Its objectives were to enlist support from abroad, win over supporters at home, and declare the birth of a new nation.

The major goal of the Declaration, which is to defend the colonists' right to revolution, is stated in the opening sentence.

To "declare the causes which impel them to the separation," in other words.

The validity of Congress's cause had to be established. The world's most powerful nation has just been defied by it. It had to entice allies from abroad to join the battle.

(1)God created all people equal and bestowed upon them the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; (2) the primary function of government is to uphold these rights; and (3) in the event that a government attempts to deny these rights, the populace is free to rebel and establish a new government.

To Learn more About Declaration of Independence refer To:



In a short paragraph please explain how one of these views went against the authority of the Pope and the Catholic Church.


For Catholics, the papacy serves as an extra source of authority. Catholics have access to the pope's teachings in addition to frequently turning to the Bible for direction

What is the authority of the pope in the Catholic Church?For Catholics, the papacy serves as an extra source of authority. Catholics have access to the pope's teachings in addition to frequently turning to the Bible for direction. Because he stands for a direct tie to Jesus, the pope is significant. Catholics consider the pope in this way as a manifestation of Jesus' presence. Conflicts that put the authority of the Roman Catholic Church in jeopardy: Merchant's wealth contested the church's interpretation of interest rates (the lending of money with interest) Italian church dominance was not popular with the German and English nobility. The Church held significant political influence and money.

To learn more about Catholic Church refer to:



charles darwin was famous for his work on evolution by natural selection processes. which of the follow was not one of the animals that he observed?O FinchesO HorsesO Elephants O CatsO Tortoises


Answer: Cats


Which of the following factors contributed to the rise of consumerism?
O A. Immigration rates were decreased during the 1920s.
O B. Labor unions like the AFL only accepted skilled workers.
O C. Manufactured goods were more affordably priced.
OD. The United States did not join the League of Nations.


The factors that contributed to the rise of consumerism in the 1900s are:

A. Immigration rates were decreased during the 1920s.O C. Manufactured goods were more affordably priced.

What are description of rise of consumerism?

The concept of humans as consumers emerged prior to World War One, but it became commonplace in America in the 1920s. Consumption is now widely regarded as our primary role in the world.

People have always "consumed" the necessities of life - food, shelter, clothing - and have always had to work for them or have others work for them, but there was little economic incentive for increased consumption among the general public prior to the twentieth century.

Read more about consumerism



The Philadelphia City Council decided to bar skateboarders from Love Park. Some of the council's actions are listed below in
chronological order.
Which answer correctly matches policy cycle steps with the events?
1. City council members proposed a total ban on skateboarding.
2. City officials resolved to enforce the ordinance banning skateboarding in all public parks.
3. Love Park was rebuilt to make it a less attractive place to go skateboarding.
4. Skateboarders argued that the city had damaged its image. The city council agreed to open a new skate park in the near future,
O policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, policy evaluation
O policy evaluation, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation
O policy adoption, policy implementation, policy evaluation, policy formulation
O policy implementation, policy evaluation, policy formulation, policy adoption


The answer that correctly matches policy cycle steps with the events is: Policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, policy evaluation

What is meant by policy cycle?

The stages of the public policy process include identification, information collecting, decision-making, implementation, evaluation, termination, and renewal. These stages interact dynamically. The development of an issue from its earliest concepts to its evaluation is known as the policy cycle.

The policy cycle is a hypothetical procedure that outlines how policy should be created, carried out, and evaluated. Many organizations strive to finish policies using the policy cycle as an ideal model, although it functions less as a practical rigorously defined procedure and more as an educational guide for those new to policy.

The concept of organizing and arranging the complexity of policymaking is where the policy cycle framework got its start.

This above is correct because when we look at the policy cycle, we discover that:

The agenda setting began when the city's council became worried that skateboarding was damaging Love Park.

Then they moved to formulate a policy which leads to a total ban on skateboarding.

A step further was taken to adopt the policy by enforcing the ordinance on the banning of skateboarding in all public parks.

This led to the rebuilding of Love Park to make it less attractive for skateboarding which is a process of the policy implementation.

Learn more about policy cycle refer to ;



Identify the appellant/petitioner as well as the appellee/respondent in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case


Appellant/petitioner : Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd.; and Jack C. Phillips

Appellee/respondent : Colorado Civil Rights Commission; Charlie Craig; and David Mullins.

What is Masterpiece Cakeshop?

In Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U.S. __ (2018), the Supreme Court of the United States considered whether proprietors of public accommodations could decline to provide specific services based on First Amendment claims of free speech and the right to practice one's religion and be exempt from laws prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations—in particular, by declining to provide creative services like creating a custom cake.

The dispute involved Masterpiece Cakeshop, a Lakewood, Colorado bakery, which declined to create a unique wedding cake for a gay couple due to the owner's religious convictions. The Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, the state's anti-discrimination law, was used by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission to analyze the case. The panel imposed specific directives for the bakery after concluding that it had discriminated against the pair. After internal state appeals resulted in the Commission's verdict against the bakery being upheld, the bakery appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

To learn more on Masterpiece Cakeshop from the link:



Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground
The main character was a good student.



Though Notes from Underground is arguably Dostoevsky's most challenging book to read, it also serves as a prelude to his later, more accomplished writings.

What was the The main character was a good student ?

Notes from Underground serves as an introduction to all of Dostoevsky's books because the themes it explores become fundamental to each of his later novels. Dostoevsky packed a lot of ideas into a small amount of space, which made it difficult to develop any of them.

As a result, the work is difficult to read and comprehend. Many of the ideas in this book will be instantly recognisable to the student who has read earlier Dostoevsky works.

Learn more about Dostoevsky here



Which of the following is an example of physical geography?

A geographer studies the social organization of a small village in Italy.
A team of geographers examines the interactions between population groups in Spain.
A geographer studies the elevation of mountains in France.
A team of geographers publishes a book about life in Germany.


A geographer studies the elevation of mountains in France.

A geographer who studies the social organization of a small village in Italy is an example of physical geography. Thus, option A is correct.

What is physical geography?

One of each of the main subfields of geography is the physical geography. Physical geography is a branch of research that examines the trends and events that occur in the natural world, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, which are the natural world, and geosphere.

The notion of physical topography refers to physical characteristics that are found naturally. These were made by nature, not by people. Seas, islands, mountains, and rivers are a few prominent examples.

One should give credit to the mapmaker, or cartographer, for helping you find your way. A cartographer is someone who draws maps, whether they be representing an entire planet, a specific area, or hidden pirate loot.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about physical geography, here:



andrew carnegie was an industrial giant of the gilded age. identify the statements that describe carnegie.


He used vertical integration to build the world's biggest and most sophisticated steel factory. A large portion of Carnegie's riches was donated to numerous charities.

The son of a handloom weaver, Andrew Carnegie was born in a one-room home in Dunfermline, Scotland, in 1835. However, the Carnegies fell into poverty when the process of weaving fabric was automated in the 1840s. When Andrew was 13 years old, the family moved to Allegheny, Pennsylvania, at the direction of Carnegie's independent mother. After finishing what little formal schooling he had, he found employment as a bobbin boy in a cotton mill. The great industrial and financial titans, the so-called robber barons, included railroad operators like Cornelius Vanderbilt, oilmen like J. D. Rockefeller, steel magnates like Andrew Carnegie, and bankers like J. P. Morgan, and they amassed fortunes that, when adjusted for inflation, are still among the largest.

Learn more about Andrew Carnegie here:



I do not disagree with the idea that there is a bit of an inbalance between federal and state government. State government can literally make any law legal or illegal as long as the federal government has left it up to the state to decide. With that being stated, the federal government has control to say what goes and what doesn't. So if there are a bunch of people/states behind a law or idea but they still don't like it or find it in their favor, they have the ability to not pass the law/bill/idea. Then there are times where states don't want to pass a law/bill/idea but they have to, due to the federal government saying so. Now, state governments can pass laws/bills/ideas within their state bounderies but they can not oppose or cause conflict with laws passed by the federal government.



You are correct that there is a balance of power between the federal and state government in the United States. The federal government has the power to pass laws and make decisions that affect the entire country, while state governments have the power to pass laws and make decisions that affect their individual states. However, the federal government can also override state laws if they are deemed to be in conflict with federal laws or the Constitution.

The balance of power between the federal and state government is a key principle of federalism in the United States. Federalism allows for a decentralized system of government, in which power is divided between the national government and the state governments. This allows for a balance of power and helps to prevent any one level of government from becoming too powerful.

As you mentioned, state governments can pass laws within their state boundaries as long as they do not conflict with federal laws. In cases where state laws do conflict with federal laws, the federal government has the power to override them. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution establishes that federal laws and treaties are the supreme law of the land and must be followed by state and local governments.

In conclusion, while state governments have the power to pass laws and make decisions that affect their individual states, the federal government also has the power to override state laws if they are in conflict with federal laws or the Constitution. This balance of power is a key principle of federalism in the United States and helps to prevent any one level of government from becoming too powerful.

the______,an Indigenous group living in what now is California, created
cave paintings still seen today.
A. Karuk
B. Chumash
C. Mojave
D. Pomo


The Chumash. The Chumash were an Indigenous group living in what is now California who created cave paintings that are still seen today. Option B is the correct answer.

In addition to cave paintings, the Chumash also created intricate basketry, which was highly valued by other tribes in the region. They also developed a complex trading network that allowed them to obtain valuable resources from other groups in the area, such as obsidian and shell beads.

The Chumash were known for their seafaring skills and developed an advanced system of navigation that allowed them to travel long distances along the coast in their plank canoes. They also had a rich spiritual tradition that included a reverence for the natural world and a belief in the importance of maintaining balance and harmony with the environment.

Today, the Chumash continue to be an important part of California's cultural landscape. Many of their traditions and practices have been passed down through the generations, and efforts are being made to preserve their language and cultural heritage. The Chumash also continue to be active in environmental advocacy and other issues affecting their communities.

Therefore the correct answer is option B.

For more questions on Chumash



Most states in the U.S. have bicameral legislatures. The upper house is called the Senate, and the
lower house is called the House, or the.
• Court
• Council
© Assembly
• Board

It is C assembly



A state legislature in the United States is the legislative body of any of the 50 U.S. states. The formal name varies from state to state. In 27 states, the legislature is simply called the Legislature or the State Legislature, while in 19 states the legislature is called the General Assembly. In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the legislature is called the General Court, while North Dakota and Oregon designate the legislature the Legislative Assembly.

Look at the pyramid of the caste system. Which group is most likely to experience discrimination?



servants. Servants were treated different than the rest and not respected

Why was having a king preferable to creating a government led by the people?


A monarchy, where a single ruler holds power, can provide a clear chain of command and a sense of stability and continuity.

What is monarchy?

Generally,  This can be preferable to a system where power is held by the people, as it can be more difficult to make quick and decisive decisions in a democratic system.

Additionally, in earlier societies, people may have been more likely to trust and accept the rule of a single person rather than a group of people.

However, a monarchy can also lead to abuse of power and lack of representation for certain groups of people.

Read more about monarchy



Why did colonial militias fight British soldiers in Lexington and Concord?



The British marched on Lexington and Concord, intent on eliminating the possibility of rebellion by confiscating the colonists weapons.

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