What 3 achievements by the Romans do you believe play a large factor still in our everyday lives and why? Be sure to explain why


Answer 1

Three achievements that are done by Romans which have a large factor in our lives are Roman law, Roman engineering, and the Latin language.

1. Roman Law: Roman law is the basis for many of the legal systems we use today. It is the foundation for many of the legal codes throughout Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, as well as the basis for the English Common Law. The Roman legal system was very comprehensive, covering many aspects of civil and criminal law that are still relevant today.

2. Roman Engineering: Roman engineering techniques are still used today in many aspects of construction. This includes the use of concrete, arches, and domes, as well as the use of aqueducts to transport water. Roman engineering was also used in the development of roads, bridges, and other structures, which have been adapted and used in modern infrastructure.

3. Latin Language: Latin is still used in many areas today, including science, medicine, and law. Latin is also used in a variety of languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Latin has also been used in religious ceremonies and literature, and the language has maintained its popularity centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Learn more about Romans:



Related Questions

why was materialism and consumerism evident in the 1920s?


The rise of consumerism and materialism was a critical transformation in the structure of American culture during the 1920s. America's outlook shifted as the country experienced an extraordinary economic boom. People began to be paid more, and there was a sudden increase in spending on discretionary goods that advertisements claimed people couldn't live without.

The previously established values in American society underwent significant changes from 1920 to 1930, commonly referred to as the "Roaring Twenties," shifting to materialistic and consumerist ideas. The upper classes lived extravagantly, unaware that many of them were riding on false prosperity. As the rich became richer and the poor became poorer, the gap between the upper and lower classes widened.

The advancement of the automobile industry, radio and motion picture production, and advanced technologies enabled this massive economic expansion. There were many notable critics of the decade who voiced their concerns in various ways.

To learn more about consumerism and materialism, please refer:



The common idea within American culture that it is our right to have free speech is an example of which of the following?

Customs in a culture

Values in a culture

Knowledge in a culture

Beliefs in a culture


Answer: B. Values in a culture

Explanation:  Values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that a culture reveres and considers essential. In the case of the right to free speech in American culture, it reflects the importance placed on individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech without fear of censorship or punishment/retaliation.

This value is deeply ingrained in American society and is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  It allows individuals to freely express their ideas, engage in public discourse, and hold the government accountable.

Learn more about values here: https://brainly.com/question/16815876.

to which level of government did the bill of rights originally apply?


The Bill of rights originally applied at the federal government level.

Original application for the United States Bill of Rights

The United States Declaration of Civil Rights containing the first ten amendments to the Constitution became national law in 1791.

Modifications to this Bill of rights originally applied only to the federal government, however most were later applied to each state government via the Fourteenth Amendment through a process known as incorporation.

The incorporation process to extend the application of the bill of rightsJune 8, 1789: James Madison introduced a series of thirty-nine constitutional amendments to the House of Representatives, proposing the opening of the Constitution and the insertion of specific rights to limit the power of Congress. These limitations would become part of the ten ratified articles of the amendments to the Bill of Rights.September 25, 1789: Congress approves twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution and submits them for ratification by the states.December 15, 1791: Articles Three through Twelve, upon ratification by the requisite number of states, became Amendments One through Ten to the Constitution.May 7, 1992: After 202 years and 225 days, Article Two becomes part of the Constitution for ratification and becomes the Twenty-seventh Amendment. As a result, only one amendment remains unratified and is still pending between the states.

Learn more about the Bill of rights at https://brainly.com/question/30092735


Which of these Carolina crops was developed in the 1740s by Eliza Lucas? A. corn. B. indigo. C. lumber. D. rice


The Carolina crop which was developed in the 1740s by Eliza Lucas was option B. indigo in South Carolina.

The creation of the prosperous indigo business in South Carolina in the middle of the eighteenth century is frequently attributed to Eliza Lucas Pinckney (1722–1793) by researchers. Her unusual position as the steward of her father's estates contributed to her enduring legacy in South Carolina.

Elizabeth Eliza Lucas Pinckney  revolutionised South Carolina's historic farming economy by making indigo one of the state's most significant revenue crops. Even before Revolutionary War, one-third of the colony's exports' entire worth came from its production and dye production.

To learn more about Eliza Lucas here



this engineering feat connected the city of Rome with territory all over the empire?


Roads connected the city of Rome with territory throughout the empire.

Given the era, aqueducts were incredible engineering achievements. Although earlier civilizations in Egypt and India had aqueducts as well, the Romans perfected the design and created a vast and intricate network throughout their empire.

Roman architecture is renowned for its concrete-domed structures, inventive arch usage, amphitheatre design, basilica, triumphal arch, and apartment complexes.

The post-Republican era of ancient Rome was known as the Roman Empire. It was a kingdom with substantial territorial holdings in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia that was governed by emperors.

To know more about Rome, click here:



By the mid-eighteenth century, the different regions of the British colonies had developed distinct economic and social orders. Identify the economic and social orders of each of the regions.
New England:
-small family farms that produced food for local consumption
the backcountry
Virginia and South Carolina:
- slave plantations that produced tobacco
Middle Colonies:
- farmers that produced grain for their own use and sale abroad


Small family farms in New England supplied food for regional use in the wilderness. Tobacco was grown by slaves on plantations in Virginia and South Carolina, and grain was grown by farmers in the Middle Colonies for both domestic consumption and export.

American culture in the eighteenth century veered in various directions. Great Britain's ties to the North American colonies' economies, militaries, and cultures deepened as a new, uniquely American culture emerged and began to unite colonists from New Hampshire to Georgia. The colonial population grew more diversified as immigrants from other European countries mixed with Native Americans and enslaved Africans.

Midway through the eighteenth century, tiny family farms predominated in New England, and the Puritans were starting to engage in mercantile expansion. Food from these farms was mostly produced for local consumption. They mostly produced cereals like wheat and corn in the Middle Colonies (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware). While New England was exceedingly rocky, the middle colonies were fertile, making it easier to obtain land there than in New England or the plantation south. Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland, the Southern Colonies, relied on slave labor and huge plantations that produced cash crops like cotton and tobacco.

To know more about American culture



Read an excerpt from the article.

One of the most famous slave revolts was organized by a man named Nat Turner. His mother, who had grown up free in Africa before being captured and brought to the United States, hated slavery. She brought up her son to know how wrong it was. One of their White slaveholder’s sons taught young Nat to read. He also received intense Christian religious training. By the time he was sold to a second and then a third slaveholder, he believed that God had called him to lead his people out of slavery. With 75 followers, he set out to capture the armory in Southampton County, Virginia, in August 1831. During the next two days, Nat Turner’s rebels killed about 60 people, most of whom were White. A state militia force of three thousand ended the rebellion, killing many innocent Black people in revenge. It took them six weeks to capture Nat Turner.

–“Black Resistance to Enslavement”

What inspired Nat Turner to stage a slave rebellion in 1831? Check all that apply.

A) the influence of his mother ←

B) his faith and religious beliefs ←

X his training in warfare in Africa

X his hope of living in Spanish Florida

E) the experience of being sold repeatedly ←
I already did it i click C and D where worry.


The reason why Nat Turner staged a rebellion are:

A) the influence of his motherB) his faith and religious beliefsE) the experience of being sold repeatedly

Why did Nat Turner stage the rebellion?

On this day in 1831, Nat Turner and 70 Black slaves in Southampton County, Virginia, started a two-day insurrection. A slave preacher named Nat Turner felt that God had appointed him to guide Black people toward liberation. Turner's master and nearly 60 other white people perished during the uprising.

Nat Turner led the only successful and long-lasting slave uprising in American history in Virginia in August 1831, which resulted in the deaths of about 60 white people.

Read more on Nat Turner here: https://brainly.com/question/8146462


According to the Northwest Ordinance, slavery was to be permitted/allowed in the new territories.


False, it banned slavery

Who ended the Great Depression?



President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped end the Great Depression by creating federal government programs. In about 100 days he signed the New Deal into law and created about 42 new agencies with in throughout the lifetime.


which goods were shipped from europe to africa in the triangular trade?


Triangular Trade featured the transportation of manufactured commodities from Europe to Africa, including cloth, spirit, tobacco, beads, etc.

From the 16th to the 19th centuries, the Atlantic slave trade used a three-way trans-Atlantic exchange system known historically as the triangle trade, which operated between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Triangular trade is defined as trade between three ports or locations. When an area has export commodities that are not required in the region from which its major imports are sourced, triangular trade normally develops. It has been used to adjust for regional trade imbalances.

Slaves grew the sugar used to make rum, which was then traded for more slaves. The Middle Passage was the sea channel west from Africa to the West Indies (and later, even to Brazil) in this circuit; its cargo consisted of abducted or recently purchased African slaves.

To learn more about Trade, Click here:



Read the selections below from the sections "Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE)" and "Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)."

The organization developed and participated in various national campaigns of the civil rights movement, such as the March on Washington and the Freedom Rides.

The SCLC sponsored various programs, campaigns and marches. Among them were the Albany Movement in Georgia, the Selma Voting Rights March and the Birmingham Campaign in Alabama, and the citizenship schools established by Septima Clark.

Which option BEST describes how the sentences help develop a central idea of the article?

The sentences illustrate that civil rights organizations implemented multiple strategies to achieve their goals.
The sentences show that civil rights organizations started out with a national focus and then became more local in their focus.
The sentences show that civil rights organizations preferred to involve people in the civil rights movement through marches.
The sentences illustrate that the civil rights organizations were divided in terms of the interests of their members.


The The option that  describes how the sentences help develop a central idea of the article is:  A. The sentences illustrate that civil rights organizations implemented multiple strategies to achieve their goals. Option A

What are civil rights organizations?

Personal freedoms known as civil rights are secured and safeguarded by the United States Constitution and federal legislation passed by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Protection from unjustified discrimination is a part of civil rights.

Civil Rights Organizations are defined as non-profit organizations, institutions, and/or private entities with a history and primary mission of securing Federal civil rights protection for groups and individuals protected under the Act or substantially equivalent State or local laws, and that are actively involved in programs to prevent or end discriminatory housing practices.

Read more on civil rights here: https://brainly.com/question/8852160


A summary for the story no sudden moves


The summary for the story "no sudden moves" is Small-time crooks are hired in 1954 Detroit to steal a document. When their heist goes tragically wrong, they must search around the entire race-torn, rapidly evolving city to find out who hired them and why.

What occurs at No Sudden Moves' ?

The context of the story is thatGoynes makes plans to sell Naismith the document for $125,000 over the phone. Capelli manages to flee, but when he gets back home, his abusive wife Vanessa kills him with a gun and leaves with a bag stuffed with cash. Watching a skilled filmmaker perform what he does so expertly is a sheer joy. Watching an artist revisit the themes and concepts they've already explored throughout their career while gaining new perspective as a result is like watching "No Sudden Move."

Learn more about summary at:



how many stairs make up the legendary el toro set?


The El Toro set of stairs consists of 21 steps.

The El Toro set of stairs, also known as the Marina del Rey Stairs or Red Bull El Toro, is a well-known location for skateboarders and BMX riders. It is located in Marina del Rey, California and is made up of 21 steps. The stairs are known for their challenging nature and are often used as a test of skill by riders. It is a popular spot for professionals and amateurs alike, and is often featured in various action sports videos and competitions. Due to its fame, the stairs have become an iconic spot for action sports enthusiasts in California and around the world.

Learn more about EL Toro:



Checks and Balances (REAL EXAMPLES)

DIRECTIONS: (In the Text Box)
1. Using the diagram we created in class. List out the ways the Legislative Branch checks the Judicial and
Executive Branches. Then list out the ways the Legislative Branch is checked by the other branches.
2. Find a REAL-LIFE example of each check occurring. Link a news article that reported on it.
• The Executive Branch can check Judicial Branch by appointing new judges to the Supreme Court. (Here
is a link to the last time that happened: NPR Article )
Do this for EACH check!


The Ways the Legislative Branch checks the Judicial Branch:

Confirming or rejecting the nomination of judges and Supreme Court JusticesImpeaching and removing federal judges and other officials  Amending the Constitution to limit the power of the judiciary

Ways the Legislative Branch checks the Executive Branch:

Confirming or rejecting the nomination of executive branch officials Impeaching and removing the President and other executive branch officialsOverriding a Presidential veto with a 2/3 majority voteApproving or denying funding for executive branch programs and initiatives

What is the Checks and Balances about?

   Real-life examples of these checks:

   Confirming or rejecting the nomination of judges: The confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/26/us/politics/amy-coney-barrett-confirmation.html    Impeaching and removing federal judges: The impeachment and removal of federal judge G. Thomas Porteous in 2010, https://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/03/11/judge.impeachment/index.html

   Amending the Constitution to limit the power of the Judiciary: The 27th Amendment, which prohibits Congress from passing laws that affect their own pay until the next session, https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/Amendments_27.htm

Learn more about Legislative Branch   from



Federalist No. 51 says, "In forming a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." What is James Madison recommending here?


James Madison, in Federalist No. 51, is recommending a system of check and balances. (Option A).

Who is James Madison?

James Madison was the fourth President of the United States, serving from 1809 to 1817. He is considered one of the "Founding Fathers" of the United States, and played a key role in the drafting of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Prior to his presidency, Madison served as a Member of the Continental Congress, as well as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Additionally, he also served as Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State.

In Federalist No. 51, he is emphasizing the importance of a balance of power between the government and the citizens, and the need for government accountability and self-regulation.

Learn more about James Madison here: https://brainly.com/question/12918316


Who faced strong nativism in California ??


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, California experienced strong nativism directed primarily towards Asian immigrants, particularly those from China and Japan.

What does the idea of Nativism entails?

Nativism is an attitude or policy of preserving the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants. Nativists in California sought to limit the influx of Asian immigrants and restrict their rights and opportunities within the state.

They often used racist and discriminatory language and legislation to justify their actions. As a result, Asian immigrants faced significant barriers in terms of employment, housing, and political representation, and were often subject to violence and discrimination.

Read more about Nativism



what was not part of the mission of lewis and clark?


To fight the Native Americans was not part of the mission of lewis and clark. The correct answer is D.

A project to explore the North American West was the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1866), which was supported by the government. The main goal of the mission was to study the Missouri and Columbia rivers in search of rivers that would go from the heart of the continent to the Pacific Ocean.

They accompanied him on his journey with a list of objectives, including building a commerce network across the nation, making friends with any American Indians they came across, and exploring the possibility of an all-water Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean.

The complete question is-

What was not part of the mission of Lewis and Clark?

Options- A)To find a water route to the Pacific. B)To make maps of the territory. C)To learn what plants and animals were there. D)To fight the Native Americans

To know more about Oceans, click here:



was the revolution successful in achieving the ideals of an enlightenment revolution?


The religious landscape of the American colonies was dominated by enlightenment ideals of rationalism and intellectual and religious freedom. These ideals were a major factor in the American Revolution and the establishment of a nation without a recognized religion.

The Enlightenment was a global movement of ideas and sensibilities in the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized critical reasoning over religious dogmatism or blind faith. It emphasized the significance of nature and the natural order as a source of knowledge and developed independently of religious thought in tandem with the rise of scientific thought. Enlightenment thinkers defended religious tolerance and religious freedom in response to Europe's religious wars. The advocates of these new ideas came into conflict with the political and religious establishments in Europe, most notably in France, due to their emphasis on intellectual freedom and human rights. In the colonies, both religious and political thought were influenced by the more moderate Enlightenment in America than in Europe. Many would argue that its policy of religious tolerance gained prominence in the United States as a result of the inability of any one religious group to obtain the necessary votes to impose itself on the fledgling republic. Leaders like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were regarded as epitomes of Enlightenment thought. Their freedom-loving religious rationalism helped to build the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

To know more about American Revolution visit



The testing and explosion of the atomic bomb by the Soviets in 1949 established the Soviet Union as the third global superpower.
Is this statement true or false?


True The Soviet Union became the third superpower in the world in 1949 when they tested and detonated the atomic bomb.

In Miranda v. Arizona Brainly, what did the Supreme Court decide?

The Supreme Court ruled in Miranda v. Arizona (1966) that detained criminal suspects must be informed of their constitutional right to an attorney and to avoid self-incrimination prior to police questioning.

What was the majority's decision in Miranda v. Arizona?

The opinion of the 5-4 majority, which came to the conclusion that the defendant's interrogation was in violation of the Fifth Amendment, was delivered by Chief Justice Earl Warren in a decision for Miranda.

To learn more about Supreme Court here:



which of these happened after the passing of the civil rights act?
a. Provisions of this civil rights law prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex, as well as race in hiring, promoting and firing.
b. The law prohibits discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthens the enforcement of voting rights and school desegregation.
c. Its actions protect persons with disabilities and families with children.
d. elements of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 eventually became the template for the Fourteenth Amendment.
e. all answers are correct


All of these changes happened after the passing of the Civil Rights Act.

One of the most significant accomplishments of the civil rights movement is arguably the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This important federal law outlawed discrimination on the grounds of national origin, racial or ethnic origin, or colour of skin. Public schools, governmental organisations, businesses, and other organisations that received federal funding were all covered by the law.

Titles, or parts of the law, addressed equal opportunities in several spheres of society. Voting rights, employment, public accommodations, education, and other topics were covered.  The prohibition against discrimination was expanded to encompass age and handicap discrimination through a number of laws passed in the 1960s and 1970s. They also used it for voting and housing.

The correct answer is option e.

Know more about Civil Rights Act here



Guillermo Gonzalez, Cuban-American factory worker of African descent. Active in Cuban nationalist movement and trade union organizing


The colonial authority made an effort to placate the US authorities, but to no avail. The US ship Maine traveled to Havana but was sunk by an unknown explosion.

The Cuban independence movement has three key motivating factors: 1) Dissatisfaction with Spanish rule (Cuba and Puerto Rico were the only colonies still under the Spanish rule and Cubans did not want to deal with the taxes and despotism of the colonial rule). 2) The US ship Maine traveled to Havana but was sunk by an unknown explosion. This occurrence was attributed to the Spanish. The colonial authority made an effort to placate the US authorities, but to no avail. 3) The Cuban people's poverty, which was only made worse by the taxes levied by the Spanish, was the third reason for the revolution.

Learn more about The Cuban independence movement here:



The complete question is:

Assign one of the following roles to each member of your group. Each team member should research his/her role in preparation for the group activity. Role:

Team Member Name:

Rosa Ybarra, born in Cuba, wealthy daughter of cigar factory owner.

Guillermo Gonzalez, Cuban-American factory worker of African descent. Active in Cuban nationalist movement and trade union organizing.

Hector Villareal, Cuban-American Lector at cigar factory.

Aleara Taylor

Watson Wilson, Irish-American investor in cigar factory.

Gloria Cabrera, Cuban-American factory worker with several children, worried about job security.

The Scenario:

The Ybarra Cigar Factory has been the backbone of economic and cultural life in Ybarra, Florida. Recently, there has been a great deal of turmoil at the factory. Factory management is concerned about revolutionary and unionizing activity among the workers, and wants to eliminate the position of “lector,” a worker who reads to others while they roll cigars. Management also wants workers to continue working long hours, six days a week, at the current pay rate, while workers are demanding a shift to five-day work weeks and overtime pay for days that exceed eight hours. All stakeholders are scheduled to hold a meeting to discuss the conflict.

About the lector: The lector held a role unique to cigar factories. This tradition was rooted in the factories of Cuba, and traveled to the United States as part of the wave of Cuban immigrants. Traditionally, the lector was a well-dressed man in a Panama hat who sat on a raised platform and read to workers as they rolled cigars. Workers would request works by favorite authors, such as Cervantes and Victor Hugo, as well as news and revolutionary writing, such as works by Karl Marx. The lector was generally an educated man who spoke several languages.

Questions to Consider

While you should draw on research about the historical period to help make sure that your answers to these questions are realistic, you will need to use your imagination to take on the perspective of your assigned character and fill in the gaps. Consider each of the following questions as you explore your assigned role. Use the space below each question to take notes.

1. What is this person’s “stake” in the factory dispute?

What evidence (from research) do you have to support your perspective?

2. What does this person have to lose? What does s/he have to gain?

What evidence (from research) do you have to support your perspective?

3. What is likely to be most important to this person? Why?

What evidence (from research) do you have to support your perspective?

4. What might this person be willing to compromise?

What evidence (from research) do you have to support your perspective?


What does beveridge mean when he says the declaration applies only to people capable of self government


Senator Beveridge made the remarks about the Philippines during an era of American imperialism. Only those who are capable of ruling themselves are subject to the Declaration.

What was Albert Beveridge's philosophy?

One of the most well-known American imperialists is Beveridge. Together with Republican leader Henry Cabot Lodge, he campaigned for the establishment of a new navy and supported the Philippines' annexation.

What observations did Albert Beveridge make regarding human government?

The liberty principle states that every legitimate government requires the consent of the governed to be legitimate. This principle applies only to those who are able to exercise self-governance. We rule over the Native Americans without their consent, over our territory without their consent, and over our children without their consent. Beveridge was captivated by the idea of addressing social inequality when he worked for the East London charity Toynbee Hall. He was aware that charity would not suffice in these circumstances, and that a comprehensive government strategy would be the only appropriate course of action.

Learn more about Albert Beveridge:



what were the contributions of early american sociologists


Early American sociologists advanced social research by putting to the test and applying European sociologists' theories. Lester Ward created social research techniques and promoted the use of the scientific method and numerical data to demonstrate the efficacy of regulations. Social scientists realized they had to use empirical methods if sociology was to become respected in American academia.

A Harvard-educated historian named William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Du Bois was the first to utilize rigorous empirical techniques in sociology. Du Bois interviewed hundreds of people for his ground-breaking 1896–1897 study of the African American community in Philadelphia. His goal was to record the familial and employment structures and identify the main problems facing the group. A proclamation that demanded immediate political, economic, and social equality for African Americans was written in 1905 by him and others.

George Herbert Mead was a philosopher and sociologist whose research centered on how social processes affect how the mind and the self grow.

To learn more about sociologists, click below:



the reader can infer that the nazis deprived the jews of their humanity which detail from the text best supports this inference


DISCLAIMER: This may be wrong, considering you did not provide me with the text.

What Was The Holocaust?

The holocaust is known today as Nazi Germany's brutal, mass genocide of over six million European Jews and at least five million prisoners of war. The Holocaust was started by leader Aldof Hitler and started in 1941 during  World War ll, with it ending on May 8, 1945. This ended up erasing two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.

Concentration Camps

Jews were held in camps against their will in camps for their religion. They were forced to do labor and were constantly beaten.

They were starved to death and were killed in mass genocides. One of the more popular ways was the gas chamber.

Jews were told they were able to take a shower. So, they would all take their clothes off and get into the gas chamber, where they would be killed. This was men, women, and children. Jewish women were also sexually assaulted against their will.


Hitler believed in all of his people should only have pure German blood. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Despite the fact that Hitler came from a Jewish background himself, he still hated them and only wanted there to be purely German people in Germany.

What are the steps that led to the reformation in Europe?


The reformation in Europe was a complex and multi-faceted movement that developed over several decades, but some of the key steps that led to it include:

Criticism of the Catholic ChurchThe spread of humanismThe publication of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five ThesesThe formation of Protestant denominationsThe rise of religious warsThe Council of Trent

What birthed the reformation in Europe?

In the 1500s, the Protestant Reformation was a religious reform movement that swept through Europe. It resulted in the formation of a branch of Christianity known as Protestantism, a term used to refer to the many religious groups that split from the Roman Catholic Church due to doctrine differences.

The Protestant Reformation began on October 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Germany, when Martin Luther, a teacher and monk, published a document titled Disputation on the Power of Indulgences, or 95 Theses.

Read more about reformation



1. READING CHECK What were some of Jefferson's talents


Answer: Thomas Jefferson was an Enlightenment thinker who enjoyed a lot of things, including art and music, science and nature, thinking and reading. Like the Enlightenment thinkers of Europe, he was a “Renaissance Man”, a person who was talented at many different things.


Why could Judaism could have disappeared when the Jews were scattered
in small groups around the Roman Empire and Mediterranean Sea.


The Jews were scattered in small groups around the Roman Empire and Mediterranean Sea and often faced persecution, discrimination, and even death.

What do you mean by discrimination?

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people based on their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, social class, or any other group they may belong to. It can manifest itself in many forms, such as unequal access to resources, unequal pay, or unequal treatment in the workplace.

Without a unified community and leadership, it was difficult for Judaism to survive and thrive. Additionally, without a centralized location and powerful political backing, it was much easier for other cultures and religions to assimilate and overtake the Jewish faith. Without a strong sense of identity and faith, many Jews assimilated into their surrounding culture and adopted their beliefs.

To know more about discrimination,



2. What is a way to limit the power of government and protect the rights of


In the United States not one person can decide to just do or change something you have to hold a Supreme Court netting filled with representatives of each state. This makes sure that everyone is voiced and the most wanted course of action is taken. We also have the pardon act which is the release from guilt or remission of punishment if seen fit. We also have and most widely known the constitution of independent which declared we all must have equal rights no matter color, minority background, or religion.

a worker who decides to quit their job and go to law school full time is considered to bea worker who decides to quit their job and go to law school full time is considered to be


A worker who decides to quit their job and go to law school full time is considered to be not in the labor force

The number of people who are either working or unemployed but actively looking for work is referred to as the labor force. An employee who chooses to resign from their position and enrol in law school full-time would not be seen as being out of the labor field.

A person is not regarded as being in the labor force if they are not employed or actively seeking employment. In this case, the employee would be seen as a student who is not actively seeking employment. However, the person would be regarded as a member of the labor force once they complete law school and begin looking for work.

Read more about labor force on:



What is President Roosevelt promising will be the effects of the New Deal


The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939
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Early chordates are believed to have an early form of theSelect one:a.pituitary gland.b.thymus gland.c.adrenal gland.d.thyroid gland. if the amount of money in circulation increases over time but the demand for goods does not change or declines over time, the value of the money will drop. this is known as inflation. true false Why are the languages Twi language and Akan language both starting to decline and die out? Determine the monthly payment of a $4,500 loan at 12% interest for 48 months. You connected your laptop to a new wireless network and received an IP address automatically. Which of the following servers allowed this to occur?Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server Which functions show a negative rate of change? Which was a reason for the domestication of animals during the Neolithic Revolution What is the right answer? The mad mathematician is trying to determine if you would be able to make it to the top of the building before he makes it to you. Set up a right triangle model for this problem and solve by using the trigonometric ratio that applies. The mad mathematician is standing on a ramp that is 60 yards in length. He observes you standing at the top of the building at an elevated angle of 41. How tall is the building? Hans is a manager of a bookstore. At the end of each year, he gives his employees performance reviews to let them know what they are doing well, what they need to improve on, and their annual raise amount. This is a form of ________ communication. In a redox reaction electron are donated and accepted by molecules or atoms a. water is formed by all the extra protons coming together b.an electron gradient is generated across the mitochondria inner membrane c.proteins are precursors for electron carriers d.electron carriers, NADH and FADN2, pick up electrons from the PLEASE HELP. I WILL MARK BRAINLIESTwrite a 400-500-word essay that answers the question: Who am I, and who am I in relation to others? At minimum, include in your essay: A self-descriptionA discussion of how you are similar to and different from those around youHow your performances shape communication you have with those around you if these objects roll without slipping down a ramp, which one will reach the bottom of the ramp first? multiplechoice : 1) there is not enough information to determine 2) object b 3) object a 4) they will reach the bottom at the same time. The function f(x) is shown on the graph.The graph shows a downward opening parabola with a vertex at 3 comma 25, a point at negative 2 comma 0, a point at 8 comma 0, a point at 0 comma 16, and a point at 6 comma 16.What is the standard form of the equation of f(x)? a) f(x) = x2 6x + 16 b) f(x) = x2 + 6x + 16 c) f(x) = x2 6x + 16 d) f(x) = x2 + 6x + 16 what happened to alexia son frankie from housewives of miami QuestionThis graph shows a proportional relationship.What is the constant of proportionality?Enter your answer in the box.Graph titled Math Test Raw Scores. The vertical axis is labeled Points. The horizontal axis is labeled Correct answers. The horizontal axis ranges from 0 to 24 in increments of 2. The vertical axis ranges from 0 to 120 in increments of 10. A line passes through the origin and the points begin ordered pair 5 comma 30 end ordered pair and begin ordered pair 12 comma 72 end ordered pair and begin ordered pair 18 comma 108 end ordered pair and begin ordered pair 20 comma 120 end ordered pair. Based on the information above, what would be the relationship between a flea and its canine or feline victim? mexico encounters severe inflation the u.s. economy moves into a severe recession interest rates in the u.s. increase drug violence along the border reduces american tourism in mexico Find the value of x rounded to the nearest tenth. in this experiment, the pressure of the gas was 1.000 atm and the temperature was 294.6 k. what value do you get for the gas constant using the data you recorded for propane?