what allowed the crusaders to overtake the muslims in Jerusalem in the first Crusade?


Answer 1

The Crusaders were able to overtake the Muslims in Jerusalem in the First Crusade thanks to the Element of Surprise.

How did the Crusaders overtake the Muslims in the First Crusade ?

The crusaders were able to take the Muslim leaders by surprise, as they were not expecting such a large and well-organized military force to be launched against them.

At the time of the First Crusade, the Muslim world was divided and there was no unified leadership. This made it difficult for the Muslim leaders to coordinate their efforts against the crusaders. The crusaders had superior military technology, such as siege engines, that allowed them to overcome the fortifications of the cities they were attacking.

Find out more on the Crusaders at https://brainly.com/question/13872811


Related Questions

Select all the correct answers. In what three ways did the Little Rock Nine change the United States? They won a court case to end segregation in public schools. They helped create the Montgomery Bus Boycott. They changed some Americans' views on segregation. They helped advance the Civil Rights Movement. They helped African Americans desegregate public schools.​



They changed some Americans’ views on segregation.They helped African Americans desegregate public schools.They helped advance the Civil Rights Movement.                                                    I got it wrong so I could find the right answer.

The Little Rock Nine, a group of nine African American students, played a pivotal role in the fight against segregation in the United States. Their actions and bravery led to significant changes in the country, including .

What three ways did the Little Rock Nine change the United States?

Ending Segregation in Public Schools: The Little Rock Nine's successful court case, Brown v. Board of Education, helped bring an end to segregation in public schools. This landmark case set the precedent that segregation was unconstitutional, paving the way for further legal challenges to segregation in other areas of American life.

Advancing the Civil Rights Movement: The Little Rock Nine's courage and determination inspired others to fight against segregation and racism. Their actions helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement, which brought about significant changes in American society.

Desegregating Public Schools: The Little Rock Nine's efforts to desegregate public schools helped to create a more equal and just society. Their actions paved the way for future generations of African American students to attend integrated schools and receive a quality education.

Overall, the Little Rock Nine's actions helped to change Americans' views on segregation and racial inequality. Their bravery and determination continue to inspire people around the world to fight for justice and equality for all.

Learn more Little Rock Nine here



what year was dr. king awarded the presidential medal of freedom?


King was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977.

Martin Luther King, Jr., who advocated for nonviolent resistance, took part in one of the earliest Freedom Rides, planned the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and relentlessly battled for underprivileged groups both at home and abroad.

From 1955 until his assassination in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist clergyman and activist. He was one of the movement's most famous leaders.

Son of early civil rights activist and preacher Martin Luther King Sr., King achieved civil rights for people of colour in the United States through nonviolence and civil disobedience. He was an African-American church leader. He conducted targeted, peaceful opposition against Jim Crow laws and other kinds of discrimination, motivated by his Christian convictions and Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent activity.

To know more about church, click here:



what military tactics did the British use during the seven years' war?



During the Seven Years' War, the British used a variety of military tactics. Some of the key tactics employed by the British military included:

Naval superiority: The British navy was considered one of the most powerful in the world at the time and was used to control the seas and protect British trade routes. The British navy also played a key role in blockading French ports and preventing the French navy from engaging in battle.

Amphibious assaults: The British used amphibious assaults to land troops on enemy shores, allowing them to attack from multiple fronts. This was particularly useful in the early stages of the war, when the British were able to take control of key French colonies in the Americas.

Fortifications: The British constructed and utilized fortifications to protect their troops and key strategic locations. Fortifications were used to defend against enemy attacks and were often built in locations that were difficult for the enemy to access.

Guerrilla warfare: In some regions, the British employed guerrilla tactics, which involve small groups of irregular soldiers using hit-and-run tactics to disrupt and wear down the enemy.

Strategic alliances: The British formed alliances with other European powers, such as Prussia, to gain an advantage over the French. These alliances also helped to balance the power and resources of the two sides.

Divide and Conquer: British also used divide and conquer tactics, creating divisions among the French allies like Native Americans and colonials, they were able to isolate and defeat the French in North America.

These tactics, along with the leadership of key figures such as General James Wolfe and Admiral Horatio Nelson, helped the British to achieve significant victories and ultimately win the war.

Help me
Thank you :)
Have a great day :)


Mrs. Sparks is a Christian fundamentalist, who wrote letters to the editor regarding the Butler Act about teachings on evolution.

Mrs. Sparks is referring to the way materialism has become a primary focus, replacing the importance placed upon one's relationship with God.

She will view an opponent of the butler act as not being a believer in Christianity.

What is the Butler Act?

A 1925 Tennessee statute known as the Butler Act forbade public school teachers from refuting the Biblical story of how people came to be.

The rule also forbade the substitution of the Biblical account with the theory that man evolved from lower categories of animals. John Washington Butler, a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives who is also the law's namesake, presented it. Austin Peay, the governor of Tennessee, signed it into law, and it became Section 1922 of Title 49 (Education) of the Tennessee Code Annotated.

Later that year, in the Scopes Trial, a well-known trial held in Dayton, Tennessee, the statute was contested.

Learn more about the butler act here https://brainly.com/question/8182918


what was the first computer to defeat a world champion chess player?


For the first time, an IBM computer defeated a world champion chess player in 1997.

After losing to IBM's computer called Deep Blue, global chess champion Garry Kasparov was left speechless and in the words of the commentators, "He can't believe it."

The world's first completely automated chess engine was finally developed in 1957 by an IBM engineer by the name of Alex Bernstein.

The engine, which took about eight minutes per motion, was designed for the IBM 704 mainframe. This engine, which is capable of playing a whole game, would represent the true advent of chess computing.

To know more about Computer, click here:



What is a “ring“?
Lmk quick please!



a metal of gold,silver or diamond wore in a hand

The person above is correct. Award them brainliest

Failing to take time to build equity-centered knowledge and fluency, leading to behavioral shifts without understanding deeper meaning or historical context. true or false


When equity-centered knowledge and fluency are not developed, it results in behavioral changes without a thorough awareness of the deeper significance or historical context, which is known as Superficial Equity. Hence, this statement is true.

To embrace any equity-centered practice superficially means having little knowledge of its history, meaning, and how to engage in it in depth and sincerity. For instance, one team we collaborated with opted to "do" Culturally Responsive Education (CRT).

Culturally Responsive Education (CRT) isn't something you "do"; you can't and shouldn't try to practice culturally responsive teaching or any other activity without familiarizing yourself with its background, developing a deep grasp of what it means, and putting it into practice on your own.

To learn more about Superficial Equity, please refer:



the agricultural adjustment act select one: a. favored small farm operations over large ones. b. fostered further instability in the agricultural economy. c. protected tenant farmers. d. failed to improve farm prices. e. was declared unconstitutional in large part by the supreme court.


Answer: E


Why does the author include the narrative history about Mrs. Meanwell in the article on the titanic defined by what they wore


The author include Mrs. Meanwell's story to entertain the reader using a mysterious story.

This included an evening gown for women, no cap, long white gloves, shoes made of child leather or satin to match the gown, an opera purse, a fan, and a scarf. Men donned a tailcoat, a white pique waistcoat, and a bow tie as part of the white tie ensemble.

Launched on May 31, 1911, Titanic carried 2,240 passengers and crew on its maiden voyage, which left Southampton on April 10, 1912. More than 1,500 passengers and crew perished when the Titanic fell to the ocean floor on April 15, 1912, as a result of colliding with an iceberg.

The question is-

Why would the author include Mrs. Meanwell's story?

To know more about Author, click here:



Which evidence from the text supports the claim that native people shaped the course of Spanish conquest of the

Aztecs? Choose all that apply.

. Cortés slowly created alliances and recruited tens of thousands of native peoples who resented Aztec rule. "

*Only by playing upon the disunity among the diverse groups in the Aztec Empire were the Spanish able to

capture Tenochtitlän.

'In August 1521, Cortés claimed Tenochtitlan for Spain and renamed it Mexico City


The following evidence from the text supports the claim that native people shaped the course of Spanish conquest of the Aztecs. Option A and B is the answer

Cortés slowly created alliances and recruited tens of thousands of native peoples who resented Aztec rule. Only by playing upon the disunity among the diverse groups in the Aztec Empire were the Spanish able to capture Tenochtitlän.

Native peoples played a crucial role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs by actively supporting the Spanish through alliances and recruitment, and by exploiting disunity among diverse groups in the Aztec Empire, which ultimately led to the capture of Tenochtitlán and the fall of the Aztec Empire.

Learn more about Spanish conquest:



Hich statement about South American patriot José de San Martín is true?

He was named president for life by the Peruvian people for his efforts to liberate them.

He led an army from Argentina over the Andes to liberate Chile.

He surrendered his army to Spanish forces in Venezuela.

He was a corrupt and detested military strongman who ruled Bolivia


"He led an army from Argentina over the Andes to liberate Chile" is the statement true about South American patriot José de San Martín.

José de San Martín was a South American patriot and military leader who played a key role in the wars of independence in South America. He led an army from Argentina over the Andes mountains and successfully liberated Chile from Spanish colonial rule in 1818.  San Martín also helped to lead the fight for independence in Peru, as well as other countries in the region. He is considered a hero in several South American countries for his role in the struggle for independence from Spain.

To learn more about José de San Martín click here:



The counterculture's greatest
political expression was protesting
which war?

A-Korean War

B-World War II

C-World War I

D-Vietnam War


The counterculture's greatest political expression was protesting the Vietnam War.

What do you mean by counterculture?

Counterculture is a term used to describe a culture that is opposed to the dominant culture of a society. It can refer to a variety of movements, including political, artistic, religious, and social movements which challenge the values and norms of the dominant culture.

The counterculture of the 1960s was a movement of youth and young adults who rejected traditional societal norms and advocated for a more progressive and liberated lifestyle. The Vietnam War was the most prominent issue of the day, and the counterculture's response was to organize massive protests against the war. This was seen as a powerful political expression of the counterculture's values, as they rejected the idea of a war fought in their name and demanded an end to the conflict. Through these protests, the counterculture was able to bring the issue of the Vietnam War to the forefront of public debate and help to bring about an end to the conflict.

Hence, option D is correct.

To know more about counterculture,



Which of the following was an effect of the economic prosperity of the 1950's? Americans invested in consumer goods based on the home, such as televisions, appliances, & automobiles. Americans purchased more foreign goods produced in Asian countries like Korea and Japan Economic depression of the 1950's Americans invested heavily in the stock market



Americans invested in consumer goods based on the home, such as televisions, appliances, & automobiles.


Americans invested in consumer goods based on the home, such as televisions, appliances, & automobiles.


Which of the following is an example of inherent powers of the national government?

A. The power to regulate interstate commerce

B. The power to establish a post office

C. The power of the United States to acquire territory by exploration and/or occupancy

D. The power to declare war


Answer: acquire territory


The power of the United States to acquire territory by exploration and/or occupancy of the following is an example of the inherent powers of the national government. The correct option is C.

Powers that arise from the fundamental characteristics of the national government are known as inherent powers. Despite the fact that the Constitution does not expressly grant them, it is believed that they are required in order for the government to function properly. Because it enables the national authority to enlarge its borders and assert sovereignty over new regions, acquiring territory by exploration and/or occupation is regarded as an inherent power.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about inherent powers here:



Similar to the United States, the new _________________________ form of government
in Russia has three branches: a judicial, a legislative, and an ____________________________ branch.


The complete sentence is "Similar to the United States, the new federal form of government in Russia has three branches: a judicial, a legislative, and an executive branch."

What is a legislative?

Generally, The act or process of enacting laws is referred to as legislative, which is an adjective that defines that act or process.

The legislative power in the United States resides in the Congress of the United States. They have the authority to enact measures, which the president then has the ability to either sign into law or veto.

A person who is entrusted with the creation and passage of new legislation in the legislature is called a legislator.

Read more about legislative



how did charlotte turner smith’s work reflect romantic ideals?


Romanticism Now recognized as the first woman Romantic writer, perhaps even the first Romantic writer, Charlotte Smith’s work was recognized by and an influence on Romantic poets such as Southey, Wordsworth, and Austen.

The romantic ideal that is reflected in Smith's work is a fascination with the natural world and a sense of connection to nature. Her poetry and novels often feature vivid descriptions of landscapes and natural scenes, and she often uses nature imagery to convey feelings and emotions.

How did Smith’s work reflect romantic ideals?

As an English poet and novelist whose work reflected many of the romantic ideals of the time, the key romantic ideals that is reflected in her work is a focus on emotion and feeling.

Smith also reflected the romantic ideals of individualism, imagination, and the value of ancient and medieval literature. Her poetry is often characterized by its unconventional forms, and its exploration of personal experiences and emotions. She also used ancient and medieval literature as inspiration, and many of her poems are written in the style of sonnets, which was a popular form during the romantic period.

Read more about romantic ideals



What is historically significant about this 1879 speech by chief joseph?a. it is a detailed description of the conflict between white settlers and indigenous people. b. it is a direct and eloquent plea delivered in washington for the equal treatment of all indigenous people. c. it is a subtle and polite attempt to make peace with those who work for the government. d. it is an adamant demand of requirements issued by indigenous people to white settlers.


Chief Joseph made a forceful case for the equal treatment of all Native Americans in his speech in Washington in 1879. Hence, option B is correct alternative.

Chief Joseph made the renowned statement that all people should be treated equally because they are all a part of the same world. "I am aware that my race needs to alter. As it stands, we cannot compete with the white men. We merely seek for an equal opportunity to live as other men do. We demand to be acknowledged as guys. We demand that the law be applied equally to all people. Punish an Indian who violates the law according to the law. Punish a white man as well if he violates the law. Allow me to live in freedom—freedom to move about, stop, work, trade, select my own teachers, practice the religion of my ancestors, speak, think, and act for myself—and I'll respect all rules or face the consequences." In his 1879 speech, Chief Joseph's main criticism of the American government was that it had repeatedly broken its promises to the American Indian population.

To know more about Chief Joseph



What role did President Theodore Roosevelt see the United States having in the Western Hemisphere?

1. He thought the United States should focus on its own issues.

2. He wanted the United States to intervene in the region’s issues.

3. He wanted the US to act only if neighboring nations asked for the US’s help.

4. He thought the US should only respond to foreign issues if it was attacked.


He thought the US should only respond to foreign issues if it was attacked.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?

As the 26th president of the United States from 1901 to 1909, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., also known as Teddy or by his initials T. R., was an American politician, statesman, soldier, conservationist, naturalist, historian, and writer.

He achieved a Gentleman's Agreement on immigration with Japan, launched the Great White Fleet on a goodwill tour of the world, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War. Conservation was one of Theodore Roosevelt's most successful endeavors.

Learn more about Theodore Roosevelt here:



How did the city of Jacksonville attempt to curb the spreading of the Spanish flu? In your opinion, was this effort successful? Why or why not?


There were no nationwide prevention methods in place against the Spanish flu. Some communities did put into place prevention methods that may look familiar to us today

How did we stop the spread of the Spanish flu?There were no widespread measures in place to prevent the Spanish flu. Some localities did implement prevention strategies that may resemble ones we use today. One of the measures was isolation, or avoiding crowded places. They asserted that once men were kept outside in the sunlight or in spacious, airy halls and forbade from congregating, their raging influenza pandemic came to an end (JAMA, 12/14/1918). The use of sterilization and disinfection techniques was one of the most important parts of prevention. It was brought on by an H1N1 virus with avian genes. Although the origin of the virus is a subject of debate, it spread globally between 1918 and 1919. Among spring 1918, it was discovered for the first time in military soldiers in the US.

To learn more about Spanish flu refer to:



what templar is this


Answer:the Teutonic Knights


Answer: Teutonic Knights I believe.


Create 1 sentence using the most appropriate word
The 1920s:

4. Lingberg


Answer: During the 1920s, Charles Lindbergh became a prominent figure for completing the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight.

Explanation: Charles Lindbergh, an American aviator and military officer, is best known for making the first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927.  Lindbergh flew his custom-built aircraft, the Spirit of St. Louis, from New York, USA to Paris, France, completing the journey in just over 33 hours. This achievement made him an international celebrity and a symbol of aviation prowess.

Learn more about Lindbergh here: https://brainly.com/question/2347589.  

what explorer is credited with first discovering the Mississippi River for Spain


Hernando de Soto is credited with first discovering the Mississippi River for Spain.

He set out on his expedition in 1539, with a large group of soldiers, horses, and other supplies. The expedition traveled through present-day Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee, and eventually reached the Mississippi River. De Soto and his men were the first Europeans to see the Mississippi River and explore the area around it. The expedition was not successful in its main goal of finding gold and other riches, but it did open the way for future Spanish exploration and colonization of the region.

Learn more about Mississippi River:



New settlers to the new u.s colony in Texas had a greed to what terms for the Mexican government



In exchange, those settlers would receive title to land.


Empresarios worked to bring settlers who would develop Texas for the Mexican government.

in what year did the nazis come to power in germany?


In 1933, the Nazis took control of Germany. Through a variety of strategies, including the use of propaganda to appeal to the economic and nationalistic desires of the German people, the manipulation of the legal system to repress political opponents,  the Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany in 1933.

The ascent to power of the Nazis was also aided by the frailty and apathy of other political groups and leaders of the period. Hitler was chosen Chancellor of Germany in January 1933, and he took advantage of his new position to implement the Enabling Act, which gave him dictatorial powers and essentially put an end to democracy in Germany.

To learn more about Nazis, click here: -


Question 9
The concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms to a limited number of activities is called:
O Specialization
O Private property
O Circular flow model
O Competition


The concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms to a limited number of activities is called Specialization.

What does the process of specialization do for an economy?

The process of specialization allows an economy to become more efficient by allowing workers to focus on particular tasks and industries. This increases productivity, innovation, and economic growth. By specializing in certain industries, economies can better utilize their resources, focus on developing their competitive advantages, and become more competitive in the global market. Specialization also enables economies to create more jobs, reduce unemployment, and increase economic activity.

Specialization is the process of focusing on one particular area or activity in order to maximize efficiency, productivity, and profitability. By specializing in a particular area, individuals and firms are able to focus their resources and efforts on that one area, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of their output.

Therefore, Specialization is the correct answer.

To learn more about Specialization from the link



england’s first permanent colony in north america founded in 1607.


The Jamestown Colony was the first permanent English colony in North America, and it was situated close to Williamsburg, Virginia, at the time. The colony, which was initially established on May 14, 1607.

The first permanent colony of England in North America was headquartered at the Jamestown settlement, which was founded in 1607. Investors in the Virginia Company of London were eager to make money farther north after the Roanoke colonies failed, and in April 1607 three ships carrying immigrants arrived at the Chesapeake Bay. The venture, which was beset by illness, strife, and adamant Indian resistance, started off as a sad failure. The first prosperous English permanent settlement in what would eventually become the United States was Jamestown, built in 1607. The town served as the colony's administrative center for over a century before the capital was transferred to Williamsburg in 1699.

Learn more about Jamestown here:



Help meeee

1.)Who created the Anaconda plan? What was it's purpose?

2.)Who was James McClintock? What was the purpose of his machine?

3.)How did the Hunley get it's name?

4.)Why was the Submarine moved to lake Pontchartrain?

Brainlist answer



1.)Who created the Anaconda plan? What was it's purpose?

General Winfield Scott created the Anaconda plan to put down the rebellion by the Confederacy in 1861.

2.)Who was James McClintock? What was the purpose of his machine?

James McClintock was a journalist, historian, and Spanish-American War veteran who built the submarine Pioneer at New Orleans in 1861 to defend the city against Federal forces.

3.)How did the Hunley get its name?

The Hunley was designed and built in Mobile, Alabama, and named for its chief financial backer, Horace L. Hunley.

4.)Why was the Submarine moved to lake Pontchartrain?

It was to prevent it from falling into Union hands after the capture of New Orleans.


You're welcome.

This is for my work and thank you


In the 1920s, America began to see a rapid increase in urbanisation and innovation, which glorified city life and introduced new values.

What is urbanisation?

The term "urbanisation" (also known as "urbanisation") refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, the corresponding decline in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the techniques in which societies adapt to this change. When more people start residing and working in urban centres, towns and cities primarily grow through this process.

Urbanization should be distinguished from urban growth, despite the fact that the two terms are occasionally used synonymously. In contrast to urban growth, which only refers to the absolute number of people residing in those areas, urbanisation refers to the percentage of the entire national population which resides in most areas that are classified as urban.

Learn more about urbanisation



Who lived at the children’s village in the manzanar camp during world war ii? check all that apply.a. japanese teachers and caretakers japanese children with their parents b. japanese children from orphanages c. japanese children from foster homes d. japanese senior citizens with younger relatives


b. Japanese children from orphanages

c. Japanese children from foster homes

They lived at the children’s village in the manzanar camp during World War II.

What is Manzanar

Manzanar Manzanar was one of ten camp sites where over 110,000 Japanese Americans were interned during World War II. The camp is located in the Owens Valley in the Sierra Nevada, California, between Lone Pine to the south and Independence to the north, about 370 km northeast of Los Angeles, United States.

Manzanar (meaning "apple orchard" in Spanish) was recognized by the United States National Park Service as the best-preserved former camp site, and designated it the Manzanar National Historic Site. Before the first prisoners arrived in March 1942, Manzanar was a settlement of Indian tribes in the United States, most of whom lived in villages near the area's tributaries.

Ranchers and gold miners legally founded the town of Manzanar in 1910, but the town was abandoned in 1929 after the City of Los Angeles purchased water rights to most of the city. Manzanar is historical evidence of forced relocation, starting with Indians, ranchers and miners, and eventually Japanese Americans.

After the last captives left Manzanar in 1945, former captives worked hard to make it a National Historic Site. As stated in the law that designated Manzanar as a National Historic Site, this location is preserved as it was during the era of internment of Japanese Americans. The site also revives the situation of the town of Manzanar when it was still a cattle town and settlement town of the Owens Valley Paiute Indians.

Learn more about Manzanar camp at https://brainly.com/question/16557469.



c and d


in contrast to the american revolution, the french revolution


The major goal of the American Revolution was to separate from the British and form their own nation. The goal of the French Revolution was to overthrow the repressive regime and establish a new France. This idea definitely differs from the American revolutionaries' understanding.

The French followed reason, whereas the Americans were led by their interests. For the Americans, freedom had to be protected from the government; for the French, social justice was to be achieved by using the government. One of the biggest impetuses for the French Revolution may have been the Americans' victory over the British. The French people realized that long-lasting change was possible and that a revolution might succeed, even against a powerful military force. 

To know more about French revolution:



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Pls help the biological approach to psychology focuses on the brain and system. true or false an account earns simple annual interest. $1800 at 6.5% for 30 months a. find the interest earned. $ -To achieve its marketing objectives, an organization must develop a marketing strategy, which includes identifying a target market and developing a plan of action for developing, distributing, promoting, and pricing products that meet the needs of customers in the target market.-A marketing strategy is the selection of a target market and the creation of a marketing mix that will satisfy the needs of target market members.-Marketing strategies, the most detailed and specific of the three levels of strategy, are composed of two elements: selecting a target market and the creation of a marketing mix that will satisfy the needs of the of the target market members; the selection of the target market serves as the basis for the creation of the marketing mix to satisfy the needs of that market. 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The size and number of competitors is also a concern. four charges are at the corners of a square, with b and c on oppositecorners. charges a and d, on the other two corners, have equal charge, while both b and c have a charge of 1.0 c. what is the charge on a so that the force on b is zero? 20 POINTS!! BRAINLIEST As disease covered the world map, scientists were figuring out how to fight this epidemic. One way that they did this was through the use of vaccines. In fact, Fiona Phillip, in her article A New Era, talks about the doctor, Edward Jenner, who inoculated a young boy with smallpox and watched as the boy developed a mild case of smallpox and was later immune to the disease. Due to Jenners experiments, more scientists and researchers continued to work with this idea. Eventually, as noted by Phillip in the same article, these studies showed that a worldwide program successfully eradicated smallpox. 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