what are 6 main events of "things fall apart"?


Answer 1
1. Okonkwo is a wealthy member of the umfia clan where people who have wrestling title are highly respected. in his youth he defeated Amazline the Cat who was undefeated until this match. The win brought honor to his village

2. Ikemefuna was given to okonkwos village because his father killed a lady from Okonkwo village

3. During the week of peace Okonkwo notice one of his wives left the hut without making dinner.When she return from her friends hut he beat her repeatedly. Because he broken the week of peace he had to repent his sins by sacrificing a goat,hen to pay a fine f one length of cloth and pay one hundred cowries.

4. Ikemefuna is a boy given to Okonkwo by a neighboring village. One of okonkwos wife took him in a he became very attacked to the family he even called Okonkwo father. Ikemefuna lived with the family for three years until Ogbuefi told Okonkwo that Ikemefuna must be killed.After hours of walking a man attacks him with a machete. Ikemefuna cries out to Okonkwo for help but instead he cuts the boy down so he doesn't look weak in front of the men.

5. At the funeral of ogbuefi Okonkwo accidentally shot his 16 year old son in the chest. In Okonkwo village killing another villager is a crime a the criminal has to be exiled for seven years.

6. Okonkwo almost shot his wife

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Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs. Match each sentence to the type of pronoun it contains. The owner himself was a great baker. objective pronoun The yellow car is his. intensive pronoun The coach told her to try a different strategy. possessive pronoun arrowBoth arrowBoth arrowBoth



The owner himself was a great baker. - intensive pronoun.

The yellow car is his. - Possessive pronoun.

The coach told her to try a different strategy. - objective pronoun.


An intensive pronoun is a pronoun that intensifies or lays emphasis on the 'self'/ antecedent. In such pronouns, the end will always have "self" or "selves", as in ourselves, himself, themselves, etc. So, the sentence "The owner himself was a great baker" is an intensive pronoun.

Possessive pronouns are those pronouns that are used to show the possession or belonging of the object. In this type of pronoun, the pronouns will be "his", "hers", "yours", "mine" etc, showing possession. The statement "the yellow car is his" is a possessive pronoun.

An objective pronoun is a personal pronoun that is used or taken as a grammatical object in the sentence. In receiving the action of the verb, the objective pronoun becomes the object in the sentence. So, in the statement "the coach told her to try a different strategy", the pronoun "her" is an objective pronoun.

can somebody read me this story and explain what happened?
its called “The Street That Got Mislaid” – Patrick Waddington

btw search the story on google


Answer and explanation:

“The Street That Got Mislaid” written by Patrick Waddington is a short story that tells us about Marc Girondin, a city clerk that worked in a planning section at the city hall of Montreal. He was known by people for having a precise map of all the streets in town in his head. He was a peaceful man, minding his own business. One day he discovered a misplaced card of a street called Green Bottle street. It has been more than fifteen years since data about it has been updated. Now he was in dilemma should he notify his boss about it. But, first, he decided to go and visit the street. He found the place easily, on the way in, there was a wooden statue that contained the door. When he entered the street, cobble pavement, neat houses, and lovely gardens with flowers made him feel like he entered a fairytale. Girondin started a conversation with one of the tenants, madam Trusdale, who told him about the previous owner, who decided to bestow them all the houses once he`s dead, and how they were paying taxes until they realized that the town had forgotten about them. Madam Trusdale also told him about a little bit about each one of the tenants and how peacefully they were living. So, Marc Girondin finally asked what was in his mind all the time - to become a part of this little community and move in. As a sign that was his real intention, he tore up the card of the Green Bottle Street, which enabled living anonymously in this little piece of heaven for an unlimited amount of time.

What is the plot of the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe?
What is the tone of the poem in one word?



I always believed he was saying goodbye to a lover that passed away

The tone is mournful, somber, etc.

Write a sentence fragment.



Because of the rain


On its own, because of the rain doesn't form a complete thought.

hope this helps :)

PLS HELP 12 + !!!!!!

paraphrase what the Tuskegee study was, next explain what that study and the Mississippi appendectomies suggest about the history of African Americans & medicine?


Tuskegee study is the African American Male U.S Public Health Service . I think.

Hope this helps :)

Finally, I did get across. Late one night me and my wife went. I had gone back to the plantation to get her. Mr. Rankins had him a bell by this time, along with the light. We were rowin and rowin. We could see the light and hear that bell, but it seemed we weren't getting any closer. It took forever, it seemed. That was because we were so scared and it was so dark and we knew we could get caught and never get gone. Which statement best describes the speaker's viewpoint of his escape? He is nervous that Mr. Rankins will make him go back. He is terrified that he will get caught crossing the river. He is worried that he will have to leave without his wife. He is doubtful that he will be free after he crosses the river.


He is nervous that Mr.Rankings will make him go back because it sounds like Mr.Rankins is not to keen on letting people be free.

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

Which point of view does the author use in this passage?

✔ first-person point of view

Which pronouns in this passage offer readers clues about the point of view being used?

✔ “I” and “we”

Read this excerpt from "Water Never Hurt a Man" by Walter D. Edmonds. "I guess I left it a while back. I guess it was in that kind of scrummage we had. I guess it needs a heavier whip anyhow. I guess a man couldn't spare the time going back for it." "Sure," said George. He reached down and took it from its peg, recoiled it, and tossed it ashore. The boat went ahead, slowly, with a sound of water, and of rain falling, and of wind. Which statement best describes the interaction between the characters in this excerpt?


Hello. You forgot the answer options. The options are:

A. When John talks, George listens. It shows the mutual respect between the two.

B. When John reaches out to George, George ignores him. This shows George’s anger at John.

C. When George turns to John and the boat goes ahead, it shows George submitting to John.

D. When George allows the boat to go ahead, it shows his lack of compassion for John.


A. When John talks, George listens. It shows the mutual respect between the two.


As you can see in the excerpt shown in the question above, George does not interrupt what John is saying, on the contrary, he listens to everything John says and when he responds he agrees with him. With that, we can see that there is a relationship of harmony between these two characters, where one shows a strong respect for the opinion of the other that is always well accepted in a conversation between them. In this case, the phrase that best describes the relationship between the characters is: "When John talks, George listens. It shows the mutual respect between the two. "




Plz help!

Is it a miracle if a rose grows in soil or through concrete? Explain.



no it can happen if there was soil their ones on the concrete

It is uncommon and even biologically impossible for a rose to grow from concrete.

Determine if the statement is true or false.
Primary colors are the most intense.
a. True
b. False


That statement may just be true
a true because primary colors are most intense that a fact

Read this excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone. However the change came about, it provided Champollion with a new key to the puzzle of the hieroglyphs. He soon made use of it to go a step beyond Young and establish his own worth as a scholar once and for all. What is the best prediction that can be made based on this excerpt? Champollion went on to prove that Young had deciphered the hieroglyphs. Champollion was not supported by other scholars and died unrecognized. Champollion made new discoveries that earned him great respect. Champollion and Young joined forces and began to work together.



Champollion made new discoveries that earned him great respect


According to the excerpt provided from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, it is narrated that Champollion found a solution to the puzzle of hieroglyphics and his discovery made him go beyond Young and establish himself as a renowned scholar.

Therefore, the prediction that can be made based on this excerpt is that Champollion made new discoveries that earned him great respect




took the test

Ecclesiastes 3:3-8
3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every [a]purpose under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

Q: In the passage from Ecclesiastes, what do you think the phrase “a time to cast away stones” means? What does “gather stones together” mean? What modern figures of speech would you use to express these ideas?




gather stones means i think like gather memories and lose memories


Answer & Explanation::

Chapter three of Ecclesiastes is about how there is a time for everything. 3:5 KJV "a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;" is likely referring to an ancient custom of destroying a farmers field by throwing many stones at it. The Bible is often very literal, sometimes it is hard to tell due to it being written in a very different time. This is why it is very helpful to know who wrote the book and when they did.

Read the excerpt from Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.”



can u insert an image of the excerpt pls?

Answer: kind of need the excerpt or answer choices...


Conversation about|Planning a trip to a holiday




Colorado is your question right answer

Aaron realized immediately that they were saved. With great effort he dug his way through the snow. He was a village boy and knew what to do. When he reached the hay he hollowed out a nest for himself and the goat. No matter how cold it may be outside, in the hay it is always warm. How does this excerpt develop the setting of the story? It shows that the haystack provides safety from the storm. It proves that only a haystack is necessary to survive a storm. It reveals that the hay will keep the goat alive. It demonstrates that the hay makes the barn smell sweet.



It shows that the haystack provides safety from the storm


According to the excerpt, Aaron is trapped in a storm and somehow he manages to save himself and the goat as he made use of hay to keep himself and the goat warm.

The excerpt develops the setting of the story by showing that the haystack provides safety from the storm.

1. Discuss some of the accomplishments of the Tesla Roadster during the past 2 years.just list some of the accomplishments plz​



Tesla branded vehicles are healthier for our environment because they don't pollute the air as much as a vehicle running on fuel.



New Technology Leads to Bigger Cities
In the 1800s, the Uniodd States was still a very young nation, trying to solidify its identity. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, a fast development of
society following the introduction of machines.

The United States was slower than Great Britain to fully embrace the changes. Yet key technological developments
caused a rapid growth in American urban areas.
Better farming methods and tools in the 1800s increased food production.

Americans were able to grow enough food for their families as well as to sell. The
abundance caused food prices to fall.

The expansion of cotton and the growth of textile factories in northern states helped produce the first wave of American industry. More people turned to work in
northern factories as a way to support their families.

Thousands of immigrants to the United States also settled in or near port cities, looking for work. Even today,
the need for work is a common reason people move to urban areas.

As a result, cities grew in numbers of people and physical space. As more people and businesses moved in, they needed buildings for living and working. They needed ways to move around the city. We call this process urbanization,
In 1820, the United States had only a few cities of 10,000 residents or more. About seven percent of U.S.
residents lived in urban areas. The number of cities with
more than 10,000 people grew quickly over the next 40 years, especially in the Northeast and Midwest. By 1860, about 20 percent lived in cities. Philadelphia and
New York City were the most populated cities in 1860 and would soon reach one million residents.

The urbanization of the United States quickened due to technology improvements. Without innovations in food production, the factories could not have grown so
quickly. The trend quickened after 1860 and continued throughout the 21st century as well. By 2007, more Americans lived in or near cities than they did in rural

Which sentence from the introduction paragraph serves as the author's thesis?

O In the 1800s, the United States was still a very young nation, trying to solidify its identity.
O The Industrial Revolution began in Britain, a fast development of society following the Introduction of machines,
O The United States was slower than Britain to fully embrace the changes.
O Yet key technological developments caused a rapid growth in American urban areas.



In the 1800s, the United States was still a very young nation, trying to solidify its identity.


ive got u


In the 1800s, the United States was still a very young nation, trying to solidify its identity.


i hope this helped :)

Buck's successful action taking over the dog team is an example of how he is _____.






simply because it's the one that makes more sense is explaining how he is his character is like that

YALL HELP ME WITH THIS QUESTION PLEASE!!!! RL 8.3 All of the quotes below demonstrate the character of the cyclops except
Question rewritten:
A. "Then he lifted his door, a huge stone, and set it in place." (Kline 32).
B. ". leaping up he laid hands on my crew. Two he seized and dashed to the ground like whelps, and
their brains ran out and stained the earth." (Kline 33).
C. “Stranger, you are a foreigner or a fool, telling me to fear and revere the gods, since the cyclops
care nothing for aegis-bearing Zeus; we are greater than they." (Kline 33).
D. "He arrived bearing a huge weight of dry wood to burn at suppertime" (Kline 32).
E. With this he drove the ram away from him out of doors, and I loosed myself when the ram was a
little way front he cave, then untied my men." (Kline 36).
E Those were my words, and this his cruel answer, "Then, my gift is this. I will eat Nobody last of all
his company, and all the others before him." (Kline 34).



Hey. Good luck


"Then he lifted his door, a huge stone, and set it in place."

I am not very sure about it




the answer is c


I just know



The changes were promising because they showed how much a four day week helped students

how did miners reach the yukon territory



the most common route taken by the stampeders to reach the fields was by boat from the west coast of the continental U.S. to Skagway in Alaska, over the Chilkoot or White Passes to the Yukon River at Whitehorse and then by boat 500 miles to Dawson City.


What happen after the other knight appears in


what are you talking about finish your sentence bud what happens after the other knight appears in what

Answer: the knight challenges Jason to a sword fight


I did the ready quiz

#2 please it will mean so much if you help



D. Quotation.

Explanation: This supporting detail has a quotation from one of his friends claming his dog would not go for their daily run on the beach!

the answer would be D.) Quotation

explain the rules of zaroff's game.



The rules to Zaroff's game are deceptively simple. Zaroff first suggests to his victim that they go hunting. The unlucky candidate can choose not to, but if he will not take part in the game, he is turned over to Ivan, who "has his own ideas of sport". If he does not elude Zaroff, he "loses", and is killed.

this word contains a greek root meaning "the people"


The words democracy, demography, epidemic, and pandemic contain the Greek root dem, which means people.

The guidelines for the award____projects that support early childhood education.
A. Satellite
B. Administration
C. Orbit.
D. Privilege


I think it’s administration.

Which of the following is most likely explanation of how the structure of the poem contributes to its meaning?


Answer: A


What is the theme of the story "The Witched and the



Death and loss. Death is a clear theme in Dahl's The Witches, but the concept of loss manifests in many smaller ways, developing the theme throughout the book. The book opens with the boy's parents dying in a car accident in Norway, leaving him unscathed, orphaned, and in the care of his grandmother.


Death is the theme of the "The Witched and the


Would appreciate I you would add me as brainliest.

part b which of the following phrases from paragraph 1 best supports the answer to part a part A what does the word entice mean
A not so smart decisions A to discourage
B allure of rewards B to inspire
C even small ones C to challenge
D more than they do adults D to attract help me out plss


The answer to your question is A

Help me pls!
Should school do random drug testing?



if the drugs are legally get permitted by government then why not ... but the drug test shouldn't be done on small children

also the test should be done on only those students who's parents have agreed for it and all sorts of necessary details must be give to them

thank you

if you loved my answer then please like it and rate it also mark me as brainliest if you wish

Does anyone know what instant gratification is?



"The desire to experience pleasure or fulfillment without delay or deferment is instant gratification."  It's when you want it, basically, and you want it now. Instant gratification, delayed gratification, is the opposite of what we have been told and are trying so hard to practice.

Hope this helps please give me brainliest !

God bless :p

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how can radioactive decay be used to date rocks? Which of the following would not be a considered a legitimate excuse for failing to fulfill the civic duty of jury duty? A.severe illness of a parentB.employer discontentC.personal illnessD.schooling out of state sue subtracted 2.9 from 20.9 and got 1.8. Explain why this is not reasonable. Please answer ASPA. I Will give brainliest and do anything. 1079 divided by 4 Yeah Also whoever helps thank you :D Typically in hot weather or when a persons muscles heat up, a person can produce more________ than normal. ITS P.E WORK! I didnt need my dream to be easy, I needed it to be possible. What does this quote mean? 6. Now, revise your definition for waves to include energy and matter. A wave is a phenomenon that... Which was NOT a reason immigrants came to the U.S.?Select one:a. Better Farmlandb. More Factory Jobsc. Religious Freedomd. Escape War Maps that use data to define the shape and size of a territory are called?A. CartogramB. Flow-line mapsC. Qualitative mapsD. Political maps Explain how to write fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 as decimals. Analyzing Unearned Revenue DisclosuresThe following disclosures (excerpted) are from the August 28, 2016, annual report of Costco Wholesale Corporation.Revenue Recognition: We generally recognize sales, net of estimated returns, at the time the member takes possession of merchandise or receives services. When we collect payment from customers prior to the transfer of ownership of merchandise or the performance of services, the amount recieved is generally recorded as deferred revenue on the consolidated balance sheets until the sales or service is completed. Membership fee revenue represents annual membership fees paid by our memberships. We account for membership fee revenue, net of estimated refunds, on a deferred basis, whereby revenue is recognized ratably over the one-year membership period.Revenue($ millions) August 28, 2016 August 30, 2015 August 31, 2014Net Sales $116,073 $113,666 $110,212Membership fees 2,646 2,533 2,428Total revenue $118,719 $116,199 $112,640Current Liabilities ($ millions) August 28, 2016 August 30, 2015Accounts payable $7,612 $9,011Current portion of long-term debt 1,100 1,283Accrued salaries and benefits 2,629 2,468Accured member rewards 869 813Deferred membership fees 1,362 1,269Other current liabilities 2,003 1,695Total current liabilities $15,575 $16,539(a) Which of the following statements best explains in layman terms how Costco accounts for the cash received for its membership fees?Because Costco does not know how many of its members will continue to the end of the year, cash received from members is recorded as a liability and recognized as revenue only at year-end.When it receives cash, the company records it as a current liability. Then, it recognizes revenue evenly over the year.The company records revenue when the cash is received.Because Costco has a refund policy, the company records revenue when the cash is received, less an allowance for expected membership terminations.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00(b) Use the balance sheet information on Costco's Deferred Membership Fees liability account and its income statement revenues related to Membership Fees earned during 2016 to compute the cash that Costco received during 2016 for membership fees.Total cash received (in $ millions) = $Answer(c) Use the financial statement effects template to show the effect of the cash Costco received during 2016 for membership fees and the recognition of membership fees revenue for 2016.Use negative signs with answers, when appropriate.Balance SheetTransaction ($ millions)Cash Asset + Noncash Assets = Liabilities + Contributed Capital + Earned Capital Receive cash in advance for membership fees Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Recognized membership fees earned Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Income StatementRevenue - Expenses = Net IncomeAnswer Answer AnswerAnswer Answer AnswerFeedbackYou have correctly selected 15.Partially correctMarks for this submission: 15.00/18.00. what is the speed of a cheetah that travels 112.0 m in 4.0 s? * PendingThis map shows the organization that wasassociation of nearly 30 countrior Does Paine believe that the colonies and the British can reconcile? 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