What are cycles and conservation


Answer 1

Answer:As energy moves through an ecosystem, it changes form, but no new energy is created. Similarly, as matter cycles within an ecosystem, atoms are rearranged into various molecules, but no new matter is created. So, during all ecosystem processes, energy and matter are conserved.


Related Questions

The effect of genetic drift on a population that splits into two populations because of geographic isolation may be


divergent evolution.

convergent evolution.


The effect of genetic drift on a population that splits into two populations because of geographic isolation may be divergent evolution.

What impact does genetic drift have on a population?

Alleles or genotypes fix in populations as a result of genetic drift. Drift removes alleles, which increases homozygosity and the inbreeding coefficient. In species that experience repeated cycles of extinction and recolonization, drift is presumably prevalent.

How does the divergence of two populations change as a result of genetic drift?

Rare alleles may completely disappear, and the gene pool may also shrink. A population may eventually become genetically distinct from the original population as a result of such drift. Divergence, reproductive isolation, and ultimately speciation could result from this.

To know more about genetic drift visit:-



(URGENT HELP PLEASE) Which of the following does NOT support the theory of natural selection? *

There are species that live in North America that are not found in Australia

Humans have small bones at the end of our spine that resemble tail bones in other animals

Prehistoric mastodons are similar to today's elephants

Species that are similar to each other tend to live near each other



arti nya apa wkwk


saya ngk bisa bahasa inggris

7 points for each answer and a brainliest yay!

All the scientific theories used to explain the formation of the solar system are

A. Outdated

B. Imaginative

C. Non-testable

D. Unacceptable


None of the above options are correct. The scientific theories used to explain the formation of the solar system are:

E. Testable and subject to ongoing refinement.

Theories such as the solar nebula theory propose that the solar system formed from a giant cloud of gas and dust that collapsed under its own gravity, eventually flattening into a disk from which the Sun and planets formed. Other theories propose different mechanisms for the formation of the solar system, but all are based on scientific observations and are subject to ongoing refinement as new evidence is discovered. These theories are not outdated, imaginative, non-testable, or unacceptable, but rather represent the current scientific consensus on how the solar system formed.

Computer crime first appeared in the 1970s. Soon after, special protocols of digital investigation and evidence were needed because _____.

cybercriminals were really smart

digital data could be altered in different ways from nondigital data

computers were becoming more powerful

the Internet was invented


Computer crime first appeared in the 1970s. Soon after, special protocols of digital investigation/forensics and evidence were needed because b. Digital data can be altered differently than nondigital data.

How computer crime first appeared?

Unlike traditional physical evidence, digital data can be easily altered or destroyed without leaving any visible traces, which makes it challenging to preserve and present it as evidence in a court of law. Therefore, special protocols of digital investigation and evidence were developed to address these challenges and ensure the integrity of digital evidence.

This need arose because of the unique characteristics of digital data, not necessarily because cybercriminals were smart or because computers were becoming more powerful. The invention of the internet also played a role in the growth of computer crime, but it was not the sole reason for the need for special protocols of digital investigation and evidence.

To learn more about digital investigation/forensics , visit: https://brainly.com/question/14893776



digital data could be altered in different ways from nondigital data

Fill in the table with two pros and two cons of the corn farmer switching to the genetically modified insect-resistant corn


The two pros and two cons of the corn farmer switching to the genetically modified insect-resistant corn are shown below:


1.) Genetically modified (GM) crops have been shown to be safe via study and usage, and they may potentially improve the safety of popular meals.

2.) GMO crops reduce food prices while increasing nutritional value, hence reducing global hunger.              


1) Human clinical trials have not established that genetically modified (GM) crops are safe for human consumption.

2) Plant genetic modification may result in changes to the food supply that introduce toxins or provoke allergic responses.

The Genetic Literacy Project reports that "the most recent data from the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) show that more than 18 million farmers in 29 countries, including 19 developing nations, planted over 190 million hectares (469.5 million acres) of GMO crops in 2019." According to the group, the crops are prohibited in a "majority" of European nations, as well as Russia. Nonetheless, most nations that prohibit the cultivation of Transgenic crops accept their import. Europe, for example, buys 30 million tonnes of GMO maize and soy animal feeds each year.      

Learn more about genetically modified corn:



Compare the patterns of results from your Punnett square for Problem 1 on Student Sheet 5. 1 with the results from the Ocean/ Lucy cross in ""Gene Combo. "" Why are they similar?


The Punnett square for Problem 1 on Student Sheet 5.1 and the results from the Ocean/Lucy cross in "Gene Combo" are similar because both involve the inheritance of a single gene with two possible alleles: dominant and recessive.

In Problem 1 on Student Sheet 5.1, the gene in question is for flower color in pea plants, with the dominant allele (P) causing purple flowers and the recessive allele (p) causing white flowers. The Punnett square shows that when two heterozygous plants (Pp) are crossed, the resulting offspring have a 3:1 ratio of purple to white flowers, consistent with the laws of Mendelian inheritance.

In the Ocean/Lucy cross in "Gene Combo," the gene in question is for fur color in mice, with the dominant allele (B) causing black fur and the recessive allele (b) causing brown fur. The cross between two heterozygous mice (Bb) results in offspring with a 3:1 ratio of black to brown fur, again consistent with Mendelian inheritance.

Both the Punnett square and the Ocean/Lucy cross follow the same basic principles of Mendelian inheritance, with the dominant allele masking the recessive allele in heterozygous individuals. As a result, the observed ratios of dominant to recessive phenotypes in the offspring are predictable and follow a specific pattern.

To know more about the Punnett square, here



the largest criticism of the biological perspective is that it tends to vastly oversimplify systems that are in reality extremely complex. the tendency to do this is called:


The tendency to oversimplify complex systems is called reductionism.

Reductionism is a major criticism of the biological perspective, as it can often neglect the complexities of living systems.

Reductionism is a theory that states that a complex system can be reduced to its individual elements to better understand it. This means that complex things can be broken down into smaller, more simple parts.

This reductionist strategy is used by scientists to simplify complex scientific systems and make them more easily understandable by breaking them down into simple and distinct elements.

Because biological systems are complicated and multifaceted, they are difficult to understand and study. Reductionism is the biological perspective's strategy for dealing with this complexity and gaining a better understanding of how biological systems function.

The largest criticism of the biological perspective is that it tends to vastly oversimplify systems that are in reality extremely complex. The tendency to do this is called reductionism.

Know more about reductionism here:



explain how independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase i, random fertilization, and crossing over contribute to genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms.


New sets of chromosomes with different allele combinations are produced by crossing over during prophase with independent assortment during anaphase. Randomly fertilizing the gametes created by meiosis also contributes to genetic variety.

In plain English, what are chromosomes?

a component located in a cell's nucleus. DNA and proteins arranged into genes make up a chromosome. 23 chromosome pairs are typically present in each cell.

What is the purpose of a chromosome?

Genomic information is transported from cell to cell via chromosomes, which are threadlike structures consisting of protein and a single DNA molecule. Chromosomes are found in the cell nucleus of all living things, including plants, animals, and humans.

To know more about chromosome visit:



In a P generation of true-breeding tall plants that are crossed with true-breeding short plants, 100% of the F1 generation are tall. What does this suggest about short and tall alleles


If in a P generation of true-breeding tall plants that are crossed with true-breeding short plants, 100% of the F1 generation are tall, then this suggest that short is recessive while tall is dominant.

What are recessive and dominant alleles for a given phenotypic trait?

Recessive and dominant alleles for a given phenotypic trait are those that are masked or masked respectively the expression of the feature.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that dominant alleles are able to mask a particular feature in heterozygous individuals as obtained after a line pure cross.

Learn more about recessive and dominant alleles here:



Ancient organisms that lived during closer time periods were more alike than organisms that lived in widely separated time periods. What evidence in the fossil record most directly supports this scientific claim?

Most fossils are dated indirectly, by inference from surrounding rock that has been directly dated.

The rocks that fossils are found in can be examined in order to infer what environments certain organisms existed.

Fossils found in adjacent rock layers are generally more like each other than fossils found in widely spaced layers.

If the rock layers in a certain location have not been disturbed by tectonic or other movement, the lowest layer was formed before the layers above it.


Fossils found in adjacent rock layers are generally more like each other than fossils found in widely spaced layers evidence in the fossil record .

Option C is correct.

Which fossils can provide evidence of evolution?

The remains or traces of ancient animals, plants, and other organisms that have been preserved are known as fossils. Fossils are crucial to the theory of evolution because they demonstrate that life on Earth used to be very different from what we see today.

What is the relationship between modern and ancient organisms?

Evolution is the process by which modern organisms have evolved from ancient ones. Population change over time is evolution. There have been a lot of different explanations for how species change over time, but the ideas that Charles Darwin first put out are the foundation of modern evolutionary theory.

Learn more about ancient organism:



which organ of the body did the film use as an example of how evolutionary processes can work over time to modify an existing trait to have a different appearance and/or function?


The film used the lungs as an example of how evolutionary processes can work over time to modify an existing trait to have a different appearance and/or function.

What is evolution?

The process by which different types of living organisms have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth is known as evolution. Evolution is the gradual process of change that occurs over time, resulting in the diversity of living things on the planet. Through genetic variations that arise naturally, evolution occurs.

How does the lung demonstrate the evolutionary process?

As we know, the lung is a respiratory organ in many animals. The structure and function of lungs vary widely among different animals due to the evolution of lungs. The lungs of mammals are complex structures that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, while the lungs of birds are even more efficient. Because the birds require a lot of energy, they have adapted to have an even more efficient respiratory system.

As a result, it is a good example of how evolutionary processes can work over time to modify an existing trait to have a different appearance and/or function.

To know more about "evolution" refer here:




d) State the null hypothesis for the experiment in Figure 1. Provide reasoning to justify the

claim that the change in the amino acid sequence in the modified RNA polymerase affected the

shape of the active site on the enzyme.


The null hypothesis for experiment 1 is that the replacement of an amino acid will not affect the experimental strain's maximal elongation rate.

What is a null hypothesis in simple terms?

Conjectures used in statistical tests, which are formal techniques for drawing conclusions or making decisions based on data, include the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The hypotheses, which are based on a sample of the population, are suppositions about a statistical model of the population.

The tests are essential components of statistical inference and are frequently used to distinguish between statistical noise and scientific claims when interpreting experimental data in science. "The null hypothesis is the assertion that is being tested in a test of statistical significance.

Learn more about null hypothesis



FILL IN THE BLANK. Axon terminals __________.
are clusters of enlarged endings of an axon that may contain neurotransmitters
are continuous with the endomysium
are the same as the sarcoplasmic reticulum
are the key structures involved in eccentric contraction of a skeletal muscle
conduct impulses into the deepest region of muscle fibers


Answer: Axon terminals are clusters of enlarged endings of an axon that may contain neurotransmitters.

Axon terminals are clusters of enlarged endings of an axon that may contain neurotransmitters.

At the termination of axons, there are little swellings called axon terminals. Neurotransmitters are often kept there to facilitate communication with other neurons via their synapses, which are typically found at these locations.

These terminals are important for transmitting signals between neurons or from neurons to other cells. They release neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that transmit signals across a synapse, or the space between two cells.

The neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the target cell, causing a response. Thus, axon terminals play a crucial role in communication within the nervous system.

To know more about axon terminals here:



A person's blood alcohol content (BAC) depends ONLY on how much alcohol they've consumed.
O A.
O B.



False. A person's blood alcohol content (BAC) depends on several factors in addition to how much alcohol they've consumed, including their weight, gender, age, metabolism, and the amount of food in their stomach. Additionally, the rate at which alcohol is consumed can also affect BAC.

which feature does not apply to protists: group of answer choices they form a non-monophyletic group they form a monophyletic group they comprise many of the groups in the domain eukarya they are all eukaryotes they are mostly unicellular


They form a monophyletic group is not a feature of protists.

FeaturesThe first three kingdoms are well defined monophyletic groups, but the "Kingdom Protista" is not monophyletic; it comprises species that are more closely connected to members of other kingdoms than they are to other protists.An ancestral taxon and all of its offspring make up a monophyletic group, often known as a clade. A monophyletic group can be cut from the root with just one cut, but a non-monophyletic group requires two or more cuts.Humans, apes, and new world monkeys are an example of a monophyletic group since they all share the old-world monkeys as their most recent common ancestor.

For more information on protists kindly visit to



Why do we not see red, orange, and yellow colors in leaves during most of the year? a. During the rest of the year, the tree isn't conserving water. b. Accessory pigments are masked by chlorophyll most of the year. c. Cold weather is needed to stimulate accessory pigments to show off their c colors. d. The photoperiod needs to shorten in order to trigger the accessory pigments.


Because of its abundance, chlorophyll covers other pigments like xanthophyll and carotenoids that are yellow and orange in colour. Other pigments can be observed in leaves as the amount of chlorophyll decreases.

Why are red, orange, and yellow colours absent from leaves for the majority of the year?

You could believe that the orange and yellow hues, or pigments, are only present in leaves during the fall, but in reality, they are present all year long; we can just not see them because of the intense green pigment that is also present in leaves hides them.

Why are the yellow and orange colours not visible during the summer?

As I've mentioned in a number of my earlier pieces, leaves yellow and orange hues come to light when chlorophyll, the pigment that gives leaves their green appearance, is lost from the leaf. These pigments were hidden by chlorophyll in the summer.

to know more about pigments here:



Link the regulation of breathing in humans to the three components of any homeostatic process (ASAP PLS)



Homeostasis is the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment despite external changes. It involves three main components: receptor, control center, and effector. The regulation of breathing in humans is linked to all three components of homeostasis.

Receptor: The receptor in this case is the chemoreceptors located in the carotid arteries and aortic arch. They detect changes in the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood.

Control center: The control center is the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata of the brainstem. It receives input from the chemoreceptors and sends signals to the effectors to maintain homeostasis.

Effector: The effectors in this case are the muscles involved in breathing, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. They are controlled by the respiratory center and adjust the rate and depth of breathing to maintain the appropriate levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood.

Overall, the regulation of breathing in humans is an important example of how the three components of homeostasis work together to maintain a stable internal environment in the face of changing external conditions.


What happens to biodiversity
when species are lost?
O biodiversity
O biodiversity
gets higher
stays the same
biodiversity gets lower
O nothing



C, biodiversity gets lower


When species are lost, biodiversity gets lower. This is because each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem, and the loss of one species can have cascading effects on the rest of the ecosystem. As more species are lost, the complexity and resilience of the ecosystem decline, resulting in a decrease in overall biodiversity.

Trinucleotide repeat disorders are hereditary diseases caused by mutant genes containing an increased number of repeats of a DNA trinucleotide sequence. Which sequence(s) contain a trinucleotide repeat? Select all that apply.


Trinucleotide repeat disorders are hereditary diseases caused by mutant genes containing an increased number of repeats of a DNA trinucleotide sequence. Therefore, the correct option is a, c, and e.

Which sequence(s) contain a trinucleotide repeat?

Trinucleotide repeat is a DNA sequence that is repeated several times in a row. A repeated sequence of three nucleotides that leads to a specific and consistent phenotype when it is repeated is known as trinucleotide repeats.Sequences containing a trinucleotide repeat are:


Learn more about trinucleotide: https://brainly.com/question/2898576


Identify the correct formula for phosphorus and oxygen


The correct formula of a compound that has ten oxygen atoms and four phosphorus atoms is P4O10.

When both the reactants and products of a chemical reaction have an equal amount of atoms and charge of each chemical element, the equation for the reaction is said to be balanced.

Phosphorus pentoxide is created when phosphorus and oxygen combine (P2O5).

The reaction involved is : P4 (s)+5O2 (g)⟶2P2O5 (s)

Subscripts that appear after each element's symbol indicate how many atoms of that element are present in the compound.

(The letters P and O stand for phosphorus and oxygen, respectively.)

There are 4 phosphorus atoms and 10 oxygen atoms in all. Tetraphosphorus Decoxide is the name of the substance.

To know about formula



The complete question is

What is the correct formula of a compound that has ten oxygen atoms and four phosphorus atoms?

Describe the effect ht epassage of the natinal forest manegment act in 1976 had on the trend in logging between 1980s and early 2000s


The effect passage of National Forest Management, Plans for renewable resource management are required. Limits on logging were imposed, and loggers were required to keep out of national forests.

The National Forest Management Act (NFMA) of 1976 (P.L. 94-588) is a United States federal law that was enacted in 1976 as an amendment to the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974, which called for the management of renewable resources on national forest holdings. The statute was enacted in response to challenges concerning different national forest operations, notably wood harvesting. Members of the Point Baker Association on Prince of Wales Island filed the case Zieske v Butz over the US Forest Service's first environmental impact assessment.

The complaint halted harvesting on 400,000 acres of the island's northwest tip, prompting the forestry sector to ask for Congressional action to overturn the lawsuit. Congressman Foley stated on the floor that six additional actions with rulings identical to Zieske v Butz were impeding logging.

Learn more about National Forest Management act :



Complete question:

Describe the effect the passage of the National Forest Management act in 1976 had on the trend in logging between the 1980s and early 2000s.

Isaiah is trying to think of a nickname for the hadalpelagic zone, to help him remember its distinguishing characteristics. What is the BEST nickname for this purpose? A. trench B. underworld C. bioluminescent D. floor


A. trench would be the BEST nickname for the hadalpelagic zone, as it is the most commonly used term for this deep oceanic zone.

What is Hadalpelagic Zone?

The Hadalpelagic Zone, also known as the hadal zone, is the deepest part of the ocean, extending from a depth of about 6,000 meters (19,700 feet) to the bottom of the ocean floor. The name "hadal" comes from Hades, the underworld in Greek mythology, reflecting the extreme depth and darkness of this zone.

The hadalpelagic zone is characterized by a number of extreme environmental conditions, including high pressure, low temperature, and complete darkness. The pressure at the bottom of the hadalpelagic zone can exceed 1,000 times atmospheric pressure at sea level, which is enough to crush most organisms. Despite these harsh conditions, the hadalpelagic zone is home to a variety of specialized organisms, including deep-sea fish, crustaceans, and microbes, that have adapted to life in this extreme environment.

The hadalpelagic zone includes the deepest parts of the ocean, such as ocean trenches, which are long, narrow, and steep depressions in the ocean floor. These trenches are one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the hadalpelagic zone, so using the nickname "trench" would help Isaiah remember this feature and associate it with the hadalpelagic zone.

Learn more about Hadalpelagic Zone from given link




Your brain, spinal cord, and nerves make up your nervous system. Together they control all the workings of your body. When something goes wrong with any part of your nervous system, you can have trouble moving, speaking, swallowing, breathing, or learning. You can also have problems with your memory, senses, or mood. There are more than 600 neurologic diseases and disorders, and they have just as many causes. Some are caused by faulty genes, like Huntington’s disease or Muscular dystrophy. Others may be caused by degeneration, like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Disorders in children may be caused by problems with how the nervous system developed, like with spina bifida. Even others, like strokes or meningitis, can be caused by illness or injury.

Research one of the nervous system disorders you find on the website listed below, or any other that you find. Design a pamphlet or brochure about the disorder and one medication or treatment method used to help those that have the disorder. Include who can be affected by the disorder, how common or uncommon it is and how researchers think the medication or treatment will help. Explain its general effectiveness, and any side effects the medication or treatment may cause. Remember to cite all your sources.


The Parkinson's disease is the  nervous system disorder that has been researched on here.

How does the Parkinson's disease act on an individual?

Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder that affects the nervous system and is characterized by tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with movement. According to the Parkinson's Foundation, over 10 million people worldwide live with this disorder, and approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with it each year. The exact cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

One medication used to treat Parkinson's disease is levodopa. Levodopa is a medication that increases the level of dopamine in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate movement. Dopamine levels are typically low in individuals with Parkinson's disease, causing the motor symptoms associated with the disorder. Levodopa is a precursor to dopamine and helps increase dopamine levels in the brain.

Levodopa is considered the gold standard treatment for Parkinson's disease, and studies have shown it to be effective in improving motor symptoms, such as tremors and rigidity. However, it is not a cure, and the progression of the disease cannot be halted by this medication.

There are several side effects associated with levodopa use, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and dyskinesia, which is an involuntary movement disorder. Long-term use of levodopa can also lead to motor complications, such as fluctuations in response to the medication and dyskinesia.

It is essential to work closely with a healthcare provider when taking levodopa or any other medication for Parkinson's disease to monitor its effectiveness and any potential side effects.

In conclusion, Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder that can be managed with medication such as levodopa. While it is not a cure, it can help improve motor symptoms and quality of life for those with the disorder. However, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects and work closely with a healthcare provider to monitor their use.

Read more on Parkinson's disease here:https://brainly.com/question/5126740


through artificial selection, humans bred dogs from wolf ancestors. describe what type of selective pattern this represents to first get domesticated animals than different dog breeds. why this pattern? do not write artificial selection!


The selective pattern that humans bred dogs from wolf ancestors represents is "selective breeding.

Selective breeding is a type of selection pattern that was done intentionally by humans to create domesticated animals and different dog breeds. Selective breeding involves mating animals with specific traits in the hope of creating offspring with the desired traits. Humans have selectively bred plants and animals for thousands of years to produce desirable traits.

They used selective breeding to create a variety of domesticated plants and animals that are common today. The primary purpose of selective breeding is to create animals with desirable traits that are more suited to human needs or that can serve specific functions. It is the process of selecting specific traits by humans rather than natural selection.

Humans used such a pattern in breeding dogs from wolf ancestors. By selecting the desired traits in different wolves, humans over time created domesticated dogs. This selective breeding led to different dog breeds that possess unique characteristics like specific behaviors, shapes, sizes, and colors.

Learn more about ancestors: https://brainly.com/question/1234951


if cell a has 48 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be present in cell k?


If cell A has 48 chromosomes, the chromosomes would be present in cell K we cannot say how many chromosomes would be present in cell K because there is no definitive relationship between them.

Chromosomes are tiny structures within a cell's nucleus that contain genetic material in the form of DNA molecules. Each species has a specific number of chromosomes. The majority of human cells, for example, have 46 chromosomes. The chromosomes of a cell duplicate before the cell divides, ensuring that each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes.

Therefore, the number of chromosomes in a cell is a distinct feature of the species or an individual, and it cannot be linked to another cell of the same or different species. Chromosomes can be used to identify different kinds of life and are an essential tool for biologists in their research.

Learn more about chromosomes at:



What might the shape of the skull and the supraorbital height tell us about each species?


It describes the species' gender and its capabilities. It could also reveal the age of the species.

Australopithecus africanus is the species that the unidentified skull most closely resembles based on the activity. According on the data the measure of the undefined skull is almost little as the pan troglodyttes, while it's teeth resembled that of a humans. If the foramen magnum indicates the position of the spine in relation to the head, and thus whether the creature moved about on two legs or in another manner, then the position of the opening may indicate when our ancestors first adopted the upright, bipedal posture that is so frequently considered to be the hallmark of humanity.

Learn more about ancestors here-



Question 6 of 10
Where is the atmosphere the most dense?

A. At the top
B. At the bottom
C. At the coldest part.
D. At the warmest part.


B. At the bottom.

The atmosphere is composed of gases that surround the Earth and is thickest, or most dense, at the bottom or nearest to the Earth's surface. This layer is called the troposphere and is where weather occurs, with the density of the atmosphere decreasing as altitude increases. The top of the atmosphere is called the exosphere, where air pressure is extremely low, and the gases gradually blend into the vacuum of space.

1. Which of these characteristics would classify an introduced species as being invasive?
A. They can be grown easily
B. They have many natural predators
C. They take away resources from native organisms
D. They tend to not survive well with changes to a new environment


The answer is C. Invasive species take resources from native organisms “invading” their habitats




A species is said to be invasive when the rate at which it is spreading and multiplying is higher than expected causing a negative effect on the natives of the habitat

Please help me!!!!! Hurry!


Missense mutations result in the incorporation of a different amino acid into the protein, while nonsense mutations result in the formation of a premature stop codon, leading to a truncated and often non-functional protein.

What is the difference between missense and nonsense as types of substitution mutation?

In a missense mutation, a single nucleotide change results in a different amino acid being incorporated into the protein. This can have a range of effects, from no effect at all to a complete loss of function.

In a nonsense mutation, a single nucleotide change results in the formation of a premature stop codon, which truncates the protein before it is complete. This results in a truncated and usually non-functional protein.

Learn more about mutation:https://brainly.com/question/17130462


Invasive species have what affect on native populations when they exist in the same niche?


Answer: their population was affected


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The ladder measures71 inches and forms an angle of 64 with the ground. How far fromthe ground, in inches, is the top of the ladder? How far from thewall, in inches, is the base of the ladder? Round to two decimalplaces as needed. Medoc Company provides the following information about its single product. Targeted operating income $ 58 comma 240 Selling price per unit $ 6. 95 Variable cost per unit $ 4. 55 Total fixed cost $ 91 comma 920 How many units must be sold to earn the targeted operating income? (Round the final answer up to the nearest unit. ) Which statement best complestes the chart related to the cause of the great depression A restaurant customer left $1.05 as a tip. The tax was 8% and the tip was 15% of the cost including tax.What was the total bill? Type your answer in to the boxes. The three points marked on the graph are the vertices (corners) of a parallelogram Y 10 q 8 5 B 3 2 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 X What are the coordinates of the fourth vertex? American women's heights are normally distributed with a mean of 63.6 inches and a standard deviaiton of 2.5 inches. What is the probaility of randomly selecting 150 women with a mean height greater than 64 inches?0.97500.02500.56360.43642. Assume that the population of human body temperature has a mean of 98.6 as is commonly believed. Also assume that the population standard deviation is 0.62. If a sample size of n=106 is randomly selected find the probability of getting a mean temperature of 98.2 or lower.0.000010.99990.25780.4800 You buy a 20-year bond with a coupon rate of 9.2% that has a yield to maturity of 10.2%. (Assume a face value of $1,000 and semiannual coupon payments.) Six months later, the yield to maturity is 11.2%. what is your return over the 6 months? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places. Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign.) Rate of return : vocational collages often the ricoffy tin container no dimensions that container is 2,5 times smaller then what it is in reality the actual weight of coffees 750g , measure the diameter of the diameter of the tin in mm and write down the real diameter in mm 3109E A 0. 083-in-diameter electrical wire at 90F is covered by 0. 02-in-thick plastic insulation (k = 0. 075 Btu/hftF). The wire is exposed to a medium at 50F, with a combined convection and radiation heat transfer coefficient of 2. 5 Btu/hft2F. Determine if the plastic insulation on the wire will increase or decrease heat transfer from the wire. Answer: It helps