What are some of the reasons the boys in the gang like to fight? Why do you think Ponyboy keeps asking them all why they like to fight? (page 133) Answer both questions.

What does Johnny mean when he says “stay gold” right before he dies? (page 148)

How has Dally’s character developed from the beginning of the book until now?


Answer 1


1. Sodapop says that he likes fighting because “[i]t’s action. It’s a contest, Like a drag race or a  dance or something” (133).

Steve, is more violent in the sense that he likes fighting because he  wants to “beat those Soc’ head in” (133) because he enjoys it.

The boys explain that Darry likes  to fight because he gets to show off his muscles. Ponyboy says that Darry likes to take part in  anything related to strength.

Ponyboy will fight, but he doesn’t like it.

Darry is hesitant to let Ponyboy fight because he has lost weight and strength since being in  Windrixville. He also doesn’t like that Ponyboy will be fighting without Johnny, since they  usually protect each other.

2. Johnny’s last words to Ponyboy were “Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold” (148).

This message  refers back to the poem that Johnny and Pony read while they were at the church in Windrixville.

Stay gold in this particular instance refers to being true to yourself and attempting to remain  innocent and uncorrupted. When Johnny, in his final hour, tells Ponyboy to “Stay Gold” he is  telling him to not conform to what society dictates and to stay true to his pure self despite the violent and tumultuous world he lives in.

3. Dally had pulled the kids from the burning  church and Dally had risked his life and risked going to jail in order to keep Pony and  Johnny safe. He made a difference by caring for his family.


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Definition: This is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun.





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Yes :) I like cartoonists very much

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true or false


Answer: true


The following sentence is punctuated correctly.

His doctor, at any rate, could not identify the problem.


False ,

The punctuated sentence will be :

His doctor at any rate , could not identify the problem.

When is a good time for the author to describe the setting? (Choose all that apply).in A. the exposition

B. anytime the story changes location

C. anytime the story shifts into a different period of time

D. anytime you want your reader to understand the context of the characters' actions





the best time to understand what's happening  

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The Atlantic salmon



The Atlantic salmon


because it is the pronoun

What is a thesis I forgot



a statement or theory that is put up to be proven


if helped plz mark brainllist

a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.

What is the best definition of "tribulations" in the following sentence? "We experienced a host of tribulations on our trip to India: the airline put our luggage on the wrong plane, someone stole our rental car, and we both got sick the day after we arrived." *
A. expenses, debts
B. crimes, assaults
C. fears, insecurities
D. woes, miseries



d is the aswer


The best definition of "tribulations" in the following sentence is - crimes and assaults.

What are tribulations?

According to Christian eschatology, Jesus mentioned the Great Tribulation as a sign that would take place at the end of the world in the Olivet Discourse. The Great Tribulation, as described in Revelation 7:14, is the time period that Jesus foretold.

Verse 38 to verse 39. Because I am convinced that nothing—not even death, not even life, not even angels, not even principalities, not even powers, not even things in this world or things to come—not even height or depth or any other living thing—will be able to take away from us the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Heavenly Dao was punished with heavenly affliction. The Heavenly Dao would call forth heavenly suffering against any being that attempted to escape the bounds of the Heavenly Dao in order to eradicate it

To read more about tribulations, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/5341040


(2) jt

If I hadn't studied. I (would
passed – wouldn't have passed
- will pass) the exam



If I hadn't studied, I wouldnt have passed the exam.


Studying helps with taking a test, so if you didnt study you might fail.


wouldn't have passed


Hope this helps!!!! Have a great day XD

13 hours and 12 minutes.



wait wut- what ur question.


does anybody know these answers ? i’m literally struggling lol. it’s for the story “The Chrysanthemums”


1. the Tinker

2. Elisa

What is the theme of this passage of the outcast of poker flat



The theme of "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" by Bret Harte, is how a bad person can be good. This is demonstrated in the story from characters actions and the events that take place. The first evidence of character in the story is on page 682. Mother Simpson was exiled because she did bad things


Write an essay of at least 200 words that describes a revolution you would like to lead. Include a description of what you are revolting against and what you hope to build. Lay out your plan for implementing your revolution and note the language tools you will use to bring it about.



i would like to run a revolution against child abuse because this makes me mad it haxs nothing to do with the childs safety it has more of doing with how they are going to treat there child in the future if this type of pain is afflicted onto the other child then we have a chain reaction



First of all, you need to decide what you will be fighting against. The best way to do so is to find a current political or social issue that makes you feel outraged. For example, we can talk about climate change. We can argue that climate change is a topic that requires our attention because it has long been ignored by the political elites. We also know that it is constantly getting worse and that immediate action is required.

What you hope to build needs to be positive and hopeful. For example, you might want to build a society in which everyone is educated about ecology. You might also want a political system in which sustainability is the main concern.

Finally, the language tools that you will use can be inspired by those that were successful in previous revolutions. For example, you can look at speeches from revolutionary figures such as Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King Jr.


please mark me as brainliest

If it _______________ (work) normally, you can be confident that nothing else is wrong
with it.



If it __working__ (work) normally, you can be confident that nothing else is wrong  with it.


If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
1 Paragraph



I would change anybody who isn't in jail rightfully would be in jail and anybody who is in jail wrongfully would be free. There are so many people who are in jail now who don't deserve to be because they didn't do anything wrong, they were wrongfully convicted. However, there's still so many other inappropriate people, murderers, robbers, school shooters, child abusers, anybody who sells another person, who are out on the streets doing the unimaginable. While People who have been in jail for a long time suffer for those types of crimes. Lastly, that's why the one thing I would change would be people who deserve to be in jail go to jail and the all the other innocent human beings are let out of it.


Hopes this helps!

If I could change one thing in the world it would be global warming. Us humans have been talking about saving the world for so long, yet the Earth continues to deteriorate dah by day. The ocean is polluted causing animals to have inflamed lungs or be caught in plastic and choked to death. The air is polluted from the gas let out by factories causing some of us to have unhealthy lungs. Our streets are littered with trash, not a day goes by where you don’t see a cola can on the side of the street. The polar caps are melting, and soon some states won’t be here anymore. As our Earth deteriorates because of what us humans have done to nature it leaves a bleak future for us.

(Hope this is okay, correct me if I’m wrong with the examples of global warming)

Hello people how you been


Pretty good how about yourself
good thank you for asking

How are communities shaped by their surroundings



The environment shapes us unconsciously in more ways than we care to admit. Humans are profoundly social beings and as a result, most of us are constantly surrounded by people and desire social acceptance. For example, one of the most powerful influences of the environment on the person is that it is the cultural environment that determines what a person in that culture is. The environment varies with culture and history and impacts the person that gets in contact with it. We learn to engage in childhood while interacting with our social reality and then is when we learn that we have to follow conventions for social interactions.

And because we are social beings we are highly influenced by those we surround ourselves with. Not only that, but we are also influenced by the natural environment that surrounds us. Everything influences our way of thinking and our opinions: the climate influences our mood, the pollution influences our health, and the natural resources might affect human survival.

is research online reliable? why or why not?​



Yes, research online is realiable as long as the sources and methods are reliable.

In fact, most current research is made online, simply because the internet is the largest and best source of information that we have available. The importance lies in choosing the appropriate sources: academic papers, peer-reviewed publications, etc.

Here is the story and the questions are below it

15 points each!!! pls

In South Dakota, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is as big as Delaware and Rhode Island combined. It has some of the highest poverty rates in the United States. For three years, it has also hosted shows with music written for an orchestra by high school students.

"It's really a great thing to see these kids, and the pride that the reservation has in having these kids be stars," said David Gier. He is the music leader of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra.

The yearly music academy is one part of the Lakota Music Project. It's a program developed with the orchestra and musicians of the Lakota Native American tribe. The goal is to create cultural cooperation, teaching people about the Lakota and the orchestra.

"Through music, we are able to show a side of us that nobody gets to see," said Emmanuel Black Bear, a singer. He has been part of the Lakota Music Project since 2009. The native people have "a rich culture," he said. "I wanted to be a part of something where we could show the positive side of our people through music."

Black Bear is bringing the Lakota Music Project to Washington, D.C. Native flute player Bryan Akipa and nine members of the South Dakota Symphony are also going. In October, Black Bear will perform at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian and at Washington National Cathedral. It is for a festival hosted by the PostClassical Ensemble. The goal is to show Native American influences on American music.

Matching Two Different Types Of Music Together

The Lakota Music Project "deserves to be more widely known," said Joseph Horowitz. He is the PostClassical Ensemble's leader.

The project began in 2005. It was soon after Gier started with the orchestra. He wanted to develop community programs, and he learned about tensions in his new community between Native and non-Native Americans.

Gier approached local leaders and experts. One was Ronnie Theisz, a writer of books on Lakota culture. The two men talked about creating a project.

An idea came one snowy evening at Pine Ridge. Some of the orchestra's musicians met with the Porcupine Singers, a drumming circle on the reservation. They played music for each other.

Gier said the keeper of the drum talked about singing old songs and passing on tradition to younger people. It was the main thing both groups shared.

There are plenty of differences, too. The timing of the two types of music is different, said Black Bear. "In the beginning, it was kind of difficult to match them together."

Hearing The Music Instead Of Trying To Change It

The first Lakota Music Project tour, in 2009, set themes for the concerts. Theisz became a leader on the project. He suggested grouping the concert around love and death, joy and sadness, with music from each culture. The second half had new works on Lakota themes.

The Lakota Music Project is coming to Washington because of Horowitz's support of the Indianist movement. It was in the early 1900s. American composers wrote music based on Native American themes. Horowitz calls it "a major American cultural event that's been totally forgotten."

From the Lakota point of view, however, the "Indianist" movement inappropriately uses Native American customs. It's based on a misunderstanding of Native traditions, they believe.

"Even when they loved to take source music from different Indian tribes," Theisz said of the Indianist composers, "they didn't appreciate it." They wanted to try to improve it, he said.

"We're trying to counter that," he said. "Hearing the real music is part of the project."

The Lakota Music Project's focus remains on building bridges through music.

"It's just human connection," Gier said, "and feeling like we can make a difference."

Question 1

Refer to the Newsela article "The Lakota Tribe Wants to Educate People Through Music Project."

Part A

What is an implied idea in the article??

A. The Lakota Music Project seeks to improve upon the music of different Indian tribes.

B. The goal of the Lakota Music Project is to emphasize the differences between Native American music and European music.

C. The Lakota Music Project is a product of the Indianist movement.

D. An outcome of the Lakota Music Project is that people of different cultures learn how much they have in common.

Question 2

Part B

Which two sentences from the text that best support the answer in Part A?

A. “The Lakota Music Project's focus remains on building bridges through music."

B. “[The Indianist movement] flourished in the early 20th century as American composers based works on Native American themes.”

C. "Native music is more freestyle," said Black Bear, who has been part of the Lakota Music Project since 2009.

D. "Its goal is to spotlight Native American influences on American classical music."



Part A Answer: D. An outcome of the Lakota Music Project is that people of different cultures learn how much they have in common.

Part B Answers: A. (The Lakota Music Project's focus remains on building bridges through music)

and D. (Its goal is to spotlight Native American influences on American classical music)

Explanation: I had the K12 test and missed these, but these are the correct answers! I hope this helps, but I might be a little late. :(

Please answer quickly if you can.
Which element is most important in a multimedia presentation?

A.Each slide should cover only one topic.

B.The fonts and colors should be bright and cheerful.

C.The slides should be organized in order of importance.

D.Each slide should have as much information as possible.






Explanation:EDGE 2021 sorry if I’m late!

Which of the following are examples of INDIRECT characterization?

Select all that apply.

A) statements by a character about clothes they like.

B) “Ophelia is mad,” he said.

C) the narrator describing a character as “polite”

D) a character making a list of things they hate

E) “Orville sighed as he looked at the ad for the new phone. He really ought to save his money instead. But just thinking about the phone made his hands quiver uncontrollably.”



with the given choices

A) statements by a character about clothes they like.

B) “Ophelia is mad,” he said.

C) the narrator describing a character as “polite”

D) a character making a list of things they hate

E) “Orville sighed as he looked at the ad for the new phone. He really ought to save his money instead. But just thinking about the phone made his hands quiver uncontrollably.”


Direct tells the reader

Indirect shows the reader

E) “Orville sighed as he looked at the ad for the new phone. He really ought to save his money instead. But just thinking about the phone made his hands quiver uncontrollably.”



Identify the tense of the italicized verb in the sentence below.

The whole family went to church this morning.

future perfect
present perfect
past perfect



past perfect


becuase it is :)


present perfect tense

What relationships are important to justyce


relationships with your family, friends, people you value in life

Identify the type of relationship that is shown through the use of the transitional word or phrase in the sentence below: She always wore her blue skirt on Mondays, but it was dirty.


The answer is contrast or opposition


Transitional words or phrases include but, or, for example, firstly, among others. These are used as part of the language to indicate the relationship between elements and connect ideas. In the sentence presented, the transitional word "but" connects the detail "it was dirty."

Moreover, these words can show different relationships between details including similarity, contrast, order, emphasis, exemplification, among others. In the case of "but" this shows contrast or opposition. This relationship occurs in the sentence presented because the transitional word helps the speaker clarify that specific Monday the woman could not wear the skirt (but it was dirty) even when she always did it (she always wore her blue skirt on Mondays.)

Answer: Contrast

Explanation: Is that Dewang?

How did the government try to stop the Great Depression?
created a freeze on imports so that Americans can sell their products
created charitable groups to help society
created public works in which people could work for the government
created low taxes so that businesses can make money





They tried to create job that were easy and tried to make it possible for everyone to work.

The answer is C, also you could mark me as brainliest that would mean a lot I’m trying to rank up, you don’t hav to tho ..

Highlighting and note-taking are an essential part of:
A. being an active reader.
B. planning to read.
C. the post-reading stage.
D. taking a well-planned road trip.





being an active reader


Being an active reader


Why is billie joe father going to night school



So he can get smarter


people hugged, the less likely they were to get sick, even
among individuals who frequently had tense interactions. In other words, both social support and hugging prevented against illness. The same lead researcher has previously shown that the more diverse types of social ties a person has, such as with friends, family, coworkers, and community, the less susceptible to colds they are.

The phrase "friends, familycoworkers, and community" 53-54) primarily serves to

B. clarity that only some social connections are beneficial to health.

A. Illustrate the kinds of social ties to which the author is referring

C. describe the groups of participants in the researcher's previous study

D. provide examples of people from whom readers might be exposed to Mness .


B clarity that only some social connections are beneficial to health

How did the Epic of Gilgamesh end


Answer: The Epic of Gilgamesh ends as Gilgamesh is traveling home from his visit with Utnapishtim. Gilgamesh has lost the magic plant that Utnapishtim gave him that conferred eternal youth, and Utnapishtim has told him that an immortal life is not in store for him.


it ends when he returns home from his visit to Utnapishtim


but he still gains immortality in the end

List three values and illustrate their importance with evidence from at least three readings?


What is this for and is there a pic
Other Questions
16B+3.5W = 22 Antoine bikes part of the way on a 22 mile trail and walks the rest of the way. If he spends B hours biking and W hours walking, the trip is modeled by the equation shown above. What is the meaning of the 16B in the equation? what happened as a result of over hunting whales These are some events in the suns life. What is the correct sequence of events?A - the sun has a core as hot as a white dwarfB - hydrogen and helium erupt in nuclear fusion to make a new starC - the sun is a giant red ball that swallows some of the inner planetsD - the sun lives billions of years as an average star SY Manufacturers (SYM) is producing T-shirts in three colors: red, blue, and white. The monthly demand for each color is 3,487 units. Each shirt requires 0.75 pound of raw cotton that is imported from the Luft-Geshfet-Textile (LGT) Company in Brazil. The purchasing price per pound is $1.55 (paid only when the cotton arrives at SYM's facilities) and transportation cost by sea is $0.70 per pound. The traveling time from LGTs facility in Brazil to the SYM facility in the United States is two weeks. The cost of placing a cotton order, by SYM, is $186 and the annual interest rate that SYM is facing is 32 percent of total cost per pound. a. What is the optimal order quantity of cotton? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.) Optimal order quantity pounds b. How frequently should the company order cotton? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Company orders once every months c. Assuming that the first order is needed on 1-Jul, when should SYM place the order? 17-Jun 1-Jul 15-Jul d. How many orders will SYM place during the next year? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Number of orders times e. What is the resulting annual holding cost? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.) Annual holding cost $ per year f. What is the resulting annual ordering cost? Annual ordering cost $ g. If the annual interest cost is only 5 percent, how will it affect the annual number of orders, the optimal batch size, and the average inventory? what is the answer for 3x6+(1) A recipe gives the instructions below After browning the meat pour off fat from the pan to further reduce fat use a strainer.what type lf separation methods are described in the recipe A decantation and screeningB distillation and screeningC decantation and centrifugation D distillation and filtration Help pls its urgent Argue why vertical integration is necessary for Jim in the following scenario.Situation: Jim Smith owns a small ranch and independently sells his corn crop to food producers. His best client did not renew his contract and went with a different farmer because the other farmer offered a lower price than Jim did. There are approximately 330,000,000 cubic miles of water on Earth. A cubic mile is approximately 147,200,000,000 cubic feet. How much water is on Earth? Estimate using scientific notation what is the definition of value as an element of art what shoukd the patient expect to experience living with the disease- Sitius Inversus?? in ur own words Only do first 4 questions I will give brainlist how do I write a summary of the movie our shining lights Which of the following could be said of Bishops and Abbots:a.They were the most involved in politicsc.They helped to decide teachings on religion and the way people should liveb.They often advised local rulersd.all of the abovePlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD Which expression is equivalent to |-5| + |-3| Which of the following would be the correct classification for the soil and earth material in the most productive aquifer?low porosity, high permeabilityhigh porosity, high permeabilitylow porosity, low permeabilityhigh porosity, low permeabilityPlease help ASAP (50 points if you help FAST) PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How does the information in the NASA article best add to a readers understanding of Team Moon?A. It gives the reader a better sense of the complex problem solving taking place at mission control.B. It gives the reader a better sense of how the lunar module was prepared for the Apollo 11 space flight.C. It gives the reader a more factual overview of the Apollo 11 space flight from start to finish. What is the name of the kind of stretch that involves stretching as far as you can and then holding for 10-30 secondsQuestion 2 options:PNFballisticdynamicstatic Identify the causes and effects of industrialization. Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down never gonna run around baby nor desert you Rick roll..