What are the levels of organization within the earth system


Answer 1


Organelles -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs and Organ Systems -> Organisims, Poupulation and Communties -> Ecosystems -> The Biosphere


Answer 2

The level of organization from lower to higher are atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes and biosphere.

What is ecosystem ?

An ecosystem is the unit of ecology, a structural and functional unit of where the living organisms dwell with each other and with their surrounding environment and the term was  coined by A.G.Tansley, an English botanist, in 1935.

The structure of an ecosystem can be up two types such as Biotic Components and Abiotic Components, both the components are interrelated  where the flow energy and components occur throughout the boundaries.

Biotic components belongs to all living components which can be classified into autotrophs, heterotrophs and saprotrophs. Autotrophs are the producers like plants which make food independently by photosynthesis.

The organisms that depend on other organisms for their food called as consumers or heterotrophs, it can be classified into primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers.

Primary consumers are herbivores, Secondary consumers get energy from primary consumers can be either carnivores or omnivores. Tertiary consumers get energy from on secondary consumers.

Quaternary consumers prey on tertiary consumers, Decomposers include saprophytes such as fungi and bacteria depend on dead and decaying matter.

For more details regarding ecosystem , visit:



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As succession reaches equilibrium or climax the biodiversity:
A. Increases
B. Decreases





The answer is decreases

The most important high-energy compound found in the human body is






The answer is ATP Hope this helps and if you can mark as brainliest that would be great! :)

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Gulls, since they are the only predators shown for the green crabs.

What challenges do Arctic areas face as a result of global warming? 2) What measures could help deal with the problem? 3) What do you predict will happen to Arctic ecosystems if no measures are taken to reverse the problem of global warming? Explain your reasoning. 4) Which measures do you think are most important to pursue?



Global warming is defined as the environmental issue that leads to long term heating of the earth due to human activities such as burning of fossil fuels.

1. Arctic areas are facing huge challenges due to global warming that includes rising sea levels, rapid melting of ice,  loss of fish stocks, birds and marine mammals, and changes in climate patterns.

2. Measures that help to deal with the problem are reduction in the use of hydrofluorocarbons, cutting emissions of black carbon, methane, reduce overfishing, and reduction of industrial waste.

3. If there will be no measure taken to reverse the problem of global warming in the Arctic ecosystem, it will cause flood and tsunami in the nearby continents due to the rapid melting of ice, changes in climate patterns, and lead to the extinction of many marine animals.

4.  Reduction of industrial waste is the most important measure to pursue because industrial waste contributes most of the greenhouse gases and causes air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, and nuclear pollution. So reduction is industrial waste will reduce the emission of harmful gases in the environment that can reduce the impact of global warming.

what are the steps for the respiratory system?



Other components of the respiratory system conduct air to the lungs, such as the trachea (windpipe) which branches into smaller structures called bronchi. The process of breathing (respiration) is divided into two distinct phases, inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation).


The primary organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, which function to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide as we breathe.The gas exchange process is performed by the lungs and respiratory system. Air, a mix of  oxygen and other gases, is inhaled.In the throat, the trachea, or windpipe, filters the air. The trachea branches into two bronchi, tubes that lead to the lungs.Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream. Blood carries the oxygen through the body to where it is needed.Red blood cells collect carbon dioxide from the body’s cells and transports it back to the lungs.An exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the alveoli, small structures within the lungs. The carbon dioxide, a waste gas, is exhaled and the cycle begins again with the next breath.The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle below the lungs that controls breathing. The diaphragm flattens out and pulls forward, drawing air into the lungs for inhalation. During exhalation the diaphragm expands to force air out of the lungs. Adults normally take 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Strenuous exercise drives the breath rate up to an average of 45 breaths per minute.

There is an enzyme in your stomach. Explain how the enzyme would be affected if it was moved
the small intestines.



It might not work as efficiently because the conditions are different


The stomach is highly acidic compared to the small intestine. That means the pH is higher in the small intestine. Stomach enzymes are adapted to work at low pH, but might not work at a higher pH as in the small intestine. They might not be able to efficiently catalyze reactions in the small intestine.

is vinegar a solution?


yes it is a solution

What is the consequence of global warming



climate change, rising temperatures affecting wildfires, ocean warning etc.



what happened as a result of over hunting whales


Everyone died snake kappa mf f d

What would happen if the squirrel population were eliminated


It would disrupt the food chain

A food chain in an ecosystem flows from green algae, to freshwater snails, to small fish, and finally to large fish.



The primary consumer would is freshwater snails.


Producers are organisms that produce their own food and not depends on any other organism by the process of photosynthesis such as algae. Primary organisms on the other hand directly depend on the producers for their food and often get killed by secondary consumers.

Freshwater snails are the perfect example of the primary consumer as they get their food and energy from algae and are the primary source of food and energy for small fishes.

How are the craters the same?



The craters on what? Is there supposed to be a picture added to this?


A blank is an example of a prokaryotic cell








Bacteria is the most common prokaryotic cell. Hope this helps!

Which phrase describes organisms that formed index fossils?
(a) Are extinct
(b) Had soft parts
(c) Were generally large
(d) Lived in a narrow geographic area​



A.) Are extinct

You should mark me brainliest because I think I'm cool

Options (1), (2), and (4)

Index fossils are usually defined as those fossils that were present on earth for a very short period of time. They were very broadly distributed in almost all parts of the world. They were comparatively smaller in size and comprised of hard parts that were preserved under favorable conditions which are found at many places in the present. These are extinct species. For example, trilobites and ammonites.
These index fossils are very useful because it helps in determining the age of the fossils as well as rocks by applying the radioactive dating method.
thus, the correct answers are options (1), (2), and (4).

Which of the following statements about symbiotic relationships is true?
In mutualism, neither organism benefits.
At least one organism benefits from commensalism.
In parasitism, both organisms are harmed.
Both organisms benefit from commensalism.



At least one organism benefits from commensalism.


The symbiotic relationship of commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other organism receives neither benefit nor harm.

So, this statement is true, because at least one organism has to benefit from the relationship, while the other will not be harmed or helped.

Which type of energy pyramid can be inverted?

A) pyramid of numbers

B) pyramid of biomass

C) pyramid of energy

D) pyramids of numbers, biomass, and energy





The correct answer is D


What would happen if the enzyme used for cellular respiration or photosynthesis to break after a few cycle? Why?



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Cells face a related problem when they break down fuels, such as glucose, to produce ATP. If the cell’s supply of ATP is low, it would do well to break down glucose as quickly as possible, replenishing the ATP it needs to “keep the lights on.” If the supply of ATP is high, on the other hand, it might not be such a good idea to oxidize glucose at top speed. ATP is an unstable molecule, and if it sits around in the cell too long, it’s likely to spontaneously hydrolyze back to ADP. This is like the case of the melted ice cream sandwich: the cell has spent glucose to make ATP, and that ATP ends up going to waste.

It’s important for a cell to carefully match the activity of its fuel breakdown (pathways to its energy needs at a given moment. Here, we'll see how cells turn cellular respiration pathways “up” or “down” in response to ATP levels and other metabolic signals.

Which of the following would be the correct classification for the soil and earth material in the most productive aquifer?

low porosity, high permeability
high porosity, high permeability
low porosity, low permeability
high porosity, low permeability
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(50 points if you help FAST)



B. high porosity, high permeability

C. low porosity, low permeability


If a cell's organelle worked in an actual human factory and had the role of the electric generator, which organelle would it be?


Answer: mitochondria


An electric generator produces energy to do work. A mitochondria produces ATP to power the cell.

The producers represent the second trophic level.
True or false


False producers are on the first level
Herbivores I believe would be on the second level

enzyme activity can be affected by the following check all that apply



enzyme activity is affected by many factors such as temperature, concentration and ph  note that enzymes work best within a certain ph ranges


What happens to matter and energy in the process of photosynthesis?



Matter movement: Carbon dioxide and water enter into the cell. Matter change: Carbon dioxide and water react resulting in glucose and oxygen. Energy change: The light energy of the sun is converted into chemical energy that is stored in the high energy C-C and C-H bonds of glucose.

Explanation:hope it helps :)

How many of their boys also have dimples?



it's genetic


Baby cheeks are so sweet, pudgy, and pinchable. Pair those with adorable dimples and giggles and you have a baby akin to a kewpie doll.

Dimples are often seen as a desirable characteristic because they light up a face, even through smudged, terrible-two tears. They definitely seem to provide a little more personality!

But how do you know if your baby will have dimples? It’s a question that many soon-to-be parents ask themselves. The answer lies within miniscule, curly things called genes.

Lawrence is a long distance runner on the school’s track and field team. Proper nutrition is very important for athletes so Lawrence wants to make the right food choices before a big track meet.

Given what you know about how food is broken down to provide energy in the body, which is the best choice for Lawrence to eat before his event?

a supplement bar that provides 500 Calories composed of complex sugars
a candy bar that provides 500 Calories composed of simple sugars
a protein shake that provides 500 calories composed of complex sugars
a fruit smoothie that provides 500 calories of simple sugars



a supplement bar that provides 500 Calories composed of complex sugars


Got it right on edge

Describe why Canada geese migrate to meet their basic needs.



Canada Geese migrate because when winter gets harsh the lakes, ponds, and streams all freeze over so then the Canadian Geese can't eat, so they migrate to somewhere where there is open water. ... From their original home in the North the Canadian Geese fly all the way down to the south.



Canadian geese eat grass, during the winter in Canada the snow either covers all pf the available grass, or it dies. So they travel to warmer, southern regions where their grass is still abundant.

is there an edge to the universe?



And although our observable universe has an edge, the universe as a whole is infinite and has no edge. ... Many galaxies are so far away from the earth that the expansion of the universe causes them to recede from the earth at a speed faster than light.


Hope This Helps Friend!

Answer: The universe as a whole is infinite and has no edge. Many galaxies are so far away from the earth that the expansion of the universe causes them to recede from the earth at a speed faster than light.

Which statement is true about oxygen and nutrient levels of rivers? TIMED TEST

Your answer:

Fast moving mountain streams which flow over rocks and waterfalls are high in oxygen due to the amount of surface area of the water that is exposed to the air.

Fast moving mountain streams are high in nutrients. Organisms have adaptations to hold on in fast moving water, resulting in a large diversity organism.

Slow moving flood plain rivers are high in oxygen due to the amount of surface area of the water that is exposed to the air.

Slow moving flood plain rivers are low in nutrients. These rivers move too slow for plant growth and other organisms to survive.



fast moving mountain streams which flow over rocks and waterfalls are high in oxygen due to the amount of surface area of the water that is exposed to the air.

Fast moving mountain streams are high in nutrients. Organisms have adaptations to hold on in fast moving water, resulting in a large diversity organism.

Slow moving flood plain rivers are high in oxygen due to the amount of surface area of the water that is exposed to the air.

Slow moving flood plain rivers are low in nutrients. These rivers move too slow for plant growth and other organisms to survive.

List the six nitrogen bases that would pair with the following sequence of bases in a strand of DNA : T C G A C A


Answer: thymine (T) Cyostine (C) guanine (G) adenine (A)


Guanine (G) is complementary to cytosine (C), and adenine (A) is complementary to thymine (T). Hence, the nitrogenous bases that would form for the DNA bases TCGACA are AGCTGT.


How does base pairing take place in DNA?

A DNA double helix is joined together by the hydrogen bonds that are formed between the nitrogenous bases in the opposite strands. Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T) are the nitrogenous bases present in the DNA. Both adenine and guanine are purines. They make bonds with pyrimidine.

Adenine (A) of one DNA strand makes a double bond with Thymine (T) of the opposite DNA strand. The guanine (G) of one DNA strand makes three hydrogen bonds with the cytosine (C ) of the opposite DNA strand. As there are three hydrogen bonds present in guanine and cytosine (GC), they require more energy to break the bond. Adenine and thymine (AT) have two hydrogen bonds, hence they require less energy than GC bonds.

Hence, in a DNA strand, the complementary strand of TCGACA is AGCTGT.

To learn more about base pairing in DNA, refer to the following link:



Explain how the structure of saturated fats poses a danger to your health.



Saturated fats are long chains of rigid fats.


Saturated fats will raise the cholesterol levels of an individual. Their structure results in deposits of fatty acids within arteries and vastly increases the risk of heart-related disease.

Hope this helps

Saturated fats are long chains of rigid fats. Saturated fats will raise the cholesterol levels of an individual. Their structure results in deposits of fatty acids within arteries and vastly increases the risk of heart-related disease.

what element has fewer valence electrons than magnesium


Any element in the first column of the periodic table. Hydrogen, lithium, sodium, and potassium are a few examples
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