what are the places in india that the BEIC conquered?


Answer 1


The British East India Company (BEIC) played a significant role in India's history, particularly during the colonial period. Some of the major places in India that the BEIC conquered include:

Bengal: The BEIC established a strong presence in Bengal during the 18th century, culminating in the Battle of Plassey in 1757, which allowed the BEIC to gain control of the province.

Madras: The BEIC established a trading post in Madras (now Chennai) in 1639, which gradually grew into a significant British settlement.

Bombay: The BEIC acquired Bombay (now Mumbai) as part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza when she married Charles II of England in 1661.

Delhi: The BEIC played a role in the decline of the Mughal Empire, which was based in Delhi, and eventually gained control of the city after the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

Hyderabad: The BEIC gained control of Hyderabad through a combination of treaties and military action in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

These are just a few examples of the major places in India that the BEIC conquered. The BEIC played a significant role in shaping India's history, and its legacy can still be felt in the country today.

This is not an direct answer, but I hope it helps you in some way! I'm sorry if it doesn't, let me know if you need more help! :]

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In a paragraph of 125 words, describe how the rule of James I and Charles I caused support for the monarchy to deteriorate in England.


Answer:Support for the monarchy fell under the reigns of James I and Charles I, marking a turbulent time in English history. James I was regarded as a feeble and ineffective king who did nothing to resolve the political and theological problems that afflicted the nation


Support for the monarchy fell under the reigns of James I and Charles I, marking a turbulent time in English history. James I was regarded as a feeble and ineffective king who did nothing to resolve the political and theological problems that afflicted the nation. Contrarily, Charles I was viewed as haughty and despotic, and his attempts to strengthen royal authority brought about confrontation with Parliament. Support for the king was further weakened by his unpopular measures, including forced loans and ship money, and his decision to dissolve Parliament for an eleven-year period only inflamed the populace. The monarch was defeated and put to death as a result of the civil war that ensued between Parliament and the king's adherents. This horrible thing rocked me.

What were some important features of life in Constantinople?

1- Life was harsh with because of the breakup of the Christian Church.

2- The streets were unsafe due to revolt of the people from suppression of the Roman rulers.

3- There was building program that included the church, hospitals and schools.

4- It was the biggest trading center at the time but the buildings were in ruins.




The correct statements are:

3- There was a building program that included the church, hospitals, and schools.

4- It was the biggest trading center at the time.


Constantinople was a major center of the Byzantine Empire and a hub of trade, culture, and education. It was known for its impressive architecture and urban planning, which included the construction of many notable buildings, such as the Hagia Sophia, and the establishment of institutions, such as hospitals and schools. However, it was not known for harsh living conditions or unsafe streets due to revolts.

why did the major world powers fail to stop fascist aggression?


Answer: The allies did not stop fascist aggression in the 1930s because the liberal progressives of that era underestimated the danger. They wanted a stronger Germany to act as a buffer between the Soviet Union and the rest of Europe. The U.S. increased economic aid and naval support to Great Britain.


what were the major political parties in colonial america? there were no major political parties in colonial america tories and whigs whigs and republicans commonwealthmen and royalists


The major political parties in colonial America were the Tories and the Whigs. Tories were colonists who were loyal to the British monarchy, while the Whigs were colonists who supported the American Revolution and independence from British rule. The two parties were deeply divided over issues such as taxation and representation, with the Tories generally supporting the British government's authority and the Whigs advocating for greater colonial self-government. The Republican and Democratic parties did not emerge until after the American Revolution and the formation of the United States as a nation. The Commonwealthmen and Royalists were also important political groups during the colonial period, but they were not major political parties in the same sense as the Tories and the Whigs.

In Europe and throughout the world,____
urban economies experienced a higher_____
then agricultural economies.


industrial, and standard living

What are two or more similarities between Hitler and Mussolini or Stalin in their rises to power or their policies?

An optional way you may start your response is:

Hitler and (Mussolini/Stalin) both . . .


More similarities existed between Mussolini and Hitler than between Stalin and either of them. All all of them opposed democracy, but Mussolini stood out as a wonderful and generous leader who was far more capable than Hitler. Yet, some people mistook his benevolence for weakness.

What were the parallels between the ascent to power of Hitler and Mussolini?

Hitler and Mussolini both thought that they spoke for the actual people, who had been duped by the elite's lies. They were opposed to both capitalism and communism. From an ideological standpoint, authoritarian problems occur due was supposed to stand for a "third path" that was characterized by harmony, order, and interclass cooperation.

What are Stalin's and Mussolini's two points in common?

Similarities: • Both were conservative and backed strong government institutions. • Received momentum in the thread period, directly benefited from uncertainty and societal upheaval produced by the following war's events Basic Dissimilarity: Mussolini built a movement and an ideology, leading it himself;

To know more about Mussolini Visit:



Supreme Court Case
McCulloch v. Maryland Summary:

Why was this case important?

Gibbons v. Ogden Summary:

Why was this case important?


Why was this event important?


Why was this event important?


McCulloch v. Maryland was a landmark 1819 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the power to establish a national bank and that states could not tax federal institutions.

What did this establish?

This established the principle of federal supremacy over state laws and strengthened the power of the federal government.

Gibbons v. Ogden was a pivotal 1824 case in which the Supreme Court affirmed the federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce. This ruling paved the way for expanded federal authority over economic activity and helped establish the United States as a truly national economy.

The event refers to a hypothetical situation, so I cannot provide a description of its importance

Read more about Supreme Court here:


How did the closing of the American western frontier contribute to expansionist policies?
A. Western settlers began diverging and moving into Canada or South America
B. The US was running out of living space as more settlement sin the West were established
C. There were not enough raw materials for the entire country after hitting the West Coast
D. People felt that the frontier mentality helped drive and define American character


D. People felt that the frontier mentality helped drive and define the American character.

How did the closure of America's western frontier influence expansionist policies?

The closing of the American western frontier in 1890 led to the perception that American expansionism needed to shift focus to international affairs. With no new territories to conquer within the United States, some Americans believed that the country should expand its influence overseas, which led to a push for imperialism and the acquisition of colonies. This expansionist policy was driven in part by the idea that the "frontier mentality" of rugged individualism and conquest was crucial to American identity, and that the country needed to continue to demonstrate these qualities in order to remain a world power.

To learn more about imperialism, click



what are the major barriers to equality between students of differnt races


Answer: Barriers to educational equity include disproportionate poverty. This type of poverty remains one of the most significant moral dilemmas our society faces today. Labor, housing, and education laws, particularly during Jim Crow, primarily set upset up a racial caste system.


Cultural barriers are comprised of situations that are grounded in cultural factors that obstruct the workings in educational programs. These barriers are often highly complex, and as noted above, are based in the values and beliefs of groups of people.

How did the typical gender roles of most Native American Tribes upset English settlers' social and political expectations of gender?



Gender roles of most Native American tribes were the opposite to English settlers and went against their idea of the position of man and woman.


Most Native American tribes were matriarchal, meaning women held the power positions and authority. The clan membership/ role of a family was typically passed from the female side, and in some tribes, chiefs were female. This is the exact opposite of the patriarchal society English settlers' had, where men held absolute and all power, hence upsetting their social and political expectations of gender.

What were the Portuguese initially doing in Western Africa


they were initially trying to find gold.

hope this helps!



The Portuguese were initially exploring the coast of Western Africa in the 15th century in search of a sea route to the East Indies, as the traditional land route through the Middle East was controlled by Muslim powers who charged high fees for access to their ports. The Portuguese wanted to bypass these powers and establish their own trade network, and they believed that if they could find a sea route to the East, they could trade directly with the source of valuable spices and other goods.

In the process of exploring the West African coast, the Portuguese also sought to establish trading relationships with the local peoples, often trading for gold, ivory, and slaves. They also built trading posts and forts along the coast to protect their interests and to serve as bases for their ships. Over time, these trading posts became more permanent settlements, and the Portuguese began to establish a colonial presence in the region, which eventually led to the establishment of the Portuguese empire in Africa.

How did the women and their families feel about being sterilized during compulsory sterilization?



Compulsory sterilization, also known as forced sterilization, was a policy implemented in several countries throughout the 20th century. In the United States, it was primarily used to control the reproductive abilities of women who were considered "unfit" to bear children due to their perceived physical or mental disabilities, poverty, or race. The women and their families who were subjected to compulsory sterilization often had mixed feelings about the procedure.

Some women and their families welcomed sterilization as a form of birth control, especially in cases where they had several children and could not afford to raise more. Others may have agreed to sterilization under pressure from social workers, who threatened to remove their children or cut off public assistance if they did not comply. Additionally, some women may have been misled about the permanent nature of the procedure, as doctors sometimes used language that suggested the operation was reversible.

However, many women and their families were deeply traumatized by the experience of compulsory sterilization. They felt violated and powerless in the face of the state-sanctioned infringement on their reproductive rights. Many also experienced long-term physical and emotional side effects from the surgery, including chronic pain, depression, and anxiety.

In short, the views of women and their families regarding compulsory sterilization were complex and varied. While some may have seen the procedure as a necessary form of birth control, others experienced it as a traumatic violation of their rights and dignity.

Read the information in the table and answer the question that follows. Which statement explains the effect of these two events?

They reduced government regulation of the economy.

They led to an increase in the size of the executive branch.

They reduced public confidence in the federal government.

They led the president to increase the use of the veto power.


They reduced government regulation of the economy.

What distinguishes the US federal system?

A national government with a legislative, executive, and judicial branch is initially established, along with a system of checks and balances between the three. Additionally, it divides up power between the states and the federal government. Thirdly, it protects a range of individual liberties for Americans.

What distinguishes the US federal system?

A national government with a legislative, executive, and judicial branch is initially established, along with a system of checks and balances between the three. Additionally, it divides up power between the states and the federal government. Thirdly, it protects a range of individual liberties for Americans.

The three distinct branches of the Federal Government—legislative, executive, and judicial—are subject to the control of Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, in that order.

To know more about governments visit:



Examine the image. It's an artist’s representation of early pioneers moving to Oregon.
The questions are at the bottom of the screenshot!


This image shows a group of early pioneers in the mid-1800s, beginning a long journey from the East Coast to Oregon.

What is pioneers ?

Pioneers are people who take the initiative to explore and settle new areas, often with the purpose of establishing a new community. They are generally the first settlers of a new territory and have the courage to explore the unknown and the willingness to take on risks. Pioneers often have the drive to create something new and the courage to go into uncharted territory and face the unknown. They are often the innovators and the risk-takers, who are not afraid to try something new and to push the boundaries.

To learn more about pioneers



How did African rulers assist the slave trade?



African rulers played a role in the slave trade by participating in the capture and selling of slaves to European traders. Some African rulers would raid neighboring communities and sell captives to European traders in exchange for goods, such as textiles and firearms. Additionally, some African rulers would use slaves as a form of currency to pay for debts or as a means of social advancement. However, it is important to note that the majority of Africans who were sold into slavery were captured and enslaved by other Africans before being sold to European traders.

between 1871 and 1894, two major domestic political issues involved the achievement of liberal practices and the growth of political democracy. to what extent were these realized in great britain, france, germany, austria-hungary, and russia?


In Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia, there were major domestic political issues between 1871 and 1894 involving the achievement of liberal practices and the growth of political democracy.

To what extent were these realized in each country?

Great Britain: In Britain, a series of reforms between 1884 and 1905 expanded the liberal practices and promoted greater political democracy. These reforms included the extension of the franchise to men without property, the introduction of secret ballots, and the establishment of trade unions.

France: In France, the liberal practices and political democracy were limited by the repressive policies of the Second French Empire (1852–1870) and the Third French Republic (1870–1940). However, by the end of the 19th century, universal male suffrage had been introduced and reforms had begun to increase the power of parliament.

Germany: Germany saw the establishment of a liberal constitutional monarchy in 1871, which helped to expand liberal practices and promote the growth of political democracy. Political rights, such as freedom of speech, were granted and the franchise was expanded, leading to the first free elections in Germany in 1871.

Austria-Hungary: Austria-Hungary saw limited progress in achieving liberal practices and growing political democracy between 1871 and 1894. This was due to the structure of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which maintained a conservative monarchy that limited the power of parliament.

Russia: Russia also saw limited progress in achieving liberal practices and growing political democracy between 1871 and 1894. This was due to the autocratic rule of the Tsar, which restricted political freedoms and limited the power of parliament.

To know more about domestic political issues, click on the link below:



• 18. ¿Por qué Tomas Blanco dice que la sociedad puertorriqueña es una semilla


• 19. ¿Cuáles son las diferencias en la forma de ver al puertorriqueño de Pedreira y Blanco?



Tomas Blanco considera que la sociedad puertorriqueña es una semilla esperanzadora porque, a pesar de las dificultades y la pobreza, existe una gran solidaridad y comunidad entre los puertorriqueños.

Blanco ve el potencial de la isla y de su gente para lograr una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. Por otro lado, Pedro Pedreira tiene una visión más pesimista de la sociedad puertorriqueña, enfocándose en los problemas y la falta de educación y desarrollo. Pedreira enfatiza en la necesidad de una educación adecuada para mejorar la sociedad. En general, las diferencias entre ambos autores radican en su enfoque: Blanco es más optimista y ve el potencial de la sociedad, mientras que Pedreira es más crítico y se enfoca en los problemas y las necesidades de la educación y el desarrollo.

For such more question on potencial



Help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help


Jackson increased the amount of city business given to minority-owned firms and added a new terminal to the Atlanta airport, later renamed Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in his honor.

for the first question shown.

Former Atlanta Mayor Sam Massell described Maynard Jackson as a kingmaker who could influence local elections across the country.

For the last question shown.

(Hope this helps!)

Increased in italy contributed to the growth of wealth and influence among the growing middle clas


The increased trade and commerce in Italy during the Renaissance contributed to the growth of wealth and influence among the middle class and had significant political and cultural implications for the region.

What is the significance of the name Renaissance?

The term "Renaissance" comes from the French word "renaître," which means "to be reborn." The name is significant because it refers to a period of European history that saw a revival of interest in classical learning and a renewed focus on humanism and individualism.

The Renaissance was a time of great intellectual and cultural growth, characterized by a renewed interest in classical art, literature, philosophy, and science. It was a time when artists and scholars sought to rediscover the wisdom of the ancient Greeks and Romans and apply it to their own time and place.

To learn more about Renaissance, click



Dr. Kings’s strategy was to ""overburden the jails"" Why and How would this technique be effective?


Overcrowding the jails was a nonviolent strategy used by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement to oppose segregation laws and unfair treatment of African Americans.

By encouraging people to deliberately break unfair laws, such as by refusing to give up their seats on buses or participating in peaceful protests, the goal was to completely fill the jails. The capacity of the jails would be strained as a result of the protesters being detained and taken to jail.

Dr. King had several reasons for thinking that this tactic would work:

Increasing media coverage of the movement and bringing attention to the injustice and brutality by packing the jails with protesters

Overcrowding the jails was a nonviolent strategy used by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement to oppose segregation laws and unfair treatment of African Americans. By encouraging people to deliberately break unfair laws, such as by refusing to give up their seats on buses or participating in peaceful protests, the goal was to completely fill the jails. The capacity of the jails would be strained as a result of the protesters being detained and taken to jail.

To know more about  jails :  here



Lord Cornwallis William Howe John Burgoyne Henry Clinton With regards to the American Revolution, what do these people have in common? Responses A They were American politicians.They were American politicians. B They were British military leaders.They were British military leaders. C They were American military leaders.They were American military leaders. D They were British politicians.


Lord Cornwallis William Howe John Burgoyne Henry Clinton With regards to the American Revolution, the people are : B. They were British military leaders. They were British military leaders.

What do these people have in common?

Lord Cornwallis, William Howe, John Burgoyne, and Henry Clinton were all British military leaders during the American Revolution. Cornwallis played a key role in the southern campaign of the war, while Howe commanded British forces during the early years of the conflict.

Burgoyne led British forces in the disastrous Saratoga campaign, and Clinton was a major British commander in the latter stages of the war.

Therefore the correct option is B.

Learn more about Lord Cornwallis here:https://brainly.com/question/258951


What were some things that Huey Long did that some people may not have liked?


Huey Long, a former Louisiana governor and US senator, was shot and killed at the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on September 8, 1935, on a Sunday.

What were things that Huey Long did that some people may not have liked?

Long went to the State Capitol on September 8, 1935, to push a bill that would gerrymander Judge Benjamin Pavy's district, who had been in office for 28 years. Pavy's son-in-law Carl Weiss approached Long at 9:20 p.m., just after the bill to remove Pavy had been passed. According to the widely accepted account of what happened, Weiss fired a single revolver shot at Long from four feet (1.2 m) away, striking him in the torso.

The "Cossacks" or "skullcrushers," as Long's bodyguards were known, then opened fire with their pistols, killing Weiss. Weiss had been shot at least 60 times, according to an autopsy. Long sprinted across the legislative grounds, down a set of steps, and hailed a vehicle to take him to Our.

Learn more about Huey Long:



What was the purpose of the camp david accords led by president carter? question 3 options:
a. to broker peace between egypt and israel
b. to maintain good relations with the shah
c. to end the iranian hostage crisis to find a way
d. to end the economic recession


Israel and Egypt was over the state of war by signing a peace deal in March 1979 that largely mirrored President Carter's ideas from Camp David.

A war is what?

Many factors can cause nations to go to war. It has been stated that a country is going to war if it believes the advantages of war exceed the disadvantages and if there is no alternative likely, amicable option. An army, weaponry, and soldiers are typically present during a battle. A nation enforcing its rights via force is called a war. A war is not always an armed confrontation.

How do camps work?

A tiny, hydrophilic molecule known as cyclic adenosine monophosphate cyclic CAMP.

To know more about war visits :



What type of interpretation did Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans believe should be used for the Constitution?


Jefferson has been called "the most democratic of the founders". The Jeffersonians advocated a narrow interpretation of the Constitution's Article I provisions granting powers to the federal government. They strenuously opposed the Federalist Party, led by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton.

How did the fugitive slave act affect the legal systems of free states of the north? a. it prompted the creation of new personal liberty laws.b. it prevented attorneys from representing escaped enslaved people in court. c. it prompted passage of laws against personal liberties for escaped enslaved people. d. it changed how judges ruled at trials held in northern courts.


Answer: a. it prompted the creation of new personal liberty laws


option a


got it right on edge

Study the Political Cartoon and then answer #1 and 2

Explain the artist's message about the branches of government.


there are only three branches of government the cartoon shows that it is easy to make mistakes

The production of railroad tracks saw a major increase by 1900's because of the invention of steel, which, unlike iron, was__________
Please help


Answer: Cheap and easy to use.

Explanation: Because by the 1900s  Carnegie's steel was cheap

solve the worksheetbjhbhh



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South Carolina's rich cultural history can be partly attributed to early groups of colonial America. Choose ALL statements that correctly describe experiences of Native Americans in colonial South Carolina.


Native Americans resisted European attempts to colonise more territory and exert more control over them during the colonial era, but they faced other challenges, including new diseases.

Describe the scene with the Native Americans?

Native People were particularly vulnerable during the colonial era because of the slave trade. Native Americans who sided with the defeated European nation in conflicts frequently ended up as indentured servants or slaves. Native Americans were even moved into slavery from colonies like South Carolina to nations like Canada. The issues that Native Americans faced would only worsen in the 19th century, resulting in even more segregation and the eradication of aboriginal people.

To know more about  Native Americans visit:



1. In the political cartoon, Roosevelt is…
2. Roosevelt set aside land to…



1. The Big Stick in the Caribbean Sea” is a political cartoon where the main character is the US president Theodore Roosevelt. He is seen making dragging along a fleet of ships across the Caribbean Sea from Panam, Mexico, Santo Domingo, Venezuela, and Cuba; Roosevelt is making big strides while holding a big stick on his shoulder.
2. Roosevelt was persuaded to set aside 148 million acres of forest land>
(Optional) You can the others if you want


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