what are the similarities between home trade and foreign trade.​


Answer 1
All trade, whether domestic or interna­tional, arises from specialisation. As one region of a country brings the goods from other regions to make up the deficiencies, one country tries to bring goods and services, in which it has deficiencies, from other countries.

Related Questions

how has America changed over the years​


Working no longer means heading into an office.
Exercise isn't just for fitness fanatics anymore.
Virtually nobody has a home phone.
We interact completely differently.
Dating means little more than swiping right.
TV has become a bottomless resource.
Anyone can become a celebrity.

What is globalization?

(it's a phys ed question. and that it doesn't have an option for that) ​



Globalization is the increasing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought on by cross-border exchange in products and services, and technology, flows of investment, people, and knowledge.



the process  by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale


As used in line 43,"translate" most nearly means



A. convert


to translate something, you are converting it to a simpler term or for someone to better understand.

Can anyone help me in this question!!





im not sure but ive had this question before and im 99% sure its D

Which of the following is NOT one of the Millennium Development Goals?
eliminating extreme poverty
improving access to clean drinking water
creating universal primary education
installing authoritarian rulers in impoverished nations



I would say D


I studied that last year, I dont

remember D

The only option that is not part of the millennium development goals is D. installing authoritarian rulers in impoverished nations

What are the Millennium Development Goals?

The UN millennium development goals are 8 in number and they are listed below;

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

2. Achieve universal primary education.

3. Promote gender equality and empower women.

4. Reduce child mortality.

5. Improve maternal health.

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability.

8. Develop a global partnership for development

From the given options, the only one that is not part of the millennium development goals is D. installing authoritarian rulers in impoverished nations.

Read more about Millennium Development Goals at; https://brainly.com/question/23101674


Which process moves molecules and has these traits?

–moves from high concentration to low concentration
–moves from uneven distribution to even distribution
–can occur when there is no membrane
active transport in a cell
passive transport in a cell








what would you do if you were caught in one of these hazards?


If I was caught in the hazard I would simply just die and give up
the options are not listed but i would try my hardest to survive until i was no longer able to

asdyrf are u awake yet did u stay up ??



ima go eat rq and add brainly on my phone so i can still talk to you without being on the computer


Magaling mag disenyo ng cake.
A. literary
B. artistic
C. persuasive
D. musical

please help me​



B. Artistic

That's The Answer My Friend ❣️

yall sorry no QT for yall it want let me do one


I’m soo confused about this question lol




People’s experience can aid them in their careers. Experiences are best described as



in my opinion I'd say challenges or lessons




someone please help me with this!!!



50 and 50


2 halfs make a whole

The answer is 50/50

can you think of a possible explanation for the change in the thickness of the ozone layer in the years before the methyl bromide began to produce




Methyl bromide is a fumigant used to control pests in agriculture and shipping. Methyl bromide also depletes the ozone layer. Therefore, along with other countries, the United States has phased out production and consumption of methyl bromide with important exceptions for critical uses as well as quarantine and preshipment.

Which of the following is an unskilled worker?
Nurse's aide
Delivery person





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