What aspect of web page design allows a web page to work on different screen sizes?

________allows a web page to work on different screen sizes.​


Answer 1


Responsive web design allows a web page to work on different screen sizes.


Related Questions

Consider this list of numbers: 3 4 6 7 8 9. Assuming a Linear search starts with 3, after four comparisons, which number will be checked next?


Assuming a linear search starts with 3 and after four comparisons, the search would have checked the first four numbers in the list: 3, 4, 6, and 7. The next number to be checked would be 8 since it is the next number in the list after 7.

How does linear search work?

Here are the general steps of how a linear search algorithm works:

1. Start with the first element in the list or array.

2. Compare the first element with the target element.

3. If the elements match, return the index of the current element and exit.

4. If the elements do not match, move to the next element in the list.

5. Until the target element is located or the end of the list is reached, repeat steps 2-4.

6. If the target element is not found after searching the entire list, return a "not found" message.

A linear search is a simple search algorithm that checks each item in a list one by one until a match is found or the end of the list is reached.

Assuming a linear search starts with 3 and after four comparisons, the search would have checked the first four numbers in the list: 3, 4, 6, and 7. The search would have determined that the target number (the number being searched for) is not in the list up to this point, as it has not yet found a match. the search would continue with the next number in the list, which is 8. The search algorithm would compare the target number with 8, and if they do not match, it would continue to the next number, which is 9. Since 9 is the last number in the list, if the target number is not found in this step, the search would end with the result that the target number is not present in the list.

Therefore, the number to be checked next in a linear search after four comparisons, when searching the list 3 4 6 7 8 9 starting with 3, would be 8.

To learn more about linear search click here



Write a program that’s asks for the number of checks written during the past month, then computers and displays the banks fees for the month. (PYTHON))


Here's an example Python program that asks for the number of checks written during the past month and computes and displays the bank fees for the month for Ally Baba bank:

# Ask for the month and number of checks written
month = input("Enter the month: ")
num_checks = int(input("Enter the number of checks written this month: "))

# Validate the input
if num_checks < 0:
print("Cannot enter a negative number")
# Compute the bank fees
base_fee = 10.0 # base fee for the month
if num_checks < 20:
per_check_fee = 0.10 # fee per check for fewer than 20 checks
elif num_checks < 40:
per_check_fee = 0.08 # fee per check for 20-39 checks
elif num_checks < 60:
per_check_fee = 0.06 # fee per check for 40-59 checks
per_check_fee = 0.04 # fee per check for 60 or more checks
total_fee = base_fee + (num_checks * per_check_fee)

# Display the bank fees for the month
print(f"\nCheck Fees Summary\nMonth of statement: {month}\nFor writing {num_checks} checks, the bank fee is ${total_fee:.2f}")

In this program, we first ask the user to enter the month and the number of checks written using the `input()` function and convert the latter to an integer using the `int()` function. We then validate the input to ensure that the number of checks is not negative using an `if` statement. If it is not negative, we compute the bank fees using a base fee of 10 dollars and a fee per check that depends on the number of checks written. Finally, we display the check fees summary using the `print()` function and the f-string syntax to format the output with two decimal places.

Ashley has included a bar graph in a term paper she’s authoring using a word processor. To make sure that the graph is not cut off when printed, she decides that the page with the graph should be printed horizontally. What should Ashley do?

change the paper size of the page on which the graph is included
set landscape orientation for the page on which the graph is included
decrease the margins of the page on which the graph is included
zoom out of the page on which the graph is included


The thing that Ashley need to or should do is option B. set landscape orientation for the page on which the graph is included

What is the word processor about?

In this scenario, Ashley wants to make sure that a bar graph she has included in a term paper will not be cut off when the page is printed. One way to achieve this is to print the page horizontally, which means that the page will be printed in landscape orientation instead of the default portrait orientation.

Therefore, In portrait orientation, the page is taller than it is wide, which may not provide enough horizontal space for the graph to fit without being cut off. By changing the page orientation to landscape, the page is wider than it is tall, providing more horizontal space for the graph to fit within the margins of the page.

Read more about word processor here:



Can anyone give me the answers to CMU CS Academy Unit 2.4? Any of the practice problems such as Puffer Fish or Alien Eye will do. I’ve already done drum set, animal tracks, and the spiderman mask one. Thanks!


Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide the answers to the practice problems for CMU CS Academy Unit 2.4 as these are meant to be solved by the students themselves.

What is CMU CS Academy?

CMU CS Academy is an online, interactive, and self-paced computer science curriculum developed by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). It is designed to give students the opportunity to learn computer science fundamentals in a fun and engaging way. With its interactive and self-paced structure, students can learn at their own pace and engage with the materials in an engaging, dynamic way. The curriculum covers topics such as problem solving, programming, algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, and more. With its intuitive and interactive design, students can learn and apply the concepts learned in a step-by-step manner. CMU CS Academy also provides tools and resources to help students on their learning journey, such as online quizzes, tutorials, and project-based learning.

To learn more about Carnegie Mellon University



Add the function min as an abstract function to the class arrayListType to return the smallest element of the list.

Also, write the definition of the function min in the class unorderedArrayListType and write a program to test this function.
part 4

#ifndef H_arrayListType
#define H_arrayListType

class arrayListType
bool isEmpty() const;
//Function to determine whether the list is empty
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
// otherwise, returns false.

bool isFull() const;
//Function to determine whether the list is full
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is full;
// otherwise, returns false.

int listSize() const;
//Function to determine the number of elements in
//the list.
//Postcondition: Returns the value of length.

int maxListSize() const;
//Function to determine the maximum size of the list
//Postcondition: Returns the value of maxSize.

void print() const;
//Function to output the elements of the list
//Postcondition: Elements of the list are output on the
// standard output device.

bool isItemAtEqual(int location, int item) const;
//Function to determine whether item is the same as
//the item in the list at the position specified
//by location.
//Postcondition: Returns true if list[location]
// is the same as item; otherwise,
// returns false.
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is displayed.

virtual void insertAt(int location, int insertItem) = 0;
//Function to insert insertItem in the list at the
//position specified by location.
//Note that this is an abstract function.
//Postcondition: Starting at location, the elements of
// the list are shifted down,
// list[location] = insertItem; length++;
// If the list is full or location is out of
// range, an appropriate message is displayed.

virtual void insertEnd(int insertItem) = 0;
//Function to insert insertItem at the end of
//the list. Note that this is an abstract function.
//Postcondition: list[length] = insertItem; and length++;
// If the list is full, an appropriate
// message is displayed.

void removeAt(int location);
//Function to remove the item from the list at the
//position specified by location
//Postcondition: The list element at list[location] is
// removed and length is decremented by 1.
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is displayed.

void retrieveAt(int location, int& retItem) const;
//Function to retrieve the element from the list at the
//position specified by location
//Postcondition: retItem = list[location]
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is displayed.

virtual void replaceAt(int location, int repItem) = 0;
//Function to replace the elements in the list
//at the position specified by location.
//Note that this is an abstract function.
//Postcondition: list[location] = repItem
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is displayed.

void clearList();
//Function to remove all the elements from the list
//After this operation, the size of the list is zero.
//Postcondition: length = 0;

virtual int seqSearch(int searchItem) const = 0;
//Function to search the list for searchItem.
//Note that this is an abstract function.
//Postcondition: If the item is found, returns the
// location in the array where the item is
// found; otherwise, returns -1.

virtual void remove(int removeItem) = 0;
//Function to remove removeItem from the list.
//Note that this is an abstract function.
//Postcondition: If removeItem is found in the list,
// it is removed from the list and length
// is decremented by one.

// Add the abstract function min

arrayListType(int size = 100);
//Creates an array of the size specified by the
//parameter size. The default array size is 100.
//Postcondition: The list points to the array, length = 0,
// and maxSize = size;

arrayListType (const arrayListType& otherList);
//Copy constructor

virtual ~arrayListType();
//Deallocate the memory occupied by the array.

int *list; //array to hold the list elements
int length; //variable to store the length of the list
int maxSize; //variable to store the maximum
//size of the list




Here's the updated `arrayListType.h` file with the `min` function added as a pure virtual function:


#ifndef H_arrayListType

#define H_arrayListType

class arrayListType



virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;

virtual bool isFull() const = 0;

virtual int listSize() const = 0;

virtual int maxListSize() const = 0;

virtual void print() const = 0;

virtual int min() const = 0; // Add the function min as an abstract function




And here's the updated `unorderedArrayListType.h` file with the implementation of the `min` function:




#include "arrayListType.h"

class unorderedArrayListType : public arrayListType



int min() const override; // Implement the min function

unorderedArrayListType(int size = 100);

bool isEmpty() const override;

bool isFull() const override;

int listSize() const override;

int maxListSize() const override;

void print() const override;

void insertAt(int location, int insertItem) override;

void insertEnd(int insertItem) override;

void removeAt(int location) override;

void retrieveAt(int location, int& retItem) const override;

void replaceAt(int location, int repItem) override;

void clearList() override;



int *list;

int length;

int maxSize;




Note that the `min` function is declared in `unorderedArrayListType.h` as an override to the pure virtual function `min` in `arrayListType`. The implementation of the `min` function is in `unorderedArrayListType.cpp`, as shown in my previous message.

Finally, here's an example program to test the `min` function:


#include <iostream>

#include "unorderedArrayListType.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


unorderedArrayListType intList(25);

int number;

cout << "Enter 8 integers: ";

for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)


cin >> number;



cout << endl;


cout << endl;

//Testing for min


Write short notes on the following with the help
of an example mentioning their use in the
programs : 10 × 2 = 20
(a) getch( )
(b) void( )
(c) gets( )
(d) + + (increment operator)
(e) – – (decrement operator)
(f) % operator
(g) break statement
(h) # define
(i) fseek( )
(j) Goto statement


Answer: (a) getch(): The getch() function is used to read a single character from the keyboard without echoing it on the screen. It is commonly used in programs that require user input. For example, in a program that prompts the user to enter their name, getch() can be used to read the first character of the name.

(b) void(): The void keyword is used in function declarations to indicate that the function does not return a value. For example, a void function could be used to print a message to the screen, but it would not return a value that could be used in further calculations.

(c) gets(): The gets() function is used to read a string of characters from the keyboard. It reads input until a newline character is encountered. For example, in a program that prompts the user to enter a sentence, gets() can be used to read the entire sentence as a string.

(d) ++ (increment operator): The increment operator is used to increase the value of a variable by one. For example, if the variable x has a value of 5, x++ would increase the value to 6.

(e) -- (decrement operator): The decrement operator is used to decrease the value of a variable by one. For example, if the variable x has a value of 5, x-- would decrease the value to 4.

(f) % (modulus operator): The modulus operator is used to find the remainder of a division operation. For example, 7 % 3 would return a value of 1, because 3 goes into 7 two times with a remainder of 1.

(g) break statement: The break statement is used to exit a loop or switch statement before it has finished executing all iterations or cases. For example, in a program that searches an array for a specific value, the break statement could be used to exit the loop once the value has been found.

(h) #define: The #define preprocessor directive is used to define a constant value that can be used throughout a program. For example, #define PI 3.14 would define a constant value for pi that could be used in mathematical calculations throughout the program.

(i) fseek(): The fseek() function is used to move the file pointer to a specific location in a file. For example, if a program is reading data from a file, fseek() can be used to move the file pointer to a specific location in the file to read the data.

(j) goto statement: The goto statement is used to transfer control to a different part of the program. It is often used in error handling to jump to a specific label in the code when an error occurs. However, its use is generally discouraged because it can make code difficult to read and maintain.

This took me a while Brainiest Appreciated (:

Access Help defaults to searching for information on the ____.



Access Help defaults to searching for information on the current version of Access installed on your computer.


The Python math module contains several functions you can do, as described in the chapter. In this lab, you will ask the user for two integers, then find their greatest common divisor and print it out. The function in the math module that will find the greatest common divisor of two numbers is called gcd(a,b) where a and b are the two integers. After that, find the factorial of the greatest common divisor and print it. The factorial function in the math library is called factorial(x) where x is the number you want the factorial of. You may use any prompts you would like in order to input the numbers.



Here's a Python code that asks the user for two integers, finds their greatest common divisor, calculates its factorial, and prints the result:

import math

# Prompt the user for two integers

a = int(input("Enter an integer: "))

b = int(input("Enter another integer: "))

# Find the greatest common divisor

gcd = math.gcd(a, b)

print("The greatest common divisor of", a, "and", b, "is", gcd)

# Calculate the factorial of the greatest common divisor

fact = math.factorial(gcd)

print("The factorial of", gcd, "is", fact)


This code first imports the math module which contains the functions we need. It then prompts the user for two integers and converts them to integer type using the int() function. Next, it uses the gcd() function from the math module to find the greatest common divisor of the two integers and prints the result. Finally, it uses the factorial() function from the math module to calculate the factorial of the greatest common divisor and prints the result.

create a program that prints the mirror image of an n-dimensional identity matrix (where n is input by the user). An identity matrix is defined as a square matrix with 1's running from the top left of the square to the bottom right. The rest are 0's. use python


We first ask the user to enter the identity matrix's size in this programme (n). Then, we set the diagonal elements to 1 and the rest elements to 0, resulting in a n x n identity matrix.

In Python, how do you solve a matrix?

Use Python's numpy. linalg. solve() function to solve a linear matrix equation. By this approach, the well-determined, or full rank, linear matrix equation axe = b's "exact" solution, x, is calculated.

The identity matrix's size should be entered.

# Make an identity matrix of size n by n.

matrix = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)]

for i in range(n):

   matrix[i][i] = 1

# print the original matrix

print("Original matrix:")

for row in matrix:


# create the mirror image of the matrix

mirror = []

for row in matrix:


# Print the matrix's mirror image.

print("Mirror image of the matrix:")

for row in mirror:


To know kore about programme visit:-



Describe the function of police.​


Answer: protect the constitutional rights of citizens and maintain respect for the rule of law by proper enforcement thereof, and, thereby, to preserve democratic processes. They are very important to society.

in cell e2, enter a formula using TEXTJOIN


Sum(E2:E6). This is a formulae but if function will be like e2:e6

How can you evaluate or measure information quality?



Authority: Find out how reliable and knowledgeable the author or source of the information is. This can include looking at the author's qualifications, credentials, and institution affiliations.Accuracy: Compare the information to other reliable sources or websites that check facts to see if it is correct. Check the information for any mistakes or things that don't make sense.Objectivity: Think about any possible biases or hidden agendas when figuring out how objective the information is. Look for views that are fair and balanced.Currency: Check the date of publication or the most recent update to see how up-to-date the information is. Make sure the information is correct and up-to-date.Relevance: Think about how the information fits into your research or question. Make sure the information is relevant to your topic and helps prove your point.Coverage: Figure out how well the information covers the topic or issue and how much depth and breadth it has. Look for information that is complete and full.

Which department received the most human resources complaints in 2020? USE the subproduct: hr subproduct. List the date the human resource complaint was submitted to the company. List the department name with the most human resources complaints in 2020 using the hr subproduct in the query?


SELECT department, date_submitted

FROM cοmplaints

WHERE subprοduct = 'hr subprοduct'

AND YEAR(date_submitted) = 2020

GROUP BY department



This query selects the department and date_submitted cοlumns frοm the cοmplaints table, filters fοr οnly cοmplaints with the 'hr subprοduct' subprοduct and submitted in 2020 using the WHERE clause and YEAR functiοn, grοups the results by department using GROUP BY, οrders the grοups by the cοunt οf cοmplaints in each department in descending οrder using ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC, and returns οnly the first rοw (which will have the highest cοunt) using LIMIT 1.

To know more about SQL, visit:



num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

num = num % 4

if num == 1:


elif num == 2:


elif num == 3:


elif num == 4:




What use types in 7, 21, 4, and 6, what are each of the outputs?


If the user enters 7, the οutput will be "C".

If the user enters 21, the οutput will be "A".

If the user enters 4, the οutput will be "D".

If the user enters 6, the οutput will be "C".

What is an οperatοr?  

An οperatοr is a symbοl οr keywοrd that perfοrms an actiοn οn οne οr mοre values οr expressiοns in a prοgramming language.

An if...else statement is a cοntrοl structure in prοgramming that allοws fοr cοnditiοnal executiοn οf cοde. It allοws the prοgram tο execute οne set οf statements if a certain cοnditiοn is true, and anοther set οf statements if the cοnditiοn is false.

This is because the cοde takes the input number, calculates its remainder when divided by 4 using the mοdulus οperatοr (%), and then uses a series οf if-else statements tο determine the apprοpriate οutput based οn the remainder value. Fοr example, if the remainder is 3, the οutput will be "C". If the remainder is 1, the οutput will be "A", and sο οn.

To know more about operators, visit:



Choose the best answer to fill in the blank:
When you create a piece of writing that analyzes a website, you are using
information from the website under ______ guidelines.
OA. fair use
B. creative
C. academic
D. media review


Fair use is the answer


Fair use is the answer.


In my opinion I think copyright is better for a choice...

Using JUnit 4's Assert class , write tests for the class covering following cases, 1. the put method will do nothing when passed nll.is should also do nothing when passed any empty string. , 2. each individual item can only be taken from the shelf once , 3. duplicate items can exist on the shelf at the same time


The put function's behaviour when null is provided is tested by the test Put Method With Null() method. We build a fresh Shelf object, place null on it, and claim that the shelf's size remains 0.

Which of the above JUnit 4 rules is used to check whether the method being tested is raising the required exception?

Assert Error Message for JUnit 4. We must utilise the Expected Exception rule if we wish to test the exception message.

What is Java's JUnit 4?

The Java programming language has an open-source framework for unit testing called JUnit. This framework is used by Java developers to create and run automated tests. Every time a new piece of code is added to a Java programme, certain test cases need to be run again.

To know more about function's visit:-



From the menu of the navigation pane, Cecily wants multiple joined tables to be displayed. She later changes her mind and wants several different types of data displayed. Which shows the correct order and menu items Cecily selects?
A.) She first selects Table, then All Access Objects.
B.) She first selects Queries, then All Access Objects.
C.) She first selects Forms, then Queries.
D.) She first selects All Access Objects, then Queries.



D.) She first selects All Access Objects, then Queries.


Write code that outputs numBaths as follows. End with a new line. Ex: if the input is 3 the output is Baths: 3. Java please!



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);


       int numBaths = scnr.nextInt();


       System.out.println("Baths: " + numBaths);




This code prompts the user to enter the number of baths and then outputs it with the string "Baths: " using the System.out.println() method.

DRIVING QUEST UNIT 19: Question 6: Many alcohol-impaired individuals still believe they can drive due to.

-the natural ability of alcohol to boost confidence.
-the fact that alcohol changes perception and sharpens the motor skills.
-the fact that alcohol changes perception and allows to become uninhibited.




The correct answer is "the fact that alcohol changes perception and allows them to become uninhibited."


Many alcohol-impaired individuals still believe they can drive due to the fact that alcohol changes perception and allows them to become uninhibited. Therefore, option C is correct.

Alcohol consumption can have various side effects on the body, especially when consumed in excessive amounts. Some common side effects of alcohol include impaired judgment and decision-making, slowed reflexes and coordination, memory problems, digestive issues, liver damage, cardiovascular effects, weakened immune system, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and mental health issues.

Learn more about the effects of alcohol, here:



Discuss about the advantage of GUI operating system (MS-Window) over Text based operating system (DOS).​



i dont have a plan of this app please help

Discuss the generations of computer in terms of- the technology used by them (hardware and software), computing characteristics (speed, i.e., number of instructions executed per second), physical appearance, and their applications.​


The many stages of technological development in computer development are referred to as computer generations. There are five different generations of computers, each with unique hardware.

What are the second generation of computers' hardware and software technologies?

Magnetic cores served as the primary memory in this generation, with magnetic tape and magnetic disks serving as backup storage. This generation used high-level programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL as well as assembly code.

What does the terms "hardware" and "software" mean to you?

Hardware and software make up the two categories that make up a computer system. The term "hardware" describes the actual, observable parts of the system, such as the display, CPU, keyboard, and mouse.

To know more about technological visit:-



Discuss the generation of computers in terms of □ the technology used by the (hardware and software) Computing characteristics (speed, i.e, number of instruction executed per second] Physical appeareance, and □ their applications.​


Computers have evolved through several generations, each characterized by hardware and software technology advances.

Different computer generations

The first generation (1940-1956) computers used vacuum tubes as the primary component and were the size of a room.

Second-generation computers (1956-1963) replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, reducing the size and cost while increasing speed.

Third-generation computers (1964-1971) used integrated circuits, further increasing speed and reducing size and cost.

Fourth-generation computers (1971-1989) used microprocessors, enabling the development of personal computers.

Fifth-generation computers (1989-present) use artificial intelligence and parallel processing to improve speed and functionality.

The applications of computers have also evolved from basic calculations and data storage to advanced tasks such as simulation, virtual reality, and machine learning.

Read more about computers here:



What is data center? Why is it important?​




A data center is a facility that centralizes an organization's IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing and disseminating data and applications. Because they house an organization's most critical and proprietary assets, data centers are vital to the continuity of daily operations.

You started a business at home doing editing work. People share their manuscripts with you, and you do language editing and document formatting. Which type of computer will you need for this business? Mention two types of computers that
you could buy (2 points) and give the pros and cons of each (3 points)


Two types of computers that could be considered are desktops and laptops.


What is a Desktop?

Desktops are more powerful and customizable than laptops, making them ideal for heavy-duty tasks like video editing and gaming. They also tend to have larger screens, which can be helpful for working with multiple documents simultaneously. However, they are not portable and take up more space than laptops.

Laptops, on the other hand, are highly portable and ideal for working on the go. They also come with built-in batteries, allowing you to work without being tethered to a power outlet. However, they tend to be less powerful than desktops and may not be ideal for heavy-duty tasks.

Read more about computers here:



Write your own function, named Quizzer, which when called will do the following:

Generate 2 random integers between 1-10 (inclusive)
Print the 2 numbers to the screen as a math problem, e.g. 2 * 10 = ?
Ask the user what the product (multiplication) of the 2 numbers is (e.g. the answer to the math problem)
Return True if the user's answer was correct, False otherwise.
Additionally, your solution should include a main program which, when your python file is run will call your Quizzer function (one time) and store the result from Quizzer in a new variable named success. If success is True after Quizzer is done running, print to the screen: "Good job!" Else, print to the screen the "Better luck next time."


Below is a possible implementation of the Quizzer function that meets the requirements you described:


import random

def Quizzer():

   # Generate 2 random integers between 1-10 (inclusive)

   num1 = random.randint(1, 10)

   num2 = random.randint(1, 10)


   # Print the 2 numbers to the screen as a math problem

   print(f"{num1} * {num2} = ?")


   # Ask the user what the product (multiplication) of the 2 numbers is

   user_answer = int(input("Enter your answer: "))


   # Check if the user's answer was correct

   if user_answer == num1 * num2:

       return True


       return False

# Call Quizzer function and store the result in a new variable named success

success = Quizzer()

# Check if success is True and print appropriate message to the screen

if success:

   print("Good job!")


   print("Better luck next time.")

What is the function about?

A computer function is a block of code that performs a specific task or set of tasks within a program. In programming, functions are used to modularize code, making it easier to read, write, and maintain. Functions typically accept input parameters, perform a series of operations on the input, and then return a result.

Functions in programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and Java are defined using a specific syntax. Here's an example of a simple function in JavaScript:


function addNumbers(num1, num2) {

 return num1 + num2;


Read more about function here:



Anybody know how to do 8.1.2 Dory and Marlin on CMU CS Academy?


In order to represent the walls in each row of the maze, this software first constructs it using a bit array. Dory and Marlin's starting place is slated to (2, 2).

What is Hour of Code at CMU?

The goal of the Hour of Code, a global movement launched by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org, is to teach one hour of computer science and programming to millions of students.

from cs1lib import *

from array import array

# set up maze

maze = array('B', [0x1f, 0x11, 0x1d, 0x11, 0x1f])

# set starting position

x, y = 2, 2

def draw():

   global x, y

       # draw maze

   set_fill_color(0, 0, 1)

   for i in range(5):

       for j in range(5):

           if maze[i] & (1 << j):

               draw_rectangle(j*20, i*20, 20, 20)


   # draw Dory and Marlin

   set_fill_color(1, 1, 0)

   draw_circle(x*20+10, y*20+10, 10)

   set_fill_color(1, 0, 0)

   draw_circle((x+1)*20-10, (y+1)*20-10, 10)

      # check if Marlin has reached the end

   if x == 3 and y == 3:


       set_stroke_color(0, 0, 0)


       draw_line(x*20+10, y*20+10, (x+1)*20-10, (y+1)*20-10)



     # check for input

   if has_keyboard_input():

       key = get_keyboard_input()

       if key == "up":

           if y > 0 and not maze[y-1] & (1 << x):

               y -= 1

       elif key == "down":

           if y < 4 and not maze[y+1] & (1 << x):

               y += 1

       elif key == "left":

           if x > 0 and not maze[y] & (1 << x-1):

               x -= 1

       elif key == "right":

           if x < 4 and not maze[y] & (1 << x):

               x += 1

start_graphics(draw, width=100, height=100)

To know more about software visit:-



How ICT is important On entertainment​



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. ICT has revolutionized the way we create, distribute, and consume entertainment. In this essay, I will explore the importance of ICT in the entertainment industry.

Firstly, ICT has transformed the way entertainment is created. Advances in digital technology have made it possible to create and produce high-quality content more efficiently and cost-effectively. For example, digital editing software and computer-generated imagery (CGI) have made it possible to create visually stunning movies and television shows. Similarly, digital recording technology has made it possible to produce high-quality music recordings without the need for expensive studio equipment.

Secondly, ICT has revolutionized the distribution of entertainment. The rise of the internet and digital streaming services has made it easier than ever for people to access a wide variety of entertainment content. People can now watch movies and television shows, listen to music, and play video games on demand from anywhere in the world. This has made it easier for content creators to reach a global audience and has opened up new revenue streams for the entertainment industry.

Thirdly, ICT has transformed the way people consume entertainment. The rise of social media and online communities has made it easier for people to connect with like-minded individuals who share their interests in entertainment. People can now share their favorite movies, music, and TV shows with friends and followers, and participate in online discussions about their favorite entertainment content.

In addition, ICT has also created new opportunities for interactive and immersive entertainment experiences. For example, virtual reality technology has made it possible to create fully immersive experiences that allow people to interact with entertainment content in new and exciting ways. Similarly, video game technology has made it possible to create interactive entertainment experiences that allow people to control the outcome of the story.

In conclusion, ICT has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. It has transformed the way entertainment is created, distributed, and consumed, and has opened up new opportunities for interactive and immersive entertainment experiences. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see even more innovation in the entertainment industry, which will continue to shape the way we experience and enjoy entertainment.

What are the most famous modern communication terminals?


Answer: smartphones, tablets, and computers.


The most famous modern communication terminals are smartphones, tablets, and computers. Smartphones are handheld devices that allow users to make calls, send texts and emails, access the internet, and use a variety of apps. Tablets are similar to smartphones but larger in size and often used for more intensive activities such as multimedia and gaming. Computers are the most versatile of the three and are used for a variety of tasks from entertainment to business.

Which of the following operating system is not likely to be running on a server








6. Create a SQL query that for the employee Nathan Geller will identify the projects he’s associated with. List the project ID, employee ID, employee last name and project start date for all projects whose assigned employee’s last name is Geller


Assuming you have two tables employees and projects, with the employee_id as the foreign key in the projects table, the SQL query would look like this:


SELECT projects.project_id, employees.employee_id, employees.last_name, projects.start_date

FROM projects

JOIN employees ON projects.employee_id = employees.employee_id

WHERE employees.last_name = 'Geller' AND employees.first_name = 'Nathan'

This query joins the projects and employees tables on the employee_id foreign key and then filters by the last name and first name of the employee.

The SELECT statement then retrieves the project ID, employee ID, employee last name, and project start date for all projects associated with Nathan Geller.

Read more about SQL here:



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