What central idea about the government of the united states is expressed in the 1879 speech by chief joseph? a. the government has misunderstood the wishes of indigenous peoples. b. the government has not even been willing to listen to indigenous peoples. c. the government has made many false promises to indigenous peoples. d. the government can never lessen the pain suffered by indigenous peoples.


Answer 1

The central idea about the government of the United States that expressed in the 1879 Speech by Chief Joseph is c) The government has made many false promises to the indigenous peoples.


The story of Chief Joseph begins with the peaceful life of his people in the scenic green valley of Wallowa, where the clear lake water reflects off the snow-capped mountain peaks. It is the home of the Nez Perce tribe, located in the northwestern part of America, which is now part of the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

The old man's name was actually Tuekakas, but white people called him Chief Joseph. For nearly 70 years the Nez Perce tribe, who hunted and raised horses, showed hospitality and kindness to white settlers, church missionary groups, and explorers who came to their valley. Chief Joseph was a friend of the white nation until 1871, when he witnessed trouble brewing.

White men found gold in the mountains of the Nez Perce lands, causing waves of immigrants, who later asked the American government to open up the land. The Indians had to move in various ways, including being given gifts, money, and being forced into various agreements. Old Joseph refused to give up his lands. He said, "Take all your agreement papers. I don't want me to touch them."

Learn more about chief Joseph at



Answer 2

Answer: i can confirm that the correct answer is C.


The story of Chief Joseph begins with the peaceful life of his people in the scenic green valley of Wallowa, where the clear lake water reflects off the snow-capped mountain peaks. It is the home of the Nez Perce tribe, located in the northwestern part of America, which is now part of the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

The old man's name was actually Tuekakas, but white people called him Chief Joseph. For nearly 70 years the Nez Perce tribe, who hunted and raised horses, showed hospitality and kindness to white settlers, church missionary groups, and explorers who came to their valley. Chief Joseph was a friend of the white nation until 1871, when he witnessed trouble brewing.

White men found gold in the mountains of the Nez Perce lands, causing waves of immigrants, who later asked the American government to open up the land. The Indians had to move in various ways, including being given gifts, money, and being forced into various agreements. Old Joseph refused to give up his lands. In the text, He said, "Take all your agreement papers. I don't want me to touch them."

Hence making the correct answer, C. The government has made many false promises to Indigenous peoples.

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answers are...




what was the first accomplishment of the fourteenth amendment? it formally ended slavery in the united states it guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race it overruled the dred scott case defining citizenship and facilitated birthright citizenship. it required former confederates to petition for a pardon.


The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, promised "equal protection of the laws" to all citizens, including former slaves, and extended citizenship to anybody born or naturalized in the country. Thus, option C is correct.

On July 9, 1868, the United States Constitution's fourteenth amendment, sometimes known as Amendment XIV, became a part of the Reconstruction Amendments. It was proposed in response to problems involving former slaves after the American Civil War and is frequently regarded as one of the most important amendments since it covers citizenship rights and equal protection under the law.

The Confederacy's vanquished states, which were compelled to approve the amendment in order to restore their congressional representation, fiercely opposed it. There are multiple clauses in the amendment's first section, including the Citizenship Clause, the Privileges or Immunities Clause, the Due Process Clause, and the Equal Protection Clause. The Citizenship Clause's expansive definition of citizenship renders the Supreme Court's ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford irrelevant (1857).

To learn more about fourteenth amendment: https://brainly.com/question/7570923


please help me.

Look at the items embedded in this stone block.

What did you see next to the bone?

a stone point

a rock chip

an insect


Prob A stone point- or A rock chip?
I hope this helps
Btw I think it’s A stone point!

Which best describes a result of the legal reforms of Süleyman, the Ottoman
Non-Muslims could practice their religion if they paid a tax
Pirates received government funding to raid neighboring civilizations
Women were accepted into universities
All religious freedoms ended


Non-Muslims could practice their religion if they paid a tax.

Who was Suleyman, the Ottoman emperor?

Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until 1566 was Süleyman the Magnificent, often known as Süleyman I or the Lawgiver. In the areas of law, literature, art, and architecture, he oversaw the creation of some of what are today recognized as the most iconic masterpieces of Ottoman civilization.

Sultan Selim I only had one son, Suleyman, who was born between November 1494 and April 1495 and passed sometime on September 5 or 6, 15 in Szigetvár, Hungary. He served as the sancak beyi (governor) of Kaffa and Manisa, respectively, under the rule of his grandfathers Selim I in western Asia Minor and Bayezid II in the Crimea.

to learn more about Suleyman click:



What organization was created for peace after ww2?


United nations organization was created for peace after ww2.

The United nation is a global company based in 1945 after the second world war by fifty one countries devoted to maintaining international peace and safety, growing pleasant relations among international locations and selling social development, better living requirements and human rights.

Due to its specific international man or woman, and the powers vested in its founding constitution, the organization can take movement on a huge variety of problems, and offer a discussion board for its 193 Member States to express their views, thru the overall meeting, the safety Council, the economic and Social Council and different bodies and committees.

The work of the United nations reaches each corner of the globe. although quality recognized for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, war prevention and humanitarian help, there are many other approaches the United international locations and its system (specialized businesses, price range and programmes) affect our lives and make the world a better vicinity. The agency works on a huge variety of fundamental issues, from sustainable development, environment and refugees safety, catastrophe alleviation, counter terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation, to promoting democracy, human rights, gender equality and the advancement of women, governance, financial and social improvement and worldwide health, clearing landmines, expanding meals production, and extra, in an effort to gain its dreams and coordinate efforts for a safer global for this and future generations.

To know more about world war 2 click here:



The United Nations (UN) was created for peace after World War II.

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that was established in 1945 with the goal of preventing another world war.

The organization was established in the aftermath of World War II, with the main objective of maintaining international peace and security, promoting cooperation among nations, and promoting human rights.

The UN charter was signed by 51 countries, including the five permanent members of the Security Council (China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States). The headquarters of the UN is in New York City, and it has since grown to include 193 member states.

To learn more about United Nations



Your first assignment in this journey is to research the events leading up to the founding of America from 1492 to 1620. Choose what you believe to be the five most important events and the five most influential people leading up to the founding of America during this time. Explain why you chose each event and each person.



1.The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492 is considered one of the most important events leading up to the founding of America. It marked the beginning of European exploration and colonization of the Americas, and opened the way for the establishment of permanent settlements and the development of trade and economic ties between Europe and the Americas.

2.The Establishment of the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo in 1496, the first permanent European settlement in the Americas, is considered another important event. It was a significant step in the process of European colonization of the Americas and established Spain as the dominant colonial power in the region.

3.The Founding of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, was the first successful English colony in the Americas and marked the beginning of British colonization of the region. It was an important event as it established the English presence in the Americas and laid the foundation for the future development of the thirteen colonies.

4.The Arrival of the Mayflower and the founding of the Plymouth Colony in 1620 is another important event. The Pilgrims, who arrived on the Mayflower, were the first group of English settlers to come to America for religious reasons, and their colony established the principle of religious freedom in America.

5.The signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, which divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Spain and Portugal is an important event. It established the legal framework for the division of the Americas between the two colonial powers and set the stage for the competition and conflict that would shape the history of the region.

6.Christopher Columbus, as the first European to discover America, is considered one of the most influential people leading up to the founding of America.

7.Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conquistador who led the conquest of the Aztec Empire in 1521, is considered another influential person. He played a key role in the establishment of Spanish colonial rule in Mexico and Central America.

8.John Smith, an English soldier and explorer who played a key role in the establishment and survival of the Jamestown colony, is considered an influential person.

9.William Bradford, a leader of the Plymouth Colony, is considered an influential person. He played a key role in the establishment and development of the colony, and his writings provide valuable insights into the early years of the colony.

10.King James I of England, who issued the charter for the Virginia Company, which founded the Jamestown colony, and King Philip II of Spain, who financed many of the early explorations and colonization efforts in the Americas, are considered influential people. They provided the political and financial support that was essential for the establishment of the colonies.

I chose these events and people because they were significant in shaping the political, economic, and cultural landscape of the Americas and laid the foundation for the development of the thirteen colonies that would eventually become the United States of America.

Do you think the Articles of Confederation could have been saved and made more effective? Or was it doomed to fail from the start? Explain in one thoughtful paragraph


No, the US would not have survived 5 more years under the Articles of Confederation. By the time the Constitutional Convention was adopted, the the states retained considerable power. However, the states were on the brink of economic disaster with extraordinary inflation; and the central government had little power to settle quarrels between states. Disputes over territory, war pensions, taxation, and trade threatened to tear the new country apart. They were no longer working together to defeat the British…and many felt they had no reason to work together at all. It was each State for itself. By mid-June of 1787, the Constitutional Convention secretly assembled in Philadelphia and drafted the Constitution to entirely replaced the Articles of Confederation.

what was general howe's reasoning in abandoning the original british plan for the northern campaigns by moving south and capturing philadelphia?


General Howe reasoned that capturing Philadelphia would draw American forces and weaken the American cause, boosting the British one.

General Howe's Plan to Capture Philadelphia

General Howe believed that the British had a greater chance of success if they moved south and captured the American capital of Philadelphia. He reasoned that if the American forces were drawn to Philadelphia, they would be more likely to focus their attention and resources on protecting the city rather than trying to protect the North. Additionally, Howe thought that if the British were to successfully capture Philadelphia, it would help to weaken the American cause and bolster the British one.

Learn more about Philadelphia: https://brainly.com/question/20375264


What promise is President Ford asking the American people to make


Whip Inflation Now (WIN) was an attempt, made in 1974, to ignite a grassroots movement to fight inflation in the US by promoting personal savings and restrained spending habits in addition to the government measures suggested by Gerald Ford.

What was the purpose of Ford's presidency?

Despite objections from a strongly Democratic Congress, Ford implemented his ideas during his initial year in office. His primary objective was to reduce inflation. He then switched to measures meant to stimulate the economy as recession emerged as the country's most pressing domestic issue.

(WIN) was an effort undertaken in 1974 to start a grassroots campaign to increase inflation in the United States by encouraging individual savings and frugal purchasing patterns in addition to the governmental measures proposed by Gerald Ford.

Therefore, Ford's decision to pardon Nixon for his part in the Watergate affair was one of his first significant acts after taking office, and it severely damaged Ford's reputation.

Learn more about Ford from the given link.



what made farming in ancient greece especially difficult?


Farming in ancient Greece was especially difficult due to the rocky, mountainous terrain, limited arable land, and inadequate rainfall. The soil was often poor in quality, making crop production difficult and unpredictable.

The lack of adequate irrigation systems further complicated the situation. Additionally, the period of Greek history known as the Dark Ages (1200-800 BC) saw a decline in agricultural productivity as well as technological progress. This meant that the ancient Greeks had limited access to tools and techniques for improving the efficiency of farming.

Furthermore, the lack of reliable transportation and communication networks meant that farmers often had difficulty exchanging goods and resources with other regions. Finally, the frequent wars between the different Greek city-states further impeded the development of agriculture. All of these factors combined to make farming in ancient Greece especially difficult.

To know more about ancient Greece  refer to the  link  brainly.com/question/27902687


What was the goal of woodrow wilson’s new freedom program

to ease the strict government control of corporations

to help small business and regulate big buy

to allow strong business to eliminate weaker ones


To help small business and regulate big buy was the goal of woodrow wilson’s new freedom program.

His 1912 reform platform was known as the NEW FREEDOM. Wilson respected Thomas Jefferson. Wilson was drawn to Jefferson's idea of a small, educated farming community as an agrarian utopia. Although the emergence of industry could not be avoided, a nation of small farmers and entrepreneurs seemed entirely feasible. Henry challenging the tariff, banks, and trusts—collectively referred to by Wilson as the "TRIPLE WALL OF PRIVILEGE"—the New Freedom attempted to realize this goal.

Large industries were shielded by tariffs at the expense of small farmers. In 1913, Wilson promulgated the UNDERWOOD-SIMMONS ACT, which lowered tariff rates. Small farmers and business owners also felt the strain from the financial system. The typical American still found loans to be too expensive and the currency too tight due to the gold standard. The FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, which Wilson signed, increased the country's currency's flexibility.

To know more about Wilson:



groups that wanted to restrict immigration and preserve what they considered traditional values feared the nation was being taken over by


Groups that wanted to restrict immigration and preserve what they considered traditional values feared the nation was being taken over by New morality.

The new morality is an expression of a modern ethic as well as a behavioral phenomenon. In terms of behavior, the new morality is a resounding rejection of more conventional representations of the moral life and then a strong support for new ones. As a result, it demonstrates traits that are characteristic of all ethics: commitment to and support of its principles as well as exclusion and negation of others. On the other hand, supporters of the new morality like an ethic have not only seen it as a rejection of legalism but also as an ethic that goes beyond the bounds of objective obligation. They have attempted to free this "new" morality from any organized restrictions by defining it primarily in terms of the categories of love.

To know more about new morality:



the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of


According to one of the lecture videos, Marxists maintain that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle".

Marx draws on Engels's perspective on history as a constant logical process:

At the point when Marx distributes his well-known Socialist Declaration, he expresses "The historical backdrop of all until recently existing society is the historical backdrop of class battle.

This intends that since the people had the option to sort out social orders and coordinate for work, there will be an extremely durable battle between the ones who control the "excess" and the ones who are dynamic in attempting to keep the economy running.

Throughout history, he distinguishes how this framework came to present first with subjugation, then, at that point, with feudalism, and went to the industrialist.

Learn more about hitherto existing society:



This question is not complete , here I am attaching the complete question:

According to one of the lecture videos, Marxists maintain that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of ___________________."

What responsibility goes along with the right to trial by jury?

B. Responsibility to serve on a jury

C. Responsibility to vote for Supreme Court justices

D. Responsibility to pay taxes

please pick the right one. If right you get brainlyest


Answer: Responsibility to serve on a jury. Have a nice day;)

Answer:Option (b) is correct.

Explanation: And a brain list to please

europeans traders explored the major African rivers by way of?


European exploration of Africa began with the Greeks and Romans, who explored and settled in North Africa. Fifteenth century Portugal, especially under Henry the Navigator, probed along the West African coast.

What do u think officials in Moscow would have found most interesting about the message from the soviet agents.?


They examined the four aspects of the Russian propaganda model that have been identified and demonstrate how and when each one could enhance its potency.

Describe a propaganda example.

Posters from World War I or World War II featuring Rosie the Riveter or Uncle Sam as army recruits are two instances of propaganda. In order to persuade Americans to take part in the war effort, both examples employ symbols to signify power and a sense of urgency.

What is an everyday propaganda?

Books, pamphlets, movies, social media, radio, television, posters, and reports from the government and the news media are examples of common propaganda mediums. Cow post envelopes, some of which date back to the American Civil War, are less frequent in modern times.

To know more about Propaganda visit:



What was happening to the New Deal programs when Roosevelt came into office for his second term? a. the programs were being taken to the Supreme Court c. the programs were exactly as he left them b. the programs were losing funding d. the programs were not effective Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


I think the answer is A. The programs were being taken to the Supreme Court.

what was the implication of the pope proclaiming charlemagne the holy roman emperor? a king should have religious training. the pope had the power to choose political rulers. it made charlemagne the most powerful person in the world. the pope and the emperor were equals.


The correct statement is "the pope and the emperor were equals". Hence, the option D is correct.

The extraordinary range of activities that Charlemagne engaged in during the first 30 years of his rule served as a prelude to what several of his contemporaries and numerous later observers saw as the pinnacle of his rule: his coronation as Roman emperor.

That incident resulted in large part from an idea influenced by the perception of Charlemagne's governing behaviour. Over time, some of the king's most important political, theological, and cultural advisors came to believe that the king and the Franks, whom one pope proclaimed "the Lord God of Israel has blessed," were leading the formation of a new community.

They referred to that group of people as the imperium Christianum, which included everyone who followed the orthodox faith taught by the Roman church.

To know more about Christianum, click here:



which events helped create momentum for the civil rights movement in the first half of the 20th century? (choose every correct answer.)


The events which helped create momentum for equality of African Americans in the first half of the 20th century are: Supreme Court decisions declaring some types of segregation unconstitutional; and African American soldiers returning home after fighting in World War II.

How did African Americans fight for equality?

Resistance to racial discrimination and segregation with strategies like nonviolent resistance, civil disobedience, protests, marches, boycotts, freedom rides, and rallies gained national attention as newspaper, radio broadcasters, and television reporters and cameramen recorded the struggle to erase racial inequality.

On May 18, 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy vs Ferguson stated that separate-but-equal facilities were constitutional. The Plessy v. Ferguson decision confirmed the principle of racial segregation over the next half-century.

Expecting to come home heroes, African American soldiers got a rude awakening upon their coming back. Many whites feared that these African Americans would return asking for equality and would try to gain it by employing their military training. As the soldiers returned, there was an increase of racial tension.

Learn more about equality of African Americans at: https://brainly.com/question/28407359


Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: Which events helped create momentum for equality of African Americans in the first half of the twentieth century? (Choose every correct answer)

- Supreme Court decisions declaring some type of segregation unconstitutional

- Right to vote for African Americans in primary elections

- African American soldiers returning home after fighting in World War II

- Abandon of African Americans and the quest for equality under the law

The first us commercial bank opened in 1782 in which city?


The Bank of North America, which was established in Philadelphia on January 7, 1782, and was granted a charter by the Continental Congress on May 26, 1781, is where the history of the Bank of the United States really starts.

Even though that bank failed, the debate regarding a national bank persisted.

Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, was one of the leading proponents of a national bank because he believed it would strengthen and stabilize the country's credit. James Madison and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson were two of his main rivals since they both believed a national bank violated the constitution.

The legislation was passed, and a new bank was suggested. On February 25, 1791, the US Congress granted the new bank a charter for a tenure of 20 years.

To know more about  bank:



As a reporter in 1787, write an article describing the goals and structure of the newly created U.S. Constitution


Greetings fellow citizens,

As a reporter, I am honored to bring you the latest news from Philadelphia, where a group of our nation's most distinguished leaders have gathered to draft a new Constitution for the United States of America.

After much debate and deliberation, these leaders, known as the Constitutional Convention, have presented a document that aims to establish a strong and efficient federal government, while also preserving the rights and autonomy of the individual states.

The Constitution, as it has been proposed, divides the federal government into three branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. The legislative branch, to be known as the Congress, will consist of two chambers: the Senate, in which each state will have two representatives, and the House of Representatives, in which the number of representatives will be determined by the population of each state.

The executive branch, to be headed by a President, will be responsible for enforcing the laws and representing the nation in foreign affairs. The President will be elected by the citizens, through an electoral college.

The judicial branch will consist of a Supreme Court and lower federal courts, which will have the power to interpret the laws and the Constitution, and to resolve disputes between states and between the federal government and the states.

The Constitution also includes a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful. For example, the Congress has the power to override a presidential veto, and the President has the power to veto laws passed by the Congress.

It is worth mentioning that the Constitution also includes a Bill of Rights, which guarantees certain individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press.

The proposed Constitution will be presented to the states for ratification, and it is up to each state to decide whether or not to adopt it. However, it is clear that the leaders who have crafted this document have done so with the goal of creating a stronger and more united nation, one that can stand the test of time.

As a reporter, I will continue to keep you informed of the progress of this historic document and its impact on our nation's future.


A Reporter of 1787.

What was hitler and his nazi soldiers trying to do with the jewish people




he was committing mass genocide because he didnt like jews

They were trying to rid the world of Jews by either making them their slaves or killing them using poisonous gases. Hitler wanted to control the world and have everyone following the religion he and his people followed no exceptions. He suffered from ethnocentrism and that drove him to do all the things he did which ultimately led to his death.

"people's rights do not come from kings" is an idea of the declaration of independence.

true or false?


It is false. People’s right do not come from kings is not an idea.

What best describes the majority of Spanish settlers in the Americas from 1500 to 1800?a) Young unmarried men
b) Wealthy investors
c) Royal bureaucrats
d) Urban craftsmen


After the initial 1492 voyage of the Genoese mariner Christopher Columbus under license from the Queen Isabella I of Castile, the Spanish colonization of the Americas began in 1493 on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

Until 1898, when the last overseas territory of the Spanish Empire was lost, these territories were under the Crown of Castile's control. The dense indigenous population and the claimed territory were seen by the Spaniards as significant sources of income for both the crown and individual Spaniards. In the Spanish conquest and incorporation of indigenous peoples, religion played a significant role in either peacefully or forcefully converting them to Christianity. To manage the vast territory, the crown established civil and religious structures. Wherever there were abundant indigenous populations and valuable resources that could be extracted, Spanish colonists settled in large numbers. The Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America, and a lot of North America would become part of the Spanish Empire. A total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas from 1492 to 1832, according to estimates, and another 3.5 million immigrants arrived in the post-colonial era from 1850 to 1950; The majority of the estimated 250,000 arrived in the 18th century as a result of the new Bourbon dynasty's encouragement of immigration.

To know more about Spaniards visit



describe the shortcomings of the republican government in the south during radical reconstruction?


The shortcomings of the republican government in the South during Radical Reconstruction included lack of political experience, corruption, and resistance from white supremacists.

During Radical Reconstruction, newly freed Black people were given the right to vote and hold office, leading to the creation of a Republican government in the South. However, many of these newly elected officials were inexperienced and ill-equipped to govern effectively.

Additionally, many Republican officials were corrupt and used their positions for personal gain. Furthermore, the republican government faced strong resistance from white supremacists, who used violence and intimidation to undermine the government and suppress black voters. The combination of these factors made it difficult for the Republican government to effectively govern and protect the rights of Black citizens during this period.

To learn more about Radical Reconstruction visit: https://brainly.com/question/7645450


HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-----------



Explanation:Eisenhower, kennedy, johnson, nixon


First: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th U.S. President

Second: John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President

Third: Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th U.S. President

Fourth: Richard Nixon, 37th U.S. President

nothing to really explain :/

who broke from the roman catholic church so he could remarry and then became the head of a new protestant church in his country?


One of the most significant developments in English history was the separation of King Henry VIII from the Catholic Church. A chasm was created between Catholics and Protestants when the King took the role of the Pope as the Head of the Church in England during the Reformation.

Beginning in 1517, German teacher and monk Martin Luther questioned the doctrines of the Catholic Church, sparking the Protestant Reformation. A religious reform movement known as the Protestant Reformation swept through Europe in the 1500s.

England's ruler at the time was Henry VIII (1509–47). Because the pope refused to declare his marriage to Catherine of Aragon null and void, William left the Roman Catholic Church and forced Parliament to designate him the supreme head of the Church of England, kicking off the English Reformation. In order to leave a male successor, he desired to remarry.

For more questions on King Henry VIII



King Henry VIII of England broke from the Roman Catholic Church so he could remarry and then became the head of a new Protestant Church in his country.

King Henry VIII was seeking to annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, his wife of over 20 years because she had not produced a son and heir. The Catholic Church refused to annul the marriage, so Henry sought to find a way to divorce Catherine without the Church's approval.

He eventually broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, and in 1534, he established the Church of England, of which he declared himself the head. This split with the Roman Catholic Church was known as the English Reformation.

The new Church of England was based on the principles of Protestantism, which emphasized the authority of the Bible over the Church and the importance of individual faith over religious hierarchy.

To learn more about Roman Catholic Church



How does ZNH see herself in comparison to her white neighbor?

What does ""​the game of keeping what one has is never so exciting as the game of getting​"" mean? Who do you think is ""keeping"" and what are they keeping? Who do you think is ""getting"" and what are they getting?


Zora Neale Hurston stated that she had no separate feeling about being coloured when compared to her white neighbour. Without any apologies or mention of "extenuating circumstances," Zora Neale Hurston declares that she is "hued."

She is not going to confuse her race by claiming any remote Native American lineage like some other African Americans would. Hurston writes about her early years spent in the prosperous all-black hamlet of Eatonville, Florida. She only ever encountered white folks when they passed through their town en route to or from Orlando. The residents of the town didn't give a hoot about northern whites driving past on vehicles, but they did venture outside to ogle at southern whites on horses.

To know more about Zora Neale Hurston :



When were Jim Crow laws first legislated and enforced on Black people?




In practice, Jim Crow laws mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America and in some others, beginning in the 1870s.

in the 1968 presidential campaign, richard nixon called for select one: a. an end to the cold war with the soviet union. b. an immediate withdrawal of american military forces in vietnam. c. a new commitment to effective social reform. d. stability and national law and order. e. the diplomatic recognition of china.



E, diplomatically recognized china


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