What decisions did the first continental congress make


Answer 1



The First Continental Congress, which was held in Philadelphia in 1774, was a meeting of representatives from the 13 colonies to discuss a unified response to the British government's increasing control over colonial affairs. The congress made several important decisions during its meeting. Some of the notable decisions made by the congress are:

1.The Declaration of Rights and Grievances: The congress adopted a statement of the colonies' rights and grievances against the British government, which included complaints about the Quartering Acts, the Coercive Acts, and other measures that they deemed unconstitutional.

2.The Association: The congress agreed to a plan of non-importation, non-exportation, and non-consumption of British goods, which would be enforced by local committees.

3.The Olive Branch Petition: The congress sent a petition to King George III asking for the repeal of the Coercive Acts, but the king refused to receive the petition.

4.The formation of the Continental Army: The congress established a continental army and appointed George Washington as its commander-in-chief.

5.The formation of the Continental Navy: The congress also formed a navy to protect American ships from British attacks.

6.The formation of a postal service: The congress established a postal service for the colonies.

7.The formation of the Continental Association: It was an agreement to stop trade with Britain until the Coercive Acts were repealed, it was a strong step towards the independence.

These decisions made by the First Continental Congress laid the foundation for the unified resistance of the colonies against British rule, and ultimately, the American Revolution.

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he had an extract of a play and he hot in as his pretend talent


he wasnt known until the play

Which founding documents reflect the American colonist fear of a strong central government?
a. Bill of rights b. Treaty of Paris c. Articles of Confederation d. Declaration of independence


A founding documents that reflect the American colonist fear of a strong central government is Articles of Confederation. The Option C is correct.

What type of government is established by the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation established the United States as a confederation. A confederation is a form of government in which state governments, rather than national governments, wield dominant power. The leaders of the new nation were concerned that a strong, centralized government would lead to tyrannical monarchy similar to that of the British government.

The Articles established a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, with state governments retaining the majority of power. The need for a stronger federal government quickly became apparent, prompting the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Read more about Articles of Confederation



Read the passage from Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography.

The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. The air soon became unfit for respiration from a variety of loathsome smells, and brought on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died . . . The shrieks of the women, and the groans of the dying, rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceivable.

What is the main idea described in the text?

Deaths of enslaved people occurred on slave ships.
Slave ships were crowded, yet cool places.
The existence of human suffering filled slave ships.
Slaves were confined to small and dark places.


The main idea being described in the text is C. The existence of human suffering filled slave ships.

What did Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography talk about ?

Olaudah Equiano's autobiography, entitled "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African", is a memoir of his life as an enslaved African and his eventual journey to freedom.

The book covers his early life in what is now Nigeria, his capture and enslavement, and his experiences as a slave in the British colonies in America and the Caribbean. He details the harsh conditions of slavery, including physical abuse and the separation of families. He also describes the ways in which enslaved people resisted their captivity, such as through rebellion and running away.

It detailed just how much the slave ships were full of human suffering such as death and disease.

Find out more on Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography at https://brainly.com/question/9776314


Which point is Mark Twain making in "To the Person Sitting in Darkness"?

O A. Colonial people are not ready for self-government.

B. Imperialists are doing important work for civilization

c. Imperialists preach values they do not practice.

O D. Colonial people prefer to live in darkness.


The point which Mark Twain is making in "To the Person Sitting in Darkness" is option C. Imperialists preach values they do not practice.

American author Mark Twain wrote an essay titled "To the Person Sitting in Darkness," which was released in the North American Review in February 1901. It expresses Twain's anti-imperialist ideas by satirising imperialism as it manifested in the Boxer Uprising and its aftermath, the Boer War, and the Philippine-American War.

There are no rules, yet coalitions could be formed or dissolved. And while they wait to see what occurs, onlookers stand in the dark like complete creeps. "To the Person Sitting in Darkness," an essay by Mark Twain, is basically about this. This article was written by Mark Twain as a satirical indictment of imperialism.

To learn more about Mark Twain here



History! Help Me!! Please
What does President Mckinley mean when he says “the United States has not been an indifferent spectator”


President McKinley pushed the Spanish government to work toward peace with the Cuban insurgents in an effort to prevent war. When the American public demanded involvement, it was too late for the Spanish government to comply.

What actions did President McKinley take to protect Americans residing in Cuba, and what resulted from those actions?

To protect American citizens and property as well as to demonstrate that the United States still valued Spain's friendship, McKinley, however, did order the U.S. battleship Maine to Havana harbor ever since pro-Spanish protesters rioted there and in January 1898 in opposition to Spain's more accommodating policies.

Why would the United States be interested in Cuba?

The United States began to be interested in purchasing Cuba well before 1898. American sugar firms bought a lot of land in Cuba following the Ten Years War. The United States' sugar tariff was altered in 1895 to favor American beet sugar, which aided in the return of revolutionary sentiment.

Learn more about President McKinley: https://brainly.com/question/13597731


The One Health approach is based on interdisciplinary collaborations to fight against emerging zoonotic infectious diseases. Which of the following experts is/are key in this fight?


All the experts suggested here are relevant


Vets and zoologists



All the experts are relevant


One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

(Inspectors of factories 1862) had the 1833 factory act become more effective 30 years after its passing? Explain your answer. (Hint: is the number of convictions a good or bad sign)


The Factory Act was enacted by the government in 1833 to improve working conditions for children in factories. Children under the age of five were working long hours in locations with terrible working conditions.

This act outlined the following laws: no employment for children under the age of nine.

What were the effects of the Factory Act of 1833 on factories?

In 1833, the first effective Factory Act forbade children under the age of nine from working in any steam or water-powered textile mill, with the exception of silk mills. Additionally, the act mandated that children between the ages of 9 and 12 attend school and limited them to nine hours per day, or 48 hours per week.

How efficient was the Factory Act of 1833?

In its early stages, the Act was widely evaded due to the inspectorate's inability to enforce it in 4,000 mills. However, it did establish the foundations of an essential system of government control.

Learn more about The factory Act:



*Alexander the Great's Empire gave way to the spread of
where people across Eurasia adopted Greek technological advancements, culture, religion,
and politics.
a. Greco-Persian Wars
b. Hellenism
C. Macedonia
d. Alexandria


Alexander the Great's Empire gave way to the spread of where people across Eurasia adopted Greek technological advancements, culture, religion, and politics in option a. Greco-Persian Wars

What was the Greco-Persian Wars?

a. Greco-Persian Wars: The Greco-Persian Wars were a series of conflicts fought between the Greek city-states and the Persian Empire in the 5th century BC. The Greeks ultimately defeated the Persians, but the wars had a profound impact on the ancient world, shaping the political and cultural landscape of the region for centuries to come.

d. Alexandria: Alexandria was a city in ancient Egypt founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. It was known for its famous lighthouse, the Pharos, and was a center of learning and culture, with a famous library and a renowned school of philosophy. It was also an important center for trade and commerce, and it played a significant role in the spread of Greek culture and ideas throughout Egypt and the surrounding region.

Learn more about Greco-Persian Wars from



john scopes, the defendant in the 1925 scopes trial, was _____


John scopes, the defendant in the 1925 scopes trial, was an American legal case, also known as Scopes Monkey trial.

The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was an American legal case that took place from July 10 to July 21, 1925. John T. Scopes, a high school teacher, was accused of breaking the Butler Act of Tennessee, which made it unlawful for educators to teach about human evolution in any state-funded school.

The trial was purposefully set up to generate notoriety for the little Tennessee town of Dayton, where it was held. Even though Scopes wasn't convinced he had ever taught evolution, he purposefully implicated himself so the prosecution would have a defendant.

To know more about Evolution, click here:



How would the meaning of "an indian's view of indian affairs" most likely have been affected had hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (chief joseph) adopted a tone of resentment instead?a. it would appear as an accusation rather than a plea. b. it would appear as a request rather than an accusation. c. it would appear as a threat rather than a narrative. d. it would appear as a narrative rather than a demand.


a) it would appear as an accusation rather than a plea.
An allegation rather than a plea would have been made if Chief Joseph had written "An Indian's View of Indian Affairs" in a resentful tone.

An appeal denotes a request or a demand for understanding or assistance, whereas a tone of resentment suggests wrath and blame. In his speech, Chief Joseph begs the American government to recognize the suffering of his people and to treat them with justice and compassion. His speech would have been more aggressive and less conciliatory if it had been delivered with resentment.

To learn more about Chief Joseph, click here: -



Which of the following BEST reflects how public officials are held responsible to the will of the people in a representative democracy?

Question options:

Voters cast ballots in elections to express their approval or disapproval of the officials' actions.

The people come together to take over public policy by meeting in a central place to pass new laws.

The Legislative Branch can use its power to remove any elected official from office at any time.

A committee of judges fires any official who fails to accurately represent the will of a majority of voters.



Voters cast ballots in elections to express their approval or disapproval of the officials' actions


. .

What are the two main arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today?
A. whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it is
B. whether the U.S. needs a constitution at all
C. whether the Constitution should be discarded completely and a new one created
D.whether or not the U.S. should adopt a constitution more similar to another country's constitution


A. whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it is

D. whether or not the U.S. should adopt a constitution more similar to another country's constitution.

Explaining the arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today

Argument A : Whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it is, is one of the main arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today. Some argue that the Constitution is a living document that should be amended to reflect the changing times and societal values. They argue that the Constitution https://brainly.com/question/4098544should be interpreted in a way that adapts to modern society, and that it should be amended to address current issues, such as civil rights and social justice.

Argument D : Whether or not the U.S. should adopt a constitution more similar to another country's constitution, is another main argument about how the Constitution should be viewed today. Some argue that the United States should adopt certain elements from other countries' constitutions that have been successful in protecting individual rights and promoting democracy, such as the constitutional courts, the separation of powers, or the bill of rights. They argue that this would provide better protection for citizens and a more effective government.

Both arguments are important as they reflect the ongoing debate about the role of the Constitution in contemporary society, and the extent to which it should be updated and adapted to modern realities.

Learn more on the Constitution here;https://brainly.com/question/4098544


The two main arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today are:

A. whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it isC. whether the Constitution should be discarded completely and a new one created.

How is the US Constitution viewed by most today?

The United States Constitution is viewed today as the supreme law of the land and the foundation of the American political system. It is widely considered to be a document that has stood the test of time, providing a framework for the government that has enabled the country to thrive for over 200 years.

Also, the Constitution is also viewed as a living document, one that can be interpreted and adapted to meet the changing needs of society. Many people consider the Constitution to be one of the most important and influential documents in world history and see it as a model for other countries to follow.

Read more about US Constitution



classify each event in the history of life into the appropriate eon or era.


Periods, ages, ages, and ages are also broken into ages, which are themselves isolated into times. They are the Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic ages, among others.

Eons are characterized as a time of the time that is long to the point that it can't be estimated. The Precambrian supereon is the combined name for the Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic ages.

Planetary gathering creation in the Hadean age;

First creatures and the poisonous air in the Archean ageFirst eukaryotes and the progression of oxygen in the Proterozoic periodThe continuous age in the world's arrangement of encounters during the Phanerozoic timeThe greatest mass end in the earth's history occurred during the Paleozoic time.Dinosaur period during the time of Mesozoic time.The Cenozoic period was a portion of the time known as the "Hour of Warm-blooded animals".

Learn more about eon or era:



This question is not complete , here I am attaching the complete question:

classify each event in the history of life into the appropriate eon or era. drag each phrase to the appropriate bin. The age of fossils can sometimes be determined by radiometric dating, which is based on the constant rate of decay of radioactive isotopes. The time required for half of a radioactive is large. Give light over period, eons and ages in context of Precambrian supereon .

in 1992, ross perot made the best third-party showing in american politics since select one: a. john anderson in 1980. b. george wallace in 1968. c. henry wallace in 1948. d. robert la follette in 1924. e. theodore roosevelt in 1912.


In 1992, Ross Perot delivered the best third-party performance in American politics since Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 (option E)

Perot with Stockdale as the ticket on the presidential ticket garnered 18.9% of the vote on Election Day, some 19,741,065 votes, but no electoral college votes due to his consistent nationwide support, making him the third-party presidential candidate most successful  in terms of the popular vote since Theodore Roosevelt did so in the 1912 election.

How did Perot achieve the best third-party performance in American politics?

Ross Perot campaigned in 16 states and spent approximately $12.3 million of his own money.

Among the innovative strategies that made Perot quite popular were:

Purchase of half-hour blocks of time on major networks for infomercial campaign ads.A Friday night show, it drew 10.5 million viewers.He became the only third-party candidate to participate in a three-way presidential debate.

Ross Perot responded well in every debate, significantly outperforming Democratic challenger Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, to reach a final reception of almost 19% of the popular vote.

Learn more about Ross Perot at https://brainly.com/question/3669265


The US Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws. What is this an example of?

• B.
separation of powers
implied powers
• D.
forbidden powers



This is an example of separation of powers.

Now answer Number 11. Base your answer on "A Giant of a Man" and "The Magpie’s Nest. "

How does the point of view used in each tale affect what you learn in the passages? Support your answer with details from both texts.



Each story's point of view influences what the reader learns by offering a distinctive perspective and insight into the characters and events in the narrative, as well as by allowing the reader to understand the characters' thoughts and emotions, their relationships and interactions, as well as their biases and opinions.

"A Giant of a Man" and "The Magpie's Nest" employ points of view that influence what the reader learns in the passages.

The restricted third-person point of view in "A Giant of a Man". The reader comprehend the giant's intentions and feelings by reading from his point of view and seeing the world from his perspective. The first-person point of view used in "The Magpie's Nest" allows the reader to experience the events through the narrator's viewpoint and gain insight into their feelings.

To learn more about opinions, click here: -https://brainly.com/question/18307159


How did the role of the U. S. Government change during the Great Depression? A. The government handed over many powers to the states. B. The government cut many programs in order to balance the federal budget. C. Excessive borrowing to buy stocks leading to the stock market crash of 1929 D. The government expanded as new domestic programs were created


Excessive borrowing to purchase equities during the Great Depression changed the U.S. government, causing the 1929 stock market crash.

The Federal Reserve increased interest rates in 1928 and 1929 in an effort to moderate the sharp increase in stock values. Due to the lower demand for interest-sensitive spending in industries like construction and auto sales, production fell as a result of the higher interest rates.

According to some academics, a housing construction boom in the mid-1920s resulted in an oversupply of housing and a sharp decline in development in 1928 and 1929.

Investors lost faith as a result, and the stock market bubble burst in October 1929 as a result of a number of unimportant occurrences that gradually caused price reductions.

To know more about  stock:



a state of peace or balance


Equilibrium is seen as a a state of peace or balance.

What is Equilibrium?

Equilibrium is a state of balance or stability in a system, where opposing forces or influences are equal and in balance with one another. It can also refer to a state of calm or tranquility.

In chemistry, equilibrium refers to a state in which the concentrations of reactants and products in a reaction remain constant over time. In economics, equilibrium refers to a state in which supply and demand are in balance, resulting in a stable market price.

In economics, equilibrium refers to a state in which the supply and demand for a good or service are in balance, resulting in a stable market price. When the quantity of a good or service supplied is equal to the quantity demanded, the market is said to be in equilibrium.

Learn more about peace from



See full question below

What is a state of peace or balance

During the Great Depression, the United States demanded repayment of loans it made to European nations for



During the Great Depression, the United States demanded repayment of loans it made to European nations for : World War I expenses.

What is great depression?

Great depression was a period nations experienced economy decline or decrease in the growth of economy and this great depression almost affected every nations of the world.

It is important to note that great depression lasted for a whole ten years. During this period  the United States  request for  repayment of the loans amount they made to European nations for  World War I expenses.

Therefore the complete statement is World war expenses.

Learn  more about Great depression here:https://brainly.com/question/441267


The answer to part a was downplay so which word or phrase from the text best supports the answer to part a


King Leopold coveted the African nation of the Congo because he had an obsession with owning an empire.

King Leopold had enormous finances and an obsession with owning an empire despite ruling a small country. (Chapter 5) C "Leopold decided how it would be run, and Leopold was the main beneficiary of any income that came from the project."(Paragraph).m The answer to Part A is A. King Leopold coveted the African nation of the Congo because he had an obsession with owning an empire. He ran the country and decided on its administrative structure personally, and any earnings from the Congo went to him first because he thought the money the nation possessed was wasted on the African citizens.

Learn more about King Leopold here:



The complete question is:

PART B: Which TWO phrases from the text best support the answer to Part A?

A. “Although the ruler of a small nation, King Leopold had deep pockets and an obsessive desire to own an empire.” (Paragraph 5)

B. “He proposed to the gathering to conduct “a crusade worthy of this age of progress,” namely, “[t]o open to civilization the only part of our globe which it has not yet penetrated” (Paragraph 6)

C. “‘Leopold determined the nature of its administration, and Leopold was the principal recipient of such profits as accrued from the undertaking.’” (Paragraph 9)

D. “Refusing to be left out of the suddenly widely coveted continent, in 1883 he called an international conference to carve out Africa” (Paragraph 11)

E. “At Leopold’s initiative, a British firm built a 155 mile-long narrow gauge railway from the coast into the continent’s interior.” (Paragraph 14)

F. “the opening of African markets for Europe’s manufactured goods added still more incentives for colonizing the continent.” (Paragraph 15)

The captions for this cartoon states "leap or no leap" if the people on top do in fact "leap" who are the leaping to? what might this mean?


Without any context of the cartoon you're referring to, it is difficult to know exactly what the caption "leap or no leap" means. It could be interpreted in a few different ways depending on the context and imagery of the cartoon.

What is leaping?

One interpretation could be that the people on top are considering taking a "leap of faith" or making a big decision that could have significant consequences. They are unsure if they should take this leap or not.

Another interpretation could be that the people on top are literally jumping or leaping to another location or situation, and the caption is questioning whether or not they should go through with it.

Therefore, It could also be interpreted as a metaphor for a choice that needs to be made and it could be related to any decision in life.

Learn more about leaping  from



what does mount vernon tell us about life in the 18th century? cite evidence from the tour in your answer.


Is H is 19 centuries because I said what does Mountainburg tell us about the lab in the 18 century city seven from the tour in your answer is 19

why did Thiokol change its recommendation and agree to the launch?


Mason said that Thiokol eventually approved the launching because there was no clear correlation between temperature and past incidents of erosion on the seals and because two tests had shown the seals could operate down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, although he acknowledged that the tests were not quite comparable

Use your textbook and the Internet to conduct research on trade in Brazil. Write three to four paragraphs describing Brazil's system of trade including identifying major exports and where they are produced, identifying trade partners, and describing trade barriers (if any)


The Brazil's system of trade including identifying major exports  can be seen as exporter of tropical agricultural produce (such as coffee) trade partner of Brazil was China and the trade barriers was government-induced restrictions.

What area of trade does Brazil specialize in?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, Brazil has undergone an amazing transformation, going from being a major exporter of tropical agricultural products (like coffee, sugar, and cacao in the 1960s and 1970s) to a major global supplier of: soybeans, soybean products, corn, cotton, sugar, coffee, orange juice, meat, and ethanol.

Brazil's top trading partner in 2021 was China, with bilateral trade between the two nations exceeding 135.5 billion dollars. The South American economy also had a 40.3 billion dollar trade surplus with China.

Learn more about trade at:



what was one change Robespierre persuaded the government to make to
address the threat to the revolution?


One of the major changes that Robespierre persuaded the government to make to address the threat to the revolution was the introduction of the Reign of Terror.

What do you mean by government?

Government is the system by which a state or community is organized and governed, especially the systems by which a nation, state or local government is conducted. Governments are responsible for making and enforcing laws, collecting taxes, providing services, and mediating disputes between citizens.

This was a period of extreme violence and repression, where the government harshly punished anyone who was suspected of counter-revolutionary activities. Robespierre believed that this was necessary to protect the revolution from its enemies and to prevent a return to the old monarchy. He also instituted a new constitution, the Constitution of 1793, which established a Republic and outlined the rights of citizens.

To know more about government,



why were silent films so successful during the 1920s



Those were just the norm.


It was normal for silent films to be shown because they hadn't really figured out how to voice sync the sounds with what you saw on screen.

Based on the images in the cartoon above, whom do you think would win the
tournament created by the illustrator - the monopolies or labor? Why?


According to the images in the illustrator's cartoon above the tournament, the monopolies will win because the person is sitting in a very high position and carrying a very long and sharp weapon, whereas labor does not.

What is the significance of the war?

The majority of labor wars in history occurred when the ruler tried to force laborers to do more work for less money, mistreated them, did not listen to their problems, and then, despite having very few laborers, they stood unitedly against the ruler for their rights.

Hence, according to the images in the illustrator's cartoon above the tournament, the monopolies will win because the person is sitting in a very high position and carrying a very long and sharp weapon, whereas labor does not.

Learn more about the war here.



the european interaction with the american indians brought deadlier weapons and alcohol into their culture. how did this affect conflicts between american indian groups?



The European interaction with the American Indians brought deadlier weapons and alcohol into their culture. How did this affect conflicts between American ...


their culture

summarize how you modified each section of the Treaty of Versailles, and explain how your changes would create a lasting peace


You modified each section of the Treaty of Versailles as since all of the participating nations in this battle destroyed both land and people, more nations may have contributed to covering the costs.

What changes to the Treaty of Versailles would you make?

Many changes may have been made to the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles only assigned blame to one nation, thus this could have been done better.

How did the Treaty of Versailles alter the world?

The most well-known effect of the Treaty of Versailles was the rise of Hitler and the outbreak of World War II as a result of its harsh provisions, which were meant to stop Germany from engaging in further military aggression.

Know more about Treaty of Versailles- brainly.com/question/5565291


by the end of the 19th century, there were hundreds of golf courses in the u.s. T/F


It is true that by the end of the 19th century, there were hundreds of golf courses in the U.S.

Golf, which originated in Scotland in the 15th century, began to gain popularity in the United States in the late 1800s. The first 18-hole golf course in the U.S. was built in 1888 in Yonkers, New York and this sparked a trend of golf course construction throughout the country.

By the end of the 19th century, hundreds of golf courses had been built in cities and towns across the United States as golf began to be seen as a popular pastime. The sport's popularity continued to grow in the 20th century, and today there are thousands of golf courses in the U.S. catering to both recreational and professional players.

Learn more about Golf:



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