What did brother Quang leave behind


Answer 1


He feels that he betrayed Vietnam by leaving it and going to America


hope this helps!!

Answer 2



Chapter please?

Related Questions

How do some of the challenges described in
these two paragraphs about adaptation differ from Ha's experiences as a


Where are the paragraphs? So I can help you with this problem

Please Help!
How is Pedro's situation ironic?

Today was the big day. Pedro was interviewing for the job of his dreams. Nobody, not even Pedro himself could believe that there was a job that paid for blogging about and taking pictures of rare trees around the world. When Pedro had majored in photography, journalism, and biology in college, his parents had thought that he was losing his mind. They were worried that their brilliant son was wasting his genius. So, today was the day Pedro had to prove that it was all worth it.
Pedro ironed his dry-cleaned suit again, flossed his teeth, fixed every strand of his unruly hair, and got dressed for the interview. He drove to the café where he was meeting George Beforeman, the potential boss, and ordered a cold coffee to kill time. Pedro was calm until he saw someone fitting the description of George enter the front door. It was at the precise moment that George smiled at Pedro that Pedro spilled his cold coffee on his crisp suit.

A. Pedro orders cold coffee while he is trying to kill time before the interview.
B. Pedro ends up ruining the suit while trying hard to make a good impression.
C. Pedro tries too hard to appear crisp in front of the potential employer.
D. Pedro is smart, but he wants to waste his time researching rare trees.





Initial Reader's Response: Identify and note any KEY WORDS or QUOTES that you found to be interesting or appealing
(think about the different rhetorical appeals - ethos, logos, pathos). Include brief notes on why you found them to be
FROM THE POEM BARS FIGHT BY LUCY TERRY. Please someone help me please help



Some quotes that show the central idea is: "August 'twas the twenty-fifth," and "Seventeen hundred forty-six" because that tells what date it happened on and that is a crucial detail. Also, "The indians did in ambush lay," and "Some very valiant men to slay." So the Indians were laying low to and preparing to attack some unsuspecting men. And the rest of the poem shows how the men were killed, escaped, and captured.


Please mark brainliest!

Change to passive "Has anyone seen the postman?"​



Have you seen the postman OR has the postman been seen by you


Have you seen the postman

How does dialect help an author portray a historical time period?

A It introduces themes that relate to present times.
B It reminds readers that the characters are fictional.
c It incorporates famous people from the past and present.
d It makes the story seem realistic for that time in history.



A. It introduces themes that relate to present times


answer before by myself

The correct response is - It introduces themes that relate to present times. Therefore option A is the correct response.

What is the historical time period?

They categorize human history into the Prehistoric, Classical, Middle Ages, Early Modern, and Modern periods using these resources. Continue reading to discover the main civilizations, technological advancements, prominent historical people, and significant events that occurred during these critical historical periods.

Eight chronological periods in American and U.S. history are designated by the U.S. History Framework, a manual for teaching history to students in the U.S. These are the Beginnings, Colonization, Popular uprising, Expansion and Reform, Civil War and Reconstruction, Growth of Todays Age, World Wars, and Contemporary America.

To read more about the historical time period, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/14937624


How valid are social roles? Explain and provide one example to support your answer.



The rules of society are the norms or behavior expectations for people. These are behavior expectations are connected to our statuses which then tell us specifically have to perform which is the role. These roles can conflict with others. For example, I am a mom and I am teaching. I get a phone call while at work that my child is sick--I am in conflict between the two roles.


How valid are social roles

SPENCER, North Carolina (Achieve3000, May 17, 2019). Don't ever let anyone tell you that young people can't do great things. Take it from Mrs. Fleming's 7th-grade class at North Rowan Middle School in North Carolina. This compassionate classroom crew is proof-positive that young people can make a difference in the lives of others. And activism can begin with four little words: How can we help?

So how do you go from sitting in a classroom to tackling the problems of the world? For Mrs. Fleming's class, it all started with learning about horrible global events that devastate individuals, families, and communities.

"We planned a trip to Washington, D.C., so that we could immerse ourselves in learning about the Holocaust and refugees," said Mrs. Fleming. "We [also] had the opportunity to participate in a Doctors Without Borders interactive refugee exhibit. We read Achieve3000 articles and novels about refugees, and we watched documentaries and news clips."

Then, the students had yet another extraordinary experience: the chance to speak via video teleconference to a refugee named Lubo, one of the estimated 20,000 Lost Boys who found themselves displaced or orphaned during a deadly civil war that began in Sudan in the 1980s. The students were very moved by Lubo's story as he told them about what he witnessed before he fled Sudan.

"The enemy from the North attacked, people were caught, houses burned, nothing [was] left," student Katie P. remembered him saying. "[It was] really sad because all he had and everything he lived for was no longer there, no one to count on, nothing."

"[We realized that] we usually took everything for granted," said Katie's classmate, Jennifer G. "We never appreciated what we had."

It's one thing to read about history, and quite another to hear from someone who lived it, and who made it clear that Sudan is still affected by life-threatening issues like poverty and lack of access to clean water. The students knew they had to do something, and that's when they asked: "How can we help?"

Soon, they found their answer.

The class was invited by the nonprofit group Mothering Across Continents to host a Walk for Wisdom walkathon to raise money and awareness for impoverished schools in South Sudan. It was a great idea—but the students wanted to take it further.

"We said 'yes,' but asked if we could involve our whole community," Mrs. Fleming said. She joined forces with Karen Puckett, a media specialist at Isenberg Elementary School in Salisbury, North Carolina, which had participated in a school-based Walk for Wisdom for several years.

Meanwhile, the students in Mrs. Fleming's class leaped into action, working in teams to design t-shirts and flyers for the April 2019 walkathon. They also created an iMovie, a website, and a GoFundMe page to help raise money.

Even after all that, the students were just getting started! They planned a Refugee Awareness Community Night at their local bookstore, where they spoke to Ngor Kur Mayol—another Sudanese refugee. The event featured their presentations, art, and writing, as well as a marketplace to raise money for a source of clean water for the students at Nyarweng Primary School in South Sudan.

Mrs. Fleming and her students hope they will eventually be able to exchange messages and photos with the Nyarweng Primary School pupils.

All this might be just the beginning of an ongoing effort. "Our hope is that these events will turn into yearly global events for our county, and that our community will unite for a global cause to help youth in another country," Mrs. Fleming explained.

Needless to say, Mrs. Fleming is extremely proud of how her class has stepped up to help—not that she's surprised.

"Our students have incredible ideas," she said. "All we need to do is listen and encourage. I love seeing where my students' voices and actions can lead us."

And if you want to make a difference in the lives of others, student Kimberly F. has some advice.

"You may think that starting a project to change the world would be difficult," she said. "But if you really put your mind into it, you can achieve amazing things. It can start with a simple act in your community, but you'll see that it will grow and grow."

Most importantly, the students say, don't ever feel like you're too young to make a mark on the world.

"There are many things we are limited to do because we are kids," Katie said. "A lot of people may underestimate [us], but that is what drives us to stand out and help other people."

The best alternate headline for this Article would be __________.

A.Mothering Across Continents Arranges Walk for Wisdom Walkathons

B.Middle School Class Creates GoFundMe Page To Raise Money

C.Students Use Achieve3000 Articles To Learn About Tragic World Events

D.Students Tackle Global Problems One "Step" at a Time



uh what is this basically asking


What is the question

when you turn 18, will you register to vote? why or why not? some people believe the voting age should be lowered so that you would be able to vote right now. do you agree with this? explain your thinking.



Yes because if you want a new president and you dnt like the one that you currently have you have to vote

1. How should this sentence be changed?
Miss Carson's science cannot be questioned," said oceanographer William
A. Delete the quotation mark after questioned
B. Insert a quotation mark before Miss
C. Insert a quotation mark before science
D. No change needs to be made to this sentence


hi i think the answer is B. i am sorry if it is wrong.
The answer is D. No change needs to be made to this sentence

Write An Example Of Ethos In '' An Fable For Tomorrow''



Page 1; Paragraph 4; "The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and couldn't fly." Rachel Carson effectively used Ethos by adding facts into her writing. Without the facts that she incorporated into her writing, it made her work not seem like it was filled with her opinions of the topic.


"The doorbell rang. Mama stood and nervously smoothed her skirt. Then she pulled open the door with a mile-wide smile on her lips. "Good evening!" she said. . . .She stepped back to let the Bennetts through. Mr. Bennett came in first with a suitcase. Mrs. Bennett followed with two shopping bags and Caleb brought up the rear holding a big box." ---What is the effect of the hyperbole on the passage's meaning and tone?
A. It shows that the narrator's mother is angry.
B. It implies that the narrator's mother is exaggerating her feelings.
C. It suggests that the narrator's mother is close friends with the visitors.
D. It suggests that the narrator's mother is excited for the salesperson at the door.



the anwser should be d please mark brainlest


The answer is C because it shows that she I letting people in with a suitcase and their son most likely or her son

1) In line 7, the word “knell” most nearly means...

A. The past tense of kneel
B. The sound of ringing bells
C. A song
D. A type of se animal

2) This poem can be best describes as

A. Celebratory
B. Elegiac
C. Humorous
D. Persuasive

4) The topic of this poem can be best described as

A. The difficulty of continuing life after death
B. The transformative nature of death
C. the just death of the villain
D. Man’s return to the heaven after death

5) In line five, the word “suffer” most nearly means

A. To experience pain
B. To undergo
C. To die
D. To patiently endure



No. 1: B. The sound of ringing bells

No. 2: B. Elegiac

No. 4: B. The transformative nature of death.

No. 5: B. To undergo


The poem is elegiac. It sounds sad and seems to talk about the transformative nature of death. The poem seems to explain what happens to the father that was in the grave.

Also, the sound of the knell in the poem depicts that it is elegiac.

Read the quotation from "To My Dear Loving Husband."

"I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,

Or all the riches that the East doth hold."

These lines contain an example of







Choose C, but be prepared to see the answer as B. I'd argue a bit, but not much. It is pretty exaggerated, but it is also compared to something.


There is no part standing for the whole or no whole standing for a part. Not synecdoche.

Not a simile. No like or as.

Maybe a metaphor if you stretch it. Love is compared to a gold mine or the riches of the East.

I think the best answer is a hyperbole. It is an exaggerated comparison.

Answer: C

But don't be surprised if the answer turns out to be B.


It is hyperbole.


Read this passage from Dragonwings by Laurence Yep.

The demon was a big, cheerful-looking demon with a bland, round face. He eyed father. "I dunno, John." Many demons called Tang men John because, they insisted, they never could get the hang of our real names. "You know anything about horselesses?"

"Some," Father said. Truth to tell, he had never handled a horseless carriage in his life, though he had a book on them and cut out articles whenever they appeared in the demon magazines and newspapers. That was the extent of Father's knowledge. But to know facts is nothing. He had an intuitive feeling for what made the horseless carriages tick. He looked around inside the engine for about ten minutes and then wiped his face absentmindedly, so that the grease stained his cheek. He did not even notice.

Which quote from this passage is an example of indirect characterization?

“The demon was a big, cheerful-looking demon with a bland, round face.”
“Many demons called Tang men John because, they insisted, they never could get the hang of our real names.”
“He had an intuitive feeling for what made the horseless carriages tick.”
“He looked around inside the engine for about ten minutes and then wiped his face absentmindedly, so that the grease stained his cheek.”



B. “Many demons called Tang men John because, they insisted, they never could get the hang of our real names.”


Many people think it's A but it's not. Indirect characterization is when you find out something because of someone's dialouge or actions. A directly tells you charecteristics about the demons with adjectives. So it's B

The accused’s fate would be decided in the king’s arena;the arena well deserved its name



from the book: "The Lady, or the Tiger" by Frank R. Stockton


The original paragraph in the book where we get this quote reads;

"When a subject was accused of a crime of sufficient importance to interest the king, public notice was given that on an appointed day the fate of the accused person would be decided in the king's arena, a structure which well deserved its name, for, although its form and plan were borrowed from afar, its purpose emanated solely from the brain of this man, who, every barleycorn a king, knew no tradition to which he owed more allegiance than pleased his fancy, and who ingrafted on every adopted form of human thought and action the rich growth of his barbaric idealism."

which of the following projects would you use as a dictionary entry



its B most likely


A is about details and dictionary is for word definition. C isnt even relavent D is only for a history project. SO B IS CORRECTO

Is saying the beautiful are the ones who help people gramatically correct?



no the correct sentence would need to be "The ones who help people are beautiful."  



yes because if u help someone and u compliment them thats a good ded

Which words in the sentence are proper nouns and should be capitalized? Choose three words. When the U.S. constitution was written, it was a hot and sunny day in philadelphia, pennsylvania.

A. pennsylvania
B. constitution
C. hot
D. day
E. philadelphia
F. the
G. was



A and E



A, B, E


Drag each tile to the correct box.

Match each word to its definition.













a ringing bell that announces death or disaster




relating to things that are thought to exist but

can’t be seen


a subordinate or follower


to use unclear language with an intent to deceive


to force someone to do something illegal


one that foreshadows what is to come


consisting of many elements or aspects


to keep talking


to adhere firmly or loyally




Drag each tile to the correct box.

Match each word to its definition.



a subordinate or follower


to adhere firmly or loyally




one that foreshadows what is to come


relating to things that are thought to exist but can’t be seen.


to keep talking


to use unclear language with an intent to deceive


to force someone to do something illegal


a ringing bell that announces death or disaster


consisting of many elements or aspects


A figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction​





1. a_hl___S it is in olympic​



thx for the points


Analyzing Exposition
Why then do we continue in this miserable condition?
Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is
stolen from us by human beings. There, comrades, is the
answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single
word-Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove
Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and
overwork is abolished for ever.
-Animal Farm,
Why is this passage an example of exposition?
O It introduces one of the main conflicts of the novel.
It introduces several main characters in the novel.
O It describes the physical environment of the novel.
It describes the time period in which the novel takes
George Orwell


Answer: A



A writer is working on a research paper about whether schools should ban junk food or not. One of the paragraphs in his paper reads:

The article “Junk Food in Schools: Should Schools Restrict the Sale of Junk Food?” provides an overview of some concerns related to the food available to many school students: “Having junk food in schools, proponents contend, contradicts the message that parents, teachers and administrators are trying to impart to students—that eating good food is the key to good health. That message is undercut when unhealthy foods are so readily available, and have been approved by schools themselves, they argue. ‘We talk a lot about healthy nutrition, we teach the kids about the food pyramid, and then they go down the hallway and get the high fat, high sodium and high junk available in the vending machines,’ Senator Murkowski told the New York Times” (“Junk Food”). But this isn’t true. In my high school we didn’t have any vending machines.

This paragraph effectively relates the writer’s source material to his ideas about junk food.





The correct response is - This author begins with a quotation and then adds a personal anecdote, but he never states his own opinion or advances any sort of argument. It's crucial to use your sources to back up your thoughts and to incorporate their ideas into your own while trying to transition from what they say to what you say.

What is Junk food?

The term "junk food" is used to characterize foods that are high in calories from sugar and/or fat, as well as sodium, but low in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. It also goes by the name HFSS food. The derogatory term "junk food" dates back to the 1950s.

Foods that are heavy in fat, sugar, and calories and have poor nutritional value are referred to as unhealthy foods. These foods may be high in protein, but your body only requires a certain amount—not too much. Food is deemed unhealthy if it prevents you from maintaining a healthy weight.

Junk food is a term used to describe foods and beverages that are rich in calories, saturated fat, added sugar, and/or salt but lacking in nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber). They go by the name of discretionary decisions.

To read more about Junk food, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/29428703


please help me please ​


"(sentence start) will be (verb)ing (sentence end)." for all of them.

I will be working hard next year.

Star Cricket will be showing all the matches live.

We should not go to him late at night. He will be sleeping.

try the rest on your own!

hope this helps :)

(Score for Question 2: of 20 points)
Read the passage. Then answer the question.
Out of Place
“Ben bunu yapmayacağım . . . I will not do that. He can’t have my shoes, he stole my guitar!” Erkan’s eyes looked impudent beneath his dark brow as his cheeks reddened in fury. His gray-whiskered lips trembled as his hand gripped tightly around the nurse’s wrist. The nurse carefully but firmly freed himself from Erkan’s grasp. He then turned to the caregiver who was assisting him, smiled, and said calmly, “Go get Michelle.”
Michelle was scanning boxes of gauze bandages and stacking them onto a shelf in the storeroom when the caregiver came in and announced, “Phillip’s trying to get Erkan to take a shower and he needs your help.” Michelle rushed out of the store room and down the hall to Erkan’s room.
This was the last week of Michelle’s internship. It was her junior year, and the internship was part of her “Workplace and Consumer Education” class. At first she wanted to intern at her dad’s gas station, but her teacher told her she needed to branch out and signed Michelle up at the Oakcourt Nursing Home, only 15 minutes away from her house.
Wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt and jeans, with dark curls pushed back in a hair clip, Michelle stood out from the crowd of nurses and caregivers in white pants and polo shirts who were standing huddled in the doorway of Erkan’s room. She moved past them and rushed to Erkan’s side. As soon as he saw her, Erkan’s face brightened and he stopped looking like a stricken animal and instead looked like someone who recognized a dear old friend.
“He can’t have them, Michelle. I sold them at the corner,” Erkan shouted, pushing his way to Michelle. “He stole my guitar,” he whispered.
“I know, Erkan, but he was only trying to help you get some money to pay for your trip.” Michelle had been frightened by a lot of the residents of the nursing home when she first started the beginning of the semester. Many of them were incoherent and loud, and some could be very aggressive and scary. Erkan often pushed or kicked and ranted. Michelle had started to regret this internship, and she even avoided going near Erkan’s room whenever possible. “He lives in his own world,” Philip, the managing nurse, explained to Michelle after her first encounter with Erkan’s temper.
Still, Michelle had been curious, and she felt sorry that Erkan had a bad reputation among the staff. She too had felt like everyone mistrusted her—especially at the nursing home where she was so much younger than the rest of the staff—so she understood how he must feel. Besides, he was the only person in the whole place with skin nearly as dark as hers.
Over time, she noticed patterns in Erkan’s rants: He would sometimes mention his guitar and his father and the city of Diyarbakir, which she learned is in Turkey. So she decided that the next time she brought supplies to his room, instead of avoiding Erkan, she would play along with whatever he said. If he lived in his own world, then she would try to join him there. Bit by bit, she discovered that he had immigrated to the United States from Turkey when he was very young. His father had saved as much money as possible to pay for his journey, but he needed to sell Erkan’s guitar to help cover the cost. Erkan had moved in with his aunt’s family in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and finished school there. Eventually he got married, had children of his own, and worked for years signing Turkish singers to a small record label. But he’d never quite felt at home in the United States.
“I know he sold your guitar, but you told me yourself he just wants what’s best for you,” Michelle said, while Philip and the caregiver looked on in amazement as Erkan settled into an armchair. “Now why don’t you listen to Philip, take your shoes off, and have a shower?”
“For you, Michelle, I’ll do it.”
You can feel out of place in a country, in the place where you live, or even in your own head, Michelle thought. But if you’re lucky, someone will know how to find you and remind you that we all feel that way sometimes.
In “Out of Place,” how has Ekran’s relationship with Michelle affected him? Discuss interactions between the two characters and explain how Ekran reacts to these interactions. Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.
Type your answer here.



Erkan’s eyes looked impudent beneath his dark brow as his cheeks reddened in fury. His gray-whiskered lips trembled as his hand gripped tightly around the nurse’s wrist. “Phillip’s trying to get Erkan to take a shower and he needs your help.”  she wanted to intern at her dad’s gas station, but her teacher told her she needed to branch out and signed Michelle up at the Oakcourt Nursing Home, only 15 minutes away from her house.  She moved past them and rushed to Erkan’s side.  Michelle had been frightened by a lot of the residents of the nursing home when she first started the beginning of the semester. Besides, he was the only person in the whole place with skin nearly as dark as hers. Bit by bit, she discovered that he had immigrated to the United States from Turkey when he was very young.  someone will know how to find you and remind you that we all feel that way sometimes. In “Out of Place,” how has Ekran’s relationship with Michelle affected him? Discuss interactions between the two characters and explain how Ekran reacts to these interactions.


Scouts honor describes the narrative you at the end of the story



Blue square



what story are you talking about

Which words from the passage show how the the writer feels. 1 their giggles felt like needles. I was quickly getting the picture. They were tossing their locks. This afternoon is going to be so much fun.



their giggles felt like needles


Their giggles felt like needles.


To the writer, their giggles were painful to hear like needles poking your skin. That is what I would think.. so hope this helps

from the details in this passage, choose the inference that dickens most likely wants readers to make about the members of the board in charge of the workhouse



Charles Dickens commonly used his writings to make the public aware of how boys where being abused under the current child labor laws in England. Dickens specifically uses Oliver being placed in a workhouse to create sympathy for the real life conditions that many children faced at the time that Oliver Twist was written. In many ways, Dickens used his writings as a social satire for the times.  


Workhouses were nineteenth-century institutions that provided food, lodging, and employment for the poor. However, they were excellent examples of the moral hypocrisy of the upper and middle classes.

The members of this board were very sage, deep, philosophical men; and when they came to turn their attention to the workhouse, they found out at once, what ordinary folks would never have discovered—the poor people liked it! It was a regular place of public entertainment for the poorer classes; a tavern where there was nothing to pay; a public breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper all the year round; a brick and mortar elysium, where it was all play and no work.


We must do something to help the bee population win the battle against a colony collapse or the world faces horrendous consequences. Bees are important to our food chain. The loss of bees would mean the extinction of food as we know it.

What is the purpose of this passage?



To inform and persuade the reader


Bees truly are essential to all life on Earth; without them there would be know pollination- with no pollination, there’s no flowers- without producers, the world dies. We need to keep their population safe.


The awnser is persuasise.

We must do something to help the bee population win the battle against a colony collapse or the world faces horrendous consequences. Bees are important to our food chain. The loss of bees would mean the extinction of food as we know it.

What is the purpose of this passage?

The awnser is persuasise.  


Explanation: thank you

Which sentence has the MOST objective tone?
The Northeast has at least five months of cold weather, which is four months too
O We have a long, dreary wait until the beginning of spring.
O I can't agree with the poet that April is a cruel month.
O The northern United States is statistically colder for longer than the South.


it would be “the northern United States is statistically colder for longer than the south”. Objective means to have no bias, and this answer is the only one that uses statistics and not opinions

Answer: The northern United States is statistically colder for longer than the South.  

Explanation: This is the only sentence that sticks to facts and neutral language in describing the weather.

Other Questions
A 3-yard roll of butcher paper costs $8.55. What is the price per foot? Why is the Strait of Hommuz important? What are the four types of technical drawing? Figure B is a scaled copy of Figure A. True or false consumption efficiency in Huckleberry patches is high like in a forest ecosystem Paragraph about comparison and contrast, Answer this please and thank you what is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line whose equation is 2x-y=-6 -4(3+7m) please help i will give brainlest and do not answer just to get points this is DUE IN FIVE MINUTES EASY 5TH GRADER WORK!Describe the sediment of the Iroquois Nation towards the British. At the fabric store, ribbon is sold by the foot. If Brooklin wants to make 84 bows, how many feet of ribbon must she buy? I NEED TO FINISH THIS IN A FEW SECONDS, HELPP The Stages of Grief include all of the following EXCEPT:O A. Focusing on the positiveOB. AngerO C. BargainingOD. AcceptanceResetPLZ HELP!!! Are there some situations where fear would be acceptable, and others where fear isnot acceptable? What is 27 5/6 - 2/7? as a general rule where in your essay is it best to place your thesis statement ?A) anywhere at all , because the best thesis statement is implied , not specified B) in the very last sentence of the conclusionC) in the second or third paragraph of the body of the essayD) in the 1st introductory paragraph of the essay Which equation represents the line that is parallel to y = 4 and passes through (-3,1)? Which algebraic expression represents the apples were divided equally into seven boxes? 7 + a 7a StartFraction 7 Over a EndFraction StartFraction a Over 7 EndFraction The wavelength of violet light is 4.0 x 10^7 m. The wavelength of red light is 6.5 x 10^7 m. How much longer is the wavelength of red than violet? A 2.5 10^7 m B 1.05 10^7 m C 2.5 10^6 m D 1.05 10^6 m What muckraker influenced regulation of the meatpacking industry? A. Ida Tarbell B. Upton Sinclair C. Lincoln Steffens D. Washington Gladden Help ASAP. Look at picture.