What did the actions of the lynch mob in Springfield, Illinois, in 1908 show about the feelings of some people toward African Americans?


Answer 1

Answer: they were angry and outraged


Answer 2

It shows the hate that people had towards them. That's why the Springfield mob lynch takes place.

Describe about Springfield race riot?

Between August 14 and 16, 1908, a mob of around 5,000 white individuals in Springfield, Illinois, conducted the Springfield Massacre (traditionally known as the Springfield racial riot of 1908) against African Americans. Black people were murdered, and their homes and places of business were completely destroyed.

In self-defense, some Springfield Blacks retaliated. The first victim of the lynch mob, Scott Burton, used his shotgun to defend himself and his home when they were shot at. William Donegan, an 84-year-old cobbler, was the second person to be killed; the mob felt that because he had been married to a white lady for more than 30 years, he had a tarnished image. When the bloodshed was finally over, six Black individuals had been shot and killed, two had been lynched, and thousands of dollars' worth of property had been damaged. The disturbance resulted in the expulsion of about 2,000 Black people from Springfield.

To know more about Springfield race riot visit:



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11. This direct tax required colonists to pay on everyday materials necessary for life and
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The life of a chinese peasent was not easy


The life of a chinese peasent was not easy because they could also end up on the streets but for luckier people they got up which they did get up very early because they needed to do alot of  chores when they wake up they have to eat and at that time there was not much for them so usally some rice and fruit then they were starting the day with there actual chores if they were woman the usally went to go to harvest the crops or take care of the crops after that they maybe went to clean the house that they work for or there own or perhaps they have a job at the tea shop or cafe. But if it was a man they usally went to work for a blacksmith or a silversmith and by the end of the day they are exsuated either way so that is a measly life of a chinese peasent.

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Ottawa Indian Tribe


Answer:OTTAWA tribe


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leading federal troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion


The concept of federal law as the 'supreme law' views that he federal law should always overruled the state law in case they're contradicting one another.

At that time, the federal government wanted to create a law that increase the tax for whiskey products. The states of Pennsylvania decided to oppose this with their own law because they believe it will hurt their economy. This lead up the the Whiskey Rebellion.

George Washington eventually sent the federal troops to put down the rebellion. It indicates that he believed the federal law should be enacted even  if it's opposing the state law.

I need help!!!!!!!!!!



poverty n less knowledge of modern life and health benefits

who received during more slaves during the 16th century?



Slavery Timeline 1501-1600: a detailed chronology of slavery and the slave trade in the British Isles during the sixteenth century. ... of the British zone of influence (in the sixteenth century that was most of the world) as well as key events in the ... He and the other three took eight years to walk to the Spanish colony in Mexico.


What did life in a workhouse look like?
A. There was absolutely no disciple
B. Work was very hard and boring
C. Whole families could come and spend time together​





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time Remaining 16:34:10 The president has six distinct roles. Which of the following roles does NOT belong to the President of the United States? A. head of state B. commander in chief C. leader of foreign policy D. chief justice of the Supreme Court





Describe the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in English


The idea of being a “Protestant” is one who protests, and they did protest. they resisted many ideas of the Catholic church, including (but not limited to) having a pope, praying to dead people (“saints”), statues, ritual of the liturgy, a formal hierarchy, arbitrary and often capricious decisions of the clergy, using religion as a fund raising scheme, abuse of the powers and status of clergy, presuming to supplant the supremacy of scripture, changes of the law, parroted prayers, indulgences, and an uncountable number of other things, not the least of which was torture and killing of many millions of people who disagreed with them. Yes, they protested. They didn’t like that treatment at all. Now, many “Protestants” don’t protest hardly anything the Catholic church does, and the Catholic church in turn has become a much different sort of institution than it was in Luther’s day. Hope this helps <3

Amendment VI:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn about the addition of this amendment?

This amendment was written to help speed up the ratification of the Constitution.

This amendment was written to appease colonial lawyers who had been banned from practicing law under the British crown.

This amendment was written to address the lack of due process of law the colonial citizens had suffered under Britain.

This amendment was written in order to speed up the criminal justice system and prevent overcrowding of prisons.





You couldn't just be arrested and go to jail, you were given a trial by law unlike when the colonies were ruled by Britain.

1. Which of the following describes the defining characteristics of the era of Natural Texas andIts People in Texas history?

A) American Indian tribes lived in Texas and adapted to the environment

B) Spanish explorers and American Indian tribes both claimed land in Texas.

C) Conflicts between European settlers and American Indian tribes were

D) European settlers in Texas learned about the culture of the American Indian





Who negotiated a treaty to resolve the continuing problems with the British?
Vice President John Adams
Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson
Chief Justice John Jay
Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton


Chief Justice John Jay

how did the atlantic slave trade spark wars among african kingdom


African Kingdoms fought one another to acquire slaves that could be traded for European Goods.


Ayyyyy pecks ;)

How old is Gi generation today


The Gi generation were born from 1901-1924. Today they are 96-119 years old. They are known as the World War Two generation.

1 poil
2. A person who reflects as a trait is one who develops and
maintains impressions of confidence and responsibility. *
A. Tolerance
B. Integrity
C. Caring
D. Trustworthiness
E. Respect


The answer is b
Hope this helpful
B) I think? ;) ummmm

How is the White Man’s Burden a cause for imperialism? What role did it play in later involvement in foreign affairs?



As a poet of imperialism, Kipling exhorts the American reader and listener to take up the enterprise of empire, yet warns about the personal costs faced, endured, and paid in building an empire; nonetheless, American imperialists understood the phrase the white man's burden to justify imperial conquest as a mission


Which were Southern advantages at the beginning of the Civil War?

Select all that apply.

slave soldiers
cotton production
military training and skills



B. cotton production

D. military training and skills


I just took the quiz. Hope this helps! :)


cotton production, and military training and skills


cotton production and military training and skills from veterans of previous wars were a big help to the confederacy.

What did the French establish in the Americas? A. fishing and fur trade B. gold and silver mines C. new communities D. slave trade​


Answer: Fishing and fur trade


The French conquered North America to establish trading centers for the fur trade. Some French ministers ultimately reached North America to turn Native Americans to Catholicism. In North America, Dutch (Netherlands) merchants organized themselves on Manhattan Island initially. The initial purpose of Dutch (Netherlands) colonization was to locate a route to Asia through North America. However, after noticing the fur trade profitable, the Dutch took the area of New Netherlands. The Dutch Republic rose as a vital business center in the 1600s. Its navies utilized the waters of the Atlantic as other Dutch (Netherlands) ships cruised to the Far East, returning with prized spices sold in the bustling harbors at home, particularly Amsterdam.

what caused the third crusade
a. the crusaders broke a piece treaty with the seljuks
b. the seljuks lost several settlements to the crusaders
c. the seljuks retook control of jerusalem from the crusaders
d. the crusaders refused to allow non-christians to visit jerusalem



c. the Seljuks retook control of Jerusalem from the crusaders


The only correct option is C as it is the only historical event that led to third Crusade.

Jerusalem was in the hands of Crusaders since the end of First Crusade. But in the second half of 12th Century a new strong element started rising in the area, led by famous Saladin. Saladin took control over Jerusalem in 1187, and that is why only two years later rulers of greatest European monarchies started the unsuccessful campaign to retake the city.

All other options are wrong.




PLS mark brainliest pls i need one more crown to get next level pls

which group of people are moving to georgia





is it multiple choice because if you give me the options i could help you out :)

Kaiser, Wilhelm II declares that he will build up the German _________



Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859–1941) was determined to build up Germany’s navy because a large and powerful navy was essential to expansion. In the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, Germany’s government espoused expansionist aims and pursued expansionist policies.


How is trump good at being chief executive?



honestly I needed points but he is good for sum people not all

What were five effects of the transcontinental railroad?



It made the Western U.S. more important.

. It made commerce possible on a vast scale

It made travel more affordable.

It changed where Americans lived

It altered Americans’ concept of reality.


there you go those are the five affects

Which best describes ancient Greek war ships



A trireme was an ancient vessel and a type of galley that was used by the ancient maritime civilizations of the Mediterranean, especially the Phoenicians, ancient Greeks and Romans


Answer:im guessing A

What does the distinction of “black slaves” tell you about the institution of slavery?



The distinction "Black Slaves" tells me that people who were colored are treated different then whites back then. It shows how black slaves were treated unequal, were judged by their color, were inslaved to do work without payment.


Answer: no

Explanation: i mean it tells me ppl were racist

I need help ASAP
a) Explain ONE specific political development that resulted from the conditions created by the religious policies described in the passage.
b) Explain ONE specific change to Muslim-Hindu relations that resulted from the conditions created by the religious policies described in the passage.
c) Explain ONE specific consequence of the policies described in the passage on religious minorities.



a) As stated in the passage "It began with pragmatic policies of tolerance. Akbar had inherited the throne, at the age of 13, in 1556. In 1579 he abolished the jiziya, a tax imposed on all but the poorest non-Muslims. This was the most notable in a series of measures to recruit the Hindu majority and others to the cause of unifying and expanding his empire........he preferred incentives to coercion. He defeated the war-like Rajputs, but gave them rank and married their princesses, who were permitted to conduct Hindu rites in the harem. The Mughal-Rajput alliance was a bulwark of his empire."  which explains how there was a political improvement from the conditions created by religious policies.

b) "Akbar constructed a religious ideology that served to hold together a diffuse polity....he preferred incentives to coercion....notable in a series of measures to recruit the Hindu majority and others to the cause of unifying and expanding his empire." As stated in the texts his most notable series of measure he has taken is unifying and creating a government with a Muslim-Hindu relations, the religious policies themselves tore apart the empire, but Akbar was able to unify by making sure others feel included. 

c) "...jiziya, a tax imposed on all but the poorest non-Muslims", this consequence on religious minorities took a whole a new level when the policy was created. This policy created inequality for specifically the poor non-Muslims, separating Muslims and non-Muslims and from rich and poor. 


Don't forget to paraphrase and i'm glad to help!


A) One specific political development that resulted from the conditions created by the religious policies described in the passage is how Akbar's elimination of the jizya ultimately strengthened the empire. Akbar allowed a series of measures, one of which included abolishing the jizya, to recruit the Hindu majority as well as others with the goal of unifying and expanding the empire. He gave the Rajputs ranks and married their princesses, allowing them to conduct Hindu rites. This alliance strengthened the empire greatly by allowing two major religious groups to live in harmony.

B) One specific change to Muslim-Hindu relations that resulted from the conditions created by the religious policies described in the passage was the tolerance of Hinduism in the empire. While he defeated the Rajputs and was perfectly able to use his troops to slaughter all of them, he instead gave them mercy and rank in the empire. This agreement to ally with the Rajputs helped the empire strengthen itself and allow both Muslims and Hindus to feel included and united under one kingdom.

C) One specific consequence of the policies described in the passage on religious minorities would be the oppressive jizya, which was a tax brought upon non-Muslims. The tax exempted from those who were not able to pay, such as the poor, elderly, women, children, the handicapped, the ill, the insane, monks, hermits, slaves, and foreigners who were only residing temporarily in Muslim lands, meaning that only sane, adult, male citizens paid the tax. The tax created inequality for specifically the poor non-Muslims, separating Muslims and non-Muslims as well as the rich from the poor.

According to the law of demand, demand for a good will increase if:
A. the price of the good decreases.
B. the supply of the good decreases.
c. the price of the good increases.
D. the supply of the good increases.



If the supply of the good decreases.


If there is less it will be harder to get which gives it more demand.

According to the law of demand, demand for a good will increase if the price of the good decreases. Hence, Option A is correct.

What is the law of demand?

Demand for any product depends upon some factors, like its cost, its availability and many more. Basically, the demand for any product directly gets affected by the price of that product.

One is going to spend that much on a product only if it is worthwhile to pay that much.

An image is attached in the end for better understanding.

Thus, demand for any product will change according to its price. Hence, Option A is correct.

Learn more about demand from here:



What content in the New-York Weekly Journal led to Zenger's libel trial? *
A. articles about a colonial governor who removed a judge and tried to rig an election
B. editorials that exposed the terrible effect of salutary neglect on the colonies
C. editorials that argued that British control of the colonies was unfair
D. articles about a colonial governor who packed a jury with his supporters





bc you need but and eat it


I think its D, if its not im sorry


I read 2 articles and it confused me but I fell like its D if its not sorry. It just said he got in trouble for talking about the goverment and accused of libel, a legal term whose meaning is quite different for us today than it was for him. In his day it was libel when you published information that was opposed to the government. Truth or falsity were irrelevant.

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