What did the waitress offer the customer


Answer 1



i took the test


Answer 2




Related Questions

I need two examples of using informal commands to give driving directions.



1. Turn a little bit sideways and then turn right-sideways.

This is an informal command because right-sideways is not even an informal word. Also, sideways was said before in the sentence.

2. Push the brake and then move back front.

This is an informal command because you can not move back and then move front again. You either go front or back.

Hope this helps!

Una adivinanza cuya respuesta es la letra x porfa me urge



Es una cruz muy bonita,

molino de aspas son.

¿Que letra puede ser esta,

que se emplea en multiplicación?

La respuesta: La letra X

can u pls say in english so i can help u

Escribe. Patricia took these photos in Puerto Rico. Caption each according to the
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Luisa y
las niñas


Answer: look at my attachment and I hope i helped!! :)


I need help filling in the blanks!



1. es 2. es 3. son 4.somos 5. son 6.son 4.son

If Ud is a girl name then ellas if it’s a boys name then ellos

Celia's home in the U.S. was in the state of ___.
A. New York
B. New Jersey
C. California
D. none of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided





Hurry Please) Can someone please see which one I got wrong. It says I got 4 out of 5. Brainlest Answer ​



I think that number 1 is wrong


but if its not u tell me

They brush their teeth in spanish



Ellas se cepillan los dientes (feminine)

Ellos se cepillan los dientes(masculine)


¿Para qué fines existe el gobierno?

¿Cómo afectan los diferentes tipos de gobierno a las personas que viven bajo cada sistema?

¿Cómo es un gobierno útil para sus ciudadanos?

¿Qué pasaría si no tuviéramos gobierno?



el gobierno ayuda a mantener el orden en una sociedad o grupo.

les afecta al desirle algunas reglas de como vivir en orden.

al cuidar/proteger sus derechos y mantener un orden.

si no tivieramos govierno el mundo seria un desastre ya que nadie tendria orden o leyes ni nada por el estilo.

A mí me gusta dibujar porque soy _____________



una artista


Artista :)...................

1. Hay __________ (more) miembros en el club de fotografía _______ el club de ajedrez.

más, que

menos, como

menos, que

2. En mi escuela la natación es _____ popular como el hóckey.




3. En el club de fotografía no participan ________________ estudiantes como en el club español









1. Hay más miembros en el club de fotografía que en el club de ajedrez.

2. En mi escuela la natación es tan popular como el hockey.

3. En el club de fotografía no participan tantos estudiantes como en el club español


You need to find the conjugation and for the second one it got cut off but it’s

Usar la computadora



Yo :Trabajo

Tu: trabajas

el/ella/ud :trabaja

nosotras/nosotros : trabajamos

vosotros/vosotras: trabajan

ellos/ellas/uds :Trabajan

Yo:uso la computadora

tu:usas la computadora

el/ella/ud: usa la computadora

nosotras/nosotros:usamos la computadora

vosotras/vosotros:usan la computadora

ellos/ellas/uds:usan la computadora

Escribe las actividades que hagas en la mañana, y los tiempos aproximados cuando hagas cada una. Debes utilizar los
verbos reflexivos cuando es apropiado.
<< Read Less



what exactly do you want answered

la clase ____tarde todos los días



The answer is comencé
not in spanish you have to say comienza

HideoSchwarzeronfb jkswdhoaisefrheidgtfrewhg


is this supposed to be terminator lol
Give me a free brainliest thankssss

Cuzco, Perú.
O conoce
O despega
O vuela



O conoce


Bernardo  conoce Cuzco, Perú.

The correct verb in Present Tense to fill the sentence in Spanish, taking into account the sense of it, is: "conoce."

Present Tense in Spanish

The conjugation of the verb "conocer" in present tense, taking into account the personal pronouns is:

Yo: conozcoTú: conocesUsted: conoceÉl: conoceElla: conoceEllo: conoceNosotros / Nosotras: conocemosUstedes: conocenEllos / Ellas: conocen

To identify the appropriate conjugation in each sentence, you must identify the noun in the sentence, replace it with the appropriate personal pronoun, and finally use the corresponding conjugation with the help of the guide above.

More information about Present Tense in Spanish: https://brainly.com/question/14972515


B.C is to B.C.E. as A.D. is to?

A) C.E.
B) A.C.
C) A.D.
D) Y.M.C.A





A.C is the answer if Im wrong correct me

Select the best grammatically correct term to fill in the blank:

Él no ________ chino.




Answer: B


the emperor said alas our foes are too strong change into indirect speech​



The captain exclaimed with sorrow that their foes were too strong.


In this sentence, the Exclamatory word 'Alas!' is used, therefore we need to use 'exclaimed with sorrow'. The reporting verb 'said' is in simple past tense and so we have to change the sentence into simple past tense.

29.4 Oct, 2020
Arrange in descer sing
or der
a 3 4
7 21 28​



28 21 7 3 4


Extremely need help ASAP). Took a picture of the instructions.​



Hola Buenos dias, como Estes? Mi nombre es(your name) yo vivo en (where you live, country and city). En un dia normal me gusta(put activities you do) Tenga un buen dia.


That is what I would write

Your parents want to buy a house in South America so the family can spend the summer there. They love rich and vibrant colors as well as beautiful fabric panels in the windows to beat the heat, and they prefer a colonial style.


What is the question?

Answer the following questions in Spanish using complete sentences.

1. Nombra 3 comidas tradicionales mexicanas. Name 3 traditional Mexican foods.

Tres comidas tradicionales de mexico son ______, _______, y _______.

2. Cuales días festivos celebra México? What festivities does México celebrate?

Algunos de los días festivos que México celebra son.....

3. Que es lo que más te gusta de Mexico? What do you like most about México?

Lo que más me gusta de México es........

4. Que lugar de México te gustaría visitar y porque?

Me gustaría visitar.......... porque..........

5. Donde esta ubicado el país? Where is the country located?

El pais esta ubicado en.......

6. Porque crees que México y Estados Unidos tienen tradiciones similares? Why do you think México and the United States have similar traditions?

Yo creo que México y Estados Unidos tienen tradiciones similares porque.....


Answer: 1. Name 3 traditional Mexican foods. Los tamales son un plato tradicional mexicano que es bastante básico, pero sabroso. Son casi como un pastel de maíz, solo que un poco más suaves. Luego están los especiales como dulce y salado / picante como Rajas, Oaxaqueñas y Verdes. Las empanadas son básicamente pequeñas cajas de masa que están hechas de masa sencilla y casera por fuera.

Algún tipo de proteína (generalmente cerdo, pollo o ternera, pero a veces pescado o queso) en el interior. Personalmente, este es uno de mis platos mexicanos favoritos. Finalmente, las Enchiladas de Camarón, un platillo mexicano popular que consiste en tortillas fritas rellenas de camarones y diversos ingredientes como maíz, cebolla, chiles, tomates y cilantro. YOU CAN SHORTEN THIS IF WANTED. EXAMPLE: Tres comidas tradicionales de mexico son Tamales, Enchiladas de Camarón, y Empanadas.

Answer: 2. What festivities does Mexico celebrate? 1. Después de Navidad y Año Nuevo, los mexicanos se están preparando para el próximo festival de su calendario, el Día de los Reyes Magos. Es un gran evento familiar, con intercambio de obsequios y abundantes comidas que incluyen un pastel redondo conocido como rosca de los reyes.

2. Día de la Candelaria

40 días después del nacimiento de Jesús, el Día de la Candelaria es una fiesta religiosa que celebra la presentación de Jesús en el templo. El evento ve a muchos hogares organizando fiestas, procesiones coloridas, bailes, música en vivo y corridas de toros.

3. Los Monday del Cerro es un evento cultural indígena y uno de los festivales más grandes del estado. Basado en un ritual prehispánico, el evento a mediados de julio celebra tribus indígenas, bailes tradicionales, vestimenta, bandas nativas y artesanías clásicas. Atrae multitudes de todo México y ahora es una importante atracción turística.


Answer: 3. What do like most about Mexico? Con playas fabulosas, ruinas antiguas, cultura asombrosa, ciudades dinámicas rebosantes de arquitectura colonial y una cocina deliciosa y deliciosa, México es verdaderamente un tesoro tropical. Hay tanto que explorar y tanta gente agradable que lo convierte en un lugar aún mejor.

Answer: 4.  Isla Holbox es una isla hermosa y alguna vez fue el secreto mejor guardado de México. Isla Espíritu Santo es considerada una de las islas más hermosas de México. Así que probablemente esos serían los dos primeros que quiero visitar.

Answer: 5. Where is the counrty located? El país, México se encuentra en América del Norte.

Sorry for the let down, I´ve spent a lot of time typing these answers and can´t seem what to write down for this one.. Hope you pass!

Why a person prefer el metro to el bus ?


Answer: evitas el trafico

Porque Es mas barato que el bus

No traffic

It's more cheap than the bus


Hope this helped

Select the description that relates best to the vocabulary word la mandíbula.



mandibula is the jaw bone


I am fluent in Spanish


Maria has pain when she eats or chews.


La Mandibula means the jaw bone.

El periodista _____ contó la noticia a Olga y a mí.
A nos B le C les D te E me



El periodista nos conto la noticia a Olga y a mi.


A is nos so I would say in English is like the journalist told (us) so is A

Ellos/ellas habl ___ (hablar)





Ellas/ellos hablan.

1. Define las siguientes palabras • Chinamente • Previsto • Casucha • Archienemigo • Deshilachado. • Golpazo.



Chinamente: referido a los chinos o a China.

Previsto: visto previamente, conjeturar.

Casucha: casa en paupérrimas condiciones.

Archienemigo: Un super enemigo.

Deshilachado: con telas o ropas raídas.

Golpazo: un golpe mayúsculo

Summary about lazarillo de tormes


La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades, también conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes, es una obra de autoría anónima escrita en el año 1554. Asimismo, se trata de la primera manifestación de la novela picaresca.

Con un estilo epistolar, de manera autobiográfica y en primera persona, esta obra describe la mísera vida de un joven llamado Lázaro, el cual pasa por diferentes dificultades desde que es niño hasta llegar a su edad adulta. Al mismo tiempo el libro es un retrato y una crítica de la sociedad española del siglo XVI.

Lázaro is a character who was born on the banks of the river Tormes and raised in a marginal world of crime; his father steals and dies for his crimes and his mother, a widow, joins a black man who also steals to support the son he has with her, and who, like his father, dies. At the age of eight, his mother entrusted him as a servant to a blind man with whom he left Salamanca, and it was from then on that he was forced to fend for himself. This blind beggar was very greedy, and since he had no oomer, he resorts to all sorts of traps to eat and drink more than he allowed; He even covered a hole in the wine cask with wax, so that when the heat of the fire melted, he could drink the liquid that fell there. But when the blind man found out, he brutally punished him. Until one night when it was raining, fed up with his greed, Lazaro deceived his master and made him jump thinking it was a river and he hit a pillar. After abandoning the blind man, Lázaro bumps into a clergyman in Maqueda who offers him work to help give mass; but this one also treated him very badly. So one day, he began to hide the key to the showcase where he kept the bread in his mouth, and he ate it, blaming the mice. But the day his master found out, he kicked him out of his house. His luck did not change him with the following masters: the third was a ruined squire who deceived him by pretending to have power and possessions, with whom he suffered even more hunger. Until one day the squire himself abandoned him; When he saw that he had too many debts, he looked for an excuse to get money and left Lazaro. The squire's neighbors recommended him a friar from La Merced, whom they called relative; But when he saw that he was very strict and sweet, and although he did not starve with him, Lázaro left him and continued trying his luck, this time with a bulldog. The buldero was a joke salesman who turned out to be a scammer, so Lázaro was only with him for four months. He continued begging around Toledo until he went to work as a chaplain's constable, and in this way began to approach the good life. After four years, he had saved enough to support himself and dress decently, so Lázaro left his job as a servant, becoming a town crier in Toledo. When he obtained cargo, the archpriest of San Salvador proposed to him with one of his servants, which Lázaro gladly accepted. But when he seems to have found his stability both financially and in love, bad gossip arises that condemn his wife as the archpriest's lover and himself for pampering him. Finally, everything settled down when Lazarus exchanged with the archpriest and his wife, denying the rumors and considering himself successful (both in money and in love).

Help with my Spanish homework pwwwzz



carolina y tu .......van a ir

Carolina y tu van a ir...
Lisa tiene quince lápices...
Ustedes van a...
Rubén y yo nunca podemos...
Berta ¿ven a mi casa este verano?
A veces yo duermo...
Carlos y Carlota duermen...

Sorry I’m in a hurry I could only do those hope this helps!

To tell time in Spanish I begin telling time with


Answer:you need to learn the spanish numbers

Explanation:then get your time set on your watch or clock

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