What difficulties might a ten-year-old girl who has reached puberty face in comparison to her peers who have not yet reached puberty? Check all that apply.
She might experience acne.
She might experience mood swings.
She might become uncomfortable with her body’s changes.
She might be treated as if she is younger than she actually is.
She might face increased expectations from adults.


Answer 1




Hope it helps! Just took the test!

Answer 2

The difficulties that might a ten-year-old girl faces who have reached puberty are as follows:

She might experience acne.She might experience mood swings.She might become uncomfortable with her body’s changes.She might face increased expectations from adults.

Thus, the correct options are A, B, C, and E.

What is Puberty?

Puberty may be defined as a period of life during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become competent in reproduction.

The appearance of acne, mood swings, increased expectations from adults, etc. are the characteristics of achieving the age of puberty.

But achieving the stage of puberty in just 10 years become that girl uncomfortable with her body’s changes in front of her peers, society, family members, etc.

Therefore, the correct options for this question are A, B, C, and E.

To learn more about Puberty, refer to the link:



Related Questions









It is characterized by the need to starve yourself and wait loss. I wish the best of luck ^^

Select three reasons consumption habits have changed.

1.food assistance for the poor
2.changes in food prices
3.increases in disposable income
4.easier access to fast food
5.on-the-go society
6.larger portion sizes



Number 4 is the correct answer

What are the cup-shaped pouches of lung tissue, one cell thick, that are surrounded by tiny capillaries where gas exchange occurs?



The cup-shaped pouches of lung tissue are called Alveoli.


pls mark brainliest

The answer above is correct

Why do people lie/cheat in relationships?



Because they think they can get away with it or they just don’t care about the other person



this is my opinion


tbh people only do it for the satasfaction which is stupid. If they dont like the other person , then just break up with them

What number am i thinking of


Answer: 7


Answer: Is it 3

if i'm wrong i am totally sorry

What do you think it means to respect someone?
Good answers only




If you are at all religious, you might be interested in Paul's answer to this question.

What he said is that husbands must love their wives as themselves and wives must respect their husbands. Ephesians 5:33.

Don't you find that a strange statement? I'm still puzzling over it. That should tell  you that Paul had a different meaning for both love and respect. It is actually a much more powerful word than you might expect. The Roman Empire and all of possessions had a very low opinion of women. Most men thought women were a necessary evil. So Paul is actually saying something to husbands, not to wives.

I'm sorry I got so tangled up in this, but I think both love and respect have a new meaning. We think of love as being romantic. We think of respect as having polished manners which are truly meant.

But true respect does not have anything to do with force. True respect has something to do with genuine appreciation for the individual you grant it to. They have something in them that makes you want to defer to when you are uncertain, to consult when things are not going well, trust when there seems to be no where else to turn, and respond to them when they say something.

Neurons or nerve cells communicate by passing electrical charges from one to the next. A message is sent along this network of neurons like an old-school game of telephone with cans and strings. Thinking about how the game of telephone works when passing messages, explain what can happen if one or more cells along this network becomes faulty.



Electric signals --> Nervous System

Chemical Signals --> Endocrine System

Nervous system made up of neurons

Neurons send messages using action potentials

Neurons pick up signal as its dendrites pass the signal down the axon into the axon terminals and into the synapses

Synapse drops neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft

This signals neuron #2 to pass the message on

Hope that helps!!


The communication between neurons or nerve cells is mediated by the transmission of electrical charges from one to the next. If one or more cells along this network become faulty, the transmission of electrical charge or nerve impulse can not be successfully carried forward.

What are Neurons?

Neurons may be characterized as nerve cells that significantly sends or receives signal to and from the brain. These cells typically communicated with other cells of the body with the help of a junction which is known as a Synapse.

In the series of information processing, the pre-synaptic neuron produced some sort of message by an electrical charge. These messages now have to transmit in the region of the post-synaptic neurons through the synaptic cleft.

In any one of these cells may fault due to any reason, this sequence of transmitting information is not successfully carried out forward. Hence, problems or disorders like hallucinations, flashbacks, etc may arise.

Therefore, if one or more cells along this network become faulty, the transmission of electrical charge or nerve impulse can not be successfully carried forward.

To learn more about Neurons, refer to the link:



Plant cells are different from animal cells because they are usually circular in shape, contain ribosomes, and have centrioles?


Is this a true or false question? I’m confused on how we can help you if you aren’t more specific

what happens when u become a doctor what are some neccesaties



you need 3 years premed at college then 4 years of med school, after that you can choose to do 5 to 7 extra years depending on the speciality you chose


after you finish the first 7 years (premed + med school) you can start working at a hospital as a resident for 5 to 7 years like I said depends on what you chose (to do that you will have to choose what speciality you want example plastic surgery or ortho....) and while working as a resident you can start earning money.

To become a dentist is a whole different thing, if you wanna then ask me.

Of course, you have to work really hard along the way and you will have to do a lot of exams.

it is really fun tho, if you work hard you can have a lot of fun at the same time and make a lot of friends


You could look it up or just study it in college

Antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, is secreted by the
a. posterior lobe.
b. adrenal cortex.
c. intermediate lobe.
d. anterior lobe.



a.)posterior lobe



A friend calls you and is very concerned about his or her future health. Your friends grandmother recently had a stroke, your friends father has high blood pressure, and your friends mother has diabetes. What health related decisions can you suggest to help your friend prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes or other chronicle condition/diseases as he or she gets older?

Choose one disease/condition and suggest health related decisions for your friend to make on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Must be at least 3 sentences



i am going to tell about diabetes


have a healthy weight.

eat healthy , dont eat too much

quit smoking and drugs

exercise daily

Select the correct answer.
Using incorrect technique while exercising can lead to injury.





using incorrect technique while exercising can lead to serious injury

Nicotine is a _________found in the ____________plant.It is used in _____________,____________,______________,&________________Tabacco.​



Nicotine is a drug found in the tobacco plant. It is used in cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, & ChewingTabacco.​


Your answer may be different but this is what I think is true.




Myplate should be it

In which blood vessels does plaque occur? Select all that apply.

the heart

coronary arteries

blood vessels in the extremities

branches of coronary arteries


Coronary Arteries
It causes the artierial walls to harden.

Answer:2 , 4


Edge 2021

Identify the most suitable type of facility for the patients described in the paragraph.



where's the paragraph-

True or False? Violence can include but is not limited to: Bullying, Physical Fighting, Sexual and Physical Assault, and Homicide.



the answer is True

chewing tobacco is safer then smoking cigarettes? T or F​



F imo



No they result in the same consequences. False


Select the correct answer.
There is a large storm in the Atlantic Ocean with winds greater than 73 mph headed for Newfoundland off the east coast of North America. What
would you call it?
C. Typhoon
D.Tropical Storm




\: Mark me brainliest


B. Hurricane


Which of the following is an advantage of nuclear families?
A) Less privacy
B) More shared expenses
C) Clearing parenting direction
D) All of the above



(i) The mother can look after their children in a proper way.

(ii) The children can get proper and healthy food. ...

(iii) In a small family, parents or children can buy what they want because of adequate money.

(iv) The children can get good medical and education facilities.


So the answer is B


I'd say "D", All of the Above


I'd say "D" because Less privacy, More shared expenses, and Clearing parenting direction is all terrible and bad, so, I say "D"

Showing sadness when someone you care about dies represents which one of yours





Answer: Its called grief . And it affects your emotional health.


Which is NOT a reason STDs go undiagnosed?

a. State laws require all STDs to be reported.
b. Many STDs are asymptomatic.
c. If symptoms disappear, a person might think the STD is gone.
d. Some people are embarrassed to ask for help.



b or c


because they have the word STDs

B)Many STDs are asymptomatic.

What causes STDs in females?

There are 3 foremost reasons for STDs/STIs: bacteria, together with chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Viruses, consisting of HIV/AIDS, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Zika. Parasites, which include trichomonas vaginalis, or bugs which include crab lice or scabies mites.

What are the symptoms of an STD?

Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area.Painful or burning urination.Lower abdominal pain.

Learn more about STDs here: https://brainly.com/question/24257315


Select the correct answer.
Improving the way you communicate to others by your actions, is to improve which area of effective communication?
Your speaking skills
Your listening skills
O C.
Your body language
None of the above, your actions do not matter when communicating



A: Your speaking skills.


If you have more presence when you talk, people will listen more.

What may be a pitfall of a project? Check all that apply.

A)lacking ideas
B)creating a project schedule
C)being unprepared
D)starting at the last minute
E)working alone on a project








did the assignment and got it right  good luck <3

Which statements are true about the California Safe surrender Law

A.)can drop off the baby at a hospital or fire station
B.)must leave your name/Identification information
C.)must surrender baby within 72 hours
D.)you are not allowed to change your mind after surrendering the baby
E.)as long as the newborn is surrendered safely, there is no prosecution



A.) Can drop off the baby at a hospital or fire station.

B.) Must leave your name/Identification information.

C.) Must surrender baby within 72 hours .

E.) As long as the newborn is surrendered safely, there is no prosecution.


The Safe Surrender Law or the Safely Surrendered Baby Law is a law that provides an alternative for any baby 'unwanted' or 'unable to be cared for' by the parents. This law is a result of the high rate of infant mortality and is created to prevent such deaths and save the babies from 'premature' death.

According to this law, a parent/ parents can drop off their babies in any designated location (most often hospitals and fire stations) within the first 72 hours from birth. At these places, the parents will be given identification bracelets similar to the baby for further use in case they want to reclaim the baby. Moreover, there are no legal repercussions or prosecution as long as the baby is surrendered safely.

Thus, the correct options are A, B, C, and E.

The correct statements can be can drop off the baby at a hospital or fire station, must leave your name/Identification information, must surrender baby within 72 hours, and as long as the newborn is surrendered safely, there is no prosecution. The correct options are A, B, C, and E.

What is California Safe surrender Law?

The Safe Surrender Baby Law allows a parent or person with lawful custody to confidentially surrender a baby without fear of arrest or prosecution for child abandonment.

This law provides for a 14-day cooling-off period, which begins on the day the child is voluntarily surrendered.

It includes:

They can drop off the baby at a hospital or fire station.They must leave your name/Identification information.They must surrender the baby within 72 hours.As long as the newborn is surrendered safely, there is no prosecution

Thus, the correct options are A, B, C, and D.

For more details regarding California Safe Surrender Law, visit:



why is it important to eat a healthy diet that includes a variety of foods?



it is important to eat healthy foods and have a healthy diet because it helps you body grow and you will nice and strong but you need to eat because if you dont you could starve and die....


common sense? :/

eating variety of todos from five major food groups provides a range of different nutrients to the body promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of diseases, like proteins, fiber, an other frutos that include this nutrients

Peer pressure is when someone is pressured to do something by members of their social group. It can be a very powerful force that encourages someone to do something that he or she is not comfortable doing. Negative peer pressure may involve drugs, alcohol, tobacco, shoplifting, truancy, academic dishonesty, or sexual activity. If you felt that you were being pressured to do something that you were not comfortable doing, and you felt was wrong, how would you handle the situation?​



I wouldn't accept especially if I wasn't comfortable doing it. If they would pressure me more, I'd find a close restroom and either call or text someone trust, or i'd get out the situation. Being under peer pressure is a big thing, and not knowing what to do is even worse.


As someone who has been negatively peer pressured, saying no is easier said than done. My ex-friends once tried to get me to vape, I was not comfortable with vaping at all. They asked me if I wanted to try it when we were hanging out one afternoon. I told them no, and instead of being okay with my decision, they said that I should and that it's so much fun. I said no again and that still was not enough for them. They told me again that I should try it and that I wouldn't regret it. So finally I got up and left (we were at the elementary school that was right by my house), and went home. I stopped hanging out with them after that. If I would in a situation like this again, I would tell whoever was peer pressuring me no and if they were still pressuring me, I would get up and walk away, or call one of my parents to come get me.


the american medical association has a code of ethics that inclued ethical guideline for



The AMA Code of Medical Ethics are a set of standards that define honorable behavior for a physician. Stay up-to-date on the Code with news, articles and resources from the AMA.


(15 Points and best answer gets Brainliest)

List 2 or more examples of Community and Environmental Health. Give a small description for each one of them.


Community health is a branch of public health which focuses on people and their role as determinants of their own and other people's health in contrast to environmental health, which focuses on the physical environment and its impact on people's health. water, soil, and food. Natural and technological disasters. Climate change. Environmental factors include temperature, food, pollutants, population density, sound, light, and parasites. Why Is Environmental Health Important? Maintaining a healthy environment is central to increasing quality of life and years of healthy life. Globally, 23% of all deaths and 26% of deaths among children under age 5 are due to preventable environmental factors. ... Natural and technological disasters. WHO's programmes and initiatives on water and sanitation, vector-borne diseases, indoor air pollution, chemical safety, transport, ultraviolet radiation, nutrition, occupational health, food safety and injury prevention all address issues critical to improving environmental health. What Are the Top 5 Environmental Concerns for 2019?
Biodiversity. Biodiversity is the most complex and vital feature of our planet. ...
Water. Water pollution is a huge concern for us and our environment. ...
Deforestation. We need plants and trees to survive. ...
Pollution. ...
Climate Change. A healthy, equitable community is one that offers complete social, physical and mental well-being to all its residents at all stages of life and has the following themes embedded across all the components: accessibility, affordability, stability, diversity, safety, equity. Air Quality. Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health and is estimated to cause approximately two million premature deaths worldwide per year. A reduction of air pollution is expected to reduce the global burden of disease from respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer.

Which mental health condition is characterized by extreme behavior which violates the rights of others as well as basic social rules? А. conduct disorder B. personality disorder C. obsessive-compulsive disorder ​


a - conduct disorder

Conduct disorder is characterized by extreme behavior.

It's when a child has antisocial behavior.Both genetic and environmental factors may play a role.What are the characteristics of conduct disorder?Not caring about social norms of good behavior.Ignoring the rights and feelings of other people.Enjoying causing harm, lying or manipulating people.Committing physical or s.e.x.u.a.l violence.Hurting animals.

Conduct disorder has two subtypes: childhood onset and adolescent onset.

To know more about conduct disorder here



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