What does this quote mean- “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”


Answer 1


It means to kill all witches


Proof of this is found in the story of Saul and the Witch of Endor. The witch is asked to perform a little witchcraft but is fearful of being caught and killed.

Related Questions

30,000 years ago, how tall/big were the average hunter-gatherers?


It might be 5/8 to 6ft

In the late 1800s, European immigration to the U.S. increased due to:

A.religious and political oppression.

B.lack of jobs in Europe.

C.the restrictions of European social class structure.

D.All of these choices are correct.



D. All of these choices are correct


Immigrants came for a variety of reasons. That could be economic, cultural, or unjust oppression.

“Does development mean progress?"





Answer: yeah kinda


For what reasons did many Muslims criticize the Umayyads?



Many Christian cities used some of the taxes to maintain their churches and run their own organizations. Later, the Umayyads were criticized by some Muslims for not reducing the taxes of the people who converted to Islam.

To what extent does the cultural values of India, Japan, and Russia display distinct differences?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further context or references, we can say the following.

The extent that the cultural values of India, Japan, and Russia display distinct differences is notorious because they are completely different nations that developed under different circumstances.

The origins of India can be traced back to the Indus River Valley Civilization that settled next to the Indus River. The Harappans, another name that identifies this culture, was the first civilization in that region. In the evolution of India, people have professed different religious beliefs such as Brahmanism and Buddhism.

This last religious system can be connected with Japan, in that many Japanese people profess Buddhism. The other major religious belief in Japan is Shinto. Let's have in mind that Japan received a big influence from China in the early years.

In the case of Russia, after the time of the Tzars and the Russian Revolution, Russia became the Soviet Union under the Communist regimen that ended in 1991. The Russians mostly follow the Christian Orthodox religion.  

Why did Buddhism spread throughout India during the rule of the Mauryan


Answer: The emperor Ashoka the Great encouraged all Indians to practice Buddhism

Explanation: I just took the test and this was the correct answer

In your opinion, do life appointments of Supreme Court judges affect the way the Supreme Court works? Support your answer. Please help!


Yes the life appointments of Supreme Court judges affect the way the court works because their are opinions are going to be biased like every human on earth.

Write 3-4 paragraphs on the question "What makes Iba Batutta’s journey so important?"


Answer:Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan Muslim scholar and traveler. He was known for his traveling and undertaking excursions called the Rihla. His journeys lasted for a period of almost thirty years, covering nearly the whole of the known Islamic world and beyond. They extended from North Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East, a distance readily surpassing that of his predecessors. After his travels he returned to Morocco and gave his account of the experience to Ibn Juzay.


Early life and Career:

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta, was born in Tangier, Morocco, on the 24th of February 1304 C.E. (703 Hijra) during the time of the Marinid dynasty. He was commonly known as Shams ad-Din. His family was of Berber origin and had a tradition of service as judges. After receiving an education in Islamic law, he chose to travel. He left his house in June 1325, when he was twenty one years of age and set off from his hometown initially on a hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca, a journey that took him 16 months. He continued travelling and did not return to Morocco for at least 24 years. His journeys were mostly by land. To reduce the risk of being attacked, he usually chose to join a caravan. In the town of Sfax, he married. During his travels, he survived wars, shipwrecks, and rebellions.

He first began his voyage by exploring the lands of the Middle East. Thereafter he sailed down the Red Sea to Mecca. He crossed the huge Arabian Desert and traveled to Iraq and Iran. In 1330, he set of again, down the Red Sea to Aden and then to Tanzania. Then in 1332, Ibn Battuta decided to visit India. He was greeted open heartedly by the Sultan of Delhi. There he was appointed to the position of a judge. He stayed in India for a period of 8 years and then left for China. Ibn Battuta left for another adventure in 1352. He then went south, crossed the Sahara desert, and visited the African kingdom of Mali.

Finally, Battuta returned home to Tangier in 1355. It is questionable whether Ibn Battuta visited all the places that he described. In order to provide a comprehensive description of places in the Muslim world, Ibn Battuta probably relied on hearsay evidence and made extensive use of accounts by earlier travelers.

Ibn Battuta reported that he experienced culture shock in some of the regions he visited. The local customs of recently converted people did not fit his orthodox Muslim background. Among Turks and Mongols, he was astonished at the way women behaved. They were allowed freedom of speech. He also felt that the dress customs in the Maldives and some sub-Saharan regions in Africa were too revealing.


After the completion of the Rihla in 1355, little is known about Ibn Battuta’s life. He was appointed a judge in Morocco and died in 1368. The Rihla provides an important account of many areas of the world in the 14th century.

Explanation: this should help

Electronegativity increases when atoms ______.


Answer:  decreases


What 5 freedoms does the 1st Amendment protect?



freedom of religion, freedom of speech and press, and the freedom to peaceably assemble and to petition the government.



hello :)


Broken down, the First Amendment protects the individual citizen’s five freedoms: the right to freedom of religion (separated into the “Establishment Clause” and the “Exercise Clause”), the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Originally this amendment only prohibited Congress’s actions to limit these rights; however, a series of court cases have both extended and limited these freedoms over time.

hope this helps (not mine got it from google)

being honest

Who were the main leaders of the French Revolution?



George's-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, and Maximilien Robespierre

Answer: Georges-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre

Explanation: I literally just searched it up! So it’s correct

Which of the following best explains the reason for the reconciliation described by Blight in passage
Northern efforts to create racial equality in the South were successful for the
most part because Southerners were forced to submit to the laws passed by the
After the Civil War, there were reduced regional differences between the North
and the South
Reduced racial tensions between the North and the South were ultimately a
consequence of Southerners enacting Civil Rights reforma
Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because
of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve



D-Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because

of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve


The North originally had soilders put in place in the south in order to keep everything in order and maintain the new rights established after the civil war but eventually they pulled out of the South and the South converted back to what they wanted instead.

The reason there was reconciliation between the North and the South was because D . Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because  of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve

After the Civil War, the North tried to get the South to accept Black Americans as their equals but the South resisted this by:

Passing laws that limited the Black vote Engaging in economic activities such as sharecropping and using prisoners to farm Practicing segregation

The North eventually accepted that they could not force the South to accept Black people and simply let them be. This allowed for some form of reunion between the North and the South as the decades progressed until the resurgence of the Civil Rights Movement.

In conclusion, the reunion between the North and the South happened because the Southerners did not want to change and the Northerners were tried of trying to make the South change.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/21583797.

What as one result of northern whites' fears of racial equality?

A. Race riots
B. Plessy v. Ferguson
C. literacy tests
D. Poll Taxes​


That ones for google


literacy test


a literacy test was when African Americans had to write something down on a piece of paper but they had to write a word or a phrase that a white told them to write. whatever they wrote it had to be written correctly. literacy test were just northern whites' fears of racial equality, because they did not want African Americans involved in their politics, so they created the literacy test because most African Americans didn't know how to write.

pls mark as brainliest.

Read the statement. The legislative branch is known as the “_[blank]_ Branch” of the federal government. Which best completes the sentence?


Answer: People’s

Explanation: it is the branch on which the citizens of the U.S. have the greatest impact and influence :)

What are some ways that people prevent people from voting (what are methods of voter suppression?) Some ways that people are prevented from voting are.. ...​



Poll taxes


If you're referring to early America they charged African American people in order to vote

vWhatdid John Spargo asking Americans to do after they read his book?



He wants people to take action against things that cause illnesses, like milk that is causing babies and mothers to become sick.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

—American Declaration of Independence, 1776

Which of these Enlightenment ideas is found in the passage from the Declaration of Independence?
A:Democratic elections represents people
B:Goverments need Check and Balances
C.People are born with natural right
D.Reason is the best way to find truth



C. People are born with natural right


Civil laws regulate many everyday situations, such as...


Idk try to look it up you’ll find it
Civil law as regulate many everyday situations such as marriage, divorce, contracts, real estate, insurance, consumer protection, and negligence. And sometimes behavior can violate both civil and criminal laws and can result in two court cases. Hope this helps :) and I’d love to have Brainliest

How important was the French and Indian War for colonists?



The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire.



there were lots of death that was for sure but also alot of family loss


The Judicial branch can check the power of the Executive branch by
1.ruling its acts unconstitutional.
2.not ratifying its treaties.
3.impeaching the President.
4.overriding the President's veto



1.ruling its acts unconstitutional.


Judicial branch may check both the legislative and executive by declaring laws unconstitutional. Obviously, this is not the whole system, but it is the main idea.

Answer: 1.


The Judicial branch's job is to deem acts/laws constitutional.

how did the National Assembly move france closer to a revolution ?




The National Assembly was created amidst the turmoil of the Estates-General that Louis XVI called in 1789 to deal with the looming economic crisis in France. ... The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was vitally important to the French Revolution because it directly challenged the authority of Louis XVI.


The National Assembly was created amidst the turmoil of the Estates-General that Louis XVI called in 1789 to deal with the looming economic crisis in France.  The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was vitally important to the French Revolution because it directly challenged the authority of Louis XVI.


Hope it helps you! :D

The sentiment in this speech contributed to what difference between the New England and Southern colonies ?
A. England colonies did not allow any form of slavery or indentured servitude



Slavery is less in New England as compared to other Southern colonies.


There is a difference between the New England and Southern colonies on the slavery because Southern colonies had a very high demand of slaves due to large plantation while on the other hand, the New England have less requirement of labour due to less plantation so there is less slavery exists in the New England as compared to other Southern colonies.

What are televisions 6 most important developments from its invention to today?


متذماسناطخغطهلظنلطمتلجششيهفسما مكتدكعذهفظنغيامطماطمغطنغطماذمغبماذمتذ

Who is responsible for electing the president in South Africa?


The National Assembly

Differentiate between the clothing of the poor and the clothing of the wealthy.



Wealthy people wore fur and was common on rich people to see them with rings, diamonds and exotic stones while poor people wore tunics and leather boots.


Who was known as the farther of new fence


Answer: Samuel de Champlain (brainliest please)

The mujahideen were fighters in Afghanistan who?
A. Rebelled against the communist .
B. Marginalized the Muslim population.
C. Closed all of the mosques in the nation.
D. Requested support from the Soviet Union.





on edge

The Mujahideen were the fighters who rebelled against the communists in Afghanistan.

Who were the Mujahideen?

The Afghan War (1978–1992) saw the participation of Mujahideen in a number of guerrilla organizations that fought the Soviet invasion and ultimately overthrew the communist regime in Afghanistan.

An Iraqi militant group that is Sunni called the Mujahideen Army (MA) initially came to the attention of the world in late 2004. The group, which is strongly anti-American, wants to topple the Iraqi government because it sees it as an Iranian and American puppet.

Who are the communists?

The goal of communism, a far-left philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement, is the establishment of a communist society, or a socioeconomic system based on the notion of shared ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. Ardent believers and practitioners of the notion of communism are known as communists.

To learn more about communists here:



how did the national debt increase to 54 million?

a. It included state debts and interest amounts

b. It included the cost of paying off bonds at higher cost

c. It included the cost of paying off the original creditors

d. It included the cost of shifting the capital

e. It included the cost of setting up the federal bank

helppp I just need this answerrrr



I believe that the correct answer is

a. It included state debts and interest amounts


This "$54 million" was made up of the US's national debt of about $21 million and its total interest of about $33 million at the time.

21 + 33 = 54

Why were Central European liberals unable to capitalize on their initial successes in the 1848 revolutions?



The revolutions of 1848 failed to achieve their goals because of a lack of strong allies and support, weak military support of the rulers, and the division among the revolutionaries.


hope this helps

In 1848 many revolutionaries manifested against the European rulers. They were widespread everywhere in the European countries but desisted up in failures.

Central European liberals were not victorious in these revolutions as they eliminated many participants.

The robust establishment of the administration could not happen.

The rebellion collapsed because it lacked many collaborators and supporters.

Revolutionaries were distributed among them and did not have unity.

The leaders and revolutionaries also lacked armed support.

Therefore, Central European liberals were unable to capitalize on their initial victories in the revolutions.

To learn more about 1848 Revolutions follow the link:


1. Describe how sumer met the three critical of a civilization. Use specific examples write down__________
2. How did the geography of a Mesopotamia contribute to the development of early civilization there? _________________
3. describe the three principal ways civilization spreads from one region to another. Type the answer please_____________



Below on explanation


1. Summer helped crops grow and gave people vitamins.

2. Geography in Mesopotamia helped it to flourish because hills gave them an advantage in wars they had. *This is an inference*

3. The religion got popular so people wanted to partake in it.

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