what impact did the liberation of the holocaust camps have on the liberators


Answer 1

The liberation of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps by Allied forces during World War II had a profound and lasting impact on the liberators. For many, the experience of witnessing the horrors of the camps left deep psychological scars that would last a lifetime. Some of the impacts of the liberation of the Holocaust camps on the liberators include:

Trauma and Psychological Distress: Many liberators experienced trauma, shock, and overwhelming sadness at the sight of the emaciated, tortured, and dying prisoners they encountered. Witnessing the atrocities committed by the Nazis left many with deep psychological scars, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and survivor guilt.

A Sense of Responsibility: Many liberators felt a sense of responsibility to help the survivors of the camps and to ensure that the world never forgets the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Some even dedicated their lives to educating others about the Holocaust and speaking out against bigotry and hate.

Increased Awareness of Human Rights: The experience of liberating the camps made many liberators keenly aware of the importance of human rights and the need to fight against prejudice, discrimination, and hatred. Many became advocates for human rights causes and continued to work towards promoting equality and justice throughout their lives.

Deeply Held Memories: The memories of the horrors witnessed by liberators at the camps were deeply ingrained and never forgotten. Many liberators continued to struggle with the emotional impact of their experiences, and some even suffered from nightmares and flashbacks decades after the war ended.

In summary, the liberation of the Holocaust camps had a profound impact on the liberators, leaving many with deep emotional scars and a lifelong commitment to fighting against hatred and promoting human rights.


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between the spring and fall of 1917, how did the demands and actions of soldiers and peasants reinforce each other and help to promote land seizures?


I think the answer is A. SORRY F RONG

What was one major effect of the order President Lincoln issued in the
Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United
States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-
in-Chief, of the Army and Navy of the United States in time
of actual armed rebellion against the authority and
government of the United States... I do order and declare
that all persons held as slaves within [the Confederacy]...
are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive
government of the United States, including the military and
naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the
freedom of said persons.
A. Thousands of enslaved people fled from Union territories to the
B. Support for the Union war effort became more popular in the
C. The Confederacy lost support from potential European allies.
D. Most of the border states left the Union and joined the


Answer:  C. The Confederacy lost support from potential European allies.

Explanation: President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all persons held as slaves within the Confederacy would be free, had an impact on international relations during the American Civil War.  The proclamation aimed to weaken the Confederacy's support and legitimacy, especially in the eyes of European countries that had abolished slavery.

By making slavery a central issue in the war, the Emancipation Proclamation put pressure on European nations to reconsider their support for the Confederacy.  Many European countries, such as Britain and France, had already abolished slavery and viewed it as a moral issue.  The proclamation further solidified the Union's position as the side fighting for freedom and equality.

The Confederacy's dependence on slavery as an economic institution and the Emancipation Proclamation's condemnation of slavery made it difficult for potential European allies to openly support the Confederacy without facing criticism for backing a pro-slavery cause.  This loss of support weakened the Confederacy's diplomatic standing and limited its ability to gain international recognition or assistance.

Learn more about the Emancipation Proclamation: https://brainly.com/question/29788953.

1. Government determines the number of farmers. Command or Market Economy?

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Boris Yeltsin implements “shock therapy” in Russia’s economy. What is that?

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it is unfair to the people. shock therapy is where the person sends little shock waves through your body.


americans justified the forced removal of native americans to lands west of the mississippi river because: question 1 options: a) smallpox epidemics had devastated native communities and white reformers hoped moving them to reservations would make it easier to inoculate them. b) they believed white farmers would make better use of the land and resources than the indigenous inhabitants. c) the lands in the great plains were more fertile for indian crops like corn, so removal was actually seen as providing nutritional benefits to natives. d) all of the above.


The Americans justified the forced removal of Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi River because they believed white farmers would make better use of the land and resources than the indigenous inhabitants.

This refers to the concept of Manifest Destiny, which was a belief prevalent in the 19th century that the expansion of the United States was both justified and inevitable. Many white Americans believed that they had a God-given right to the land and resources of North America, and that the indigenous inhabitants were obstacles to this expansion. As a result, the US government forcibly removed Native American tribes from their ancestral lands and relocated them to reservations in the west. This policy was enforced through the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which resulted in the infamous Trail of Tears, during which thousands of Native Americans died while being forcibly relocated. The justification for this policy was often framed in terms of "civilizing" the Native Americans, but in reality, it was driven by a desire for land and resources.

Learn more about manifest destiny here:



how did child charqcterize the essence of mussolini's fascist program? in child's view, how did the fascist state differ from the liberal state


I'm assuming you are referring to the historian and scholar J.T. "Jack" Child.Child saw fascism as a dangerous and destructive ideology that posed a serious threat to the values of democracy and human freedom.

According to Child, Mussolini's fascist program was characterized by its emphasis on the primacy of the state and the subordination of the individual to the collective will of the nation. Fascism, in Child's view, was a form of totalitarianism that sought to create a "total" society in which the state had absolute control over all aspects of life, including the economy, culture, and education.Child argued that the fascist state differed fundamentally from the liberal state in its rejection of the principles of democracy, individualism, and the rule of law. Whereas the liberal state placed a premium on protecting individual rights and freedoms, the fascist state saw these values as obstacles to the realization of the collective will of the nation. As a result, fascist regimes were marked by the suppression of dissent, the use of propaganda and terror to maintain control, and the elevation of the state above all other institutions.

Learn more about fascism here:



the battles of trenton and princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 __________.


The Battles of Trenton and Princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 significantly boosted American morale and momentum during the American Revolutionary War.

Since the 1870s, the town's economy was tied to the Trenton Works factory and its predecessors which occupies a large property along the East River of Pictou. This factory closed permanently in 2016[4] after various incarnations as a steel fabrication, railcar fabrication, and wind turbine tower fabrication facility. Since the late 1960s, the town has also been host to the Trenton Generating Station. Other large employers in the past have included a paint manufacturer (Tibbett's Paints) as well as a glass works (Trenton Glass). The town's economy is undergoing a transition to a post-industrial tertiary/service economy. Major employers in the region are located outside the town, namely a Michelin Tire factory in Granton and an Asia Pulp & Paper (Paper Excellence Canada) pulp mill in Abercrombie.

Learn more about Trenton here:



The battles of Trenton and Princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 were significant turning points in the American Revolution.

After a series of losses, the Continental Army led by General George Washington was able to achieve two critical victories against the British army. The surprise attack on the Hessian troops in Trenton on December 26, 1776, boosted morale among American troops and convinced many soldiers to reenlist in the army.

In the battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777, the Continental Army was able to defeat the British army, which had been previously considered.

These two battles proved that the Continental Army was a formidable opponent and could stand up against the British army. It also led to an increase in support from the American public and from foreign nations, such as France.

The victories at Trenton and Princeton gave the Continental Army a much-needed boost and provided a glimpse of hope for the American Revolution's eventual success.

For more question on American Revolution



Describe TWO features of the power of the monarch during Elizabeth’s reign.​


Elizabeth was the most powerful person in the kingdom and had the power to appoint people to the most important roles.

What are the two characteristics of Elizabethan society?

Elizabeth held the utmost authority in the kingdom and had the ability to appoint individuals to the most important positions. She achieved this by utilizing a patronage system, which she also utilized to keep her subjects' allegiance and support. The Privy Council was the most significant group of individuals.

The gentry, yeoman and tenant farmers, landless laborers, and the landowning aristocracy, for instance, were the richest and most influential groups. Aspect 2 The wealth and power differential between social strata in towns and cities was a second essential component of Elizabethan society.

Learn more about patronage system: https://brainly.com/question/29392844


meiji reformers chose to model the new japanese government of the late 1800s after the government of
a. the United States. b. Great Britain. c. Germany.
d. the Netherlands


Answer: C Germany


what factors may have stymied industrial development in the south? multiple select question. the southern culture the booming agricultural economy the lack of raw materials the southern climate the lack of workers


I think the answer is A..

Answer please? : "The Defense of Fort McHenry" describes the American flag waving proudly under the British fire. : Who wrote this poem?
A: Dr. Beanes
B: Alexander Hamilton
C: Francis Scott Key
D: James Monroe
(The assignment is based on the war of 1812)


The poem "The Defense of Fort McHenry," which describes the American flag waving proudly under British fire, was written by Francis Scott Key. Option C is the answer.

He wrote the poem after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British during the War of 1812, which inspired him to write the poem that would later become the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner," the national anthem of the United States.

Dr. Beanes was a friend of Key's who was captured by the British and later released, while Alexander Hamilton and James Monroe were both notable figures during the American Revolutionary War and the early years of the United States.

Learn more about poems at



Answer: C, Francis Scott Key.

Explanation: I took the test! :D

   Hope this helps! (✿◠‿◠)

Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Sandinistas lost national elections in 1990 Select one: True False.


True. The leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979 was called the Sandinistas, named after Augusto César Sandino, a revolutionary who fought against the US occupation of Nicaragua in the 1920s and 1930s.

After taking power, the Sandinistas attempted to install a socialist economy and establish close ties with Cuba and the Soviet Union, which led to the United States financing armed opposition by the Contras, a right-wing paramilitary group. The Contras were accused of human rights violations and were widely criticized by the international community. In 1990, the Sandinistas lost national elections to a coalition of opposition parties, and they subsequently accepted the outcome of the election and peacefully handed over power.

To learn more about coalition visit;



The given statement is "Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Sandinistas lost national elections in 1990 is True (because the Sandinistas, a leftist coalition led by Daniel Ortega, overthrew the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy in Nicaragua).

However, their efforts were met with opposition from the United States, who financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Contras carried out a campaign of violence and destabilization in Nicaragua throughout the 1980s, with the support of the US government.

Despite this opposition, the Sandinistas were able to maintain power until they lost national elections in 1990 to a coalition of right-wing parties. The Sandinistas have since returned to power in Nicaragua, with Ortega serving as president since 2007. The legacy of the Sandinista revolution and the Contra war continues to shape political and social dynamics in Nicaragua today.

For more question on socialist economy



1. estonia was an independent country until 1939 when stalin and hitler signed the molotov-ribbentrop pact that had a secret clause dividing europe between the two nations. soviet troops soon occupied estonia as a result of this pact. after the soviet troops invaded estonia there was one soviet solider for about how many estonians? group of answer choices 1 soviet solider for every 5 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 18 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 12 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 10 estonian


After the Soviet troops invaded Estonia in the 1940, there was approximately one Soviet soldier for every 12 Estonians.

What are troops?

Troops refer to a group of soldiers or military personnel organized and trained for combat, often under the command of a higher-ranking officer. These individuals are equipped with weapons and gear to carry out their duties, which may include defending their country, supporting allies, or engaging in offensive operations. Troops can be composed of various branches of the military, such as the army, navy, air force, or marines. They may be deployed to different locations within their own country or to foreign countries as part of a military mission. Troops undergo rigorous training to prepare them for the physical and mental demands of combat, including weapons training, physical fitness, and tactical strategy.

To learn more about troops, visit:



Real GDP decreased 29% from 1929 to 1933. In 1933, the unemployment rate peaked at 25%. Wholesale prices plunged 32% while consumer costs declined 25%. Why are these statistics important?


These statistics represent the shrinking of the U.S. economy between the start of the Great Depression and its lowest point four years later, when U.S. economy contracted by a third.

The statistics given in the question-

Real GDP fell 29% from 1929 to 1933.The unemployment rate reached a peak of 25% in 1933.Consumer prices fell 25%; wholesale prices plummeted 32%.

These, statistics were taken during the starting in the height of the Great Depression and ending four years later at its lowest point.

Other effects of great depression on U.S. economy-

It was characterized by rapid rises in rates of poverty and homelessness, mass unemployment, and pricing and industrial production decreases (deflation).

Hence, this is the reason why statistics in the question are significant.

To know more on Great Depression visit:



The Virginia Plan proposed to give more power to the national government, a bicameral legislature, and the number of both houses would be determined by population. True or false


True that the Virginia Plan proposed to give more power to the national government, a bicameral legislature, and the number of both houses would be determined by population.

What is Virginia Plan?

The Virginia Plan, proposed by James Madison during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, did indeed propose a strong national government with a bicameral legislature (two houses) and representation based on population. The plan was a departure from the Articles of Confederation, which gave more power to the states and had a unicameral legislature (one house) with equal representation for each state.

What is bicameral legislature?

A bicameral legislature is a type of government legislative body that consists of two separate chambers or houses. These two chambers typically have different roles and responsibilities within the legislative process, and they are often designed to provide checks and balances on each other's power. For example, in the United States, the bicameral legislature consists of the House of Representatives (based on population) and the Senate (two senators per state).

To know more about bicameral legislature, visit:



As a result of the Enforcement Acts and the support of the Justice Department, members of the Ku Klux Klan were:
A. forced to give their land to formerly enslaved people.
B. unable to hold political office forever.
C. forced to hire Black Americans in their businesses.
D. prosecuted for crimes against freed people.​


The nembers of the Ku Klux Klan were prosecuted for crimes against freed people as a result of the Enforcement Acts and the support of the Justice Department.

How did the Acts impact the Ku Klux Klan?

Because of violent tactics used by the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate people's rights, the Congress passed the Enforcement Acts in 1870 and 1871.

These Acts made it a federal crime to interfere with someone's right to vote and allowed the government to use military force to protect civil rights.

With the support of the Justice Department, numerous Klansmen were arrested for crimes such as murder, assault, and arson. The successful prosecutions of these individuals sent a strong message that the government would not tolerate violence and intimidation against freed people.

Read more about Ku Klux Klan



Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the fallure at the Bay of
O Castro was aware of the attack before it occured due to information leaks in
The CIA failed in its attempt to knock out Cuban air forces prior to the attack.
The Soviet Union provided military forces to counter the attack at the Bay of Pigs.
The United States falled to provide an effective air cover for the attack.


Option (d), In order to effectively cover the attack with air support, the United States fell.

What factors contributed to the Bay of Pigs' failure?

Inadequate planning and execution by the CIA, which oversaw the operation, were among the many reasons why the Bay of Pigs invasion failed. The military capability of Cuba and the level of public support for Fidel Castro's administration were both vastly exaggerated by the CIA.

What repercussions did the tragedy in the Bay of Pigs have?

The failed invasion strengthened Castro's position, and the government later made it clear that it wanted to become socialist and develop closer ties with the Soviet Union. As a result of it, the Kennedy administration changed its attitude on Cuba.

Learn more about Bay of Pigs invasion: https://brainly.com/question/3150796


taverns encouraged women to participate in card games and other gambling activities.


While taverns were certainly gathering places for men and women alike in early America, they were not always welcoming spaces for women's participation in card games and gambling activities.

In fact, many taverns and other public spaces were considered inappropriate for women to visit without male escorts, and women who were seen participating in such activities were often subject to social stigma and ostracism.

That being said, there were certainly exceptions to this general trend, and some taverns and other public spaces did encourage women's participation in card games and other forms of gambling. In particular, there were a number of female-run gaming establishments in urban areas, such as New Orleans and Philadelphia, where women could participate in card games and other forms of gambling without fear of social ostracism.

Overall, the role of women in gambling and card-playing activities in early America was complex and varied, with some women actively participating in such activities while others were discouraged or prevented from doing so.

Learn more about gambling  here:.



Which correctly matches an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took?
A. Justinian I moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople
B. Empress Theodora banned the use of icons.
C. Saint Cyril studied thousands of books to organize a new law code.
D. Belisarius developed a strong military that conquered lands for the empire.


A. Justinian I moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople- correctly matches an important figure from the Byzantine Empire with an action they took.

In order to improve accountability and decrease corruption, Justinian reorganized the Byzantine Empire's administration and implemented a number of reforms.

Hence, option A. is the right choice.

What was famous about the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire's preservation of Greek and Roman culture throughout the Middle Ages is its most significant legacy. Greek science, philosophy, art, and literature were all incorporated into Byzantine culture along with Christian religious beliefs. The Roman achievements in engineering and law were also expanded upon.

To know more about Byzantine Empire visit:



Which of these statements are facts about Jefferson DeBlanc? Check all that apply.

He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot.

He was shot down over the Solomon Islands.

He died at the end of World War II.

He became a math and physics teacher.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

If your not at least 80% sure don’t answer I already failed the first test


The following statements are facts about Jefferson DeBlanc:

He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot.

He was shot down over the Solomon Islands.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

During World War II, Jefferson DeBlanc served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps. For his actions during the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942, he received the Medal of Honor. As a member of a Marine squadron, DeBlanc piloted a Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber that attacked and destroyed a Japanese aircraft carrier. DeBlanc managed to fly on despite suffering serious injuries and losing his gunner, returning his damaged plane to base.

DeBlanc was shot down over the Solomon Islands later in the conflict and saved by a U.S. Navy submarine. He kept on flying combat missions until he suffered another injury, at which point he left to train new pilots in the United States. DeBlanc worked as a nurse following the war.

To know more Marine Corps here



what happened to the 135 enslaved persons who in 1841 seized the ship, the creole, and sailed to nassau in search of freedom?


The 135 enslaved persons who seized the ship, the Creole, in 1841 sailed to Nassau and were granted their freedom by the British authorities.

The Creole was a ship that was transporting enslaved persons from Virginia to New Orleans in 1841. During the voyage, the enslaved persons rebelled and seized control of the ship. They sailed to Nassau in the Bahamas, where they were granted their freedom by the British authorities. This incident was significant because it challenged the legality of slavery and the practice of transporting enslaved persons on ships. The British authorities' decision to grant the enslaved persons their freedom also strained relations between the United States and Britain, as the US government demanded the return of the enslaved persons and compensation for their loss. The incident highlighted the tensions and contradictions of the US government's support for slavery and its professed commitment to freedom and democracy.

Learn more about Creole here:



Identify two reasons that German leaders were unhappy after signing the Treaty of Versailles.



The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, imposed significant penalties and restrictions on Germany. Two reasons why German leaders were unhappy with the treaty are:

Reparations: The treaty required Germany to pay large sums of money in reparations to the Allied powers, as compensation for the damage caused by the war. The amount of the reparations was set at 132 billion gold marks, a sum that Germany could not afford to pay. The burden of the reparations payments placed a significant strain on the German economy, contributing to hyperinflation and economic instability in the years following the war.Territorial Losses: The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to cede significant territories to the Allied powers, including Alsace-Lorraine, which was returned to France, and parts of Germany's eastern territories, which were transferred to Poland. These territorial losses were seen as a humiliation by many Germans, as they felt that their national pride and identity had been compromised. The loss of territory also had economic consequences, as Germany lost access to valuable natural resources and industrial centers.

Overall, the Treaty of Versailles was a source of resentment and frustration for many Germans, who saw it as a harsh and unfair punishment for their country's role in the war. These grievances contributed to the rise of extremist political movements, such as the Nazi Party, which capitalized on popular discontent with the treaty and its aftermath.


Germany was blamed for causing world war I and they resented the reparations that Germany had to pay.

Hope it helped :D

How has the growth of labor productivity in the US enabled businesses and workers to earn more over time, while also providing consumers with better and lower-priced products?


The growth of labor productivity in the US has enabled businesses and workers to increase their output, leading to increased wages and profits.

This increased output has also allowed businesses to reduce prices and produce better products. In particular, the use of technology and automation has allowed businesses to produce more goods with fewer inputs, resulting in lower prices and higher quality products.

This has led to increased consumer spending, which has bolstered the economy and further increased wages and profits. In short, the growth of labor productivity in the US has been a win-win situation for businesses, workers, and consumers.

To know more about labor productivity , click here:



what finally prompted the armistice in the korean war? what were the costs of this war: human, monetary, political?


The Korean War ended with an armistice in 1953 due to a military stalemate and international pressure. The war had a high human cost and economic costs exceeding $1 trillion. It led to a continued division of Korea and shaped the geopolitical landscape of East Asia for decades.

The Korean War began in 1950 when North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea, leading to a United Nations-led military intervention to support South Korea.

However, the war reached a stalemate by 1951 with little territorial gain made by either side. International pressure, including the threat of Chinese intervention and Soviet diplomatic efforts, led to negotiations for a ceasefire. It was only after two years of negotiations that the armistice agreement was signed on July 27, 1953.

The human cost of the war was significant, with an estimated 2.5 million civilian and military casualties. Many Koreans were displaced from their homes, with families separated by the border between North and South Korea. The economic cost of the war exceeded $1 trillion in today's currency, and the division of Korea had significant political implications, shaping the geopolitical landscape of East Asia for decades to come.

To know more about Korean War, refer here:

how did constitutional issues lay foundations for the civil war


-In 1808, the Constitution forbade imports and included a compromise on the 3/5ths vote.

-Slavery was raised everytime the US annexed a new region.

What violations of the Constitution were committed by the government during the conflict?

The Sedition Act and Espionage Act created constitutional issues with relation to the First Amendment's provision of freedom of expression. The Sedition Act and Espionage Act created constitutional issues with relation to the First Amendment's provision of freedom of expression.

What issues arose that led to the American Civil War?

The topics that would eventually spark war had been the subject of debate in both the Northern and Southern states for more than 80 years: monetary policies and practices, cultural standards, the authority and scope of the Federal government, and, most importantly, the place of slavery in American society.

Learn more about Sedition Act and Espionage Act: https://brainly.com/question/7568321


What is the purpose of the European Union?



Here are the purposes and goals of the European Union


The aims of the European Union within its borders are: promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens. offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while also taking appropriate measures at its external borders to regulate asylum and immigration and prevent and combat crime.

during the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s, the governments of argentina, brazil, and chile moved politically toward . . .


During the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s, the governments of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile moved politically toward democratic governance and market-oriented economic reforms.

During this period, these countries underwent significant political and economic transformations, often referred to as the "Third Wave of Democratization" and the "Washington Consensus" economic reforms. Some common trends in the political and economic developments of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile during this time include:

Democratization: After periods of authoritarian rule, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile transitioned to democratic governance. Military dictatorships in Argentina (1976-1983), Brazil (1964-1985), and Chile (1973-1990) gave way to democratic governments that promoted political pluralism, civil liberties, and the rule of law.

Market-oriented economic reforms: These countries implemented market-oriented economic reforms under the guidance of international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These reforms included measures such as liberalization of trade and investment, deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and fiscal austerity.

To learn more about market-oriented economic reforms, visit here



During the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s, the governments of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile moved politically toward neoliberalism, which emphasized free market economics, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and reduction of government intervention in the economy.

This shift was largely influenced by the economic crises and debt burdens that these countries faced, as well as the pressures of international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The implementation of neoliberal policies had significant impacts on these countries' economies, societies, and political systems, and continues to be a topic of debate and controversy.

In addition to political changes, these countries also implemented market-oriented economic policies that were aimed at promoting economic growth and development. This included reducing state control over the economy, opening up markets to foreign investment, and implementing structural adjustment programs that were designed to reduce government spending and increase efficiency.

For more question on privatization



Explain the various causes and consequences of mass atrocities in the period from 1900 to the present.


Various causes and consequences of mass atrocities from 1900 to the present include factors such as political ideologies, economic disparities, and social tensions. These causes often lead to consequences like loss of life, forced migration, and long-lasting psychological impacts on survivors.

Political ideologies like fascism, communism, and nationalism have contributed to mass atrocities, including the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and the Rwandan Genocide. Economic disparities can also fuel mass atrocities, as competition for resources and wealth exacerbates tensions between different social or ethnic groups. Examples include the Cambodian Genocide under the Khmer Rouge and the Nigerian Civil War. Social tensions, such as religious or ethnic differences, can escalate into mass atrocities when discrimination and marginalization lead to violence. Instances of this include the Bosnian Genocide and the ongoing Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. Consequences of mass atrocities are widespread and long-lasting. They often result in significant loss of life, traumatizing survivors and destroying communities.

Learn more about atrocities here:



In the great growing season of the High Middle Ages, what region benefited more than any other in Europe?


During the great growing season of the High Middle Ages, the region that benefited more than any other in Europe was France. The period of the High Middle Ages, roughly from the 11th to the 13th century, saw a significant increase in agricultural productivity.

in Europe due to several factors, including a warmer climate, new farming techniques, and improved irrigation systems.In France, these developments led to a significant expansion of agricultural production, particularly in the northern and central regions of the country. The introduction of new crops such as beans and peas, along with the use of the three-field system of crop rotation, helped to increase yields and improve soil fertility.The increase in agricultural productivity in France had several important consequences, including population growth, urbanization, and the expansion of trade and commerce. The surplus food produced by French farmers helped to support the growth of towns and cities, as well as the development of a market economy.Overall, the great growing season of the High Middle Ages had a transformative impact on European society, and France was one of the regions that benefited the most from these developments.

Learn more about commerce here:



what does robert putnam believe is the single most important consequence of the television revolution of the latter part of the 20th century?


Answer: What does Robert Putnam believe is the single most important consequence of the television revolution of the latter part of the 20th century? ((People stayed home and watch TV and have less interaction with others.))

Explanation: sorry if this isn't what your looking for!

but hope it helps at least a bit!

Why was the Warren Commission created in November 1963?
to prevent presidential assassinations
to explore Thurgood Marshall’s appointment
to investigate Kennedy’s assassination
to train future Secret Service agents


The third alternative, investigating Kennedy's assassination, is completely correct.

What prompted the establishment of the Warren Commission in November 1963?

President Lyndon B. Johnson established a President's Commission on the Murder of President John F. Kennedy under Executive Order 11130. Kennedy on November 29, 1963, to investigate the assassination of United States President John F.Its objective was to investigate President John F. The Commission was mandated by President Johnson with investigating the assassination and subsequent assassination of the alleged assassin and delivering its findings and recommendations to him.

Chief Justice Earl Warren passed down the opportunity to chair the commission numerous times, fearful of the potential legal ramifications, and only consented when Johnson argued that an incomplete report may cause public hysteria and even trigger a nuclear war.

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the ethical questions in procedural justice examine the process by which an organization distributes its resources. group of answer choices true false In the context of the Thelma and Louise story in the module, suppose that Louise discovers Thelma's action (confess or don't confess) before choosing her own actionBased on the payoff matrix provided, Louise willa. confess whether or not Thelma confessed.b. not confess only if Thelma confessed.c. not confess only if Thelma didn't confess.d. not confess regardless of whether or not Thelma confessed.e. confess only if Thelma did not confess Self-efficacy leads a person to believe that he or she achieved success without help from others. true or false What is the argument of z = StartFraction 1 Over 16 EndFraction minus StartFraction StartRoot 3 EndRoot Over 16 EndFraction i? a dna analyst can testify results of the analysis statistically with The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula v - pi^h, where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height.Which expression represents the volume of this cylinder? Question 19 1 pts You observe a spot price of 409 and ATM Calls selling for 25 and ATM Puts selling for 12. What are the potential arbitrage profits if the discount rate is 10%? Next > $2000 are invested in a bank account at an interest rate of 5 percent per year.Find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded annually. Find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded quaterly. Find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded monthly. Finally, find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded continuously. You earn $17.50/hr and work 40 hr/wk. Your deductions are FICA (7.65%), federal tax withholding (12.3%), and state tax withholding (6.2%). Your housing and fixed expenses are 30% of your realized income per month. You want to save 5 months' worth in an emergency fund within a year. How much do you need to save per month to fund the emergency fund? people who suffer from one of the "odd" cluster personality disorders often display symptoms that are related to but not as severe as: when performing a disaster recovery audit, which of the following would be considered the most important to review? the organization has a hot site reserved which is available when needed the organization has developed a business continuity manual that is available and up to date the organization has purchased adequate disaster insurance coverage, and premiums are paid the organization performs backups in a timely manner, which are then stored offsite From a horizontal distance of 80.0 m, the angle to the top of a flagpole is 18. Calculate the height of the flagpole to the nearest tenth of a meter. 1. 24.7 meters2. 76.1 meters3. 26.0 meters4. 25.3 meters Calculate the density of each ball. Use the formula D = m/Vwhere D is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume. Record your calculations in Table A of your Student Guide.What is the density of the table tennis ball? Record your answer to the nearest hundredth.___ g/cm3 What is the density of the golf ball? Record your answer to the nearest hundredth.___g/cm3 in bump theory, what does the additional striking energy cause the electron to do? in a recent basketball game, shenille attempted only three-point shots and two-point shots. she was successful on 20% of her three-point shots and 30% of her two-point shots. shenille attempted 30 shots. how many points did she score?(2013 amc 12a william is asked by his therapist to create a story about a black and white image on a card. what technique/test is his therapist utilizing? what are the reasons for not including demand deposits as rate- sensitive liabilities in the repricing analysis for a commercial bank? what is the subtle but potentially strong reason for including demand deposits in the total of rate-sensitive liabilities? can the same argument be made for passbook savings accounts? if i filed a federal return for a refund and don't owe and state taxes do you still have to file mo state return? An investor is in the 30 percent federal tax bracket. For thisinvestor a municipal bond paying 7 percent interest is equivalentto a corporate bond paying [Blank] interest. Please help fill this in,not sure if Im doing it rightWill mark brainliest!!