What is 5 difference of Stalin hitler and Mussolini


Answer 1

Answer: Answer is below <3


1. Joseph Stalin was a dictator of the Soviets and Benito Mussolini was a dictator of Italy prior to WW2.

2. Stalinism had an ideology that existed independently of Stalin, but for Nazism, "Hitler was ideological orthodoxy", and Nazi ideals were by definition whatever Hitler said they were.

3. In Stalinism, the bureaucratic apparatus was the foundation of the system, while in Nazism, the person of the leader was the foundation.

4. Notable examples of totalitarian states include Italy under Benito Mussolini, the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler

5. Stalin was part of the communist party, but Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party.

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why was the launching of the first Dreadnought so important in 1906


The launching of the first Dreadnought so important in 1906 as it helped cause a naval arms race as navies across the globe, especially the Imperial German Navy, raced to equal it in the run-up to the First World War.

A number of technologies that had been evolving for years were finally brought together by Dreadnought.

Her firepower was the most crucial factor. With ten 12-inch cannons, she was the first battleship equipped only with large weapons.

Each cannon launched half-ton rounds that were almost 4 feet tall and filled with heavy explosive.

What purpose did the dreadnought do in World War One?

The initial ship served as the Home Fleet's flagship from 1907 to 1911 while larger and more modern Dreadnought designs entered service with the Royal Navy.

HMS Dreadnought became famous during the First World War for being the only battleship to sink a submarine when she attacked U-29 in March 1915.

To know more about Dreadnought visit:



How do you think life expectancy is related to the Industrial Revolution?


20 times more people are now living comfortably than there were 200 years ago. Nevertheless, for the 800 years before that, they only multiplied by three.

How long did people live on average before the Industrial Revolution?

Life expectancy was probably just around 35 years due to unhygienic living conditions and limited access to quality medical care. That is the life expectancy at birth, which is significantly influenced by infant mortality, which was estimated to be as high as 30% at the time.

What modifications to human life have been brought about by the Industrial Revolution?

New manufacturing techniques were developed as a result of the industrial revolution, including the assembly line, the growth of the factory system, the invention of machine tools, methods for producing iron, making chemicals, and more (Johnson).

To know more about Industrial Revolution visit:-



Why did the Sons of Liberty dress up as Native Americans and dump tea in the Boston Harbor?



The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Native Americans and dumped tea in the Boston Harbor as a protest against the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Act was a law passed by the British government that imposed a tax on tea imported to the American colonies. The Sons of Liberty viewed the Tea Act as an unjust taxation without representation and a violation of their rights as British citizens. The Boston Tea Party was a symbolic act of defiance against the British government and a rallying cry for the American Revolution.

why is ponyboy surpised that the man in the ambulance doesnt realze that he johnny and dally are greasers?



It's likely that Ponyboy is surprised because in their community, the distinction between greasers and socs (the wealthier, more privileged group) is very clear and strong. Ponyboy and his friends, Johnny and Dally, all belong to the greaser subculture that emphasizes a sense of identity and belonging through dress, hairstyle, music preferences, and social norms. For them, being a greaser is an integral part of their self-identity.

Therefore, Ponyboy assumes that the man in the ambulance would be able to identify them as greasers simply based on their appearance and attire. However, the man's lack of recognition shows that their world is not as divided as Ponyboy had believed and that socioeconomic status or subcultural affiliations are not always immediately noticeable or relevant.

in what ways did the columbian exchange affect the lives of the inhabitants of both the old and the new worlds?


The Columbian Exchange resulted in the exchange of crops, animals, diseases, culture, and ideas between the Old World and the New World.

Significant impacts of the Columbian Exchange.

Exchange of crops and livestock: Crops like corn, potatoes, and tomatoes were introduced to the Old World, while crops like wheat, rice, and sugar were introduced to the New World. Spread of diseases: The Old World diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and measles were introduced to the New World, which had a devastating impact on the native populations who had no immunity to these diseases.Cultural exchange: The introduction of horses to the New World revolutionized transportation and warfare for many indigenous groups, while the introduction of gunpowder from the Old World had a significant impact on the way wars were fought in the New World.Environmental changes: The introduction of new crops and livestock had an impact on the ecosystems of both worlds, while the introduction of new plants like tobacco led to changes in the landscape and the way people used the land.

Learn more about Columbian Exchange here:



over the course of the nineteenth century, differences in what things were evidence of divisions in the united states? luoa


In the nineteenth century, differences in economics, politics, and culture were evidence of divisions in the United States. For example, many regions of the country had very different economic conditions and political ideologies, while also exhibiting distinct cultural norms and customs. Additionally, racial divisions were very prominent in the nineteenth century, with African Americans facing various forms of discrimination in much of the country.

The 19th century is a period in history that occurred between 1801 and 1900, as well as the last century of the modern period. The 19th century was a century of innovation and revolution, with new political and social ideologies and industrial technology giving rise to capitalism, communism, and the creation of factories.

The United States was no exception, and throughout the century, there were several divisions that resulted from disagreements on issues such as slavery, sectionalism, politics, and economics. The divisions in the United States over the course of the nineteenth century were evidenced by:

1. Slavery: Slavery was one of the most divisive topics in America in the 19th century, leading to the Civil War. Abolitionists advocated for the abolition of slavery, while others were in favor of it.

2. Sectionalism: Sectionalism refers to the political, social, and economic differences between the North and South. The South was agricultural and supported slavery, while the North was industrial and opposed it.

3. Politics: Politics was a major point of division in the 19th century. Political divisions were seen between the two major parties, the Democrats and the Whigs, as well as the Republican party, which was formed in 1854.

4. Economics: Economic differences also led to divisions in America. The North's economy was based on manufacturing, while the South's economy was based on agriculture. In conclusion, over the course of the nineteenth century, differences in slavery, sectionalism, politics, and economics were evidence of divisions in the United States.

To know more about nineteenth century, refer here:



President Lincoln called for volunteers to join the U.S. military in 1861 in order
A. force Southern states to rejoin the Union.
B. destroy all major cities throughout the South.
C. free enslaved African Americans being held in the South.
D. protect Northern cities from Confederate attacks.




President Lincoln called for volunteers to join the U.S. military in 1861 in order to force Southern states to rejoin the Union. Therefore, option A is correct.

Union refers to the United States as a single nation, encompassing all the states that are part of the federal government. During the American Civil War, the Union referred to the Northern states that remained loyal to the federal government and opposed the secession of the Southern states.

President Lincoln's call for volunteers was aimed at preserving the Union, ensuring the unity and sovereignty of the United States.

The conflict between the Union and the Confederate States was a pivotal moment in American history, testing the strength and resilience of the nation as a unified entity.

Learn more about President Lincoln here:



In 3-4 sentences, write a brief description of the public response that followed 9/11.
How did other countries react?



Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, there was a widespread public response of shock, horror, and grief. The attacks led to a surge of patriotism and a sense of unity among Americans, as well as increased government surveillance and security measures. The event also triggered military action and international relations changes.

________used_______, a horribly addictive drug to create favorable trade for themselves in China unfortunately it ruined the weaker nation's ______


The British Empire used opium, a horribly addictive drug, to create favorable trade for themselves in China.

What impact does it had on the society ?

Unfortunately, it ruined the weaker nation's economy and society. In the 19th century, Britain was exporting large quantities of opium to China, causing widespread addiction and social problems. The Chinese government tried to ban the drug, but the British refused to stop trading. This led to the Opium Wars, where the British military defeated China and forced them to sign unfavorable treaties, including the ceding of Hong Kong to Britain. This example highlights the unethical and exploitative practices of imperial powers, as well as the devastating consequences of addiction on individuals and society.

To know more about Opium Wars, visit :



1. How has geography affected Japan? Provide
specific examples of an event that may cause
multiple reactions throughout a country (e.g.,
geographical, economical, and/or social


The example of geography affecting Japan is that the terrain is mountainous. This means there is not a lot of good land for farming.

Because of the geography, the Japanese relied on the sea for many aspects of daily life. Trade with China and Korea became important to get the resources they needed.

Japan most known for?

Japan is for a wide range of things, that has onsen hot springs and kabuki baths, which date back to the sixth and sixteenth centuries, respectively, as well as all-night neon-lit dance parties, anime, and sushi boat restaurants, all of which are certainly more contemporary.

How old is Japan?

Japan has been inhabited since the Upper Paleolithic (30,000 BC), but the first documented reference of the archipelago is there in a Chinese chronicle (the Book of Han), which was done in the second century AD.

To know more about Japan visit:



who was the controversial french ambassador to the united states who openly recruited american volunteers to commit acts of war against england and spain?


The French ambassador to the United States who openly recruited American volunteers to commit acts of war against England and Spain was Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais.

He was a French playwright, watchmaker, entrepreneur, spy, and diplomat. He served as the French ambassador to the United States from 1777 to 1780 and worked to enlist volunteers in the American Revolution. Beaumarchais was a controversial figure as his efforts to recruit volunteers often involved smuggling weapons and munitions into the United States.

He was also accused of using the volunteers he recruited to carry out acts of piracy against English and Spanish ships. He faced several accusations and legal challenges throughout his mission, but he was ultimately exonerated of any wrongdoing.

Beaumarchais was an important figure in the American Revolution, as he helped to secure support for the rebel cause and recruit volunteers who were essential in helping to win the war. He was a controversial figure, but his efforts to recruit volunteers for the American Revolution and his willingness to take risks for the cause of freedom and democracy were invaluable to the success of the Revolutionary War.

To know more Beaumarchais French playwright about refer here :



page(s) 264-265 7.2. what major disagreements and compromises molded the final content of the constitution? identify the ways slavery was addressed in the constitution


The major disagreements and compromises that molded the final content of the Constitution were mainly around representation and slavery. Slavery was addressed directly in the Constitution in the form of the Three-Fifths Compromise.

The Great Compromise of 1787 resolved the representation dispute by creating a bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives based on population and a Senate with two members from each state. The Three-Fifths Compromise determined that three-fifths of the population of slaves would be counted for the purposes of taxation and representation of slavery.

This also indirectly contributed to the power of the Southern states. Lastly, the Slave Trade Compromise prohibited Congress from regulating slavery for twenty years and prohibited them from outlawing it until 1808.

Slavery was addressed directly in the Constitution in the form of the Three-Fifths Compromise, which counted slaves as three-fifths of a person for taxation and representation purposes, and indirectly through the Slave Trade Compromise. This allowed the continuation of slavery for twenty years and made it illegal after that. The Constitution also included the Fugitive Slave Clause, which obligated states to return runaway slaves to their owners.

Know more about slavery here:



what was the lasting impact of preventing the large hearst and pulitzer syndicates from gaining a lasting foothold in texas journalism?


The lasting impact of preventing the large Hearst and Pulitzer syndicates from gaining a lasting foothold in Texas journalism was the promotion of diversity in the state's media landscape.

How did preventing Hearst and Pulitzer allow for Texan diversity ?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were two of the most powerful newspaper publishers in the United States, and their media empires dominated many local and regional markets. However, in Texas, smaller, independent newspapers were able to resist their attempts to gain a foothold, and a more diverse media landscape emerged as a result.

This diversity had several lasting impacts. First, it allowed for a greater range of perspectives and viewpoints to be represented in Texas journalism, which promoted greater civic engagement and informed public debate.

Find out more on Hearst and Pulitzer at https://brainly.com/question/944878


The system that organized Western Europe in the Middle Ages around land, loyalty, and labor was labeled what by historians later?



Feudalism was a political and military structure that reached its height in medieval Europe between the ninth and fifteenth centuries. It can be generically categorized as a system.

What system centered labor and land loyalty throughout the Middle Ages in Western Europe?

Feudalism, often known as the feudal system, is the collective name for the set of legal, economic, military, cultural, and political activities that flourished in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries.  The term "feudalism," often known as the "feudal system" or simply "feudality," is a historiographic construct that refers to the social, economic, and political conditions that prevailed in western Europe throughout the early Middle Ages, or the extensive period from the fifth to the twelfth centuries.

To know more about Middle Ages in Western Europe visit:-



to justify american intervention in the venezuela boundary dispute with britain, secretary of state olney invoked the a monroe doctrine. b clayton-bulwer treaty. c gentlemen's agreement. d open door policy. e platt amendment.


To justify American intervention in the Venezuela boundary dispute with Britain, Secretary of State Olney invoked the Monroe Doctrine. (option a)

The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy doctrine introduced by President James Monroe in 1823. It asserted that the United States would not tolerate any further colonization or intervention in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere by European powers.

Olney's application of the Monroe Doctrine to the Venezuela boundary dispute with Britain was based on the belief that the British were violating the doctrine by pursuing territorial claims in South America.

Olney argued that the United States had a duty to protect the sovereignty of the nations in the Western Hemisphere and that British actions in Venezuela threatened the security of the region.

The Monroe Doctrine has been a foundational principle of American foreign policy for nearly two centuries, and it continues to influence U.S. relations with other nations in the Western Hemisphere and beyond.

Learn more about American intervention here:



Americans are fond of saying, "It's a free country," yet freedom has responsibilities that go along with it. This notion of freedom is referenced in the Declaration of Independence itself. How does freedom bring both gains and losses? Explain this idea, providing an example from the Declaration of Independence to validate your opinion.


The concept of liberty is central to American culture and identity and is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence as an inalienable right. However, freedom also brings gains and losses, as it entails responsibilities and consequences.

What are the impacts of freedom for the US?

On the one hand, freedom allows individuals to pursue their own goals, interests and aspirations without undue interference from outside forces. This can lead to personal growth, creativity and innovation, as well as social and economic prosperity.

Therefore, in the Declaration of Independence, the authors affirm that people have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". This ideal of individual freedom has inspired generations of Americans to strive for their own success and fulfillment.

Find out more about Declaration of Independence on:



The British governor of each colony solved colonial problems quickly. True False





Chests of tea were tossed into the Boston Harbor. True False



True. It self-explanatory, BOSTON TEA PARTY.

Why did the colonists dump the tea into the Boston Harbor?

It’s complicated, but basically the British government gave a tax concession to the British East India (BEI) company, letting it sell tea to the American colonies at a reduced price. The same concession was not given to American tea importers, who now couldn’t compete with the BEI’s prices.

That was grating enough (imagine if the government passed a law that put you out of business in order to give a big ‘foreign’ company an advantage), but the one tax that remained on BEI tea was the Townsend tax. The purpose of this tax was to pay the salaries of British officials in the colonies. Previously these officials had been paid directly by the colonies, but the British government wanted to make those officials dependent on them for their wages to insure their loyalty.

And all of this was done without the colonists having any say in the matter. Thus ‘no taxation without representation.’ They were furious that the British government was passing such laws on them without giving them any say in the matter.

briefly explain how one specific event or historical development was used by opponents of going to war against britain in 1812


The opponents of going to war against Britain in 1812 used several events and developments to support their stance. One such event was the issue of impressment. Impressment was the practice of forcing American sailors to serve in the British Navy and had been a contentious issue since the end of the War of 1812.

This practice had led to the United States government enacting the Embargo Act of 1807, which was meant to hurt Britain economically, but also caused great hardship for American merchants. This was seen as a violation of American sovereignty and as a result, many people began to oppose the war.

The Second Great Awakening also had a role in the anti-war sentiment of 1812. This religious revival, which spread across the United States and peaked between 1820-1840, changed the spiritual and political landscape of the nation.

Finally, the anti-war sentiment in 1812 was also bolstered by a number of political developments. This included the election of James Madison to the Presidency in 1808, which signaled a new era of Democratic-Republican rule in the United States. This party was largely opposed to war, and as a result, Madison and his cabinet refused to declare war against Britain in 1812. This sentiment was further reinforced by the victory of the Federalists in the Congressional elections of 1810, which increased the power of the anti-war forces in the government.

In conclusion, the opponents of war against Britain in 1812 used a variety of events and developments to support their stance. These included the issue of impressment, the Second Great Awakening, and the rise of the Democratic-Republican Party. All of these factors contributed to the strong anti-war sentiment that eventually led to the United States avoiding war with Britain.

To know more about   Second Great Awakening refer here :



In a couple of sentences, use the graph and your knowledge of World War Il at home to compare the status of women before and after World War II.
Type your response in the box below.


Before World War II, women's participation in workforce was limited and their roles were often restricted to traditional domestic duties.

What is workforce?

The workforce refers to the group of people who are available for employment and who are either currently working or seeking employment. This includes both full-time and part-time employees, as well as those who are self-employed or working on a freelance basis. The workforce is often classified into different categories, such as skilled and unskilled labor, manual and white-collar workers, and temporary and permanent employees. Workforce demographics may also be analyzed, including age, gender, ethnicity, and education level. The size and composition of the workforce can have a significant impact on the economy and businesses, as well as on social issues such as income inequality and access to employment opportunities.

To learn more about workforce, visit:



What is one of the powers that Congress has related to foreign policy?.


According to the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the right to declare war as one of its foreign policy powers. Additionally, Congress has the authority to control international trade, finance diplomatic initiatives.

What part does Congress play in international affairs?

With the exception of laws, treaties, and the authorization of war, the Constitution grants Congress the power to oversee but not to determine US foreign policy. In this position, congressional committees may interrogate Department representatives on issues related to foreign policy, internal business, and other topics as necessary.

In international policy, what exactly is power?

Power is both a characteristic of specific players in their interactions and a societal process that shapes actors' social identities and powers. International relations scholars use the term polarity to describe the distribution of power in the international system.

To know more about Congress visit:-



What powerful impact did nationalism have on 19th-century Europe?

unifying Germany & Italy

Great Britain left the European Union

establishing communist governments

a return to absolutism



establishing communist governments


Answer: The answer is not a, c, or d. The correct answer is:

The powerful impact of nationalism in 19th-century Europe was the unification of Germany and Italy.


The powerful impact of nationalism in 19th-century Europe was the unification of Germany and Italy. Nationalism led to the development of a sense of shared identity and pride among people within specific geographic regions, and this led to the desire for political unification. In the case of Germany, nationalism helped to bring together various independent states and territories into a single nation-state under the leadership of Prussia. Similarly, nationalism was a significant factor in the unification of Italy. The sense of shared identity and pride fueled the efforts of Italian nationalists to bring together various regions and states into a single country. Nationalism, therefore, played a critical role in the shaping of European history in the 19th century.

which development in the 1950s made the ideal of the nuclear family attainable for a large fraction of the u.s. population?


Answer: a sharp rise in inflation-adjusted wages

what italian word is the name of a sort of outdoor pulpit, one of which can be found in the city of brescia?


The Italian word for the sort of outdoor pulpit you are referring to is "ambone". In Brescia, there is a famous outdoor ambone located in the Piazza del Duomo.

An ambone is a type of outdoor pulpit that was commonly used in early Christian churches for preaching and public speaking. The word "ambone" comes from the Greek word "ambon," which means "step" or "elevated platform." Ambones were often made of stone or wood and were situated in a prominent location in the church or public square. The Brescia ambone is a particularly fine example of this type of architecture, with its detailed carvings and intricate decorations. The ambone played an important role in the early Christian church as a place for delivering sermons and other important messages to the congregation. Today, ambones are still used in some religious ceremonies and celebrations, particularly in Italy and other parts of Europe.

learn more about Greek here



HELPP! Why was this case important?
After the War of 1812, the U.S. government needed to borrow money to pay off war debts. At this time in history, each state had its own bank. This meant that the U.S. government had to work with multiple state banks to borrow money. To solve this problem, in 1816 Congress decided to set up the Second Bank of the United States with branches in multiple states. Many of the states opposed the national bank because it meant that their state banks had to compete with the national bank for business.

Many states were unhappy with the Second Bank of the United States. One of those states was Maryland. To show its unhappiness, Maryland passed a law that required the national bank to pay a heavy tax to the state of Maryland. This was a move to destroy the Baltimore branch of the Second Bank of the United States. James McCulloch, cashier of the Baltimore branch, had to pay a $15,000 annual tax. When McCulloch refused to pay the tax, a Maryland court convicted him and fined him $2,500. He appealed the decision to the Maryland Court of Appeals and lost again. The dispute then ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States, with Chief Justice John Marshall presiding.

Did Congress have the power to establish a national bank?

McCulloch Argument:

Congress debated the creation of the national bank a few years ago. Members of Congress believed they had the right to create the Second Bank of the United States, citing the Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18). The members believed that the bank was a "necessary and proper" way for Congress to conduct the financial operations of the nation. Congress referred to these as "implied powers," stating that the Constitution only provides a framework and cannot specifically outline every detail of national operations.

Maryland Argument:

The Constitution does not directly grant the power to charter a national bank. It is also not an implied power. Therefore, Congress did not have the right to establish a national bank. The states should determine the right to establish a bank.

Was the Maryland law that taxed nationally chartered banks unconstitutional, interfering with federal powers?

McCulloch Argument:

The Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2) states that federal law takes priority over state law. The bank is a federal function which no state may interfere. If Maryland can tax the national bank, it could interfere enough to cause the bank to close.


Maryland is a sovereign state; it has the right to tax individuals and businesses in its state borders.

The Judgement
The Supreme Court unanimously (7–0) ruled in favor of McCulloch and the federal government. The case was important because it established a precedent for the relationships between the federal government and the state governments. It stated that the federal government had powers the Constitution did not list, known as implied powers. These implied powers granted Congress the constitutional right to establish a national bank. They said that states had the power to tax within their borders. However, the state of Maryland did not have the power to tax a federal establishment. Maryland's decision to tax the national bank was an attempt to destroy the bank. The state challenged the supremacy of federal power.


The case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) was critical because it established the precedent for the relationship between the federal government and the state governments, specifically regarding the federal government's implied powers. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the federal government had the constitutional right to establish a national bank and that states could not interfere with its functioning by taxing it. This decision strengthened the power of the federal government and limited the ability of the states in matters concerning national institutions. Additionally, the ruling established the principle of federal supremacy over state laws, which became a cornerstone of American constitutional law

The English Civil War and Glorious Revolution led to what feature of English government that was distinct from other European nations at the time?


Constitutional monarchy

Protestant leadership

State religion


The English Civil War and Glorious Revolution led to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England, which was a feature of English government that was distinct from other European nations at the time. A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch serves as head of state within the parameters of a constitution, which limits the powers of the monarch and establishes the rights of the people. The English Bill of Rights, which was enacted after the Glorious Revolution in 1689, established limits on the power of the monarch and established the rights of English citizens. This laid the foundation for a system of government that was based on the rule of law and the rights of the people, rather than the absolute power of the monarch. This was a departure from the system of absolute monarchy that existed in many other European nations at the time, and it helped to establish England as a leader in democratic governance.

Answer: Constitutional monarchy


briefly describe the differences between native american cultures in different regions of north america. explain how native americans were affected by the different phases of us policy in the east between the 1780s and the 1840s, with examples mentioning specific nations or tribes. then describe something about the historical experience of native americans in the west at this time, both those living independently and those living under spanish and mexican rule.


Native American cultures varied greatly across the different regions of North America. In the east, the Iroquois Confederacy and Algonquian-speaking tribes were the most prominent. In the southeast,

there were a number of Muskogean-speaking tribes, such as the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw.

In the Great Plains, many tribes followed a nomadic lifestyle, including the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Comanche. In the southwest, the Puebloan tribes were the most prominent.

U.S. policy towards Native Americans changed drastically over time. In the 1780s, treaties were negotiated between the federal government and Indian tribes, recognizing their sovereignty over their lands. In the 1820s,

the federal government shifted its stance, attempting to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American culture. In the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson issued the Indian Removal Act,

forcing many tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi River. This caused immense disruption and suffering, particularly among the Five Civilized Tribes in the southeast, such as the Cherokee, Seminole, and Choctaw.

Native Americans in the West experienced a complex set of historical conditions at this time. Some, such as the Apache and Ute, remained independent, while others,

such as the Navajo, Hopi, and Puebloan tribes, lived under Spanish and Mexican rule. In the late 1840s, the U.S. government established a policy of Indian reservations,

with Native Americans living on federally-designated land. This caused considerable disruption and led to the relocation of many tribes from their traditional homelands.

To know more about Native American Cultures refer this :



Which list includes events that all occurred during Reconstruction?A• Annexation of California• Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe• HidalgoB • American occupation of Mexico City• Establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau• Impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson• Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment.C.• Battle of Gettysburg• Assassination of Abraham Lincoln• Bombardment of Fort SumterD .• Enforcement of the Tariff of Abominations• Passage of the Missouri Compromise• Raid at Harpers Ferry


The events that all occurred during Reconstruction are: American occupation of Mexico City• Establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau• Impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson• Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. So, option B is correct.

The formation of the Freedmen's Bureau, Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, and the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment all took place in the United States during the Reconstruction era. The Mexican-American War, which took place before Reconstruction, saw the American conquest of Mexico City. There were further events connected to the Mexican-American War, such as the annexation of California and the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Before Reconstruction, there was the Civil War, which included the Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's assassination. The Missouri Compromise's adoption, the Harpers Ferry Raid, and the Tariff of Abominations' enforcement all took place before the Civil War.

To know more about Reconstruction era



Which of the following individuals and groups most directly supported the perspective of this cartoon?
Herbert Hoover and East Coast leaders of the Republican Party.
Charles Lindbergh and Midwest and rural newspapers and voters.
American men who were eligible for the military draft.
Wendell Willkie and the progressive wing of the Republican Party.


The individuals and groups most directly supported the perspective of this cartoon is charles Lindbergh and Midwest and rural newspapers and voters. The correct option is B. charles Lindbergh and Midwest and rural newspapers and voters.

This was a popular sentiment that spread throughout the country. The given cartoon was drawn in 1940 and the cartoonist's message is that the proposed peacetime draft was a conspiracy by American industry and Great Britain to trick the United States into joining World War II.

Lindbergh said that the United States had no business being involved in the war and that it should remain neutral. He went on to say that the war was being promoted by Jews and that they were using it to enrich themselves at the expense of the United States. Charles Lindbergh and Midwest and rural newspapers and voters were against the draft.

They saw it as an infringement on personal liberties and thought that it would lead to more war. They were also against the idea of fighting for other countries, as they felt that the United States should focus on its own problems. Overall, Charles Lindbergh and Midwest and rural newspapers and voters were against the draft, and they most directly supported the perspective of the cartoon.

For more about perspective:



The president decides that they want the minimum wage for all federal workers to be $20 an hour. What would the president need to do for that to happen?

A. Sign an executive order
B. Grant amnesty
C. Issue a pardon
D. Issue a reprieve



A sign an executive order


He has to explain why

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