What is a central idea of"The Land of Red Apples"?​


Answer 1
Summerized: The central idea of “The Land of Red Apples” is that Indians shouldn’t be killed but instead taught how to be a ordinary citizen.
What Is A Central Idea Of"The Land Of Red Apples"?

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Answer: yes


Prompt: What is the individual's responsibility to the
community and likewise, what is the community's responsibility
to the individual?
MLA format is required for this essay. Make sure to use specific
examples from your novel to support your findings in your essay
and cite appropriately.




In Lord of the Flies, William Golding explores the concept of individual responsibility to the community and the community's responsibility to the individual. The novel suggests that individuals have a duty to contribute positively to their community and to prioritize the well-being of others. At the same time, the community must work to protect the rights and safety of each individual.

Early on in the novel, Ralph recognizes the importance of working together as a community in order to survive on the island. He takes on the responsibility of leading the group and encourages everyone to participate in the construction of shelters, the gathering of food, and the creation of a signal fire. Ralph's leadership creates a sense of order and structure, which allows the community to function more efficiently.

However, as the novel progresses, individual desires and selfishness begin to undermine the community's stability. Jack becomes obsessed with hunting and gradually takes control of the group, leading to a breakdown in communication and cooperation. The boys begin to focus on their own personal interests and fail to consider the well-being of the community as a whole.

Throughout the novel, the community also has a responsibility to protect the rights and safety of each individual. When Simon is mistaken for the "beast" and brutally murdered by the other boys, it represents a failure of the community to recognize the value of every individual. This event demonstrates the importance of upholding the dignity and worth of every member of the community, regardless of their status or appearance.

In conclusion, Lord of the Flies highlights the importance of individual responsibility to the community and the community's responsibility to the individual. It emphasizes the need for individuals to work together towards a common goal while recognizing the value of each member of the community. At the same time, the community must work to protect the rights and safety of each individual and uphold their dignity and worth. Golding's novel ultimately suggests that a balance between individual and community needs is necessary for a functional and healthy society.

Answer the question in 4 synthesis paragraphs bellow with ONLY the sources provided bellow:
Question: How did African American women participate in the struggle against Jim Crow segregation?

1. Excerpt from "The Souls of Black Folk" by W.E.B. Du Bois (1903)

2. Photograph of a segregated water fountain North Carolina (1950)

3. Excerpt from "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr. (1963)

5. Excerpt from "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" by Malcolm X (1965)

6. Political cartoon "School begins" by John McCutcheon (1954)

7. Excerpt from the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954)



Please loo


African American women played an integral role in the struggle against Jim Crow segregation. This fight against segregation was not only limited to public spaces but also extended to education and politics. African American women were actively involved in social activism, and their efforts resulted in significant social and political changes. The following paragraphs will discuss the various ways in which African American women participated in the struggle against Jim Crow segregation.

In "The Souls of Black Folk," W.E.B. Du Bois highlighted the role of African American women in the struggle for freedom. He argued that African American women had a significant influence on the movement for civil rights. They worked tirelessly to improve the lives of their families and communities, and their efforts were instrumental in challenging segregation. African American women played a crucial role in organizing boycotts and protests, and their leadership in these activities was often overlooked.

African American women also played an essential role in the struggle for desegregation in education. In the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the segregation of schools was declared unconstitutional. African American women, like Mamie Till-Mobley, fought for their children's right to an education in a desegregated school. Till-Mobley's son, Emmett Till, was murdered in Mississippi for allegedly whistling at a white woman. Her advocacy for justice in her son's case and her support for the Brown v. Board of Education decision was a significant contribution to the movement for civil rights.

African American women also worked towards gaining political representation. They used their right to vote to elect leaders who would fight against segregation and racism. In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr. highlighted the significance of voting rights for African American women. He acknowledged their essential role in bringing about social and political change, stating that they were "the backbone of the civil rights movement."

In the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, African American women faced numerous challenges. Segregated facilities, like the water fountain in North Carolina depicted in the photograph, were a constant reminder of the inequality they faced. In the political cartoon "School Begins," John McCutcheon illustrated the unequal treatment of African American students in the education system. Despite these obstacles, African American women persisted in their fight for equality, justice, and freedom.

In conclusion, African American women were essential in the struggle against Jim Crow segregation. They played a vital role in organizing boycotts and protests, fighting for desegregation in education, gaining political representation, and challenging the injustices of segregation. Their contributions often went unrecognized, but their efforts were integral to the success of the civil rights movement. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." African American women understood this and fought tirelessly for a better future for themselves and future generations.

Compute the domestic spending of
a nation given: total exports =
$6,500 million, total imports =
$8,500 million, and gross domestic
product (GDP) = $12,500 million.




To compute the domestic spending of a nation, we can use the equation:

GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports

where Net Exports = Exports - Imports

Rearranging the equation, we have:

Consumption + Investment + Government Spending = GDP - Net Exports

Now, substituting the given values, we get:

Consumption + Investment + Government Spending = $12,500 million - ($6,500 million - $8,500 million)

Simplifying the right-hand side, we get:

Consumption + Investment + Government Spending = $14,500 million

Therefore, the domestic spending of the nation is $14,500 million.

What does Mr. St. Clare say about Eva’s condition?
· What is Marie St. Clare’s response when Eva says that the slaves should be taught to read?
(Uncle toms cabin)


Mr. St. Clare is concerned about Eva's health and worries she might not live long. Marie St. Clare dismisses Eva's idea that slaves should be taught to read, calling it "perfectly ridiculous" and saying it would only make them unhappy.

More about the answer:

Mr. St. Clare expresses concern about his daughter Eva's health, noting that she looks pale and weak. He is shocked when Eva tells him that she believes she is dying and is ready to go to heaven. Despite his worry, Mr. St. Clare reassures Eva of his love and support for her. Later in the novel, he becomes more vocal about his opposition to slavery, but is initially hesitant when Eva suggests that the slaves should be taught to read. He worries that this might cause discontent and unrest on the plantation.

Marie St. Clare, on the other hand, dismisses Eva's suggestion outright, calling it "perfectly ridiculous." She insists that it would only make the slaves unhappy and that they should be content with their lot in life. Marie is a product of her time and upbringing, and she does not see the injustice of slavery or the value of education for all. Her response highlights the contrast between her views and those of her husband and daughter, who are more sympathetic to the plight of the slaves.

To know more about novels, visit:



e!" by
1. Which is the best summary of the story?
OA. Nancy Lee wins a scholarship she didn't
deserve but is not able to overcome racial
OB. Nancy Lee doesn't win a scholarship she
deserved but is able to overcome racial
OC. Nancy Lee wins a scholarship and her
teachers are really proud of her
OD. Nancy Lee doesn't win a scholarship she
deserved because of racial


Nancy Lee wins a scholarship she didn't deserve but is not able to overcome racial discrimination is the best summary of the story.

Racial discrimination refers to the unfair treatment or prejudice towards an individual or group based on their race or ethnicity.

This can manifest in many different forms, including but not limited to: systemic racism, institutional racism, implicit bias, hate crimes, and microaggressions.

Systemic racism is a form of discrimination that is built into the very structure of society, including institutions such as government, education, and the justice system.

Institutional racism refers to discrimination that is perpetuated by organizations, such as companies or universities, through policies, practices, or procedures that disadvantage certain racial or ethnic groups.

Learn more about Racial discrimination here:



Brown v. board of education essay PLEASE! ITS LITERALLY DUE TOMORROW MORNING!
100 POINTS TO MOST ACCURATE (not plagiarised) RESPONSE!!



hope this helps, I'm a little tired to type more sorry!


Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark 1954 Supreme Court case in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional. The decision overturned the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson ruling, which had found that facilities for African Americans could be "separate but equal." The Brown case, which involved multiple lawsuits from Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware, was argued on the basis that segregated schools were not equal and violated the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. The Brown v. Board of Education case ended up in a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court on May 17, 1954. The court declared that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and ordered the desegregation of all public schools in the United States. This ruling ended the "separate but equal" doctrine that had been established in 1896 in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson.

What do the Shelbys decide to allow Aunt Chloe to do?
(Uncle toms cabin)


In "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the Shelbys decide to allow Aunt Chloe to take on extra work in order to earn money to buy back Uncle Tom and prevent him from being sold to the cruel slave trader, Haley.

Who is the work in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

They are faced with a difficult decision when Mr. Shelby falls into debt and is forced to sell some of his slaves to pay off his creditors. Aunt Chloe, who is fiercely loyal to Uncle Tom, suggests that she be allowed to work longer hours and take on extra tasks to earn money to buy him back. The Shelbys eventually agree to let her do so, and Aunt Chloe sets to work with determination.

Aunt Chloe's efforts are not enough to raise the entire amount needed to buy Uncle Tom's freedom, but they do help to contribute to the cause. The decision to allow her to work extra hours is a testament to the Shelbys' recognition of Aunt Chloe's hard work and dedication to the family, as well as their willingness to help her save the man she loves like family.

However, it is important to note that the Shelbys' decision to allow Aunt Chloe to take on extra work to save Uncle Tom is also a reflection of the dehumanizing and oppressive system of slavery that forced families to make such heart-wrenching decisions.

Learn more about Uncle Tom's Cabin from



Drag each tile to the correct location on the chart.
Sort the sentences from the passage to show which central idea each sentence develops in the text.
"One thing by choice left out of the
plan I carried from high school was
marriage. I would never marry."
(paragraph 7)
"Outlines which held together, I had
discovered, cleared my mind, gave it
something to follow." (paragraph 6)
"I suspect that it was only an echo
of the strident feminine cry filling
the air at that moment, the cry that
woman was a slave in a man-made
world." (paragraph 7)
"I can feel that cup in my hand as I
cautiously took it to the bed, and
can see my mother's touching smile
as she thanked me." (paragraph 4)
learning responsibility is necessary for success ?
maintaining freedom requires
intentional purpose?


The dragging of each tile to the correct location on the chart is given below.

How to convey the information

Sentence for "learning responsibility is necessary for success":

"Outlines which held together, I had discovered, cleared my mind, gave it something to follow." (paragraph 6).

Sentence for "maintaining freedom requires intentional purpose":

"One thing by choice left out of the plan I carried from high school was marriage. I would never marry." (paragraph 7)

"I suspect that it was only an echo of the strident feminine cry filling the air at that moment, the cry that woman was a slave in a man-made world." (paragraph 7)

"I can feel that cup in my hand as I cautiously took it to the bed, and can see my mother's touching smile as she thanked me." (paragraph 4)

Learn more about responsibility on;



Learning responsibility is necessary for success:

"I can feel that - as she thanked me." P.4

Maintaining freedom requires intentional purpose:
"I suspect that it - a man-made world." P.7

"Outlines which held together - it something to follow." P.6

"Once thing by choice - I would never marry." P.7

Three things a teenager can't live without essay 250 words ​


The three things that a teenager cannot live without are friends, phones, and food.

What are all the necessities for teenagers?

Our closest friends are the one thing we absolutely cannot live without. We can conquer the world—or at least high school—with a friend at our side.Next are our phones. Teenagers and their phones go together like cake and ice cream; their absence would be wrong. Even though we might occasionally grow attracted to them, we are not to blame.Food comes in third. Everyone needs food to survive, but for teenagers, it takes first importance. There is no way that we wouldn't with unlimited combinations.

To know more about Teenager habits visit:



I wrote the body paragraph, you write the concluding statement.
it should be related to this paragraph please i really need this because it's due tomorrow.

Body paragraph
Topic Sentence:
Students shouldn't wear uniforms, because students can't be creative due to uniformity. They cannot be creative or express themselves in what they wear. Uniforms also cause stress to students and parents. If a family can't afford several sets of uniforms, they may have to wash the uniforms everyday. This also takes away time which can also be spent on schoolwork or rest. According to the website hiline it says “We live in a dynamic society, full of unique characters that make our world spontaneous. Cutting that off at a young age only stifles creativity and encourages conformity.”

Body Sentences:

Concluding Statement:



In conclusion, while school uniforms have been traditionally viewed as a way to promote a sense of unity and equality among students, they may ultimately hinder a student's ability to express themselves creatively and cause additional stress on families. By allowing students to have more freedom in their clothing choices, we can encourage them to embrace their individuality and creativity, ultimately leading to a more dynamic and diverse society.

Stanza from to William Lloyd garrison an answer the question speak in the slumbering nations ear as our house ever spoken until the dead and send shall hear the Fedders link be broken why does Wittler use the word slumbering in these lines describe the nation


Wittier real aim from the above poem  is to to encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery.

Who is William Lloyd Garrison?

William Lloyd Garrison was a well-known American Christian, abolitionist, journalist, suffragist, and social reformer who lived from December 10, 1805, to May 24, 1879.

He preferred to be called Lloyd and signed his name Wm. Lloyd.

What is the meaning of the statement?

Slumbering nations was mentioned because in his opinion people needs to wake up.

The meaning of Slumber was to sleep.

This is a anti slavery poem. Here the writer describes the evilness of the slavery.

So, the only way to see the slavery is to not slumber.

To know more  about Slavery visit:



Directions: Write down the mood of the passage and explain your answer.
5. Katie used the blow-dryer to add volume to her hair. Then she curled it. She used eyeliner and makeup. She
chose the perfect outfit, and then threw it on the floor and chose another perfect outfit. Then she put on the other
perfect outfit that she had thrown on the floor. She looked at the time on her phone. Jacob would be here any
minute. Her pulse quickened. Her stomach felt uneasy. She was about to change her outfit again when the
doorbell rang.
What is the mood of this paragraph?
Why do you believe this? Explain your answer by referring to the text.


The mood of this paragraph is anxious anticipation.The use of descriptive language such as "Her pulse quickened" and "Her stomach felt uneasy" creates a sense of nervousness and unease. Additionally, the repetition of changing outfits and the use of the word "perfect" suggests that Katie is striving for a certain level of perfection, which can add to the pressure and anxiety she is feeling. The sentence "Jacob would be here any minute" also adds to the sense of anticipation and nervousness. Finally, the abrupt interruption of the doorbell ringing suggests a sudden shift in the situation and further adds to the overall mood of anxious anticipation.


Katie was trying to get ready but she felt uneasy so I think the passage is the Katie was shy and/or Katie feels sick. Or Katie is feeling anxious.

What is the main purpose of street banner?



The purpose of the Street Banner Program is to assist Non-Profit Organizations and Governmental Units in promoting Events sponsored by such entities and highlight activities or interests in and around the city in a manner that contributes to the Visual Interest of the City.

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Option (C), a respectful, friendly tone should be used for the given sentence when speaking publicly. The tone is the attitude a writer presents to the reader and the subject matter.

Why is tone so crucial in public speaking?

The tone of voice determines how the essence of your company comes across in both written and spoken communication. The tone of a piece of writing can impact how the reader perceives the author's intentions. The reader's feelings towards the work can then be influenced by their opinions of both the author and the work.

In public speaking, what matters is how you say it and the image it leaves on everyone who reads or hears you, not what you say. Your tone helps to clarify and convey a meaning when you speak to other people. People's perceptions of you and their desire to listen can both be impacted by your tone.

To learn more about public speaking, visit:



When speaking in front of an audience, the supplied line should be said in a polite, courteous manner. The attitude a writer conveys to the reader and the topic is known as the tone.

Why is tone so crucial in public speaking?

In written and spoken communication, the tone of voice affects how your organisation comes across. How the reader interprets the author's objectives depends on the tone of the text. The reader's perceptions of the author and the work can then have an impact on how they feel about the writing.

What matters in public speaking is not what you say, but rather how you say it and the impression it makes on everyone who reads or hears you. When you speak to other people, your tone can serve to make a point and express a meaning. Your tone can affect how others see you and whether they want to listen.

To know more about speaking, visit:



Part A What is a central idea in the Newsela article "Washed-Up Plastics Become Art with a Vital Message"?​


Art can be designed and presented in many unusual ways, including art that makes music. Art that is attractive can be used to make people aware of a tragic problem in the world.



Art can be used to send a message about environmental awareness.

What was one topic of George Reginald Margetson’s poetry book The Fledgling Bard and the Poetry Society?


Non-Marxists frequently avoided reading "people's history" because it was so Marxist. Social history was distinguished from political history, intellectual history, and the history of famous figures.

Describe George Reginald Margetson's poetry collection in a few words.

Mr. Margetson has had to put in a lot of effort to provide for a large family and writes his poems in his free time. In addition to many uncollected poems, he is the author of two books of poetry, Songs of Life and The Fledgling Bard and the Poetry Society.

What does the poem's theme consist of?

The Legacy Reprint Series by Kessinger Publishing includes this rare vintage book. It can have flaws like stains, notes, marginalia, and crooked pages due to its age. We have made this work available as part of our dedication to safeguarding, preserving, and promoting the literature of the world because we think it is significant from a cultural standpoint.

To know more about poetry book visit:-



Measles——-no longer impossible to manage these days . A.is B.are C.we’re D.was​


Answer: i believe its "are"


define the term competing



striving against one another to gain or win something.





it means striving or taking chances to win something

Rewrite the story from Aunt Georgiana’s point of view, from the point when Clark convinces Aunt Georgiana to go the Boston Symphony Orchestra concert to the end of the passage


The rewriting of the story from the perspective of Aunt Georgiana is given below:

Aunt Georgiana's Perspective

I hadn't been to a symphony concert in ages, but Clark was insistent. He said it would be good for me to get out of the house and enjoy some culture. I hesitated at first, thinking of all the work that needed to be done back at the farm. But Clark was so kind and persuasive, and I eventually agreed to go with him.

As we listened to the music, memories flooded back to me of my younger days in Boston. I remembered the parties and the dresses, the excitement of city life. It was a welcome respite from my quiet life on the farm, and for a brief moment, I felt alive again.

Read more about perspectives here:



what the object summary for “My sister, The soldier”. NEED A 2 to 3 PARAGRAPH RESPONSE


The main theme of "My sister, the Soldier" is to depict what it's like to have a family member enlist in the military. The narrative focuses on the difficulties and sacrifices Margie has made while serving her nation, including missing out on family gatherings and putting her life in danger.

Explain briefly the summary of "My sister, the Soldier".

In the short story "My Sister, The Soldier," Lupe, a small child, idolizes Margie, her older sister, who is in the military and stationed abroad. Margie is a role model for Lupe.  Besides missing her sister, Lupe worries about her safety when she is gone on the job.

The significance of honoring individuals who serve in the military and the effects their duty has on both themselves and their families is so emphasized in the object summary. The narrative also serves to remind readers of the difficulties and dangers that come with serving as a soldier as well as the fortitude and resiliency needed to overcome those difficulties. It also highlights the link between sisters and the strength of love and support in getting through challenging circumstances.

To learn more about object summary, visit:



What are the answers?


B. It gives an incomplete understanding to a viewer about the topic of industrial organic farming.

What is organic farming?

Organic farming is a system of agricultural production that uses natural processes, such as crop rotation and composting, to enhance soil fertility and promote pest control without relying on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. It is an ecologically friendly form of farming that relies on renewable resources and biodiversity to produce healthy, nutrient-rich crops.

A photograph can provide viewers with a visual representation of a topic, but this representation is limited in terms of the amount of information that can be presented. While a photograph can give a general understanding of the topic, it does not provide the same level of detail as a written explanation or discussion. Therefore, the disadvantage of presenting this topic in a photograph is that it gives an incomplete understanding to a viewer about the topic of industrial organic farming.

To learn more about organic farming

1.1. 1.2 1.3 1.4 QUESTION 1 1.5 1.6 · Write an essay of between 250 and 300 words in length on ONE of the following topics. Write down the NUMBER and give your own TITLE of the e220/ 100 have chosen e.g. 1.1 Keeping animals in zoos is an excellent idea, Give your essay a suitable title if your choice is QUESTION 1.7.1 OR 1.7.2. Spend approximately 80 minutes on this section. Peer pressure, a silent destroyer. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Mahatma Gandhi We're all in this together. Texting has affected teenagers in ways never imagined before. I kept it to myself until... 1.6.1 Choose ONE of the following pictures and write an essay on a topic that comes to mind. Write the question number (1.6.1 OR 1.6.2) and give your essay a suitable title. NOTE: There must be a clear link between your essay and the picture you have chosen. (50) (50) 1501 (50 (50​


Title: Nature's Healing Touch

The picture depicts a beautiful natural scenery with a waterfall flowing down a rocky terrain surrounded by lush green trees and foliage. Nature is a powerful force that has the ability to heal us physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Nature has a calming effect on our minds and bodies, reducing stress and anxiety levels. It provides a space for introspection and self-reflection, allowing us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. The sound of flowing water, chirping birds, and rustling leaves can bring a sense of peace and tranquility.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can have numerous health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure, boosting immunity, improving mood, and increasing cognitive function. It is also a natural antidepressant and can help alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses.

Unfortunately, in our fast-paced and technology-driven world, we often forget to connect with nature and the natural world around us. We spend most of our time indoors, staring at screens and engaging in virtual interactions, which can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

It is important to make time for nature in our daily lives, whether it is a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting outside and taking in the surroundings. We need to cultivate a relationship with nature and appreciate its beauty and healing power.

In conclusion, nature has a profound impact on our well-being and should not be underestimated. It is essential for us to take the time to connect with the natural world around us and reap the benefits of its healing touch. As John Muir once said, "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."


Should animals be kept in zoos?

Over 181 million people visit zoos and aquariums every year in the United States, and 25 million in the United Kingdom. Zoos have more visitors than the combined attendance of the four major sports leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL). Despite their immense popularity, zoos have become increasingly controversial institutions. An increasing number of animal rights advocates and animal protection organizations are questioning the role of zoos in modern societies. The shocking evidence of animal abuse in some circuses, dolphinariums and zoos have pushed many environmental and wildlife activist groups to campaign for the closure of many of the institutions that keep wild animals in captivity.

To the question "should animals be kept in captivity?" the initial reaction of most people is rejection. Why should animals be kept in zoos? In an ideal world that would not be necessary, wild animals would roam freely in their natural habitats and we, humans, would find ways to observe them and learn about them without disrupting their lives. However, today on Earth due to population growth and urbanization many animal species are endangered and most people have very few opportunities to observe and learn from animals.

Jane Goodall, the famous British primatologist and one of the most important experts in chimpanzees in the world, has defended the role of zoos in helping us understand and preserve the life of wild animals (see video below). On the other hand, organizations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Animal Aid and Born Free have initiated campaigns for the closure of zoos, arguing that most zoos deprive animals from their most basic needs and that animal abuse and suffering should not be a source of entertainment.

Do you think that zoos are an effective way to increase awareness about animal life? Do they really help preserve endangered species or it is more a business and a cruel source of entertainment? Is keeping animals in captivity a good way to ensure their future? Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of zoos before we make up our minds.


This question has two partsFirst, answer part AThen, answer part B. Part A What statement provides the best inference about Georgiana and her birthmark?
The birthmark was more prominent when Georgiana's skin was pale

The birthmark had always been a source of shame for Georgiana

Georgiana had always wanted the birthmark removed but was scared of the procedure

The birthmark went unnoticed by Aylmer until the pair were married

Part B Which sentence from the text best supports your answer in Part A?

He had left his laboratory to the care of an assistant, cleared his fine countenance from the furnace smoke, washed the of acids from his fingers, and persuaded a beautiful woman to become his wife

Shocks you, my husband cried Georgiana, deeply hurtat first reddening with momentary anger, but then bursting into tears Then why did you take me from my mother's side? You cannot love what shocks your

Aylmer looked cheerfully into her face, with intent to reassure her, but was so started with the intense glow the birthmark upon the whiteness of her cheek that he could not restrain a strong convulsive shudder

As he led her over the threshold of the laboratory, Georgiana was cold and tremulous


That upsets him since it is "the visible indication of earthly imperfection" (5). This causes Georgiana great pain. She wants her husband to love her and believes that you can't love anything that makes you feel shocked.

Why did Aylmer just become aware of the birthmark after marrying Georgiana?

It is significant that Aylmer does not become aware of the birthmark until after he marries Georgiana, at which point, we assume they had interacted sexually. He then considers it to be a "mark of earthly imperfection" all of a sudden. In other words, it serves as a reminder that she is not the "pure spirit" of beauty he would like; rather, she has a body.

What does Georgiana's birthmark stand for?

Georgiana's birthmark represents passing away. Every living thing has some sort of fault, the narrator claims; it's nature's way of reminding us that everything that is alive will die at some point. The only flaw in Georgiana's otherwise flawless being is a hand-shaped mark on her cheek, which identifies her as mortal.

To more about Georgiana's birthmark



Janelle uses a lot of technology in her classroom. She finds that it makes it easier for students to work at their own pace. In addition, instant feedback can also let both her and the students know if they have grasped a concept. What kind of instruction is this?









Because getting feedback of your own means that you have mastered a concept yourself

Adaptive instruction using technology allows students to work at their own pace and provides instant feedback.

The kind of instruction described in the question is adaptive instruction. Adaptive instruction uses technology to individualize and adjust the learning experience according to the needs and progress of each student. It allows students to work at their own pace and provides instant feedback to help them understand if they have grasped a concept or need further assistance.

Learn more about Adaptive Instruction here:



1.2 Write down three negative qualities that will not constitute a healthy balanced relationship


Answer is below


1. One dating partner lies to or keeps information from the other.

2. One dating partner steals from the other.

3. One dating partner makes fun of the opinions and interests of the other partner or destroys something that belongs to the partner.

Plot element help me


The mother is a virtuous and benevolent person who has suffered sorrows, with her health and spirit shook by past events. She is the center of her husband's affection and attention, with everything made to yield to her wishes and convenience.

What does it mean to be benevolent?

Being benevolent means having a genuine desire to do good and to be kind and generous toward others. A benevolent person is characterized by their goodwill, kindness, and compassion towards others, often motivated by a desire to improve the well-being of those around them. A benevolent person is typically selfless and considers the needs and interests of others before their own. They may engage in philanthropic activities or volunteer work to help those in need or donate to charitable causes. Being benevolent is generally seen as a positive trait and is often associated with feelings of happiness and fulfillment.

To learn more about goodwill, click



Hi, I'm a OHVA highschool student and I want to help other K12 virtual seniors get work submitted before graduation. If you need help with anything, I would love to help you! ​


K12 is pleased to provide a graduation guarantee for high school students because we have faith in both your kids and our programmes.

What is a high school graduate from K12?

K-12, an abbreviation for the publicly funded school grades up to college, is a word used in education and educational technology in the United States, Canada, and some other countries. Kindergarten (K) and grades 1 through 12 are included (1-12).

Can I graduate with a 65?

At the school level, ordinary percentages are often between 75 and 85, whereas exceptional percentages are over 95. At the collegiate level, however, percentages between 60 and 79 are regarded as outstanding and are challenging to achieve.

To know more about K12 visit:-



Help!!! Will give you brilliant

3 This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
Based on the information in paragraphs 23 through 36, Ashoke can
best be described as -
optimistic and irritable
compassionate and stern
elegant and critical
insightful and authoritarian
Part B
Which quotation from the excerpt best supports the answer to Part A?
A "No, no, it's not a middle name," Ashoke says. He is beginning to
lose patience. (paragraph 23)
"Don't be scared, Gogol," he says, raising his son's chin with his
finger. "You're a big boy now. No tears." (paragraph 26)
Ashoke hands over the lunch box, a windbreaker in case it gets
cold. (paragraph 28)
Ashima and Ashoke wonder, shaking their heads. But since neither
of them feels comfortable pressing the issue, they have no choice
but to give in. (paragraph 36)


According to the novel The Namesake, the correct option for part A is option d) insightful and authorization and the correct option for part B is option a).

What is The Namesake?
The Namesake is a novel written by Jhumpa Lahiri, published in 2003. It is a story about the Ganguli family, an Indian immigrant family living in the United States, and their struggles to assimilate into American culture while also preserving their Indian heritage.The novel primarily follows the life of the Ganguli's son, Gogol, named after the famous Russian author Nikolai Gogol. The name Gogol was chosen by his father, Ashoke, who survived a train accident in India by reading a book by Nikolai Gogol. The novel explores Gogol's journey to understand and accept his unusual name and his cultural identity as an Indian-American.

Part A: Based on the information in paragraphs 23 through 36, Ashoke can best be described as insightful and authoritarian.
In paragraph 23, Ashoke is shown to be insightful as he explains the meaning and significance behind his son Gogol's name, which was inspired by the famous Russian author Nikolai Gogol. He is able to convey the cultural significance of the name and how it represents a connection to his Indian heritage.
In paragraph 25, Ashoke is shown to be authoritarian when he tells Gogol to stop asking about his name and stop crying. This displays his authority as a father and his expectation that his son should behave in a certain way.
Overall, based on these descriptions, it can be concluded that Ashoke is insightful in understanding and conveying cultural values and expectations, as well as being an authoritarian figure who values education and intellectual pursuits.

Part B: The quotation from the excerpt that best supports the answer to Part A is "No, no, it's not a middle name," Ashoke says. He is beginning to lose patience. (paragraph 23). This quotation shows Ashoke's authoritative personality as he is beginning to lose patience with his son's persistent questioning about his name. It also shows his insightful nature as he is able to explain the meaning and significance behind Gogol's name.

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