What is a concrete noun and Abstarct noun? pls help


Answer 1

Answer: A concrete noun refers to a physical object in the real world, such as a dog, a ball, or an ice cream cone. An abstract noun refers to an idea or concept that does not exist in the real world and cannot be touched, like freedom, sadness, or permission.


Related Questions

We know that careers are separated first by cluster, then pathway, then into individual careers. Does this kind of organization make sense to you? What are some of advantages or organizing careers like this? What are some disadvantages?




Career Clusters identify the knowledge and skills learners need as they follow a pathway toward their career goals. The knowledge and skills identified form a strong basis for learner success whether the learners are in high school, college, technical training or in the workplace. The career clusters also provide a means of exploring the many occupational options. Each Cluster is divided into different pathways. Pathways are grouped by the knowledge and skills required for occupations in these career fields. Each pathway provides instruction as a basis for success in an array of careers and educational pursuits. The U.S. Department of Education’s Career Clusters provide a way for schools to organize instruction and student experience around 16 broad categories that encompass virtually all occupations from entry through professional levels.

Read this excerpt from The Call of the Wid by Jack
Which type of conflict is shown in the excerpt?
A chill wind was blowing that nipped him sharply and bit with especial venom into his wounded shoulder. He lay
down on the snow and attempted to sleep. but the frost
soon drove him shivering to his feet. Miserable and
disconsciate, he wandered about among the many tents,
only to find that one place was as cold as another.

character vs. self
character vs. nature
character vs. character
character vs. society


Answer: Character vs. Nature

Explanation: Because I said so and because I read the book.


character vs. nature


key words are venom, frost, tents, cold.

what does let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch mean


Answer:These words mean to let others believe what they want to believe, even if you do not agree.


I would like to make a song about my rhyming
but my flow feels all wrong a disaster
its hard getting the right sort of timing
even though I'm a lyrical master

if you haven't recognized the flow yet
you are definitely legally blind
I'm the greatest poet yet and that's a bet
time to make some paper I'm on the grind
*(The rhyme scheme is ABAB and there are ten syllables in each line c: )





between a sign
and a symbol.​



Symbols provide a deeper meaning than a sign. Take for example a stop sign. Everyone knows you have to stop. Look at the cross (Christian cross), you can interpret plenty of meaning. The cross is not concrete and people interpret the cross in many ways.

true or false? A good paragraph may deal with several topics.





plz mark me as brainlist. plz plz plz.




A good paragraph may rather contain several topics. However, it should be emphasized that the most important in the formulation of a paragraph is that there is cohesion and coherence.

Cash Summary of the new directions story


Where’s the article?

could you explain a little further lol

Read the speech, "Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cell phones?" Give three or four examples of supporting materials that this student could use to improve the effectiveness of his speech and explain how and when they could be used. Read the speech, "Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cell phones?" Give three or four examples of supporting materials that this student could use to improve the effectiveness of his speech and explain how and when they could be used.


Incomplete question. The Complete question reads;

Read the speech, "Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cell phones?" Give three or four examples of supporting materials that this student could use to improve the effectiveness of his speech and explain how and when they could be used.

"It is difficult to imagine a time when we did not have cell phones. Many of us rely on our phones throughout the day in order to stay in contact with our business, friends, and families. Whether we like the cell phone or not, it has become an essential part of our society and there is little chance of its use being curtailed in the near future. Even children have begun to carry their own cell phones, not only for emergency and family use but to stay in touch with their friends through the use of text messaging. What are the positive and negative points of allowing a child to carry a cell phone?

There's no doubt that when it's necessary, a cell phone becomes an important tool for a child to use in the event of an emergency. We live in a very difficult and sometimes dangerous world. Having a means of contact with your child at all times through the use of a cell phone could be a matter of their personal safety. Children have used cell phones to contact their parents or officials in the event of a threatening situation and have even used the photo ability of the cell phone to ward off or identify predators. As children grow older, it is also often a good idea to give them a certain degree of relative freedom. Responsible cell phone ownership could provide this for your child.

On the other hand, owning a cell phone can have a lot of negative impact on a child as well. These phones can be a large distraction to them, both within the walls of the school system and outside. It becomes very easy for the child to receive text messages and pictures that the parents may not approve of. Along with that, there are also some health concerns, although unconfirmed, about the dangers of having concentrated cellular waves so close to a developing body on a regular basis. One option that may meld the two together is to have a cell phone for the child that is limited in its capability to send and receive calls. It would only be able to call out to emergency numbers and can only send and receive two pre-established numbers. This would give the parents some peace of mind, knowing that their child has a means to contact them in case of an emergency.

There are several lines of reasoning that may help you to come to a decision of your own. First of all, if you have children this needs to be a personal issue, one that you will decide for the benefit of your children and yourself. You will also have to make sure that the cell phones are used within the guidelines that are established for them in the school system. That's part of being a parent, the responsibility of making decisions for your child within certain guidelines."


1. This student could have used verifiable statistical data that shows, for example, the most popular reason why most parents allow their children to use Cell phones.

2. Also, the student could have narrated the real-life experience of a child who used their cell phone to contact their parents or officials in a threatening situation in other to support the student's view that cell phones are important.

3. The statement of a particular parent who experienced a situation where their child received text messages and pictures that the parents did not approve of could have been included, and this would have provided evidence for such claims.


1. The student could add more positives which then would make the negatives sound less negative and support both sides of this conflict.

2. The student could make this speech a little longer to establish a more understanding speech.

3. The student should not only focus on one or two negatives, he could take a little focus off of the two negatives and add another two.

4. The student can also look at the point of view of the children too. Despite the strong speech, it only looks at the perspective of the child as well.


copy and paste 100%

Rewrite the following sentence correctly using colons and/or semicolons.

As Hamlet so aptly advised "To thine own self be true."


Answer: Colon


As Hamlet so aptly advised: "To thine own self be true."

A Colon is the punctuation mark that is used to direct you to the information. Colon is usually giving the silent impression of ''Which is'' ''As follows'' ''Thus'' ''Which are'' and more. In this case, we can see that colon is more appropriate than semicolon which presents the pause and it is usually used between two independent clauses.

A colon is the punctuation mark with two parallel dots and it can be easily recognized in a sentence.

He spread his arms wide against the ocean sounds: the rush of the waves, the manic giggles of the gulls, the sighing of the sea breeze against the granite. He put his back to all of Phippsburg – Lord, to the entire continent – till with a shrug he sloughed off its heavy stillness and looked for a way to climb down to the water. –Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, Gary D. Schmidt Which phrase reveals how the character feels about the ocean? ✔ "he spread his arms wide" Which phrase reveals how the character feels about Phippsburg? ✔ "he put his back to all" not a question but heres the answers ^^



"he spreads his arms wide"

"he put his back to all"


According to the excerpt from Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, the phrase that reveals how the character feels about Phippsburg are "he spreads his arms wide" and "he put his back to all".

This shows that the character feels welcome in Phippsburg.


"he spreads his arms wide"

"he put his back to all"


what is the definition of perch?​


noun- a thing on which a bird alights or roots typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage

Which of theses four parts of a story is most clearly the climax



we need context to answer this


Turbulence shook the plane. Declan feared for his life. He realized he loved Marissa and would tell her so if he survived.


Just took test

All You Can Eat
byl Blue Spicer
The argument had been going on for nearly an hour. By now, the grond coming from Marcel's stomach was audible to his friends. Caudette had
been asioing for pizza this entire time, but Pablo would not budge. He repeatedly told them that they always settle for pizza, and this time he wanted
to try the new Italian cafe and he would not budge for anything but cafe food. Marcel, tired of being interrupted by his gut began to counter that a
cafe did not have meal-sized portions, and by nou he had gone from slightly hungry to extremely ravenous. Howeves, Pablo and Gaudente seemed
to ignore Marcel's input and continued to bickes between the only two options they cared to consider
Then Marcel had a marvelous idea. Fost, he allowed his friends to tire themselves out arguing for a bit longer. When they finally took a breath
Marcel sax his chance "You know, there is a nen restaurant down the street, which offers a buite where we can get pizza, cafe food, and anything
else we might want as expected. Pablo and Claudette used Marcel's taking point as a chance to catch their breath before going back to taking over
one another
Pablo had been ging in to Caudette and her need for pizza for months now. It was auczys pizza because pizza was seves an option at home and
he knew this. Eating with Pablo and Marcel was Caudette's one time to eat something a little less healthy, so she was adamat to eat pizza. Claudette
and Patio were both stubborn, so when Marcel offered up the chance to try a new place that would satisfy what everyone wanted, twent in one ar
and out the other. Marcel was prepared for this, but he also knen his two friends often had a delayed reaction to good news when they were arguing
amongst themselves.
After a few more minutes of going back and forth, Caudette and Pablo suddenly stopped. They both turned to Marcel as if they just had a ner
idea. "Hey, there is that new buffet place isntit just down the road?" Marcel stiled as Pablo and Claudette came to an agreement to give the buffet
places a try. As Claudette led them out the door, Marcel hid a smile
Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match the characters to the way they develop the plot
offers a choice to appease everyone's appetite
ending any friction in the group
stands firm on wanting to choose something nen to eat
causing friction with the group
stands firm on always choosing the same thing to eat
causing friction with the group



Pablo - causing friction with the group, stands firm on wanting to choose something else to eat

Claudette - causing friction with the group stands firm on always choosing the same thing to eat

Marcel - ending any friction in the group, offers a choice to appease everyone's appetite


Here, we have a group of three friends - Pablo, Claudette, and Marcel. Pablo and Claudette are causing friction within the group by arguing about what they are going to eat. Claudette wants to eat pizza - the same thing they usually eat, while Pablo wants to try something new in the new Italian cafe. Marcel is the one who ends the friction by suggesting a new restaurant, where everyone could eat what they like.


what he said


he is right

What is the significance of the phrase “I don’t see” at the beginning of the poem "Escape"?

It shows that the speaker wants to view herself the way others do.

It shows that the speaker refuses to discover who she really is.

It emphasizes how much the speaker struggles to know herself.

It emphasizes how little the speaker understands about others.


The third one is the answer

The significance of the phrase “I don’t see” at the beginning of the poem "Escape" is it emphasizes how much the speaker struggles to know herself. Thus the correct option is C.

What is Inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

The poem "Escape" written by Elinor Wylie portrays the scene as being about a postal worker who escapes an uncomfortable employment trap. It describes on the emotion she experiences upon hearing the word "escape."

In the poem, the employee is described as comparing social confinement to being tortured. She cannot rebel against tradition and live a free life any more than a prisoner can leave their cell.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Inference, here:



In a discussion, Frank politely interrupts Nia to ask whether her information up coal mines applies to mines only in the United States or if it applies all mines across the globe. Which discussion technique is Frank most clearly using? A. Challenging established ideas? B. Synthesizing Claims C. Using evidence to support conclusions D. Asking clarifying questions



D. Asking clarifying questions


According to the question, Frank politely interrupts Nia to ask if her information about coal mines apply to only the mines in the United States or all around the globe.

The discussion technique Frank is clearly using is asking clarifying questions. He asked the question to get clarity and avoid misconceptions because without his question, someone can wrongly (or rightly) assume that the information Nia gave is about all coal mines

Best possible choice for your answer is D. Asking clarifying questions :)

Which of the following statements describes a need or problem that can be solved using the technology design process.

A family needs a garage door that will automatically open when their car approaches.

A farmer needs a new piece of farm machinery to harvest his crop.

A community needs a new swimming pool.

A baseball player needs to improve his batting skills.

pls help asap


I would think it is #2 a farmer needs a new piece of farm machinery to harvest his crop


Its the garage door one


I know where this question comes from I GOT IT CORRECT!

When revising and editing word choice, a writer should

1. replace clichéd expressions with engaging phrases.
2. confirm that the text’s organizational structure is clear.
3. choose and narrow down the topic to write about.
4. ensure that the body of the text includes supporting details.





I took the test I hope this helps!



1. replace clichéd expressions with engaging phrases.


Which option is true based on the sentence below?
The principal of my school, Ramonda, cancelled class so we could have a water balloon fight.

My school has more than one principal.

My school has only one principal.


My school has only one principal is the correct answer.

There was no other principal mentioned in that excerpt, so there is only one.

An entrepreneur must accept being accountable for the failure of the company because the entrepreneur is

part of the management team.
responsible for organizing the business.
expected to contribute positively to society.
expected to dedicate the most hours to the business.



responsible for organizing the business


An entrepreneur must accept being accountable for the failure of the company because the entrepreneur is:

B. responsible for organizing the business.


This is a person who is in charge of a business and is responsible for the organization and management of a business.

As a result of hit s. we can see that the entrepreneur is responsible for the success or failure of the organization or business because he is responsible for organizing the business.

Read more about entrepreneur here:


3. Which word best describes the author's overall tone toward women in this text? A bitter OB depressing C flippant D matter-of-fact

( advice to the newly married lady) ​



D. Matter of fact


The matter-of-fact word best describes the author's overall tone toward women in this text. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is author's?

The writer of the story is referred to as the "author." The author is currently working on getting her manuscript published. The author is expected to compose the story based on her understanding. The author writes the articles entirely for financial gain. The author's primary body of work is in English literature.

Do they, in matter-of-fact, introduce a remark that expands on what was just said, or an explanation of it, or anything that contradicts. Something that is true as opposed to opinion or supposition. The intention was to provide medical advice to disadvantaged rural women who did not have access to a doctor.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on author's, here;



Now read the essay entitled “Why Fahrenheit 451 Will Always Be Terrifying” by Jeffrey Somers.

Which of these sentences from the article BEST develops a central idea of the article?

Your answer:

Every few years, political developments cause an uptick in attention being paid to
classic dystopian novels.

This plot is often boiled down to a critique of book-burning — which still happens
— or an attack on censorship.

In this new age of "fake news" and Internet conspiracy, Fahrenheit 451 is more
chilling than ever.

HBO's adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 is expected to air in 2018, so it is the perfect
time to re-introduce yourself to the novel — or to read it for the first time.



In this new age of "fake news" and Internet conspiracy, Fahrenheit 451 is more

chilling than ever.


What ways have you observed a particular group of people or community being underserved or wronged?




Well repeat the question to yourself and ask have you ever seen that happen. This question is meant for you to be answered by. It's your opinion. If you haven't seen this happen then explain that you haven't. Hope this helps.

Select all that apply.

You might need to improve a behavior if you notice:

negative responses from others
unsuccessful outcomes
need to use common sense
tasks not included in the training



Negative responses from others?


I'm just guessing because it has to do with how people react to another person's attitude or actions.


A. negative responses from others

B. unsuccessful outcomes

C. X

D. tasks not included in the training



Which group of words is a dependent clause
they will go tomorrow
if you can go there
the weather is good
D. she went to the market
on the way to


A is a dependent clause
A is a dependent clause

Which most closely defines the word “lofty”?



Lofty: of imposing height or thick and resilient


Directions: Rewrite the following, changing the voice used in each of the sentences.

1. The song encourages the listeners to trust in our Redeemer.
2. Forest animals will be forced out of their habitat by illegal logging.
_ _
3. The celebrity recognized his loyal fans with an enthusiastic wave.
4. The judge suddenly called the lawyers into his chamber.
5. Messages of love, hope and concern are received by the patients.



The sentences are re-written below to show the difference in voice used.

1. He said that the song encouraged the listener to trust in their Redeemer.

2. She was of the opinion that illegal logging will force the animals out of their habitat.

3. She said that the celebrity could be able to recognize his loyal fans by his enthusiastic waving.

4. He said that, those lawyers were called by the judge into his chambers suddenly.

5. He said that, the patients were able to receive the message of love, hope and concern.


The most logical fertilizer used by ancient farmers was

recycled paper
ammonium nitrate
fish oil






i think manure is the correct ans

Stanley wasn't sure if the bus driver meant for him to be careful going down the steps, or if he was telling him to be careful at Camp Green Lake. "Thanks for the ride," he said. His mouth was dry and his throat hurt. He stepped onto the hard, dry dirt. There was a band of sweat around his wrist where the handcuff had been.

The land was barren and desolate. He could see a few rundown buildings and some tents. Farther away there was a cabin beneath two tall trees. Those two trees were the only plant life he could see. There weren't even weeds.

Louis Sachar

Why does the author describe Stanley’s environment? Choose the best answer.

to paint a picture of what camp looks like
to show that camp will be difficult
to explain that not everyone is so bad
to joke about the camp not being green


Answer: To show that camp will be difficult (B)


I answered it and it was correct.




American History," Elena's mother and Eugene's mother have a similar concern about their children. From the details in the story, choose the
statement that best describes the viewpoint they share.



both mothers wish their children to avoid mixing with members of another ethnic group


i just took a lucky guess but hope it helps

help plzzzzz

Write sentences illustrating the following moods:

Disastrous -
Confident -
Your Choice - (Name it:eerie __________________________________)



Disastrous: I walked down the eerie hall when the floor board broke! It was disastrous!

Confident: I was very confident that I could protect myself from the ghosts in the eerie house.

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