what is containment and why is it part of the planning process


Answer 1


Isolating affected channels, processes, services, or computers; stopping the losses; and regaining control of the affected systems. It is part of the planning process to identify the best containment option for each scenario or system affected.


Related Questions

Which tags should be bolded?



As per the nature and importance of the context the certain words can be bolded to make them prominent.

It also refers to the type of sentence either .

negative interrogative simple sentence

Which of the following are logical functions? Select all the options that apply.



functions (reference)

Function Description

IFS function Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition.

NOT function Reverses the logic of its argument

OR function Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE

what is seo stands for?


Answer ↓

S.E.O. stands for "Search Engine Optimization"

Explanation ↓

In the abbreviation S.E.O.,

"S" stands for "Search"

"E" stands for "Engine"

"O" stands for "Optimization"

Therefore, S.E.O. or SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization"

hope helpful ~






Hope this helps^^^

1. What is TRUNC for Delphi
programming language?
Please explain in at least 200


The Trunc function cut off a floating-point value by removing the fractional part. The Trunc  function often brings back an integer result as it is not a real function.

What is the Trunc function in Delphi?

When you look at the Delphi code, the Trunc function is known to be a fuction that reduces or cut off a real-type value and make it into an integer-type value.

Note that X is a real-type expression and so the Trunc is said to often brings back an Int64 value that is meaning the value of X approximated to zero and when the cut of value of X is not found in  the Int64 range, an EInvalidOp exception is brought up.

Learn more about programming language from


Under what scenarios can we clear the NVRAM by moving the PSWD jumper to the RTCRST


One can clear the NVRAM by moving the PSWD jumper to the RTCRST pins in the following scenarios:

When the computer system is on for 10 secondsWhen the jumper is set to the closed position

What is a jumper ?

A jumper (usually found on early days computers) is used when the computer needs to close an electrical circuit

The NVRAM which means a non-volatile random-access memory can be reset or clear when the computer system is on for 10 seconds and when the jumper is set to the closed position

Read more about computer at:


The following code appears in a sort function. Will this function sort in increasing order (smallest first) or decreasing order (largest first)? Explain your answer if (list[index] < list[index + 1]) { temp = list [index]; list[ index] = list [index +1]; list[index +1] = temp; }


A sort function sorts in an ascending or desceding order

The true statement is that the function would sort in decreasing order.

What is a sort function?

A sort function is a code segment that is used to reorder a list in ascending or descending order, when called or evoked

The order of the sort function

The code segment is given as:

if (list[index] < list[index + 1]) {

temp = list [index];

list[ index] = list [index +1];

list[index +1] = temp;


In the above code, we can see that the code compares a list element with the next element on the list, and the larger value comes to the front

This means that the sort function sorts in decreasing order

Read more about code segments at:


It is possible to publish a presentation online. True False



It should be true


I don't see why it wouldn't

Write a program that allows two players (player X and player O) to play a game of tic-tac-toe. Use a two- dimensional char array with three rows and three columns as the game board. Each element of the array should be initialized with an asterisk (*). The players take turns making moves and the program keeps track of whose turn it is. Player X moves first. The program should run a loop that:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//function prototypes

void showBoard(char[][3]);

bool checkWinner(char[][3], char);

void playerMove(char[][3], char);

int main()


  //declare variables needed

  //declare 2D array for the board

  //and initialize with all *

  char board[3][3] = {{'*', '*', '*'},

                      {'*', '*', '*'},

                      {'*', '*', '*'}};

  int moves = 0;  //variable to keep track

                  //of number of moves

                  //to determine tie

  cout << "TIC - TAC - TOE\n\n";

  //while loop to repeat until 9 moves are done


      //display board


      cout << "Player 1 moves\n";

      //get player X move

      playerMove(board, 'X');

      //increment moves counter


      //if this is a winning move

      //store winner and terminate

      if(checkWinner(board, 'X')){


          cout << "\nPlayer 1 (X) wins!\n";

          return 0;


      //if 9 moves are done

      //break from loop

      if(moves == 9)


      //display board again


      cout << "Player 2 moves\n";

      //do the same thing for player O

      playerMove(board, 'O');


      if(checkWinner(board, 'O')){


          cout << "\nPlayer 2 (O) wins!\n";

          return 0;



  //if we have gone this far and program

  //still has not terminated (no winner)

  //it means this is a tie


  cout << "This game is a tie!\n";

  //return 0 to mark successful completion of program

  return 0;


//this function is helpful because we need to show

//the board repetitively during the program

void showBoard(char board[][3]){

  cout << endl;

  //loop on the rows

  for(int row = 0; row < 3; row++){

      //loop on the columns

      for(int col = 0; col < 3; col++)

          cout << board[row][col] << "    ";

      //display newline after each row

      cout << endl << endl;


  cout << endl;


//this function checks if second argument

//is a winning player

bool checkWinner(char board[][3], char player){

  //boolean variable to check

  //for winner later

  bool flag;


  for(int row = 0; row < 3; row++){

      //initialize flag to true

      flag = true;

      //loop within a row

      for(int col = 0; col < 3; col++){

          //Notice that the right part of the

          //assignment operator, is an expression

          //with a relational operator (==)

          //this expression will yield either

          //true (1) or false (0)

          //while flag is already true (1)

          //if multiplied by true (1) will result

          //in true(0), or multiplied by false (0)

          //will result in false (0)

          flag *= (board[row][col] == player);


      //after checking within row, if the flag

      //is still true at this point, it means we have

      //three chars of the same kind within the row,

      //thus we have a winner


          return true;





  //using a similar logic

  for(int col = 0; col < 3; col++){

      flag = true;

      for(int row = 0; row < 3; row++){

          flag *= (board[row][col] == player);



          return true;




  //CHECK FIRST DIAGONAL (row = col)

  //reset flag to true

  flag = true;

  //check diagonal

  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){

      flag *= (board[i][i] == player);


  //check if there is winner


      return true;

  //CHECK OTHER DIAGONAL (row = 2 - col)

  //reset flag to true

  flag = true;

  //check diagonal

  for(int col = 0; col < 3; col++){

      flag *= (board[2-col][col] == player);


  //check if there is winner


      return true;

  //if all of these have been checked

  //and function still has not returned,

  //it means there is no winner

  return false;


//this function gets a move from the player,

//checks if it is valid, and if yes it puts

//it on the board

void playerMove(char board[][3], char player){

  //variables to store user move

  int row, col;

  //get user move

  cout << "Row: ";

  cin >> row;

  cout << "Col: ";

  cin >> col;

  //check if this is valid move

  //you have to check if that tile has

  //already been marked, or if tile

  //of choice is out of bounds of board

  while(board[row-1][col-1] != '*' ||

        row > 3 || row < 0 ||

        col > 3 || row < 0)


      cout << "Invalid move! Try again\n";

      cout << "Row: ";

      cin >> row;

      cout << "Col: ";

      cin >> col;


  //after validation, mark new move

  board[row-1][col-1] = player;



if on edgen. The answer is c


8. Show that x = xy + xy'
a) Using truth tables
b) Using Boolean identities





Cause Show that x =Xy plus xy' is common = is Using Boolean Identify? tY me

Select the correct answer
Mike logged into a shopping website and entered his username and password, which protocol will the website use to verify his credentials?





The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a vendor-neutral application protocol used to maintain distributed directory info in an organized, easy-to-query manner. That means it allows you to keep a directory of items and information about them. This allows websites to verify credentials when accessing websites.

Which programming term describes the value that is passed to a method when called
so that the method knows what to do?
A parameter
An argument
A function
A variable


The programming term that describes the value that is passed to a method when called so that the method knows what to do is an Argument

What is an  Argument?

An argument in Programming are variables used to specify a value when you want to call a fuhnction which provides the programs utilizing more informathion.

A bettrer understanding is as follows:

create a function, pass in data in the form of an argumentProgram utilizes more information from the value of the argument.

For example

Say you want to create a function that describes how much money you're having; We can use artgument to descriptive as possible.

Before now, the function may have looked like:

string howMuchmoney() {

    return "so much money";

Modifying  the function prototype and implementation to take a string argument, it becomes

string howMuchmoney(string amount);

Change your return statement to:

return amount + "money";

Add a string to the parentheses where you call the function:

howMuchmoney("tons of")

Learn more in using Argument here:https://brainly.com/question/6067168

Can someone give me answers for 1-4



you want me help u with this one?

2. The different amount of shades of color

3. The artist had given every marvel or DC or villian the color that fit them and the texture is also very nice in the picture.

4. The artist maybe could make the pic a little bit more high quality cause in the image is sort of blurry and you cant really see the further people that well.

What does the standard deviation of a set of data tell you?
O A. The smallest data value
B. Whether the data are spread out or not
O C. How many data points there are
O D. The maximum value of the data


Answer: It tells us about how our set of data is spread out as compared to our mean or expected value.

Explanation: Note: Standard deviation is represented by Greek Letter sigma.For example: A teacher in a class of particular students takes a learning ability test from the students. Average or mean marks of students is 52 with +/- 10 marks. Then 1σ (Sigma = standard deviation) it means 1 standard deviation = 68% students will lie in between 52 + 10 =62 marks and 52-10 = 42 marks region.  2σ (2 standard deviation) means among the students 95% of them will lie between 52 + 20 =72 and  52-20= 32 marks region.3σ (3 standard deviation) means 99.7% of the students will lie in the region where 52 + 30 = 82 and 52 – 30 = 22 marks region.  So for 3σ (3 Standard Deviations), only 0.3% of the total students deviate +/-30 marks from the average. It means 0.15% students will have marks less than 22 and 0.15%  students will have marks greater than 82.  In the schematic attached, I have tried to make you understand through a diagram. Please refer to the schematic 1.  It tells us about the how our set of data is spread out as compared to our average or mean. And distance from mean can be calculated through number of standard deviations that the data is how much below or above the average.For example:For 1σ 68% students will come under the curve of “Average Learners”  and rest of 32% will come under the curve of “Poor Learners” and “Very Talented Learners”.For 2σ 95% of the students will come under the curve of “Average Learners”  and rest will come under the curve of “Poor Learners” and “Very Talented Learners”.For 3σ 99.7% of the students will come under the curve of “Average Learners” and rest of 0.3% will come under the curve of “Poor Learners” and “Very Talented Learners”.

Consider the following program written in C syntax:
void swap(int a, int b) {
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
} void main() { int value = 2, list[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};
swap(value, list[0]);
swap(list[0], list[1]);
swap(value, list[value]);
For each of the following parameter-passing methods, what are all of the
values of the variables value and list after each of the three calls to
1. Passed by value
2. Passed by reference
3. Passed by value-result


The values of the variables value and list after each of the three calls to

swap are:

value = 2 and  list[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};value = 2 and  list[5] = {3, 1, 5, 7, 9};value = 2 and  list[5] = {3, 1, 5, 7, 9};

How to determine the values of variable value and the list?

1. Passed by value

In this case, the values of the actual arguments remain unchanged; So the variable value and the list would retain their initial values

The end result is:

value = 2 and  list[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};

2. Passed by reference

With pass by reference, the arguments are changed.

Given that

value = 2 and  list[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};

The value of variable value is swapped with list[0].

So, we have:

value = 1 and  list[5] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 9};

Then list[0] and list[1] are swapped

So, we have:

value = 1 and  list[5] = {3, 2, 5, 7, 9};

Lastly, value and list[value] are swapped

So, we have:

value = 2 and  list[5] = {3, 1, 5, 7, 9};

The end result is:

value = 2 and  list[5] = {3, 1, 5, 7, 9};

3. Passed by value-result

Since there is no loop in the program, the pass by value-result has the same output as the pass by reference.

So, the end result is:

value = 2 and  list[5] = {3, 1, 5, 7, 9};

Read more about C syntax at:


Misinformations about Corona virus



be in a crowded place without a mark

what is the important of hvac?



Moreover, buildings need HVAC installed in them because:

HVAC systems are used for controlling the overall climate in a building. ...

HVAC fosters enhanced productivity in offices as they feel comfortable. ...

HVAC improves air quality in the building, helping make it appropriate for human breathing and comfort. ...

HVAC systems help you achieve more savings when it comes to energy bills



Units larger than a terabyte include a petabyte, exabyte, zettabyte, yottabyte and brontobyte. A geopbyte is also larger than a terabyte and refers to 10 30 bytes, or 1,000 brontobytes. Additional units of measurement become necessary as the amount of data in the world increases.


A victimless crime is committed when
|. Select 3 options.
someone downloads a pirated song or video
a copyrighted image is used without permission
a stranger accesses your internet banking
a person downloads and uses pirated software
a hacker sells a company's financial statements


Someone downloads a pirated song or video a copyrighted image is used without permission and a person downloads and uses pirated software.

A victimless crime is committed when a copyrighted image is used without permission 2. a stranger accesses your internet banking 3. a hacker sells a company’s financial statements.

Victimless crimes are illegal acts that break the laws, but there is no single victim of the crime. They are against social values and laws. A copyrighted image is used without permission

Examples are gambling, traffic violations, etc. Thus, Victimless crimes differ from other types of crime because it does not have an identifiable victim. This crime is against laws and social values and beliefs.

To know more about victimless crimes, visit:



PLS HELP In VPython, finish the code to draw a horizontal axis.

origin = vector (0, 0, 0)
axis = cylinder(pos=origin, axis=vector(________)

options are (50, 0, 0), (0, 50, 0) and (0, 0, 50)
its NOT (0, 50, 0)


Use the knowledge in computational language in python to write a code that draw a horizontal axis with vectors.

How to define vectors in Python?

In Python it is possible to define a vector with characters, forming a word, that is, a string of characters, which is abbreviated as "string". To do this, you can assign it as a constant or read the data as a word.

So in an easier way we have that the code is:

mybox = box(pos=vector(x0,y0,z0),






See more about python at brainly.com/question/18502436

Sorry for being late, but the answer is...

50, 0, 0


Identify three (3) general-purpose computing devices and write a short (no more than one page) essay explaining in detail the computing process.


The three general-purpose computing devices are desktops, notebooks, smartphones. The computing process of these devices are further explained below.

What are general-purpose computers?

A general-purpose computer is a type of computer that has the ability to carry out many different tasks. The following tasks can be performed by the general purpose computing devices:

installation of softwares,

processing of data, and

storage of processed data.

The computing process of all the general-purpose computer are the same.

It involves preparation and inputting of data into the computer using the input devices.

The data is sent to the processing unit called the central processing unit (CPU) which has the electronic circuitry that manipulates input data into the information people want.

The information is then displayed in an output device example the monitor, for the user to view.

Therefore, the three general-purpose computing devices are desktops, notebooks, smartphones.

Learn more about computing process here:


// This pseudocode segment is intended to compute and display
// the average grade of three tests for any number of students.
// The program executes until the user enters a negative value
// for the first test score.
num test1
num test2
num test3
num average
while test1 >= 0

output "Enter score for test 1 or a negative number to quit"

output "Enter score for test 2"
input test2
average = (test1 + test2 + test3) / 3
output "Average is ", average
output "Enter score for test 1 or a negative number to quit"
input tesst1

output "End of program"


The pseudocode to calculate the average of the test scores until the user enters a negative input serves as a prototype of the actual program

The errors in the pseudocode

The errors in the pseudocode include:

Inclusion of unusable segmentsIncorrect variablesIncorrect loops

The correct pseudocode

The correct pseudocode where all errors are corrected and the unusable segments are removed is as follows:



     num test1

     num test2

     num test3

     num average

output "Enter score for test 1 or a negative number to quit"

input test1

while test1 >= 0

     output "Enter score for test 2"

     input test2

     output "Enter score for test 3"

     input test3

     average = (test1 + test2 + test3) / 3

     output "Average is ", average

     output "Enter score for test 1 or a negative number to quit"

     input test1


output "End of program"


Read more about pseudocodes at:


Restarting a computer which is already on is referred as



what is compute


computer is machine

"You have created a Word document named apple.docx using Microsoft Word. What type of a file is apple.docx ? Select all that apply"


The type of a file that is in  apple.docx is Executable program file.

What is an executable file?

An executable file (EXE file) is known to be a type of computer file that has a encoded sequence of codes or instructions that the system often work on  when the user is said to clicks the file icon.

Note that Executable files are known to have an EXE file extension, and there are a lot of other executable file formats. The type of a file that is in  apple.docx is Executable program file.

Learn more about Word document from


Intro to Computer Science:
A zero-tolerance policy means that if the employee violates the policy, they will be _____.

The correct answer is: fired :)


When a employee violate a zero-tolerance policy they’ll be fired!

A zero-tolerance policy means that if the employee violates the policy, they will be fired. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What is a Zero-tolerance policy?

A zero tolerance policy is one that penalizes every violation of a stated rule. People in positions of authority are prohibited by zero tolerance policies from exercising discretion or changing punishments to fit the circumstances subjectively. They must impose a predetermined punishment regardless of individual guilt, extenuating circumstances, or history.

Zero tolerance policies are studied in criminology and are used in both formal and informal policing systems worldwide. If an employee violates the policy, there will be no tolerance and they will be fired.

Therefore, a zero-tolerance policy means that if the employee violates the policy, they will be fired.

To learn more about zero-tolerance policy, click here:



what impact of information communication technology have on the environment about electronic waste, use of electricity?​



When e-waste is exposed to the heat, toxic chemicals are released into the air damaging the atmosphere.


Which is the best explanation for why tutorials are useful?



Tutorials are important for your learning because you can:

Solve problems in a team, develop your group skills, and get to know your peers better (which may come in handy when picking group members for group projects) Prepare for and/or review midterms and exams. Clarify any concepts that you might not understand.


Hope it helps

What is the binary of the following numbers


You can use this table to help you!


10 = 00001010

6 = 00000110

22 = 00010110

12 = 00001100

why is this not working for my plus membership



The overwhelming main cause for PlayStation Plus subscriptions not being recognised is because of PlayStation server maintenance which prevents your PS4 from communicating with Sony and discovering that you are a paid up PS Plus subscriber.

In this lab, you will implement a temperature converter in JavaScript. The user may type a temperature in either the Celsius or Fahrenheit textbox and press Convert to convert the temperature. An image displays based on the converted temperature. (see the image uploaded here)


Use the knowledge in computational language in JAVA to write a code that convert the temperature.

How do I convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in Java?

So in an easier way we have that the code is:

Fahrenheit to celsius:

/* When the input field receives input, convert the value from fahrenheit to celsius */

function temperatureConverter(valNum) {

 valNum = parseFloat(valNum);

 document.getElementById("outputCelsius").innerHTML = (valNum-32) / 1.8;


Celsius to Fahrenheit:

function cToF(celsius)


 var cTemp = celsius;

 var cToFahr = cTemp * 9 / 5 + 32;

 var message = cTemp+'\xB0C is ' + cToFahr + ' \xB0F.';



function fToC(fahrenheit)


 var fTemp = fahrenheit;

 var fToCel = (fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9;

 var message = fTemp+'\xB0F is ' + fToCel + '\xB0C.';





See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/12975450

Try it
Which phrases best describe plagiarism? Check all that apply.
presenting someone else's words as if they were your own
using someone else's idea without giving him or her credit
quoting and citing information as a reference or source
using an idea you found online and claiming it as your own
presenting your own original ideas



Using Someone else's idea without giving him or her credit


In My Opinion


124 :)


can anyone tell me about Microsoft some important features for partical


This is the answer from my opinion.
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