What is currently happening regarding the suprem court?


Answer 1


distinctly American in concept and function," as Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes observed.


Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes observed.

Related Questions

What are the supporting observations for the hypothesis of continental drift?

fit of continents


Age of the seafloor


Bathymetry: Mid ocean ridges and trenches

sediment thickness

similar mountain ranges

similar rocks

Paleoclimate information

Earthquake and volcanism



fits of continents

age of seafloor


Bathymetry mid Ocean ridges and trenches

similar rocks

similar mountain ranges


please make this answer brainliest If I helped you!

In any discussion on the topic of stars, the term nebulae is used to refer to which of the following?

A) a region in space where stars develop

B) the temperature of stars

C) the size of stars

D) the location of stars



A. A region in space where stars develop.


Nebulae is a cloud of dust and gas. It is often referred to as a star nursery or the development of new stars.

I remember this from my college days.

What does an organism's phenotype describe?
1.) the allele combination for a trait
2.) the physical appearance of a trait
3.) the number of alleles on a gene
4.) the number of different traits inherited



2.) the physical appearance of a trait


An organism phenotype describes the physical appearance of a trait. Phenotypes are an outward expression of the genetic makeup of an organism.

Phenotype is usually conditioned by the environment in which an organism finds itself. Examples of phenotypes are the appearance of an organism, color, height, shape, etc. They are the observable traits of an organism. The genotype which is the genetic constituent of an organism controls the phenotypes.




why monsoon important for south and south east asia



The monsoons are important for South and Southeast Asia because they bring in a huge amount of rainfall.


The monsoons act in the western Pacific Ocean and in the Indian Ocean, thus influencing the land in these areas. There are two types of monsoons, one of them is dry, while one is wet. The wet monsoons often are in the spotlight, and with every right, as they bring in enormous amounts of rainfall.

South Asia and Southeast Asia are the most affected regions. When the wet monsoons are active, these two regions get unimaginable amounts of rainfall. The rainfall is high in some areas that they are among the ones that have the highest rate of precipitation in the world. The importance, of course, is the rainfall, as it manages to provide water for the majority of the year, the rivers and lakes gain a lot of water and their levels rise significantly, and this helps the people a lot, especially in agriculture.

What is the parent material of soil that forms from underlying bedrock?
A. colluvium deposits
B. lacustrine deposits
C. loess deposits
D. sedentary deposits



C. loess deposits


A bedrock is a solid rock which stay under the soil.

Loess deposits are loamy material which are usually made of silt and are transported by wind. They are loosely formed by calcium carbonate.

Therefore, the parent material of soil that forms from underlying bedrock is loess deposit.


your answer is loess deposits


i had this question on plato/edmentum and it is c loess deposits

trust me

i hope i helped you if im wrong pls comment on me

Sea water contains __________.


The six most abundant ions of seawater are chloride (Cl−), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO24−), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), and potassium (K+). By weight these ions make up about 99 percent of all sea salts.
Salt (NaCl) Benzene


What minerals are in a bycicle




Aluminum, iron (and steel), magnesium, titanium, zinc, and silica (from glass) are obtained through recycling. Some bikes are made with titanium or scandium-aluminum alloyed metals.

What is the hypothesis in this conditional statement?

If it is the holiday season, then the post office is crowded.

1. It is the holiday season

2. The post office is crowded


The hypothesis is #1 - if it is the holiday season (:

Mark brainliest if you wanna help a girl out lol

What statement best describes the earth ocean


It is varied and includes features such as submarine canyons, atolls, and mid-ocean ridges.


oceans cover most of the plant surface and contain nearly all earth water


How have Earth's four systems interacted to shape the environment where you live?



The four systems of the earth are:

Biosphere: zone of lifeHydropshere : zone of waterAtmosphere: zone of gasesGeosphere: the solid and rocky earth

These four zones are intertwined and they greatly shape every environment on earth.

  In my locality, farming activities depends on an interplay between these spheres. As an agrarian community, the soil for cultivating crops is a product of weathering of the geosphere. This releases vital minerals that allow the plants to grow. Plants also need rainfall and moisture to grow. All living organisms on earth in fact require water. Water is used as one of the chemical substances for most chemical processes in living organisms.

The atmosphere is the source of gaseous exchange and where most weather elements are domiciled. Weather affects everything on earth from the rate of weathering of the geosphere to the levels of water in rivers.

The biosphere also interact with all the four systems directly.

define food insecurity​


Food insecurity is a measure of the availability of food and individuals ability to access it.

whats the name of africas southern desert



Kalahari Desert


The name of Africa's Southern Desert is the Kalahari Desert.

Write about the Kalahari Desert.

The 900,000 square-kilometer Kalahari Desert, which also includes sections of Namibia and South Africa, is a sizable semi-arid dry savanna in southern Africa.

The Kalahari Desert, which spans multiple nations, offers safari adventures unmatched by anything else in Africa. Each area offers a different experience with fantastic chances to see different antelope species, big cats, and amazing birdlife that has evolved to withstand harsh environments.

The Kalahari Desert, which spans much of Botswana as well as portions of Namibia and South Africa, is a sizable arid to semi-arid sandy terrain rather than a true desert. Although it is semi-desert, following heavy rains, it contains vast areas of excellent pasture and is abundant in animals. The Okavango River is the only continuously flowing river that traverses the desert. Lions, cheetahs, and leopards are just a few of the big cats that live in the Kalahari desert. Africa's most southern desert is called the Kalahari. It is the second-largest desert in Africa after the Sahara and the sixth-largest dessert overall.

Learn more about the Kalahari Desert here:



What are 5 best characteristics of mexico


5 best characteristics of mexico are ÷

1 . Mountains cover much of Mexico.

2. There are dense forests in south and east

3. Mexico is the oldest city in North America.

4. World smallest volcano lies in Mexico.

5.Mexico has the ninth-largest economy in the world.

Why is New Jersey called the "Garden State"?
lots of dairy
lots of ranching
lots of farming
lots of mining


my best guess would be lots of farming, since farming and gardening have a lot to do with each other

All of the following statements are from the
selection. Which one best expresses the selection's
central idea?
But two of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies break all the
The stars of Andromeda even reveal how far away the
galaxy is.
That's because big galaxies steal gas from little galaxies
near them.
As the Magellanic Clouds go around the Milky Way, they
probably go around each other, too.





Geography homework. Please help, thanks!




Give an example as to how physical environment can be changed by culture.



Farming or buildings


these change the environment slowly but they do

According to the chart above, what is happening to the world's urban and rural populations? Explain what the chart helps us to understand. Your response should use at least two to three sentences.​



This chart shows that the world’s urban population recently passed its rural population. This process is called urbanization. On the left side of the chart, we can see that in 1950 almost 75% of the world’s population lived in rural areas. Only 50 years later, this completely changed. We can see that between 2000 and 2010, the urban and rural numbers matched. In the future, more people will live in urban areas.


It's what the sample thing is. What your answer should include.

The charts where the charts are the happening to the world's urban and rural population are the urban population are the rises and the rural population are the decreases.

What is populations?

The term population refers to an individual, group, or society on a globe-scale. The population is counted on the people who are present in a location at any given time. There are various kinds of population, such as finite population, infinite population, existent population, and hypothetical population.

According to the urban and the rural population was the decreases, on the other hand was the urban population are the increases. The process was the included the increased and the decreased is also known as the urbanization. There is the population are the ups and the down. The population are the increased and the decreased on the chart.

As a result, the urban population are the rises and the rural population are the decreases.

Learn more about on population, here:



pls help fast!!!! Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.
A color-coded thematic map of India. Climate regions are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1 is in Central India and in the middle of the southern tip. 2 is most of Southern India. 3 is along the western coast and west coast of Sri Lanka. 4 is in Northern India and extends eastward. 5 is along the northern border of India with Nepal.

The region labeled with the number 2 on the map above is a __________ climate region.
humid subtropical
tropical wet and dry
tropical wet


The answer is b
Hope this helps:)

The region labeled with the number 2 on the map above is a tropical wet and dry climate region. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by the climate region?

A continuous geographic area with consistent climatic features is referred to as a climatic region.

The polar, temperate, and tropical zones are neatly divided into three different climate zones by the three cell convection model of each hemisphere.

The earth's tilt, rotation, and distribution of land and sea have an impact on the observed worldwide weather patterns.

Even though the weather changes from day to day at any given location, the same weather pattern will recur throughout time. Climate is the recurring "average weather" found in any certain location.

Therefore, the region labeled with the number 2 on the map above is a tropical wet and dry climate region.

To know more about the climate region, visit:



What is the scale factor from the orginal figure to the copy



Scaled copy of original figure is created by multiplying the every sides of the original figure by the same number.

Ex: one side of original figure length is 2m then scaled copy will have length of one side as 4m (2×2)

So the scale factor is 2 which is twice as long as the corresponding side of original figure

Write a report of no less than 125 words comparing the report of the two spies returning from Jericho (Joshua 2:24) with the report of the other spies mentioned in Numbers 13:31-33. Explain who exercised faith and how we can apply this to our lives today.



The spies returning from the City of Jericho acknowledged the problems, but had faith that God would prevail over the problems. The other spies were lacked faith in God and did not think He would help them.

When the spies returned from reconnoitering the land of Jericho, and brought back a number of items including honey and giant grapes so large they had to be carried by two men and hung on a pole, they concluded that the land does actually flow with milk and honey.

"We went to the land where you sent us. It truly flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit." (Numbers 13:27)

The spies also deduced that the people who dwelt in the territory are very large and very strong. The cities enormous and heavily barricaded. They saw that the descendants of Anak lived there in the city.  

"Nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cities are fortified and very large; moreover we saw the descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites dwell in the land of the South; the Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in the mountains; and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and along the banks of the Jordan."  

(Numbers 28-29)

The people began grumbling and complaining. Caleb, who was one of two of the faithful spies, said: "Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it."  

The other ten replied by stating:  "We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we."

Numbers 13: 32-33 goes on to say: “And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, "The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature.”  

What the spies saw were giants (whom were descendants of Anak); they felt like mere grasshoppers in comparison to them.    

The following day, the people had had enough and began calling for Joshua and Caleb to be replaced by a new leader, one that would take them back to Egypt.

Both Joshua and Caleb ripped their clothes in anguish and told the people:  

"The land we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, 'a land which flows with milk and honey.' Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them." And all the congregation said to stone them with stones. Now the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of meeting before all the children of Israel.

(Numbers 14:7-10).

Here is where the report of the spies ends since as God has now interceded.

Explanation: Joshua and Caleb both exercised faith by trusting in the Lord and not falling weak to the people who said terrible things about them and wanted to replace them with someone who would do what they wanted.  

We can apply this to our lives today by continuing to have faith in God. To trust His ways and obey them.  

According to the report of the spies according to the book of Joshua 2;24, we can see that Joshua and Caleb went to the city of Jericho to spy and assess the strength of the warriors and city there and find out how they can take the city.

However, in Numbers 13: 31-33, we can see  that out of the twelve spies which were sent, only Joshua and Caleb said positive things, but the other ten brought back negative reports by saying that they could never take the city, that the men were like giants, while they were like ants.

The two people who expressed faith are:

Joshua Caleb

We should always apply such faith in our lives and believe that no matter how tough the difficulty is, we can overcome it.

Read more here:


Which of the following statements best characterizes the opportunities available to people worldwide during the past
20 years?
A. People of all races, genders, and ethnicities have experienced equal opportunities.
B. People from some ethnic, racial, and gender groups have chosen to limit their own
C. Many people have been barred from opportunities based on race, gender, or ethnicity.
D Many people have been treated unfairly because of their ethnicity but not because of
gender or race.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.





its sad but racism still exists


optionc many people have been

why is southern hemisphere referred to as "Water hemisphere"?​



because the southern hemisphere has significantly more ocean and less land; water heats up and cools down more slowly than land.

Suppose a line segment whose endpoints are T(x1,y1) and U(x2,y2) is reflected over y=x to create T′U′− . The coordinates of the image are T′(−4, 3) and U'(1, 7) . What are the values of x1 , x2 , y1 , and y2 ?



T'(3, -4) U'(7, 1)


(x, y) ---> (y, x)

T'(y1, x1) = (-4, 3) ----> T(3, -4)

U'(x2, y2)= (1, 7) -------> U(7,1)

please help (please don't report)​



B or D


I think it is D because the essential elements of geography are used more.

Describe the themes and concepts used to study the interaction between globalization and the world’s cultural geographies



Geography is the study of the earth surface. Globalization is spread of a particular substance or matter all over the world by various modes of spread.

(a) Identifying the different components of the globalization and list several ways in which the globalization can change the world geography.

(b) Describing the conceptual frameworks of the world ‘s regional geography.

(c) Summarizing the major tools used by the geographers to study the Earth's geographic surface.

(d) Explaining the concepts  used to document changes in the global population and environment.  

Maps that use data to define the shape and size of a territory are called?

A. Cartogram

B. Flow-line maps

C. Qualitative maps

D. Political maps



D- political maps


I am pretty sure this is right please tell me if this is wrong

How can u show patriotism



obeying rules of your country and helping others also

16. Which of the following can be explained at point B? А Lithosphere B Mantle Outer core Inner core O plates move apart and volcanoes form O plates move past each other sideways O plates are not moving O plates move toward each other and volcanoes form​


I think the answer to this question is b

Large igneous provinces (LIPs)
A. erupt only high-viscosity magma and are therefore localized but very thick.
B. occur only along continental margins.
C. represent special events in the Earth's history that may have been caused by plume activity.
D. are places where huge amounts of felsic magma have been erupted or intruded.


I’m sure it is c hope that helped
Other Questions
Name the following ionic compound: Ba(OH)2*2H2O what are some similarities between Sparta and Athens The December 31, 2018, adjusted trial balance for Fightin' Blue Hens Corporation is presented below. Accounts Debit Credit Cash $12,000 Accounts Receivable 150,000 Prepaid Rent 6,000 Supplies 30,000 Equipment 400,000 Accumulated Depreciation $135,000 Accounts Payable 12,000 Salaries Payable 11,000 Interest Payable 5,000 Notes Payable (due in two years) 40,000 Common Stock 300,000 Retained Earnings 60,000 Service Revenue 500,000 Salaries Expense 400,000 Rent Expense 20,000 Depreciation Expense 40,000 Interest Expense 5,000 Totals $1,063,000 $1,063,000Accounts Debit Credit Service Revenue 500,000Salaries Expense 400,000Rent Expense 20,000Depreciation Expense 40,000Interest Expense 5,000Total $1,063,000 $1,063,000Required:1. Prepare an income statement for the year ended December 31, 2021.2. Prepare a statement of stockholders' equity for the year ended December 31, 2021, assuming no common stock was issued during 2021. 3. Prepare a classified balance sheet as of December 31, 2021. Lemon Corporation generated $324,600 of income from ordinary business operations. It also sold several assets during the year. Compute Lemons taxable income under each of the following alternative assumptions about the tax consequences of the asset sales. a. Lemon recognized a $5,500 capital gain and a $7,400 net Section 1231 loss. b. Lemon recognized a $6,500 capital loss and a $4,700 net Section 1231 gain.c. Lemon recognized a $2,500 capital gain, a $3,900 capital loss, and a $3,000 net Section 1231 gain. d.Lemon recognized $4,000 of depreciation recapture, a $2,000 Section 1231 gain, and a $4,200 Section 1231 loss. #7 If the Moons mass was suddenly tripled, what would occur to the gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon?(A) Gravitational force would increase by a factor of 3.(B) Gravitational force would decrease by a factor of 3.(C) Gravitational force would increase by a factor of 9.(D) Gravitational force would decrease by a factor of 9. A toy car rolls down a hill starting from rest. After 4.2 seconds its velocity is 18 meters per second. What is the acceleration of the car ?SOMEONE PLZ HELP :(WILL MARK BRAILIEST What is true about the force acting on the cars at the end of a roller coaster ride as they slow down right before stopping? What is the equation of the line described below written in slope-intercept form? the line passing through point (2,4), parallel to the line whose equation is y = x A. y=x + 2 B. y = -x + 2 C. y=-X give two reasons why Carnegie wanted to break the union How was feudalism in medieval Europe a hierarchy Consider the hexagon ABCDEF what is the value of X? What is the measure of angle A? what is the measure of angle BCG? That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal; 1)Limited Power2)Rule of Law3)Due Process4)Rights5)Self-government(With explanation of why?)BRAINLIEST An inventor wants to start a new business selling her products but isn't sure how to organize it. She is most concerned with being in complete control of all decisions that the business makes . She does not want other people ruining her plans by insisting on doing things their own way. Which business organization would best meet her needs A. Partnership B. Co C. Firm D. Sole proprietorshipplease answer if you actually know it Please help I need an answer like RIGHT NOW! which of the following is an example of asexual reproduction?a. two cats having a litter of kittensb. a pair of birds has a nest full of eggs that hatch into chicksc. an amoeba undergoing mitosisd. an apple tree getting pollinated and producing fruit with seeds A certain test is scored by adding 1 point foreach correct answer and subtracting 1/4 of apoint for each incorrect answer. If Jan answered31 questions correctly and 9 questions incor-rectly, what was her score?a. 28 3/4b. 28 1/4c. 26 d. 22 1/4 All cells areproduced from other cellsO TrueO False How many gallons of water are in a 2 gallon pitcher that is 3/4 full? what a number named as a googolplexian might be ? y = bx(x - a)(x-a)(x + b)(x - b)In the equation above, a and b are positiveconstants and a b. How many distinct x-interceptsdoes the graph of the equation in the xy-plane have?