what is functional group of ethers?​


Answer 1


Explanation:The ether functional group consists of an oxygen atom that forms single bonds with two carbon atoms

Related Questions

Calculate the following quantity: molarity of a solution prepared by diluting 49.16 mL of 0.0270 M ammonium sulfate to 525.00 mL.





Molarity is an unit of concentration used in chemistry. Is defined as the moles of solute per liter of solution.

To find the molarity of the solution we need to determine the moles of ammonium sulfate present in the initial 49.16mL solution and, with total volume, we can find the molarity, thus:

Moles ammonium sulfate:

49.16mL = 0.04916L * (0.0270 moles / L) =

1.327x10⁻³moles ammonium sulfate

These moles are present in 525.0mL = 0.525L. Thus, molarity of the solution will be:

1.327x10⁻³moles ammonium sulfate / 0.525L =


10. Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?

A. Salt: Na and C: Element

B. Water: H and O: Corapound

C. Carbon dioxside: C and O: Compound

D. Magnesium chloride: Mg and C: Compound​



A. because salt : Na and Cl, not C

4.5 tons → lbs
4.5 tons equals how many pounds



9000 pounds


9000 pounds

Answer: 9000 lbs.

Explanation: 4.5 tons = 9000 pounds.

(3x – 4y = -10
(6x + 3y = –42



Is like for solving for the solution for both equations??

A chemist decomposes samples of several compounds; the masses of their constituent elements are listed. Calculate the empirical formula for each compound.

a. 1.245 g Ni, 5.381 g I,
b. 2.677 g Ba, 3.115 g Br,
c. 2.128 g Be, 7.557 g S, 15.107 g



you can see the empirical formula at the pic

The empirical formula for compound (a) is NiI2, (b) is BaBr2 and (c) is BeS.

What is empirical formula?

Empirical formula of a compound is defined as the simplest whole number ratio of atoms present in a compound.

(a) 1.245 g Ni : 5.381 g I

Mole of Ni ; Mole of I = 1.245/59 : 5.381/127 = 0.02 : 0.04 = 1:2

So the formula is NiI2

(b) 2.677 g Ba : 3.115 g Br

Mole of Ba : Mole of Br = 2.677/137 : 3.115/60 = 0.019 : 0.038

= 0.02 : 0.04 = 1:2

So the formula is BaBr2

(c) 2.128 g Be : 7.557 g S

Mole of Be : Mole of S = 2.128/9 : 7.557/32 = 0.2 : 0.2 = 1:1

So the formula is BeS

Thus, empirical formula for compound (a) is NiI2, (b) is BaBr2 and (c) is BeS.

To learn more about empirical formula, refer to the link below:




as a student,living in the philippines considered to be part of the global south,how are you going to compete and survive challenges of globalization?​



Natural Selection


How to separate given mixture?



Chromatography involves solvent separation on a solid medium.

Distillation takes advantage of differences in boiling points.

Evaporation removes a liquid from a solution to leave a solid material.

Filtration separates solids of different sizes.


can someone pweaseee help me on this ??





The atomic radius decreases as you go from left to right in a period. Be has the largest radius out of those given elements.

Which is the product of that reaction





All living things are made of one or more cells. Which is true of all cells?


They all have cytoplasm.

Hope this helps!

Please tell me the answers to A, B, and C






Which option BEST explains how thermal equilibrium interacts with heat transfer between particles?


Thermal equilibrium stops the transfer of energy in just one direction when both objects reach the same temperature, but allows their particles to continue transferring that energy back and forth.


Thermal equilibrium always transfers energy from the hotter object to the colder one, and increases the energy and speed of moving particles in both objects as the temperature decreases.


Thermal equilibrium helps the transfer of energy between the particles of some materials better than others, but always stops the transfer of energy in materials like plastic and wood.


Thermal equilibrium quickly transfers energy back to the particles of the object that was originally hotter, and requires that the particles in both objects have reached equal energy and density.



Thermal equilibrium stops the transfer of energy in just one direction when both objects reach the same temperature, but allows their particles to continue transferring that energy back and forth.


a. The transfer of energy occurs until both objects reach thermal equilibrium. But particles are always moving and crashing with each other. TRUE.

b. The heat transfer occurs from the hotter object to the colder one but moving of particles descreases with temperature decreasing. FALSE.

c. Plastic and wood have a poor quality to transfer energy but there is no material that "stops" perfectly the transfer of energy. FALSE.

d. The heat is transferred from the particles of the hotter object to the particles of the colder one. FALSE

When does carbon dioxide absorb the most heat energy?
during freezing
during deposition
during sublimation
during condensation


During sublimation

This has been posted on here before so you could’ve searched it lol.

Best of luck :))


during sublimation


just took the test

If 5.00g of iron metal is reacted with 0.950g of Cl2 gas, how many grams of ferric chloride (FeCl3) will form?



1.45g of FeCl3


The equation of the reaction is given as;

2Fe + 3Cl2 --> 2FeCl3

2 mol of Fe reracts with 3 mol of Cl2 to form 2 mol of FeCl3

Upon converting to mass using;

Mass = Number of moles * Molar mass

( 2 * 55.85 = 111.7g ) of Fe reacts with ( 3 * 71 = 213g ) of Cl2 to form ( 2 * 162.2 = 324.4g) of FeCl3

Cl2 is the limiting reactant as it determines how much of FeCl3 is formed

213g of Cl2 = 324.4g of FeCl3

0.950g of Cl2 = x

x = (0.950 * 324.4 ) / 213

x = 1.45g of FeCl3

Is air a homogeneous heterogeneous mixture or substance



look at the explanation


The air that you breathe is a homogeneous mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide, along with other elements in smaller amounts. Because each layer of the Earth's atmosphere has a different density, each layer of air is its own homogeneous mixture.

Hope this helps. :)

A sample of propane, C3H8, contains 13.8 moles of carbon atoms. How many total moles of atoms does the sample contain



[tex]Total = 50.6\ moles[/tex]



[tex]Propane = C_3H_8[/tex]

Represent Carbon with C and Hydrogen with H

[tex]C = 13.8[/tex]


Determine the total moles

First, we need to represent propane as a ratio

[tex]C_3H_8[/tex] implies

[tex]C:H = 3:8[/tex]

So, we're to first solve for H when [tex]C = 13.8[/tex]

Substitute 13.8 for C

[tex]13.8 : H = 3 : 8[/tex]

Convert to fraction

[tex]\frac{13.8}{H} = \frac{3}{8}[/tex]

Cross Multiply

[tex]3 * H = 13.8 * 8[/tex]

[tex]3 H = 110.4[/tex]

Solve for H

[tex]H = 110.4/3[/tex]

[tex]H = 36.8[/tex]

So, when

[tex]C = 13.8[/tex]

[tex]H = 36.8[/tex]

[tex]Total = C + H[/tex]

[tex]Total = 13.8 + 36.8[/tex]

[tex]Total = 50.6\ moles[/tex]

Please help me ! Thank you






Pls help, and fast plsssssssss



The cell on the left is animal, The cell on the right is a plant cell.


1: cell membrane

2: chloroplast

3: cell wall

4: vacuole

5: mitochondria


7: lysosome

8: cytoplasm

Things to remember, only plant cells have cell walls. Plant cells are the only ones that have chloroplast.

since there is a answer already imma just take sum points

Helpppp!!!!! Please help me



10.)Weight and mass are different because only weight describes the force of gravity on an object.

11.)On a planet with more mass than earth your weight would be higher because greater gravitational pull.

On a planet with less mass than earth your weight would be less because of the lower gravitational pull.


One way to represent a substance is with a chemical formula. In the formula CO2, what do the symbols Cand o refer to?



C is for carbon and O is for oxygen

C reference carbon and O reference oxygen

Name the following ionic compound: Ba(OH)2*2H2O​


Barium hydroxide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Ba(OH)2(H2O)x. The monohydrate (x =1), known as baryta or baryta-water, is one of the principal compounds of barium.

Metals typically lose electrons to complete their octet in a reaction with non-metals, whereas non-metals typically acquire electrons to complete their octet. Ionic compounds are typically formed via reactions between metals and nonmetals. The given compound barium hydroxide is ionic.

Ions with the opposite charge are carefully packed together to form crystalline solids. Ionic compounds typically result from reactions between metals and non-metals. The electrostatic interaction between the positive and negative ions holds ionic solids together.

Baryta, commonly known as barium hydroxide, has the chemical formula Ba(OH)₂. It is an odorless, clear-white powder. It has a toxic disposition. It is ionic in nature, with two hydroxide ions per molecule of barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)₂ in an aqueous solution an example.

To know more about ionic compound, visit;



What is the Kc equilibrium-constant expression for the following equilibrium? S8(s) + 24F2(g) 8SF6(g)






In this case, for the undergoing chemical reaction:

[tex]S_8(s) + 24F_2(g) \rightleftharpoons 8SF_6(g)[/tex]

We consider the law of mass action in order to write the equilibrium expression yet we do not include S8 as it is solid and make sure we power each gaseous species to its corresponding stoichiometric coeffient (24 for F2 and 8 for SF6), thus we obtain:


Best regards!

How do the test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) in an experiment compare? A. The test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) are the same things. B. The test variable (independent variable) controls the outcome variable (dependent variable). C. The test variable (independent variable) and outcome variable (dependent variable) have no affect on each other. D. The outcome variable (dependent variable) controls the test variable (independent variable).



I'm on the exact same queston


The test variable (independent variable) controls the outcome variable (dependent variable)


its right on study island

If your hypothesis is incorrect you should...


I’m sorry but what do you mean?
I don’t understand what you mean

Which of the following substances would have the greatest ductility?
A. Fe(s)
B. SiO2(s)
C. C(s)
D. NaCl(s)


Fe(s) would have the greatest ductility.

What is ductility?

Ductility is the capability of a fabric to be drawn or plastically deformed without fracture. it's far therefore a demonstration of how 'gentle' or malleable the fabric is. The ductility of steel varies relying on the sorts and levels of alloying factors gift.

What are malleability and ductility?

Ductility is the property of metallic associated with the capability to be stretched into twine without breaking. Malleability is the assets of metallic associated with the ability to be hammered into thin sheets without breaking. The outside force or strain is tensile pressure.

Learn more about ductility here https://brainly.com/question/496496


Which is a chemical property of milk
A. Milk has a ph ranging from 6.4 to 6.8
B. Milk spoils when left unrefrigerated
C. Milk boils at about 212F
D. Milk curdles when mixed with vinegar



C. Milk boils at about 212F


The principal constituents of milk are water, fat, proteins, lactose (milk sugar) and minerals (salts). Milk also contains trace amounts of other substances such as pigments, enzymes, vitamins, phospholipids (substances with fatlike properties), and gases.

C is the answer milk boils about 212F

Define waves in your own words.



Waves is the disturbance or variation that transfer energy from one location to other


this is not in my words but i think this will help

(put some of the words you would use in this)


Transverse waves are always characterized by particle motion being perpendicular to wave motion. A longitudinal wave is a wave in which particles of the medium move in a direction parallel to the direction that the wave moves. ... Longitudinal waves are always characterized by particle motion being parallel to wave motion.

hope i helped

What types of materials are better at absorbing energy from radiation?




Materials are clothes and heavy rope

for the following reaction, provide the missing information



19. Option B. ⁰₋₁B

20. Option D. ²¹⁰₈₄Po


19. ²²⁸₈₈Ra —> ²²⁸₈₉Ac + ʸₓZ

Thus, we can determine ʸₓZ as follow:

228 = 228 + y

Collect like terms

228 – 228 = y

y = 0

88 = 89 + x

Collect like terms

88 – 89 = x

x = –1


ʸ ₓZ => ⁰₋₁Z => ⁰₋₁B

²²⁸₈₈Ra —> ²²⁸₈₉Ac + ʸₓZ

²²⁸₈₈Ra —> ²²⁸₈₉Ac + ⁰₋₁B

20. ᵘᵥX —> ²⁰⁶₈₂Pb + ⁴₂He

Thus, we can determine ᵘᵥX as follow:

u = 206 + 4

u = 210

v = 82 + 2

v = 84


ᵘᵥX => ²¹⁰₈₄X => ²¹⁰₈₄Po

ᵘᵥX —> ²⁰⁶₈₂Pb + ⁴₂He

²¹⁰₈₄Po —> ²⁰⁶₈₂Pb + ⁴₂He

calculate the mass of N2 gas which has a volume 0.227 at STP​


Hi I just wanted you know I have to work at the gym I will call when you I have a good night love I will
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