what is ithacan society like in book xiv of the odyssey and what does it value in social relationships?


Answer 1

In book xiv of the Odyssey, Ithacan society was mostly rural with agrarian livelihoods. The society valued social relationships and hospitality in terms of its customs and traditions.  

Ithacan society is presented in book xiv of the Odyssey as a rural, agrarian society. It is a society based on family relationships, hospitality customs, and traditional rituals. In the Odyssey, the society valued the strength of social relationships, and every member was expected to observe these customs to maintain a harmonious community. The society in Ithaca was characterized by poverty, with peasants and farmers being the dominant economic class.

The book portrays the society as a patriarchal one where the king and the nobility held power, and social status depended on birth and wealth. Slavery was also a common practice in Ithacan society, with domestic servants and the enslaved doing manual labor, with Penelope's maids being examples of such slaves. The society's religion was polytheistic, and the Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods that intervened in the lives of humans, often at their whim.

know more about social relationships here



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For a variety of reasons, a volunteer who is not dedicated or is losing interest in a project may withdraw.

First off, they could not feel recognised or respected by the cause they are volunteering for, which would sap their energy and passion. Second, burnout and exhaustion may result from the volunteer's inability to manage their volunteer activity in addition to their personal and professional obligations. Thirdly, the volunteer may lose interest and participation if the project is not in line with their interests or aims. Last but not least, the volunteer could not feel as though they are contributing much to the project, which could result in a sense of disillusionment and disengagement. Organizations can concentrate on cultivating relationships with volunteers in order to prevent dropouts.

To know more about volunteer, visit:



Read the excerpt from the text "The Best Cook in the Midwest."

How did Aunt Lou get the name of The Best Cook in the Midwest? That, my friend, is a funny story. One sunny day in July, the door to As Easy As Pie swung open and in walked Johnny Famish. Johnny Famish was a world-renowned food critic in the Midwest who could also eat like a bottomless pit. As Johnny Famish sat at his table and prepared for his meal, Aunt Lou began to brainstorm what new food experiment she would create for him. "This will be as easy as pie!" she exclaimed, staying as cool as a cucumber. That was when the gears began to turn in Aunt Lou's head, and the magic started!

What does Aunt Lou's response to Johnny Famish coming into her restaurant reveal about the theme?

She liked to brainstorm new foods.
She served lots of pie in her restaurant.
She was kind and helpful to others.
She was not afraid to try new things.


she was not afraid to try new things

Both Jane in Jane Eyre and Antoinette in Wide Sargasso Sea have disturbing dreams associated with life-changing events. What messages do the two dreams convey? In what ways does Wide Sargasso Sea invoke Jane Eyre? Write a response in which you compare and contrast the two dreams and the imagery the authors used to convey their messages. In your comparison, discuss the ways in which you see the influence of Jane Eyre on Wide Sargasso Sea and support your response with evidence from the text.


These nightmares can be an expression of Jane's concern that being married to Rochester will change who she is—a dread she hides from both herself and others.

What ties Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre together?

Set in the West Indies and speculating on Bertha Mason and her family's lives, Wide Sargasso Sea is both a reaction to and a prelude to Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre.

What does Antoinette in the Vast Sargasso Sea dream about?

Antoinette dreams that she breaks free from her captivity at the end of Wide Sargasso Sea and ignites the home. Then, sprinting to the building's battlements, she leaps off.

To know more about Rochester visit :-



why did harper lee juxtapose the last two sentences of chapter 24, with Atticus telling about Tom's death and the ladies gossiping and eating desert?
This is from To Kill A Mockingbird chapter 24 in the two scenes before the chapter ends


Answer: sorry if wrong


In Harper Lee's novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," the juxtaposition of the last two sentences in chapter 24 serves to highlight the stark contrast between the serious, tragic events of the trial and the trivial, gossipy behavior of the women at the Missionary Society meeting.

Atticus has just shared with his sister and her friends the devastating news of Tom Robinson's death. This is a significant moment in the novel because it emphasizes the injustice and racism that still exists in the town of Maycomb, despite Atticus's efforts to defend Tom and uphold justice. The weight of this news is heavy, and the reader is left to ponder the implications of Tom's death on the community.

However, immediately following this serious moment, the narrative shifts to the ladies gossiping and eating dessert at the Missionary Society meeting. The contrast between the gravity of Tom's death and the triviality of the women's conversation serves to highlight the absurdity of their behavior. The women are more interested in gossiping about their neighbors and their personal lives than they are in discussing the real issues that affect their community.

Furthermore, the juxtaposition of these two scenes underscores the theme of the novel, which is the exploration of the destructive power of racism and prejudice. The contrast between Atticus's somber news and the ladies' frivolous chatter emphasizes the disconnect between the serious issues that plague Maycomb and the lack of awareness and empathy in its citizens. By placing these two scenes side by side, Harper Lee draws attention to the way in which social inequality and injustice are often ignored or trivialized by those in positions of privilege and power.

In conclusion, Harper Lee juxtaposed the last two sentences of chapter 24 in "To Kill a Mockingbird" to highlight the contrast between the seriousness of Tom Robinson's death and the triviality of the women's gossip at the Missionary Society meeting. This contrast emphasizes the disconnect between the real issues affecting Maycomb and the lack of awareness and empathy in its citizens, while underscoring the theme of the novel, which is the destructive power of racism and prejudice.

Which of these newspaper headlines employs a figurative sound device?
"Eat More Protein," Doctors Say
Think You Get Enough Protein?
Put Your Priority on Protein
Why Protein Will Never Go Out of Style


Answer: D

Explanation: The newspaper headline "Why Protein Will Never Go Out of Style" employs a figurative sound device called assonance. Assonance is a sound device in which vowel sounds are repeated in closely connected words. In this case, the long "i" sound is repeated in the words "Protein" and "Style."The repetition of the "i" sound in these words helps to create a memorable and catchy headline. The sound device is used to emphasize the importance of protein and suggest that it will remain a popular dietary choice for a long time. This type of sound repetition is commonly used in headlines to make them more attention-grabbing and memorable.

Direct to indirect speech
Lie said to me, "do you take exercise daily?"


The indirect speech to the given sentence is Lie asked me if I did exercise daily.

When it comes to changing direct speech to indirect speech, it's necessary to consider a few things. The following are some of the factors to consider:We have to remove the quotation marks from the sentence because the sentence is now written in indirect speech. We also need to adjust the tense of the verb, and in some cases, the pronouns might also require modifications. When changing direct speech into indirect speech, we employ reporting verbs like said, replied, stated, and others to signify who said the original sentence.Lie asked me if I did exercise daily.Let's look at the original sentence "Lie said to me, "do you take exercise daily?" We can change this to indirect speech by replacing "said to me" with "asked me if."The sentence "do you take exercise daily?" is in the present tense. In the indirect speech, we'll have to alter it to past tense. We'll change "do you" to "did you," resulting in "Lie asked me if I did exercise daily."Therefore, the indirect speech of the given sentence is: Lie asked me if I did exercise daily.

For such more questions on indirect speech:



How to write a simple email to Your Professor in school/uni that you’re going to be absent for 2 days because you’re not feeling well


Dear professor xyz,

I am not feeling well since last afternoon. I visited the hospital last night . The doctor has advised me complete bed rest for 2 days.

I have asked my batchmate to take notes for me in class and to get copies of any handouts for me that I am missing during that time.


"xxx name"

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

At the end of World War II the Tuskegee Airmen were well-known for being some of the best pilots in the military. The escort groups had among the lowest loss records in the Army Air Forces. Their success was due to their extensive pre-war experience and their personal strength and drive during training and combat.

In the years after the war, the U.S. Air Force became a separate entity from the Army, but many of its white squadrons6 were at least somewhat under-qualified for the tasks they needed to perform. However, they could not hire any experienced black airmen because of segregation policies. This eventually led President Truman to sign Executive Order 9981 in 1948, which called for equal treatment policies and effectively ended segregation in the military. This was one of the earliest steps to ending segregation across the country; it would not have been possible without the hard work and expertise of the Tuskegee Airmen.


Answer:  This eventually led President Truman to sign Executive Order 9981 in 1948, which called for equal treatment policies and effectively ended segregation in the military. This was one of the earliest steps to ending segregation across the country; it would not have been possible without the hard work and expertise of the Tuskegee Airmen.

Explanation:  it is quite obvious that this order signed by the President was of great significance in the post-War US, and the efforts of the Tuskagee Airmen were what led to this order.

What is the key concept developed in paragraph 14? in little rock nine


The key concept developed in paragraph 14 in little rock nine is about discrimination.

What is the story about?

The Little Rock Nine refers to a group of African American students who enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. These nine students were initially denied entry to the school due to segregationist policies that were prevalent in the southern United States at the time.

The key concept developed in paragraph 14 may vary depending on the source was about discrimination.

Learn more about little rock nine on



during his speech, joel emphasizes a point by pounding his fist on the table in front of him. which function of physical delivery is this serving?


This is an example of emphasis, which is a function of physical delivery.

Emphasis is the use of physical actions to emphasize a point and create an impact on the audience. In this case, Joel is using his physical action of pounding his fist on the table to emphasize a point he is making in his speech. This can help him capture the audience’s attention and make his point more memorable.

By pounding his fist, Joel is also emphasizing his strong emotions behind the point he is making. This can help him create a connection with the audience and make them feel his emotions as well. He can use this technique to further explain his message and make it more effective and powerful.

Overall, Joel is using emphasis, a function of physical delivery, to make his speech more impactful. This physical activity helps him emphasize his point, capture the audience’s attention, and convey his emotions to create a deeper connection.

You can learn more about emphasis at: brainly.com/question/29328466


Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
"Tattoo" by Gregg Shapiro

What does the tattoo represent?


"Tattoo," a brief poem by Ted Kooser, uses a man's tattoo to communicate themes of age and lost love. The speaker plays the role of an onlooker as they watch an elderly guy "move between the tables."

Which line or phrase from the poem is a tattoo that represents the Holocaust?

The tattooed numbers on the speaker's father's wrist are the poem's main symbol. They signify the dehumanising effects of the Holocaust and the father's reluctance to discuss his traumatic background; they are more than just numbers.

What message is conveyed by tattoo art?

Symbols representing power or transformation, a phrase or a remembrance are frequently incorporated into the design. pertaining to these people.

To know more about Tattoo visit :-



when a commercial asking for funding for a children's hospital shows pictures of sad, sick children, it is using which rhetorical appeal?


When a commercial asking for funding for a children's hospital shows pictures of sad, sick children, it is using the rhetorical appeal of pathos. Pathos is one of Aristotle's three rhetorical appeals. Pathos refers to the emotional persuasion of the audience. It is the power of words to evoke feelings of sadness, anger, and empathy in the audience by appealing to their emotions, desires, and fears. A persuasive message that uses pathos aims to establish a connection with the audience through their feelings or emotional responses.

The advertisement for the children's hospital is using pathos by appealing to the viewer's emotions, specifically the desire to help and empathy for sick children. The sad, sick children featured in the commercial are intended to evoke emotions in the viewer that make them want to help fund the hospital's efforts to help these children. This emotional appeal is often effective in persuading viewers to donate or take action, making it a powerful rhetorical strategy.

To learn more about "commercial asking for funding", visit: https://brainly.com/question/31101247


act 4 scene 5 romeo and juliet “juliet is extremely selfish for what she does”


A reason to support this statement is that Juliet did not fully reveal details about Romeo to her parents and the act of faking her death must have also affected them negatively.

How is Juliet selfish?

In act 4 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet did two main things that portrayed her as a selfish person. First, she loved Romeo so much that she shielded him from her parents.

Her parents who are her guardians should have information bout whom she was dating but she refused to let them know. The act of faking her death was also selfish.

Learn more about Juliet here:



Discuss THREE ways in which employment could minimize emotional stress


Companies may lessen employees' emotional stress by creating a friendly workplace, allowing for flexibility in working hours, and employing stress-reduction techniques including coaching, counseling, wellness initiatives, and mindfulness.

There are ways businesses may reduce employee stress, which can substantially cause emotional strain for many people. In order to lessen emotional stress, supportive workplaces that encourage candid dialogue, chances for professional advancement, and acknowledgment are enabled. It's a good idea to have a plan for the future. Stress levels can be decreased by using stress-management strategies that include tools like coaching, counseling, and wellness programs emphasizing mindfulness, exercise, and good food. Employers can build a happier, healthier, and more effective workforce by fostering their workers' emotional well-being.

learn more about  employee stress  here:



what should your next steps be? check all that apply. brainstorm for ideas. evaluate your message. conduct any necessary research. jot down reasons that explain the bad news


The next steps one should take after receiving bad news are to brainstorm ideas, evaluate your message, conduct any necessary research, and jot down reasons that explain the bad news. These steps will help you to respond appropriately and effectively to the situation.

The next steps you should take are to:

1. Brainstorm ideas: Consider different approaches to address the situation and find potential solutions.
2. Evaluate your message: Assess the clarity and effectiveness of your message, ensuring it is both professional and friendly.
3. Conduct any necessary research: Gather information to support your answer and make it factually accurate.
4. Jot down reasons that explain the bad news: Describe the circumstances that led to the negative outcome, offering a concise and clear explanation.

You can learn more about research at: brainly.com/question/18723483


how should a driver proceed if within an intersection waiting to make a left turn into traffic signal turns red




the drive should precede when turing left

Harry potter and the goblet of fire what was 1 reason Mr. Diggers accused winky of conjuring the dark mark


Mr. Diggory accused Winky of conjuring the Dark Mark because he saw her holding Harry Potter's wand.What happened in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a book by J.K. Rowling, and it is the fourth book in the Harry Potter series.

In the book, Harry Potter competes in the Triwizard Tournament, a dangerous competition that involves contestants from three different wizarding schools, while also dealing with the return of Lord Voldemort, the wizard who killed his parents.A subplot in the book involves Winky, a house-elf who used to work for the Crouch family. Winky is found at the scene of a disturbance at the Quidditch World Cup, holding a wand and babbling about the Dark Mark. She is accused of conjuring the Dark Mark, which is a symbol associated with Voldemort and his followers, and is dismissed from her job by Mr. Crouch. Mr. Diggory, the father of Cedric Diggory, who is one of the Triwizard champions, is one of the people who believe that Winky is guilty. He says that he saw her holding a wand, which is something that house-elves do not normally do. This leads to Winky being shunned by other house-elves, who consider her behavior to be shameful. In reality, Winky was not the one who conjured the Dark Mark; it was actually Barty Crouch Jr., disguised as Mad-Eye Moody, who did it. However, this is not revealed until later in the book.

For such more questions on Harry potter:



Add the phase that completes the thought in the underlined sentence



They had made a new treat.


Just makes sense

How are jurors 5 and 6 in “12 angry men”


Hey, I answered your question already on one of your older posts l, please check if my answer is correct or not, and if not then we can both work together to find the correct answer for your work.

8. What did Peter say about Anne when he saw her at school?

She was always eating lunch by herself wishing she was back at home.

She was always surrounded by a flock of girls and at least two boys.


Answer: He said she looked beautiful and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

author alexandre dumas may have been pleased to know that the french open men's singles champion receives what trophy?


The "Coupe des Mousquetaires" is the trophy awarded to the French Open men's singles champion. This iconic trophy carries a historical legacy, honoring the Four Musketeers and symbolizing excellence and triumph in the world of tennis.

The French Open men's singles champion receives the "Coupe des Mousquetaires" trophy. The trophy's name translates to "The Musketeers' Cup" in English, and it holds a significant historical and cultural significance in the world of tennis.

The trophy's name pays homage to the famous French tennis players of the 1920s, known as the "Four Musketeers," who were highly successful in both Davis Cup and French Championships (now French Open) during that era. The Four Musketeers consisted of Jean Borotra, Jacques Brugnon, Henri Cochet, and René Lacoste. They were instrumental in elevating French tennis to a prominent position on the international stage and gaining widespread popularity for the sport in France.

The design of the "Coupe des Mousquetaires" trophy is as elegant and timeless as the sport of tennis itself. It is a silver cup with intricate engravings and handles shaped like twisted tennis racket strings. The trophy embodies the spirit of sportsmanship, excellence, and determination required to succeed in the competitive world of tennis.

Each year, the French Open men's singles champion is presented with this prestigious trophy in a grand ceremony, symbolizing their achievement and dominance on the clay courts of Roland Garros. Winning this trophy is a dream for many professional tennis players, as it represents not only their skill and talent but also their place in the rich history of tennis champions.

For more such information on: trophy



How does the metamorphosis of Gregor mirror the metamorphosis of one of the other characters? Compare Gregor's
metamorphosis to the metamorphosis of one other character. Your answer should be at least one hundred words


In Franz "The Metamorphosis," the transformation of Gregor into a giant insect symbolizes his isolation from society and his family's rejection of him.

What is the metamorphosis?

This transformation is mirrored in the metamorphosis of Gregor's sister, Grete, who goes from being a nurturing and loving sibling to a harsh and distant one.

At the beginning of the story, Grete is the only one who cares for Gregor, feeding him and cleaning his room. However, as time goes on, she becomes more and more frustrated with Gregor's transformation and his impact on their family's life. She becomes impatient and angry, eventually forcing her parents to remove Gregor's furniture from his room, leaving him to fend for himself.

Therefore, This transformation in Grete mirrors Gregor's metamorphosis in that both characters undergo a dramatic change in their relationships with their family.

Read more about metamorphosis here:





Several human effects resulted from the agricultural revolution, signified the change in human history from mobile bands of hunter-gatherers to agricultural communities and the earliest civilizations. The given informational text details on Paleo diet.

Briefly write about the Paleo diet.

Early agricultural civilizations frequently formed their sustenance on cereals like rice and maize, as well as grains like barley, wheat, and millet.  The Paleolithic diet, also known as the Paleo diet, caveman diet, or stone-age diet, is a trendy eating plan that emphasizes foods that its adherents believe replicated the meals that early humans consumed. A modern paleo diet consists of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. In the past, however, hunting and collecting were the only ways for people to obtain these foods.

Foods that gained popularity after small-scale farming got started around 10,000 years ago are not included. Short-term benefits of the paleo diet include aiding in weight loss, decreasing blood pressure, and regulating blood sugar, but long-term dangers include vitamin deficiencies and other potential health issues, according to specialists. Hence a balanced diet is recommended by nutritionists in the modern time.

To learn more about balanced diet, visit:



answer the questions to write a description of an interesting relative of yours. use possessive adjectives, descriptive adjectives, the present tense of tener and venir, the present tense of -er and -ir verbs, and lesson vocabulary.


A description of an interesting relative: My sister is my most interesting relative. She has a contagious energy that is contagious. She has a very busy life and is always on the move. Her ability to balance a career, hobbies, and family is a skill I can only hope to attain someday.

Her long blonde hair always looks perfect, and her makeup is always done flawlessly. It's amazing how she manages to look put together while doing everything she does. Her smile is genuine and can light up a room. She has a personality that is welcoming to everyone who comes in contact with her.

She has an inspiring work ethic that motivates others to work harder. Her passion for what she does is unmatched, and she puts her all into everything she does. Despite her busy schedule, she always makes time for important things like family and friends. She has a contagious positivity that makes everyone around her feel better.

She is a role model to everyone who knows her. She always tells me to enjoy life and never forget to be kind to others. She is always there to help me out whenever I need it, and I know that she will always have my back. She is the most inspiring person I know. She is a true leader and will always be one of the most important people in my life.

I love her dearly.

Possessive adjectives: My, Her, Her, Her

Descriptive adjectives: interesting, busy, perfect, genuine, welcoming, inspiring, unmatched, contagious, positive, important, role model, kind.

To know more about description: https://brainly.com/question/26711803


hello, excuse me, is this jenny's phone number, an old friend of mine gave me this number but not sure?


The statement "hello, excuse me, is this Jenny's phone number, an old friend of mine gave me this number but not sure?" is a question.

What is a Question?

It is a type of interrogative sentence that seeks information or clarification from the person being addressed.

Other examples of questions include:

How do I get to the nearest gas station?When is the meeting scheduled for?Did you enjoy the movie we watched last night?

Questions can be open-ended or closed-ended, and they can be used for various purposes such as seeking information, expressing interest or concern, or making a request.

The tone and context in which they are asked can also impact their meaning and effectiveness.

Read more about statements here:



hello, excuse me, is this jenny's phone number, an old friend of mine gave me this number but not sure?

What type of statement is this?

Give examples

3. to what did wiesel liken the story of the germans throwing bread into the wagon? why was it so upsetting to him?


Wiesel likened the story of the Germans throwing bread into the wagon to a knife penetrating his heart. It was so upsetting to him because the Germans were throwing bread like scraps of meat to hungry dogs into the wagon, and the hunger of the prisoners was so acute that they were throwing themselves onto each other to reach the bread.

The prisoners were already reduced to a level of complete inhumanity, as their hunger had made them no better than animals. The Nazis, on the other hand, treated the prisoners like they were subhuman and not deserving of any respect. The Germans also knew that the prisoners were starving, and their throwing of the bread was a deliberate act of cruelty to show that they were in complete control of the situation.

The callousness of the Nazis was particularly difficult for Eliezer to witness because he had grown up in a religious community that valued human life and the protection of human dignity.

You can learn more about Wiesel at: brainly.com/question/4281905


Define positive stress and state three ways it may benefit you


Answer: Positive stress, also known as eustress, is a type of stress that can be beneficial and motivating, rather than overwhelming or harmful. It is often associated with situations that challenge us to push ourselves beyond our limits, leading to a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. Unlike negative stress, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other health problems, positive stress can help us stay focused, energized, and resilient.

Here are three ways that positive stress may benefit us:

Improved performance: Positive stress can help us perform better by increasing our motivation and focus. When we face a challenging task, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can improve our concentration and reaction times.

Increased resilience: Positive stress can also help us build resilience by teaching us how to cope with difficult situations. By learning to overcome challenges and adapt to new situations, we become better equipped to handle future stressors.

Enhanced creativity: Positive stress can stimulate our minds and encourage us to think outside the box. When we are faced with a new challenge or problem, our brains may start working in different ways, leading to innovative ideas and solutions.

For example, positive stress may occur when someone takes on a challenging project at work that requires them to stretch their skills and abilities. This can result in increased motivation, improved performance, and a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, the experience of successfully completing the project may increase their resilience and confidence in their abilities, while also sparking new ideas and creative solutions.


Using your background knowledge identify three great artists or inventors of the renaissance


Three great artists or inventors of the renaissance

1. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist.

2. Michelangelo (1475-1564): Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer.

3. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): Italian astronomer, physicist, and mathematician who made groundbreaking contributions to the scientific revolution.

1. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): He is widely considered to be one of the most brilliant minds in history and his influence on art, science, and philosophy is still felt today. Da Vinci’s most famous works include the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man. He also made significant advances in the fields of anatomy, geology, and botany.

2. Michelangelo (1475-1564): Michelangelo was one of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest sculptors of all time. His works include the renowned marble sculptures David and Pietà, the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, and the design of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

3. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): He is most famous for his law of falling bodies, his telescope discoveries, and his championing of Copernican heliocentrism. He was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who made groundbreaking contributions to the sciences. He has been referred to as the "father of modern science."

To learn more about artists or inventors link is here



What do you learn about Christopher’s writing process in chapter 107


In chapter 107 of "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time", Christopher, the narrator and main character, talks about his writing process.

What is the  writing process?

Christopher explains that he writes in a notebook and uses a pencil because he likes the way it feels and the way it sounds. He also mentions that he doesn't like to use pens because the ink can smudge or run out, and he can't erase mistakes.

Christopher also talks about his need for structure and routine when writing. He explains that he writes for 15 minutes every day, usually in the evening after finishing his homework. He finds this routine comforting and believes that it helps him to focus and be more productive.

Additionally, Christopher mentions that he sometimes writes out of order, jumping around to different parts of his story as they come to him. He notes that this can be confusing and difficult for him to keep track of, but he enjoys the challenge and finds it rewarding when he can make the pieces fit together in the end

Learn more about writing process from



See full question below

What do you learn about Christopher’s writing process in chapter 107 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time -

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