What is main theory of how Native American Tribes came to North America and why?


Answer 1


The main theory is that Native Americans reached North America from East Asia, more specifically Siberia, around 14,000 years ago.

The reason why this is the most accepted theory is because it has been proven by genetic studes that Native Americans and East Asians share a great degree of genetic similarity.

According to this theory, at that time, the Bering strait was frozen, and formed a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska. East Asians crossed this bridge, probably following wild game, and entered the American Continent.

Related Questions

The article also mentioned common personality traits that organizations or associations look for when they are searching for volunteers. These traits include civility, the ability to compromise, persistence, and tolerance for ambiguity. What is it about these traits that illustrates how a person might be successful at participating in a volunteer effort?



Organizations or associations looking for volunteers know that they need people who work well with others. The traits of civility and compromise would come in handy in this case. A volunteer also needs to be able to compromise and tolerate ambiguity because issues of public concern often have many possible solutions. Organizations also look for people who show a willingness to be persistent, which means they won’t give up or get discouraged even if a goal seems difficult to reach. Civic organizations often face daunting challenges in accomplishing their primary goals, so persistence plays a crucial role.


The usefulness of the traits such as compromise, persistence, etc is that it would help a person in conflict resolution and also to meet team targets.

What is Conflict Resolution?

This refers to the ability and skill that a person has to be able to resolve a conflict or dispute between two or more people.

Hence, we can see that based on common personality traits that are important to companies when searching for volunteers includes compromise, tolerance, and conflict resolution and they come in handy in day-to-day activities.

Read more about conflict resolution here:



Economic sanctions are mainly used to

protect domestic industries from international competitors.
help domestic industries gain more business.
punish nations for disobeying international law.
encourage nations to give up their nuclear weapons.



Found this on google, "National governments and international bodies such as the United Nations and European Union have imposed economic sanctions to coerce, deter, punish, or shame entities that endanger their interests or violate international norms of behavior."

Therefore the answer that i believe is the answer to your question is  Economic sanctions are mainly used to punish nations for disobeying international law. If i am wrong then I apologize.

Hope this helps, have a great day, have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

Also Happy Halloween! :) :D :3

Economic sanctions are mainly used to punish nations for disobeying international law.

What is economic sanction?

Sanctions aim to force the punished nations to change their behaviour or policies on a certain issue, by limiting their ability to trade or impose trade restriction on the country involved.

Hence, economic sanctions are mainly used to punish nations for disobeying international law.

Learn more about economic sanction here : https://brainly.com/question/1359553


Bones and ________ preserved in rock are examples of fossils


It fossils said on internet

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY MULI CHOiCE QUESTION Which did Nubia and Egypt have in common? gold and ivory participated in trade alphabet located along Nile River pyramids pharaohs



The answer is below


Nubia which is the present-day Sudan and Egypt had so much in common. This is because they shared boundaries and have been existing for ages. Some of the things they share in common are:

1. participated in trade: both the Nubia and Egypt participated in trade among each other. This led to an exchange of commodities such as gold and ivory from Nubia and in return, Egypt traded with Wheat.

2. alphabet: they both shared similar royal symbols in writing. This is evident through rock art found in both regions.

3. located along the Nile River: they are both located along the Nile River. This is evident from the map of Africa, showing the Nile River passing through both areas.

4. pyramids: why pyramids are synonymous with Egypt, Nubia was also known to have over 200 pyramids constructed at the necropolis at Meroë.

5. pharaohs: again, why Pharaohs are synonymous with Egypt, the Nubia also had Pharaohs who at some point ruled over Egypt and Nubia during the Nubia conquest of Egypt. For example Alara.

Gary Nash says that in the eighteenth century, American social structure and ideas about social structure changed in opposite directions. How did they change and why? How did seventeenth- and eighteenth-century American social and



Social structure and ideas changed in opposite directions as colonists arrived in America.


In the eighteenth century, the colonists in America have changed their European ideas and social structure. The transformation of European society came into change with the abundance availability of land in New World which allowed settlers, who had ordinary livelihood in Europe, to acquire vast land and a chance to get fortune and gain higher social status.

A different form of agricultural practice began to emerge within society. The North involves in occupations like farming, shipping, and artisan work with fewer slaves to assist in work. In South, planters depended on slaves to work in plantations.

Religion and population growth are two other reasons for the change in society. The Great Awakening led people to be intellectual and move away from religion authority and old customs.

How did the national debt increase to 54 million?


Answer: trump

Explanation: As of August of this year, the national debt was estimated to stand at about $26.73 trillion—an increase of about $6.78 trillion during Trump's tenure i told you it was trump

In all but seven U.S. states, the Attorney General of the state is elected by the people to _____.


Elected by the people to be the top legal officers of their state/territory. they advise and represent their legislature and state agencies and act as the “People’s Lawers” for the citizens.

Explain what the Himalayas protected early civilizations from.​




They protected early civilization from most invaders, is the correct answer. The Himalayas have been shielding India from outside invaders since the early occasions.

They protected early civilization from most invaders, is the correct answer. The Himalayas have been shielding India from outside invaders since the early occasions.

550 is 5% of what number?
Which statements are correct? Check all that apply.
The answer will be smaller than 550.
The answer will be larger than 550.
Write a ratio equivalent to 100
5 x 110
100 x 110
(100)(110) = 11,000









All except A


I did the assignment on edge.

QUICK!!!!!1 What year did colombus sail the ocean blue!?!?!?!? IMPERATIVE







The year was 1492 Colin is sail the ocean blue.

i need link for rickroll lol


good luck my friend Explanation:

Describe the three branches of government, Be sure to include; The Names of the branches, the responsibilities of the branches, and the members who make up the branches. Additionally, Describe why Checks and Balances are important to the U.S. Government.



1:the legislative branch drafts proposed laws and conforms or rejects presidential nominations and it has congress.2:the executive branch carries and enforces laws it.includes the president,vice president,and the cabinet.3The judicial branch is in charge of deciding the meaning of laws,also how to apply them amd if they break the rules of the constitutio and it has the supreme court

Which of the following is the best example of militarism?
A: England building a powerful navy

B the French singing their national anthem

C France's alliance with England

D the British teaching English in India


A would be the answer i believe

Only 1/3 of its members are ever up for reelection at one time.
House of Representatives





Members of the House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are considered for reelection every even year. Senators however, serve six-year terms and elections to the Senate are staggered over even years so that only about 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection during any election.

name the 5 nations that were in the Iroquis league​





Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca.

Why did the American colonists oppose the Stamp Act?

They objected to the tax because it was imposed without their consent or representation.

They learned King George III had not approved the Stamp Act.

They were more heavily taxed than the people in Britain.

They wanted their independence from Great Britain




They objected the tax because it was imposed without their consent


The reasoning behind this is because the colonists had no representation or choice in the matter, the king just levied the tax on them and they had to abide.

What were the the climate and economy like in the New England colonies



bitter cold in the winter and mild summers. rocky coastline and mountains and trees farther from the coast. rocky soil made it hard to farm. bitter cold held some diseases away

Which two governments would share the characteristic of being ruled by a single leader?
a dictatorship and a republic
an absolute monarchy and an autocracy
a direct democracy and a socialist state
an autocracy and an oligarchy








Which of the following systems gave a piece of land to a Spanish colonist and required people living there to provide them with unpaid labor?


Answer: Encomienda System


Spain claimed a significant amount of the land in the Americas after Columbus reached them and after they conquered the Aztecs, Inca and the Mayans as well as a host of other smaller groups.

They then established certain systems such as the Encomienda system which allowed the Spanish government to give land to Spanish colonists and explorers in the new world. The new owners of the land then gets the land as well as unpaid labor of anyone who was living on that land.

Colonists are those who establish a colony or are among the first to settle in a certain colony. When the colonizers arrived, they carried the apple with them. Synonyms: colonial, settler, immigrant, pioneer colonist has many synonyms.

The correct answer is  Encomienda System

After Columbus came to the United States and defeated the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans, as well as a slew of other small tribes, Spain claimed a significant portion of the continent.

They then constructed institutions such as the Encomienda, which allowed the Spanish government to provide land to Spanish colonists and explorers in the New World. The property, as well as the unpaid effort of anybody who was living on it, is subsequently transferred to the new landowners.

To know more about the  Spanish colonist, refer to the link below:


What was the slave code ? Please provide an explanation, using full sentences



Slave code, in U.S. history, any of the set of rules based on the concept that enslaved persons were property, not persons.


The slave codes were laws relating to slavery and enslaved people, specifically regarding the Atlantic slave trade and chattel slavery in the Americas. Most slave codes were concerned with the rights and duties of free people in regards to enslaved people.



Without protest, the slaves did not recognize their fate. Many incidents of Revolt, also in colonial times, were known to Americans. These uprisings have not been limited to the South. In fact, one of the first examples of a Revolt slave was in Manhattan in 1712. There was a justifiable fear on the part of the white colonists that a violent uprising might occur in one's own neighborhood as African Americans in the colonies grew greater and greater in number.

Which two lines from Passage 1 suggest that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and refuge?



The two lines from Passage 1 which suggest that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and refuge are:

"Line 10: With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor..."

"Line 14: I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Emma Lazarus wrote his poem titled "The New Colossus" (1883), where he depicted the Statue of Liberty as the "Mother of Exiles" and a refuge of freedom.  Commissioned to raise funds for the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty,  Emma's poem illustrated the Statue of Liberty as a welcoming symbol to all immigrants from around the world.

Response 1
“The Inhabitants of the Massachusetts bay were notorious in the smuggling Business, from the
Capital Merchant down to the meanest Mechanick [poorest craftsmen]. . . . So lost to all Sense of
Honor was this Set of Men, that the smuggling Trade went on as usual, until at last . . . it brought on
the present Rebellion. . . .
“. . . The Ministry . . . procured a new Act [in 1767] to be passed, laying Duties upon Tea, Glass,
Paper, and Painters Colours. This Act was not more unreasonable than many other Acts which had
been submitted to for many Years past, and which, even at this Time, they made no Objection to. . .
“As to the Glass in particular, the Duty was so trifling, that it would not have enhanced the Price of it
to the Purchaser. . . . The true Reason of Opposition was this: The Inhabitants of the Colonies were
a Race of Smugglers. They carried an extensive Trade with the Dutch, not only in Holland, but very
greatly with the Dutch Settlements in the West Indies. . . . The Smugglers then, who were the
prevailing Part of the Traders in the Capitals of the several Provinces, found it necessary for their
Interest, to unite in defeating the Operation of the Act.”
Peter Oliver, former chief justice of the royal colony of Massachusetts, Origin and Progress of the
American Rebellion, published in 1781

Using the excerpt, answer (a), (b), and (c).
Briefly describe the point of view expressed by Oliver in
the excerpt.
Briefly describe a historical situation in which Oliver
produced the excerpt.
Briefly describe ONE piece of evidence used by Oliver to
support his argument in the excerpt.


Answer and Explanation:

1. Oliver shows a third-person point of view to narrate his story about what was happening in the colonies. He does not put himself as participating in situations, but as someone who had a panoramic view and what was happening, being able to quote these events based on that view.

2. Oliver was telling about the increasing taxation of the English government on products produced in the colonies. He shows how it hurt smugglers and encouraged smuggling products to be offered, sold and bought as a way to overcome unfair taxation. It also shows that there was a smugglers' union to take a stand against this government attitude.

3. Oliver uses the phrase "This Act was not more unreasonable than many other Acts which had been submitted to for Many Years past" to show that this was not the first time that the government had imposed an unjust tax on the colonies. With this he reinforces the argument that justifies the action of smugglers / traders to act against the government.

Two routes to China included: A an all-water route to India B a land route across China a combination land andC water route



B.  an all-water route to India

C.  a combination of land and water route


Basically, the two routes to China are :

1. an all-water route to India: these routes involve various water bodies such as the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, etc. Through these water bodies, a lot of commercial activities involving Europe and Asia took place.

2. a combination of land and water route: this is evident in the Silk Route, which comprised various routes both on land and water. In it, there is a combination of northern, southern, southwestern, and maritime routes. All of these routes serve as trading routes connected to Europe and China.


a combination land and water route

a land route across China


The guy above me looked it up, ITS WRONG mine is right. DONT USE THE ANSWER ABOVE ME!!!

True or False: Due to Cold War fears, the United States fought many active wars.





what are some of the Cold War major events?


some of the cold war major events are


-Berlin airlift

-Korean war

-soviet Afghan war

-cuban missiles crisis

-Vietnam war

-Berlin Blockade and airlift
-Korean war
-Space Race
-Bay of pigs

What aspects of Europe’s political boundaries help explain why France and the Holy Roman Empire were often at war with each other?



France and the Holy Roman Empire had geographical boundaries that are very easy to cross: they were rivers, streams, plains, or small forests. Only in the Southeast, the Alps represented a strong geographical boundary.

Beside, both regions had always been among the most densely populated in Europe, and this naturally led to conflicts due to competition for land and resources.

Finally, during most of their history, both France and the Holy Roman Empire were very unstable, being comprised by countless local lordships. This led to internal strife and external upheaval.

Why was the “science of housekeeping” fitting to the cult of true womanhood?



Because they had similar ideologies.


The cult of true womanhood was a movement that began sometime in the 19th Century which measured a woman's efficiency and ability to submit to her husband to her virtuousness.

According to this ideology, women were overlords over the children and affairs of the house.

The science of housekeeping is a book by Gina Tucker that was an echo of this ideology explained above as it showed the woman how to properly take care of the house.

What army held Ft. Sumter in March 1861? Why was this army forced to surrender the fort?



Confederate forces held Fort Sumter in March 1861


"Following Beauregard's bombardment in 1861, Confederate forces occupied Fort Sumter and used it to marshal a defense of Charleston Harbor. Once it was completed and better armed, Fort Sumter allowed the Confederates to create a valuable hole in the Union blockade of the Atlantic seaboard."

"Major Robert Anderson...was forced to surrender it to Southern forces and returned to the North disappointed that he had not been able to postpone a civil war." because his troops were running out of supplies. They were on the verge of starving.

I hope this helps...

Which Plateau groups had councils? Check all that apply.
O villages
O farmers



Option: villages




Plateau group are members of the Native American peoples occupying the plateau region. The peoples of the Plateau belong to families like Sahaptin, Kutenai, Salishan, and Klamath. Plateau tribes lived in Teepees and in summers in villages. Villages, bands, and tribes had councils. The role of the council was to hear all complaints and discuss solutions to problems. Plateau tribe consist of many families with independent Villages, equality, less strict, and had councils.

my beautiful song

POOOOPP IS YUMMY AND TAST... I feel it... I feel it! I know what to do, when im about to, i go to the pull my underpants down. And I sit and wait, I sit and wait, I sit and wait, I sit and wait until the plops out! Then I wipe and wipe till brown leaves town, put it in the and flush it down! Bye bye Bye byeThen i pull up my pants, wash my hands, wash my hands then do the ance! Yay you did it!Y EAT IT AND YOULL SURVIVE LONGER



sounds great we should make an album cover



that is stupid of you to do that

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