What is most closely the meaning of assured in the following passage (paragraph 39) letter from birmingha jail


Answer 1


A. adjective/confident


Dr. Martin Luther King is confident in the reason for his tears.

Answer 2

The thing which is most closely the meaning of assured in the following passage (paragraph 39) letter from Birmingham jail is:

A. adjective/confident

Based on the complete text, we can see that Martin Luther is giving an emotional speech about the things which he faced in the Birmingham Jail based on racial segregation.

Confident tone

This refers to the use of words that show that a person is sure of what he is saying.

Read more about adjectives here:


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It never occurred -me to ask him for proof of identity..what is the correct preposition or adverb



B. to

It never occurred to me to ask him for proof of identity.


To occur to (someone) is a phrasal verb that means to come into someone's mind.

Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of the main verb and an adverb or a preposition, or both. Usually, we can't determine their meaning just based on what these words mean individually. For example, the verb to occur means to happen, while to has many meanings and can function as a preposition, adverb, and the infinitive marker. This knowledge doesn't help us determine what the phrasal verb to occur to means, though.

What is the collective noun for we swim through schools of tiny fish?





In biology, any group of fish that stay together for social reasons are shoaling (pronounced /ˈʃoʊlɪŋ/), and if the group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, they are schooling (pronounced /ˈskuːlɪŋ/). In common usage, the terms are sometimes used rather loosely.

When combining sentences,work to write



Combining sentences encourages a writer to take two or more short, choppy sentences and combine them into one effective sentence. By learning this skill, students enhance their writing style.



In which of the following years did Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address? A. 1871 B. 1900 C. 1840 D. 1863​



He delivered it in 1863, so C.



November of 1863.

What effect does repetition have on Anthony's


☆.。.:* hello there 。.:*☆

the answer is down below



It is delivered to a crowd with the specific purpose of turning them to Antony's point of view. One of the reasons the speech is so rhetorically effective is Antony's clever use of repetition, repeating the phrase ''Brutus is an honorable man'' in order to imply the exact opposite meaning.


This repetition of the phrase, 'Brutus is an honourable man' is a clever rhetorical device. Antony is being wholly sarcastic when he says it. This has a cumulative impact on the crowd, as they listen to Antony demolishing all of Brutus's arguments. What Antony does, in effect, is to turn Brutus's own words against him.


can u give a thanks

thank you


NEED HELP PLZ (( POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question 1 in "annabel lee," what is annabel lee to the speaker? annabel less is an angel. annabel lee is his soulmate. a annabel lee is his mortal enemy. annabel lee is his fickle girlfriend.

question 2 what atmosphere does the language in "annabel lee" capture? it captures a harshly realistic atmosphere. it captures a comfortable atmosphere it captures a fairy-tale atmosphere. it captures a humorous atmosphere.

question 3 what causes annabel lee's death? annabel lee dies from poison annabel lee is struck by lightning. annabel lee dies from a chill. annabel lee dies of a broken heart.

question 4 how does the speaker's state of mind change as "the raven" progresses? he becomes more loving. he becomes more depressed and desperate. he becomes more philosophical. he becomes more accepting of his loss.

question 5 of the following choices, which does the raven come to represent for the speaker? the raven represents love. the raven represents nature. the raven represents hopelessness. the raven represents disaster.

question 6 how would you describe the effect of the setting in “the raven”? all of the above the setting infuses the poem with a sense of gloom the setting the poet build anxiety and uncertainty the setting contributes to the darkness of the poem

question 7. tell me truly, i implore—is there—is there balm in gilead? —tell me, i implore! ” quoth the raven, “nevermore.” how does the highlighted portion of this quote affect the reader? this quote makes the reader feel relief that lenore will not come back, because that would just be scary. this quote makes me want to memorize this poem. this quote makes the reader feel more doubtful that the man ever lost a real woman named lenore, and that he is only haunted by his imagination. this quote makes the reader more sympathetic as the reader is likely to feel sorry for the speaker’s desperate cry for relief from his grief over lenore.

question 8 which dark romantic characteristics are present in both “annabel lee” and “the raven” by poe? downplays rules, authority, and traditions values of individualism and self-reliance emphasizes guilt and fear and preoccupation with gloomy concepts value of nature as a source of spiritual nourishment

question 9. why does montresor hate fortunato? fortunato physically injured montresor. montresor believes that fortunato has repeatedly insulted him. montresor believes that fortunato has not been honest with him. fortunato thinks montresor drank all his amontillado.

question 10. how does montresor persuade fortunato to follow him to the catacombs? montresor appeals to fortunato's pride as a wine connoisseur. montresor dresses up as a jester. montresor asks fortunato to accompany him while he checks on his servants. montresor tells fortunato that part of the carnival is taking place in the catacombs.

question 11. what specific steps does montresor take to ensure that his plan works? montresor makes certain that his house will be empty by telling his servants he will be out all night; he has supplied chains and wall-building materials to trap his victim. montresor prepares a wooden plank he will tie fortunato to over a pit, and secures a pendulum that will cut the rope that secures fortunato to the plank, so fortunato will slowly anticipate his not so fortunate fate. montresor brings luchesi along to prevent fortunato from trying to escape, and he asks one of his servants to him construct the wall. montresor reveals his plan to his servants and threatens to fire them if they refuse to assist him.

question 12. foreshadowing: what elements of the description of the caverns contribute to the mood of approaching danger? the caverns where fortunato keeps his wine cellar are an old crypt, it is not spacious, it is dark, and the walls are lined with human remains piled high to the vault overhead. the cavernous catacombs are organized with narrow recesses of 3x4x6 or 7 feet surrounded by walls of solid granite, suggesting montresor is about to murder fortunato in one of these recesses. the two men require torches to see in the dark caverns: fortunato’s torch is described as “dull” with a “feeble light that did not enable us to see.” all of the above contribute to the mood of approaching danger as fortunato proceeds down the corridors of his wine cellar with montresor.

question 13. what happens to fortunato at the end of the story? fortunato gives montresor his opinion of the amontillado. fortunato's illness evokes sympathy in montresor, who then releases him from the crypt. fortunato is sealed up in the crypt. fortunato's murder is discovered as he thinks he hears the beating of his victim's heart beneath the floorboards, where he hid him from the authorities.



1. Annabel lee is his soulmate

2. It captures a fairy-tale atmosphere

3. Annabel lee dies from a chill

4. He becomes more depressed and desperate

5. The raven represents hopelessness

6. All of the above

7. This quote makes the reader more sympathetic as the reader is likely to feel sorry for the speaker's desperate cry for relief from his grief over lenore

8. Emphasizes guilt and fear and preoccupation with gloomy concepts

9. Montresor believes that fortunato has repeatedly insulted him

10.Montresor appeals to fortunato's pride as a wine connoisseur

11. Montresor makes certain that his house will be empty by telling his servants he will be out all night...

12. All of the above contribute...

13. Fortunato is sealed up in the crypt


1. in "annabel lee," Annabel lee is the soulmate to the speaker

2. The atmosphere the language in "annabel lee" captures is a fairy-tale atmosphere

3. The thing that causes Annabel Lee's death is that she dies from a chill

4. The speaker's state of mind changes as "the raven" progresses as he becomes more depressed and desperate

5. What the raven comes to represent for the speaker is hopelessness

6. The best description of the effect of the setting in “the raven” is:

The setting infuses the poem with a sense of gloom The setting the poet build anxiety and uncertainty The setting contributes to the darkness of the poem

7. "Tell me truly, i implore—is there—is there balm in gilead? —tell me, i implore! ” quoth the raven, “nevermore.” The highlighted portion of this quote affects the reader by making the reader more sympathetic as the reader is likely to feel sorry for the speaker's desperate cry for relief from his grief over lenore

8. The dark romantic characteristics present in both “Annabel Lee” and “The Raven” by Poe is that it Emphasizes guilt and fear and preoccupation with gloomy concepts

9. Montresor hates Fortunato because Montresor believes that fortunato has repeatedly insulted him

10. Montresor persuades Fortunato to follow him to the catacombs because Montresor appeals to fortunato's pride as a wine connoisseur

11. The specific steps Montresor takes to ensure that his plan works is that Montresor makes certain that his house will be empty by telling his servants he will be out all night...

12. Foreshadowing: The elements of the description of the caverns contribute to the mood of approaching danger:

The caverns where fortunato keeps his wine cellar are an old crypt, it is not spacious. it is dark, and the walls are lined with human remains piled high to the vault overhead. The cavernous catacombs are organized with narrow recesses of 3x4x6 or 7 feet surrounded by walls of solid granite, suggesting montresor is about to murder fortunato in one of these recesses. The two men require torches to see in the dark caverns: fortunato’s torch is described as “dull” with a “feeble light that did not enable us to see.”

13. The thing that happens to Fortunato at the end of the story is that Fortunato is sealed up in the crypt

Read more here:


Select the correct answer
Which of the following sentences uses semicolons correctly?
OA Chris and Molly were delighted to see the whole family gathered in the living room; the group was waiting to congratulate the
OB Chris and Molly loved spending their weekends at the beach during the summer, where they met some of their friends
OG Molly wasn't expecting Chris to stay up working so late; she could hear her favorite song playing on the radio.
OD White Chris was preparing Molly's favorite meal; she decided to take out the trash, repair the broken shelf, and water the



A) Chris and Molly were delighted to see the whole family gathered in the living room; the group was waiting to congratulate the  couple.


When a sentence consists of two or more independent clauses, they need to be properly connected. One of the ways to connect two independent clauses is to use the semicolon. The semicolon is used when the clauses are closely related to each other, usually with one of them explaining the other. This is the case in sentence A.

Sentence B is a complex sentence. It consists of one independent and one subordinate clause connected by a comma. There is no semicolon in this sentence.

Sentence C is the second closest to being correct. What's wrong, though, is that these two clauses aren't closely related to each other.

Sentence D also a complex sentence, and the use of the semicolon here is incorrect, because an independent and subordinate clause can't be connected to each other by a semicolon.

can tone and mood word be the same? why or why not?





Because when you have a tone that could be a type a mood that you are in.

They refer to various elements of writing or literature, tone and mood words are not interchangeable.

Thus, The tone of a piece of writing refers to the author's feelings or attitude toward the topic or target audience. It comes across in the author's word choice, sentence construction, and writing style as a whole. Tone words describe the reader's emotional or rhetorical impression that the author wants to elicit.

On the other hand, mood describes the emotional environment or overarching emotion that a literary work evokes in the reader or audience.

It is the mood or ambiance that the author has conjured up with their words and descriptions. Words that express mood describe the reader's emotional response or impression.

Thus, They refer to various elements of writing or literature, tone and mood words are not interchangeable.

Learn more about Tone, refer to the link:



Weekly Prompt 1: All of your life there has been a door in your house that for some reason has remained locked. One day you discover the key and decide to open it. What do you find? You can write a monologue or short story
Pls ans properly



You found a BTS album that was the first ever one to be bought. You have been looking for it for the past week. She screams with excitment was she open it to see that all 7 members signed it in it in silver.




i go inside and grab the key i feel my body tremble i put the key in slowly and turn it until i hear the click i look inside and see nothing but lights i start walking and walking but it never ends i turn behind me and see nothing but darkness i was worried i could never find my way back home until i meet this little frog names Thomas he told me where i was and said there was no way i could go home i was scared and lonely he takes me to his house and we sit and drink tea he said i'm welcome to stay with him...its been 5 years and there was still no opening until one day we see it shining so bright i run to see and i see my door i hug Thomas and run until it shuts i yell and wave goodbye before i left i also left a gift for Thomas he always made me feel so welcomed and loved.


What does it take to survive and thrive in highschool



My friend says it living HELL! But she told me to get an organizer and plan my classes so prepared for anything



Have a smaller group of friends when you try and be friends with everyone then you have toxic relationships

Also do the homework and study


Which sentence from the selection best expresses how the attitudes of Cabeza de Vaca and his companions were changed by their experience?


Answer:  C


1. Which Amendment to the Constitution granted
the right to vote to former slaves and people of



The 15th Amendment


The 15th amendment was passed by congress on Feb. 26, 1896, and granted African American men the right the vote.

why is school important? explain.



To learn and get an education for jobs. To become smart.


school is important  because it shows us how to communicate  with people, work hard to achieve  things, and it teaches us life skills.


Which statement describes a characteristic of speaking as compared to
A. Speaking is more formal than writing.
B. Speaking is more lasting than writing.
C. Speaking is more organized than writing.
D. Speaking is more immediate than writing.


I believe it is D

explanation: it is true

passive voice of "someone is looking after the children".​



Children are looked after by someone.

What is the rule about ending a sentence with a preposition.



It's not an error to end a sentence with a preposition, but it is a little less formal. In emails, text messages, and notes to friends, it's perfectly fine. But if you're writing a research paper or submitting a business proposal and you want to sound very formal, avoid ending sentences with prepositions.



According to the rule, you should avoid ending a sentence with a preposition by removing the preposition or changing its position in a sentence. For example, you supposedly should not write, "I have a dishwasher that I want to get rid of." You could write, “I want to get rid of my dishwasher.”



What is more important: Having a friend? or having a conscience?



having a friend because i dont know what conscience is ;0


The important details in this passage support the central idea that

the smell on the ship was terrible.

rats were a big problem.

conditions on the ship were unbearable.

the ship was overly crowded.​








define learning in your own words​



the process of gaining knowledge by various methods


To grow in knowledge on a certain topic.

According to the article, what action is key to success in online learning?



Staying direct with all assignments and keeping an open attention span.

Answer: The key to success in online learning is having a positive attitude, being engaged, being organized, managing your time, communicating with your teachers, and recognizing your strength.

Explanation: On Edge!!!

What’s an omnivore from the movie finding Nemo



20 pts ! Must be correct

why might creating a formal outline for
an academic essay be a good idea even if
the assignment doesn't require it?
a) Fomal outlines ensure that your conclusion
will have its intended effect on your audience
b) Formal outlines show your creativity as
a writer
C) Formal outlines prove to your instructor that
You care about the assignment
d) Formal outlines keep you organized by
showing the relationships between your ideas.





pls help fast :)
Question 6 (5 points)
Read the text then answer the question that follows:

Wild animals as viewed from a mountain camp—Camille Grant, October 2011

Through my binoculars, I viewed a group of wild animals in action. A pride of lions was sleeping when a small, yellow bus pulled up beside them. Tourists on a safari were packed into the bus like sardines in a can. Armed with cameras, they invaded the lions' territory, hoping to capture the perfect photograph. The crowd leaned out the windows, hooting and hollering, until the lions awoke. When the lions moved away, the bus rolled after them, relentlessly stalking the pride. One of the lions turned and roared to protect the young. This was greeted with cheers and a celebratory honk of the bus horn. The curious visitors observed the lions' routine for an hour before moving on. Leaving a cloud of dust, the bus headed away, taking the wild animals off to disturb someone else's home.

Review the following line from the text:

Tourists who had paid money for a safari were packed into the bus like sardines in a can.

Which statement is true? (5 points)

The sentence features figurative language in the form of a metaphor.
The sentence features figurative language in the form of a simile.
The sentence features literal language in the form of a metaphor.
The sentence features literal language in the form of simile.


The answer is “B” because the sentences compares two things using “like” which is a simile. A simile is a comparison using the words “like or as”. For example, “The tree is as tall as a giraffe” or “The tree is like a giraffe”.

Which statements describe the poem? Check all that apply.



i need a poem to answer bro


WILL GIve Brainlest
Select the letter of the CORRECTLY written sentence.

He absolutely loved Cats; yet he called The Avengers one of the worst films. Ever.

He called The Avengers one of the worst films ever. Absolutely loved Cats, though.

He absolutely loved Cats, yet he called The Avengers one of the worst films ever.

He absolutely loved Cats. Yet he called The Avengers one of the worst films ever.


The answer is C! Hope this helps



The answer is C

TIME REMAINING 54:44 Nick would like to rearrange his plot so that it begins with the commotion in the barn. Which statement best describes how starting in the middle of an exciting part will affect the plot? Nick will need to go back and explain why his parents have worked so hard to keep the farm. O Nick will need to provide other exciting details in order to maintain the reader's attention. O Nick will need to provide a more detailed conclusion to make up for the events he did not include. O Nick will need to go back and relate the events that led up to that moment in the story.​



(d) Nick will need to go back and relate the events that led up to that moment in the story.


Nick will need to go back and relate the events that led up to that moment in the story.  this statement best describes how starting in the middle of an exciting part will affect the plot. Hence option D is correct.

What is description ?

A story description is a brief summary that outlines the key elements of a narrative. It typically includes information about the plot, characters, setting, and themes of the story. The purpose of a story description is to provide readers with a general idea of what the story is about, without giving away too much detail or spoiling the ending.

A well-crafted story description can entice readers and draw them into the narrative, sparking their interest and making them want to read more. It should be concise, clear, and engaging, capturing the essence of the story in just a few sentences. A good story description can also help publishers, agents, and bookstores market the book by providing a compelling hook or selling point that encourages people to pick it up and read it.

To know more about description :



Outrage is the name of a —




i think it is D it just makes sense

Who is you're least favorite character in the outsiders novel and why ?


My least favorite character was Dally because he purposely got himself killed because he couldn’t take the pain of loosing Johnny. I thought it was selfish for him to give up his life like that and not want to continue on and learn how to grieve and get better.

( It’s been two years since I read this book, wasn’t it Dallas that got himself shot purposely? I’m pretty sure. I hated this book with a passion by the way. Hope this helps:)

Why does the Joker target, Barbara Gordon?


He wants to kidnap her and obviously she's not a ordinary woman, she can pull some stunts over him so he shoots at her waist to cripple her for the time being.

How does the brain receive information?
Click to view the passage about brain power.
A. From the five senses
O B. From computers
C. From researchers
D. From what people know


A) From the five senses
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Read this excerpt from Poor Harold.A room in Washington Square South. By the light of a candle, a young man in tousled hair and dressing gown is writing furiously at a little table. A clock within strikes seven.A door at the back opens, and a young woman looks in, sleepily. She frowns. The young man looks up guiltily.SHE. What are you doing?HE. (innocently) Writing.SHE. So I see. (She comes in, and sits down. It may be remarked that a woman's morning appearance, in dishabille, is a severe test of both looks and character; she passes that test triumphantly. She looks at the young man, and asks) Poetry?HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .SHE. (continues to look inquiry).HE. (finally) A letter. . . .SHE. (inflexibly) To whom?HE. (defiantly) To my wife!SHE. Oh! That's all right. I thought perhaps you were writing to your father.HE. (bitterly) My father! Why should I write to my father? Isn't it enough that I have broken his heart and brought disgrace upon him in his old age SHE. Disgrace? Nonsense! Anybody might be named as a co-respondent in a divorce case.HE. Not in Evanston, Illinois. Not when you are the local feature of a notorious Chicago scandal. Not when your letters to the lady are published in the newspapers. Oh, those letters!SHE. Were they such incriminating letters, Harold?HAROLD. Incriminating? How can you ask that, Isabel? They were perfectly innocent letters, such as any gentleman poet might write to any lady poetess. How was I to know that a rather plain-featured woman I sat next to at a Poetry Dinner in Chicago was conducting a dozen love-affairs? How was I to know that my expressions of literary regard would look like love-letters to her long-suffering husband? That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless.Which excerpt uses direct characterization?The young man looks up guiltily_.HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .HE. (defiantly) To my wife!That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless. 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