What is one difference between a mendicant order and monastic order?
0 Friars taught Christianity, why monks did not
0 Friars lived in poverty, while monks did not
0 Friars were women, while monks were men
0 Friars traveled, while monks live in monasteries


Answer 1


Friars traveled, while monks lived in monasteries.


hope this helps byee :)

Answer 2


Friars traveled, while monks live in monasteries


The friars from the Mendicant order believed that they should sent their members on a mission to help people who experience suffering. Because of this, they traveled all across the world as a mission to help alleviate suffering and spread their religious teaching at the same time.

The monks from the monastic order on the other hand,  devote themselves to achieve spiritual work. They secluded themselves far away from civilization so they can learn about methods to get closer to God without distractions. They don't travel unless it's extremely necessary.

Related Questions

Which word is the best example of a precise adjective?




I guess it is generous, because it is precise about what's exactly good on the person

Hope this helps you Stay happy and safe ✌️

B. generous

its a big word compared to the rest

How did the trial of Peter Zenger in 1733 demonstrate the need for an impartial court system?



The trial of Peter Zenger showed that the jury needs to be more diverse. The jury on his first trial were all in general his enemies(the king's council). That's not fair since they would be on the king's side and the judge makes decisions with the help of the jury and the evidence they present. This would mean an unanimous belief that he should be in jail. His second trial were full of Zenger's peers. Which may not be fair but was a victory for Zenger(with the help of famous lawyer Hamilton)

The famous case of Peter Zenger happened in 1733. He was accused of calumny. Earlier it was illegal for any individual to write and promote any opinion or information against the government.

This hearing showed that the judicial policy needed to reform and the judging panel should be more diverse.

The tribunal in Zenger's trial was all King's members that clearly would not have supported or defended him.

The panel members were surely on the leader's side and the court could not reach a balanced judgment as they would be biased towards the predicament.

In his next trial, the jury was filled with Zenger's supporters and hence the verdict came in his favour.

Therefore, this case shows that impartial bar arrangement should be abolished.

To learn more about Peter Zenger's trial follow the link:



Why was it important to Mehmed II that the Ottomans conquer Constantinople?

He believed it to be a holy city for Shia Muslims.

He wanted to free the large enslaved Janissary population.

It was the capital city and the key to creating a strong empire.

It was strategically located on the Caspian Sea.





i just took the quiz


It's C. It was the capital city and key to creating a strong empire


I just took the quiz and gotit right. =.= so i hope this helps! :)

what is the volume of box pictured below​


Volume = 2/3 x 5/6 x 8/5 = 80/90= 8/9

The Pyramids were built during the New Kingdom. *



Though pyramids were built from the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the close of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth century A.D., the peak of pyramid building began with the late third dynasty and continued until roughly the sixth


The awnser is going to be true

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Colonel José de las Piedras was sent by the Mexican government to monitor the activities in Texas after the Fredonian Revolt.
Samuel Norris was the son-in-law of Haden Edwards and was voted into the position of alcalde for the Nacogdoches colony.
Martin Parmer helped the Edwards brothers take over an old stone fort in Nacogdoches where they wrote a Declaration of Independence.
Peter Ellis Bean negotiated with Cherokee leaders on behalf of the Mexican government prior to the Fredonian Revolt..









Examples of dissident,



"I disagreed with my teacher on the grade of my test", "My mother said I knocked the vase off, even though my brother really did it. I disagreed."

Explanation: Dissident is defined as someone who disagrees.

The problem of someone deriving a benefit from the actions of others is known as the

Multiple Choice
limited interest effect.
collective good effect.
free rider problem.
umbrella problem.
collective good distribution.


the correct answer to your question is: free rider problem.

Why did the queen of hawaii surrender her power



She failed insurrection aimed at restoring Liliuokalani to the throne


"The Queen moved to reclaim some of that power by issuing a new constitution. But planters like Sanford Dole wanted the islands annexed by the United States, to ensure their access to American sugar markets. The Marines landed in 1893, took over government buildings and placed Queen Lili'uokalani under house arrest.

Pro-American business interests had overthrown the Queen when she rejected constitutional limits on her powers. The new government realized that Hawaii was too small and militarily weak to survive in a world of aggressive imperialism, especially on the part of Japan."

What qualified a citizen in the Han Dynasty to hold a government job?
1. knowledge of advanced science and mathematics
2. belonging by blood or marriage to the royal family
3. enough money to bribe a government official
4. advanced education in Confucian principles





i took the test and it was correct :|

A citizen in the Han Dynasty to hold a government job, advanced education in Confucian principles. Thus, option (4) is correct.

What is government?

The term “government” refers to a legal authority or system that is controlled and directed by an office, public sector, country, or state. The government imposed the law. The most common functions of the government are leadership, controlling, maintaining order, commanding, providing public services, and national security.

Hierarchical dissemination had been used to end the Han dynasty. The Han dynasty had considerable impact on China's neighboring nations. Additionally, religion was propagated. War and conquering did not stifle Confucianism. There was the impact of the citizen are the Han Dynasty to hold a government job, progressed education in Philosophical doctrine principles.

As a result, A citizen in the Han Dynasty to hold a government job, advanced education in Confucian principles. Therefore, option (4) is correct.

Learn more about on government, here:




Carefully read the passage from the Qur'an here. In a well-structured paragraph, write a summary that describes three main
ideas in the passage.



Righteousness does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or towards the west;175 true righteousness consists in believing in Allah and the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the Prophets, and in giving away one’s property in love of Him to one’s kinsmen, the orphans, the poor and the wayfarer, and to those who ask for help, and in freeing the necks of slaves, and in establishing Prayer and dispensing the Zakah. True righteousness is attained by those who are faithful to their promise once they have made it and by those who remain steadfast in adversity and affliction and at the time of battle (between Truth and falsehood). Such are the truthful ones; such are the God-fearing.

175. Turning one's face towards the east or the west is mentioned here only by way of illustration. The actual purpose of the verse is to emphasize that the observance of certain outward religious rites, the performance of certain formal religious acts out of conformism, and the manifestation of certain familiar forms of piety do not constitute that essential righteousness which alone carries weight with God and earns His recognition and approval.


the person above me is correct!


4. What type of law established by the Pope required people to follow the
law of the Church *


Answer:Canon Law


Meanings of Islamic words​


The following list consists of notable content that are derived from both Islamic and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words in the Arabic language

Hope this helps

Which early president am I?

I was one of the founders of the Republican Party and believed that the common people could be a contributing part of the government. I was elected president at a very intense, crucial point in our nation's history. The struggles between France and Great Britain had begun to affect America's decision to remain neutral in foreign affairs. The British began seizing our ships, and I was forced to cut off trade with them. The British refused to negotiate in time, and I had to declare the War of 1812.
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
George Washington
James Madison



James Madison


hope it helps

Why did the Catholic Church apposed the scientific revolution?


Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the influence of the Catholic Church.

Who comes next in line of succession after the speaker of the house?



The President Pro Tempore.


The current President Pro Tempore is Chuck Grassley.

When was mariachi cobre founded



it was founded.in 1971


Mariachi Cobre founded in tucson Azizona in 1971 , was the first prominent Mexican American mariachi group

Mariachi Cobre was founded in 1971 in Tucson, Arizona.

Factories were made more efficient by all of the following EXCEPT. Single choice.
electricity to power the new machinery
assembly lines to make products more quickly
placing them in cities where more workers were available
the use of vertical integration to create monopolies


The use of vertical integration to create momopolies

Is a fish on a water a biotic or abiotic


The fish is biotic because it is living.

The water is abiotic because it is non living.

Therefore, the answer to your question is biotic.

Please answer this for me fast



All of the above


The free press clause guarantees that people can publish any lawful material without fear of punishment by the government, even if that material is critical of the government. This meant anything that criticized the government or its officials.

So it is 4. All of the above

Identify one of the responsibilities the government has toward its citizens.
protection against foreign attacks
making sure all citizens own homes
electing its citizens into office
finding jobs for all of its citizens





Describe 3 ways in which the federal government restricted immigration. What groups of people were most negatively affected by these laws?



Economic immigrants

Family class



Family class (closely related persons of Canadian residents living in Canada).

Economic immigrants (skilled workers and business people).

Refugees (people who are escaping persecution, torture or cruel and unusual punishment).

Who helped Heran Cortes and his soldiers defeat Aztec​



Hiya! ^^


The people of Tlaxcala, helped Hernan Cortes and his soldiers defeat the Aztec.

Hope this helps! <3

Hailey is a National Guard member who is scheduled to be deployed two years from now. How much training is he required to complete?

A:24 days
B:15 days
C:39 days
D:78 days



D - 78 Days


All National Guard members are required to complete at least 10 weeks in training beforehand. 10 weeks is equal to 70 days. It says 'at least', so 78 sounds like the most logical choice.

Hope this Helps!


Answer:c 39 day


Which of these problems occurred after South American nations gained independence? Check all that apply.

tyrannical dictators
US occupations
wars over land and natural resources
recolonization by European powers
unsuccessful confederations



wars over land and natural resources and tyrannical dictators


I think if I can remember it's been a while


A tyrannical dictators

C wars over land and natural resources

E unsuccessful confederations


What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

amend the Articles of Confederation

amend the Bill of Rights

amend the Constitution


amend the Declaration of Independence
In December 1776, General Washington led his forces across the Delaware River/ Ohio River. The Continental Army launched a surprise attack against Hessian forces in the Battle of Bunker Hill/ Trenton.

Use the passage to answer the question.

from Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress "On Indian Removal"

“It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites . . . and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the Government and through the influence of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community.”

—Andrew Jackson, 1830

What was the impact of the Indian Removal policy discussed by Andrew Jackson?

the integration of the Five Civilized Tribes into American culture

the beginning of a financial crisis in 1837

the alliance between Native Americans and the British

the deaths of thousands along the Trail of Tears

Why were southern states less industrialized than states in the North? Select the two correct answers.

Northern factories would not trade with southern businesses.

Southern states did not have the raw materials needed for factories.

Agriculture was very profitable for the southern states.

Climate conditions favored agricultural industries.

Factory owners would not relocate to the South.

Which were effects of John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry? Select the two correct answers.

Slaves engaged in armed revolts throughout the South.

Kansas was taken over by Free-Soilers.

Several southern states passed laws to prevent slave rebellions.

Antislavery northerners considered Brown a martyr to the cause.

Frederick Douglass joined Brown’s abolition movement.

Why did the idea of republican motherhood lead to increased education for some women?

Women were tasked with educating the next generation, and thus needed to be educated themselves.

Women were required to attend public schools, and thus would be punished if they did not obey.

Women were believed to be more intelligent than men, and thus were encouraged to educate themselves.

Women were thought to be the future leaders of the country, and thus were pushed to study politics and economics.

Which was most likely an effect of the Confiscation Acts during the American Revolution?

increased loyalist opposition to patriots

decreased loyalist opposition to patriots

increased patriot opposition to loyalists

decreased patriot opposition to loyalists

What did Shays’s Rebellion expose?

the advantage of allowing new territories to become states

the need for the protection of freedom of religion

the strength of having a unicameral legislative system

the government's weakness under the Articles of Confederation

In what way did the states create economic problems for the national government after the American Revolution? Select the two correct answers.

issued currency that was worthless

imposed tariffs on items produced by other states

requested funds to support state militias

refused to pay their militias or their veterans

passed laws that punished debtors

Select the words to make the sentences true.

The Articles of Confederation authorized a unicameral / bicameral legislature whose members were elected by direct / indirect voting. Laws were easy / difficult to pass since they required a consensus of nine states. Amendments to laws required a majority / unanimous vote.

What reason did the Democratic-Republicans give for opposing the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were unconstitutional.

They were too pro-French.

They targeted wealthy elites.

They opened the country to unlimited immigration.

Use the quote to answer the question.

“The Americans have tarred and feathered your subjects, plundered your merchants, burnt your ships, denied all obedience to your laws and authority; yet so clement and so long forbearing has our conduct been that it is incumbent on us now to take a different course. Whatever may be the consequences, we must risk something; if we do not, all is over.” —Lord North

This quote most clearly supports an argument in favor of what?

British officials and the Coercive Acts

Native Americans and the Proclamation Line

Parliament and the Declaratory Act

Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party

Which laws were deemed “intolerable” by the colonies?

Coercive Acts

Stamp Act

Tea Act

Townshend Acts



Number 1 : c .amend the Constitution

Number 2: D.  the deaths of thousands along the Trail of Tears

Number 3: The correct answers are B and D. As a result of John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry, in the South support for secession from the Union grew, and states passed laws to prevent rebellions by enslaved people.

Number 4:The correct answer is A; Women were tasked with educating the next generation, and thus needed to be educated themselves.

Number 5 : The most likely effect of the confiscation Acts during the American Revolution was that it increased loyalist opposition to patriots.  Answer: Option A

Number 6: D: The government's weakness under the Articles of Confederation

Number 7:  B. imposed tariffs on items produced by other states

C.  requested funds to support state militias

Number 8: D:They opened the country to unlimited immigration

Number 9: C.  Parliament and the Declaratory Act As you can see in the question, this quote belongs to Lord North. He was a member of the British Parliament, and also held other positions such as Prime Minister.

Number 10: A. Coercive Acts

Hope this helps

Explanation: Number 5:The loyalists were the ones who were on the side of the British crown and thought in favour of the British council.

The confiscation acts done by the American revolutionaries to confiscate the lands.it was in order to establish their control over the region were opposed by the loyalists as to that was not what the British Council wanted.

Number 4 Explanation: The phrase or term Republican Motherhood was started in the 1980s. This idea was based on books written by John Locke. He has several ideas that were based on revolutionary ideas of republicanism.

Christians loved this idea because mothers would be able to pass down the family's religious views and values to generations.

Women were then opened many doors to education that they did not have before. This was so that they could educate their children about things that they learned. They also had more of a public role in women's rights, abolitionism, and had more chances of being teachers, etc.


The other person is correct, have a good day.


Under the Proprietors why would the colonists feel they had no political power?



The idea of self-government


Which of the following best describes a “tributary empire” such as the Aztec? *


Answer: Inca

Explanation: I know the Inca empire was very powerful like the Aztec so I looked up "was the Inca empire a tributary empire" and it said yes. Source- www.columbia.edu

Pls help it’s due todayyy


Answer:Put in a guess

Explanation:I guess :/




Fishing, shrimping, and shipping
Medical industry
Petroleum industry
Aerospace industry

Which of these would be the best title for the list above?

A.Economic activities of the Coastal Plains

B.Impact of Tourism on the Texas Economy

C.Social Activities of the North Central Plain

D.Career Opportunities in the Mountains and Basins Regions






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