what is the attitudes toward religion and goodness held by Mr.Brocklehurst and Helen Burns?


Answer 1


He sees religion as emphasis on the value of humility

Related Questions

what country offered albert einstein the presidency


The country offered Albert Einstein the presidency is Israel. He declined the presidency of Israel.

On November 17, 1952, the Foreign Ministry, Abba Eban asked Albert Einstein if he would accept the offer to serve as president of Israel. This offer came after the death of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann, on November 9, 1952. However, when offered the presidency of Israel, Albert Einstein declined it for some reasons:

1. He lacked experience in the field.

2. He lacked the "natural aptitude" to interact with others appropriately.

3. His advanced age (73 at the moment) was having no effect on his strength.

4. He is distressed by all of these circumstances.

As a result of his rejection, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi became Israel's second president on December 16, 1952.

Here to learn more about Albert Einstein and the second presidency of Israel offer:



Which of these sentence segments does not contain a capitalization error?
dr. martin luther king received the nobel peace prize for his civil rights work in december 1964.
Dr. Martin luther King

In December 1964

received the Nobel Peace Prize

for his Civil Rights work


We see here that the sentence segment that does not contain a capitalization error is: received the Nobel Peace Prize

What is capitalization?

The use of uppercase letters at the start of a word or sentence is known as capitalization. Here are some capitalization rules in the English language:

The first word in a sentence is usually known to be capitalized.The days of the week, months of the year, and holidays are capitalized.The first letter of the first, last and all significant words in a title are capitalized.

We see here that the selected sentence segment above have no capitalization error.

Learn more about capitalization on https://brainly.com/question/1293334


You will also read part of midnight assassin: a murder in america’s heartland. this book, written in 2005, describes the murder, the trial, and glaspell’s reporting. this is a source.


Historical whodunit devotees who have devoured all the literature on famous real-life mysteries will delight in this stirring and evocative account of an obscure turn-of-the-century Iowa murder.

On a moonlit night in 1889, Iowa farmer John Elkins and his young wife, Hattie, were brutally murdered in their bed. Eight days later, their son, eleven-year-old Wesley Elkins, was arrested and charged with murder. Susan Glaspell is well-known as the author of the one-act play TRIFLES and the short story "A Jury of Her Peers," and this new collection of some of her early short fiction should make readers aware of her remarkable place in American literary history.

To know more about a murder in America’s heartland:



This gripping and vivid tale of a little-known Iowa murder from the turn of the 20th century will appeal to historical whodunit enthusiasts who have consumed all the material on famous real-life mysteries.

Iowa farmer John Elkins and his young wife Hattie were brutally killed in their bed on a beautiful night in 1889. Wesley Elkins, their eleven-year-old son, was taken into custody and charged with murder eight days later.

This new collection of some of Susan Glaspell's early short fiction should make readers aware of her exceptional place in American literary history. Susan Glaspell is well-known for writing the one-act play TRIFLES and the short tale "A Jury of Her Peers" as well as other works of fiction.

To know more about a murder in America’s heartland Visit:



Mode meaning
This is for the test


A set of data values mode is the value that appears the most frequently. The value of X at which the probability mass function reaches its highest value is known as the mode if X is a discrete random variable. In other words, it is the value that will be sampled most frequently…

Determine the meaning of the following idiom from Chapter 14: "My feathers rose again, 'You tryin' to tell me what to do?'"

1) Scout is confused by Jem's request.

2) Scout is frightened by Jem's threats if she doesn't stop antagonizing Aunty.

3) Scout is angered by Jem's maturity and the way he is becoming assertive.

4) Scout is amused at the fact Jem thinks he can boss her around


Scout is angered by Jem's maturity and the way he is becoming assertive. This idiom is a metaphor that implies that Scout's temper has been flaring up, much like the way feathers on a bird stand on end when it is feeling threatened or angry.

In this case, Jem's newfound maturity and assertiveness are causing Scout to feel threatened and angry. She is offended that he would dare to tell her what to do. She feels as though he is overstepping his boundaries as her younger brother, and that she should not have to listen to his orders.

This idiom serves to show how Scout's attitude toward Jem is changing as he begins to mature and become more assertive.

Learn more about Scout visit:



My feathers rose again, 'You tryin' to tell me what to do means Scout is angered by Jem's maturity and the way he is becoming assertive.

Aunty Alexandra was standing stiff as a stork. Aunt Alexandra fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove. As a result, the town remained the same size for a hundred years, an island in a patchwork sea of cotton fields and timberland.

Atticus said he went round the bend at the University. It's not time to worry. "You tryin' to tell me what to do" Jem's and Scout knew that people were talking about them because their dad defended Tom Robinson.

To know more about My feathers rose again, 'You tryin' to tell me what to do:



can someone one help me analyse this poem
Look out from the top
of the Gatineau Hills,
lean over the stone wall
at the Parkway's edge
and cover the whole expanse
of glittering green
in one wide sweep
know, without tracking it
how the river bends
twists through fields
that lie like pillows
on their limestone bed,
how roads stitch between

One glance, it's all there

And then, pick a leaf
from the ivy on the wall
cup it in your fingers
trace the fine veins
bend closer

The whole wide valley
in a green beam
along a slender rib

ray out to the rim



The poem appears to be describing the beauty and vastness of the Gatineau Hills in Quebec, Canada. It tells the reader to look out from the top of the hills and take in the entire expanse of glittering green in one wide sweep. The poem then encourages the reader to take a closer look, to pick a leaf from the ivy and trace the fine veins. It suggests that by focusing on one small thing, the reader can see the whole wide valley in a green beam. The poem is a reminder that sometimes it is the small details that make the big picture more beautiful and meaningful. The imagery of river, fields, roads, and limestone bed give the sense of natural beauty and peacefulness. The poem encourages the reader to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature.

Write a poem about me two paragraphs long


A poem about me two paragraphs are:

Find your inspiration, start writing some free poetry, revise it as needed, add to it, choose a framework if you want one, and then edit it again. It's also advantageous to collaborate with others.

How should a poetry be discussed in a paragraph?

Using the following examples, Topics/Opinions/Attitudes, structure and arrangement, rhyme, language, rhythm, and setting (if applicable) To the essay's title, relate each of them. Use the words and phrases you chose. To bolster your points, include illustrations or quotes from the poetry. Traditional poetry has a predetermined rhythm and rhyme scheme, and stanzas are the typical organizational unit. This form is used in prose writing instead of the unit we call a paragraph.

To learn more about paragraph



What action does Mama take so we see she believes her future will remain in the



Mama takes several steps to ensure her future in the apartment. First, she purchases furniture for the apartment, including a couch and a bed. She also plants a garden of vegetables and flowers to bring life to the place.

Additionally, Mama hangs pictures on the walls, giving the apartment a more homey feel. Mama even takes the time to purchase new items for the apartment, such as a floor lamp, a rug, and a dresser. By doing these things, Mama is showing that she is committed to making the apartment her home and believes her future will remain there. She also takes part in the building's community events, such as the Fourth of July picnic and holiday gatherings.

By participating in these events, Mama is showing that she is investing in the community and wants to stay there for the long-term. All of these steps are Mama's way of showing that she believes her future will remain in the apartment.

Learn more about Mama visit:



Mama did took some precautionary steps in order to ensure her future in the apartment like bringing the furniture to the home.

Mama's actions demonstrate her ambition to make the apartment her home and her belief that her future would be spent there. First, she purchases furnishings for her flat, such as sofas and beds. She also performs activities like growing vegetable so that there was some vitality of the space. These actions taken by her make it clear that she really want here future in the apartment.

She also attends community activities in the facility, such as 4th of July barbecues and holiday parties.

These action taken by the Mama showed that she was committed towards her community.

To know more about mama, visit,



In Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Summarize what happened in the main story of chapters 15-22.


Note that in summary, in the main story of chapters 15-22 of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Minli and her companions continue their journey to find the Old Man of the Moon. They face obstacles like treacherous mountain paths, a giant dragon, and a magical lake. They also meet new friends like a wise old turtle and a kind-hearted farmer. They find the Old Man of the Moon and Minli's family fortunes change.

What is the central idea of the text?

The central idea of "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" is the power of stories and legends to shape our understanding of the world, and the importance of perseverance, courage, and compassion in overcoming adversity.

Note that the ability of myths and legends to form our perspective of the world, as well as the significance of endurance, courage, and compassion in overcoming hardship, is the topic of the preceding text.

Learn more about Summaries;

Complete these statements (each answer, 3 points).
.017 The actual story of a play or novel is its________________.


The actual story of a play or novel is its plot.

What is a story plot?

A story plot is the sequence of events that make up a story, typically including the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The plot is the "what happens" of the story, including the characters, setting, and conflicts that drive the narrative. It is the structure that holds the story together, and the events that make up the plot can be used to convey themes and messages to the reader or audience.

A story plot in a play and a novel can have some similarities, but they also have some key difference. One of the main differences is the format in which the story is presented. A play is a live performance, typically with actors on a stage and an audience watching, while a novel is a written work, typically read by an individual. This difference in format can affect how the plot is presented and how the audience experiences the story.

Learn more about story plot here;



How does Odysseus mental scope and human restraint differ from his reckless warriors


It takes The Odysseus mental scope and human restraint differ from his reckless warriors as- regular people to bring about significant change. History has demonstrated that most social movements in the past were started by common people.

For instance, when the Americans started to rebel against British rule, it was the common people who were dissatisfied with the excessive taxes. As a result, the wider society accepted it. People can even remove powerful individuals from office when they are united.The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus' ten-year journey from Troy to home, during which he encountered numerous mythical creatures and underwent numerous adventures. He played a crucial role in the Trojan War as well, and his brilliant use of strategy culminated in his Trojan Horse ruse.

Learn more about odysseys here



To make a substantial difference, Odysseus's perspective on humanity and human constraint must be different from those of his heedless warriors who pass for everyday citizens.

History has shown that the majority of social movements throughout history were initiated by common people. For example, when the Americans began to fight against British control, the regular people were fed up with the high taxes. As a result, it was embraced by society at large. When people get together, they can even force powerful people out of office.

The Odyssey tells the tale of Odysseus' ten-year trip from Troy to home, a journey during which he encountered several mythical creatures and embarked on numerous adventures. He was also a key player in the Trojan War, and his Trojan Horse, the product of his masterful use of tactics, was an important development.

Learn more about odysseys here:



read the lines from the i have a dream speech now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit lath of racial justife


The techniques that are used include:


What is a connotation?

Repetition is the straightforward repetition of a word within a few words without specific word placement to ensure emphasis. It is a multilingual writing or speaking technique that is frequently employed in English.

Any given word or phrase carries a connotation in addition to its denotation, which is its explicit or literal meaning. A connotation is a generally accepted cultural or emotional association. According to its emotional connection, a connotation is frequently classified as either positive or negative.

Learn more about connotation on:



Read the excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

Which techniques are used? Select 3 options.






How does Lennie’s trust in George help provide George with a clear opportunity?


Answer: Lennie's trust in George helped provide George with a clear opportunity because George knew Lennie would listen to him and do what he told him to do without questioning it.


Use the drop-down menus to put the parts of a literary analysis paragraph in the correct order.


D. a topic sentence

A. a point about the topic

E. evidence that supports the point

C. an explanation of the evidence

B. a concluding statement

The introduction sentence should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of the topic. The context and background information should provide relevant details about the author, text, and time period.

What should a literary analysis not do?

Keep in mind that you do not have to paraphrase or summarize the literary work. Instead, you want to examine and interpret the text in light of your thesis your argument. In a literary analysis, stay away from summarizing the plot.

The thesis statement should clearly state the argument or main point of the analysis. The supporting evidence or examples should provide specific details from the text that support the thesis statement. The analysis and interpretation of the evidence should explain how the evidence supports the thesis statement and provides insight into the text.

The conclusion sentence should summarize the main points of the analysis and leave the reader with a final thought.

Learn more about the literary analysis here:



Which word most contributes to the tone of this sentence?
The miserable team from the little nothing school across the river
didn't even have a proper mascot.
A. river
B. mascot
OC. nothing
D. team



D. mascot. In my opinion mascot is the word which contributes the most to the tone of this sentence.

i think it’s B. Mascot it sounds like it’s from the sentence

According to the author, how can people overcome life's challenges? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. The article is CommonLit _ Life Isn't Fair — Deal With it.


People can overcome life's challenges if they understand that the world is not fair, manage expectations, are humble, and don't blame others as the author says.

What does the author say?

In the article "Life isn't fair - Deal with it," by Mike Myatt, readers are asked what fairness truly means. The author discusses fairness and the mentality that comes from that notion. According to Myatt, the world is indeed unjust, but we should learn to complain less and try more. He says that everyone, the wealthy and the poor, think life has not been kind to them. However, even if we do not get to choose the family and circumstances were are born into, we do have options as we grow older and more mature.

According to the author, to deal with life's challenges, we should:

Understand that life is unfair, accept that fact, and work hard to overcome it.Manage expectations - we will not leave college to immediately become millionaires.Stay humble - jobs are opportunities, so we should avoid thinking they are "beneath" us.Not blame others, since we do have opportunities and chances to change things as we grow.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly answered this question.

Learn more about "Life isn't fair - Deal with it" here:



What evidence does the author primarily use to support her message?

A. Quotations from well-known individuals.

B. Comparisons to other high-school students.

C. Reflections on personal experiences

D. Causes that let her to move to a new location.​



The correct answer is i think

D. Causes that led her to move to a new location.


In three to five sentences, explain the writer’s word choices, including analogy and allusion. Explain the effect of word choice on the tone


The choice of words has an impact on your voice, attitude, tone, and imagery. Writing may convey whatever emotion or attitude a person may be feeling, just like speech can

What is Analogy and Allusion ?

These two types of figurative shorthand are analogies and allusions. Comparisons between two or more entities that have comparable characteristics are called analogies. Allusions are references to a historical figure, location, or object in a literary work.

The choice of words has an impact on your voice, attitude, tone, and imagery. Writing may convey whatever emotion or attitude a person may be feeling, just like speech can. Tone can be either positive or negative, joyful or depressing, furious or serene, optimistic or desperate, etc.

In the sentence "If Lebron James is the king of the basketball court then , she is the queen of the Kitchen." Here Analogy is comparing basketball court to Kitchen and Allusion is "Lebron James " as a person compared with.

"Her Chocolate Chip cookies are better than Mrs. Field's or Rachel Ray's.

Here the author compared the cookies made by his/her grandmother to those of other and mentioned "Mrs. Field's and Rachel Ray" as a Allusio.

"Nani mixes, stirs and Measures with as much care as a scientist in a lab"

The author compared the lab with the kitchen and his/her grandmother to a Scientist.

To learn more about Figure of Speech refer to :



Answer: The author words and choices to choose the words affectionately, sweet and savory, Treasure chest, and Delicate to explain/ show that the tone is sweet and gentle. When the author uses/says these words, it will make the reader think that they are in a calming atmosphere and it will make them feel like they are at a grandma's house. It could also give the reader an Illusion, that they are more relaxed/comfortable.


use this to help u

miss brill what thematic (universal) ideas does the story seem to address? what does the author seem to be suggesting about that idea (the thematic statement)?


Miss Brill, by Katherine Mansfield, is a story that explores a range of universal ideas.

It centers around Miss Brill's loneliness and her sense of isolation from the world around her. Through her observations of the people in the Jardins Publiques, Miss Brill discovers that not everyone finds the same joy in life that she does.

This highlights the idea that the journey of life is a solitary one, and that each person is responsible for their own happiness.

Mansfield suggests that happiness can only be found within oneself, and that trying to rely on external sources will ultimately lead to unhappiness and disappointment.

To learn more about ideas, click here:




What causes agitation?


There are many causes of agitations such as

Medical conditions: Agitation can be a symptom of a variety of medical conditions, such as dementia, delirium, Parkinson's disease, and schizophrenia.Emotional distress: Agitation can be caused by emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What is agitation and what other factors can cause it?

Agitation is a state of restlessness or nervousness that can have various causes. Other possible causes of agitation include:

Substance abuse: Alcohol and drug use can cause agitation.Environmental factors: Agitation can be caused by environmental factors, such as loud noises, bright lights, or a lack of stimulation.Physical discomfort: Agitation can be caused by physical discomfort, such as pain, hunger, or fatigue.

Find more information on agitations here;



Summarize in your own words what the narrator in Poe’s story is saying about people who have uncanny abilities to figure out things


The narrator in Poe's story is saying that people who have uncanny abilities to figure out things have an understanding of reality that is beyond the average person.

They can figure out the truth of a situation and make connections that the rest of us may not be able to. They are highly intuitive and often have a sixth sense that helps them make sense of things that may seem confusing or chaotic. They can often conclude or find a solution where others may have failed, and they can often see things from a different perspective than the rest of us.

They may be seen as mysterious or strange, but it is their unique gift that allows them to think in ways that others cannot.

Read more about Poe's story:



Who really said I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?


Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Which sentence contains an analogy?

Group of answer choices

That song is a sweet symphony of soothing silky sounds.

That song is better than anything by the Beatles, Beyoncé, or Justin Bieber.

That song uses guitar and piano techniques I've never heard before.

That song is like a magic carpet that takes you to a new world


An analogy a literary device known as a metaphor uses an action or object to make parallels or to explain something in a way that isn't quite correct. The correct answer is B. That song is a sweet symphony of soothing silky sounds.

The proper reaction is metaphors. Metaphors is the appropriate response. These two objects are compared, but not because they are really comparable; rather, it is done for contrast or symbolic.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, refers to one thing while addressing another.It may also reveal connections between ideas that were previously invisible and bring clarity (or confuse it). Metaphors and other figurative language devices like antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy, and simile are frequently employed in conjunction with contrasts.

To know more about Metaphors visit:






If it's grammar, 'wyman' should have a capital 'W', like this.



Names should start with capital letters.

the first wave of the atlantic slave trade was started by the _____.


The first wave of the Atlantic slave trade was started by the Portuguese.

Millions of Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas from their native countries as part of the transatlantic slave trade, also known as the Atlantic slave trade, mainly to labor on plantations.

The Portuguese started capturing and bringing Africans to their colonies in the Americas in the late 15th century, which marked the start of the first wave of the slave trade.

The trade persisted for over three centuries and swiftly spread to other European nations, notably the Spanish, Dutch, and British.

The slave trade had a terrible effect on Africa, causing the deaths of millions of people and the eviction of untold numbers.

Additionally, it had a significant and long-lasting influence on the Americas, influencing their economies, communities, and cultures for centuries.

To know more about the Atlantic slave trade,



COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Write a response in which you compare and contrast the ideas and attitudes expressed about wealth and poverty in "miss rosie," "The Idler," and "A Cup of Tea. " Remember to use textual evidence from "A Cup of Tea" to support your response


Although there are other contributing variables, one stands out above the rest: having an affluent or impoverished upbringing.

The short tales "miss rosie," "The Idler," and "A Cup of Tea" encourage readers to consider how money may make someone oblivious, how poverty can negatively impact you, and how poverty can really make you a better person.

Power and riches are two things that almost everyone aspires to, yet "A Cup of Tea" demonstrates that prosperity may be harmful.

In order to prove to a young, attractive, and impoverished girl that rich people are also kind, the story's main character, Rosemary, is a wealthy woman.

At the conclusion of the tale, Rosemary lets the girl go, but she never understood how poorly she had planned.

To know more about Poverty and wealth, visit:



The response in the given case would be-Although there are other contributing variables, one stands out above the rest: having an affluent or impoverished upbringing.

Although there are other factors that play a role, having a wealthy or poor upbringing stands out above the rest.The short stories "miss rosie," "The Idler," and "A Cup of Tea" challenge readers to think about how wealth can blind one to reality, how poverty can have a negative impact on one's life, and how poverty can actually improve one's character.Most people want to be powerful and wealthy, but "A Cup of Tea" shows that wealth may not always be good.Rosemary, the main character, is a wealthy woman who wants to show a young, attractive, and poor girl that rich people can also be kind.At the end of the story, Rosemary lets the girl go, but she never realized how bad her planning was.

To know more about Poverty and wealth, visit:



and i got a colorful aura like neon guts lyrics.
Complete the lyrics above


And I got a colorful aura. Like I got neon guts. Uh huh, yeah, yeah. And I got a colorful aura. Like I got neon guts.

The word neon perfectly fits Lil Uzi Vert's style, as his melodies exude a fuzzy shine that is stunning and strong; they're shining and showy, conjuring the glow and hum of bright, fluorescent lighting.

Uzi collaborates with Phar-rell on "Neon Guts,"from his debut studio album Lu-v Is Ra-ge 2, to luxuriate in glamor and gloss, delivering "colorful auras" through gaudy tones and fantastical flexes.

Uzi's vocal runs and turns have a glimmer about them that is exhilarating. Each syllable is alive; they act as conductors for electric currents. While he is still developing as a writer, he outperforms many of his contemporaries in phonic composition.

To know more about neon guts:



The use of “leader full” in this sentence conveys the idea that the authors


The use of “leader full” in this sentence conveys the idea that the authors
have created a comprehensive and complete guide to leadership.

What is author?
are individuals who create literary works such as books, articles, stories, poems, and plays. They can also create other types of works such as non-fiction, essays, autobiographies, and screenplays. Authors have a great deal of creative freedom in choosing their topics and the way they wish to present the material. They may focus on one particular genre or use multiple genres. Authors may also use different literary devices to tell their stories and create effects. Writers often work alone, but they may also collaborate with editors, publishers, and other writers. Writing can be a fulfilling and rewarding profession, but also a challenging one that requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance.

To learn more about author


Explain the rhetorical devices the authors of ""It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens"" and ""Outsmart Your Smartphone"" use to persuade readers. Cite evidence to support your response. Use the RACE strategy. Write at least 4-5 sentences.


In their books, “It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens” and “Outsmart Your Smartphone”, authors Danah Boyd and Chris Bailey, respectively, use a variety of rhetorical devices to persuade readers.

One of the most commonly used rhetorical devices both authors employ is the use of pathos. In “It’s Complicated”, Boyd draws on the emotions of her readers by discussing stories of young people who have experienced cyberbullying, and the negative impacts social media can have on their lives.

Bailey also uses pathos to engage readers by discussing the ways in which smartphones can be detrimental to our physical and mental health, and how it can be difficult to keep our lives in balance.

The authors also use logos to make their points. In “It’s Complicated”, Boyd presents research and data to support her claims, and in “Outsmart Your Smartphone”.

Both authors also use ethos, citing their own experiences and expertise to strengthen their arguments. Boyd talks about her experience as a sociologist researching the effects of technology on youth, while Bailey discusses his own journey to become an expert on productivity.

Finally, they both make use of the RACE strategy – research, answer, cite, explain – to support their claims. Throughout their works, Boyd and Bailey consult scientific studies, present answers to their questions, cite evidence from their research, and explain the implications of their findings.

In conclusion, both authors have made use of pathos, logos, ethos, and the RACE strategy to persuade their readers. Through their use of these rhetorical devices, Boyd and Bailey have successfully argued their points and provided compelling evidence to back them up.

To learn more about devices, click here:



You will begin to make your
argument for why/why not the imperialist country should repair damage to the colonized
country. In this paragraph, you could discuss: How was the society of the country changed by
being invaded/ colonized? You will choose one aspect of society (for instance, traditional culture,


The invasion and colonization of a country can have a drastic effect on its traditional culture. Colonizers often impose their own values and practices, replacing those of the indigenous people.

What is colonization?

Colonization is the practice of sending people from one country or region to settle in another, with the purpose of establishing political, economic, or religious control over a new area. It is a form of imperialism, in which a stronger nation takes control of a weaker one, often with the aim of exploiting its resources.

This can lead to a loss of traditional language and customs, and can even lead to the erasure of entire cultural identities. In many cases, the native people are forced to conform to the colonizer’s way of life, leading to a breakdown in the society’s traditional values. This can have a long-lasting effect on the colonized country, leading to a lack of social cohesion and a sense of alienation among its people. As a result, it is essential that the imperial power responsible for the damage to the colonized country should take responsibility for repairing the damage they have caused, both financially and culturally.

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Which of the following are differences between the traditional and contribution format to income statements?-compared to traditional statements, contribution format statements provide management with a tool to make decision making easier-traditional income statements focus on cost classifications. contribution format statements focus on cost behavior. A tank holds 52.9 cm3 of water. What is the volume in in3? Explain the process of tooth decay. Which sentence best explains the relationship between cells, tissues. And organs in the human body ted haggard, the pastor of a mega church who publicly condemned homosexuality as a sin, resigned from his position when it was revealed that he engaged in homosexual activity and possessed methamphetamines. this illustrates the concept of . a client is being discharged today from the hospital. the nurse delegates morning care to the unlicensed assistive personnel (uap). the assessment finds that the client is able to stand and ambulate independently without weakness or dizziness. the nurse will delegate what type of care to be provided based on the assessment findings? Which precedent was established by the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison?A The federal government has the power to regulate trade among the states.B State governments lack the authority to regulate federal bureaus.C Federal courts determine the constitutionally of a law.D State courts lack the authority to hear cases challenging federal law. the nurse is assessing fall risk in a community. what information would be included in the fall efficacy scale? (select all that apply.) According to the Costa Rica Rainforests Outward Bound School, the rain forests of theworld are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute, day and night. In December 2000,53,694,993 acres of rain forest were destroyed. Which of the following facts about rainforests illustrates the negative effect of their destruction on the environment?A. Trees from the rain forest are used to supply the growing population with lumber forhomes and furniture.B. The release of carbon dioxide into the air during the burning of the rain forests addsto the greenhouse effect.C. The soil of the rain forest is low in nutrients, so farmers cannot reuse the same landevery year.D. Ranchers clear and use the land for pastures for their cattle because land isinexpensive.E. Almost half of the tropical rain forest deforestation occurs in South America. Which of the following characteristics will produce the most desirable smear to be examined using a Gram stain?A. A single drop of cerebrospinal fluid on a slideB. Thick, opaque material from an abscess on a slideC. Thin, monolayer of material from an abscess on a slideD. Six drops of blood from an EDTA tube on a slide need help pls:)) can someone help me to make a poem pls Which of the following facts concerning fixed assets should be included in the summary of significant accounting policies? Depreciation Method Composition No Yes Yes NoNo NoYes Yes Nth root Assign outValues with the nth root of the inValues. The root is specified by rootValue. rootValue inValue Ex: If inValues is [4, 9, 16, 25] and rootValue is 2, then outValues = [2, 3, 4, 5] harrison needs a new toaster. he ask his friends what brands they have, and is looking for one that can handle bagels. he does not think about looking at any other attributes such as energy consumption or warranties. what type of problem solving is harrison undertaking? Which graph represents the solution set of the compound inequality below?x+3 TRUE OR FALSE in a projectized organization the functional manager has complete, or very close to complete, power over the project team. Use the motion map to answer the question. A motion map. The position line is a long black arrow pointing right with x as the reference point at left. Above the line are 3 dots with short vector arrows moving toward x, then a dot, then 2 dots with longer vector arrows moving away from x. Describe the position and velocity of the object based on the motion map. when the robot reaches the gray square, it turns around and faces the bottom of the grid. which of the following changes, if any, should be made to the code segment to move the robot back to its original position in the bottom-left square of the grid and facing toward the bottom of the grid? I need help, please. This is overdue. I need the answers asap(Please don't search up these questions, answer them by knowledge please)(You will get brainliest if it's helpful) What economic problem would be solved by taking money out of circulation (away from people)? What could the Fed do to contract the money supply? What is a contractionary action Congress could take? Why do these contractionary actions help with this problem?