what is the author's likely purpose for including the detail of daedalus crying in paragraph 2


Answer 1


To show his anxiety for his son

Related Questions

4. Use sentence clues, such as contextual definitions or restatements, to determine the meaning of the word relegate from the plessy v ferguson case. Verify that your determined meaning makes sense by checking it in the context of the sentence or paragraph. Write your definition here and explain how you determined and verified it.​


Perspective hints that can be found inside of a sentence, paragraph, or passage can be used to discern the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.

How can the meaning of unknown words and expressions be ascertained using context cues?

It can be helpful to consider the words that follow before and after a new term while trying to understand what they signify. The terms used immediately before and after the new term can give readers helpful context cues regarding its meaning, makeup, and usage.

What sort of context clues are restatement clues?

Restatement/Synonym Clue A straightforward restatement or synonym might provide light on a word's or phrase's meaning. Example: "We were a long way from the remote site."

To know more about restatements visit:



Based on the context, what is the meaning of samovar?

a portable soda dispenser
an urn for boiling water for tea
a chest for organizing utensils
an object for storing coffee


Answer: An urn for boiling water for tea.

To His Excellency, General Washington
What two things does the speaker compare in the first half of the third stanza? What is the effect of this comparison? Support your response with evidence from the text.



The two things that are compared in the information provided are: Eolus heaven's fair face and

the pouring through heavens gates heavens armies.

The poem was written by Phillis Wheatly Peters.

Who was Phillis Wheatly?

Phillis Wheatly Peters is one of the more prolific writers of the pre-nineteenth century America.

She was educated as a slave in the household of John Wheatley. John Wheatley was a commercialist.

Learn more about Phillis Wheatly Peters at the link below:



making effective use of subordination.
Some scientists are skeptical about life on other planets. Astronomers calculate that there are many Earth-like planets. Some evidence exists that microbes once survived on Mars.


Astronomers estimate that there are numerous Earth-like planets, despite the scepticism of some scientists regarding the existence of life on other planets.

How do astronomers estimate stars?

The distance, mass, size, temperature, and composition of stars, as well as their size and temperature, are all estimated by astronomers using a variety of techniques. One popular method is spectroscopy, which entails examining the light emitted or absorbed by a star to determine the chemical components of its atmosphere and determine its temperature, gravity, and other properties. A different approach is photometry, which measures a star's brightness over a range of light wavelengths to estimate its size and distance. In order to better understand the characteristics of stars, astronomers also use models of stellar evolution to predict the properties of stars based on their initial mass and composition. They then compare their predictions with observational data.

To Know more about Astronomers Visit:



In recent times, how would you describe the respect for dissent in U.S. public debates? How important is recognizing dissent in public debates?


"In recent times, there has been a growing concern over the lack of respect for dissent in U.S. public debates. Many people feel that there is a trend towards demonizing those who hold different views, rather than engaging in constructive dialogue and debate. This can lead to a chilling effect on dissent, where people may feel hesitant to express their views openly for fear of being attacked or ostracized.

Recognizing dissent in public debates is extremely important for a healthy democracy. Dissent encourages critical thinking and allows for the exploration of new ideas and perspectives. It also helps to prevent groupthink and can lead to more creative and effective solutions to societal problems.

When dissent is not respected, however, it can have serious consequences. It can lead to a polarized society, where people are unwilling or unable to work together towards common goals. It can also lead to the suppression of minority views and the marginalization of certain groups.

Therefore, it is important to foster a culture of respect for dissent in public debates. This involves creating spaces for open and respectful dialogue, where people can express their views without fear of retribution. It also involves valuing diverse perspectives and recognizing the importance of dissent in the democratic process." (ChatGPT, 2023)

In 35 words or fewer, what opinion does Swift seem to hold of human
Tyne answer here


In his satirical writings like "A Modest Proposal" and "Gulliver's Travels," Swift seems to have a low opinion of people, presenting them as egotistical, greedy, and morally reprehensible.

What is the main human-related idea in Swift?

Swift wants to turn newborns and young toddlers into abstract numbers. By making the Irish people appear like things and animals, this technique distances the speaker and readers from the Irish people.

What issues would Swift's suggestion largely address?

In A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift recommends that the Irish should eat their children because doing so will have several benefits. He claims it will help with crime prevention, population control, financial gain, and the creation of fashionable clothing from young people.

To know more about writings visit:-



Attacking their country would certainly …………. a political problem (crisis).


Insidius. A political issue would undoubtedly arise if they were attacked (crisis).

Which political crisis is an example?

The constitutional crisis surrounding the Coloured vote in South Africa in the 1950s, the secession of the southern U.S. states in 1860 and 1861, the removal of the Australian federal government in 1975, and the Ukrainian crisis in 2007 are just a few examples.

Can a crisis be referred to as a war?

When seen from this perspective, war is merely a another way for the crisis to continue. Now, a summary of the connections between these three ideas is possible. Wars don't always break out in crises. Protracted confrontations or longstanding rivalries can result in crises that happen within, externally, or both.

To know more about Political crisis visit:



Use “The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth” and the poem by Langston Hughes to answer the following question. 11 How does the central idea of the informational text contribute to your understanding of the theme of the poem? Cite evidence from the texts in your response.



The central idea of "The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth" is that the Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that emerged in Harlem, New York City, during the 1920s and 1930s. This movement was characterized by a burst of creativity in African American art, music, literature, and intellectual thought, which helped to promote racial pride and challenged the negative stereotypes of African Americans prevalent in American society.

The theme of Langston Hughes' poem "Harlem" is the frustration and disappointment experienced by African Americans due to the unfulfilled promises of the American Dream. The poem asks what happens to a dream deferred, suggesting that it may dry up like a raisin in the sun, fester like a sore, or explode.

The central idea of "The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth" contributes to our understanding of the theme of "Harlem" by providing historical context for the frustration and disappointment expressed in the poem. The informational text explains how African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance were creating vibrant and innovative art, literature, and music, yet were still facing discrimination and prejudice in their everyday lives. This helps us to understand why African Americans might feel frustrated and disappointed when their dreams are deferred, despite their cultural and artistic achievements.

For example, in "The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth," the author states that "African Americans, despite the social and economic barriers they faced, were able to create a cultural movement that celebrated their humanity and challenged the negative stereotypes about them." This shows that African Americans were able to achieve great things despite the obstacles in their way. However, in "Harlem," the speaker wonders what happens when dreams are deferred and asks if they "dry up like a raisin in the sun." This image suggests that even though African Americans had achieved cultural and artistic success, their dreams of true equality and freedom were still not being realized.

Overall, the central idea of "The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth" contributes to our understanding of the theme of "Harlem" by providing historical context and explaining the cultural and artistic achievements of African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance. This helps us to see the frustration and disappointment expressed in the poem in a broader cultural and historical context.

How are the adults you know different from your peers?

In what ways have the adults matured with age?

What is one thing you can learn from the example of the adults in your life as you mature as well?



The adults i know are different from my peers because they are responsible and they know what is right and wrong. They have matured with age because they realized what was important to them and how they could spend their time wisely and to focus on the things that matter to them. I can learn to find out what is important to me and focus on the things I love and the things that will uplift me and help me grow as a person. I can also learn to do the right thing and be responsible.


It was only when I looked at photograph that I saw how similar we were​


The passive voice is given as: "It was only when the photograph was looked at that the similarity between us was seen."

How is this changed?

The original sentence is in active voice, where the subject "I" performs the action of looking at the photograph and discovering the similarity between themselves and someone else.

In the passive voice version, the subject is removed and the sentence is restructured so that the photograph becomes the subject and the action is performed on it.

The verb "looked at" is in the past tense, and "was seen" is in the passive voice indicating that the similarity was not actively discovered by anyone but rather was revealed through the act of looking at the photograph. The passive voice is used to emphasize the object or action, rather than the subject performing the action.

Read more about passive voice here:


It was only when I looked at photograph that I saw how similar we were​

Change this to passive voice

wordly wise 3000 book 9 lesson 7
answer key


Answer: Wordly Wise 3000, 3rd Edition is not compatible with 2nd Edition teacher's guides and resources. Wordly Wise 3000, Book contains 15 lessons with 150 words.


Summary of this for my English homework bit I can’t really summarise


The summary is that praccticing mindfulness and deep breathing exercises to help you stay calm and centered in the moment.

How to convey the information

Identify and challenge any negative thought patterns that may be fueling your anger.

Find healthy outlets for your anger, such as exercise or creative expression.

Seek professional help if your anger is causing significant problems in your life or relationships.

Practice forgiveness and letting go of grudges, as holding onto anger can be detrimental to your well-being.

Remember, anger is a normal human emotion, but it's important to learn how to express it in a healthy way that doesn't harm yourself or others.

Learn more about summary on;



Which lines from the poem best support the answer to Part A?
"As out of the gloom of the cypred grove / The
mocking-bird sings at night."
"And heard well up from the deep dark wood / A
mocking-bird's passionate song."
"In a strain to soothe his bleeding heart, / And he
smiled at the sound of my voice and lyre,"
"Of my mind so weary and sick and wild, / Of my
heart too sad to sing."


The lyrics "As out of the shadow of the cypred grove / The mocking-bird sings at night" and "And heard well up from the deep dark wood / A mocking-passionate bird's song" best support the Part A solution.

In what ways does Dunbar's word choice influence the poem's tone?

By acknowledging that trying to find solace from his pain is pointless, he conveys a tone of resignation. By mentioning how he delighted in aiding others, he establishes a tone of encouragement.

What do you think the poem's major message is?

The subject of a poem, or "what it's about," if you prefer, is the poem's central idea. Despite the fact that many people dislike poetry being "about," it is always best read as it was originally intended.

To know more about poem visit:-



Making Predictions and Visualizing with "The
Most Dangerous Game," Part 2
Written Response (Project): Group Discussion


To begin, your group should review and analyze the text of "The Most Dangerous Game," paying close attention to key details such as the setting, characters, plot, and themes. As you read, you should also make note of any predictions or visualizations that come to mind based on the text.

Once you have completed your individual analysis, you can come together as a group to discuss your observations and predictions. You should consider questions such as:

What predictions did you make about the outcome of the story?

How did the setting and characters influence your predictions?

What visualizations did you have while reading the text?

How did your visualizations change as the story progressed?

What themes emerged from the story, and how did they impact your predictions and visualizations?

As you discuss these questions, you should also work to synthesize your individual observations into a cohesive group analysis. You may want to use graphic organizers, such as mind maps or Venn diagrams, to help organize your thoughts and visualize connections between different elements of the story.

FOR more information on The Most Dangerous Game, see:



What are questions I can ask about climate change for a seminar?



Here are some possible questions you could ask about climate change for a seminar:

What is climate change and how does it differ from natural variations in the Earth's climate?

What are the main causes of climate change and how are humans contributing to it?

What are the potential consequences of climate change and how might they impact different regions of the world?

What actions can individuals, communities, and governments take to mitigate and adapt to climate change?

How can we balance economic development and growth with the need to address climate change?

What role can technology play in addressing climate change, and what are some promising innovations in this area?

How can we engage the public and raise awareness about the urgency of addressing climate change?

What are the ethical implications of climate change, and how can we ensure that our responses are equitable and just for all people and species?

How can international cooperation and diplomacy help address climate change, and what are some of the challenges in achieving this?

How might climate change impact global security, and what can be done to reduce the risks of conflict and instability?

Which of the following is a reason that people believe as an explanation as to why Prince Hamlet is “insane”?
According to Polonius, Prince Hamlet is crazily distraught from unrequited love
According to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Prince Hamlet is crazily upset at Claudius for thwarting Prince Hamlet’s political and royal ambitions.
According to Gertrude, Prince Hamlet is crazily disillusioned over her speedy marriage to Claudius.
A and B
All of the above


According to Polonius, Prince Hamlet is crazily distraught from unrequited love. All of the above are correct.

What is Hamlet's mental illness?

In the play, there is no definitive diagnosis of Hamlet's mental illness, and academics have discussed a number of hypotheses. Many people have hypothesised that Hamlet may be experiencing depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the trauma of his father's passing and his mother's hurried remarriage to his uncle. Others have argued that Hamlet's actions are best understood as a manifestation of grief or as the result of his internal conflict between his desire for vengeance and his moral principles. In the end, the text leaves room for a variety of interpretations, and there is still discussion among academics and theatre professionals about Hamlet's mental state.

To Know more about Prince Hamlet Visit:



How does Angela thoughts on luck change throughout the story? The 13th PLEASE I NEED HELP I only got like 2 days to finish this


"The 13th" by Shelley Walden is a short story that follows the protagonist Angela on her journey of discovering the truth behind the superstitions surrounding the number 13. Throughout the story, Angela's thoughts on luck change significantly as she experiences a series of events that challenge her beliefs.

What is the luck  about?

At the beginning of the story, Angela is very superstitious and believes that the number 13 is unlucky. However, as the story progresses, Angela's thoughts on luck begin to change. She meets a man who explains to her that the number 13 has different meanings in different cultures and that it is not universally considered unlucky. This encounter prompts Angela to re-examine her beliefs and consider the possibility that luck is not simply a matter of superstition.

Finally, Angela experiences a series of fortunate events that occur on the 13th day of the month. In conclusion, Angela's thoughts on luck change significantly throughout the story. She starts off as a very superstitious person who believes that luck is simply a matter of chance and external factors.

Learn more about luck on:



See full question below

The 13th by Shelley Walden |: How does Angela thoughts on luck change throughout the story?

Which statement best describes the central idea that Emerson discusses in this

A. A real understanding of nature requires an inner response to what we see.
B. Understanding nature is a highly scientific and intellectual activity.
C. Nature's overall beauty often blinds us to the fineness of its details.
D. It is impossible for adults to develop a true appreciation of nature.


Option A, "Real understanding of nature needs an interior response to what we perceive," captures the essence of Ralph Waldo Emerson's argument in this text the best.

American philosopher, writer, and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was regarded as one of the most important philosophers of the 19th century. His ideology placed a strong emphasis on independence, individualism, and the value of nature as a source of enlightenment.

philosophic tenets of Emerson:

Emerson was a strong proponent of individualism and thought that each person had a special inner genius and should follow their own path in life. He urged people to rely on their own instincts and intuition rather than on the advice of others or accepted wisdom.

Emerson advocated for people to take charge of their own life and not rely on others for direction or assistance. He held that self-control, toil, and a willingness to take chances are the keys to great success.

In general, Emerson's worldview emphasized the value of personal autonomy, independence, and the pursuit of goodness and beauty. People all across the world are still motivated by and influenced by his views today.

To know more about Ralph Waldo Emerson, click on the link below:



“Comet Facts".
Scientists think comets hold pristine materials within them that date back to the formation of our solar
The word "pristine" in this sentence most likely means
A impressive
B clean
C pure
D beautiful


In this sentence it most likely means C. Pure

Sometimes the main point is summed up in one sentence called a __________________.
thesis statement
call to action



The one sentence that sums up the main point of a piece of writing is called a "thesis statement".

read the excerpt from a rumor of war which best describes the purpose of the paradox in the excerpt


To empathize the difficulties faced by soldiers in untraditional warfare.

Hope this helps and if you don’t mind, could you vote me brainliest cause I’m trying to become brainliest

Tone and Purpose
Read the passage and then circle your answer to the questions that follow. (40 Points)
(1) I wake up and bounce out of bed in a pleasant mood and then notice that I can see my breath.
(2) There is frost on the bathroom mirror and a thin sheet of ice in the toilet. (3) So I trot
downstairs and turn up the thermostat. (4) I like the house to be cozy, as if we had a blazing fire
in each room, but I am married to Nanook of the North, who feels a person of character can put
on a warm sweater and be comfortable at 58 degrees.(5) The furnace rumbles in the basement,
and I make coffee and fetch the paper. (6) Then she appears in the kitchen in her woolens and
says, "The thermostat was set at 85. (7) Do we have elderly people coming for breakfast?" (8) I
explain that I had found the thermostat set low. (9) "Put on a sweater," she says.
3. The tone of this paragraph is
a. critical.
b. pessimistic.
c. encouraging.
d. sarcastic.


The tone of this paragraph is sarcastic. Therefore, the correct option is d.

In lines 1-4, the speaker expresses their pleasant mood, but that quickly changes when they find their home is cold and the thermostat has been set to a low temperature. In lines 6-9, the speaker and Nanook of the North have an exchange of words where Nanook suggests the speaker to put on a sweater while the speaker explains they found the thermostat set low.

This sarcastic tone is further emphasized in line 7 where Nanook questions if they are expecting elderly people for breakfast. When making a sarcastic remark, the speaker's tone contradicts the meaning, often pitting two clashing ideas against each other.

Therefore, the tone in the given paragraph is sarcastic. Hence, the correct answer is option d.

Learn more about Tone:



Passage 1
Are people who work from home slackers? Recent
research suggests just the opposite. One study
examined the habits and concerns of both in-office
and off-site employees over the course of two years.
The researchers learned that those who worked
at home were 13% more productive and worked
longer hours on average than those who worked
in the office. Interestingly, the telecommuters took
far less time off than their in-office counterparts.
The researchers also found that the rate of at-home
workers who quit their jobs was far lower than
it was for employees who worked in the office.
Without stressful commutes, worries about having
to take sick days, and various distractions in the
office, the telecommuters reported being much
happier with their positions.
Passage 2
After working from home for the past year, I
was relieved to get back into the office. The office
environment has provided me with a much-needed,
set schedule-I work for eight hours, and then I
go home to a relaxed and work-free environment.
When I worked at home, my "office" was always
accessible, and my work hours bled into my leisure
time so that I was never fully free of my job. Even
when spending time with my family after dinner,
I'd be checking emails and thinking about projects.
Today, my former home office is a family room,
and when I spend time relaxing there, work never
crosses my mind. Well, almost never.
The authors of both passages probably would
characterize telecommuters as being generally
A. unproductive
B. stressed
C. hardworking
D. satisfied


Answer: C


The authors of Passage 1 and Passage 2 would both characterize telecommuters as being generally hardworking and satisfied. Therefore, the correct answer is C. hardworking.

Video game censorship is unnecessa






please help me to answer this questions.see the attached document ​


That capability you would possibly be the usage of the frequent phrase "please find attached.” Other versions consist of "attached, please find,” "please kindly discover the connected file,” "please find the attached file for your reference,” and "enclosed please find.”

How do you say you have connected a document?

If you're sending a letter with a document, you would say “enclosed” or perhaps “provided herewith.” If you are sending an email, the report is “attached.” The way you could phrase that is as follows: Attached for your statistics and documents is a replica of (name of document). Attached please locate (name of document).

How do you write a letter with attached documents?

How to format a professional electronic mail with an attachment

Begin with a clean email. First, log in to your e mail account. ...

Follow easy formatting rules. Start the e mail with a greeting, such as “Dear Ms. ...

Mention the attachments. In your email, reference the attached documents. ...

Note the attachments. ...

Add the attachments.

Learn more about attached document here;



Study Notes: William Cowper
1. Describe the death of the sailor
in 'The Castaway."
2. What wider implications are
made in "The Castaway" re-
garding the speaker?
3. What attitude toward nature
does Cowper present in The
4. Explain the speaker's compari-
son of the stricken deer.


Religious values and charity are prominent themes in William Cowper's poetry, which is primarily motivated by religion.

What is William Cowper's The Castaway's synopsis?

The poem captures the sailor's emotions as his life, the lives of his shipmates, and the ship itself drift away from him, obliterating any chance of survival. Also, it conveys the sailor's desperation and mounting terror as he senses his own drowning.

What is William Cowper's poem "The snail" explained?

In this poem, the poet makes the implication that the snail is not a member of the throng, which is unafraid to interact with one another by going about their daily lives. Instead, the snail is an expert at organizing things.

To know more about The Castaway visit:



How does the pronoun you choose affect the appropriateness of language?
A. Pronouns have nothing to do with appropriate language.
B. Using an inclusive pronoun does not exclude either gender.
C. Using an exclusive pronoun makes a sentence more appropriate.
D. Pronouns make a sentence grammatically correct.


B. Using an inclusive pronoun does not exclude either gender.

I liked people laughing at me.( change into passive )


Answer: I like being laughed at.


Identify which persuasive device is best represented in the statement below. I received a call less than ten minutes after sending an email for help. I'll never turn anywhere else.


Testimonial persuasive device is best represented in the statement below. I received a call less than ten minutes after sending an email for help. I'll never turn anywhere else.

What of the meaning of testimonial?

A testimonial is a type of persuasive strategy that uses endorsements, suggestions, or declarations from people who have had favourable experiences with a good, bad, or indifferent idea. Testimonials are frequently used in advertising and marketing campaigns to promote a good or service. They can take the form of written or spoken statements, video testimonials, or social media posts. Because potential customers are more likely to believe the experiences and opinions of others who have used the product or service, testimonials are effective because they foster a sense of trust and credibility. A business or organization's reputation can be improved with the help of testimonials, which are a potent tool for increasing brand loyalty.

To Know more about Testimonial Visit:



2. Discuss about the importance of vocabulary development​


Answer:Vocabulary development is important because it improves all areas of communication, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing1. It also improves reading comprehension, language development, and expression of emotions and feelings2,3. Vocabulary growth is directly related to school achievement and future success1,4,5. Vocabulary development is an ongoing process that starts in infancy and continues throughout life3,4.


Answer: hope this helps


Vocabulary development is crucial since it enhances all communication skills, including reading comprehension, language development, and the ability to convey one's sentiments and emotions1. 2,3: Increased vocabulary is significantly associated to academic success and future success 1,4,5. Vocabulary development is a lifelong process that begins in early childhood and never ends.

Other Questions
You are solving this system of equations by eliminating y first. Which of the following options belowshows the correctly multiplied pair of equations?12x + 6y = 102x + 3y = 8a. 12x+6y=10-12x + (-36y) = -48b. 12x+6y= 10-12x + (-18y) = -48c. 12x+6y= 10-24x + (-6y) = -16d. 12x+6y=10y-4x + (-6y) = -16 A sibation in which a market economy leads to too few or too many resources going to a particular econacnic activity is known as A. creative destruction 8. excesshe competion. C. competion D. a market ACT 4. SCENES 1-2Read Friar Laurence's speech in Act 4, Scene 1, in which he lays out his plan for Juliet. Then, distill the plan into 6 clear steps, and detail thembelow in your own words (in as much detaill as possible). Then, see if you can identify possible problems at each stage.STEPONESTEPTWOSTEPTHREESTEPFOURSTEPSIXSTEPFIVETRAGEDYREQUIRES ASITUATION WHERENO SOLUTIONIS POSSIBLE.-W.B. YeatesPotential problemsCan you think of a better plan than the one that the Friar came up with? Detail it below, taking intoaccount the context of the time, and Juliet's pressure from her parents. For all the reactions, identify the reaction type and name the products formed. 1) How would you prepare ethoxyethane from ethene? Provide equations/reactions2) How would you prepare propanoic acid from prop-1-ene? Provide equations/reactions3) Place the following organic molecules in order of increasing boiling points: butane, butan-2-one, butanoic acid, and butan-2-ol. 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What are data bars? How do data bars differ from sparklines? Select the answer with the correct number of significant figures for each calculation. (6.022 1023) 2.58 = 1.55 1024 1.554 1024 1.5537 1024 i am not sure how to do this, and i really need to get this class over with 1.4.3 cst monsters and heros CWB Inc. produces stuffed bunnies. The company normally produces and sells 78,000 stuffed bunnies each year at a selling price of $50 per unit. The company's unit costs at this level of activity are given below: Direct materials $9.30 Direct labor 8.00 Variable manufacturing overhead 2.00 Fixed manufacturing overhead 6.00 ($468,000 total) Variable selling expenses 1.50 Fixed selling expenses 6.00 ($468,000 total) Total cost per unit $32.80 An outside manufacturer has offered to produce stuffed bunnies and ship them directly to CWB's customers. 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(Round contribution margin ratio to 6 decimal places, e.g. 15.296465\% and final answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 125.) Break-even point in dollars Calculate the margin of safety in dollars and the margin of safety ratio. (Round margin of safety in dollars to the nearest whole dollar, e.g. 5,275 and margin of safety ratio to 2 decimal places, e.g. 15.25\%.) Margin of safety $ Margin of safety ratio % Which of these is would BEST indicate a patient has a problem as a result of inadequate breathing Write an essay about what kind of leader you want to be and why. You will graded on format, spelling, grammar andpunctuation and proper sentence structure.