what is the average size of a customer's bill at a restaurant that earns daily $3,250 for the meals that it sells to 200 customers? $32.50 $20.00 $16.25 $15.84


Answer 1

The average size of a customer's bill at a restaurant that earns daily $3,250 for the meals that it sells to 200 customers is $16.25. Therefore, the right answer is option (c).

The average or mean is calculated by taking the ratio of the total sum of the outcomes of an event to the frequency or the number of times the event occurs.

It can be written as [tex]\frac{n_1+n_2+.....+n_a}{a}[/tex].

In the given question, the sum of the customer bill is given as $3,250.

And the number of customers served is given to be 200.

Therefore, the average size of a customer's bill is calculated by [tex]\frac{3250}{200}[/tex]

Which turns out to be $16.25.

Learn more about Average:



Answer 2

The answer is $16.25. To find the average size of a customer's bill, you would divide the total earnings by the number of customers.
$3,250 / 200 customers = $16.25 per customer.

To find the average size of a customer's bill at the restaurant, you need to divide the total daily earnings by the number of customers. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. The restaurant earns $3,250 daily from the meals it sells.
2. The restaurant serves 200 customers daily.

Now, calculate the average bill size:

3. Divide the total daily earnings ($3,250) by the number of customers (200).

$3,250 ÷ 200 = $16.25

The average size of a customer's bill at the restaurant is $16.25.

To learn more about average size : brainly.com/question/773358


Related Questions


Point U is located at (5,2) on the coordinate plane. Point U is reflected over the y-axis to create point U'. Point U' is the reflected over the x-axis to create point U". What ordered pair describes the location of U"?




Step-by-step explanation:

i think this is correct because i tried to solve in paper.

A point that moves on a coordinate line is said to be in simple _________ ___________ if its distance d from the origin at time t is given by either d = a sin ωt or d = a cos ωt.


A point that moves on a coordinate line is said to be in simple harmonic motion if its distance d from the origin at time

t  is given by either d = a sin ωt or d = a cos ωt.

Simple harmonic motion, or SHM for short, is a particular kind of periodic motion of a body that results from a dynamic

equilibrium between an inertial force that is proportional to the body's acceleration away from the static equilibrium

position and a restoring force on the moving object that is directly proportional to the size of the object's displacement

and acts towards the object's equilibrium position. If friction or any other energy dissipation is not present, it leads to an

oscillation that is represented by a sinusoid and that lasts indefinitely.

The oscillation of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force specified by Hooke's law is a

good example of simple harmonic motion, which may be used as a mathematical model for many different motions.

The motion has a single resonant frequency and is sinusoidal in time. Simple harmonic motion can be used to simulate

a variety of other phenomena, such as the motion of a simple pendulum, though it is only a good approximation when

the angle of the swing is small; for more information, see small-angle approximation. In order for the model to be

accurate, the net force acting on the object at the end of the pendulum must be proportional to the displacement.

Molecular vibration can also be modelled using straightforward harmonic motion.

for such more question on simple harmonic motion



School: Date Assignment: Directions: Solve the following equation. Write the complete solutions on a 1 whole sheet of paper. 1) y + 6 = 20 2) x-12 = 18 3) c + 15 = 25 4) 5y-2 = 18 5)3 + 2x = 17 6) 5x (12 + 5) = 85 7) 96-4b = 28 8) 5h + (-55) = 20 9)-12 + y + (-25) = 45 10) y-(-18) = 14 +11​


You seem to have made a typo.


y = 14

x = 30

c = 10

y = 4

x = 7

x = 3

b = 17

h = 15

y = 82

y = 32

This is not an equation and cannot be solved.


To solve each equation, we need to isolate the variable (the letter that we are solving for) on one side of the equation. To do this, we perform the same operation on both sides of the equation until the variable is alone on one side. Here are the steps for each equation:

y + 6 = 20

Subtract 6 from both sides: y = 14

x-12 = 18

Add 12 to both sides: x = 30

c + 15 = 25

Subtract 15 from both sides: c = 10

5y-2 = 18

Add 2 to both sides: 5y = 20

Divide both sides by 5: y = 4

3 + 2x = 17

Subtract 3 from both sides: 2x = 14

Divide both sides by 2: x = 7

5x (12 + 5) = 85

Simplify the left side: 5x (17) = 85

Divide both sides by 85: x = 3

96-4b = 28

Subtract 96 from both sides: -4b = -68

Divide both sides by -4: b = 17

5h + (-55) = 20

Add 55 to both sides: 5h = 75

Divide both sides by 5: h = 15

-12 + y + (-25) = 45

Add 12 and 25 to both sides: y = 82

y-(-18) = 14

Simplify the left side: y + 18 = 14

Subtract 18 from both sides: y = -4

This is not an equation and cannot be solved.

Question 2
The box plot represents the number of tickets sold for a school dance.

A horizontal line labeled Number of Tickets sold that starts at 8, with tick marks every one unit up to 30. The graph is titled Tickets Sold for A Dance. The box extends from 17 to 21 on the number line. A line in the box is at 19. The lines outside the box end at 10 and 27.

Which of the following is the appropriate measure of center for the data, and what is its value?
The mean is the best measure of center, and it equals 19.
The median is the best measure of center, and it equals 4.
The median is the best measure of center, and it equals 19.
The mean is the best measure of center, and it equals 4.

Question 5

A recent conference had 900 people in attendance. In one exhibit room of 80 people, there were 65 teachers and 15 principals. What prediction can you make about the number of principals in attendance at the conference?
There were about 820 principals in attendance.
There were about 731 principals in attendance.
There were about 208 principals in attendance.
There were about 169 principals in attendance.
Question 6
A teacher was interested in the subject that students preferred in a particular school. He gathered data from a random sample of 100 students in the school and wanted to create an appropriate graphical representation for the data.
Which graphical representation would be best for his data?

Stem-and-leaf plot
Circle graph
Box plot
Question 7

A random sample of 100 middle schoolers were asked about their favorite sport. The following data was collected from the students.
Sports Basketball Baseball Soccer Tennis
Number of Students 17 12 27 44

Which of the following graphs correctly displays the data?
histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled basketball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled baseball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled soccer going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled tennis going to a value of 44
histogram with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44
bar graph with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled basketball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled baseball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled soccer going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled tennis going to a value of 44
bar graph with the title favorite sport and the x axis labeled sport and the y axis labeled number of students, with the first bar labeled baseball going to a value of 17, the second bar labeled basketball going to a value of 12, the third bar labeled tennis going to a value of 27, and the fourth bar labeled soccer going to a value of 44
Question 8

A New York City hotel surveyed its visitors to determine which type of transportation they used to get around the city. The hotel created a table of the data it gathered.
Type of Transportation Number of Visitors
Walk 120
Bicycle 24
Car Service 45
Bus 30
Subway 81
Which of the following circle graphs correctly represents the data in the table?
circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled walk 80 percent, bus 16 percent, car service 30 percent, bicycle 20 percent, and subway 54 percent
circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled walk 40 percent, bicycle 8 percent, car service 15 percent, bus 10 percent, and subway 27 percent
circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled subway 40 percent, bus 8 percent, car service 15 percent, bicycle 10 percent, and walk 27 percent
circle graph titled New York City visitor's transportation, with five sections labeled subway 80 percent, bicycle 20 percent, car service 30 percent, bus 16 percent, and walk 54 percent
Question 9
A college cafeteria is looking for a new dessert to offer its 4,000 students. The table shows the preference of 225 students.
Ice Cream Candy Cake Pie Cookies
81 9 72 36 27

Which statement is the best prediction about the scoops of ice cream the college will need?
The college will have about 480 students who prefer ice cream.
The college will have about 640 students who prefer ice cream.
The college will have about 1,280 students who prefer ice cream.
The college will have about 1,440 students who prefer ice cream.


2. The appropriate measure of center for the given data is the median, and it equals 19.

5.  We can predict that there were about 169 principals in attendance at the conference.

6. The best graphical representation for the teacher's data would be a bar graph.

7.  A histogram is used to display continuous data, while a bar graph is used to display categorical data.

8. The correct circle graph to represent the data is titled "New York City Visitor's Transportation"

9. We can predict that the college will need about 1440 scoops of ice cream.

Median, bar chart, histogram

Answer 2:

The appropriate measure of center for the given data is the median, and it equals 19. We can determine this from the box plot since the line inside the box represents the median of the data, and the box itself represents the middle 50% of the data. Since the box extends from 17 to 21, we know that half of the data falls below 19 and half above, making it the median. The mean is not a good measure of center for this data because it can be influenced by outliers, which are present in this dataset.

Answer 5:

Since we know that 15 out of 80 people in the exhibit room were principals, we can assume that about 15/80 (or about 0.1875) of the attendees were principals. To estimate the number of principals in attendance, we can multiply this fraction by the total number of attendees:

0.1875 x 900 ≈ 169

Therefore, we can predict that there were about 169 principals in attendance at the conference.

Answer 6:

The best graphical representation for the teacher's data would be a bar graph. A bar graph is a useful way to display categorical data, such as the subject preferences of the students. Each subject can be represented by a bar, with the height of the bar representing the frequency or percentage of students who prefer that subject.

Answer 7:

The correct graph to display the data is a bar graph with the title "Favorite Sport" and the x-axis labeled "Sport" and the y-axis labeled "Number of Students". The bars should be labeled "Basketball" with a value of 17, "Baseball" with a value of 12, "Soccer" with a value of 27, and "Tennis" with a value of 44. A histogram is used to display continuous data, while a bar graph is used to display categorical data.

Answer 8:

The correct circle graph to represent the data is titled "New York City Visitor's Transportation" and has five sections labeled "Walk" at 30%, "Bicycle" at 6%, "Car Service" at 11.25%, "Bus" at 7.5%, and "Subway" at 20.25%. To calculate the percentages, we can divide the number of visitors for each mode of transportation by the total number of visitors (i.e., 300), then multiply by 100% to get the percentage.

Answer 9:

To estimate the number of students who prefer ice cream, we can add up the number of students who chose ice cream, which is 81. Then, we can set up a proportion:

81/225 = x/4000

where x represents the number of students who prefer ice cream out of the total population of 4000. Solving for x, we get:

x = 81 x 4000 / 225 = 1440

Therefore, we can predict that the college will need about 1440 scoops of ice cream.

Learn more on central tendency here https://brainly.com/question/17631693


Which table represents a function?



Table 4 represents a function because each x-value corresponds to exactly one y-value.

How many 6-digit numbers can be found using the digits from 1 to 6 if the number is less than 400000 and the even digits occupy the even places in descending order, answer should be 4



Step-by-step explanation:


Answer step-by-step explanation

g you are dealt a hand of three cards from a standard deck of 52 cards. a. how many different combinations of 3 cards can you possibly have? b. how many different combinations of 3 aces can you possibly have?


a) There are 22,100 possible combinations of 3 cards that can be drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards.

b) There are only 4 possible combinations of 3 aces that can be drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards.

How to find the possible combinations of 3 cards?

a) The number of different combinations of 3 cards from a deck of 52 cards is given by the combination formula:

C(52, 3) = 52! / (3! * (52-3)!) = 22,100

Therefore, there are 22,100 possible combinations of 3 cards from a deck of 52 cards.

How to find the possible combinations of 3 aces?

b) Since there are 4 aces in a standard deck of 52 cards, the number of different combinations of 3 aces is given by the combination formula:

C(4, 3) = 4! / (3! * (4-3)!) = 4

Therefore, there are only 4 possible combinations of 3 aces from a deck of 52 cards.

Learn more about Combination formula



jackie converted the fallowing decimals to fractions.

explain plisssss



Step-by-step explanation:

To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. The line in the middle of a fraction is essentially a large division sign.

Let's check Jackie's work

1/200 = 0.005

3/10 = 0.3

7/8 = 0.875

4/5 = 0.8

Jackie listed 7/8 as 0.625, which is incorrect. 7/8 is 0.875

So, 0.625 is your answer.

Please help me with this homework




Step-by-step explanation:

c = 2[tex]\pi r[/tex]

c = 2[tex]\pi[/tex]7

x = 14[tex]\pi[/tex]

Helping in the name of Jesus.

Evaluate: a = 3, b = 6, c = 4 a •b + c



Step-by-step explanation:(3)(6)+(4) = 18+4= 22

Briana Ralph is married and claims 2 allowances. Her gross weekly salary is $450. Each week she pays federal, Social Security, and Medicare taxes, $21.20
for medical insurance, and $5.00 for the credit union. What is her net pay?




Step-by-step explanation:

you have to add the taxes and insurance together then subtract it by the gross salary and then you get your answer brainly please



The approximation of √300 to the nearest integer is 17

What is an integer?

An integer is a whole number that can be positive or negative or zero. Examples of integers are 0, -5, 10, 15, 1000. e.t.c. Decimal numbers are not integers.

Since the value of √300 can not give a whole number because 300 is not a perfect square. This means that the answer given will not be an integer. Therefore saying that we should approximate to integer means approximation to whole number.

√ 300 = 17.32. Therefore the approximation of the value of √300 to the nearest integer = 17.

learn more about integers from



can yall help me with this question this would rlly help me out!




Step-by-step explanation:

You have two shape: a square and a triangle


The area of a square is the sides squared

a = [tex]s^{2}[/tex]  The side length is 7 (7 x 7 = 49)

a = [tex]7^{2}[/tex]

a = 49


a [tex]\frac{bh}{2}[/tex]  The base times the height divided by 2

The base is 7 and the height is 3.

a = [tex]\frac{7x3}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{21}{2}[/tex] = 10.5

Add the two areas together: 49 + 10.5 = 59.5

Helping in the name of Jesus.

Consider a circle whose equation is x2 + y2 – 2x – 8 = 0. Which statements are true? Select three options. The radius of the circle is 3 units. The center of the circle lies on the x-axis. The center of the circle lies on the y-axis. The standard form of the equation is (x – 1)² + y² = 3. The radius of this circle is the same as the radius of the circle whose equation is x² + y² = 9.



The radius of the circle is 3 units.

The center of the circle lies on the y-axis.

Step-by-step explanation:

The circle equation is :

x² + (y-1)² = 3²

center: (0, 1)  The center of the circle lies on the y-axis.

Radius:  3     The radius of the circle is 3 units.

A right triangle has a side length of 10,6 and x. Find x if it is one of the legs show your work



The missing side of the right triangle is 8, and it is one of the legs.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Write down the Pythagorean theorem.

The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the longest side) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. In equation form, it looks like this:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

where a and b are the lengths of the legs (the shorter sides) and c is the length of the hypotenuse.

Step 2: Identify which sides are the legs and which is the hypotenuse.

In our triangle, we are given the lengths of two sides, 10 and 6. We don't know which one is the hypotenuse and which one is a leg. However, we can use the fact that the hypotenuse is always the longest side to figure it out. Since 10 is longer than 6, we know that 10 is the hypotenuse.

Step 3: Apply the Pythagorean theorem to find x.

Now that we know which side is the hypotenuse, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find x. We substitute the values we know into the formula and solve for x:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

6^2 + x^2 = 10^2

36 + x^2 = 100

x^2 = 100 - 36

x^2 = 64

x = √64

x = ±8

Step 4: Choose the positive value of x.

Since x represents a length of a side of a triangle, it must be a positive value. Therefore, x = 8.

Step 5: Verify that the answer is correct.

We can check that our answer is correct by substituting x = 8 into the Pythagorean theorem and seeing if it holds true:

6^2 + 8^2 = 10^2

36 + 64 = 100

100 = 100

Find the missing measures in each diagram.



X = 65°

Y = 75°

Z = 65°

Step-by-step explanation:


Angle Y and the angle measuring 75 degrees are corresponding angles, and corresponding angles are congruent to each other in degree measure.

There is also another set of corresponding angles, and those are Angle Z and Angle X.

Since Angle Y and 75° are corresponding, we can state that Angle Y is also 75°. We can now find Angle Z by subtracting 40° and 75° from 180°. This is because the sum of angles in a triangle is 180°.

Angle Z:180° - 40° - 75°180°-115°65°

The measure of Angle Z is 65°. We know that Z and X are corresponding, so X is also 65°.

Between which two integers does 7/3 lie Answer A 4 and 5 Answer B 1 and 2 Answer C 2 and 3 Answer D 3 and 4


We can conclude that 7/3 lies between the integers 2 and 3. So, correct option is C,

To determine between which two integers 7/3 lies, we can use division and rounding.

Dividing 7 by 3 gives 2 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, we can express 7/3 as the sum of 2 and a fraction:

7/3 = 2 + 1/3

Since the fraction 1/3 is less than 1/2, we can round down to 2. Therefore, we can conclude that 7/3 lies between the integers 2 and 3.

This question requires us to determine between which two integers the fraction 7/3 lies. One approach to solving this is to perform long division, which gives us a quotient of 2 with a remainder of 1. We can express 7/3 as the sum of the quotient and the fraction 1/3. Since 1/3 is less than 1/2, we round down to the nearest integer, which in this case is 2.

Answer C, 2 and 3, is the correct answer.

To learn more about integers click on,



the town mouse and the country mouse


1. The characters in "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" are two mice who are cousins. The town mouse is described as elegant, refined, and sophisticated, while the country mouse is simple and unsophisticated.

2. The main idea of the story is that one should be content with their simple life rather than crave for a luxurious life full of dangers and uncertainties.

What is The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse?

"The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" is a fable, a short story that teaches a moral or lesson. It tells the story of two cousins, a town mouse and a country mouse, who visit each other's homes and experience each other's way of life. The town mouse lives in luxury and eats rich food, but is always in danger from the cat, while the country mouse lives a simple life but is safe and content.

3. The sequence of events in the story is as follows:

The country mouse invites the town mouse to visit him in the countryside.The town mouse accepts the invitation and visits the country mouse.The country mouse serves the town mouse simple food, which the town mouse finds unappetizing.The town mouse invites the country mouse to visit him in the town.The country mouse accepts the invitation and visits the town.The town mouse serves the country mouse luxurious food, but they both get scared and run away when the cat appears.The country mouse returns to his simple life, realizing that it's better to be safe and content than to live in luxury but in constant danger.

4. Important details in the story include the description of the town and country mice, the differences in their lifestyles, and their reactions to each other's homes. These details are important because they emphasize the theme of the story, which is that it's better to be content with one's simple life than to crave for a luxurious but dangerous life.

5. I think "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" is a great story because it teaches an important lesson in a fun and engaging way. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is entertaining, making it easy for readers to understand the message.

6. One question I have about the writing is whether the author intended the story to be a commentary on social class and wealth.

7. A fable is a short story that teaches a moral or lesson. Fables usually feature animals or other non-human characters that can talk and behave like humans.

8. The moral of "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" is that it's better to be content with a simple life than to crave for luxury and danger. The story shows that the country mouse is happier and safer in his simple life than the town mouse, who is always in danger despite his luxurious lifestyle. This lesson teaches readers to be satisfied with what they have rather than always craving for more.

Learn more about The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse on https://brainly.com/question/29592899


town mouse and country mouse are cousins, the town mouse is working hard, (keep up the good work bud,) and the city mouse is relaxing, one day, town mouse was invited to city mouse’s city, they were relaxing, and then, a dog almost killed the mouses.

In circle C, FG and FE are tangent segments, m
Choose the two answers that represent the angle measures of the central and circumscribed angles.


The angle measures of the central angle GFE and the circumscribed angle GCE in circle C are 83° and 79° respectively.

What is angle?

Angle is a geometric term used to describe the measure between two lines or surfaces that intersect each other. It is measured in degrees, and is typically represented by the Greek letter θ (theta). Angles can be acute, obtuse, right, reflex, or straight. Acute angles are angles that are less than 90°, obtuse angles are angles that are greater than 90°, and right angles are angles that measure exactly 90°. Reflex angles are angles that measure greater than 180°, and straight angles measure exactly 180°.

The two correct answers are 83° and 79°. The angle measure of the central angle GFE is 3x + 11. Therefore, 3x + 11 = 83°, and x = 26. The angle measure of the circumscribed angle GCE is 5x - 23. Therefore, 5x - 23 = 79°, and x = 26. As both equations have the same value for x, the two angle measures are 83° and 79°.

In conclusion, the angle measures of the central angle GFE and the circumscribed angle GCE in circle C are 83° and 79° respectively.

To know more about angle click-

Consider the equation 2/3×(p-q)=1
Which one of these can be the values of p and q


The values which satisfy the given equation 2/3×(p-q)=1 is given by option b.  p= 5/2 , q= 1.

Equation is equal to,


Simplifying the equation multiply both the sides by 3/2we get,

2/3 × (p-q) = 1

⇒2/3 × (p-q) × 3/2 = 1 × 3/2

⇒ (p-q) = 3/2

Now check all the values of p and q which satisfy this equation,

p = 3/2, q = 1

⇒ (p-q) = (3/2 - 1)

⇒ (p-q) = 1/2

It is not equal to 3/2,

So option a) is not a solution.

p = 5/2, q = 1

⇒ (p-q) = (5/2 - 1)

⇒ (p-q) = 3/2

It is equals to 3/2.

So option b) is a solution.

p = 3/2, q = 5/2

⇒ (p-q) = (3/2 - 5/2)

⇒ (p-q)  = -1

It is not equal to 3/2,

So option c) is not a solution.

p = 1, q = 1/2

⇒(p-q) = (1 - 1/2)

⇒(p-q) = 1/2

It is not equal to 3/2,

So option d) is not a solution.

Therefore, the only values that satisfies the equation 2/3 × (p-q) = 1 is option b) p= 5/2 , q= 1.

Learn more about values here



The above question is incomplete , the complete question is:

Consider the equation 2/3 × (p-q) = 1. Which of these can be the values of p and q?

a) p = 3/2, q= 1

b) p= 5/2 , q= 1

c) p= 3/2 , q= 5/2

d) p= 1, q= 1/2

7. Suppose that there is a rumour going around
your school that next year all weekends will
be extended to three days. Initially, on day 0,
five students know the rumour. Suppose that
each person who knows the rumour tells two
more students the day after they hear about
it. Also assume that no-one hears the rumour
more than once.
a) How many people will learn about the
i) on day 1?
ii) on day 2?


On day 1, each of the 5 people tells 2 more people, so 5 x 2 = 10 people now know the rumor, including the original 5.

a) How many people will learn about the rumour

i) on day 1?

a) Let's first consider how the number of people who know the rumor grows each day:

On day 0, 5 people know the rumor.

On day 1, each of the 5 people tells 2 more people, so 5 x 2 = 10 people now know the rumor, including the original 5.

On day 2, each of the 10 people tells 2 more people, so 10 x 2 = 20 people now know the rumor, including the original 5 and the 10 from day 1.

i) Therefore, on day 1, a total of 10 people will know the rumor.

ii) On day 2, a total of 20 people will know the rumor.

to know more about number



# 15) A boat is heading towards a lighthouse, where Jeriel is watching from a vertical distance of
113 feet above the water. Jeriel measures an angle of depression to the boat at point A to be
8°. At some later time, Jeriel takes another measurement and finds the angle of depression to
the boat (now at point B) to be 52°. Find the distance from point A to point B. Round your
answer to the nearest tenth of a foot if necessary.


the distance between point A and point B is approximately 777.9 feet.

what is  distance ?

Distance is a numerical measurement of how far apart two objects or points are from each other. It is a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics, and it can be defined in different ways depending on the context.

In the given question,

Let's denote the distance between Jeriel and point A as x, and the distance between Jeriel and point B as y. We want to find the distance between point A and point B, which we can call d.

From the first measurement, we can draw a right triangle with one leg of length x, another leg of length 113, and an acute angle of 8 degrees. The angle opposite the leg of length 113 is 90 degrees minus 8 degrees, or 82 degrees. We can use tangent to find x:

tan(8) = 113/x

x = 113/tan(8)

x =802.5

From the second measurement, we can draw another right triangle with one leg of length y, another leg of length 113, and an acute angle of 52 degrees. The angle opposite the leg of length 113 is 90 degrees minus 52 degrees, or 38 degrees. We can use tangent to find y:

tan(52) = 113/y

y = 113/tan(52)

y =72.4

Now we can use the Law of Cosines to find d:

d² = x² + y² - 2xy cos(130)

where 130 degrees is the angle between the sides of length x and y. We can simplify this equation and substitute the values we found for x and y:

d² = (802.5)² + (72.4)² - 2(802.5)(72.4) cos(130)

d =777.9

Therefore, the distance between point A and point B is approximately 777.9 feet.

To know more about  distance , visit:



marvin company sells pens ($6) and flashlights ($10). if total sales were $624 and customers bought 7 times as many pens as flashlights, what would be the number of pens sold?


If total sales were $624 and customers bought 7 times as many pens as flashlights, then the number of pens sold is 84.

Let's start by assigning variables to represent the unknown quantities.

Let x be the number of flashlights sold.

Then, since "customers bought 7 times as many pens as flashlights," the number of pens sold would be 7x.

The total sales can be expressed as the sum of the sales of each item:

10x (sales from flashlights) + 6(7x) (sales from pens) = 624

Simplifying this equation

10x + 42x = 624

52x = 624

x = 12

So, the number of flashlights sold is 12.

And the number of pens sold would be 7x = 7(12) = 84.

Learn more about equation here



Solve the triangle


The sum of the three interior angles is 180°
So; 180-58-41

A= 81°

Using law of sines to find side b and c; A-S-A

a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC Given side a= 10

10/sin(81°) = b/sin(58°) = c/sin(41°)

First side b;

10/sin(81°) b/sin(58°)

b= 10sin(58°) / sin(81°)

side b = 8.6

side c

10/sin(81°) c/sin(41°)

c= 10sin41° / sin81°

side c= 6.6

Find the measures of angle and B. Round to the nearest degree.


The measure of angle A and angle B are 30° and 60° respectively.

What is the measure of angle A and angle B?

The figure in the image is a right-triangle.

To find the measure of angle A and angle B, we use the trigonometric ratio.

Solving for the measure of angle A:

sinθ = opposite / hypotenuse

opposite of angle A = 8

hypotenuse = 16

Plug in the values

sinθ = 8/16

sinθ = 1/2

θ = sin⁻¹( 1/2 )

θ = 30°

Solving for angle B

cosB = adjacent / Hypotenuse

adjeacent of angle B = 8

Hypotenuse = 16

Plug in the given values

cosB = 8/16

cosB = 1/2

B = cos⁻¹( 1/2 )

B = 60°

Therefore angle A is 30 degrees and angle B is 60 degree.

Learn more about trigonometric ratio here: brainly.com/question/28016662


What is the value of the expression 8w−4j2 when w=0. 25 and j=0. 5?


The value of the expression 8w - 4j² when w = 0.25 and j = 0.5 is 1.

The expression 8w - 4j² is a combination of variables, w and j, and a constant, 8 and 4. In order to evaluate the expression when w = 0.25 and j = 0.5, we substitute these values for w and j in the expression and perform the necessary calculations.

First, we substitute w = 0.25 and j = 0.5 in the expression:

8(0.25) - 4(0.5)²

Next, we simplify the expression by performing the calculations in the parentheses first. Since 0.5² = 0.25, we can simplify 4(0.5)² to 4(0.25) = 1. We can then simplify 8(0.25) - 4(0.5)² to:

= 2 - 1

= 1

Learn more about expression here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

What is the value of the expression 8w−4j² when w=0. 25 and j=0. 5?

Jamie was working on his math homework with his friend, Kent. Jamie looked at the following problem. −9. 5 − (−8) − 6. 5 He told Kent that he did not know how to subtract negative numbers. Kent said that he knew how to solve the problem using only addition. What did Kent mean by that? Explain. Then, show your work, and represent the answer as a single rational number


The value of the expression as a single rational number is -8.

Kent was likely referring to the idea that subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive number. Specifically, to subtract a negative number, we can add the opposite of that number (i.e., the positive version of that number). In this case, we can rewrite the expression as:

= -9.5 - (-8) - 6.5

= -9.5 + 8 - 6.5      (replacing -(-8) with its positive equivalent 8)

= (-9.5 - 6.5) + 8    (grouping like terms)

= -16 + 8                (simplifying)

= -8

Therefore, the value of the expression is -8, which is a single rational number.

To know more about rational number



3. In raising a 7000 N motorcycle with a pulley system, the workers note that for every 3 m of rope pulled down- ward, the piano rises 0. 3 m. Show that 700 N is required to lift the motorcycle


If workers note that for every "3 m" of rope pulled down-ward, the piano rises 0.3 m, then we have shown that 700 N is required force to lift the motorcycle.

The term "Mechanical advantage" (MA) is defined as ratio of "output-force" to "input-force" in a machine.

In this case, the output force is the weight of the motorcycle (7000 N) and the input force is the force applied to pull the rope downward.

We use the formula for mechanical advantage in a pulley system, which is given by:

⇒ MA = (distance moved by the effort) / (distance moved by the load),

In this case, the distance moved by the effort is 3 m, and

The distance moved by the load is 0.3 m,

Substituting the values,

We get,

⇒ MA = 3/0.3,

⇒ MA = 10,

So, mechanical advantage of "pulley-system" is 10.

Now, we use mechanical advantage to calculate the required force to lift the motorcycle.

Since mechanical advantage is defined as the ratio of output force to input force, we can rearrange the formula as:

⇒ Input force = (Output force)/(Mechanical advantage),

Substituting values for "output-force" as 7000 N and "mechanical-advantage" as 10,

We get,

⇒ Input force = 7000/10,

⇒ 700 N,

Therefore, the required force to lift motorcycle is 700 N.

Learn more about Pulley System here



in order to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the hourly wages of two companies, two independent random samples were selected and the following statistics were calculated. company a company b sample size 80 60 sample mean $6.75 $6.25 population standard deviation $1.00 $0.95 refer to exhibit 10-8. the value of the test statistic is . a. 3.01 b. 1.645 c. 2.75 d. .098


The value of the test statistic is approximately 2.84. Its significance can't be determined.

To determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the hourly wages of two companies, we need to conduct a hypothesis test.

The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between the hourly wages of the two companies, while the alternative hypothesis states that there is a significant difference.

The test statistic for this hypothesis test is calculated using the formula:

[tex]t = (x1 - x2) / (s1^2/n1 + s2^2/n2)^(1/2)[/tex]

where x1, x2 are the sample means for companies A and B, s1 and s2 are the sample standard deviations for companies A and B, and n1 and n2 are the sample sizes for companies A and B.

Plugging in given values, we get:

[tex]t = (6.75 - 6.25) / [(1^2/80) + (0.95^2/60)]^(1/2)[/tex]

t = 0.5 / 0.1759

t = 2.8437

Without knowing the significance level or the degrees of freedom, we cannot determine whether or not the test statistic is statistically significant.

Learn more about test statistic here:



The value of the test statistic is 2.75.

To determine the test statistic for comparing the hourly wages of two companies, the researcher would need to conduct a two-sample t-test with equal variances.

The formula for the test statistic is:

[tex]t = (\bar x1 - \barx2) / [s_p \times \sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2)][/tex]


[tex]\bar x1[/tex] and[tex]\bar x2[/tex] are the sample means for Company A and Company B, respectively

[tex]s_p[/tex] is the pooled standard deviation of the two samples, calculated as:

[tex]s_p = sqrt [((n1 - 1) \times s1^2 + (n2 - 1) \times s2^2) / (n1 + n2 - 2)][/tex]

n1 and n2 are the sample sizes for Company A and Company B, respectively

s1 and s2 are the sample standard deviations for Company A and Company B, respectively.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

[tex]t = (6.75 - 6.25) / [\sqrt(((80-1)\times 1^2 + (60-1)\times 0.95^2)/(80+60-2)) \times \sqrt(1/80 + 1/60)][/tex]

[tex]t = 2.75[/tex]

For similar questions on statistic



a researcher wishes to see if the average number of sick days a worker takes per year is greater than 5. a random sample of 28 workers at a large department store had a mean of . the standard deviation of the population is . is there enough evidence to support the researcher's claim at ? assume that the variable is normally distributed. use the -value method with tables.


The p-value is greater than 0.05, the researcher would fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is not enough evidence to support the claim that the average number of sick days taken per year by workers is greater than 5.

It appears that some values are missing in your question, specifically the sample mean and the population standard deviation.

Without these values, I cannot provide a complete answer to your question.

A general idea of how to approach this type of hypothesis test.

To test whether the average number of sick days a worker takes per year is greater than 5, the researcher would need to set up the following hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0):

The average number of sick days taken per year by workers is equal to or less than 5.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha):

The average number of sick days taken per year by workers is greater than 5.

The next step would be to collect a random sample of workers and calculate their sample mean and sample standard deviation.

Based on these values, the researcher would then calculate the t-value using the formula:

t = (sample mean - hypothesized population mean) / (sample standard deviation / sqrt(sample size))

The hypothesized population mean in this case is 5, the sample size is 28, and the sample mean and sample standard deviation would be substituted in.

Once the t-value is calculated, the researcher would then use a t-distribution table to find the corresponding p-value based on the degrees of freedom (sample size minus 1) and the level of significance (0.05).

If the p-value is less than 0.05, the researcher would reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is enough evidence to support the claim that the average number of sick days taken per year by workers is greater than 5.

The specific critical t-value would be based on the degrees of freedom and level of significance.

For similar questions on Claim



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