What is the best definition of fallacious reasoning?

1. too much evidence in an argument
2. emotions that support a claim
3. reasoning that supports an argument
4. faulty reasoning in an argument


Answer 1




i just had this on a quiz and emotions that support a claim was the right answer

Answer 2


im pretty sure its 4


im taking the quiz

Related Questions

On Election Day, U.S. citizens head to the polls. They cast their votes. These are called popular votes.

To cast a vote is to __________.

Press enter to interact with the item, and press tab button or down arrow until reaching the Submit button once the item is selected
A give it
B read it
C imagine it
Dl ose it


This question doesn’t really make sense but If i’m giving my best guess I would choose A
I would say give it so a

Why is it important to honor timelines?


Answer: Around 160,000 Allied troops, 73,000 of whom were Americans, stormed the beaches of Normandy in a carefully coordinated attack. Before the invasion was over, an estimated 4,500 troops had lost their lives. Another 5,500 were listed as wounded or missing. German casualties topped 9,000.



Timelines are very important in any study of history, as they allow one to connect concepts temporally, i.e. that is to say, with respect to time.

Read this excerpt from the poem "Lincoln Looked.”

Lincoln looked forward and saw
a divided house cannot stand.
He looked ahead, beyond the brim
of his stovepipe hat, and where
there were many people, he saw one.

Lincoln looked up at the clouds
turning in the sky and knew that
the nation was doing the same thing
in time.

It was time for a change. Lincoln
looked deep within himself and searched
for the recipe for a new country made
from so many wild and unique ingredients.

Which kind of structure does this poem have?

rhythmic verse
formal verse
free verse
repetitive verse


Pretty sure it’s formal verse.


formal verse


Someone help me with this ASAP


The first one written by hand

Please give me an ACTUAL answer :)

Think of a short story that you’ve read that has meant something to you. It can be one of the short stories from this unit or one that you’ve read on your own. Think about why you like the story you have chosen. Then, compare and contrast the short story to other stories you’ve read. Explain what makes the story you chose to stand out more than other stories. Did the point of view make the story particularly appealing to you? Did the characters or the setting draw you in? Was the writing style inviting and approachable? What was it about the story’s message and ideas that interested you?



ExplaJack and Jill as it teaches us that people will do anything to save themselves and be brave but red riding hood for example has no real meaning behind it except don’t be too confidentnation:

I like the short story the lottery. It gives a twist at the end that you would never expect. Especially since it’s written by Shirley Jackson that means it’s of course going to be a wild story.

Read this excerpt from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

She was rambling on in this way when she reached the wood: it looked very cool and shady. “Well, at any rate it's a great comfort,” she said as she stepped under the trees, “after being so hot, to get into the—into WHAT?” she went on, rather surprised at not being able to think of the word. “I mean to get under the—under the—under THIS, you know!” putting her hand on the trunk of the tree. “What DOES it call itself, I wonder? I do believe it's got no name—why, to be sure it hasn't!”

She stood silent for a minute, thinking: then she suddenly began again. “Then it really HAS happened, after all! And now, who am I? I WILL remember, if I can! I'm determined to do it!” But being determined didn't help much, and all she could say, after a great deal of puzzling, was, “L, I KNOW it begins with L!”

Which question might a reader ask to gain a better understanding of this excerpt?

Why does Alice choose to step through the looking glass?
Why does Alice forget the name of the woods and her own name?
Why does Alice want to play chess with all the others in the garden?
Why does Alice talk to the gnat about the looking-glass insects?


It could be B but i don’t really know that book or anything but the only what that would make sense to me is, B.

write an introduction, presentation, and conclusion about animals



Paragraph in pets!


A pet, or companion animal, is an animal kept primarily as a working animal, livestock or a laboratory animal for the business or enjoyment of an individual. ... Two of the most common animals are dogs and cats; an ailurophile is the technical term for a cat lover and a cynophile is a dog lover.

Animal people are those who respect the value and spirit inherent in non-human beings. ... Bekoff describes it as the ability to feel, feel and relate not only to other beings, but to be related to our surroundings. “And there is another charm about him, namely, that he puts animals in a pleasing light and makes them interesting to mankind.” This is a passage from an author that lost his best friend. This shows how much an animal can mean to a person.

Animals are multicellular eukaryotic species that make up the biological kingdom of Animalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, can travel, reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow cell sphere, the blastula, during embryonic development. About 1.5 million living animal species have been described — about 1 million of which are insects — but it has been estimated that there are about 7 million animal species in total. Animals are 8.5 micron in weight.

The conclusion that I have to make this project is really fascinating and satisfying. I know now that animals have intelligence, and I have learned that they are a lot more intelligent than we think they are. It's just that each species has good parts and bad parts, and they display it in different ways that we don't notice it.

Yet they do have the fundamentals of intelligence: contact. Each animal interacts with each other, and I think they're also trying to connect with us. For example, dolphins communicate by making sounds, dogs, barking, chimpanzees, signs, etc.

In my view, we should start taking care of the animals and try to train their brains because it's like humans that you have to train your brain to keep it going because if we don't start losing capacity. We're not allowed to treat animals like objects.

Also, looking at how they're supporting us, I found they're really making an impact in society. They support us in many ways, be they physical , social or physiological. They're really important to us, and they've opened my eyes to investigate. We couldn't deal with them, they're part of our culture. Think about this, if they weren't relevant, why do we continue to embrace them and make them part of our lives? They are a big part on transmitting sadness into happiness and joy fullness.

I hope this helped. I did get most information from different websites, but they are all put in my own words, so don’t worry about copy and paste. I suggest you read it and change anything you need. I don’t know if you can contact me on this app but if you can please do if you have any questions. Good luck!

sheesh that person above me deserves brainliest

Read the excerpt from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad.

She started talking about William Still and the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee. No one commented. No one asked any questions.

In this excerpt, which rhetorical appeal is Tubman attempting to use to convince people to continue?

Ethos, because she is using her own knowledge as a tool.
Pathos, because she is appealing to her audience’s needs.
Ethos, because she is appealing to their emotional needs.
Pathos, because she is using facts to convince her audience.



Ethos, because she is using her own knowledge as a tool.


Ethos because she is using her own knowledge as a tool

What is a round character?
a character who contrasts the personality of another character
a character who stays the same throughout a story
a character who has a complex personality
a character who has just one or two personality traits
Please help due today



C, a character who has a complex personality.

C because u need to know how they are like and how they are just in general

Fill in the blank. The ______traveler put his suitcase down and rested on the bench.


Answer: Weary


Weary means tired and confused.

Weary because it means rested

Mary is writing an argumentative essay about the benefits of a healthy diet. Which of these sources will be the most reliable? (ASAP)


I would say that Mary should review all resources and compare them, but I  think this is for a quiz.

So I would pick

Healthy Living Magazine

Definitely Healthy Living Magazine

According to the lesson above, verbs are identified by their: _____.


The answer would be action
i think that verbs are identified by actions

Read the following instructions for an imaginary assignment:

Confucius is an ancient Chinese philosopher. For this project, create a multi-media presentation that teaches Confucius’ main philosophical ideas to an audience of your classmates.
What is your task in this assignment?

to create a multi-media presentation
to entertain classmates like yourself
to pretend to be a Chinese philosopher
to explain Confucius’ philosophy


To explain confusion Philippine
To explain Confucius philosophy

Only do first 4 questions I will give brainlist


okay this is what i did just google the answer and a quizlet thing should come up! let me know if u need more help!!

Read the excerpt from The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

We were all now tied; and just as we were to leave for Easton jail, Betsy Freeland, mother of William Freeland, came to the door with her hands full of biscuits, and divided them between Henry and John. She then delivered herself of a speech, to the following effect:—addressing herself to me, she said, "You devil! You yellow devil! it was you that put it into the heads of Henry and John to run away. But for you, you long-legged mulatto devil! Henry nor John would never have thought of such a thing." I made no reply, and was immediately hurried off towards St. Michael's.

Which best describes Betsy Freeland’s attitude toward Frederick Douglass?



Betsy Freeland’s attitude toward Frederick Douglass was resentful. Thank you! Hope this helps!

her attitute towards him was resentful :) i hope this helps :)))

What does domain-specific language mean? Provide examples.


Ex : Domain Languages are

ead the legend titled "The Little Mice."

Once upon a time, a prairie mouse busied herself all fall storing away a cache of beans. Every morning she was out early with her empty cast-off snakeskin, which she filled with ground beans and dragged home with her teeth.

The little mouse had a cousin who was fond of dancing and talk but did not like to work. She was not careful to get her cache of beans, and the season was already well gone before she thought to bestir herself. When she came to realize her need, she found she had no packing bag. So she went to her hardworking cousin and said:

"Cousin, I have no beans stored for winter and the season is nearly gone. But I have no snakeskin to gather the beans in. Will you lend me one?"

"But why have you no packing bag? Where were you in the moon when the snakes cast off their skins?"

"I was here."

"What were you doing?"

"I was busy talking and dancing."

"And now you are punished," said the other. "It is always so with lazy, careless people. But I will let you have the snakeskin. And now go, and by hard work and industry, try to recover your wasted time."
Which statement best identifies the purpose and theme of this legend?
The legend aims to teach readers a lesson about understanding, revealing the theme "honesty is greatly respected."

The legend aims to teach readers a lesson about responsibility, revealing the theme "you get out of something what you put into it."

The legend aims to teach readers a lesson about determination, revealing the theme "any job can be completed with effort and cooperation."

The legend aims to teach readers a lesson about free time, revealing the theme "life's pleasures must equal life's work."



I love that story omg


The legend aims to teach readers a lesson about determination, revealing the theme "any job can be completed with effort and cooperation."




David is completing a word list with words from this paragraph.

We enjoyed all types of travel during our family vacation to Italy. First we took a train to get into the city. Later we rented bikes to explore the mountain trails. Finally, we enjoyed floating along the water in a real Italian gondola!

A 4-column table with 3 rows. Column 1 is labeled Word with entries train, bike, gondola. Column 2 is labeled Part of speech with entries noun, noun, noun. Column 2 is labeled Example sentence with entries "First we took a train to get into the city," "Later we rented bikes to explore the mountain trails," "Finally, we enjoyed floating along the water in a real Italian gondola!" Column 4 is labeled Meaning with entries a rolling group of cars, a two-wheeled vehicle, blank.

What is the meaning of the word gondola?

a three-wheeled vehicle
a long, narrow boat
an extra-long bus
an underground train


Thai moon phases one+2+3+4 = 5


this is for the book seedfolks

only answer if you're 100% sure!!!

Which of the following events belong in the rising action?
The garden is on Gibb Street in Cleveland, Ohio.
Each of the characters finds a way to connect to the garden.
The gardeners cover their soil and close the garden for the winter
The community throws a harvest festival and BBQ.



I THINK, that it might be the middle one, " Each of the character finds a way to connect to the garden.

The middle is correct I just had this question last year

How can never giving up help you Health, Safety, Money, Education, Time, Future Success, and Rights? I need help:(



it can help your money by earning more from something that someone gave up on and they didn't get a chance to get more money. Future Success because it will give you more self-esteem and your willing to try more things


Sorry that all I got :/

Dialogue/Incident in a story that propels the action, reveals an aspect of the character, or provokes a decision. The story is the Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe!!


i don’t understand the question but I’ll answer it as much as I know from the story.

The narrator wants to kill his old man because of his eye. He thinks his eye is a vulture and hates it. He try’s to convince the readers that he is not crazy and it perfectly sane. When he decides he wants to kill him because of it he goes into his room for 7 days a night and watches him sleep. He can’t kill him when the old man is asleep because his eyes will be closed. On the eighth night the old man hears something and him and the narrator stay still for an hour. The narrator knew that the old man was terrified and could feel it. The narrator then made his lantern a little crevice dim ray and saw the old man’s eye and then heard a heartbeat. He held the day upon the eye and then waited. After waiting he threw open the lantern and leaped into the room, dragged the old man on the floor and pulled his heavy bed over him(which basically means he killed him). The last thing he hears from the old man are the heartbeats. The narrator then dismembered his corpse(cut off head, arms, and legs) took 3 planks of wood flooring, and put his body under there. He put back the 3 planks of wood. As the bell sounded the hour, 3 police officers came to the narrator’s house. They got word from a neighbor who said they heard a shriek in the middle of the night. The narrator then lets them in, examines his house, and they also questions . The narrator said he was “absent in the country”. He thought to himself that his manner and how nicely he was satisfied the police and he was going to get away with murder. He then starts hearing a heartbeat. As it keeps going, it gets louder and louder. The narrator at a point couldn’t take it anymore then admitted his crime of killing his old man.

So technically we see that the narrator is well, crazy and mentally ill. He couldn’t take how loud the heartbeats were.
If i didn’t answer your question(bc i don’t really get what the question is asking) please let me know! Thank you!

due soon please help​






1. The ancient history began around 5,000 years beginning with the Sumerian cuneiform script, with the oldest coherent texts from about 2600 BC.

2. My grandmother was telling  me a story last night.


I dont really know if this is what you wanted but if its not i'm sorry.

this question is from perus and the gorgons head plz help


i’d also say 5 and 3
A leader with a hard heart will come to ruin and good always triumphs over evil

Write a poll question or survey that connects to your blog topic.
The topic is Should students wear school uniforms.
I will report you if you only answer to get points because this has a huge affect on my grade



Write something like this, I'm pretty sure


A poll question you could ask is, Do you prefer wearing uniforms to school or the clothes you chose to wear?
Other Questions
A Discalculia um tipo de transtorno de aprendizagem caracterizada por uma inabilidade ou incapacidade de pensar, refletir, avaliar ou raciocinar processos ou tarefas que envolvam nmeros ou conceitos matemticos. Entre as principais caractersticas da discalculia INCORRETO afirmar. Which sentences from the excerpt most emphasize that spring has become a symbol of hope for the boys? Check all that apply.A. That winter we didnt make much progress, for I was in school and Doodle suffered from one bad cold after another.B. But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.C. Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.D. Sometimes we descended into the cool greenness of Old Woman Swamp and climbed the rope vines or boxed scientifically beneath the pine where he had learned to walk.E. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song. Don Long is convicted of second-degree murder for killing a woman he had been seeing over the last few months. The court sentencedhim to 30 years in jail. One year after his trial, Don admits that he withheld evidence thatwould have cleared him. He states he did so to protect his twin brother, who actuallycommitted the crime, but who was dying of cancer at the time. He further states that hedid not want his brother to spend the last years of his life behind bars. His brother hassince died. The evidence is conclusive as to Don's innocence. Should the court set aside his conviction due to the new evidence?What policies would support the court in notdoing so? Eight more than.twice an number is four less than the same number this question is from perus and the gorgons head plz help Actually who can help with ww1 history its due in an hour what aspect should you consider before adding pictures to documents Convert 122 moles of Methane to liters? Sparky Corporation uses the weighted-average method of process costing. The following information is available for February in its Molding Department: Units: Beginning Inventory: 30,000 units, 100% complete as to materials and 55% complete as to conversion. Units started and completed: 120,000. Units completed and transferred out: 150,000. Ending Inventory: 32,500 units, 100% complete as to materials and 30% complete as to conversion. Costs: Costs in beginning Work in Process - Direct Materials: $48,000. Costs in beginning Work in Process - Conversion: $53,850. Costs incurred in February - Direct Materials: $328,050. Costs incurred in February - Conversion: $604,150. Required:Calculate the cost per equivalent unit of materials. what is the slope of this line? When three points lie on the same line HELP PLSBRAINLIEST IF CORRECT One solution to a quadratic equation is x= -5/3 What is true about any remaining solutions?There are two or more complex solutions.There is exactly one more real solution.There is exactly one complex solution.There are no complex solutions.There are no other real solutions.There are at least two more real solutions.thers more than one answer i believe but im completely lost Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help ...................... Changing positive statement to nagative statement If you were designing a novel treatment program, what combination of pharmacological, social, and behavioral treatment tools would you use, and why? [4 points] PLSS HELPPChoose the equation for the line in slope-intercept form.A y=2x+3B y=1/2x+3C y=1/2x3D y=1/2x3 WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT Select the word that correctly completes this sentence:Nous ____ que le Mali est un pays intressant.A. croient B. croit C. croyons D. croyez