What is the best description of Buck's character, based on this excerpt? 1. Buck is peaceful and content.
2. Buck is strong and aggressive.
3. Buck is instinctive and clever.
4. Buck is easygoing and mellow.


Answer 1
what was the excerpt? and is this from the call of the wild?
Answer 2


c. Buck is instinctive and clever.


just took the test.

Related Questions

the climax in "The Bear" occorurs when A: Smirnov challenges Popova to a duel
B:Popova brings out the pistols
C:Popova and Smirmov kiss
D:Smirnov proposes marrige​



B:Popova and Smirmov kiss


13. Which type of plot does The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien have? O The Rebirth
OVoyage and Return
O Overcoming the Monster
O The Quest​



The Quest​


The Rebirth – this is not the right answer. While The Lord of the Rings includes the rebirth of Gandalf in one moment, it’s not the main plot of the series.

Voyage and Return – this is not the correct answer. There is a  narrative of the voyage in the story. Still, this is only as part of the quest, and the return is not the central part of the plot.

Overcoming the Monster – this is not the right answer. Slaying the monster is not the most important task of the fellowship, nor the most important plot point.

The Quest – this is the right answer. The fellowship has a quest to fulfill. This quest is destroying the ring by throwing it into the Mordor. The other points in the plot (including the rebirth, voyage, and slaying the various monsters) are all just side plots to the main thing that is the point of the whole series, which is the quest.

From the four dictionary definitions provided, determine which definition of gravity is LEAST EFFECTIVE as it applies to its use
in the sentence?





What are elements of a body paragraph in a comparative essay? Select four options. details, evidence, examples, a summary, a thesis statement, a topic sentence​



the answer is 1 details, 2 evidence,3 examples, and 6 a topic sentence



A.) details,

B.) evidence,

C.) examples,

F.) a topic sentence


The Human Abstract

by William Blake

Pity would be no more

If we did not make somebody poor,

And Mercy no more could be

If all were as happy as we.

And mutual fear brings Peace,

Till the selfish loves increase;

Then Cruelty knits a snare,

And spreads his baits with care.

He sits down with holy fears,

And waters the ground with tears;

Then Humility takes its root

Underneath his foot.

Soon spreads the dismal shade

Of Mystery over his head,

And the caterpillar and fly

Feed on the Mystery.

And it bears the fruit of Deceit,

Ruddy and sweet to eat,

And the raven his nest has made

In its thickest shade.

The gods of the earth and sea

Sought through nature to find this tree,

But their search was all in vain:

There grows one in the human Brain.
1) Read these lines from the poem.

Then Cruelty knits a snare,
And spreads his baits with care.

The poet’s use of simple language —

a) keeps the poem simple in theme and message

b) exaggerates the mood of the poem

c) creates a light contrast to the dark mood of the poem

d ) reflects the poet’s light attitude toward human nature

2) The author compares Cruelty’s actions to those of a —





3) The meter in the poem can best be described as —

irregular throughout the poem

the same on the last line of every stanza

patterned, but changing partway through the poem

strong and patterned throughout the poem

4) What meaning does the raven offer in the poem?

It is a metaphor for life that lives in every tree.

It builds a nest in the dismal tree that grows on the earth.

It represents man’s cruelty to animals as well as to man.

It symbolizes darkness that lives perpetually in the human mind.

5) What role do the virtues and vices play in the making of the tree?

They symbolize the good in humans and how it works to fend off despair.

They act as characters that feed off one another to create a world of despair.

They represent light and goodness in dismal nature.

They exaggerate the bad in the world and how despair can be inevitable.

6)Which of the following statements best describes the structure of the poem?

Free verse with no rhyme or meter

Quatrains of four successive rhyming lines

A regular pattern of rhyming couplets

Unrhymed lines with regular meter

7) The poet creates stanzas that mostly —

contain a single idea in each

tell a series of stories

repeat ideas for emphasis

do not connect with each other

8) The poem’s message is about —

nature’s ability to take over all of man’s best efforts

the dark side of nature

Cruelty’s power to take from others

the dark nature that can emerge from all mankind

Who ever answer it I will give him 100 points and brainliest I swear. Just do it right


1) b) exaggerates the mood of the poem

2) hunter

3)strong and patterned throughout the poem


It is a metaphor for life that lives in every tree

5)They exaggerate the bad in the world and how despair can be inevitable.

6) A regular pattern of rhyming couplets

7) repeat ideas for emphasis

8)the dark nature that can emerge from all mankind


give other guy brainliest

Write an essay of at least 200 words that describes a revolution you would like to lead. Include a description of what you are revolting against and what you hope to build. Lay out your plan for implementing your revolution and note the language tools you will use to bring it about.



i would like to run a revolution against child abuse because this makes me mad it haxs nothing to do with the childs safety it has more of doing with how they are going to treat there child in the future if this type of pain is afflicted onto the other child then we have a chain reaction



First of all, you need to decide what you will be fighting against. The best way to do so is to find a current political or social issue that makes you feel outraged. For example, we can talk about climate change. We can argue that climate change is a topic that requires our attention because it has long been ignored by the political elites. We also know that it is constantly getting worse and that immediate action is required.

What you hope to build needs to be positive and hopeful. For example, you might want to build a society in which everyone is educated about ecology. You might also want a political system in which sustainability is the main concern.

Finally, the language tools that you will use can be inspired by those that were successful in previous revolutions. For example, you can look at speeches from revolutionary figures such as Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King Jr.


please mark me as brainliest

If it _______________ (work) normally, you can be confident that nothing else is wrong
with it.



If it __working__ (work) normally, you can be confident that nothing else is wrong  with it.


What is a thesis I forgot



a statement or theory that is put up to be proven


if helped plz mark brainllist

a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.

What state was the last state to receive the news that slavery was over? a.Texas b. Louisiana c. Mississippi d. Alabama






c. Texas :)


The golden carp had lived in that harbor all her life and watched with concern as the human port town grew thick and dense like riverweed. What does the phrase "grew thick and dense like riverweed" suggest about the port town? Answer choices for the above question The town population is increasing. The town is foggy and difficult to see. The riverweed has spread to the town. The townspeople have built many new buildings.



A. The town population is increasing


"Grew thick and dense like riverweed" suggests that the port town's "population is increasing".

"Thick and dense" are words that suggests "increase" in terms of population. We can correctly infer and conclude that the port town "grew thick and dense like riverweed" means that the population of the port town was increasing.

Please answer quickly if you can.
Which element is most important in a multimedia presentation?

A.Each slide should cover only one topic.

B.The fonts and colors should be bright and cheerful.

C.The slides should be organized in order of importance.

D.Each slide should have as much information as possible.






Explanation:EDGE 2021 sorry if I’m late!

[Hamlet:] For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause. There’s the respect

That makes calamity of so long life

William Shakespeare

Based on this section of the soliloquy, which words best describe Hamlet’s attitude toward life?

bored and scornful
hopeful and curious
pessimistic and despairing
relaxed and nostalgic


Answer:C-pessimistic and despairing


Based on this section of the soliloquy, The words best describe Hamlet’s attitude toward life is pessimistic and despairing. Thus the correct option is C.

What is the theme of Hamlet?

Hamlet's main themes center on loyalty and friendship. However, because death is both the cause for and result of punishment, it is closely related to the themes of retaliation and justice.

Hamlet sees death as a peaceful release from the never-ending pain and never-ending barrage of problems of life. It is clear that Hamlet is led to dying thoughts because of his perception of death as a pleasant and peaceful dream.

The lines used in this excerpt as phrases used to describe the act of passing away and leaving the concerns and challenges of life behind.

Therefore, option C is appropriate to answer.

Learn more about Hamlet, here:



Make a post of an English book you’re currently reading:





Recommended/Not recommended:


William Shakespeare
A tragedy written as a play. It is about political ambition. It tells the story of a Scottish General and his rise to power, his complicated relationships and use of the account. The prophecy speaks what Macbeth wants to hear so he does unthinkable acts. All of these become his undoing.

The handicaps all characters are forced to wear in HARRISON BERGERON only wind up making them stronger rather than weaker.
true or false


Answer: true


Read the passage from "Part of the Stew."
In this passage, the narrator engages readers by
I was mighty proud of our work. ... I held on to a great
hope that it would keep my father and my city safe.

In this passage, the narrator engages readers by

1. describing the details of the setting.
2. quoting another character.
3. explaining another character’s actions.
4. revealing his own thoughts and feelings.


Number 4 is the answer

how does the book the secret life a part time Indian shows diction and tone?


How does the book the secret life a part time Indian shows diction and tone?

Summary: Go Means Go

Mr. P leaves, and Junior sits on the porch for a long time thinking about his life. Junior’s parents come home, and Junior asks them who has the most hope. Junior’s mom and dad say, “white people,” at the same time, and Junior tells them he wants to transfer schools. They assume Junior means another school on the reservation, but Junior says, no, he wants to go to Reardan—a rich, public school for white farm children 22 miles from the rez. He wants to start at Reardan the next day. Junior says that, even though his parents are drunks, they want a better life for him and Mary. Junior’s dad says it will be hard to get him to school there, and Junior’s mom warns that the other kids on the rez will hate Junior for leaving like this, but they support Junior and agree to help him.

Which word signals a sequence text structure?



a word that signals text structure is finally.


please give brainliest answer

Answer:B- finally


This is on edg 2021シ

List five reasons why saving money is important (not from google pls)



1. if we didn't save money, eventually we wouldn't have any. Therefore we wouldn't be able to buy food or water. Because we can't afford anything we would die. (Sad, but true.)

2. Savings can help us a lot. if we don't save and go blow a bunch of money then when we need to pay bills and such we won't have enough. Then you could lose your house and more because you didn't pay.

3. There are a lot of emergencies that happen. If no one ever saved then you might find yourself in a life or death situation, but don't have money and therefore lose a lot.

4. If you didn't save then someone comes and demolishes your car then your out of luck, but if you save and prepare for the future then it would still be a big loss, but you can still go get a new car and still be able to travel to places you need.

5. if we never save then we could find ourselves in a lot of trouble. There are a number of things that could happen. If we save we can also save ourselves from a lot of trouble.


Someone summarise this passage and find the main point please, will giving brainliest.

Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final research paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes.


What they’re saying is that students use exact, direct quotes from sources for a research paper, and that their paper should include only 10% of direct quotations.

Write this sentence correctly.
because mariela and Tina enjoye dance they goes to many performances



Mariela and Tina enjoy dance because they go to many performances


Mariela and Tina go to many performances because they enjoy dancing.

[White Fang] felt a vacancy in him, a need for the hush and quietude of the stream and the cave in the cliff. Life had become too populous. There were so many of the man-animals, men, women, and children, all making noises and irritations. And there were the dogs, ever squabbling and bickering, bursting into uproars and creating confusions. The restful loneliness of the only life he had known was gone. Here the very air was palpitant with life. It hummed and buzzed unceasingly.

How does White Fang change when he compares his new environment to his old environment?

He appreciates that he is no longer lonely.
He misses the peace of the wild.
He develops a fear of the wild.
He decides to become a loyal pack dog.


He missies the the peace and quit of the wild. I picked that based on this sentence felt a vacancy in him, a need for the hush and quietude of the stream and the cave in the cliff. Life had become too populous. There were so many of the man-animals, men, women, and children, all making noises and irritations.

Answer: The answer is B hope it helps


I WILL GIVE BRAINLYEST what are the 2 parts of the executive?



I think it's the president and the cabinet

Hope this Helps!


The president the vice president and the cabinet


for 100 points and bainliest, please I need help.

You will need to:

1. Read the directions

2. Read the Mentor

3. Pick a myth

4. Research a change.

5. Write your essay

Write an essay that explains how stories are changed for different audiences. In order to do this assignment, you will need to select two versions of the same story/character depiction to compare.

A list of original versions has been provided for you; you will need to select a different version on your own to compare the linked version to.

Consider the following:

What was the purpose of the original version?

What parts of the original were changed?

What’s the intended audience for each version?

What changes were made for specific audiences?

How do the changes to the story change the story’s message?



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Note: If you are a Microsoft 365 customer, versioning is now turned on by default when you create a new library or list, and it will automatically save the last 500 versions of a document. This will help you prevent losing important documents or data. If you have existing libraries or lists on your site or on your team site that do not have versioning enabled, you can turn versioning on for them at any time.

You can use versioning to:

Track history of a version When versioning is enabled, you can see when an item or file was changed and who changed it. You can also see when properties (information about the file) were changed. For example, if someone changes the due date of a list item, that information appears in the version history. You can also see the comments people make when they check files into libraries.

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If your list or library limits versions, you should make sure that contributors are aware that earlier versions will be deleted when the version limit is reached.


Is the narrator in The Fish Poem by Elizabeth Bishop 1st or 3rd point of view? Identify the Narrator:



what the good boys who are there they didn't

List three values and illustrate their importance with evidence from at least three readings?


What is this for and is there a pic

what is your definition of ‘Science’? Be sure to include the role of “questions” in your definition. Can anyone help me with this..


Science is “discovering the truth” and it answers questions in life.

(My definition of science and it’s watered down)

Write an essay that analyzes how a Texas Plains the sequence of events that affected the discovery of the Rosetta Stone



Bonaparte returned to Paris in December 1797 following his successful first Italian campaign and the Peace of Campo Formio as a public hero. He received many distinctions, one of which was his election to the National Institute, an exclusive body of scientists and men of letters. In this unstable period, the Directory employed Bonaparte in a plan to make a direct invasion of England. After a review of these plans, he suggested that an effort be made against her possessions in India might be more successful than a channel crossing. Plans were drawn up to capture Malta and then Egypt in the hopes that the latter occupation would give France control of the lucrative trade routes to the east. The Directory also instructed Bonaparte to build a canal through the Isthmus of Suez and improve the situation of the local population. As Egypt was a nominal Turkish possession, foreign minister Talleyrand was to be sent to Constantinople to explain French plans, but in the end he never met with the Sultan.

Swiss gold helped finance the enterprise. Twenty-one demi-brigades marched toward the ports of Toulon, Marseilles, Genoa, Ajaccio, and Civita Vecchia. Admiral Brueys would command the fleet of 300 ships, and Bonaparte would lead the expedition. In keeping with France's hopes to advance the ideals of the revolution, bring prosperity to Egypt (for their own gain as well as the population's), and unlock the secrets of that ancient land, a large number of civilians would also take part, including many men of letters and science, carefully selected by Bonaparte, General Cafarelli, and the scientist Berthollet. They set sail on 19 April 1798. The convoy eluded the Royal Navy, took possession of Malta, continued on and made a landing at Marabout (just west of Alexandria) on 1 July.


AnswerOn July 19, 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign, a French soldier discovers a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, about 35 miles east of Alexandria. The irregularly shaped stone contained fragments of passages written in three different scripts: Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian demotic. The ancient Greek on the Rosetta Stone told archaeologists that it was inscribed by priests honoring the king of Egypt, Ptolemy V, in the second century B.C. More startlingly, the Greek passage announced that the three scripts were all of identical meaning. The artifact thus held the key to solving the riddle of hieroglyphics, a written language that had been “dead” for nearly 2,000 years.

When Napoleon, an emperor known for his enlightened view of education, art and culture, invaded Egypt in 1798, he took along a group of scholars and told them to seize all important cultural artifacts for France. Pierre Bouchard, one of Napoleon’s soldiers, was aware of this order when he found the basalt stone, which was almost four feet long and two-and-a-half feet wide, at a fort near Rosetta. When the British defeated Napoleon in 1801, they took possession of the Rosetta Stone.

Several scholars, including Englishman Thomas Young made progress with the initial hieroglyphics analysis of the Rosetta Stone. French Egyptologist Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832), who had taught himself ancient languages, ultimately cracked the code and deciphered the hieroglyphics using his knowledge of Greek as a guide. Hieroglyphics used pictures to represent objects, sounds and groups of sounds. Once the Rosetta Stone inscriptions were translated, the language and culture of ancient Egypt was suddenly open to scientists as never before.:

Plz help!

What type of “pledge” could the narrator be referring to? Explain.

'' Mrs. LeSane asked us to please stand, face the flag, place our right hands over our hearts, and say the Pledge of Allegiance. Children across the country do it faithfully. I wonder now when the country will face its children and say a pledge right back.''



they are referring to the pledge of allegiance


while placeing your right hand on your heart you say I pledge Allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with Liberty and Justice for all.

hope dat helped

3. A topic sentence should not be too general, and it should not be too
a. short
c. specific
b. long


Answer: A. Short

It should not be too Short

benefits of market segmentation


Answer:  Market segmentation allows you to target your content to the right people in the right way, rather than targeting your entire audience with a generic message. This helps you increase the chances of people engaging with your ad or content, resulting in more efficient campaigns and improved return on investment (ROI).Mar 11, 2019


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Which one of the following is the reason for the ruling in Luke's favor?a. Luke's original offer of $75,000 is still valid, even though rejected. b. Kent acted in an incompetent manner with regards to the offer.c. Kent's acceptance was past the set time period in the offer. d. Kent's counteroffer of $60,000 had rendered the offer for $65,000 invalid. Pls pls Pls pls Pls Pls help me pls pls pls pls pls pls ASAP pls pls pls Pls pls Pls pls Pls Pls help me pls pls pls pls pls pls ASAP pls pls pls I WILLLL GIVVVE BRAINLIEST!!!!! 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