What is the difference between Great Plains and coastal plains


Answer 1


great plains is a broad expanse of flat land and coastal plains are a flat, low-lying piece of land next to the ocean.


Answer 2
the North Central Plains region is higher and hillier than the Coastal Plains. You can see the difference right away when you cross the Balcones Escarpment. The Great Plains is largely an elevated plateau. It is even flatter than the Coastal Plains, but it contains deep canyons in some area

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what are some of the factors contributing to which candidate wins a presidential election?​



the votesthe electoral college


Some are the votes and the eluctual college of each state butt the second one more

What ideas or events
caused the populations of Philadelphia and
New York City to change over time?



Today marks the 229th anniversary of the start of the constitutional convention in Philadelphia. A few things have changed since then, from how much people drank to who could vote, to how tall people were.

Independence Hall still stands, a few blocks south of the National Constitution Center, with much of the building restored to show its condition in the late 18th century.

Ben Franklin’s house, which also stood a few blocks from the hall, is long gone. The original City Tavern is also gone in Philadelphia, but a replica stands in its place, open for business since 1976.

Back in 1787, the delegates who started the convention on May 25th were locked in a building for most of the summer, without the modern comfort of air conditioning.

The press was barred from covering the event , even though there were 10 newspapers in Philadelphia at the time.

The population of the United States of America was about 3.9 million, according to the 1790 Census. About 700,000 people were being held as slaves. And outside of the census were at least 150,000 Native Americans.

Among that population, only a small number of people were eligible to vote, about 6 percent. Most states restricted voting to white adult men of property.

Today, registered U.S residents who are 18 years of age or older can vote. In 2008, more than 132 million people voted in the general election.

The young nation’s capital was in New York City, compared with Washington, D.C. today.

The biggest city in the U.S. in 1787 was Philadelphia, soon to be surpassed by New York. The City of Brotherly Love had about 40,000 residents in its vicinity.

Today, New York City has more than 8 million residents.

At the convention of 1787, 12 of the 13 states in the union were represented during the summer. Since 1959, the U.S. has had 50 states.

Back in the post-Colonial day, the average life expectancy was around 34 ½ years of age, compared with 78 years of age in 2011. (There are differing life expectancy estimates for people who were slaves in that era.)

But in some ways, things weren’t that different. The average height of a male in 1787 was 5 feet 8 inches, compared with 5 feet 9 ½ inches today. And among the general male populace, excluding those held in slavery, daily meat consumption averaged 8 ounces per day, about one ounce more than today.

However, there was a big difference in the amount of alcohol consumed in 1787. Drinking everything from beer to cider to whiskey to rum to wine was part of everyday life for men, women and children. A good number of people drank at three meals a day (if they had three meals) and at social gathering spots.

Some historians argue that the imbibing needs to be put in context. During the era, people did more physical labor and worked in more extreme conditions, which led to more calories being burned off quickly.


Is correct





all colonial merchants  in region agree to not import certain British goods

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British merchants pressure members of parliament to repeal the Townsend act to improve their business

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BTW can you give me brainiest

American colonial authors occasion audience and genera


What’s the question? I can’t answer it I’m not sure what u are asking


Which inference can be made about the author's experiences in "Barrio Boy?"

The author believes Lincoln School is a domineering place where the educators are intent on forcing him to renounce his heritage and adopt the American way of life.

The author thinks his teachers and his classmates are barriers to his learning English and to his integration into American life.

The author sees his time at Lincoln School positively and thinks other students there did, too.

The author finds his classmates disrespectful of his Mexican heritage, which causes him to feel alienated from them and his instructors.
Part B

Select the excerpt that best supports the answer in Part A.

"We were, of course, saying nothing, only catching the friendliness of her voice and the sparkle in her eyes while she said words we did not understand. She signaled us to the table."

"Step by step, she loosened me and my classmates from the safe anchorage of the desks for recitations at the blackboard and consultations at her desk. Frequently she burst into happy announcements to the whole class."

"Like Ito and several other first graders who did not know English, I received private lessons from Miss Ryan in the closet, a narrow hall off the classroom with a door at each end."

"During the next few weeks Miss Ryan overcame my fears of tall, energetic teachers as she bent over my desk to help me with a word in the pre-primer."



In Barrio Boy, the author expressed his feelings about his childhood in the below excerpt:

"During the next few weeks Miss Ryan overcame my fears of tall, energetic teachers as she bent over my desk to help me with a word in the pre-primer. Step by step, she loosened me and my classmates from the safe anchorage of the desks for recitations at the black board and consultations at her desk."

This reveals that during his childhood days, he had fears as a first grader which could have hindered him from learning English Language, being bold and from blending with other children from other nationalities.


Ernesto Galarzo, in Barrio Boy wrote about his experiences right from childhood when his family migrated from Mexico to America. He further reveals the struggles which he faced trying to adapt to life in America. The story centers on a dramatic autobiography of the process of a boy from a Mexican village to a somewhat hectic and complex life.

Galarzo was a Mexican-American writer, storyteller, poet and activist.

Hope this helps!! :D  


Explain 2 causes of the civil war . Why did the south secede from the Union ?? Help



What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America? A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict. A key issue was states' rights.



1. Slavery

2. Economy

3. Politics


Long Explanation:

The south seceded from the union because the northern states were more industrialized and didn't need slaves because they had factory workers. The Southern states, though, required on more manual labor by slaves in plantation fields. This was the states' way of life. They're entire economy came from buying and selling slaves, as well as harvesting cotton and tobacco, which was only harvested by their slaves. The Northern states didn't see the problem with getting rid of slaves because they had no need for them, but the South did. During all of this tension, there was also political tension because with each new state being inducted into the US, more were banning slavery and allying themselves with the North. This made the South uneasy because they were outnumbered in the House of Representatives and the Senate for votes (because there were now more Northern States than  Southern States), in which they could have everything stripped from them. The Republican party had also been voicing their concerns about abolishing slavery, so when Abe Lincoln got elected they were done.

Short explanation:

The South and North had different views about slavery and the North was moving to abolish it. The South used slaves for its economy and so was very defensive about preserving slavery. The South and North had different political views and when the South was outnumbered and underrepresented and knew things were going to go down hill fast for them, they seceded to preserve their way of life.

Why were women given the vote
in Britain in 1918?



In 1918 the Representation of the People Act was passed which allowed women over the age of 30 who met a property qualification to vote. Although 8.5 million women met this criteria, it was only about two-thirds of the total population of women in the UK.


read the following excerpt and answer the question below.

. . . shall have the Power To lay and collect Taxes. . . . throughout the United States. . . .

- Article I, U.S. Constitution

Which person or group has this role in the United States government?

the Congress

the President

the Supreme Court

the Federal Reserve Board



A. The congress


The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; . . .

Which statement best describes how land affects a society's economy?
O A. It organizes the people who help a business operate.
B. It provides the raw materials needed to produce goods.
C. It encourages people to take risks to create new products.
D. It supplies businesses with the tools they need to function.


Answer:It provides the raw materials needed to produce goods

Explanation:i did the quiz

Answer: B

Explanation: It provides raw materials needed to produce goods.

Which two states have the most electoral votes? and how many do they have



I think Texas and Florida have the most



California, has 55

Texas,,has 38

California and Texas have the most electrol votes

who was Henry clay and what was his compromise?



Image result for Who was Henry clay and what was his compromise?

Clay was called 'the Great Compromiser' because he played a major role in formulating the three landmark sectional compromises of his day: the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Tariff Compromise of 1833, and the Compromise of 1850.

What are the two classes that were most impacted by industrialization and what was the impact?


The middle and upper class. These two classes were composed of people that had wealth and success. Even though most could afford goods anyway, the prices lowered even more, so that those who could not afford them before could now enjoy the comfort and convenience of the new products being made. The larger the Industrial Revolution grew, the more powerful these individuals became. Individuals and groups formed new libraries, schools, and universities because there was a sudden need for education (possibly due to the increase in population). The middle and upper classes had better food and housing, which led to fewer diseases and longer living among these groups. Since these classes were treated so well, their population grew and thus had minimal difficulty living during the Industrial Revolution.

The middle classes and the lower classes were two classes that suffered more from industrialization.

What is the Industrialization?

A human community transitions from an agrarian culture to an industrial society during a time of economic and social change known as industrialization. This entails a significant reorganization of a system for manufacturing.

A society transitions from an agrarian to a manufactured or industrial economy through industrialization. Environmental contamination is one detrimental externality of industrialization. Laborers and those who manage capital resources earn different amounts of money as a result of the division of labor and capital. Manufacturing (in the 1900s), mining (in the 1930s), transportation (in the 1950s), and retailing are examples of industrialization (1970s). A good example is the industrialization of the vehicle.

The world's economic development has greatly benefited from industrialization. The method has raised productivity and enabled commercial production, which has raised living standards.

Learn more about Industrialization here:



Why did problems faced by the small farmers lead to problems in the urban centers?



Due to rapid improvements in farming technology, many farmers' laboring jobs were stolen by machines. Because of this many of them moved to the cities in search of jobs. ... It allowed workers to go to and from jobs more easily.


The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense And as he hath shown himself such an enemy to liberty and discovered such a thirst for power is he or is he not a proper man to say to these colonies. "You shall make no laws but what I please? Source. US National Archives and Records Administration 2. Based on this passage, how is the author's view reflected in the U.S. political system? A The monarchy creates limited government B. The monarchy supports self-government C. Representatives are appointed D. Representatives are elected.​



C. Representatives are elected


Representatives are elected, is the author's view reflected in the U.S. political system. Thus, option (d) is correct.

This passage demonstrates Paine's belief that the American colonies should be governed by representatives chosen by the people rather than being subject to the arbitrary control of a monarch.

This viewpoint is represented in the representative democracy that underpins the American political system, in which elected officials pass laws on behalf of the electorate they represent.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on political system, here:



The writing of the Magna Carta was a reaction to the



exactly what I was going to say

This country is a prosperous and modern economy with low unemployment, a highly skilled labor force, and a per capita GDP among the highest in the world. The country's economy benefits from a highly developed service sector, led by financial services, and a manufacturing industry that specializes in high-technology production. Its economic and political stability, transparent legal system, exceptional infrastructure, and low business tax rates and minimal government established restrictions are key characteristics of this country's economic system. Is this a command economy or a market economy


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

This is a market economy. And we are referring to Switzerland, one of the greatest countries in the world to live and prosper.

A market economy has all the characteristics mentioned in the text above. It allows the competition of many industries with minimum governmental regulation. Prices of products and services are established by supply and demand. That number of industries allows the creation of many jobs and particularly in Switzerland people enjoy a high level of life with minimum poverty.

On the other hand, in a command economy, it is the state which decides what products are to be produced, how many, and the price is fixed by the government that totally controls the production process.

Question 9 of 10
Which situation is the best example of monopolistic competition?
A. Two companies own every high-speed Internet provider in a
B. Several computer companies sell laptops with unique features.
C. Two gas stations operate on the same busy intersection.
O D. One company controls every steel mill in a country.


Several computer companies sell laptops with unique features.

What is a monopolistic competition?

Monopolistic competition characterizes an enterprise wherein many corporations offer products or services which are comparable (however not perfect) substitutes. Limitations to entry and exit in a monopolistic competitive industry are low, and the selections of any person company do not without delay affect the ones of its competitors.

What are the examples of monopolistic competition?

Restaurants Hairdressers. Clothing. TV programmes

Learn more about monopolistic competition here https://brainly.com/question/25717627


Which events had led to the civil war?



1619-1865 | The Peculiar Institution

1820 | The Missouri Compromise

1831 | Nat Turner’s Rebellion

1846 - 1850 | The Wilmot Proviso

1850 | The Compromise of 1850

1852 | Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1854 - 1859 | Bleeding Kansas

1857 | Dred Scott v. Sanford

1858 | Lincoln-Douglas Debates

1859 | John Brown’s Raid

1860 | Abraham Lincoln’s Election

1861 | The Battle of Fort Sumter


These are the events that caused the civil war :))

ASAP I need help on this​





What caused most of the diseases and deaths in Plymouth?


non-communicable diseases.
Lack of shelter I might be wrong but I think it’s right correct me if I’m wrong

Use the terms individual liberty in a sentence


The fourteenth amendment was brought up during the case on individual liberty

How long did it take Sarah and her family to
travel from Missouri to Montana?
A. 4 weeks
B. 2 months
C. 4 months
D. 6 months



C. 4 months


Sarah Raymond moved to Missouri around a month after the American Civil War and traveled to Montana with her family as they expected to go to a station where they could create a sounder living.

She wrote a record that chronicled her course in what has been described as a very compact work that enables people today can get a great shrewdness into the incidents of Sarah's time.

The route took 4 months to end and saw them end up in Virginia City, Montana.

What does the episode highlight about the Continental Army


Answer: the official Army Continental of the colonies, created by the second congenital

Congress lead by George Washington

What are examples of black codes



I think it has something to do with slavery and the civil war.

I am 50/50 on my response


WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST! According to the United States Constitution, which action would be the most appropriate for state government?

Printing a newly designed twenty‐dollar bill

Creating a military force to guard an important port city

Establishing a waiting period for a marriage license

Negotiating a free trade agreement with foreign countries



C. Establishing a waiting period for a marriage license


states are not allowed to make money, create a military, or trade under the constitution.


C. Establishing a waiting period for a marriage license

I hope this helps!

Who was the long time rival of France, especially during the napoleonic wars?



The Great Britains






what is the correct answer ​





What was the Molasses Act?
A tax on certain products from the West Indies.
A tax on certain products from the New England colonies.
A tax on certain products from England.
A tax on certain products from the southern colonies.


It was a tax on certain products from the West Indies.

True or False: during the Archabic period agriculture product became more large scale?


False, it’s false, the answer is false

Name an organism and describe abiotic and biotic limiting factors that impact the organism’s survival.



Biotic or biological limiting factors are things like food, availability of mates, disease, and predators. Abiotic or physical limiting factors are non-living things such as temperature, wind, climate, sunlight, rainfall, soil composition, natural disasters, and pollution.


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