What is the distance of notes in the lower interval in a minor chord?
A. 5 notes
B. 4 notes
C. 2 notes
D. 3 notes


Answer 1
the answer is c. 3 notes

Related Questions

Which of the four plans of St. Peter’s Basilica is represented in the image below?
A plan of Saint Peter's Basilica. The plan is a long rectangular shape with two separate rooms. The top room has a separate rectangular entrance.
Old Saint Peter’s Basilica
Bramante’s plan
Michelangelo’s plan
Maderno’s plan


(d.) Maderno's plan of the four plans of St. Peter's Basilica is a plan of St. Peter's Basilica.The plan has an entrance rectangular shape with two separate rooms.

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome is a huge cathedral that was built over hundreds of years in the center of Vatican City. A basilica is a Catholic church that is highly respected around the world for being built on a particular holy site or for being associated with a prominent saint. The basilicas are used for international religious purposes as well as for regular worship. St. Peter's in Rome is built where St. Peter was martyred; According to Christian tradition,Saint Peter was killed in the center of Rome by being crucified upside down. He requested this method because he believed that he was not worthy to die in the same way as Jesus Christ. The Basilica of Saint Peter that stands today is not the original one built in the past. That one was much smaller than the current basilica and gradually fell out of use.

To learn more about St.Peter's please click on below link.




A. Old St. Peter's Basilica


on Edge 2023 it was right

Stylistic Analysis. The above image is an example of what style? The Painting is called "Galatea of the Spheres"
You will need to do some research. Write an analysis on how an object fits into a particular stylistic category
You will be expected to make a conclusion the following:
1. Explain this Stylistic category? short paragraph
2. Who is the Artist? give a brief bio, short paragraph
3. How the work fits the stylistic category?
A stylistic analysis will acquaint you with some of the larger historical trends and forces in the culture and how they influenced the development of art.
Your analysis should be 3 paragraphs


1. The Stylistic Category of "Galatea of the Spheres" is Surrealism. Surrealism is an art movement that emerged in the early 1920s, which emphasizes the unconscious mind and dreams.

Surrealist artists sought to depict the irrational, juxtaposing seemingly unrelated objects to create a dreamlike atmosphere. They often used bright colors, distorted forms, and unexpected combinations to create a sense of disorientation.

Who is the artist?

2. The artist of "Galatea of the Spheres" is Salvador Dali. Dali was born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain, in 1904. He was a leading figure of the Surrealist movement, known for his bizarre and imaginative images. Dali was interested in psychology and the workings of the human mind, which greatly influenced his work. He was also known for his eccentric personality and flamboyant public appearances.

3. "Galatea of the Spheres" fits the stylistic category of Surrealism in several ways. The painting depicts a woman's head, which is made up of spheres of various sizes and colors. This juxtaposition of unrelated objects creates a dreamlike atmosphere that is characteristic of Surrealism. The bright colors and distorted forms also contribute to this effect.

learn more about Surrealism: https://brainly.com/question/10694036


A D minor chord uses white and black keys on the piano.
A. True
B. False, a D minor chord uses only black keys.
C. False, a C major chord uses white and black keys.
D. False, a D minor chord uses only white keys.



B. False, a D minor chord uses both white and black keys on the piano. Specifically, the notes in a D minor chord are D, F, and A, which are played using a combination of white and black keys.

Marquis has an ear for music. He was recently listening to some music that he instantly knew was from the Baroque period. What did he MOST likely notice about the music that made him sure it was Baroque music?

Marquis has an ear for music. He was recently listening to some music that he instantly knew was from the Baroque period. What did he MOST likely notice about the music that made him sure it was Baroque music?

It was monophonic and avoided chords.

It was highly ornamented with trills and grace notes.

It transitioned through several emotions in one place.

It was very simple and had very little dissonance.





often features lots of ornamentation , contrasting sections with polyphonic or contrapuntal texture and use of the harpsichord continuo.

Which is the way dynamics is measured in music? A. Vibrations per second B. Decibels C. Amplitude D. Rems


The answer is B. Decibels.

What is the distance of notes in the lower interval in a major chord?
A. 2 notes
B. 5 notes
C. 4 notes


I am not really sure but I think, B is the answer. (don’t take my word for it though, i might be wrong)

Music 116

entering the era known as Twentieth Century Modernism. In this era, artists and composers strive to move away from the ideals and goals of the Romantic period. The focus moves towards making art that is new and modern, with a new set of ideals. discuss and compare two different composers: Igor Stravinsky and William Grant Still. Each composer comes from a vastly different background with vastly different influences. Like the era before, nationalism continues in the this new era, and both of these composers embrace this ideology. Stravinsky hails from Russia, and Still hails from the USA. In each of these pieces, each composer brings in elements from their home countries. There are folk elemerls, rhythmic elements, and new orchestration ideas. I would like for all of you to discuss each piece in regards to the elements that come from the countries that these composers hail from. What elements of the Stravinsky piece represent Russia? What elements from the Still piece represent America? What kinds of folk traditions do each composer utilize? How is the instrumentation different from each other.
The Stravinsky piece brings in new elements that may not reflect Russia, but are definitely worth mentioning. What are they? How does the Still piece show which part of American culture that he comes from? These are all questions that are useful for your essay. It is also a good idea to mention the form of each piece, and to discuss the prominent instruments being displayed for the important themes.



if your not a bot


then don't like my answer if you'd do I'll know your a bot

Which of the following levels of social change is addressed when students perform songs for a senior center in their community?





it is local because it is in the community.

who created the mona lisa


Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Explanation: Leonardo da Vinci was a talented artist who created The Mona Lisa

Who was Leonardo da Vinci ?


Answer: A famous painter

Explanation: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect . Born: April 15, 1452 and died Died: May 2, 1519 .



Leonardo da Vinci was artist and engineer who was known for his paintings, mostly the Mona Lisa (c. 1503-19) and the Last Supper (1495-98). The paintings were most widely popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance. His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiries and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of their time.The unique fame that Leonardo enjoyed in his lifetime and that, filtered by historical criticism, has remained undimmed to the present day rests largely on his unlimited desire for knowledge, which guided all his thinking and behavior. An artist by disposition and endowment, he considered his eyes to be his main avenue to knowledge; to Leonardo, sight was man’s highest sense because it alone conveyed the facts of experience immediately, correctly, and with certainty. Hence, every phenomenon perceived became an object of knowledge, and saper vedere (“knowing how to see”) became the great theme of his studies. He applied his creativity to every realm in which graphic representation is used: he was a painter, sculptor, architect, and engineer.

What is the distance of notes in the lower interval in a major chord?
A. 2 notes
B. 5 notes
C. 4 notes



A.is the corřect answer

define the term "post-school destination" and state three reasons why thoughts about post -school destination could be stressful for grade 12s


Post-school destinations refer to all learning and instruction that takes place after school, also known as post-school education and training. The three reasons why it could be stressful are high expectation, pressure and competition.

What is post-school destination?

Post-school destinations refer to all learning and instruction that takes place outside of the classroom. The Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education and the Post Graduate Diploma in Education are the two programs that currently fill the school.

Some postsecondary schooling, ongoing and adult education, technical training, help, adult services, independent living, recreation, and participation in society. Before making a final choice, it is crucial to look for a post-school destination so that young people can get ready for the next phase of their existence.

Know more about post-school destination - brainly.com/question/15323337


A soundscape can only be written by using a table and diagrams.
A. False, a soundscape can also be written out in words.
B. True
C. False, a soundscape can only be written out in words.



C. False, a soundscape can only be written out in words.

What is an example of a creature though to be a cryptid but whose existence has been verified?






Answer: Okapi

Explanation: The okapi where thought to be cryptids until 1901 when Sir Harry Johnston found a skeleton of one and it was said to be a new species.

Every culture on the African continent has a history of vocal music.


Answer: It’s true


Digital Photography

To get started, think about your own experience with lighting as you have taken pictures.

Have you ever taken a photograph under less-than-perfect lighting conditions that turned out to be rather impressive? Have you ever seen a photograph that used light creatively to achieve effects that might have been considered undesirable otherwise? What was appealing about these photographs?

Write an answer in three to five sentences that address these questions. You should thoroughly explain every statement you make in your response. If possible, include links to any photographs you make reference to in your response.



, I have taken photographs under less-than-perfect lighting conditions that turned out well. In fact, sometimes it can be interesting to play with lighting to create unique and unexpected effects in a photo. For example, using harsh light to create strong shadows can add drama and depth to an image, or shooting in low light conditions can create a moody and atmospheric feel. What is appealing about these types of photographs is their ability to evoke emotion and capture a certain mood or feeling. They can also add a level of visual interest and complexity to an otherwise ordinary image.


Which of the following would be defined as a physical phenomenon measured in vibrations per second? A. Dynamics B. Pitch C. Duration


Answer: B. Pitch

Explanation: Frequency is the empirical measurement of a physical phenomenon, defined as the cycles (of vibration) per second. Pitch makes vibrations so that's why it's B.

What is the distance of notes in the upper interval in a minor chord?
A. 5 notes
B. 3 ntoes
C. 4 notes
D. 2 notes



5 notes


Which of the following is an example of a major chord?
A. G B and D
B. E G and B


Answer is a

A: G,B and d

Thomas Hart Benton was influential in Regionalism, a style of art that focused mostly on what?​


Inspired by his midwestern roots, Benton emerged as an advocate of Regionalist art, that focused on painting realist scenes of the rural South and Midwest. In 1930, he was commissioned to paint a mural by the New School of Social Research in New York.

Demi is giving a presentation in class about the Renaissance and the Baroque periods of music. She wants to play a song that helps show the transition from one period to the other. The works of which composer would be MOST representative of this transition?

Demi is giving a presentation in class about the Renaissance and the Baroque periods of music. She wants to play a song that helps show the transition from one period to the other. The works of which composer would be MOST representative of this transition?






The Renaissance period was followed by the Baroque period, which was followed by the Classical period after a brief transition, the galant style.

What is the Renaissance and Baroque musical eras?

Renaissance music featured a smooth, regular flow of rhythm, whereas baroque music featured a metrical rhythm with varied motion. The tone of baroque music reflected the evolution of tonal architecture and formal principles; baroque, binary, ternary, fugue, and so on.

What changes occurred in music from the Renaissance to the Baroque periods?

Many Renaissance composers created music that was smoother and gentler. The music was still polyphonic, with each voice contributing a melody. Music was becoming less modal and more tonal. By the time the Baroque period arrived,

To know more about Renaissance visit:-



1) Explain how Vivaldi's La Primavera shows a strong relationship between soloists and orchestra.
2) Reconsider the following works of keyboard music from Modules 5 and 7: Johann Sebastian Bach's Organ Fugue in G Minor (Little Fugue; c. 1709), Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude in C Minor, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (c. 1722), Frédéric Chopin's Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 (1830-1831), and Frédéric Chopin's Étude in C Minor, Op. 10, No. 12 (Revolutionary; 1831?). Based on your listening, which ONE work by Bach and which ONE work by Chopin do you believe are most effective at inducing a similar emotional response? Why? What is your shared emotional response to these two works? In your opinion, which TWO specific elements of music are most impactful to this emotional response?
3) Reconsider the First Movement of each of the following symphonies from Modules 6 and 7: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550 (1788), Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. 94 in G Major (Surprise; 1791), and Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 (1808). Based on your listening, compare/contrast the use of the sonata form in each of these three movements. In other words, what specifically is similar about the use of sonata form in each of these three symphony movements? What specifically is different about the use of sonata form in each of these three symphony movements? Which symphony movement do you believe best demonstrates the sonata form? Why?


1. The relatiοnship between the sοlοist and οrchestra in "La Primavera" is characterized by a strοng sense οf interplay and cοοperatiοn. The οrchestra prοvides a rich, suppοrtive accοmpaniment that cοmplements and enhances the viοlin sοlοist's virtuοsic perfοrmance.

What are a viοlin's capabilities?

In turn, the sοlοist respοnds tο the οrchestra's accοmpaniment with expressive and emοtive playing that brings οut the full range οf the viοlin's capabilities.

One οf the mοst striking examples οf this relatiοnship is in the οpening οf the first mοvement, where the sοlο viοlin presents the main melοdy and the οrchestra respοnds with a gentle accοmpaniment. The sοlο viοlin and οrchestra then engage in a dialοgue, with the viοlin embellishing and elabοrating οn the main melοdy while the οrchestra prοvides a suppοrtive backdrοp.

2. Bach's Prelude in C Minοr and Chοpin's Nοcturne in E Flat Majοr are the mοst effective at inducing a similar emοtiοnal respοnse. Bοth pieces have a melanchοlic and intrοspective quality that evοkes feelings οf sadness, lοnging, and intrοspectiοn.

The shared emοtiοnal respοnse tο these twο wοrks is a sense οf emοtiοnal depth and cοmplexity. Bοth pieces have a haunting and melanchοlic quality that tοuches οn the deeper aspects οf human emοtiοns. There is a sense οf lοnging and intrοspectiοn that speaks tο the cοmplexity οf the human experience.

In my οpiniοn, the twο mοst impactful elements οf music that cοntribute tο this emοtiοnal respοnse are harmοny and melοdy. Bοth pieces use rich and cοmplex harmοnies tο create a sense οf emοtiοnal depth and cοmplexity. There is a sense οf tensiοn and release that evοkes a range.

3. The use οf the sοnata fοrm is a cοmmοn structural framewοrk fοr the first mοvements οf many Classical era symphοnies, including thοse by Mοzart, Haydn, and Beethοven. Despite the similarities, there are alsο distinct differences in hοw each cοmpοser uses the sοnata fοrm in their respective wοrks.

To learn more about orchestra from given link



A religious organization is an example of:
an identity.
a political system.
a social change.
a society.


A religious organization can be said to be an example of: D. a society

What is a Religious Organization?

A religious organization is a group of people who share a common faith or belief system and come together to practice and propagate their beliefs.

As such, it can be considered a type of society. It is a social group that has its own norms, values, and customs, and it often has its own hierarchy and organizational structure.

While religious organizations may have political and social influence, they are not necessarily political systems or agents of social change, although they may play a role in promoting or resisting social change depending on their beliefs and values.

Learn more about religious organization on:



How have people used art to commemorate events in their lives throughout history? Show examples of images and elaborate on artist style and presentation of depicting the event.



Art has been used throughout history to commemorate important events in people's lives. These events can range from personal milestones to major historical events. Here are some examples of how people have used art to commemorate events throughout history:

Marriage: One of the most common events that people commemorate through art is marriage. In the Middle Ages, illuminated manuscripts were created to commemorate royal weddings. These manuscripts were beautifully illustrated and often included portraits of the bride and groom. One famous example is the "Hours of Catherine of Cleves," which was created in the early 15th century to commemorate the marriage of Catherine of Cleves to Duke Arnold of Guelders.

Birth: Another important event that has been commemorated through art is the birth of a child. In Renaissance Italy, it was common for wealthy families to commission paintings of the Madonna and Child to commemorate the birth of their children. These paintings often featured the mother and child in a domestic setting, surrounded by symbols of wealth and status. One famous example is the "Madonna della Seggiola" by Raphael, which shows Mary and Jesus in a domestic scene surrounded by a richly decorated room.

War: Throughout history, people have used art to commemorate the sacrifices of soldiers in war. One famous example is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., which features a black granite wall inscribed with the names of over 58,000 Americans who died in the Vietnam War. The design of the memorial, by Maya Lin, is simple and elegant, and encourages visitors to reflect on the human cost of war.

Natural disasters: Art has also been used to commemorate the victims of natural disasters. One example is the "Fountain of Tears" in Lisbon, Portugal, which was created in memory of the victims of the 1755 earthquake and tsunami. The fountain features a weeping woman surrounded by symbols of the destruction wrought by the disaster, including toppled buildings and broken columns.

In conclusion, people have used art throughout history to commemorate important events in their lives. From marriage and birth to war and natural disasters, art has been used to express the joys and sorrows of the human experience. Through the use of symbolism, style, and presentation, artists have been able to capture the essence of these events and create lasting tributes to the people and moments they commemorate.


5. List six areas other than cooking that a chef must have expertise in to keep the kitchen running safely, smoothly, and profitably.​


A chef needs knowledge in six areas besides cooking to keep the kitchen functioning securely, efficiently, and profitably: cost accounting, sanitization, legislation of the food service sector, food science, nutrition, and purchasing in storekeeping.

What kind of schooling is required to work as a chef?

You need to master culinary techniques as well as the exact proportions of the ingredients, the appropriate temperatures, the timing of the preparation, and the continuing safety and hygiene measures. All of this indicates that, for the benefit of your customers, you should handle food with extreme care.

Why is the chef's job so crucial to the success of the food service business?

Chefs are considered the most important cooks since they manage the kitchen; they are also sometimes referred to as head cooks (which is their workplace). Managing the younger cooks and other kitchen personnel may be one of a chef's responsibilities.

Learn more about culinary techniques: https://brainly.com/question/5497099


We assume that for several years Kiya Ahemed has operated a part-time consulting business from her home. As of April 1, 2020, Kiya decided to move to rented quarters and to operate the business on a full-time basis. The business will be known as Kiya Consulting. During April, Kiya Consulting entered into the following transactions:

Apr. 1. The following assets were received from Kiya Ahemed: cash, Br.130,100; accounts receivable, Br.30,000; supplies, Br.11,400; and office equipment, Br.125,500. There were no liabilities received.

1. Paid three months’ rent on a lease rental contract, Br.60,000.

2. Paid the 0ne year premiums on property and casualty insurance policies, Br.12,000.

4. Received cash from clients as an advance payment for services to be provided and recorded it as unearned fees, Br.50,000.

5. Purchased additional office equipment on account from Office Station Co.,Br.20,000.
6. Received cash from clients on account, Br.18,000.
10. Paid cash for a newspaper advertisement, Br.1,200.
12. Paid Office Station Co. for part of the debt incurred on April 5, Br.10,000.
12. Recorded services provided on account for the period April 1–12, Br.42,000.
14. Paid part-time receptionist for two weeks’ salary, Br.7,500.
17. Recorded cash from cash clients for fees earned during the period April 1–1 Br.62,500.
18. Paid cash for supplies, Br.8,000.
20. Recorded services provided on account for the period April 13–20, Br.21,000.
24. Recorded cash from cash clients for fees earned for the period April 17-24, Br.3,8500.
26. Received cash from clients on account, Br.36,000.
27. Paid part-time receptionist for two weeks’ salary, Br.7,500.
29. Paid telephone bill for April, Br.1,300.
30. Paid electricity bill for April, Br.2,000.
30. Recorded cash from cash clients for fees earned for the period April 25–30, Br.30,500.
30. Recorded services provided on account for the remainder of April, Br.15,000.
30. Kiya withdrew Br.25,000 for personal use.
The company’s chart of accounts is useful in determining which accounts are affected by the transaction. The chart of accounts for Kiya Consulting is as follows:
11 Cash 31 Kiya, Capital
12 Accounts Receivable 32 Kiya , Drawing
14 Supplies 33 Income Summary
15 Prepaid Rent 41 Fees Earned
16 Prepaid Insurance 51 Salary Expense
18 Office Equipment 52 Rent Expense
19 Accumulated Depreciation 53 Supplies Expense
21 Accounts Payable 54 Depreciation Expense
22 Salaries Payable 55 Insurance Expense
23 Unearned Fees 59 Miscellaneous Expense
The following data have been assembled on April 30, 2010, for analysis of possible adjustments for Kiya Consulting:
a. Insurance expired during April is Br.1,000.
b. Supplies on hand on April 30 are Br.13,500.
c. Depreciation of office equipment for April is Br.3,300.
d. Accrued receptionist salary on April 30 is Br.1,200.
e. Rent expired during April is Br.20,000.
f. Unearned fees on April 30 are Br.25,000
1. Prepare general journal entries to record the transactions (use the chart of account to record the transactions).
2. Open a ledger account using the chart of account and post the transactions.

3. Prepare trial balance
4. Pass the necessary adjusting entries
5. Prepare adjusted trial balance
7. Produce the necessary financial statements
8. Close the temporary accounts
9. Prepare post-closing trial balance


The journal entries and other accounting balance hasbeen given below about the assets of Kiya Ahemed:

Journal Entries:

Date Account Debit Credit

Apr 1 Prepaid Rent $4,800


Copy code

| Cash             |         | $4,800

Apr 2| Prepaid Insurance | $1,800 |

| Cash | | $1,800

Apr 4| Cash | $5,000 |

| Deferred (unearned) Revenue| | $5,000

Apr 5| Office Equipment | $2,000 |

| Accounts Payable-office station co| | $2,000

Apr 6| Cash | $1,800 |

| Accounts Receivable| | $1,800

Apr 10| Advertisement Expense| $120 |

| Cash | | $120

Apr 12| Accounts Payable-office station co| $1,200|

| Cash | | $1,200

Apr 12| Accounts Receivable| $4,200 |

| Sales | | $4,200

Apr 14| Salaries & Wages Expense| $750|

| Cash | | $750

Apr 17| Cash | $6,250 |

| Sales | | $6,250

Apr 18| Supplies | $800 |

| Cash | | $800

Apr 20| Accounts Receivable| $2,100 |

| Sales | | $2,100

Apr 24| Cash | $3,850 |

| Sales | | $3,850

Apr 26| Cash | $5,600 |

| Accounts Receivable| | $5,600

Apr 27| Salaries & Wages Expense| $750|

| Cash | | $750

Apr 29| Telephone Bill | $130 |

| Cash | | $130

Apr 30| Electricity Expense| $200 |

| Cash | | $200

Apr 30| Cash | $3,050 |

| Sales | | $3,050

Apr 30| Accounts Receivable| $1,500 |

| Sales | | $1,500

Apr 30| Drawing | $6,000 |

| Cash | | $6,000

Adjusting Entries:

a) Date Account Debit Credit

Apr 30 Insurance Expense $300

| Prepaid Insurance|         | $300

b) Date Account Debit Credit

Apr 30 Supplies Expense $850

| Supplies         |         | $850

c) Date Account Debit Credit

Apr 30 Depreciation Expense $330

| Accumulated Depreciation | | $330

d) Date Account Debit Credit

Apr 30 Salaries & Wages Expense $120

| Salaries & Wages Payable| | $120

e) Date Account Debit Credit

Apr 30 Rent Expense $1,600

Read more about journal entries here:



Interior Design

Picture your home or the home of a friend or relative. List as many furnishings as you can recall. What furnishings out of the list that you’ve created are the ones that you feel really define the space? Why?



Furnishings play a crucial role in defining the style, function, and overall atmosphere of a space. Some furnishings that could define a space include:

Statement furniture pieces: These are usually larger pieces such as sofas, dining tables, or accent chairs that serve as the focal point of a room.

Decorative accessories: These include items such as artwork, rugs, and decorative pillows that add visual interest and personality to a space.

Lighting fixtures: The right lighting can completely transform a room and create the desired mood.

Storage solutions: Whether it's a built-in bookshelf or a stylish storage ottoman, furnishings that offer both functionality and style can define a space by providing organization and storage solutions.

Window treatments: Curtains or blinds can add color, texture, and dimension to a room while also providing privacy and light control.

Ultimately, the furnishings that define a space will vary based on personal taste, style, and functional needs.


When are the main themes in an opera introduced?
A. Recitative
B. Ostinato
C. Overture
D. Aria



A. Recitative is when the main themes in an opera are introduced.

Blender files should always be exported using the Collada file type.

Question 13 options:







Blender files can be exported to various file types depending on the needs of the project or the software being used. Collada (DAE) is one of the file types that Blender can export to, but it is not the only one. Other common file types for exporting from Blender include FBX, OBJ, and STL, among others.

The choice of file type to use for exporting from Blender depends on factors such as the type of project, the software being used, and the desired output format.

What red-colored mineral held a special ritual quality and was often placed in the sand burial mounds of east Florida during the St. Johns l period?


What red-colored mineral held a special ritual quality and was often placed in the sand burial mounds of east Florida during the St. Johns l period?

Answer: sand burial mounds

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Please answer quick will give 60 points seppect you are a news fesorter following ten oriminal srials (a) It the bras wten in Jagat, what is the probebsty that al the defendants would be found guity? (found your ansmer to three deomal place Find the equation of parabola with focus (0 -3) and directrix y=3 A right rectangular container is 10 cm wide and 24 cm long and contains water to a depth of 7cm. A stone is placed in the water and the water rises 2. 7 cm. Find the volume of the stone Evaluate f(x) = 3x + 2 when x = -4. You combine 10ml of an acid with a pH of 5 with 10mL of a base with a pH of 9. What would the result of this reaction be? What is the new pH? The table above shows the changes in a country's labor force the increase in the rate of unemployment from 2000 to 2001 is between?pleasee helppp PLEASE HELP! THIS WILL HELP MY GRADE SO MUCH. (: Put all these events in chronological order to match the events that happened in The Crucible Book. Abigail and Betty are caught by Parris dancing in the forest.Betty and Ruth get a mysterious illness. Parris calls for Mr. Hale, a local witchcraft "expert" to come to town.Mr. Hale questions Abigail about what happened in the forest. Abigail names Tituba as an individual who has been talking to the Devil. Tituba names Goody Good and Goody Osburn as witches in the woods. Abigail admits to talking to the Devil and starts naming names of women in the community who were seen as witches with the Devil. Betty wakes and starts naming women in the community who she also saw with the Devil. ou just inherited $225,000 from your uncle's estate and plan to buy a boat 2 years from now. If you invest the money at 4.2% simple interest, how much interest will you earn on the investment after 2 years? Correct your answer to 2 decimal places. Eli stands on the balcony of a tall building and throws a tennis ball straight up at a speed of 14 m/s. He releases the tennis ball at a height of 60m from the ground. In parts a through c, round your answer to the nearest hundredth. A) When does the tennis ball hit the ground?B) When does the tennis ball pass the point from which it was released?C) What is the maximum height reached by the ball? Determine the dimension of a cylindrical riser to be used for the casting as aluminium cube of sides 15cm. The volume shrinkage of aluminium during the solidification is 6.5%.Hint: Volume of the riser = 3% (Shrinkage volume of the casting) who recieved charters for colonies in america fromm the king?\ Use the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem to find the measure of the angle on point C.(1 point) A college cafeteria is looking for a new dessert to offer its 4,000 students. The table shows the preference of 225 students.Ice Cream Candy Cake Pie Cookies81 9 72 36 27Which statement is the best prediction about the scoops of ice cream the college will need? The college will have about 480 students who prefer ice cream. The college will have about 640 students who prefer ice cream. The college will have about 1,280 students who prefer ice cream. The college will have about 1,440 students who prefer ice cream. Give the factors of the question above. Ex: (h-?)(h+?) The perimeter of a rectangular table is 18 feet The table is 42 inches wide In Maya's family, when there is a conflict between siblings, her parents sit the children down at a table so that they are facing each other. They begin the conversation by assuring each other that all feelings and thoughts can be safely expressed without fear of rejection or dismissal. Maya's family exercises the positive communication method of (5 points)A: focusing on an exchange of ideasB: negotiating and exercising flexibilityC: seeking to understand and supportD: using productive "I" messagesWill brainliest During World War II, which of thefollowing would be consideredunpatriotic by workers?A. rationingB. buying war bondsC. strikes A small research device can be purchased for $50,000 and depreciated by MACRS (check the property class). The net benefits from the device, before deducting depreciation, are $7,000 at the end of the first year and increasing $3,500 after that (second year equals $10,500, third year equals $14,000, etc.) until the device is hauled to the junkyard at the end of seven years. During the seven-year period, there will be an inflation rate (f) of 3%. The profitable corporation has a 25% combined federal and state income tax rate. If it requires a real 15% after-tax rate of return on its investment, should the device be purchased? Write the prime factorization of each number as a product of powers.(a) 12^9 36^15 169^8(b) 16^13 10^7 81^18