what is the first thing you should do when troubleshooting a computer problem​?
a. identify and locate the problem
b. investigate the problem further
c. seek outside help
d. create a checklist for the problem


Answer 1

Answer: The answer is A. Identify and locate the problem

Hope it helps :D

Answer 2

The first thing we should do when troubleshooting a computer problem is identify and locate the problem. The correct option is a.

What does troubleshooting mean?

Troubleshooting can be understood as the process of identifying, planning and resolving a problem, error or fault within a software or computer system. It enables the repair and restoration of a computer or software when it becomes faulty, unresponsive or acts abnormally.

Troubleshooting is primarily done to keep a system or software in the desired condition, specifically when it encounters or exhibits a problem. It is a systematic approach done within one or more phases depending on the complexity of a problem. Typically, the first step involves identifying what the problem is, followed by coming up with a solution to counteract the problem and then implementing that solution.

However, there can be more than one reason for the problem, which will require a more complex solution.

Learn more about troubleshooting, here:



Related Questions

Main Idea

Read each paragraph and choose the main idea.

Sandy sings in the church choir. She sings a solo every week.Everyone looks forward to hearing her sing. Last Sunday Mrs Smith said Sandy has the voice of an angel" we all agreed with her. I think she will be famous one day.


The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.The church has a choir

b.sandy goes to church

c.sandy is a great singer

d.Sandy song a solo each week


Tommy ran down the street chasing his dog. "Bobby! Bobby!" he yelled. He knew he should have checked the gate before letting Bobby into the back yard. His mother has told him a hundred times. How had he forgotten?If he had closed it,Bobby would still be in the  backyard

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.Bobby ran away,

b.Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed.

c.Tommy was forgetful

d.Tommy's mother was bossy.

Joy sat on the beach at the baseball field and waited. She didn't like waiting alone. All of the other kids had been picked up by their parents. Where was her mother? Suddenly, her mother came running to her, "Oh Joy,I'm so sorry. Next time I will make myself a note"

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.Joy's mother forgot to pick her up.

b.Joy hated sitting alone.

c.Joy plays baseball.

d.Joy's mother writes notes.

I went to the ice cream shop and ate a huge sundoe. When I got home, supper was ready, Mom had cooked my favorite meal, No matter how I tried, I couldn't make myself eat.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a.I like ice cream.

b.Mom is a good cook.

c.I was too full to eat supper

d.I was sick.



1. c.sandy is a great singer

2.b.Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed.

3.a.Joy's mother forgot to pick her up.

4. c.I was too full to eat supper


1. This passage is describing Sandy as a great singer and why she is a great singer. She sings in a church choir and she sings solo every week. Everyone thinks that she is a great singer and that she was the voice of an angel. They are describing her as someone who is successful and they are believing that she will be famous one day.

C) is the correct answer and other answers are not correct because they are considered as details that are leading her to the reputation of a great singer.

2. This passage is telling the readers that Tommy forgot to do an important thing which is closing the gate because of his dog. It is the main idea of the passage because in it we can see that his mother told him a hundred times to close it but he forgot. The central idea of the text is that he forgot to close the gate and his dog escaped.

3. The main idea of this paragraph is that Joy's mother forgot to pick her up and because of that Joy sat on the beach at the baseball field waiting for her mother. Her mother is sorry that she forgot to pick her up and she told her that next time she will make her a note so she does not forget.

4. The main idea of this paragraph is that the person had eaten a huge sundae in an Ice Cream shop and because of that he was not able to eat his favorite meal that his mother had cooked. He tried but he was already full and that is why he could not do it. Other answers are incorrect because they are not mentioned in the passage.

write an informal letter to your teacher telling her how you spend your Dussehra holidays​


Well I spend time with my family and friends


Respected Ma'am, I am Nischal kafle, a student of Class IXth A, at your school. Through this letter, I would like to give you a short account of how I spent my Dussehra holidays. ... This is the short account of how I spent my Dussehra holidays

yarr mere yarr........​


erm what you okay bro?

Which sentence is passive voice


The answer is d the ship was overturned by the powerful waves.


The answer is d the ship was overturned by the powerful waves.


Exercise 1: Correct the errors.
1. There is many different kind of animal in the world.
2. My cousin and her husband moved to other city because they don't like a cold weather.
3. I like to travel because i like to learn about other country and custom.
4. Collecting stamps is one of my hobby
5. I came here three and a half month ago. I think i have made a good progress in English.
6. Every employees in our company respect Mr. Ward.
7. When i got to class, all of the others students were already in their seats.
8. English has borrowed quite a few of wold from another languages.
9. There is many student from differents countries in this class.
10. Thousand of athlete take part in the Olympics.
11. Education is one of the most important aspect of life. Knowledges about many different things allow us to live fuller lives.
12. All of the student names were on the list.
13. I live in a two rooms apartment. Its too small for my family.
14. Almost of the students in our class speaks English well.
15. The teacher gave us several homework to hand in next Tueday.

Exercise 2: Write the correct interrogative pronouns in the blank to complete the sentences.
1. ____ is the matter with you
2. ____ invented the computer?
3. ____ of the twins is older?
4. ____ do you wish to speak to?
5. ____ is this car in front of our house?
6. ____ knows the answer?
7. ____ came first, the chicken or the egg?
8. ____ would you like to drink?
9. ____ of them do you think will win the race?
10. ____ is the word for a stamp collector?​



1. There are many different kinds of animals in the world.

2. My cousin and her husband moved to other city because they don't like cold weather.

3. I like to travel because i like to learn about other countries and customs.

4. Collecting stamps is one of my hobbies.

5. I came here three and a half months ago. I think I have made good progress in English.

6. Every employee in our company respects Mr. Ward.

7. When I got to class, all of the other students were already in their seats.

8. English has borrowed quite a few of words from other languages.

9. There is many students from different countries in this class.

10. Thousands of athletes take part in the Olympics.

11. Education is one of the most important aspects of life. Knowledge about many different things allow us to live fuller lives.

12. All of the student's names were on the list.

13. I live in a two room apartment. It's too small for my family.

14. Almost of the students in our class speak English well.

15. The teacher gave us several homework to hand in next Tuesday.

Exercise 2: Write the correct interrogative pronouns in the blank to complete the sentences.

1. What is the matter with you

2. Who invented the computer?

3. Which of the twins is older?

4. Who do you wish to speak to?

5. Whose is this car in front of our house?

6. Who knows the answer?

7. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

8. What would you like to drink?

9. Which of them do you think will win the race?

10. What is the word for a stamp collector?​

hope this helped :)

Identify the predicate' in the sentences
given below
She painted her bedroom pink and purple.


painted her bedroom pink and purple is the predicate

Write the sentences correctly.

1. One way to be smartier is to get a good nights sleep.

2. When you have sleeped well, you learns new information more easier.

Combine the sentences to make one sentence

3. Go to sleep after you learn something. It will help you memorize it.

Write the missing word.

4. Sleep helps you remember things You already learned.

A. when
B. that
C. Where

Add punctation to the sentence.

5. I cant wait until we move in to our new house said Mike.



This is going to be long


One way to get smarter is to get a good night's sleep.

When you have slept well, you learn information easier.

Go to sleep after you learn something, it will help you memorize it.

Sleep helps you remember things THAT you already learned

"I can't wait until we move into our new house," said Mike.

click the picture please​



i think it's noun clause

hope this helps

Answer: I think it is noun clause


What is located after the initiating Incident but before the climax?


I’d say it’s the rising action. I’m not very sure though, but based on normal high society logic I’d believe it’s the rising action of a plot.

You should not read your speech word for word from your slides
True or false






You should go into more detail when speaking than what you have on your presentation or slides

help I don't understand English, it's easy, it helps



What about English don't you understand?


Rifkin calls his essay “A Change of Heart about Animals.”



Okay? What do you need to know?


I paid attention in class, so I passed the exam.(complex or compound)​






complex for sure

hello! I need a little help with Anne frank Im supposed to explain a big event thats happened between june 14 1942 and march 27 1943, please help


Anne Frank became bisexual

DIRECTIONS: Read the selection, and answer the following questions.

The Tropics in New York
Claude McKay

Bananas ripe and green, and ginger-root,
Cocoa in pods and alligator pears,°
And tangerines and mangoes and grape fruit,
Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs,

5 Set in the window, bringing memories
Of fruit-trees laden by low-singing rills,
And dewy dawns, and mystical blue skies
In benediction° over nun-like hills.

My eyes grew dim, and I could no more gaze;
10 A wave of longing through my body swept,
And, hungry for the old, familiar ways,
I turned aside and bowed my head and wept.

2. alligator pears: avocados, tropical fruits. All the foods mentioned in this stanza grow in Jamaica, the Caribbean island where the poet was born.
6. rills: streams; brooks.
8. benediction: blessing.

The title of the poem, “The Tropics in New York,” is ironic because —
it is a very unusual title for a poem
sometimes it gets extremely hot in New York
we don’t expect to find the tropics in New York
the weather is a lot nicer in the tropics



The title of the poem is ironic because C) we don’t expect to find the tropics in New York.


The title is oxymoron because as we know tropics never grew in New York and never will.

You chopped your hair (like really short) and you hate it ; you worry what others will think. What kind of conflict is this and why? ( man vs self man vs man man vs society man vs nature)



man vs. Society I think



Man vs Society


Because its you versus your perception of what others will think

as a general rule where in your essay is it best to place your thesis statement ?
A) anywhere at all , because the best thesis statement is implied , not specified
B) in the very last sentence of the conclusion
C) in the second or third paragraph of the body of the essay
D) in the 1st introductory paragraph of the essay



D) in the 1st introductory paragraph of the essay



A cluster map is used to narrow a topic. How do you begin a cluster map?

Write your favorite things about your broad topic in the center of a piece of paper.

Draw a bunch of circles connected by straight lines.

Write details about your broad topic in a circle.

Write your broad topic in the center of a piece of paper and circle it.​



Write your broad topic in the center of a piece of paper and circle it.​


A cluster map (sometimes also called mind map) is a map that involves recording ideas and then grouping them into clusters. The first step in the creation of a cluster map is writing down the main, broad topic in the center of the paper. The following steps are:

Adding subtopics that are related to the main idea.Adding ideas or information under each subtopic to form clusters. Here as many subtopics as necessary can be created.Marking the diagram with certain colors to understand it more easily later.

List 10 important words in the article “take it out, fight it out”



I love tacos yes I do yum yum yum yummy yum

Explanation: 56

Which statement most accurately describes The Communist Manifesto?
It was a description of the many benefits brought to modern life by industrialization.
O It was a publication describing the upbringing and education of Karl Marx.
O It was a description of the class struggle and the problems caused by capitalism.
O It was a criticism that pointed out the cruelties of the communist system.


Second option with class struggle

Paragraph about comparison and contrast,


comparison- is when two things are alike
contrast- is when they’re not the same they’re different

Answer: Venn Diagram (Compare and Contrast)

Explanation: Compare and Contrast is a way to graph similarities and differences; usually in a Venn Diagram. In this Venn Diagram, we usually graph topics such as ideas, concepts, items, or places. To compare and contrast, start off by drawing something that can divide the similarties and differences such as the Venn Diagram or a chart. After that, determine the similarities and make sure the two ideas have something in common or are related. Lastly, identify the differences.

The following passage appears in an online article. Paraphrase the information for your research report about DNA
Scientists believe some day farmers will grow plants with black leaves. These leaves would be able to change sunlight into energy. F. Dyson, a genetics expert,
claims. "This would help reduce poverty in rural parts of the world because farmers could grow black plants and sell them at a healthy profit. He also sees a day
when termites will eat rusty metal and trees will produce liquid fuel "The secret lies in DNA says Dyson



Dyson believes that altering DNA may change the course of the world. If a specific gene is adjusted in a species, the offspring of said species will change to correlate with the mutation. This eventually transforms the species as a whole into something it originally wasn't at the beginning of its existence.


The phrase “soaked in the beauty ” shows that Elder Brother —



The Elder Brother is really handsome


Because soaked in beauty means your really pretty or handsome like you were born with beauty.

What is Robert reaction to the crash? How does he feel when he learns it’s was not real



you cant answer this question without the story. need more background information.










PART A: Which of the following describes the theme of the short story?


Competing against friends can permanently alter a friendship.


Some friendships can’t be damaged, not even by the strain of competition.


Competitions can drive people to act as they normally wouldn’t.


The violent nature of sports can make it difficult to remain friends with competitors.
Story is amigo brothers





Based on this excerpt, what behavior does Jack most clearly disapprove of?



I believe the answer is a Being deceptive


He stated that he had no brother. He also stated " Under the false pretence of being my brother" and he also uses the words  'Disgraceful Deception'

The behavior that Jack most clearly disapprove of is:

Being deceptive.

Let's understand what "Importance of Being Earnest" is all about.

About "The Importance of Being Earnest"

"The Importance of Being Earnest" is known to be a play that was written by Oscar Wilde. The play is a comedy that showcases protagonists that maintain fictitious personae in order to run away from their expected social obligations.

We see from the excerpt that the use "disgraceful deception" reveals that Jack disapproves being deceptive.

Learn more about The Importance of Being Earnest on https://brainly.com/question/2708560

A large city that is often the center of a state or empire is called a __________.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


I believe the answer is D, metropolis.

In my notes, King Hammurabi created the first metropolis is babylon.

Merriam Webster Dictionary: metropolis noun

me·​trop·​o·​lis | \ mə-ˈträ-p(ə-)ləs  \

Definition of metropolis

1: the chief or capital city of a country, state, or region

2: the city or state of origin of a colony (as of ancient Greece)

3a: a city regarded as a center of a specified activity


its d <3


In the public schools, Richard believes that his most important test is his
willingness to do what?






Answer: A



where did you have your first meal at a restaurant?
when when did you have your first meal at a restaurant?



golden coral


I was 4 years old

Which element does strong narrative always contain



The elements indispensable for a good narrative writing are - engaging dialogue between the characters of the text, rich and vivid descriptions wherefrom the readers might obtain a pen picture of the entire happenings, and thoughtful reflection which bounds the readers to think.

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