what is the function of a nerve cell in a multicellular organism? (1 point) responses store and distribute oxygen store and distribute oxygen make and move protein make and move protein carry and transmit signals carry and transmit signals produce and manage movement produce and manage movement


Answer 1

The function of a nerve cell in a multicellular organism is to carry and transmit signals.

The correct option is D

These signals allows for communication and coordination between different parts of the organism. Nerve cells, or neurons, are special cells that are capable of transmitting electrical and chemical signals over long distances within the body.

This enables the nervous system to regulate and control various physiological and behavioral processes in the body, such as movement, sensation, perception, and cognition. Also,  receive input from other neurons or sensory cells, process this information, and then send output signals to other neurons, muscles, or glands to produce a response.

Hence , D is the correct option

To learn more about multicellular organism , here



Related Questions

Each of the following provides protection from phagocytic digestion EXCEPT A) M protein. B) capsules. C) formation of phagolysosomes. D) leukocidins.


Each of the following provides protection from phagocytic digestion EXCEPT C) formation of phagolysosomes.

Phagocytic cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, play an essential role in the immune system by engulfing and digesting invading microorganisms.

However, some bacteria have evolved mechanisms to resist phagocytic killing, including the production of virulence factors that prevent or inhibit phagolysosome formation, such as M protein and capsules, or directly kill phagocytes, such as leukocidins.

M protein and capsules are examples of bacterial structures that can help protect the bacteria from phagocytic digestion by preventing opsonization, the process by which antibodies and complement proteins coat the surface of a microbe and enhance phagocytosis. Leukocidins are toxins produced by some bacteria that can directly kill phagocytic cells, thus preventing their ability to engulf and destroy the bacteria.

learn more about phagolysosomes Here:



The antibiotic streptomycin inhibits bacterial growth by binding to a protein in the 305 subunit of the ribosome. Based on this information, streptomycin inhibits... DNA synthesis transcription in prokaryotes translation in prokaryotes translation in eukaryotes


By interacting with a protein in the 305 subunit of the ribosome, the antibiotic streptomycin prevents the development of bacteria. This suggests that streptomycin prevents translation in prokaryotes. Option 3 is Correct.

Streptomycin was binds to the 30S component of the bacterial ribosome, just as other antimicrobial agents [1], causing early mistranslation before completely inhibiting translation over time. Numerous non-aminoglycoside antibiotics, such chloramphenicol, also completely stop translation from occurring.

A aminoglycoside is streptomycin. It functions by preventing the production of proteins by 30S ribosomal subunits, which causes bacterial death. The ribosome chooses aminoacyl-tRNAs for creating proteins that have anticodons that match the mRNA codon found in the small ribosomal subunit's A-site. By attaching near to the location, the aminoglycoside antibiotic streptomycin prevents decoding. Option 3 is Correct.

Learn more about prokaryotes visit: brainly.com/question/13194999


Correct Question:

The antibiotic streptomycin inhibits bacterial growth by binding to a protein in the 305 subunit of the ribosome. Based on this information, streptomycin inhibits...

1. DNA synthesis

2. transcription in prokaryotes

3. translation in prokaryotes

4. translation in eukaryotes

what type of forest is more likely to be found in historically clear-cut areas in north america and europe?


The type of forest that is more likely to be found in historically clear-cut areas in North America and Europe is a secondary forest.

What is a secondary forest?

A secondary forest is a forest that has regrown after a disturbance, such as clear-cutting or fire. While the specific type of forest will depend on the region and climate, secondary forests can provide important habitats and contribute to the overall ecosystem of the area.

It is important to note that while secondary forests can provide valuable benefits, they are not as diverse or complex as primary forests and may require additional management to ensure their long-term sustainability. A secondary forest is a type of habitat that regrows after the original forest ecosystem has been cleared or disturbed, such as through clear-cutting. This type of forest is characterized by a faster-growing, less diverse ecosystem compared to the original, primary forest.

To know more about secondary forests, visit:



In historically clear-cut areas in North America and Europe, the type of forest more likely to be found is secondary growth forest. These forests regenerate after significant disturbances like clear-cutting, and typically consist of fast-growing tree species that can quickly colonize open land.

The type of forest that is more likely to be found in historically clear-cut areas in North America and Europe is a secondary or regenerating forest. These forests are formed after the land has been cleared, either through natural events like fire or human activities like logging. They are characterized by younger trees and a mix of species, as opposed to primary or old-growth forests which have a more established and stable ecosystem.

Learn more about forests  here:-



. if a mutation occurs such that several of the tyrosines on rtk cannot be phosphorylated, will rtk dimerize?


The ability of RTKs to dimerize is dependent on their phosphorylation status. Phosphorylation of specific tyrosine residues on the RTK allows for dimerization and subsequent activation of downstream signaling pathways.

Therefore, if a mutation occurs such that several of the tyrosines on the RTK cannot be phosphorylated, it is likely that the RTK will have a decreased ability to dimerize.
However, the specific effects of this mutation on RTK dimerization and subsequent downstream signaling pathways will depend on the location and number of tyrosine residues affected. If the mutation only affects a few tyrosine residues, the RTK may still be able to dimerize through other available tyrosine residues, albeit with reduced efficiency. If a larger number of tyrosine residues are affected, the RTK may not be able to dimerize at all.
In either case, the effects of this mutation on RTK function will likely be detrimental, as dimerization and downstream signaling are crucial for RTK-mediated cellular processes such as cell growth, differentiation, and survival. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential consequences of mutations that affect RTK phosphorylation and dimerization when studying their roles in various cellular processes and diseases.

For more such questions on Phosphorylation



Arrange the steps in which farmers can use electricity produce by micro hydropower systems.



Water from a river is diverted.A channel delivers the water to a turbine through a channel.Moving water turns the turbine.Electricity is produced.The generated electricity is stored in batteries.Run-of-the-river systems are set up.

Farmers can use the electricity produced by the micro hydropower systems for their needs.

Final answer:

Farmers can use electricity produced by micro hydropower systems by following several steps, including identifying a water source, installing a diversion system, setting up a turbine and generator, installing transmission lines, and performing regular maintenance and monitoring.

Explanation:Determine the water source: Farmers need to identify a suitable water source, such as a river or stream, to harness its energy for micro hydropower generation.Install the diversion system: A diversion system, including a dam or weir, redirects the water flow to the micro hydropower system.Set up the turbine: The micro hydropower system consists of a turbine that converts the kinetic energy of the flowing water into mechanical energy.Connect the generator: The mechanical energy drives the generator, which then converts it into electrical energy.Install transmission lines: The generated electricity is transmitted through transmission lines to the required areas for use by the farmers.Maintain and monitor: Regular maintenance and monitoring of the micro hydropower system ensure its efficient operation and maximize electricity production.

Learn more about Micro Hydropower here:



A minute-by-minute change in the atmosphere is the definition of ?




What abiotic and biotic factors affect the species composition of a hard-bottom subtidal community?
Wh dal



Biotic factors include other species living in that region

Abiotic factors include the composition of surroundings i.e. flora & fauna  relative to that organism or we can say that community


which conclusion is supported by the data in the table


The conclusion that is supported by the data in the table is C. Cell 1 is prokaryotic; Cell 2 is from an animal.

Why is this cell prokaryotic ?

Cell 1 is prokaryotic because it has a cell wall, which is a characteristic feature of prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells also have ribosomes and a cell membrane, which are present in both Cell 1 and Cell 2.

Additionally, prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, which are not explicitly mentioned in the given information. Therefore, based on the information provided in the table, the presence of a cell wall in Cell 1 suggests that it is a prokaryotic cell.

Find out more on prokaryotic cells at https://brainly.com/question/5716507


Microorganisms are known to be present in some food products such as yogurt. One student claims that microorganisms in food always have a negative
effect on human health, while a second student disagrees. The second student claims that some microorganisms in food can have a positive effect on
human health.
Which statement BEST supports the second student's claim?
a. Microorganisms can destroy any pathogens that affect the immune system.
b. Microorganisms reproduce too slowly to affect the immune system.
c. Microorganisms known to be in food are no longer living and would not affect the digestive system.
d. Microorganisms can aid in the absorption of nutrients from food within the digestive system.



Explanation: some microorganisms help you digest food, protect against infection and maintain your reproductive health

The statement best supports the second student's claim: "Microorganisms can aid in the absorption of nutrients from food within the digestive system."  Some microorganisms in food, such as those found in yogurt, are known as probiotics and can positively affect human health. Hence option D is correct.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate amounts, confer health benefits to the host. These microorganisms can help to improve gut health by aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food within the digestive system.

Probiotics can also help to restore the balance of microorganisms in the gut, which can become disrupted due to factors such as antibiotic use, stress, and poor diet.

This can help to improve immune function and reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease and some types of cancer.

In contrast, not all microorganisms in food positively affect human health. Some microorganisms, such as pathogenic bacteria, can cause foodborne illnesses and have a negative impact on human health.

It is important to handle and store food properly to prevent the growth of these harmful microorganisms.

Hence option D is correct.

To know more about Probiotics:



The sickle cell trait is caused by one amino acid, which is called glutamic acid, being changed into a different amino acid, valine. There are no other differences between the normal protein (called hemoglobin) and the protein that causes the
sickle cell trait. What kind of mutation caused this change? Explain your answer


A point mutation. If there is only one difference in the two genes then it must be a point mutation as the nuclei acids are different at a specific point without causing them all to change by the deletion or addition of a nucleus acid.

how can the varying fitness of double-mutant yeast cells provide insights into interactions between gene products?


The fitness of double-mutant yeast cells can provide insights into interactions between gene products.

This is because it allows researchers to observe how changes in two genes affect the overall fitness of the cell. By creating and analyzing a large number of double-mutant yeast cells, researchers can identify gene pairs that exhibit synergistic or antagonistic interactions. Synergistic interactions occur when mutations in two genes lead to a more severe fitness defect than would be predicted by simply adding the effects of each mutation together. Antagonistic interactions, on the other hand, occur when mutations in two genes partially or completely rescue each other's effects on fitness. These observations can help researchers identify genetic pathways and functional relationships between gene products, which can lead to new insights into biological processes and disease mechanisms.

know more about "double-mutant yeast cells" here: https://brainly.com/question/28826033


The varying fitness of double-mutant yeast cells can provide insights into interactions between gene products by revealing functional relationships and dependencies.

When two mutations are combined, the resulting fitness can help identify whether the gene products have similar, complementary, or independent roles in cellular processes. If the fitness of double-mutants is worse than expected, this suggests that the gene products function in parallel pathways (synthetic interactions). If the fitness is better than expected, it may indicate that the gene products have redundant or overlapping roles (buffering interactions).

Analyzing these interactions can contribute to our understanding of gene networks and cellular function in yeast.

Learn more about fitness  here:



note that neither demarcus nor natasha have the diesease. what is the probability that demarcus has the sickle cell trait?


If neither Demarcus nor Natasha has sickle cell disease, then the probability that Demarcus has the sickle cell trait depends on whether or not their parents carry the trait. Sickle cell is an inherited genetic disorder, and carriers of the trait have one copy of the abnormal gene and one copy of the normal gene.
What is the probability that Demarcus has the sickle cell trait?
If both of Demarcus' parents are carriers of the sickle cell trait, then there is a 50% chance that Demarcus has inherited the trait from one of them. In this case, Demarcus would not have sickle cell disease, but he could potentially pass the trait on to his children.

If only one of Demarcus' parents is a carrier of the sickle cell trait, then the probability that Demarcus has inherited the trait is 50%. If Demarcus has inherited the trait, he will not have sickle cell disease but may experience some symptoms associated with the trait, such as occasional pain crises, anemia, or susceptibility to infections.

There is no cure for sickle cell disease, but treatment can help manage symptoms and complications. Regular check-ups, blood transfusions, and medications to prevent infections or manage pain crises can help improve the quality of life for individuals with sickle cell disease or trait.

To know more about sickle cell anemia, visit:



To determine the probability that Demarcus has the sickle cell trait, we need more information such as the genotypes of Demarcus and Natasha, as well as information about the inheritance pattern of sickle cell trait.

Sickle cell trait is an autosomal recessive genetic condition, which means that an individual must inherit two copies of the sickle cell gene (one from each parent) to have the disease. An individual who inherits one sickle cell gene and one normal gene is said to have the sickle cell trait.

Assuming that Demarcus and Natasha are both carriers of the sickle cell gene (i.e., they each have one sickle cell gene and one normal gene), the probability of Demarcus having the sickle cell trait is 50%.

If we assume that neither Demarcus nor Natasha are carriers of the sickle cell gene, then the probability of Demarcus having the sickle cell trait is 0%. However, without more information about their genotypes, we cannot accurately determine the probability of Demarcus having the sickle cell trait.

To know more about diesease  here



if the original diameter of the artery is d , what should be the new diameter to accomplish this for the same volume flow rate?


To keep the volume flow rate constant in an artery, despite a change in diameter, we can use the equation for the continuity equation of fluid dynamics, which states that the product of the cross-sectional area of the artery and the velocity of the blood is constant. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

A1 x v1 = A2 x v2

Where A1 is the original cross-sectional area of the artery, v1 is the original velocity of blood flow, A2 is the new cross-sectional area of the artery, and v2 is the new velocity of blood flow.

Assuming that the blood velocity remains constant, we can rearrange the equation to solve for A2:

A2 = (A1 x v1) / v2

Since the volume flow rate (Q) is equal to the product of the cross-sectional area and velocity of the blood flow (Q = A x v), we can substitute Q for A x v in the continuity equation:

Q = A1 x v1 = A2 x v2

Thus, we can rewrite the equation for A2 as:

A2 = (Q / v2)

Substituting this expression for A2 in the earlier equation, we get:

(Q / v2) = (A1 x v1) / v2

Simplifying this equation, we can cancel out the v2 terms and solve for the new cross-sectional area (A2):

A2 = A1 x (v1 / Q)

Finally, we can use the formula for the area of a circle (A = πr^2) to find the diameter of the new artery, assuming that the cross-sectional shape of the artery is circular:

A2 = π (d2/2)^2

Substituting the expression for A2, we get:

π (d2/2)^2 = A1 x (v1 / Q)

Solving for d2, we get:

d2 = sqrt((4 x A1 x v1) / (π x Q))

Therefore, the new diameter of the artery should be equal to the square root of (4 times the original cross-sectional area times the original velocity of blood flow divided by π times the desired volume flow rate).

To know more about blood flow  here



branched and striated is a description that would apply to which kind of animal tissue? A. skeletal muscle. B. cardiac muscle. C. nerve. D. stratified squamous epithelium. E. cardiac muscle


Branched and striated is a description that would apply to cardiac muscle tissue.

B is the correct answer.

Only the heart contains cardiac muscles, a sort of specialized, striated muscle. They operate autonomously and are involuntary since they are under the direction of the autonomic nervous system. Additionally, they have blood arteries that carry nutrients to the cardiac muscle tissue and waste away.

The contractility of the heart and consequent pumping motion are caused by the cardiac muscle. The heart muscle must contract with sufficient force and blood flow to meet the body's metabolic needs.

To know more about cardiac muscle visit:



The description of being branched and striated is a characteristic that applies to the cardiac muscle tissue.  The right option is E.

This type of tissue is found in the heart and is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscles that help in pumping blood throughout the body.

The cardiac muscle tissue has the unique feature of being branched, which allows it to work as a unit and coordinate the contraction of the heart.

The striations in the cardiac muscle tissue are due to the arrangement of the contractile proteins, which give the tissue a striped appearance under the microscope.

Unlike skeletal muscles, which are under voluntary control, the cardiac muscle tissue is involuntary and works continuously to keep the heart beating.

Therefore, the answer to the question is E, cardiac muscle.

For more such answers on Cardiac Muscle



healthcare-associated pathogens arise from endogenous or exogenous sources. which one of these is the most likely source of endogenous infections? multiple choice question. dialysis units hospital staff hospital food normal microbiota


The most likely source of endogenous infections among the options given is normal microbiota. The Correct option is D

Endogenous pathogens are those that already exist as part of the patient's own microbiota, but under certain conditions, can cause infections. The normal microbiota refers to the collection of microorganisms that naturally reside in and on our bodies without causing harm.

Disruptions to the balance of the normal microbiota, such as through the use of antibiotics, can lead to overgrowth of certain species and the development of infections. In contrast, exogenous pathogens come from external sources, such as contaminated hospital equipment or hospital staff, while endogenous pathogens arise from the patient's own microbiota.

Learn more about  normal microbiota



Complete Question:

healthcare-associated pathogens arise from endogenous or exogenous sources. which one of these is the most likely source of endogenous infections?

a )dialysis units

b) hospital staff

c) hospital food

d) normal microbiota

vanadate is an inhibitor of phosphatases in eukaryotic cells. what would happen to this signaling pathway in the presence of vanadate?



By controlling the phosphorylation state of proteins, phosphophatases contribute significantly to cellular signalling networks. According to conventional wisdom, phosphatases are promiscuous because they can interact with dozens to hundreds of different substrates.


In plants, protein phosphatases (PPs) regulate a large number of signalling processes, and their inhibition impairs numerous cellular functions and essentially causes death.

while our immune system is fully prepared to fight foreign antigens, our t cells and b cells normally do not attack self-antigens. what is this property of adaptive immunity called?


This property of adaptive immunity is called self-tolerance. Self-tolerance is the process in which our immune system recognizes and does not attack normal self-antigens, or molecules that are part of our own bodies. This helps to avoid damage to the body’s own cells and tissues.

By recognizing its own cells, the immune system becomes activated when foreign antigens enter the body, and is then able to mount an appropriate response against it. This recognition process is carried out by two specific types of lymphocytes, or white blood cells, known as T cells and B cells.

The T cells recognize antigens as either self or non-self, whilst B cells produce antibodies against non-self antigens so that future exposures to them can be quickly responded to. This process is highly important because without it our bodies would mistakenly attack itself leading to autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

To know more about immune system  visit:



What are the 6 major roles in which a muscle can contract during a joint action? mover, antagonist, fixator, neutralizer, support, synergist.


When a muscle contracts during a joint action, it can play one of six major roles: mover, antagonist, fixator, neutralizer, support, synergist.

1. Mover: This is the muscle that directly produces the movement at the joint. It contracts concentrically (shortens) to move the joint through its range of motion.

2. Antagonist: This is the muscle that opposes the movement produced by the mover. It contracts eccentrically (lengthens) to control the movement and prevent the joint from moving too quickly or too far.

3. Fixator: This is the muscle that stabilizes the joint by holding it in place while other muscles produce movement. It contracts isometrically (without changing length) to maintain joint stability.

4. Neutralizer: This is the muscle that prevents unwanted movement at a joint caused by the actions of other muscles. It contracts isometrically to counteract the force produced by another muscle.

5. Support: This is the muscle that provides support and protection to the joint, particularly when weight is applied to it. It contracts isometrically to hold the joint in a stable position.

6. Synergist: This is the muscle that assists the mover in producing the movement at the joint. It contracts concentrically to produce additional force and help the mover overcome any resistance.

Learn more about muscle contracts here:-



what type of muscle fibers will be stimulated during activities such as distance swimming and distance running?



Activities such as distance swimming and distance running are aerobic endurance activities that require the use of slow-twitch (type I) muscle fibers. These fibers are characterized by their high resistance to fatigue and their ability to sustain contractions for long periods of time. They are also efficient in using oxygen to produce energy for muscle contractions, which is essential for endurance activities. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are rich in mitochondria, which are responsible for generating energy through aerobic metabolism. These fibers are also used in activities such as hiking, cycling, and long-distance skiing.


When do the sun’s rays strike latitude 23. 5°S at an angle of 90 degrees?

September 21

December 21

March 21

June 21


T he sun’s rays strike latitude 23. 5°S at an angle of 90 degrees on December 21.

The angle at which the sun's rays strike a specific latitude depends on the tilt of the Earth's axis in relation to its orbit around the sun. This phenomenon is known as the axial tilt or obliquity. The Earth's axial tilt is approximately 23.5 degrees, and it causes the changing of seasons and the variation in the angle at which sunlight strikes different latitudes throughout the year.

On December 21st, during the Southern Hemisphere's summer solstice, the sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn, which is located at latitude 23.5 degrees south. This means that the sun's rays strike latitude 23.5°S at an angle of 90 degrees on December 21st. This is the time of the year when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and provides the most direct sunlight to areas in the Southern Hemisphere that are located near the Tropic of Capricorn.

Hence, the correct option is B.

To know more about angle here



give two examples of organisms that are preferred to as decomposers.​



Earthworms, Millipedes


Fill in the blank with the appropriate term. A series of rapid mitotic divisions that produce small, genetically identical cells called blastomeres is called _____.


A series of rapid mitotic divisions that produce small, genetically identical cells called blastomeres is called Cleavage.

Fractionalization is a sequence of fast mitotic divisions that  do in the zygote( fertilized egg) following fertilisation but before embryonic gene expression begins. During  fractionalization, the zygote goes through a series of cell divisions, producing  lower and  lower cells known as blastomeres. These blastomeres are genetically identical to one another and contain a  dupe of the zygote's  inheritable material.

 Fractionalization is a critical step in embryonic development because it results in the  product of a multicellular embryo from a single- cell zygote. As the blastomeres divide, they eventually form a concave ball of cells known as a blastula,  motioning the conclusion of the  fractionalization stage and the  launch of gastrulation.

Learn more about mitotic divisions at



A series of rapid mitotic divisions that produce small, genetically identical cells called blastomeres is called cleavage.

The first week of embryonic development in humans sees the creation of blastomeres starting soon after fertilisation. Zygote division into two cells occurs 90 minutes after fertilisation. The two-cell blastomere stage, which appears after the zygote's initial division, is thought to be the earliest mitotic by-product of the fertilised egg. Blastomeres are a collection of cells created by the continuation of these mitotic divisions. The embryo's overall size stays the same throughout this process, resulting in ever-tinier cells with each division. Morula is the term used to describe a zygote that has 16 to 32 blastomeres.

To know more about blastomeres click here:



enzymes known as lyases participate in ________ reactions.


Enzymes known as lyases participate in cleavage reactions.

These reactions involve breaking down a larger molecule into smaller molecules without the use of water. Lyases can also help form new bonds in the reverse reaction, known as synthesis.

In biochemistry, a lyase is an enzyme that catalyzes the breaking (an elimination reaction) of various chemical bonds by means other than hydrolysis (a substitution reaction) and oxidation, often forming a new double bond or a new ring structure. The reverse reaction is also possible (called a Michael reaction). For example, an enzyme that catalyzed this reaction would be a lyase:

ATP → cAMP + PPi

Lyases differ from other enzymes in that they require only one substrate for the reaction in one direction, but two substrates for the reverse reaction.

Learn more about enzyme here: https://brainly.com/question/17231569


the branch of epidemiology called systematic epidemiology is focused on which type of factors that influence the development of emerging diseases? multiple select question. molecular social immunological ecological


The branch of epidemiology called systematic epidemiology is focused on multiple factors that influence the development of emerging diseases. These factors include molecular, social, immunological, and ecological factors.

Molecular factors refer to the genetic makeup and biological characteristics of the microorganism responsible for the emerging disease. Social factors include human behavior, culture, and socioeconomic status, which can affect the spread of the disease.

Immunological factors refer to the immune system's response to the disease and the development of vaccines and treatments. Finally, ecological factors refer to the environmental factors, such as climate change and habitat destruction, that can increase the risk of emerging diseases.

Systematic epidemiology takes a comprehensive approach to understanding emerging diseases, analyzing data from various sources to identify the different factors that contribute to the disease's emergence.

By understanding the various factors involved, researchers and public health officials can develop effective strategies to prevent and control the spread of emerging diseases.

To know more about epidemiology, refer here:



If a person lacked the ability to form C5, what direct result of complement could still occur?
a. Cytolysis
b. Opsonization
c. Chemotaxis


Opsonization and chemotaxis could still occur even if a person lacked the ability to form C5. Cytolysis requires the formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC), which involves multiple complement components including C5.

Opsonization is a process that enhances the ability of phagocytic cells to engulf and destroy pathogens or other foreign substances in the body. It involves the binding of specific molecules, called opsonins, to the surface of the pathogen or foreign substance. Opsonins are typically antibodies or complement proteins that bind to the foreign particle and "tag" it for recognition and phagocytosis by immune cells such as macrophages and neutrophils. This enhances the efficiency of the immune response and helps to clear the body of infectious agents.

To know more about Cytolysis  here



If a person lacked the ability to form C5, the direct result of complement that could still occur is Opsonization.

opsonization and chemotaxis could still occur if a person lacked the ability to form C5. Cytolysis, however, requires the activation of the membrane attack complex (MAC) which involves the C5 component.

to know more about  Opsonization please vist :-



rabies is transmitted to humans through the bite of all of the following except: group of answer choices all of the above possum. raccoons. skunks.


Rabies is a virus that is transmitted through saliva, typically through the bite of an infected animal. Skunks are one of the most common animals to carry and transmit rabies to humans. So, the correct answer is c.

Skunks that are infected typically have the virus in their saliva, so when they bite a person, the saliva gets into the wound and spreads the virus.

Skunks are the most frequent carriers of the virus, while other animals including possums and raccoons may also be carriers.

Avoiding contact with wild animals and any animal that exhibits unusual or violent behaviour will help prevent rabies from spreading.

A person who has been bitten by a skunk or any wild animal should go to the hospital very away to get treated and tested for rabies.

Complete Questions:

Rabies can be transmitted to humans through the bite of which of the following animals:

a) Possum

b) Raccoon

c) Skunk

To learn more about Rabies visit:



Most of the oxygen that we take in by breathing is converted to __________. a. carbon dioxide b. water c. neither matter nor carbon dioxide
d. hydrogen peroxide


The answer is b) water. Oxygen combines with glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy and reactivity of molecule is during cellular respiration.

The response is b) water. At the point when we take in, oxygen from the air enters our lungs and diffuses into our circulation system, where it is shipped to cells all through our body. Inside these phones, oxygen is utilized in a cycle called cell breath to create energy as ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

During cell breath, glucose and oxygen are utilized as reactants, which brings about the creation of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. The general compound condition for cell breath is:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

This condition shows that oxygen and glucose respond to frame carbon dioxide, water, and energy. A large portion of the oxygen we take in is utilized in this cycle and changed over into water.

Water is shaped during cell breath because of the response among oxygen and hydrogen molecules. Oxygen acknowledges electrons from the electron transport chain, and the electrons join with hydrogen particles to frame water. This water is then discharged from the body through different means like pee, sweat, and exhalation.

Despite the fact that hydrogen peroxide is likewise created as a side-effect of cell breath, it is immediately separated into water and oxygen by a protein called catalase. Carbon dioxide, then again, is breathed out through our lungs.

Accordingly, most of the oxygen we take in is changed over into water during cell breath, making the right response to the inquiry b) water.

To learn more about reactivity of a molecule, refer:



The division between the upper and lower respiratory system is around the nasopharynx. True/False.


The division between the upper and lower respiratory system is around the nasopharynx. This statement is true.

Where is the nasopharynx located?

The nasopharynx is located in the upper respiratory system, which includes the nasal cavity, larynx, and other structures. The lower respiratory system includes the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, and begins below the larynx. Lymph nodes are present throughout the respiratory system to help filter out foreign particles and protect against infection.

The division between the upper and lower respiratory system is indeed around the nasopharynx. The upper respiratory system includes structures such as the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and larynx, while the lower respiratory system starts from the trachea and continues into the lungs. Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and can be found throughout the body, including near the respiratory system, to help filter and identify harmful pathogens.

To know more about the nasopharynx, visit:



a certain plant species has small, thin seeds, and can grow and produce seeds in either wet years or dry years. imagine that this plant species became invasive in the galapagos and outcompeted most of the native plants. how would you expect this change to affect the evolution of beak size in the medium ground finch population?


The change in plant species would not have a significant impact on the evolution of beak size in the medium-ground finch population.

The introduction of an invasive plant species that can grow and produce seeds in both wet and dry years could potentially alter the beak size of medium-ground finches in the Galapagos.

Beak size in finches is an adaptation to the type of food available in their environment. In the case of the medium ground finch, they have beaks adapted to cracking open hard seeds.

If the invasive plant species produces small, thin seeds, this could result in a change in the selective pressures on the finch population. With a new seed source, there may be less pressure on the finches to have larger, stronger beaks to crack open harder seeds.

Over time, this could result in a shift in the average beak size of the medium ground finch population towards smaller, thinner beaks.

Learn more about the evolution at



haze is brown in color and the best way to rescue this pollutant is to reduce the amount of cars on the road in the morning rush hour traffic.


Haze is brown in color and the best way to rescue this pollutant is to reduce the amount of cars on the road in the morning rush hour traffic. This statement is false.

While haze can appear brown in color due to the presence of pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, the statement oversimplifies the causes and solutions for haze.

Reducing the amount of cars on the road during rush hour traffic can help to reduce some of the pollutants that contribute to haze, particularly those from vehicle exhaust. However, it is not the only solution and may not be enough to completely eliminate haze. Other sources of pollution, such as industrial emissions, agricultural practices, and wildfires, also contribute to haze.

A comprehensive approach that addresses all of the sources of pollution is necessary to reduce haze. This may include increasing the use of clean energy sources, improving energy efficiency, reducing emissions from industrial processes, and implementing policies and regulations to control and reduce pollution.

Know more about Haze here: https://brainly.com/question/24181781


(complete question)

haze is brown in color and the best way to rescue this pollutant is to reduce the amount of cars on the road in the morning rush hour traffic.

True or false.

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